Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, May 04, 1877, Image 2

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lillmdtc Mimntr.
issued KTinr rniDAT, bt
ruBUsnins and rnorniEiona.
8. A. CliAIIKE. . W. CItAIO.
Tcrinii of Subscription.
Ono copy, ono year (52 numbers) '?'.;?
Ono copy, six months (20 numbers) 1.25
Ono copy, throo months (18 number) "
inopsisof .lev. P. a. KnlchtM lecture nt tlio
Co j-i-oorutional Church, bibbntb evening, April
29, 1877. 1
8ALKM, FKIDAY, MAY ., 1877.1
Wheat on tho Up Grade.
During llio past month whoat Las boon
jrradually moiinlliiR upward and upward,
until In Llvorpool brondstiiils command al
most starvation prices. "It Is an HI wind
that blows nobody Rood," and, whllo war
bodos ovll to tho nations Involved, It will
mild up thoso nations that havo to furnish
ho supplies. Wo look on from n safe dis
tuner, and our whoat Holds aro waving over
acres tlmt novcr beforo know a furrow or
foil (ho germination oT n sood of grain.
I'oaco and plenty aro promised us, and as
our groat stnplu is tho whoat that must ltir-
iiloli tho nations with brond, wo vlow tho rlso
of broatlstulf. as a sure promlso of comlnu;
prospnrlty and n rollof from tho hard times
Hint now oppress us. War Is a great dls
turbor of commorclal equilibriums and ol
values, and so long as war lasts in I.uropo
vu may look for good times In Oregon.
JTlicro la u short supply of broauVtift's I"
tho world llio prosont ycat so that wo could
roi'onably tspect wheat lo command iikooiI
prlco irtluin was no oxcllemont from war to
nmko tho mnrkot moro spoculittlvc. Wo
HiDyexjTct to ncolvo at lenst n tlollnr a
busliol usrnrly In tho foason as wo can fur
nish ciirgons forshlpmout, and wo hayo also
In our liuor tlio fact thai California is sillier
Ingu I'hIIiiiu of crops this season, and will
liavo Ilttlo Mirjlus to sond abroad, so the
tinnufro dial Is now on tho wuy miiM look lo
Oregon for cargoo, nnd freights will corliiin.
ly rule low. Willi all tlioso things In our
f-txor, and tho prospect Hint tho early spring
will bring usanoiitiy harvest, wo can look
-towmxl to a great Improvement in gouoral
tluauccs within a fow months, and havo con.
Ildenco that tho prosporlty of Oregon will
cijual Unit of any ther country on tht globe.
Shall tho Farmora Build Boats?
III). 1'aiimi:ii: Tho abovn quostlon Is now
engaging tho attoutlou of every wlrtotiwako
furinnr that ships his whoat on tho Williitn
otto river, and It soouu tlmt tlio"Vunkoi)
way" Is tho best way of answorlng. Hhall
tho farmers pay for a Hoot of bouts nnnimlly
itud not own thumY
Tim Joint stock plan In which ovory fann
er bus limited Interest, seoms to bo tho inout
(itl'tint vo ii ml ponniiiiont. I it tills wy farm
urH will get tliolr freighting douo at cost, for
whatlsnwir al'ior paying o.xponso will re
turn In tho slmpo of dlvldonds. TIioshhio
ilan has boon In successful operation (or
yours In llio warohousos and grnnurlos that
tho farmers saw (It lo tako In tholr own
hands, uud they can Just as well tako their
grain to mnrkot togother us to atoro It to
gether, but some say that such a plan would
mako ono of tho must formidable monopolies
that could bo Invented. Vorv well; thou
show us tho opprossod! Thoy could say,
with tho hunio comlstouey, that tho termors
had inotuipoll.ed tho farmlug laud of tho
Wlllamottu.valloy. J
AUOlUur oujaouon ii in mo niuti. win
oveuUtully bo.bought up by a fow Indlvldu-
U and controlled by speculators. Tho same
objection was urgel usalnst n ropubllcati
form of govornniont, that a few of "noblo
Iilootl" would oro llong tako tho rolus and
inaulpulato tho ntlalra of govornmont; but It
Moonis that tho patriotism of tho masses still
holds the balanoo of power nnd tholr liber
ties. And tho graugu is a lltling placo to
touch honesty and fair dealing, mutual pro.
toctionuml friendship, In bli-liioss, n thing
tbatusuVblora and brokers know not of.
