Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, November 14, 1879, Image 4

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.UJO'I.Itt '
JS3UHI KVKHt yilll'AT, or'
. rcT.uiiir.ua akv rnoMififrorj).
iJHi A "
n Term of Hiibucrlpllont
One tpj one jtr (M mimfcoi-.), tnultu(e....2 00
0neuoi7it tnonllu(2fl ireniUrf) 00
OoecofifcUiroe month! (13 numbers) 10
Portland, Nov. n, 1 6o.
Ornlu Movement nt tlie 12nt-
Nkw Yolk, Nov. 8. Members of tho pro
diico exchange claim that thtrc is no cattse
(or uneasiness led owing to largo supplies
of grain coming forward, tlio Morose ca
pnclty of tills port will goon bo found innd
ctiunto to llio demand. Tho vhtblo supply
of grain comprising tho Mocks In granary at
tho principal points on accumulation nt Inl.o
nnil seaboard ports, r.r.d in transit by nil,
lako nml einals od Now,lUr ."'w
Whcnt.aa.b'JiObu.lic!;''"", bushels; rye, 907.513 bnnlifls. Tho total
mnotinf of (jrnin In store nt th! p-'tt on
November IhIwms iuj&7,r.r.2biishels nihilist
11,101 'jn7 Ini'lich in 1078, nml l.,2?J,i5
in 1H77. An tho sensou is now f tr advanced,
very fc iv of llio canal boots will innlso n torn
iripjlo Itulliilo, nnd n-i thty will bo lold up
for tliu Winter they will bo in ctl n More
liousnii wlicro required.
Tonllilo 1'lro nil it I.i nl tAtv.
Kanhao Cur.Nov. 8,-Colo ,U'o,' candy
factory, ono of tho largest itfaullslimcnlu In
tho State, is now burning, having caught on
flro Ironi tho explosion ot llio.Hlnrch iluM, it
material largely mod iu Iho compounding of
fanry candid. The lhnid iprend rapidly
In n few moments, rendcrldg tho linln ch
capis iiupoHslblo, anil tho largo number of
employe i engaged in vorioin parts of tho
building wire hoved l.y tho flicnicn.
S'riiiiiliilrul Hellenic- Dotti'letl.
Disvm, Col., Hov. H. -Sidney A. Ornnt,
Into of Cincinnati, nml A. 1'. Vilvn win
nrrmtui tii-ilny fur conducting n fiftuauliut
Bcheuie through the mntls tii'dcr Iho name of
"Tho Denur ICiuul Ctnnpiny," nnd wero
lukcii biioron lulled Ktalcn commissioner.
They waned (lamination r.ml wcro com
inltti'l t" b"iidi which livo not hern given
nml robubly will go to J ill. Tho rclicmo
win planned InCiiiriumi'l. Stcreotypo pl.ilos
wciu prepared nml hivo iilienrty bit n In
nrlnil iu our MM first ehm uowspipt r
uinl pirinilieaU ill Iho Noilhirn. Eastern nnd
llldillo UtatiM. (Jriiut cnniu to Denur to
mctin hint f..r tU t-urptxo nml bought
ncnrli n thousand iierm in tho wind hilli 10
inilt north of Dtnvi-r, v.hlch was plotted
nnd it conic tl as North Denver. Althaui.h
l.uon hLrobiit tlijlil day, a prrfict ava
lanche of mull Is louilrj' for . A. flr.inl
nml tho"D(intr l.unl t'umpany." J'osl
liiiiKterH tpottiil b Iho ibpartmciil nnd
lnt nifht rcci l id ordir to dihw r no n bIh
Ifrtd Kttirs nml pay no money oriUrs to
I.onldiiif lr tln Iieiul.
Nov. 0. tlrtnt crowds of pcoplo Knlhereil
round tho iceuo ol ymUrday h illKAHter nt nu
early hour this wotuliij!, wutchlnR workiuin
niiiovinKlho dibris In sfiireh of tho bodif u
of (Uo. Kcmpnr, nped 1 1, uud Andy SIcCoii
nell of tho lamo ni;c. Tho roll of employes
was cnllid this morning, nml ollwtro no
countid for weept theso two. Tho death
roll minibus Ms nml tho lltt of wounded Vi,
lilt lioiio of Iho luttir me fatally lujiuwl.
AiioIlHTNrri llloitNlrr.
l'liiiAiiKLfiiii. Nov. 0. Tho following
Mateimnt In reonrd to tho dlsiktir Is inwln
by tho honlBwnin of tho ()ctala. "I v.nson
tliodecl; of tho l)ctahtrit tho tiioo of the
collision, biliiK ono of tho watih. Wo saw
tho iiUuiiter but Mio was not hemline for u
iu wo lu'pt our rourbo, nil of u middin the
itciiiiif r took n Miter over to pott, but thiro
did not nppcnrtnboniiibody on duk, ex
cept ono man, who wn ngncil iu loohcu
iiiKmill. Wocnllidto tho stmuier but It
was tool ati, ns wo wero utmclt Immediate
ly. Kho wnsnoelotiothat two of htr crew
uprani; oi r hir Mile on to our vernal. We
KHUgont to buck hir Mom nnd Miu did ho,
but thrio minutes nftuwnrd hho went down.
Wo nt oucoloMorid n boat nud picked np
nlno pernons. Wo thon went n ttcond tlmo
nnd picked up 13 more pertons, iomo of
whom were in Kmnll boat nud thrco on n
llfc-rnft. They were crjlnK ni1 crcnmln(5
forhtlp. Tho third tlmo wo wetit out no
inoro o( tho wrick was to be Ktcn. As soon
utheOctnvin was utruck hir fore com
pMlmenl I'dlid with watr to the depth ol 11
or til fcit. but tho vitml Ixiui; built with
light LulkheiuU, tho water did not get into
Any other portion, Tho luato of tho Menm
r, whononamel think U Ixonaid. of Now
York, wns ou the deck ol tho Champion nnd
iu lout, '1 hrto ladles and ittvcrnl children
were lout nud only onowoioHU, thettinmer's
fttvwurdiw, was vtviM,
'4illUlau Nn.
