",. ti Bi H tt W RWr Ulti S2.50 per Year, BY TELEGRAPH, 7CRBIGK. London, May 7. A Times iltspntch from Vienna reports that rumors conic from Constantinople that Knrs hns been tnken ami that l-hzerouni Is in danger. The correspondent says, although these rumors require conllrnintion, ypt what wo know nlready, goes fur to exclto sus picion that all Is not for the Turks, as It should be; nay, there It a good deal that should not be. Cnptnro of Itnrs. St. PirrEnsimiia, May 7. A dispatch says the Russians have taken Knrs and captured 17,000 Turks. The attacking nrni" ".lumbered 50.000. Turkish Iron dads are guarding the Black sea beroro uuessn. The Bnttlo nt Karn. Manciikstku, May 7. A Pera dispatch dated Saturday, saystherelsu report cur rent of a groat Itusslan victory near Knrs: 15,000 prisoners wjro taken. Tho second Itusslan Corps Is marching upon Krze roum. A Vienna dispatch of to-day Bays thcro wero rumors from Constantinople that Kara had rallcu. Alarm 1& Vienna A Tnrlduli Proposal. ViEXNAray ". News of theEngllsh nrmnnicnt causes alarm here. Itlsieported that Turkey Is ondeavor Inir to secure British Intervention In return forthosesslon of a harbor In Crete for establishing a naval station coni- , mandlng the Suez Canal. Blade Sea Hlochndr. Coxstantinoi'm:, Mnv 7. The block adoof Black Sea ports will be manned by "fl Turkish vessels. P.wtiH, May 7. The ofllcial Journal publishes a neutrality deccrco and an olllcial notification of tho Blucl: Sea blockade. General War Kotcn. '. . Tho ronort of tho ItUFsIau defeat at Ba Mtoumtktsratacn conilrnil..vTlifcTurk3 7inturcd thieo nuns. Itusslan forco in Asia it believed to be very strong, and It is likely they wilt advauco t-oon. " TnnmzoNDi:. May 7. No further light ing Is reported. Moukhtur Pasha main lulns communication with Kars. The Btifcsluns nro apparently awaiting rcin- roivcments. working nan lesaro Ioatllmr quantities of Krupp guns which arc being jnrwiuiieu i jvu.ciuuhii London, May 7. A tolegrnni from St. Petersburg says the bombardment of Kars commenced yesterday. The ns- ..! will fnl.'n nlni'i, tn ilnv. BuoiiAitr.sT, May 7. It fs expected that fSi-and Duke Nleholtis will rcncli Hero on tlm 10th lest, ltusslans imsxlmr through hero are KOlng to Bauiasai between this placoand Oinrlirero. St. PniisKSiiriKi, May 7. A telegram from TlUls says nothing now has occur red, and unfavorable weather continues. Soven Turkish ships appeared before Satzclmon tho 2d lnot., remaining ono day without tiring. On tho ltd Inst., tho Turkish frigate tired upon tho port, but without etl'cct. London, May 7. A Berlin dispatch jiivs fJormanv and Austria are negotla- tlncwith resnect to tho proclamation of neutrality to bo Issued. Tho two fovornments aro desirous of acting in Constantinoi'm:, May 7. 'IhoClmm ierof Deputies has approved a bill for Uio proclamation of a state of siege. Tho Turks shelled Beokeel lust night, aid tho Bash I Bazouks plundored tho lelghborlng villages simultaneously. War Ordoi-B. Vienna, May 7. Tho Sultan has re vived to proclaim a holy war. A decreo of tho Car orders tho read mission of General TchernnyelT Into tho Itusslan ervlco. How Kniila Receive Derby's Lottor. Biuti.iN, May 7. Lord Derby's reply in rinrtsoliakoir's circular has produced considerable surprleo and sensation here. It Is salil to nave caused serious rmiii and displeasure at St. Petersburg. General War Notoi. The Itusslan advance guard will arrlvo at Glurgavos this evening. Thorcnialn lutf artillery started for Altenlza to resist any new attempt o'i tho part of tho Turks. The Princess o Rouraanla has accepted xthr presidency of the Jassy committee W tho relief of tho wounded and wld to'fs of the war. f London, May S.