Tbo Wlllamotto J Ivor was rnir. ly placod
whoro It Is for tho b.neilt of tho country
whlnh It drains, and bolongs to tho farmer
by right of purchase, luberltanco, and birth
right, and will not bo sold far a mess of pot
tago la tho abapo ofainomoraudumof agroo
wont or otherwise, J. 0. 0.
MoMlnnvlllo, April IU.
Jersey Cow.
Mr. W. 0. Moyor, tho well known Importer
uud broo.lor of llio celebrated l'oroluiroii
MooU of horses, has also Imported several
Jersey cows, some of which ho Is now ready
to dlKeo of. When Kast ho was Imputed
by their peculiar (mallticuilons which mako
thorn tho most advantageous stock for thoso
who tUsIro a gmd supply of rich oroiim-iiro.
duulug milk ala very small mitlav of Kid
dor, I.llio the well known ".Curry," tho
Jersey ohwm aro of very small t, rt'(Ulro
very littlu food and yet glvo abuiulnuco
or milk, whilst when tit for market, their
lieof oommnuds the very highest prion on
mswuiitof liHdUcututUur and tho diii.U
vslooi tho Joints.
A Bravo Luri.
YoHterilay, on heating a dog Imrk, Hoswcll
Clark, son of Mr. P.ui.Clsrk, south of town
about t miles, wont to soo what was tho mat
ter and upon reaching the mhu, about
u hundred yards trout the house, found a
Jarne wildcat up a big troo. Tim creature
oyod him with all tho veiiKeauco that was hi
lilauatui-A, but a shot from his trusty rifle
oou made tho wild ctt the linive lsd's gmno
and Im has tho tropin- to show his own gi It
and tin excilleiiciof his aim.
Wo litvo a letter from Mr. O. M, Pi Ingle,
Prlneylllo, Oohooo valley, who Nioaks of n
llro that consumed his house mid bousi hold
th.'a K(,,,,, 'mg a Ion., iw wo Irani elsowhero,
I".i.f SAXl. UW Is su old resident of n.ilom
.?. ', l Manou ismiity, and his frlouds will rc
KUUlrrot lo bear or his los.
lor tl , . ,
uiulorl ","i ttl"' l nn ,wo hombroHth.it weio
must P I ul awaiting tho mooting of tho ilnuul
trntloiiury; got out or llnil'o SoUinlsy ovonlug by
tcr vl "'IK ' cvuple u window br.
Vast empires aro lo us facts of history. To
tho Babylonian rulors thoy woro now roah
zatlons. This king was a man of groat
pawor, and no doubt of strong original
mind. IIo was filled with lofty schemes
and plans that troubled and woarlod him,
that brought laborious days and'sleeploes
nlghls full of visions and dreams. Ono of
thoso dreams mado a vivid Impression. How
It came wbothor wnklnc or sloenlnir.
whothor through unbidden divine lntluonco
or by somo natural process I know not.
