Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 19, 1878, Page 6, Image 6

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0ri'l(!i;ilSfrjhc NATIONAL fHlANOU.
Matter John T. .Tnnon, Uirton. l'htlltp. Ark.
OecrHr3. J. Woodaun, I'aw Paw, Van, Uurcn,
iMturtr A. II. Smr.lloy.CrcKO, Howard, la,
Htiunl A. J Vaughn, .SlnnuliU. Tint).
.Im'i dhiMnf-Motlloier WMtiliead, Jllildlobnfb,
Bomer-i-t, N.J.
nuiii'iiM-S. II IIIIK Sp-lnjlmnmali. V am-n. O.
TYoMiirte 1". M. McDowell, V.iync,Mi.iieeii,N.i.
Wrrrt.ir (I. II. Kcilej, Loiiliorble. Kr.
rtM-Ar;vr-l. Dlnwiitillu, Orchard iJro.c, Ind.
(Vftj Mii. JnlinT. .lime-., llirlitn, I'IiIiIId. Atl.
JiuM-Mr. famiiol II, liltmt. Montlo-lM, Minn.
Imnhvi Mr ItarverOni'ilin). .vorthUranbr. ft.
.y ,lM,i.it Axjrl-iltf (.'atolliM A. 1111,
LpuimIIU, Kr.
I. WriU MVcn. (pMtrinan,) iMc burr, S. C,
K. lt.Sliank.itit.Oiihiiiiuo (own.
MihlteT. Chie, CUn.ni mt N. II.
Al..nri .lilrr. ItiKk t-'all. Whltettile. tit.
V. II. Clumbcrf , Oatvcvcliec, Kumll. Ala,
OMccra ororcsn Mnto Ornnse.
JfiiVr Wm. Cjrru, s-rlo.
tfrrrvr-A It Shipley, Of wren. .
rfuw-Mr. K. N. Hunt, Sublimity.
toertUiru N. W. lttniUII. Orvton Cfly.
SttttanfW II. Tlioau-. Wall Watla, W. T.
.Inrbrmf ricinr-0 V, Kiddle, Catiyoutllle.
VI(IVj . II Or.ijr, AliTt.
7VirYr 8. I. I.e. Portland,
MdA.A'Viwr-ltiuIrl Olark. falcm.
Vff t-Mrr. II. . Miller. JtcHmntllU. .
7wwfi(jMr. S I). Until tui. McMltmrl'le,
7oni-Mr. K. A. Kelly. Kat I'ntt'aml.
LaJy .Im'I ShitarJHn. Ooorsla Smith, Hood
Kritvttrt lmmllhtVfm. Cyril", Stlo; 0. XT.
Hum. Sublimity: K. L. Mralth, HimkI lUvcr.
.s'ta.' llutlnilt AQtnt S. i. Lrc. I'nttUiid.
n ill Wheat Tarn to ChcT
Since wo hivo given evidence publuhod Id
an Kutwn Journal to tho tlloct that wheat
will turn to cliens or choa', we alio add llio
following Irom E. Oldeudorll to (bo Orego
niun, wliosirii
Ktferrlnir to Mr. Hewitt' letter, lam fo-c-d
toaay thataald gentleman la laboring tin
dor a lulaliko. Wheat dna not and cinnot
turn to cliiaa. That hat font proed by lti
mntt aearabluK Mi-lsnlltlo luviailiralloni.
I bonloolorvothnl Mr. ILmlttUknafroni
tbootttat-l a wrong baa'a for blan-nertlon, bo
catiae It U notni Mr, llnwttt l"lcriltoctll
It ,a qutxtlott bolwiwii fris and tliwirlra. hut
Imply, well lot us siy tetwoon ttipotatitlcu
and mjIhiich.
The fact that tho ocitrrpncf rilaled. look
plam mi n now plew tifUml inakei not tlif
lluht "tilllforf n o I'OcaiiHMiiliit rll known
fact tlm. thu wl ufHoctN ly dormant In
tho nrth utfrytthfrnitntl anytvlern tvhort.
vojetalton It poHii, Hint r hroiuht to llfo
a nxin aa iliHcnndltliiiHf ir llio mtinlnallinc
prmvt, tnoNturtt, air ami vrmnr, itro (
tabllistieil. Who broiik'ht Hih otvila thrrt ?
WV1I, lr, tlm !!! who hroucbt our nobln
trooa to Hit Mini It of tlm Caoe.dtn and Co tat
ranuot. tho Kteatoat of IhoRreat ina:er.i
Ittloei not aouml vory lnslc.il whon Mr.
UoA'lit aiHrtN tint tint whrul t klllrtl on
tlm uet Niot aiid Mfifrwarnaluiiiiid tochrti!
Where tho Mllti.l wheat noiltnp"Wurlotuin
to oliPHt U ralhttr puztlliu. and thtt tlimllv
when and chei va rittnl to rtniw out f
tho wtniHHtofil anil loot, pnivot uIimIuhI
notMnxt bMtiio tholr rout liroiiKlitlntothn
clostii o.ititiact tii-ay J tin and form nno. I)
wo tmt kro two tro'Hrow rlirfit Into oacli oth
er forming cue tret? D wn mttitraftoiir
fruit irroHnnd fvru hawthorno hmlui. bv
way of rtpiiroilmill'inT WhoAttvill not and
can ntvur turn toohoi,thithbwin ptovfd
ton.cao, nod amonuat thtt many autt.orllloa
tbatould bitqtiitto.l I only lc to tonnllon
tho f illnwlnu: Dr. I.'hr K I. I.anuxthal. pro.
fottor nf Ni'any at tht uultrnralty or Jena.