-A special trom Bel 'irado says tho Itusslan headquarters 111 remain at Klschiueit' until the 13th. b IJr Further particulars of tho Turkish U&s. defeat and losses before Kar havo been eWvtv received. It Is reported that All Pasha ttfi jjl -was taken prisoner. I i, i Tarldih Hopoi. Hrl i,nf intniHiTPiipo frnin England. WK7 cMpechilly Lord Dei by's reply to Uortn- Apallon of itrawbtrnes brought to Salem WK chakoir, revived emit deuce. It Is be- by a boy en Saturday sold for one dollar fi. i iioveU Turkey may bllil ioou to r.ngtanu quick, 'can's. SALEM, for simnort. It Is also said, thai Austria pcms determined to oppose tho entry of tin? iiifouans in serviu. EoiuTjarilmoutor Wl.lula. Constantitopm:, May 7. Tho Bus- shins have havo commenced to Iwmbard the Turkish town of Widdlti from Kala fut, on tho opposite bank of the Danube. Uucartninty. London, May 8. Parliamentary de bate yesterday clearly discloses the. fact that tho British foreign policy Is help lessly drifting on asca of uncertainty on the Eastern question. Tho (lungers polnl1 .out by Gladstone are not denied by tho ministerial party, but tho latter safely taunts the opposition with Inabil ity to get popular approval of proposition to coerce England Into an alliance with Russia. The position contlrms the impression that England will do nothing but watch and Walt until British inter ests shall bo threatened by overt acts. EASTERN. Rallrond Enrulnfti. New Yotttc, May 8. Tho earnings of the Central Paclllo tho II rat four months of this year was $1,7:11,000; an Increase ofSll 1,000 over the corresponding months for last year. Sulo of Short Horn. Chicago, May S. The Bluil' herd of shoit horn cattle, owned by Abuer Strawn at Ottawa, Illinois, wassold hero to-day. All the cattle-raising States wero represented. Nashville, May 7. The Collego of Southern Methodists Bishops have com pleted the plan of visitations for tho en suing year. Bishop MoTyro will hold conference at Denver, Columbia, Pacific, Los Angeles and Baltimore. Bishop Marvin lias the China mission, Bishop Keovcr has the Mexican and Brazilian. HIrIx Prlcod D'C". New Yoiik, May 8. The Westminster Kennel Club t;egimll.lo.dayl ImGlliuoro's GardJJhT'us 11m annual bench show of dogs. TIito are about fifteen hundred entries. Including (he finest specimens obtainable of the English setter. Ono of them, Bulges Bob Boy, being valued at S5,000. Compliments to tho Ex-Prcsldont. NmvYoitic, MayS. Tho World says ex-president Grant, on his arrival In Loudon, will have a special audience witli Queen Victoria, and bo the guest of Disraeli ami oilier eminent men. it is said that in deference to the high olllco he liiu tilled, the Queen will pay him a visit. PACIFIC COAST. Stocktox C'ty Election, Stockton, May 7. Tho municipal elec tion jKis.-cil oU'quhtlv here to-day. mid a small voto was polled. Considerable interest was taken In the contest for chief of police. W. T.'Oit'-er, Independent candidate, Is proljjjjeetod. Tho 1ml- nco of the Bon?!Vvri ticket Is elected with the exceptirir,! fur lilfv (uitliH'toi.- uuiuwun, jjcmocrai, r.'ovnda Ifou-a Itoins. VnifliMA (Nov.), May 8. Tho city olectlon yesterday resulted In tho elec tion of Jiclkuap as Mayor; Comstook, Biter, llawllugs, and Kennedy, Alder man; Scaulker, City Attorney; Hamp ton, Treasurer: Gracey, Collector. AH aro Democrats except Gracey, Hampton ana comstocic. A MARION COUNTY STEAMDOAT. I learn that Immediate steps aro to bo taken to get stock subscribed by tho farmers and shippers of this county (In tho People's Protective Transportation Company) to build a steamboat to be inn in tho exclusive Interest ol this county. Tweniy-llvo dollars a sharo and no one allowed to subscrlbo moro than eight share-. $15,000 or $-20,000 Is wanted; tlio moro the amount the better the boat wo will have. Tho stock is payablo October 1st, 1S77. Canvas-rs aro wanted In every pre cinct In 1n 'county; men in whom the