Hut, under tho prophet's interpretation, It
was mado to glvo a wondorlul forecast of tho
future. Ido notsuppos9 wo should apply
it so absolutely as wo havo usually donojjlo i
tho fpur emplro? that siiccdodt I take it tho host
to bo a very general and highly poetical rep
rosontfltlon of what Is to bo tho tendency of
human evonts. Tho hoad of gold is tho ab
solute form of monarchy, originating in tho
orient, and showing Ihoro Its brightest ox-
amplos, covering a period of slxtoen bun
drod years from tho tltno of Nlmrod. Thon
oaino (ho form of omplroostobllshod through
tho agoucy of tribal unions, liko tho Modo
Persian and Grecian, roprosontod by tho sil
ver anus and braKsn body. Next, tho iron
riito of a groat Kovornlng nation, republican
and Imperial Koine. In tho midst of thoso
began tho work of Christ's kingdom of
righteousness, roprosontod by tho stono cut
from tho mountain. This is tooutllvo all
ilut tho moro practical questions arlso
when wo consider tho action of Daniel. In
Ibisoxperloncows llnd him beginning to face
tho real dllllcultlos of his nciltlon which
iiro.slmiKir to thn.Mi mot by uvery Christian. i
tiio worm is mil or winmsicar rioopio wno,
liko tho llabylonlnn king, think tho great
wot h of an ndvocato ol rolltrloii is to ex
plain riddles and unravol mystor.'cs. Men,
who do not roall.o thot religion Is a work that
must go on wltliiiithflmselvoctSiippose (hero
is nothing lor thorn t do but " dream," and
Hint religious lenchors must intorpret and
unravel tholr ill-cottcoivod and ivstlllod
notions Uvery Christian that would tench,
nisi woiiiu leau otiior.) Hint would uo jwsi
Hvoiind earnest will meet tbeso things. So
oyory Christisn xlioukf noto how, Daniel met
t bein. 2Jo (silled tngethor his assr.Hntrs In
captivity and submitted tho niRtlor to God In
oarnost prayor. iningllngthauks-glvlng with
his prayers. IIo wut boforo the king with
bolduoMt, faith and humility, disclaiming
persons! credit for tho revolutions Cod on
ti 1)1 od him to nirtko. Completo trlumoh was
Hio icsult. Tho king was deeply Improved,
Danlolnad hlsfrinnds wore farthor advanced,
God win honored. And tho wliolo oxnorl-
ouco lllKstratputho valuo of doallng Tvixily
with ir.ou and ti listing fully In God.
The Shakspcareans.
From tbo Sa'.om D.dly Kocord, April 27.
Tho Salem Slmkospenmn Club Is a private
society, blessed whu pleanut memborsnlp
and girted with pootlc fervor, and does not
court the blazing rays of journalism, but wo
ftutl n 1ll..t.. I., .minll ItirhtlV (Ml ItS last
gathoring for tho prosont season, which took
place last evening at tho rosldenco or Mr.
and Mrs, Werner Dreymsn, on State streot,
whero tho ecoro of members, and another
scoro of fnvond guests, had a delightful re
union. Tho material or tho club is good mid
varied; shading from tho white hairs or Mr.
Jamos Walton, tho critic and professor of
elocution, to the bonnlo brown tresses or tho
young ladles who personato the heroinos ol
tho famous nl.l Imr.l. It includes mature
mon and matrons as woll as younger men
and bashlul maidens, and that It possesses
materials for social enjoyment as woll as for
lilstrionlo raphsoo'y WM proved last evening,
whore they made llie most of the bljlhe
hOUM that, nraf.iuul (tin mill lllt'hl. lOtCr-
sporslng readings and rondorlngs-ln which
tho host himself cava. In vory effectlvo
manner, tho perplexing quandary, "To bo,
Or not to bn.l'wlth mnaif.uildconVOISltlon,
and, to conclude, such dancing as Salom
does not ofton soe, wboro tho "grave and
rovorond sliftilnm.' nnd the matron mothors,
took tho floor to the stirring tonos of tho
piano and showed Hie youngstors that thoso
things were woll done In tho world botoro
thoy wero born, n rnattor Hut young nooplo
SOOm OCCHSlnniill v lii illRrnmpmbor."
And as the evening woro along and tho
hours bogan to crowd each other towards tho
morrow, there u as a tableau lol lowed by a
dialogue, wherein Mrs E. 61. Walte Hour
iahed a beautllul gold boailed walking stick
ovortho devotud whlin lmlrs of the st'orosald
James Walton. imfi.nr of Eloputlou and
Shaksporeau critic, nnd with molo-dramatiu
mpei nau jooks presented nun tiio cine.
Critical ns Mr. James Walton Is, for onco
criticism was foiled and modesty overpow
orod tho dictator or ihotorlc and made hltn
quito lnimblo lomsucd, though ho was to be
seen proudly twirling tho sold mountfd to-
Icon, as if Hcniintltur niu) tmnntuntlllK till-
suiiuuvii periods.