Paltimoih, Nov. 0. Tho Mvniner Talcou,
Cujit. Kirby, If f t this port at 4 oMock )k
Unlay ufternoon for CharleMon with n full
enrca nnd hovenlpasnougers. When off liar
..... i.,i.,.,.i ol,.. nlllil.vl tli Itin three lusvt-
ed schooner 8. O. Tyron, Oapt Mckirson,
lnden wlthlcofiom Kenni bio river for this
poit. JuH Uforo thiy met, tho courno of
Iho stenmiT wuh changed nud nbo ran across
the coursu of the ichoouer, whin tho collis
ion ocenrred. As oH nu they could be
looed from each other. Cnpt. Kltby Meered
for thonl wati r, tho collision lm iug occurred
where the water was loventieu fathoms, but
More he proceeded half n wllo the ti amer
wclit down. All the boats of tho l'aleon
were Move, though her life bont wus made
available nud the women nud chlldrtu trst
put into It, and theu the mMo punougers
mid tent to the schooner, lliforo the boat
irturued the l'aleon had gouedown, nnd her
offici m nml enw, 25,iu uuiubir, climbed
into the rigging whince they were rescued.
St. Joiish, Nov. 0.- The tlnlon line
leauier Aritona, Cspt, Jonis, which billed
Irom New York Nov lib. for Liverpool, put
In heio this momlue. bhu strnckanlctbrrg
eu 1'ilday night uud stove In her bows. No
person was iujntul ami hi r cargo is all right.
It will prolubl) take thmi wuks to repair
the damage to tho vttrl,
Wliiti llrl.fep "III l
iw T..UIIU MriicH io Col. Tuilfii. irtrrau
eugiliiei of the l'nimnitt ruilrond, that on
liUsirivnl nt Asplnwull, Die. 'JMh, he ex
pod to personally preMito over the lutor
uutlouul lomiuUMoii ot i-ugiueers, to exam
ine luu s nud itieuus of construction of ship
cttiul. He luvltis Totten to membership of
the ioiumlson or nppolut u substitule.
nirl I'roiii Neu "orU,
The Times dilUrs from tho hun's estimate
cf tho election results, by claiming Ho.klns
prolably iKclid lliutinaut-goviruor, iilso
Weiultll. ltipubllcnu, tiessurer by over
9,000. Tho oillcml couut I eglns to morrow.
lloiolutlouUUlu Cubn.
Niw Yoi., Nov. lO.-tleueral Calixto
Oanla y Neuur, member nnd chslimau of
theCubau v.olutIouwy committee of this
city, rnvit that nil tho eastorn provinces of
Cuba from Capo Maytl to Capo Crnrc, arc
overrun by our forces. tiumberiti nt present
over 5,000 well armed men, under oommnnii
cf Moncwla, Vcralta, Mscto, Gonznlis anil
mint"" "I ,,c '"
Tho AusUlan bark lUbus, wLlch arrived
In port this nltcmoon, brings news ol tut
Iom of tho Brtiooucr 1'etrel. with 15 pafscn
gers nnd her crow, inclnding tho cnplain,
Sl brings Mr survivors, nil that were left
ot n company of 21 persons. Ou tho JOlli of
October sho was capsized in n q "
porsous were lost, ind,nB11?Sl: I'm of
i'rom tho 20th of October untl tho Jrd of
November the Mx survivors clung to the
wreck. They had somo food but bad liltlo
waUrtodrlkaml when relief enmo they
were almost frnntio with joy.
Ntnlcoreu TlorK.
Srv YonK. Nov. ll.-Tho offlclnl canvass
occurs throughout tho Stato to-day. .Mean
whllo tho Democrats claim that the election
of thdr lieutenant governor nnd ono or two
other State officers, whllo ItepubllcaiiH claim
tho cntiio ticket, except onr.
.More InilliMI Vnr.
Ei. 1'a-o. Texas Nov. 11. A desperate
fight look placo yesterday nt Cnncliccrm
Jlountain, 60 mllfs south from hero in tho
State of Chihuahue, Mexico, between n largo
I and of Indians (about 200) and ft party of
50 men from Curiri, Now Mexico, JO of
whoi.t wero killed nnd IB encaped wounded.
The Indian wero tho name party that Mnjor
Moirov wkii after. Thoy c.uno from Iho
I'lorhh Mountiiinn by (loisnmiiH Lako to
tho Ciiulleoria Mountftlii", whero Iho pnry
after them was iiinbtuhed by tho Indians bo
hind roil.t. Tho fight l.ist d nil day.
Al)iiuliiieil I" Mll Occnii.
I'liiLAtiMPitn, Nov. 11. -Cunt. 1'lnhorty,
of tho steamer Xeulnml, arrived from Ant
werp to-day, nud riporlsthnton November
fcth ho picked up tho bntlc lloynl Arth, of
Kiimlf tlcnil, which had been Mmndoneil by
tho erow. Tim bark w he n found by tho .e.v
hud was loaded with nnlt nnd general iner
chr.ndluc, nnd her masts and rlggmg vycro nil
In proper shnjio. Mho had nboiit twojlnches
of vmtir in her hold nml her pump iro Id
good working order. Cnpt. l'lahtrly could
not tell from what point tho bnrl: hailed, uor
what hir destination, nud no nasonoinbe
iiMil(tiiit for her nbaniloninent l y her o vu
cnw. A volunteer rrow wus put ou hoard of
her nnd Captain l'l.ihcrty dlrictid Lis office r
to tiko tlm t.irk to Now York.
e.oltliic llrnily nr Jrnii(.
n, -. . -.. II f-..inittrf a nil
l AIIHMIKi:', Al. www. ......- . '
tho reception of (Ion. Clrant nut to-night. ;
Judge) Jlc.vrtliur, llio timiriuuii, nu'ivn "-
I.. .. ..f ii!t' trtrrlllll- Otl til"
"Till nil. lio bod w Uclcil n committee of 100
to mako pnparniioiu lor iiio rmjiuuu '
Otntrnl (Irautwhtn ho nhmtld iit (Viiuh-
i..... I
to mako nrumrntloiu for llio rrception of
"I" .. . ., ..,! t
' Antiltirr Itciir .titnilrni iiiin. j
llALTi.'ioni. Kov. li. li'ar Aiiiuini -vi-,
guMiis II. hllty, I'. K. nnvy, died yesterday
nt hli iiHitluiico In thU elly.nged 72 ycr.r.i
sriiiitlnl. Jliirtler nml 1.1 tirlilHSf.