people havo confidence and that are wido awake, jjood wages paid. Now Is tho opportunity for Marlon county to pro cure a good boat. Any person who can possibly do this kind of work will JlncI all tho necessary papers with T. B. Walt, at thoSalein Peed Store. Tho farmers and Miippers should give this enterprise encouragement for It will boa permanent opposition and ono that will pay a good dividend, besides saving thousands of dollars ty securing continued low freights. Citizen. Salem, May 0, lb77. O.KEGON, MAY 11, YAP.UINA A2I3 CORVALLig HAILttOAD Tlii pojlo or Button i Tilun mid Lano aro 11 lftlly iiwnko ti tfiolr true Iniortnfii, M shown by tHo Jnnc" nii'l pntbuslijt!o nieoilui; gnthermt r.t tin Cl'y Hall hnra, t'tNnftor noon, to move In tlio nutter of tlio Yaqulna llillroitl. Tho inootln,': w.13 nlled to order by tho Proslilcnt or t'io lottd, IIi. 1'. A. Olinito wet Ii vho slated polute.tly tlio ob)ojt!:of tlio mcothu. Uwa motion, W. 1). Hlcby was Invltod to ndUross llio mooting, whluh ho did hi hh usual way, glvliu; tlio cost of a ncrrow gungo road, showing Hint forsotnothlng lass' than ?."i,E0O por mllo, tho road could bo gra ded, bridged nml tied, roiidv for Iron, and urging tho pooplo not to wait for foreign cap ital, but to build, own and control tbo road thomsolvos-. Ho cxulbitod the f.ict that ovory busliol of wheat shipped froai Cor vnllls cost 20 contfl por bu&hol to cot to Port land. Tho now proposition of taking labor, ma (orlal or cash, on subscription, was urgod with fiivor and mot with onihuslnsui. Judgo Burnett noxt nddroxHod tlio mooting nml urged I m moil into action, saying ho would bo ono of 20, that day, to irivo a thou mnO dollars and would give iOO any way. Dr. ll.iyloy nuulo a rousing Mtcoeli, saying ho would niako another of tbo twenty. 11, W. Wilson, who has first, last and all tho tlmo labored In thin cauho and spout his inonoy frcnly, sald-lio would put a iimu and team on tlio work for ono year. Itrldgo builders and cnrponlors then cainn forward and olio rod tholr sorvloos; and It last was resolvod that on May 15'.h, ground sliould bo broken on tlio tlrst oathuato of tbo Kti(l nocr. Wo son tho light broiiklng In on lion ton county. Tlio Yeqtilna road Is an assured I'.iot. Tlio pooplo foot Its nood, and In carnoat they oro at work. It may tako yoars. but vs fcuto as any ono tiling in fnluro can bo In tho propliosv ot man, wo will havo a way unburn pored to tlio sea. No monopoly shall rob us of our labor and shut us from tho markets and couunorolal kluhvav of tho world, Trom this on, laud Is higher In Bon- ton county. jjhston, VUKVllUUtl! iiuy If IOIIi -J Jl THE POISONING APPAIK. , In rofereneo to tho polioning nffulr, near Indoptndouco, ruforrod to In our last Ihsiio, wo gRtliortlio following particulars from Dr. A. M. Belt : It oooins that a Mr. Scott who, with his wife, Is taking euro of tho farm and houso of Mr. KllsliaMoD.inlol's, during that guntlo nnn's absoueo with his family, lust wouk, hont John MnD.mlolM, who remained at homo, to Mr. Itobertou's drug Moro, In In dorondenco, far two ouhops of arnica, mixed In twelve ounros or whisky, to bo used m n horio llnhnont. Tho tlriiKgiftt jiut It up and labeled tho bottle poison, wliou young MoDaulols rtiturncil ho.o tlio fKinlly had Just llnhhed supp&r, Mrs. Scott alono ro nialningat tholHblo. Tljinkliig to piny, mi be KyN, a good Jrko on Mrs. Scolt, young MclUnloU InJiued Iior to taknu drink. Slio hnblbetl throo khhI swallows buloro she dis covered thut suo was not drinking whio. loriuiiHtoly uuo Jiiul lust lmnaKen or r. lioftily hiipcor which fr.ci uiidoiibiodly mavou her IVom nlmo3t Instant death. An it wax, elio wuu taken violontly 111 and hor llfo, for soycral dayH, was dUpalrud of. ei.lordny luir bruathlng win still very rapid, but tlio nervous twlonlugs had, In a