Planla," vol I; pttt HU,
" rtiM fant thai In wet wwont and wo) apol
in tho laud f.ll tvlitU and ry)tMiitr.tr to ft.WtKO
extent, and ovott f'qienilr din out, allow.
IdK, conaquttiiily, it Inx'irlona irolh of
cbuat, haaitlTttn rnton to tlioridlouli'iKldca
orapenitl loua ftrnnit that w boat and rjn
are opt to turn (nobnw f.'i'iy iiiiht bailor
oxp-ct to ato ajiplo iroca turn t-i tar Ireoa,
bocaute thoao are tiotrcr rUlii. loi-ach older
than wheat, ryo and clitH.' And (J. II.
Hobecno, J'.nxjcloirdli nf As'liuliuro, vol
If., tMti; I.IWJ: "Clio circiimuiic that (all
wheat nd ry utr,r mid evttn dUtnut In wm
W)iona and wet xixiis hit trlvfti In I v iron
tlnitt octa-.lon to in uirrtltioiM helltf nl
farmjra that wheu and rtAttiiu to chota."
Chcu and Wbcat.
InnUnca multiply whnri Intelligent and
ubiorvltu farmera certify that (hoy have
known cbusa to oino from wheat. W.
WatfihouHe, of MuuiLOUth wrlltato tbo Or
tgorxittni I wilt eay that I mcciadiidonre In Krowlnr
client fiom a well dnvplopid tiexil of whtkl
wllhnuitaUlutc tho whrHKiui f tho hoad,
and (ho hual Mini cliatf i,ill vllblo whm
tho uboosWAM fall Kron,Niid I belliivn ttml
I can produce Iho aiii null uuy llwo by
tho mmiiih or luil.ar prow.
II uouuluiloii,! will ea Ititfcs many aa will
trylbo fjutni eapi-rtnirnl: l'red lo
burn la ruo bruli hnap, or Mti tiling to
ntaktH hot tire; then, altera rain to lo'ch (ho
aahot, plant b'liii'tuhrftt, helnu cartful not to
put la ny other ead; t'ltin, when tlm bladn
Lat xrown altout llirett inclitx liltib, c It up
and cut or break r ft iho r. oim ami plant Hicaln.
I)j (Ula two or tbruo tlm'", ar.U nolo tho re
Alio, H. II, wrltoa from Itollvuei
Alejut lint yoar IBM my brother and my
aoll in ived to (ho then nu,v leril ory ol
Iowa, and located in imla county, In (hi
minim of Jiil'ii my brother hrokn up a no
p!w of prairlo lam), end In September or
Ojiohor tin harroMi'd ItiMil Mini eoutd It to
wheat. TtiH wlifat niiiiHiiii and lo kul tine
ly. Tho next winter uoid Mini dry, ami
but tury II.iIh enow, Tdu next eprliKlhe
Sratn I'ouilnucd lo I'-n well; but when It
oadeil out It wkn a tleld of cheM not one
head of wimat lo twi Ihoimand of chein, I
wain m know wlierMthn wlitat went to th.tl
watiiowii wild vtlieri tint chtN iviun Irom
thatvaii'n In in plaut. If whittt dr.ea nul
turn lo i!hit. why wtt ihuio no; Just mi.
jnuch oIih-hoii ttiH mi'J iUiIhk r(und where
tlllirit H ll'l he.lt KlAII, hl llll iHllli lllllllf
Jn.l allkii an 1 In thu hame inndllfoiiT If
cheKi wid iriiu up ou niw land and pro
duett an kluii dut cinp without belriu
Mown, why will n)t w.n4tur lyHilolhriKmin
Iblri;? I wiiiilii like lo Imvonur Irnrued
and Mjlniitlllu Irleinl, Mr Uldendorir. tireome
other kuiuinltlo oapoit, nn.wer ttutaijuth
tloUN Mitldamorilv,
Tho Linn County OranKQ Convention mrt
at Albany, April Hn, aid elected eight dob
Kati to repruaont tbo (Grange of Inn
ouuuty iu the hUto Unatfo, m followi; lit or,
H.N. Train, J. H b'outh, David Hmllh, aud
Henry ()yru, and Mhtera M. J Train, L J,
8iuUj,Hrah J. Hmltti, ami M, IS Clawioid.
Mn. 8n-all iun' daughter, who wm io had I
in lirtlAnu, a alioit tune ago, wil
Load Snniperi, oto.