iitisr. ,
Kr.I-i.nl. Voj. 11. V mierlnl from St. ,
Cloud uuja ihatJohn W.,.d,; of the Ioai, of ,
Vr.l. imving a lenaicii uo n ..eu , , ,
Mrs. John Coldnle, n neighbor wife, had
l.U liiiusa bnrncd bv tho fcandallired women
of the neighborhood. Wiildo bud the , burn- J
iuK to Coltlal miu no wnn nis oroiuer m.r-
tliredColdalonndii friend of his in cold
blood, nnd were ,Mj.le. .on r "l1 f' I
n mob t .ok thu 1. w Into t heir own hands i .ml
hung iWc, nnd at Inst nccouuts were
Uwimirlninl Cliliiiuiirii. j
Tho Chlnifo residents of Chicago had n
meeting to-night ami decided to ndvlso tho
ChlneMiMx eonipiinles of Him Pronclsco
that Woug Chin l'oo. who Is lecturing hero
on tlm doctrines of Confucius, is iv bad mail,
who was drlvcii from China fsr his crluiis,
nud that ho should uroncrly bo returned to
is u n ituriill.id citizen ol iho Uiiltul States.
TreHHiiry Niiiillei.
The treasury department to-d.iy purchnsed
305,000 ounces of lino silver tor tho Phlla-
dcl.hU nnd San l'nnckca mints. Pivo
hundred nud fifty-ono thousand oinces of
standard gold bullion, being h portion of
that received from Europe, was to-day1
ordered by tho treasury department from tho
nssay effico In Now York to tho Philadelphia
...i.. lnri.Alnnf.ii into 1'nlil rnltlR. The Vol
uo of this bullion is about $10,600,000. Tho
director ol Iho mint said today Hint until
further orders tho coinage of goia ny ilie
United Stall s mints will bo confined to
eagles nud half eagles,
Srrirn Tlirui Itluht.
Nkw Youie, Nov. 12. Tho panlo araoug
.i..i i i,.n.,. iii.ii.,.. i..r rnnUniii... tlm1
..M.infih.ilittwodavi bolnir followed I
up by proceeding calculated to cause dis
may ill the ranks of speculators. Tho
opmncsH and audacity wltu which lottery
ptoplo have couducted their business have
attracted very general attention from law
abiding citizens. Fifteen arrests wero made
vcs'.criltiy Including U. Prauk Noon, sgent
of M. Dauphin, of New Orleans, represent.
ing tho Louuiaua loiicry, 01 wuicu ?i. a.
Dauphin is principal iu New Orleans.
:-r I'.im Vnr. l' (lfHi-liil returns from
Ihu Stslo, now nearly completed, will ulvo
PilUbury, who was badly scratched, 15,000
nujority, au.l tho rest of the Kepublicm
Slate tl.ket received 20,000.
lUt.i.iHUfMi, Nov. 12. Ititurus from ov
ery couut iu the State g'n the total oto
for State troasurir us follows: Itutler. He
publican, 280,153. llur. Democrat, Uil.hin-,
Sutton, (Iretuback, 27,207, UichanUou, Pro
hlbitlou 3,210.
!.nlt'l I'rimi e Yurlt,
Vm... V.iil Vi.V. 1'J. -'11ia oUlrlnl L'ltlV!i
.Ilk., VW.1 - "--
ol election returns throughout tho State be
gan to-day nud will not bo completed before
Friday or Saturday. Id turn havo beeu re
celved from 11 countiis. Official return
from about hiiltot these rouutie show slight
Uepublicun galus over previous estimates,
enough to auticipato that the veto for lieu
tenaut governor will be very close, and that
the ItepnbliCHiis way have carried the re
msluder ol tho Statu ticket except engineer
nudsurvevor. Official returus, now coming
i.. ti,. ...,,.ii lint hIiuom! uniform ltennbli-
eangMns. With changes thu far, recorded
the footing give llonklu 057. Carr hss
lost cnnMderably in Monroe county, but
galus enough eUew hero to make up. Wen
ilelf net gslns thu far over his estimated
majority ) vstcnlay, are about UOO. Doth ap
ptar to be safe by about 2,000.
uuKr'lo.inl .ch,
Vatkhik, N. J., Nov. 12. Charles H
Yoorhies, member of Cougress irom the
tilth dUtiict ol New Jcr.ey, w as arreted je -tcrday
by iv U. S diputy niawhal, n ft
eburgd cf abMractlug from the First Natloual
ltauk of lUckcmmck, ot which ko wss prc.i
dent, tollatuuU deposited to secure n private
loan. Tho affidavit were wade by Cashier
Dicvter nudYice Prc-Ucut Degroot, Yocr-
hos was token boforo n U. S. commlsiioner.
His ball has not yet been fixed, nud ho It
now ot his residence i.ndcr Buvelllance.
Tho IlUllciilllei SelllM!
A dispatch from Cairo says, Tho ricent
dlClculties conctrning tho obelisk hnvc their
origin In a long standing litigation with tl.o
Egyptian government oonctrnlrg tho land
claiming this land forbade Lieut. Com. Oor
rlngo to proceed with the work of removal.
Tho Italian vice consul al Alexandria sup
ported this prohibition, but the Amcrlcon
vice consul general had nn intcrvlow with
tho Italian consul general nt Cairo, and
through tho good will of tho latter tho Ital
Inn. wliliitrnur lliclr nrmrwltlnn nnon receiv
ing from Commander dorringo a slight com
pensation for tho ubo of tho land The com
mander Is now proceeding rapidly with his
WON.', nilUOUgn soveriu wuuen ui (jiiuu
bonds havo threatened to sequester tho obe
lisk. Tho khedivo nud tho .American vico
consul both ridlculo tho idea that the obelisk
can bo selod by anybody.
Yiknna, Nov. 0. A St. Petersburg lotttr
to tho Abend 1'oit says If tho now IlritUh
Parliament sustain Lord llcncomflcld's
policy KussIj v 111 occupy Northern Af
ghanistan. Lo-tnov, Nov. r.--T'.io Cathollo bishop
of Ireland havo adopted resolutions appeal
ing to thu govrrument nud to nil public
bodies nnd private lndiiidmlj to help th-
poor, ni the poor Uw net i-i Insufficient to
meet tho demand of th" impcndlnt; crisis.