measure, sub sided and hopes eio diitertaltied of hor ro 9')vory. Thorn In no known antidote to ar nica. Tho singular and most suspicious patt of tho rll'dlr Is that tho lubol on tlio hot tlouavhig (ho word poison on It, had been uriihod, nvldontly with a knlfo. Wo learn that tbo Grand Jurv or Polk oountv will bn callod ujton, whou'lt noxt moots, to tnako a urn lurcsugtr.iou or tno autiir. Au Albany Inveutloa. Mr. J I). MoParhuid,Gouoral Agont, had ou exhibition this afternoon, a combination harrow and clod crusher at T, Cunningham ,t Co.'a tbo Invontlon of Messrs. Kuhn A Mlllor, of Albany. Tbo now Invention which has boon patented is a valuablo ono and does lis work on u no von ground as well and thoroughly as ou prnlrlo land. Mr. McKarluud, tho General Agent, expects to have tho rights to manufacture sold for tho entire State, by comities, boforo tlio 11 rat of Juno. TSavo Bnrn Buruluc. Wolfarn fioni Mr. Win. IS. Donlca. tho mall contractor botwoon Albany and Swoot iioiuo valley, mat a Jurp.o Darn boloiiKlug to Mr. Auioa, ot tho lnttor place, was burned with Its contents on list Wednesday morn iuk. tho 12,1 lest., about 1 o'cloeK. Two watr- ons, several hundred bushels of grain and a confcldotablo amount of hay, amounting In I bo ajisjregato to about S'.KW, without tbe barn which was a good one, was destroyed, Tho fire v.X3 Incendiary. WiuR Dam Contractor. Messrs. Grant ,V Sloue, who havo the contract for pulling snags and constructing whig damson tho Upper Wlllamotto, havo bought tho otitllt of Petor Paquot.of Urogon City. Tho outlltconslbts of six scows, two pile-drivers, with onglnos. Tlio boats and drivers will bo towed Jo Corvallls by the W. T. A L. Co.'s stoauiors this pra-ent week. Operatioim will bo eomiuenobd ubout Juno 1st, or as soon catlio stage of tho water will permit. Now Potatoes. Hon. L. h. Itowland, living rut ou tl Orphan Homo road, la luxuriating in new potatoes grown by hlmsolf. Tho land beyond tho old tannery bridge seems to bo especially adapted to tho raising of this esculent. Spangle and gold dot valllug at Mr, Mill!- 1S77. OltEGON PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Tho Sixth Auuual lto-Uniouoftho Oregon Pioneer Association will bo hold ou tho STATU FAIR O HOUNDS Juno 15 and 10, 1S77. Tho e xorclsos wlllcommouco at 10X a. in., HON. KIAVOOI) KVANS, of Olynipla, W. T. Will deliver tbo ANNUAL ADDltlCSS, fol lowed by a PIC-N10 DINNKll at 1 p. in. GKAND PAKADK nt .1)5 o'clook p. m., undordlroctlon of Hon. lUlph C.Goor, Chief Marshal, asslstod by Jamos Klklns, lljq., nt which hour tho OCCASIONAL ADDUHSS, doscrlptlvo of tbo Immigration and HOLL CALL of 1815. by Hon. STUPHKN STAAT8, of Polk county, lbllowod by a DlCSOltlP TIVK ADDBKSS and BOLL CALL of tho Immigration of 1812, by Hon. M. OKAW FOIID. A GltAND BALL Will bo glvon at tho Pavilion, TIckots ?2,00. Good music undor tlio direction of J. H. Haas. THK CAMP-FIKE Will bo lighted at 8 o'clock, p. in., and short addrossos will bo in nil o doscrlptlvo of modo ofllvlng, tnivollng, condition ofcountry,otc. For tho'purposo liquidating tbo Indobtod 1106s, an admittance feo of llfty conta will bo charged all malo adults at tho gate, but mem bers who pay tholr duos pass froo. Arraugomonts havo boon nindo with tho dltloront transportation companlos to return homo frco on tho Ckiitii'icati: or this Sixitn TAnY or tub Association, who will provldo Ai.Ti with tbo Biiiio, and NONK can roturn freo on tho O. & C. It. 11., without It. Camping faollltlos will bo provided for all who wish to camp, ; Othor papers In Oregon and Washington iforrltory pleasAcopy. . -- v - JOHN MINTO, rrosldnnt. J, HrNiiY Bnow.v, Sccrotary. Planting In "tho Moon." Bit, FAiiMr.n: Not long ago, In conversa lion with a uolghbor, he fcald ho holleycd In planting wlton tlio thjn of the moon was right; for