Mn. Enmm: I). M. Morrln lias tin
ilcrtukoti to I'liriittli tho toudors of your
pnpor with it description ot"ti svoiulorful
rontl Hi'niicr. In wlucli ho saya th'it a
Mr. Clark Jlnors iiimlo u rontl in one,
titty with (w ti koo.I li"' that wnulU
huvo tnkun forly ineii twenty dnys to
Imve tntttlu tiiul thun mil tlonu lntlf to
well, this Isti uly wcntlorful, only think
of flight huntlroil incn fof onu tlttyl
Anil to ko n llttlo furthiT, ho .iy they
wmiUI nut huvo tlono hulfno well, lint
siy thoy tlltl do hulf us well, wo then
hitvo 1,000 men to do tho work of this
wonderful temper with one man mid
twouomt hores. Now Mr. 1M. HiUIa
Just what wo want, If It will do it, ami
what wo tan have If there Is no patent
on it. All will admit that wo have
had roads, which teqtilro a great ileal
of work, and If wo eini huvo tho hene
flt of that Invention there will bo no
exciiso for having had roads. Much
has boon said about working roatls and
llttlo done, tho praetleo of ro.ul work
I tig In a largo majority of cases I think
is wrong. It Is a common praetleo lo
plow from eight to ten foot wide on
each side of tho center leaving about
tho same on tho outside next tho fence
without plowing, and abojtas much or
perhaps it llttlo more In the center:
now this loose ground Is flcrnpcd Into
tho center oi tho rontl making a grade
ten or fifteen feet wide that you tiro
compelled to travel; tho broad ditches
that nro mado forbid your cro8ltig to
tho outside ou to not id ground, hence
ournl.xty foot roatl Is reduced to ilfleen
or twenty feet and eometliiics less.
My observation hits led mo to belluvo
that deep ditches on oaeh hldo of tho
road, us near to Iho oulsldo as iwsulblc,
should bo made, mid tho dirt from
theso ditches in many cu.cs will bo nil
that Is relinked to r.n?o tlto center of
Iho riud. Keep thu bottom of thu
ditch nt leiiitt tuo feet below Iho road
lied and tho water drawn oiftiud you
will huvo much better ro.tds. Thcro
tiro Mime roads or pieces of ro.ttls In
(hit end nf tho county that huvo been
worked after both of thoto evntems,
and they uro evidence miIUc-Iciii to con
vince tiny one. Tho broad, ditched
road Is good and has boon till this l.tt
winter, which is wild to have boon tho
worst winter fur travel known, while
the narrow crude roads huvo been al
most impassible. .1. If. J.;ks'jn.
Hullovlllo, Marion Co.
Working Read:.
Mr. Edituk: Tho roid ((uesllon In
being discussed from nil parts of tho
SUtu except Yamhill, antl im I have
nceu nothing from this county, I will
offer a fow suggestions gathered from
experience and observation. Tho roads
need ditching ou ouch rddo from two
to four feet deep, according to Iho
dampness of tho laud to ho drained, m
as to tako tho water from tho surfaco
of tho road. In throwing up n road
leave as much of tho natural top dirt
on tho top of tho road tut tsisnlblc; when
you do ro ids tnis way thoy will Btuy
good foryctrs with only an occasional
rut In bu tilled up, whereas this contin
ual plowing and scruptug of mails every
year, keep tho roads muddy from tho
early rains in tho fall to Into rains in
Iho rtuinnior. Thoro In a piece of ro id
In tills county, that lias been worked In
tho way I npeak of, that has kpt per
fectly eolltl till winter ami for years,
that has bu.i its much wheat hiiuleti
over It as any other ro id iu in thu
county. 'Ivn yea is ago it was in mud
dy a piece nf road us could bo found,
but now, hiuco it was ditched, them Is
no better road. I'. .Mautix
Lafayette, April Ud.
Ecboc from Dead Voice,
ttothingcould Imi more Incrcdlblo Jhnn
l no likelihood or onto more Hearing
tho voice of tho dead, yet thu Invention
of thu now instrument is said to render
tills possible hereafter. It Is true that
thu voices aro Milled, but whoever has
Kpokcn or whoever may npeuk Into tho
mouth piece of tho phonograph, and
whoso wordi aro recorded by It, has tho
UHiuntuce that hlsnpccch may bu repro
duced audibly Iu his own tones long
niter ho himself has turned tiitlut. A
ntrip of indented paper travclt through
a lllllu machine, tint founds of tho lat
er nro m.igulilfd, and posterity centu
ries hence iietir us us plainly ns If wo
were preum'. .Speech hits become, us
It weie, Immortal.
Tho potnlbllitlesof tho future nro not
much more wonderful (ban thu-o of
the prchont. Tho orator In ISoston
npenks, thtt Indented ntrip of paper is
tlto tangible rniiilt; hut tills travel
under a m-coik! inachlnu which may
connect with tho telephone. Not only
Is tho speaker heard now in Kan Fran
clnco for example, but by pa (ring thu
strip iigalu under thu reproducer he
may bo heard to-morrow, or next year,
or next century. His coecli iu tho
llr.it Instance is recorded and tr.in-.niit-tcd
Himullttncoualy, and iudiflulto rep
elillou is posdblo.
Tho now lnvoiitlou Is purely mechan
ical no electricity is Involved. It Is
a Hlinplu affair of vibrating plates,
thrown into vibration by tho human
voice. It Is crude yet, but the print-;,
plo has been found, uutl iiiotlitlculious
and Improvements uro only a matter of
time, bo also are Its possibilities other
than those ulroady noted, Will letter ,
writing bo n proceeding of tho past?