Madiiii), Nov. P. Two Knbylo trihoft iu
Morocco havo hnd n desperatu conflict. Ono
hundred nnd ninety wcro killed on ono side
and 'JO on tho other,
IIi.ums, Nov. 0. A loan issued by the
government to cover tho deficit ot tho
I'ruH nn budgi t.whioli wns offurcd at 00 0-10,
hai been subscribed three timed.
hill Hllll IV I nn.
Lomxw, Nov. 10. A l- legrnm frem Vul
nnralsii nunouniee tuo capture of Pisagu.i,
Peru I y Chilians.
t'ri-mli Illrrllna-.
Pmp, Nov. 0. Manual Canroberl, Hen-
nnnrii.l. irr, In.dnv dieted senator ftOW the
dopnrtmiut of Lorichauto. UutTrey, repub
lican. v,na Heeled senator iroia tun uepart
ment uf Minutes Alpee.
tllstrrHlii Jrcl mil.
TLo Irlih local novernmcut has tuado n
special report to tha Imperial govcrumcut
pVw4ll .fc-.w... .v ...- .
respccllng tho rtato uf
nuaim in irciauu.
The rcpoit i-ayn tint tho r.ot.ito crop
iiio repou royi inn i" p'."" -"i' v.
rrx. mlmrn ill lii.li lit lllnl lllltiur. llllll tlii-t
Iu ,
111. It T
comblued with tho nbucnco of peal fuel ow-
j11(, t0 tnin, i3 ttgnrdrtl ns tho leftillna cause
ing io rain, laiigueuru m mo Kimmu ww
uf tho illstri'Bi, whloh is expected to culrr.1
..i,n .In rim, tlm Winter ntiil Hiirlntr. i'aU
,. . . . . , t.1 .
iicrlsiu Is tttutly iLcreabing. cpoeIaliy iu
VluliiS" I" frnncp.
1'irtn. Nriv. 9. Tho Monlteur ViiikuIc
en'.inininn tli.it tbu reiulu of the vlntnce in
""" - -- -..r '."'?-
""" ".l ""'r.'."-'"' v' ..Y..r. ", V.n
" - -
. lmrnU r, ,ho Mm(U nm, ccntrfti
i.nd over one-hdf Iu nluo depivrt-
roh,OU8' . '. ".. ... "' i ' ' i.... '..
" - '. ";" .iXffio north nml
- fl , uira, in ten
,c """,'?, , lriB :,,....,,,. in tl,0
m stern region tho deficiency is even
TL , , dlMn,U3ne b, fauro of
.,,.,,.-,, .,.,nlllloj.t 3OOO0.O0O fronc.
,,l.. Mm.mMicrs lWitetl.
IlcnuN, Nov. ll.-Tho editor of nil Iho
principal newspapers In St. Petersburg have
recently been summonol to n press bureau
0f Iho mlniitry of tho interior nud instructed
with ,fur.-to to Ibe oouductof tht4r r.
ypectivo papers. TLey wero Informed that
frequent'complaints lir.vobecn recdved from
Llvidla Unit intuits in tho St. Peternburg
m,tH tho ennperor h return to St. Petersburg,
n month bonce, 'llio iiusbtau govcruratui
proposes to establish a new official uewsna-
per to inUucneo public opinion, relrsrame
reporting u ricut iutervlew between Ilea-
eonsfleld nnd Schouvnloff, Lusslan nmbas.v.v
dor to England, were suppresed.
Abilel KnUrr cil.
Pabis, Nov. 11. Abdcl KaJer, n famous
Algerian chief, died at Damaaeu, ! 72.
llHlit Jenloiit orKMcluntl.
I St. l'KTMisucnu, Nov. 11. All P.usslan
pspors havo articles upon the latest steps ta
ken in CouMmitinople by the llritlsh gov
erumout, and iu certain clrchm an uneasy
feeling lis generating. The Oolos says:
That in tho event of England attempting to
violate Turkish independence, nnd at the
same time to infrinco on the vital interest of
Eussla. ft collision between the powers
.HAnM ka mnrv Knlll nt 1lt tciT lllM lfttei? OD tllO
nvuiii w utwcw wMi - . ..---
couQuos of Asia Minor than in the d ptb of ,
Central Asia. . '
TlioHIrk Jinn iHnicHrr.
rnmvT,vni, v. Kov. 1 1. There is trrave
reason to Uar that the reckloss, dogged nnd
passlvo rc.iatanco whloh has hitherto bat
tled all efforts of tho llritlsh ambassador to
Turkey will be prolonged, nnd that the coun
try will continue to Mnk gradually, as it has
been dolug the last twelve months; until a
catastrophe produce a radical change In the
llor.l ore...
Lonuon.Nov. lQ.-Col. MPW ':
! port, that the ;eountr, 'beyond Kho and C-tu
11 Clltril IUIU IUU JU vu.J.
The Sheffield Daily Telegraph report Ed
ward Bianbope, under Secretary of State
tor India, as paying, during speech at
Horn Castle, that parliament might last till
this time uext year, but in nil probability it
was very urnr it eul, unl he took the op
portunity ol ndvisiug hi hearer to prepare
lor an viecuou in uu can; u.nr.
MHrrinsr l't-itlltle
f mum Vnv. l'.i. Prenaratioiu havo bo-
gnu for the reception ol the Archduchess
Marie Christine at railway station on the
way to Madrid. There will be a great mili
tary display at Iruu ou tho frontier by the
army ex-cupyiug the llasque provinces, under
Oen. Outiwda. The cortes'wili suspend it
killing for 10 day during the marriage fts
tivltirs. I'ACiTICiVAbr
strike ou the Comsloek.
Vilcunu Cut, Nov. 0. An important
strike ha beeu made in Hale k Noreross,
nud iu a cro cut in the 2.100 level, run
ning west 130 feet from the Savage lino. At
10 o'clock to-day this cro.a cat was six
feet in good nilllmg ore with uo indications
of awe. t wall. The Oold Hill News this
evening bav s of it The formation ii cer
tainly a promtslti,: one. The cro.a cut is C
fee t In tUU ore. The ore ceutaiu black
sulphuret and chloiidt with spot of
stitphimlto. Tho outMJe of a specimen so
cured i covered with nuo rich chloride,
and much ot the ore seen is a tiue soft
chloride. Tlereis o hesitancy in saIug
that tho wholo fii nbown wonld mill $10
per Ion, while telectlons could be made
whlth would go high In tho hundred.