If it vou!d not bo Invading too uncere
moniously tho privacy nail prlvilew of
Sliakspparo'a frlonds anil our follow clti.ons,
wo could skotch tho actors and the auctleuce
and paydeservod tribute to somo whoo
talont would gmco n wider tdagu than tho
parlors or our Silom homes, HioukIi thoy
could not find n moro appreciative audience.
Tho obarm of those literary clubs is tho
lilliiL'llniot tbo social nnd Intellectual tho
cultivation of mind that attend' tho study of
, Horsemen
. AW
Jv ' "- ',,-J
Vt ttm'
; "I. t.n
Tho Imported Forcheron Stallions,
tnnu ino ensuintr ccason. commencing Ai'iur, :m. ami corjiininncio ino nun oi .julv. at llio stab oof
inch week. At llio stable of HiaN & DAVIDSON, fSnlcXXX, on FUIDAY, P.M., and SAT-
Duo at tho end of tbo season.
Will stsnd tho ensulu
Air. a. u. ;
M.. or ench
UIllfAY and MONDAY. A M.. nf rach weak,
I havo somo very Pino JEKSEY CATTLE for Bale.
or nt lcat a liAtf-blood. Families that lmvouwd
.1 TlOV Of mv HtatiU.
with a hlslorj of the Pcrchcroiiii, nnd why thoy aro preferred In other lnrjro how ct: some Hints on hreedlni
the ilcrrnmlro- Inrc liorfcs In Knrope mitt America, etc. They v, ill ho tent on application. "
xxr. o. 3PHTg-japt.
Every family that keeps a cow should havo a .TEKSEY,
them will tint tin ivlthnnl thptn. IT thnv Arn in ha h.1il.
j-.ariy in .ipru i Mill iffiic n circular Mini lino cnKrarinRc oi mv nurfup anu iiinic?.
tho greatest minds earth has oyer ptoducod,
makts ills homo
rollnos and onnoblns and
thing moro than n sonlless
mon jilaco duties.
Southern Planter & Farmer
' South, devoted to A'rlciiltnrc, rtock, Ilortliul
luronmt H oral rtlliilri.; riilmrliitlon $4peryer. In
conmctioti with thl paper. e have Vlryrlnlii
Ftiriii) tn cery porllon of tlio ritato for tale.
Bend ftamp fonlcfrrliitlxo lift.
ltljhmnnd, Vn.
Machine Slioj,
SALEM. .... onnaoN
B. P. DRAKE, Prop'r.
S Kcnpers, Pumps, and all kinds nod stylo? or Ma
:nloery mado to order. Machinery repaired nt a short
notice, l'attorn-raakliifr, dono tu all its arlon form,
and all hinds of Urss nnd Iron Castlnc furnished at
short nottco. Also, msnufiicturcr or nNTKHPItlBE
SUAI'EIIS. Msvlwtl
routine or com-
Plunging over Niagara.
About noon last Monday n man passed
thioupjt tho uppor galo of Prospect Park,
Niagara lallHpuud walked along tho bank to
a poingjtist below tbo "toibraco" that emp
ties Into tho rlvor, Ono of tlio ctildos, who
followed him to toll lilm vlioro ho could uot
too i.4st views, was iistonisiicd to soe mm
wadlitg out Into tho rsjtids. "Coino bnok,
you fool; you will goovor tho falls'." Tho
strsuxer paid no hood to tho warning, but
throwlnc blmsoir forward on his fnoa struck
out Tor tho brink or tho cataract. Justtwlow
where ho onlerod thorn was a smnll csscmlo.
over which ho whs carried. Whbii he-emerged
Ms hat oil. and a moniont lator liaob'nln-
ed t root-hold lu tho rapids, and stood walst
deop In tho roaming water. Tho guide was
by tills tlmo at Prosivoct point, whither ho
hud hastonrd, In hope or bolngablo-to reach
tho mail. The stramrer, standing iu tho ra
pids, innlanlly struck out again, swimming
lusiiiyuai luniioriroza tuo suoro, aim sue
vAnoiuuj imviuK uiuiwjii uovuuu roe aid oi
tho man on tho inku.Jfc.'j'VrVilTiTr.V, '
over tile lx itt-went down to dm ueatu.