Why not, If by Dimply talking Into a
mouthpiece our Hpcoeh Is recorded on
paper, and our correspondent can by
tho Hiimu paper hear us apeak? Aro
wo to have ti now kind or hooks?
There Is no reason why tho orations of
our modem (Jlcoro.sshuuld not ho record
ed mid detiitchably bound ho that wo
can run tho Indented Mips through tho
machine, and In tho quiet or our own
apartments llston again, anil as often
as wo will, to tho ointment words. Nor
nro wo UHtriutcd to Mpokon words.
Miiilu may bo (r.vMnllir.cil ns well.
Imagine nn opera or an oratorio, Nttng
ii.v iungroaie-,1 living niuiist, lints ru
corded, and uipahlo of being repealed
its wo tioilri'. Nt'ii'iitljfa Amrrtcaii.
lIiai.Titrui.Niyj' ur AIii.ic. If miy
otto wishes to grow Ihishy, it pint tif
milk taken beloro retiring at night
will soon tovor tho ex'r.iwnlost bones.
Although now-a-diiys wo nee a good
many lleshy females, thcro aro many
who high for tho fashionable measure
of plumpness, and who would bo vastly
Improved In health and appearance If
they could ho rounded with good ami
solid llcsh. Nothing Is more coveted
by thin women than a full figure, and
nothing will arotiM1 tho Iro and provoke
thofccandalol tho "clipper build-," us
tho consciousness of plumpness In a ri
val. In eases of fover and Mimmcr
complaint, milk is now given with ex
cellent results. The idea that milk Is
feverish has exploded, and It is now
tho physician's great reliance in bring
ing through thu typhoid patients, or
(hoso hi too low a stute to be unurMicd
by footl of tt solid naluie. Tuku more
milk and buy less meat. Look to your
milkman, have targo-si.cd, wclt-tlllcd
milk pitchers on the table each meal,
null you also will htivn eon nil llcsh anil
stve docto.i's hills.
IMltor Wlltimi tie Farmer!
I wlie, thinking that a fnw remark by
homo na m In tlila far-oil' rclm iiilxhl p r
nhaiao remind wimo of your tunny reader
wheio o porllnu uf tho "liiiinor county of
tho Statu" la nltlUtoJ,
wliloh h Iho principal s alley in thla rout ty,
N tt only live mllca lontt, with an rtwniKo
Mth of itb-iut ten mllti, Willi cvontlamall
or vittlo)N of mnro or oa lm.irlaiico tnlji
cent to It. Il lacroxted by aetural liuiilllul
atruauia of water whljli alfard an Nbundaut
eiijiply for all purpurea. 1'oMilor river Iho
moat lniortaiH a'.ream, II iva In at Iho noiith
mid and riina almnat llni eutlrj liiuth ol Iho
valley, leaving II at tho Hurt tail corner,
whonoit It makea lla over ivliillii w.y Into
SiuUm rltcr. Tint wett aide of tho vnlley 1
onclnatd by n hlh raiifo of uiouiilalna,
which blopH iMok fnnii Iho valley, and aio
co vii led Willi llie lli.iat of Or, lainenic, and
plno limber. Alotg (ho font of tlieto liioun.
Ulna, ox IntulliiK tlio eiillro IuhkiIi of Iho val
ley and aboul klx mllra In tldtb, Kit Miy
rertiiuiraoior (ami. Tno holl I- wry pro
loath r, Ktowing nil iho cc-ea, tri;ether
wl(li it Iiikm v.rlaly ol MReiatihe, fruit do
liiKWell In many lycitalea, lhrouiti the
renter of tho valley plid on allher ehln of the
river tho Unit Im loaf and wet, Umn Iho
land the lluaat of blue, j-dnt, and rttl-iop
KrasM kiovvo, from wlil.ih ateial hundred"
loua of hay urn cut annually. (). tho oat
aide uf tlm valley iho land la ivirerol whb
aAio bruah, wherti it haa tint bren n'earnd
and put In cultivation tud, whtn omniu
cultivation, ttfa laud prod ucoa tho beat cf
Tnero aro aoveti echoot houa In thla val
ley, ouuldeur lltkor City, In ull nfwbloli
fnnii Ihrtn lo tin iniiullm' echnol have bren
luujihl llni pt-t jitar. In lliktr City, (ho
county Mat, Ihoro I- 'inn kkI I'llbllo mlniol
hniiHi", one ucadiimy, and ono C.ii hollo ichool
btilldliiu?,lhr(Michu'ohea,ard many Miitcc,
Mhopa, tviiil tidier hu-lncat atabhmenlk too
nuimtioua In iiiisCoii. Them uro tun tl mr
liiK mlllaaud three ntw initN, with n capaci
ty niiUclrnt in Hipply all the tlmnand Ht
prnaimt. Wo alxi hare two granha, both In
it pintperniii oond'llim, tllh it wide awaho
rnenibttrhli, Ono of Iheui laa a epacloua
and litiMtly-arritiirfed hall, will eialed, and
(iiTiil.litii with all iho nu-'Jiary parapher
nalia. Any ono aciualtitrd with tho tulj'u'. will
o-mfera favnr by kIvIiik, (hioiiKb (ho io.
umna oi jnnr ir, Minvt InfnriiiMllou nn
mhmIiuu wllil or natural modnw with olo
vert (ho boit IIiim lotuaiMiid tho rnna'.
protltahlo kind ol anvil lo bo u-cd tin laml
lhalia overlliiaod uvtry year Irom one to
two montla C, W. J,
IttkerCny, April H.IS7S.