KsplnrliU Vcsiel Jennrllc.
San rr.AN8C0, Nov. 8. -Tho whaling
baik Dawn arrived ti...Hy fro-n the Arttlo.
On September 3d, within 25 miles of Herald
Island sho saw the s'noke o n t"""""!;:
posed to bo the Jcauetle. About 'P'c'ubf
25th tho Ice begin to open tophtly to the
north. I now tblnK tuai mo ti"u"uK "
scl Jennotte will reach laud ami wo may ex
pect to hear foom her next ear.
Svr fansllltiUon EvnUcil
Tho now coni-titutou proves ,u17..
crally liable to creditors and t tockho tiers
crally nnuio 10 cruuimm - - ,-- ,
;. .!,,. i,, 1 nr tnlannnronrlated
by tho officers of such corporation or joint
stock associations during the term of office
of such officers or Irtstoci. To cvado this
provision nn agreement is being tignedby
tho MockhoMers of one of tho largott banks
in tho city waiving such liability on tho part
of tho directors, uuli'Si such embezzlcmt-nt
...i . nn ..l.nll im Ihn result of
co-opt ration, eolluaiou or negligence of sucli
I . .... .. 1 nunl. II 111
director or aircolon as may ou euugih
made liable tr (.nih embezzlement or mli
nnnronrlatiou. Other louks nro nbont to
pursuo Iho Mtr.o course.
ln Trnt'imi miiiihw-lli-i)
llLi-rv. Nov. 0. The Mendocino out
hns, Drown, Illllingi and Guntir, havo been
tricked within a few inilcti of IhH placo.
Their trrll was lost o few tulles west Of lure.
Sheriff Monro, of Mando-ino, unci Chas.
vt.tt.-r i,nri(Ti,f this conntv. nro aftcrthcm,
and have n laro ponsn of men out. It is
thought lunt lucy win oe cipmrcu i
they must le soincwhero in ihla i-umetliuto
tluiri'i jiiIii;sh
Sin Tiiamcis'-o, Nov. 10. Tho slona of
-,,.i.....1.... mnnJna unit nrodnclivo Of ronjlll-
,VI..U...I.J ...w......n .... ,
nrablo minor ilainjco among tho shipping in
tho hatbor. Several nmall cmftln Mission
Jbv were iltivcu nihir or sunl:. Tho
steamer Idaho dragK'-d her anchor nud went
...Low... iv.tmtn 'fl'n nlilin James Chester
and EJderslde cime luto eollisiou nud koth
wero considerably il jmnscil. 1 erry slonmer
had vnry rough puMiigcf, nnd ciecU boats
wt ro tlravru oil.
lili'inr I'aiice.
A report round tho City Hall Iu that Pat.
Cronhy will be nppolntod chlof of pollco
. . .1. Wl ..t.l'.. la IV... .nntt ant.
1X1 IUUUIII. iiiu rtrcviAii ."w ..
if-otiry that oull b mail.-, by virtue of
hi pri viou-i ro-jor J in tlutt poiitios.
AtliT Silinnip TjuiiIs.
V.." ' nlral r"lllo llailroid Cii)p.ny to
d.iy commenced roll iu tho third district
coart against tho City of Oakland to nulot
tiile tJ sb)Ut 500 atres of laud lying nlong
the water front of that i ity ou tho louih side
uf Hau Anlcnlo trcek. 'this course has Lien
mado uectuMiiry by thu rwt-nt ngltntion ef
the wide front ()ui stiou iu Oal lur.d nnd n
tqwM rt' vur which has been iu prngieis
ou tjo raai-'i. Tho Uud in nuoitlon is
worth abut.t h '.l a million dollars.
Illti-tinrsro I.
tAN Ei Yi.NTcn., Cah.Nov. 10. John
f. Cnrlie. who has liccn 11 months in the
Stato lilsnii, under eonvlclion of participa
tion in the londer of T. Wallace More, ar
rived hem to-day, having been granted a
new trial bv the tuprcmo court. Ills coun
sel, J. M. l'lrool-.K, in tho district court, nt
onco demanded n new trill, nnd tho prose
cution, through tho uiling district ntturncy,
acknowledged that they hud not legal evi
dence to convict, nnd nuked that the prleo
in r be discharged from Indlctiucut.
Axij' i:titiitt.
Vir.oiNi. Nov. 10. T' Gold Hill Ne-v.
to-ulght publUhes two tys of Hide &
Nnrcro reck. The llr tho rjck liken
SaturdjyglveJSol 13. . and 3101 20.
silver: total. 321S 33 .her reel: taken
tint ou Siindav. v.i'Mi i CO, K. hi, and
Sav Fuhcii'-o, Nov. 10. In tho county
court tbu morulM Judgo bright ovcrruica
a demurrer lo tho complaint in r. suit
brought to out thoo officers elected by tho
W 1 P. nVnir.nV llin s.llnrv lilcji'p. TllO
enso now bcgii.s to look serious for tho offi
cers elect. A jury trial Lias ueen uemauutu.
Tho Worklngmen held n largo meeting on
tho snd lots, which was addressed by
Kearney on Iho decision ot Judjo Wright
overruling the ealary pltdgo coses, Eeur
ney said tho tlmo had arrived for action,
ami that till WerkiDgmeu's clcbi must re
solve theinselve into military companies
immediately i that their can Jldatea edect most
bosentul when the day nrrives, in splto of
tho decikion ot every judgo nnd court this
side of b 1; nud ty force it necessary. He
concluded by appealing to all pool allien
to suMuln tho Wiirkiugmen in their causa
Seteral otlni naiiresseu mo meeuiig io iu
same purport.
tuoilicr Kl.ol.
HanJosi:, Nov. 11. This afternoon Joe
Hoderiguez, i.n ex-convict and desperado
well known to the offlctr ot this city, was
shot by Joieph Poles iu front ot Mlnch sa
loon In Mayhwld, the latter uMng a shot guu
loaded with buckMjot. Ho died soon after
ward. Tho trouble nroo from tho refusal
of Poles to fitrmMi de.-casea with money.