Instance, all root cropi In tho dark of the moou, aud all crops grown for tbo tops, hi light of tbo moou . I said tn him, I havo bton growing almost all kinds of edible crops for tho paw twenty years, and I have never failed to get good crops when tho hui ceriVms good, which has been altno.stall tho ilmJ ,u Oregon, when I havo planted and cultivated properly. Hut, said I, I have a sign to go by, but my sign Is In tho weather, and not In the moon, In tlio tlrst place, cut- tlvalo tho ground when It Is dry ouoiigh to pulvcrUo well, thou rc-oultlvato when It la dry ami warm until It Is thoroughly culti vated, and all tho young weeds destroyed: tilt tklfttit ti'ltSii Mm it on Mi sit Ij Btlaalif nit. I iiiuii iwi4k uuiti uj iiutiti4ri is tiKilvt nun the ground not too wet; keep it well stirred during tlio dry hourou, and allow no weeds to sap the moibturo out of tho ground, Do this, aud you can all'ord to let the moon tako care of Itself; your crop will bo good, If jou havo good soil, L. U. J. Roll of Honor, Tbo following pupils having atlalnod an avoragoof IK) ercont. and over In scholar ship and doportmont, tholr names havo boon placed on the roll of honor: Cordelia Mor ris. Edward Schnoldor, Wllllo Starr, Honry Labare, Anna Itomane, Emma Norrls, Mary Gist, Ollvo Labaro, lloury Stout, Julatlia Cox, James Cox, Josoph Holt, GoorgoA, Glst,Dizzio Holt, Wllllo Holt, Allco Cox, Irving Schnoldor, Christopher Gist, Ambrose Cox, Tho following pupils being too young to study, tholr uauios are nlaced ou the "roll of honor" for good conduct: Klclmrd Illalr, i.tviaiayior, iiruco iuure, luuilo Taylor, Mlunlo Illalr, Clara Stout, Franks. Itoiiiiam, Lola Stout. Elijah Starr. Jacob Starr. Laura Starr, Emma Starr. Mouth ending May 1, 1S77. Uku.i: fcn:i:u:, Teacher , Moharaa, Marlon Co. Thomas J . Hubbard, a resident of Oregon bin co lBDI, died at tho agency on tho Umatilla reservation ou tho 21th of April, aged 70 years, Ho was born in Kinderhook, N, Y,, aud camo to Oregon as a gunsmith In tho service of the Pacific Fishing and Fur Com pany of Boston, with which ho maintained connoctloa till it sold out to tho Hudson' Hay Company. Hubbard then went to Yam hill and settled on tho place now owned by Medorum Crawford. Aftorwards ho llvod ou a farm two miles north of Lafayotto In lS57howontto Eutom Oregon aud sottled on Ulrch creik. Ho was ono of the host known of tbe early plontois, At Oak Grovo, forty-flvo mlhs touth of Tho DjIIls, tlute are ihlrty-lho famllKU and pood land enough, says tho Tribune, for oum hundred and liny. Wheat uyorauos twenty-llvo bushel, ftuit dots well, and grazing ls.cxcollcut, Volumo IX. Nuniuor 13. HALF PARE TO 0. S. G. Arraiigomeuta have beou mado with tlin O.S.N. Co. and Cal. t Oregon It. It. for dolegates nltondhig tho Suite Grange, which moots tho Ith Tuesday In May, In Salem, to pay full faro coming, and roturnrcc, by ob taining a certificate signed by tlio Master and Sccrotary, aud presuming tho samo to olllcers of said transportation Companies. T. L. Davidson, Sec. O. S. G. P. of 1L Salem, May 3d, 1877. Lotter from tho Master of tho National Grange William Cyrus, Mastorof tho Oregon Stato Grange, who Is now In this city preparing for tun annual mooting of that body, which convenes on tho -llh Tuesday In tho month, May ?.M, hands us tho following lottor, re co(vod from the Mastor of tlio National Grango In answer to a request that tbo Lco turorof tho National Urango shall bo sent on an olllolnl tour to this Jurlsdlctlon,'wlth per mission to publish tho Hanio as of general mtorosl to tno ordor: Haiito.v, Aiuc, April S0;h, 1877. Wm.Cviius, Ekj., Mastor orstato Grango, Sclo, Orogou: Dear Sir and llrothnr: Yours of tho -d Inst, Isrecolved. Applications for thesirvl cos of tho Looturer are on lllo fornonrly ev ery Stato In tbo Union. In view