I'lllor Wllluniotto l'atmcr:
Am ( have not uotlci-d any nju'Heitliina on
IliU very linp-trlaul matter, I will endeavor
to ulve aomit hint that may ho of In oreat lo
m Him of (he rtMtleraof jour valuable pacr,
I liaviiweila K"1' m toy fmioea that wero
built by home of our allhliwl Milunra and
eupiKxol excellent maiianbra, (bat hid ier
talnly iul'.o it blunder, wberu thoy hate
built rail or worm feiiutt down lull lii'tead
nf up bill, A k-riMt many will IiimiI a', m-Ii
an Idea, bill I am prepared to arxno Iho dlf.
fereuce In ftvor of building np hill, and Hi.y
ono who trlun thu oxorlment will readily
poroolvolhnaavantiiKM ,(,th in Iho labor and
In the quality of fence. Jjjt, by all iiituui',
do not ute your Miiiad.-at ntlla al the b illom,
ua II lll caiiift yntir f .nco to bo top heavy
and o tally r-n-Ked, Kvou iiu want ymir
reuso (o luru ilt, It la but lilthittoik Iu
llalleu our laitmrallaatlho Imllmn. Hiiro
bymakuitra much morn aiibt anilal 'oiii-e,
I nonaidxr tho emkul ami tlmibln rhlertd
plan luiiiin bettor and utieaper than what In
uallud Hie polo and locked plan.
KH. lltUKKK,
LomiToji, April 8, Ht78,
Mn. KbtToiit Will aorae peraon pletae
Klvo ua a remedy, Ihrougb your paper, for
the deetruo'lon of KiglUb torrelT It hi il a
wj.at peal I ever taw in turning, K,
Plalu Talk from Loading Journals
Krom tho N. ViTrnpa, March 10
Honutor Mitchell may conaldor lilntxeirnt
llli'irly to oinii-oct n railroad bill with tho nolo
ol eot of aenurlug u ru-olnollnii In ()rcnou,
butll la ililllmiti to belhtto libit tlm t-eiiaio
Uiiminlileo will help him to play his little
Ituino, Ilia bill, itn rnpnrlrd by it Nttb uoiii
Hiltlivc, oonveyM tho Ide I Ihnl Im la Iihm faith
till nvnn In l)reiOii thun to Mr, Jay Mould
mill tlm other miu;imtiti uf Iho I'ruw.'iit trnna
ivmltneutitl rindn. Tho t U'jct of Ita ennui
ineiit would bu loremlor tlm nauairimlliia of
it norlhcrii uoutpotliiK rend Impotalble.
f inin iho N. Y. b'ttn, Mnirth ID l
Hmtator MUcholl, cluilriii.vn i f thu fetiii'o
o iininUtoo f I'.tullln Ittll'iunlt, n-nm to bo
ii umt .tir. jay itoimi h word in nun n vie
Itii -nb comnilitiin Imi tepniiiil it lull iivho
Iv lubnlliil "it bill toi-xteml Ihoihuo uf iho
N'lttlicni IMclllc nllit jcir." It It leiillv ii
hill to destroy thu Northern IMcillc, unit lo
ui.tloi n iiiiw 1,'raut Irom Iho public domulu
to Mr. Unuld'M I'.ittlniid, .Sunili l'iinnil
Stlt I,ikn rnad, beliiit nnoilier hnihr of tho
tliilnu r.u-llU-, pnjiuttd by Mr, Gould and it
latin licit or reiunrkitlily itt-oiHuiui(!ailuK
Nitiiitti.rs, whom hit haa to nil appiMtam-c at
h h dt-pni-ul. IiirtMHiicli i-.a Miniliiill will Im
Mroutid agtln (lila lumtiier lor thu "NMi-et
vtilt'oa"f tlm ptoplo of Oregon lo letuili
htm to ollluo ho pervcrla lo Iho piolllol
(lould It mav bti well fur thorn lo inakn a
nolo ol thla Jiili, Tho ureal mimuHillk( will
hitvono rival llnea o Iho I'.nlllo If ho can
h'lplt, nud Mllclll-ll la hla moklohtdlellt
from Iho H. K.CIitontole.
Aaron A.Harnut doca not llko Ihoaiua'n
Jinlliilarv i-omtnlili-ti'M bill lo hold iho Pa-
ulllu lt.ilhvsy Coiuputiba lo Iho l-ouoal pay.
tuanluf Iho Inlenihl nnd iirlunltial of tho
Mi mila loaned Ibrni by Iho Unllid Htnlia.