More Heltool Tronhlm-
q.w v-t. vm&n Vnv. 11. The finance
committee of the Hoard of Supervisors, to
"u""" .1 rf.U - InsUSum.. Chora
;t Tpreferred by School Director SulUvan
"X.t iCtor Mountain, for having re-
I -, .j...rtrt. l.t . .1.lt.. n r.n
.l. A.. 1IW f.A ..rnniUtni- tn cbt.lln U no
bciivi, v-vv w- -.v.... -- - .
sition for .i young lady iu the schools, have
reported, sustaining the charge and nuding
Mouutaiu guilty of ft misdemeanor. Iu
consequence of tho fluding of tho finance
committee, Mayor llryant will nt onco com
mence legal proceedings to oust Mountain
from his seat in the Hoard.
riicy ?tu Iluve il.c Ollleek.
Sis PcAM-tkCo. Nov. 11. Tho German
' dub, W. P. O., met this evening to discus
Judge Wright sanry ploJgo eieciiion. xue
eutimentof the meeting generally expressed
wa that the candidate elect should be seated
peaceably If possible, otherwise by force.
Tho Workingmen held an open alrrcai
ineoliug at the corner of First nd Howard
treet thi erenlug, about 2,000 being pres
ent. Kesrny addressed them, recommend
inn that when the day arrived for the new
officers to take their seat, tho Workiuguieu
should assemble at thj sand latr, march in
procession with their offlcers-eleot to City
Hall, ami teat them, Judge Wright or any
other court to the coutrnry notwithstanding.
Urnrney Mntien lu lllootl.
The workingmen held another antl-Judge-WnghtiWcision
moiling this evening
at the corner of Fifteeuth strut and Potrero
avenue, at which Ketruey announced that
ou the l.t of December he j reposed to
wade kuee-deep in blood aud peiUh in the
pool in tho attempt to beat tho workingmen'
candidate. There is a decp-seate 1 impres
sion thalKearnej' threat aro allegorical
iu their nature, ns he te.tificd on a previous
occasion when placed ou trial for incendiary
Stato nnd Torxitorlol.
Uiest ol Iho Jltninlnlnx.
The bridge erected across tho Touchtt, n
tho Mullan rovl, is said to bo tho Ut nno )ii
tho county. It has n single span of ti feet
and is very solid nnd substantial,
A lar.jo and valuahlo vein of cf al has bco-i
discovered m the vicin'ty ef lloiso City At
a depth of ten feet en tho vein the ccal is
nn-irlu Tinrn nml uf tlm UlniHknown as tctni-
As IM. C. Doss and wifo wcro returning to
their home on tho Touchot, their team slued
at a deid tree near the road, nnd
Mrs. hoes
-- - d
had her
Tin WntMiman tnll.q bow two men delimit
ed purscB with tho landlord of tl.o bt. Louis
H..t..l. .it M'alki Walla, who mado a mistal.e
and gave ?!)."0 belonging to L. L. Iewis to a
a man natneu uoj. iyncu, whusu imruu uui,
contained ?05, but who wrmn't honest ami
ipent all hut S01 of tho S.150, so that tho
landlord lot $Kl3 and Lynch vns take n drunk
to jnll.
'Hie Wall Walh Statesman savsi Tho
immigration to this country is very largo yet.
Eicry day a hrgo numlicrnrnvo by tho tram,
and long trains of team', from all iomls be
tween Northern Miuncvoti nml Southern Tex
or, vt iml through tow n daily. As a rule, the
immigrants aro all of tho very best elnss.
Their prmcipil elcstinations are the 1 .ilinmc
and l-ptil.ai.e cnuntriei.
Cant. Ornrfo V. Sampson . engigcil with
Capt. (ieorge Amsworth's party in reiuoviiig
rocks from tho channel in hn.i!.o nvcr. I'he
acicntilio portion of tho work h in cliaro of
Prof. Hawkins, of Oakland, fal., ami Capt.
Snmpion has charge of the v ostein engaged
in the work. '1 heliijihcat importance attaches
to this work being pushed forward, r.s grain
mna- I., ,.,it mil iii Sn.il.o river in low viator.
to rci.dcr tanning piolllabio,
Tho work of griding tho N. P. It. K. haj
In. n llnUlii.it tn n imnit twclvo miles bovond
tho mouth of Sua!: river. Uroat dilflunlty
U found in obtain i g wr.tir. All uicii ac
tireaent is tak 'li fio a well US feet deep, lo
cated icvin uiilfj ut. 10J men and 40
teams aru at wiirk. Iron fur the track has
been 1 induli nt WaUtila. If Jtie an bo ob
tained track will be laid a far ai tho road
g ndotl this Winter.
Tl... . .. iLonrftii.itit IltV ltlf UltlirnVtMl till1
cstii.iaf. for fmililiiig water works to supply
Kurt V.ilh Walli wuh gootl pnro wotir,
i.ni.M mrxtl.ln nvnn In till fnrrifliltl II till
Vivij uitiiiiii'iu !& o "-- ----
ployetl iu tho labor of construuting thorn. A
largo roncrvoir lias iiecii c-oiiiriiciiii m i utii
by John (loiidy, near Singktoii'B place, vihioh
uill nr-tn tlm ill 111 nf thlt MTfttpr klltinlv. tb be
tonvijcd in largo pipes to the Kt, where it
will ue varriiii uiku vc,jr m..i.iim.
l'l.n .1..1Im-1...i nf tl... y?nir l,.l i.l tfillmt
church at Dayt.ui took place Sunday, Novem
ber Otli.
Diyton pee plo recosuire the need of a rail
nad from thit plaeo to Wnlla Walla and tay
it n.utt come.
A n..,. lililun U In ho erietil nt what is
railed the "Old Mull.au Crowing ' of the
lOIICUOI, ic-aniltg IO cjra l jerry, un miui..-
Dunham Wright, of L-v CJrantlo, threshed
15,500 bushels of grain during the thrushm;'
iminn. (If this (J. 170 buallcls wn threshml
in IJa;1o v.iltey.
TLo Wulla Wall.i Statesman as: ll.e
rotds aro still thronged with teams hauling
their tpuita of tho golden harvest to add tu
tlic glut of grain at tho railroad depot.