of tho utter Impossibility of meeting tbo requirements of the Order In that contieotlou. tlm Kxicii tlvo commltloe, at tho late session In Louis ville, inaugurated a system of propaganda, which I havo boon urging for mora ilmn a year, aud which mot the approval of the Na tional Granpo at the last scmIou. The gro.it need of our Order Is moro Instruction hi tho truo principles which uudorllo our organiza tion , and lu tho practical workings of the co operative system wo liayo adopted as i, moans of dovoloplug theso prluulphvi, which tiro of linmoasurably moro value than tho conitouiUt .advnnlntrfH .n iircnwmrv' tft thn DajlnckH nmsperliv artntrTRnnnArftinTo ducor, ami which aro bett secured by a fctrl. t obsorvancoof tliosi high prlnelplon, which our English friends, by cateful study and long experience, have wrought Into a most Interesting science, and given lo us n litem turo which will light our path and ImV.mi our progress. Tliocommlttro have now undertaken to dhu'iulnato this lltoraluro to our mem hsishlp In the simple form of tnietn, tho most practicable, as well m tho b;t suit ed to the mass of nur meniboM. HniLtlils policy liron ndnp-od earlier, Isln eorttly bolltvo wo smuihl Inno wttutt-Mtl u. doveiO.uiout of co-op. ra lo ootlvity, such as our p.vit experience doM nut warrant us In botlevlng pokhlblti, Tint mliidH of most nro lugrotscd lu the ptirc'y mnterlul coiisldoiiitloiis aUnched In our cause, tlio lest of whom this Is nnc true, lorwuntof propur organlKiiilon, are silent Aiu Inactive. it'lier uiot nrAssIni! olllcial duties will not nllou t"ii to hy iimio here. I r.ittrually and l.iltlifully yours. John T, Junim. T. Cunningham ,fc Co. of Salem, make a special nuunuucomcutln tblu Issiio of tholr stock ofgoods for tho coming hat vest reason. Mr, Ciimilngham h.ishuun Eist to make es poclal nrrangoments for his own particular tradoand Is conlldeut that ho has secured direct deallnga with manufacturers of many of tlio best machines now mado and used, combining tho greatest Improvements known In connection with harvesting machinery. His advortlsonient speaks for Itself and re capitulates tho most Important machlnos ho has for sale. For further Inlormatlonho will send circulars, with cuts showing tho con struction of tho machines and descriptions of tholr Improvements and workings, Since coining to Oregon Messrs, Cunningham A Co. have built au luimsiiso trade that re quires i.overHl branch establishments to ac commodate Increcto of bushiest. Tho principal supply depots aro at Portland and Salem. Tho Portland houo Is situated on tlio river, pretty well up Front Street, wtiero Uiiforth Kellogg it Co, formerly held forth, The More In Salom lu easily touud on Commercial Street, hut they havo vo I pick ol warehouses elsi)wh(.ro,and shops for the manufacture of cultivators, of which ho has mado and sold over .'100 the pastsoasou, and for tho manufacture of brakes for all vohlelOH ho soils, which alone keeps a busy shop, Cunningham ,t Co, aro also represented at Junctton by a branch storo whore Mr. Georgo Cunningham Is In charge, and havo another at Albany. OuricadoiHln tho Up per country can 11 ml tlio third branch houso at Walla Walla, where a largo frudo Is carried ou, With thcuo five establishments lu exls tenco tho readers of the Faiimiui can with out dlfllculty call and examine the machine ry this homo oilers for silo. Thcro aro at present about CO.UOO head of cattle roaming tho broad pasturage of Grant county, wmcu give au inereaie oi io,uco ev- erv iiar. Hnri-iH nml imdIiih liiitnlmr iilif.nt otm k:ad; shtcp, io)wo, ffif& VI W'. , f 1 1 f. w,l 'A r J ts - j 1 i ti K f i W ' Ml - ' i mk.-. w PUI B - - iWnni - i . ii i. ii.iiiMM.ni ii i i pii - -- m - - ''' mi". " r-," J "1 ,-.,--"-"" T 21J(, - . f t.r7 n ,., m. in, n ni." i" ' Sr.Trt. 'A il ?