Iltflaafrald It inhiht "dnterl.iralo (hoelll
iloncy of (bo lomla." tin IILoa iho Mllchell
Hill bolter, biH-riiao tlnu una dhttatpd by tho
co pnrndon manak'era mid la eliudy no
rniiiedy al all, but iiicrnaoa their ailvmitnito
over Iho itoterntnent, 'Iho nelprollla of tho
Central IVclllo a I mo (hit ronil haa bet n In
opurallim aro t-atlumted al over f dO DiKi.tHH),
'Iho jii.llelaty isimmlllitt' bill aaka them lo
pay It-at tlniii one ipuritr or tlu-o no, prull.a
Krnin tho N. V.TImra J
Tin loimer thn actlliini-lil la lb luvril Iho
haraher lla Ii rma will probably lwcoino.
Tint account tniiat ho balanretl aouitt day,
and IfiHM-thirt bo iiiadu to udjiiat It In mii
muli-atilo aplrll, the comptulm cinunt c mi
plain that llinlr reiiiouhUaiicoaaiouuhtedid.
fho llr-tt inhlakn tiny mido waa im falluro
tolnllltlo Iho formation of a rdiikliiit, fnnii.
Mdll woraii will In llifilr ertor If they real
Ktlbllj.1 wllli Ibe clMinpliiiitUlp of llni M.l
ItuiMNf, (h Diraiy, mil lint Mli:l:rtlt of
Iho annate, eml nIIou thiiil-b'iitiliiclo-M vl h
mil an earo-al mi empt lot linn a nitn until
t'lioy bavi-inoiii In tin,.e f.,r fiom a ininlilU-.i
Hull ol ll.e J-nlli laiy e. Iillllllll u'a lull llihli
Irom it llutil " -till en ha ihilral,
I From (he Mi Paul 1'liuin r-!'ie, March :'.t )
Tho Norlhirn I'aeilln Itillay (ninanv.
bickd by iIihm l d n irilix-'-il and by xtery
LHill-ldnMiiliiu nf iiicn Mini linliilo iilull
ency, N Nkli u tuiikriaa lur mii i xii-nainn nf
I'iHh in wMi-ii to Iiitilil lla mail, lltll Jay
tlmiM' trhnottiia iho li. I in I'rtii tl, wanmo
Kill I. II e n en tiptl-ow.ioieioiiliinn won III
eiiiain iptio lb" I'aeilhi hUlia Mini tint ("nil
in r i rew lb nl lil c'fcHrilh' tiinno nl.t ,
aid 1.,'VIV littlli I H allllahlit Ili-tMHIIMit In
Ml i II' II, ! (Ir-.i'll, llial -im(.,, ..,.d ena
t ir haa It iMii.ed frtnil tint Hill iiilnlllllltii In
llii'H'lli.11,1 ralll I ll i niiiliiHliei'tlli.i."liat(l M
hill wl nee'l a-al Impiiileiieo Ii worthy til
tho Koilllia which ln-pliid II,
Anoho River Conniry Orotrtb.
Tho DiTtou (W. T.) Netta atyai Wo Urn
(hat at ope ferry alone on Hnakn river,' the
I'm a-wa-AH, thern bate ornaaot tturlnit Iho
Dial rar TOO fainlllet. Tbn allow lug COO to
havi, cro-kid at all Iho other forrlnw, there
have boon added (o llMcnuullMaof Whitman
anil Mteven-, t.'.'W famUIot. Near nllowluK
nine iii'iiibera 10 etch fimlly, thla would
lliakn Ihelncrotaa III p ipul.tll.in U,CCO0Ula
TllHimlllrf year blda fair lo excel lllnlla
aaihetMttruli firv-i' lamia la ulotl'llnr,
lle-l I l 'tlllil all I Mnttner. I flern are urn
lra?inf pmmI land t ol In bi taken In Cidiiin
Ida, Wnlini'iii Mild S evaiia, Tlm itiowlh ol
Hleve.ia U not-..) ripl.l lineament baieinolo.
ie-M Iri'lll the IIiiik nf Irade mid budnota,
Cnliimbit o-niiiiy tiiubracxa ly dtr, mine
liiHtl I ind lliau any 1 tier ixninl) In Wta em
WHahlnu'mi, but tbo mJ ir part nf It la atlil
imw, Mild thneit"Hillt-lutif lli'll't dalnabtik
ali.w jiMia. WiiNty 11, wliliiint f itr ol itm
Iradlc-l'ii), that Columbia t-ouniy. at no very
diaiaiit dtv, will I11 in wieiihVat akricul
loral ooiinty Iu IVM-hlntttou Tonltory,
Tlia Ctc to ot Oroson.
About lb I nt 1,1 inlt niun h tho flnfMl
vij. -cl In 1 lot woihl, llni 'Pule nl Oreunn, will
iMiliinit I' irilmil, and wolhlnk It would
Iimii uitod nhi in-i or tlm laltrim land aloam.
Il ml 11 1'llptlllha lo ritlni tl etr f'lia to half
prli-n In iinbr that nur rllu-ut mny lo
jire-eut Itlld wl'ue.athii 'VimmI bli uhiu
ahll imiiix in." U'm IllVll l.n.ird it yre.it
lllilliy uXprtHt a ilitalrn In be prinrlll ttheli
I'm viikI itrrltot Witt .xpent mat mhiih blti
dniiioiiatrittl'-n will lakopin-it In i'ortland on
Ihatday, end If llni railroad cuiipMiiy will
rediicn tbelr faro lo Indf ratca MOHroi-oull
lent Hint a lari-n mint 1 1 will bw iirt-w-ut in
wine.M iho arrival (.(tho lineal viatnd Iu
tho world.