Comriiinio'iCM of Columbia county have
accepted thu plans and spccillcation sub
mitted by A. S. Miller & .vn, of Portland,
for a bridge a:roi the Touclut, on Main
The Dayton. W, T., News saysi A nan
mined Jiur.es Ncwville, was arretted by Slier
iff tei n, about sovt'ii miles up the 'louchct
for ni offcuno ol bono stealing coini.nttcd
al ut .1 v enrage.
MOItlllt'lll (I.FCIIll.
.itilui lltncock. ol Dougla county, is en
titled to thu blue riblmn, as tho champion
boar hunter, hiwiiir killed two bears mid
thrco panther last week.
It is tborght that about 81,400 w.m eb
tamed from the mail by the robber who toj
lied the stage near 11m'. T he rowards offered
for Ins cipturo amouut to l,iiw,
Tho Coos Hay News tcll of an affray be-
.. in C; Ij 1ti1.i nml t'iintllll .inlill Alnt'Cl
vi hero angry wortls wcro followed by revolver
shot lirctf by Hailcy, but no one was hurt.
C. J. Callahan, of Cole s valley, In the Uinp
noa U-wiu, in digging a well on his placo re
cently, found a vein of coal six feet in thick
nest about .10 feet from the surfaco of tho
Tl..ni nn-. ni. Ink lllin .l.t.ntfln K1U mill.
A.IS.V Will IIU .V-- .... .... w- .......
m Jacktou county, with a opacity of turning
out 0,000 feet of lumber each per day snii
vet llicro is a scarcity oi mi; nreicieiornomu
The Dcinocratii! Times sajs: Gen. Ijvne,
whiluaiiuting iu opening a miuo on Crave
creek last week, fell and cut his hand (pute
kvvcrcl) . v ith prompt attention, how ever,
it is rapidly gettiug well.
The Coos Mail sav s i There is not a pauper
in Curry county. This fact with the general
good manaccmeiit of tl.o financial affairs of
that county, havo nearly cancelled the indebt-
etmess which a lew yvaxs .incq wm mo cvrrur
of tl.o taxpayers, and this year their tax levy
is two mills lets than that of Coos.
Following are the transaction in the U, S,
Land Office, Uoscburg, for the month oi Oc
tober t 390 acres sold for cash; 20 homestead
entries, cmtracing '.','.'1 acrcsj'.'4 pre-emption
filings; 10 final homestcatl proofs, embracing
1,130 acres; S donation certificates issued; 1
entry of timler land.
The Sentinel says t Jacktou county is rap
idly increasing in population. Tho vacant
laud on liutte creek is being taken by emi
grants from California, and a number of old
settlers have recently sold portions of their
laud. The next election will show a large in
crease of voter our that of two ears ago,
Cm ..In.!.... ia IiaI.1 nf On t. In ...1 f.n.l.,
a... .iv.iivii nM ..v.v . wwniwiM .v.l..(j
la.t tor the purpose ol organizing an mcorpor
ation. The "anti-incorporator carried tin
M..V... n..v . ..w. ..v. ...v. .... ...v
day and elected the following named office! s ;
Trustees, J. H. P.edman, L. C. Wheeler, J,
llalA,i.n W. llnrim. .ml .1 I- Wiinn. Ia
IIUIMVUI ...... . ...(, , ....... L, ..V-
corder, Geo, uttle; Treasurer, P. iiedman;
Marshal, A. Holm.
Notwithstanding the want of railroad facil
ities, Hoguo ltivei Valley is reccivmg a num
ber of additions to her population. The
farming Itnds ou llutto creek and other agri
cultural sections of tho county are gradually
being taken up by emigrants from California
and other parts. The next census will show
a substantial increase in the population of
Jackson county.
A horse, saddle and bridle were stolen from
the barn of JamcsDavlin, Looking Glass, last
Saturday night.
Twsnty dwelling houses have been erected
in Koseburg during the season, and ct
there is net one now to be had for love or
Notwithstanding tho rust scare, it is re
ported that 5,000 bushels more wheat ha
been stored in the warehouses at ltoseburg
thau liit ear.
The Lakeview Herald saysi Kent Ballard,
ol Drew's Valley Gap, had the misfortune to
lose the lorehncer oi hi right hand while
handling a "belt" for shingle timber last Saturday,
Charles Jones, a blacksmith at Comas Val
ley, ran off last Sunday with tho daughter ol
a Mr. licnham.
A desperado namid Purdy, who robbed it
country store six miles below Lakoviow, Lako
county, escaped from tho Lako county nil
over n month ago and mido his way to Motion
county, C'nl. Ho is suspected of innrdcringll
sheep herder at Salt Lake since hla escanc.
Ilie sheriff of Modoc county undertook hio
arrest, got on his track, and oven near enough
to exchango revolver shots, but Purdy got
enough start to powss himself of a Heury
nlle, and stood guard at n Lndi:c, whero ho
was master of tho situation ond his captorr
hod to turn hack,
I'osi't Hoimil.
Tlio steamer North Pacific has liecn placet!
on tho mail routo Irom acvv incuuuw i urc
Tho Olympii Kxpe-rimcnt will surpcml its
daily issue until times mend.
Tho Seattle Post sas the locomotho A. A.
Dennj, that was to badly stove upas nut to
bo considered worth repair, has bom rutin
such order that it is even better than it was
The county thoroughfare which wasnuthnr
iz:d at tho l.iit sitting of tho commissioner,
leading from Pliasant.liay. Lake Wonliiiigton,
to Now castle, opens to settltineiitfoinc choice
locations of government land, iu n neighbor
liood,whiic good mciuty nud publio ichnohi
are nmong its intltiiemeuts lo actual settlers.
Iho Seattle Post savs- Tlio university bill
l.n.l .iqnai.il tlm f 'nii.ii 1 1 nf f nr In IHf, illf illili.i
ll.il ril"lH ill. .UHHU.t . '....f, ... . ........
to $1,(00 per milium for sihries nf tcacheir,
, I r i, -in, ....1 .11.. 1.... tllH ln. A...
lll-l.lll Ul 7l.tlivi. llllll iiiiuiiiii v-""S I'H llf
juratiM. A ci nfereiit'c committio will bo
asked fur Tlio university will receive tho
nnio aid by thu mcniuro r.v during the past
two yt.irr, with tho appiratus adtleil.