Cuarrel Ovor Drtihuru Youns Hatnte.
Alfalie VouiiKt'iil Krin.at VounK, polVKS
uiinia chlhlruu of Iho lain llrlttham Vouutr,
liavi, lllld L-ninplHlut In Itldd ipatrlot eourl,
Huh, In which Iheyallettn IhalJnhii Taylor,
iru-i.m In iriMt for Hit (louruti of Jetua
ChrUt of Iho .titer 1)iV'I,Iih, i-lalma In
beiMlf of the iiliurnii ('.ai.ooo from iho
eataloof lltreioiil, 'I In, V llll the validity
of ihitolalm, and a-W that tlm Hdiulnlalra-
Kira of Hie I'-IMf lla Ctlalll. from lINpna,
Inu of itnv pruperiy toward Pipildatlng ibv
anif. llleul-liHt'n children, miliar tbo lt
of ilni Territory, luhtrltiq tally with ligltl
III tut.
.Sai.ku, April i'J, 1S7H.
Kit, HtlltlKUt I haV'ibeill rtquealod loa'k
von to Kito nil tlm liilnruu'iou, ihrnub
imr p'tper, I'oniHinlou tlm Krtm .Mucins'
.aciiritiuu lo ll'i'iilmr on Ilin'J't h of April,
I'irKvt do an, nud oblige un old eubanribnr,
1). M. Momila,
Wo uro not nwnro Ibut tho Kreo Mm. 011 a
will have an oxu.irilnti on tluidnv rofernd
iomIkivc, but wn iindi'.-iitiind (hat (ho Odd
Fid In wk of Albany propoao to Imvo n ihI.
road oxatiraliin lo Itninbiirrf on April 'Mil,
Tlin board of DlrtototM han awanled to
.Mr Denhaui IhoiviiilraKliireriCiluu tbiiNplrii
Mini otherwiaiiuompln m( Iho M, K Uhuiiih
li.ill'llnp, Tnuwoik will be commenced Im.
urnri-WliifiMl.l Litt At.l.i .. n.tt. r
I n Hoolt diru latevulo at llo'olvok. AgU
I atKtuiieyvar,
IPmm Dm llnatoti lleriild 1
Miwt luil lea rlinnao 11 ilnj;, it cat, rt ctmry or
n IHMiy for rt pel, raid often "act their Uvea on
tlioin," but rnroly ilora into hear of n Imly rtt.
tnolitiij) lirmtlf to mu-li ntMti;o tioli m tlio writ
vr nntv nt Mr. I.liirolnV, Til llimnnt elrook, a
d'ty ortwo nii. liiving In tho family nro .1 minplo
lona, ttti'tit-ono niotitlia old, brotiiiht 1111 by Hi
hniul of Mi. Lincoln. Thoy nro Afrlcnti flima,
""pwlcii not e.ially tcwd Iu this country, hut
Mr. Lincoln Imi aiioceoilcil, by tliu ox on-1 no of
(tro.it cnn, itiriwrintlioiii lo tlulr preacnt n
iun h re. i'ho initio wlnlia nhiint if.'il) h)HiiU,
and tho fonmlo purlmj aliily ikiiiiiiIx Icih. They
bavo hofii at Iho houao on lliinnrd rln-ot elnco
mav f-c-iu-nilKir, nml until within t inontli Imru
laid tint "niii of Dm 1. lace, ' go na fthotit llio
naiiim u Un cmnldcrnhlo freedom Aa n mi-no.
"1r";fi'"itln tho initio thoiinlit tho croitlnrca
ahoitld Im iiiatralneil, mid the Ir iniarlcra nre
timt nioro limited tlmu fnrinetly, nllhniii;li they
wvi'iuafo mil door inn nml it iociii niiJoiniiiB
iho liib-lii-ii. tt Hit only Antmtigw iro door acn
nrn hm llm npnrtmeiits. Mra.d.lnc..ln la na fron
w itlt her pobiniladlca nro with thulr pwdlts
lio plnjM tiitli thomi ficla them fnnn her
.ll,,",,, n?!1. "'V 1it tliem vnrlona trlcKa.
I hoy i ill ;im her nt her hidilliu;, jnnip tlimuuh
n hoop, oto. Iloforo tho laifitro n'atrlctlon.
worn placed ujvn tin,,,, H,u nnlinala
rro ncnutoimd In walk Into tho
kitchen, or p.irlor niiiimg tliu giiiata, nmt "
bntk tu their quarter ttithout ollerlng harm
to nny one. A year nmt the llnm-aa uaml to
occupy tin. Mmoi-oueli tilth the i.idy nt nlulil
but now aim hna union ion Uico to laj tnkcii
aiiin cmnmnii lavl.l.nil. Tho ni.lm.tU arw
qui en viirinaity, nod, in their gt-titlenoaa, ahow
plniidy limt aileiit U tho Inw .,7 kimliivaa, oeu
wilh tlio hrnte crc.ition,
Tho Prcaident of tho Lotiinvilla .hvkcy Club
lm perfected nrr.in;cmciiU l.y ttldcli Ten
llriwk nml the C.illfnrnm wonder, Molllo Mo.