When this "true 1 court" in over, rajs tho
l.m.cno Stnto Journal, there will ho about
eight liluihiiig,bboniiiig joung widows In tho
market ngam, anil the old imciiciois can tal.c
now hope.
m. ii-...,. i: i i i,.,.., r. ii r.n...
.III. lll.l.l, 111, li , V.ll.l l.M&l.V. .V.I I.U1I1
a latbler onetljv last week nuoT broke several
. i i.i. .ii .
ui nu eino.
Tlio T.icom.n Herald tnys : Wm.H. Dough-
m Mi sitml-iiit ttnnri I nljHVimt i ii niiinnt.
Vlljf t IVIiUI Ilk 4ti..kt MWIVl III II '111(1 ItkVlllVllk
ally shot in tho left side of the chest by Ciau-
ina uni wiiitu iMicieaaiy niiiiuiiiin lu.uitcr,
the boll lodging under tlio loft shoulder joint
ntxt lo tho arm bouo, a short timu Micont
VVillamcUo Vntle.v.
Tllll Vi.tll Af II11F .,! i Ini-tmti llVnt. 'ill.ll,--
... .W.l. ... V. ,,J ......V .. J,
ra tho MoMiiiiiville iteportci, rati up t il(i2.
List i-sr it was $. So um see we are n'jin-
Mf.r-.li.nnfn.liln ulionl 1. Hir fll,... n n .1 i. "nln
. .. ........ ........... ...... , , ,.,
at SI 0." unsaekctl, nt D.jtun,
Ilusincrs iii Mill brisk ou the . . K. J;.,
especially iu wheat, of which they arc receiv
ing from l.l to '.'() car Ic.idi per day.
Tho nenlv clcct'-d city ofliccrs at McMiiui
v ilie are i llcconler, Henry V.'nrtcni Mar
shal, V. II. Morthii Couticil. W. C. H.nder
son, Hirim Adams, J. J. Colin' J an l C. A.
Tho Kugi'nc (iuanl oi i Court will prob
ably finish its tetsiou to-day. Jiu't;o utiou
ileierves coiumcnd.itlaa fur the promptncM
aim tiiipaicn no iinsuispnycti in tiupcnung or
n I..... .I...I .1 ... A u(.f.. .. .!.
il l.llu liuvr.ui ill tl niii,v nivni
ri t . l .. .1.1.1...1 .-. . ......
lien I. 1.UIIX, .inn niitulKllI i.iu CCCllUll
foioiiian, Porrell, lost Siiring. nt Conistoch's
mill, has been convictiti in Circuit Court of
1 I .. ... ....1 ........! ... . . -!..
iuuias euuuiy, nun icii.e-uciii iu tuju " ;r iu
the penitc'utiary.
Uncle Phillip Mulkoy, of Kiigeiie, while
picking apples, fell off nt a step luddcr, and
broke one rib and bruising him.clf up consid
erably. Junction City held her annual city election
on last Monday. Tho following are the sue
coisful aipiratit i Cnuiicilmcn, W. S', Lee,
I. W. Ncweomb, J. M. Decbu, tlco. I". Craw,
John Wortman; llceordcr, J. M. LalTeityt
Mirili.il, .(amis Caitwli Treaturcr, I) II.
ltonch. Whole number of votes cut. 111.
i:nl of Ilin 3Ionnlul.iM
Ai tl.e I'.lilorndo ftng" vias on ill tiny to
this city lavt S.iturdjy, uajs the linker City
Duuocrat, it upw-t just below tho Dooloy
toll gate, en the Ktdoratlo road. The stage
mot a heavy loaded faight team nu a r.-irow
grade, aud iu trviug to get around it, it
turned over.
Somo of tho boys of IlaKcr City havo been
bav iug grand kport tho past week skating on
tho pond below the brickyard. If tho cold
weather continue, no poubt l'owdcr river
w ill freeze ov cr and skate will be ic great de
mand. Tho lloise City Statesman says i An old
mas about 70 jears old, named Nelson Heucrio
Hanson, who lives on tho Payette, on tho
ranch next above the old Payette ranch, shot
ill UH iClkUll JIOllFUU, IIJIU 1. IlllUUb -tu curB
old, on Saturday last,
K. M. Howard killed n buck elk on I'.cd
Blanket prairie, on Itogne river a short timo
ago. Tho elk weighed 700 pounds, and the
hide when dry weighed ovor SO pound.
Olds & King.
This entcrj rising firm offer new induce
ments to their customer), as will be keen by
their now advertisement. They havo all sea
sonable goods in their line, and, a wo havo
said already in noticing them, our irtcniU in
tho country can deil with them by corres
pondence almost a.i well a in person, as they
are working to build up permanent trade and
to rctatu the atronage of their customers.
They succeed in retaining a very exteusiv'o
patronage iu this city and here arc respected
aud popular.
State Fair, 1860.
t lo' -
Tho annual meeting'of the Hoard of Mana
ger of the Oregon State Agricultural Society!
will commence at Salem, on Tuesday, Dec.
'.m, iotj. -U tins meeting, tlio timeior Hom
ing tho fair of 1SS0 will be fixed, and the pre
miums for the same arranged. All members
and friends of the society are invited to at
tend. Per order, K. M. Waite, Scc'y.
Important to l'arzuers.
Tho want of a reliable book by which to
calculate the value of wheat in this market
when quoted at any price in the Liverpool
and London markets has long beeu felt, but
which is now happily mot in the "Wheat
Dealers' Guide," compiled by J, 11. i'arish,
manager of the Merchants' Exchange, this
city, and which he lias arranged to cell at the
exceedingly low price of 25 cents per copy
cash to accompany orders. It is very im
portant to any and all who sell when: to be
able in less than fivn minute to tell (as they
can from this book) the price of vihcat iu this
market when based ou English price, which
n.iim till. m,rllii fin ttiiaiviat fili-uln.
tions are warranted thoroughly correct. En
close 25 cts eoiu to J. It. Parish, Pcrt'and,
who will mail the pamphlet in return,
A citizen of Fleming couuty, Ky.
firee. at a lit, struck n keg of powder
blew his liouso up anil Jmil to jump in
the riv tr to keep from burning up. Tie
rat remains unhurt.