Onrlliy nro tu run foiir-uillo luutt nt Iulfvltlr
anly tth for tlio aiimnf 510,000 two or threo
other r.tcei will Ihi Kw-., 11111I thla lll bo tho
erniiikatiliy a raring titer nceu in AmericA.
iMolhoMilnrthy. hiroitncr thinka, la uhlo to
lw.it nny lmro iu the country. Tlio miro It te
CO to lailllat'illo from ( !.llf,.r..Ii In tin, LI
Dotihlea mr, which hit Un clwrtend for tho
round trlia. Ten HrtM-clc wm never in l.-ttor
conilitioii. Tho mire will iimlably nrrlte in
lionlavillo nliout the llrat nf May to piopiro for
tho great i-untiat.
Cruelly to AnlmitU.
(hi.Moiidny night n cow lailoiij!in to U tl.
Iliuia.il.er in.tln her way into tlm jittd of .loin
Itlta. of Nerlh Ri'em, mid Mr llinttt ttt-nl
for her liter and then, l.alug. ni Mr. llniiMkir
all.-iiM, nil mo to nc.clwr.tto lier o.i in tin?
tnI Iiit prcmUtM. IfuiiwtkvrlMid llliyrt nrrcdtcd
nml liotuht la-fnto Jiulko .In nun (Vffry en n
l-.irjt fl cnielty to aniniilf, aoj l.e t.at .t.l.
jtidjtial ijnllly nf Iho t hare an I Cm I VI D ami
c"l, wliltil luuouiit ho diaoirw.l and vteullila
Cilntr.eta ArrntvC.
. dolm .Mlnbti-verk-epsan ore .-pan tattnui.
lien in reirtnl to niilxiiieea, A fu .U) nro
lis nnlortil .1 Chinaman who ii-iiilm-u n w.tiii.
iottauil lhitlUKit.llluhintnt je.f Ui-k nf Iho
lUiuialt II.111..., 1,1 1-le.tn up tho latclt janl.
It'ltenlay iuiuiile.tn inaKlifii nt the yUica
and f.iuud that the i'Miuiiuhi hiel pmd lent
tuition tn hit waruliiK. "'id ha in.in.ilwtiS'
bid the cliitcliea of iho I.ur tijm linn nnd
inireliod him Morn the ItouiruV, who forctal
him U oy the iim of 813 for Ida negllcenoe.
A few mora rintnplej like tho alanv, and thewa
Cliiuamou will Irani to olwy our Iam.
Uaadaome NtteecU
Krom a correaj-mdent writing from l'nne.
vtlle under date of M lnt,, ty ,o Htnudard,
we learn that Mr. WlclUur had n lew daya
previnualy found a lino imgol iu tho Ouluaw
inluis. It w.iA four Inrliea long, i.ne-lulf mn
Inrli wliln and nearly n: eighth of u inch in
imnxiieia. in.-ao in lu pa prendre lo turn out
lliioly, nnd will jut l) niuiing tho rleheat in
tliat rctl(ill.
Hiuy rannsra.
WhlletMtalnj; fnnn Tuniar'a.Stali.tn Init Mon
day by the way nf I'arriah'a Cap tu .laok'nii
Hill in thu county, hut 11 ft-tv l.oura' rite, wn
C'liiiikeM'J Uoiua riiiumig tu many plot. a antl
John Ijw'h ttcil.Iiiirfdiy, in SobIIi llertl.
Ind., wnt rnllimiied in an iintiad way. One nf
hi dUcir.l.-d aai. thcarta 1. wit to tin. lirtt.J
whirtt Im and hit bride lodged, tall.sl him into
(ho ptrlur nnd aluil hlui,
lliitnf.iw ImiKlrwl d.tlltrt rainaln to ha
ralae. on tbo lint ten milei of the 'Vmpiiiia
llty rmlntvl.
XXzrtxtfft JCili'o Xstlanxxx.
AaHiNinquorurol Hbei.inn'i.m, (Jnni. .N,n.
ralghi,Mlul run. Ier Miiilii'a nnd llillnrtit
arli-biK lii.m Inipurl't of IiIimhI, ii,,. nl, Mm
ri.llablo Kaolin .Mi din tie, tljjult'- 1,'ft llni
a'llii, H'Ml'da Hlitquibil, mr piotn l.v m-vr
IVtH.Wa ifrtht curio lorinc 1 1,.. leal.'UI jeara.
la it radintl vt gelMbb. Ci III) iiuiid olr-araapa-rilla,
Dock, iliirtliuiim, n , himIh pHinMilt.nt
i-ilio. ul I by m ilrugvlala ami cnuiitry
una-ora. Tako iinihlug i.m., nml if Ihey
haven't It wi. M.ml by njpre-a, iHtied.etery
.tln.ro, Ml 91 ami l VS I er l.mllt 1 $ f and
MM half. lux, HvAir.t IIvait, UK) lira ml
HI,, Now York,
Will otand tho onsuing
season, at or near Salom.
Tho podigrco of this horoo
is so well known as to need
no further description.
I i:it.MS,: Tlio Hpiihoii.
Good pasture can bo had
at reasonable rates.
U Obl. ISM .VAlalM,