Tnin suicide la as extraordinary as. (hat of
the Canadian chomlst. near Detroit, who two
days before had ondod his lire In M-fortott
mfiriurnoy ui n rvnuiivuuuu iuiuti m
lor 2VI0NIIC.
Kt. Faiimkii: I will kIvovou mvexnerl-
onoo with a pin. Last rail I took a pig, hair
blood Pnlamt-Uhlna, tlvo months and h ImU
old, nil tho stubble, ho wolgbod Just ou
liunureii pounds: i iou uim ouo moniu nn
Hubbaul nqiuthos; ho galued 58 jx)unda;
I then fed him ono month on Wlnesap apples,
and bo lost two pounds; I thon fed hliu onn
mouth on dry wheat, aud ho iraluod 3d
pounds; ho ato three and ono ball' bushels
of wheat; I thon killed him, and ho uottod
ono hundred aud sixty-two pounds; then I
mado ha con or him, aud it weighod. sides, 48
pounds; hams, J pounds: shoulders, 1H
pounds. W. W. Buooks.
Tho boautirul cano prosontod to Mr. Jamos
Walton by bis Sbakeaporoan frlonds last
Friday evening) nt tho rosldouco of Aldor
WSll W. nreyiuan't?, was obtalnod through
Mr. W.W. Martin, of this city, who nn.il It
uracil Jf!." 'A '0 's!ttn ml 'tlok'' gen
iwffl ! eihlblta tit. yM M.li;oxqlHlt.;
Our cutorprlslng follow uIti7ou, W. t
(Ulswold, llsi., him brought with lilm tho
plans uud spool llcnt Ions of a now (louring
mill which he proposes to build this sum
mer, noiir tho Agricultural Works, Tlio
mill will do custom and morolmnt work
onlv, ami will bo built with tho latest Kast-
eru Improvoments for doing good work with
Tho Wnrron (Ohio) Tribune says: Tho
simplicity ofraannors which mako Gov.
Hayos add family so popular with tho pooplo
Is woll Illustrated by an Incident that occurr
ed In lt."Tli Colonol ilayos was thon In camp
wltli his roKlnnout at CliBrleotown. Wost
Virginia. Whllo thero Mrs. Ilayts visited
hor hutihaud and mado u short sojourn In
JiuucaltarkoT, or Mesopotamia, Trumbull
county, was a good-uaturod, Jo!ly "boy" In
ono ol tho coxipanlos or Hayes' regimont.
Soon alter Mro. Ilayes' arrival and boforo It
was known to all tho boys, nu-kor was ox
pressing his rogrots to somo or bis comrades
that thero wan no ono to mend his bluuso aud
out pookols In It. Ouo or thorn replied:
"Why, Jim,. why don't yot tako It to tbo
woman who does the sowing for tbo regi
mont and get hor to fix it?" "I didn't know
tboro-was such a woman. Whore Is sho7"
asked Parker. "She's up In tho Colonel's
tent,.'" said fcls comrtde, "and U you tako
yonc blouse up thero she'll mend k for you.
That's, what sho'n ttwVd for. , -I
n.- i teqpr"Mif - --riji,
fox the Colonel's tent, blouse In baud . Col.
Hayes ptiltely returned his salute, invited
b!ui In, and Inquired wfaot ho wanted. IIo
Mplled that ho wanted his Ulouso monded
and pockets put tn It, nnd that bo understood
jthoro wasa woman IkMre to do sewing for
the regiment. Tho Colonel took In the situ
ation at onoo. With a merry twinkle In his
oyos ho called to Mrs. Ilayes and asked her
If she could fix the soldier's blouso. Sbo
promptly accoptod the job and told Parkor
to call for It In the aftomoon.
When Parkor returned to his comrades
thoy woro looking out for somo fun.
'Whoro's your blouso?" they asked. "Why,
I loft It with tho woman to be fixed" ssld
Parkor. And when, In answor to tholr fur
thor questioning, ho told them how tho Col
onol received him and how kindly tho wo
man undertook tho ob of fixing his blouse,
the boys could hardly toll whether tho Joko
was on Jim or on themselves; ami wheu la
tor In tho day, Parker appeared witli his
bloiuo neatly moudod aud two amnio pock-e.Hlnlt,howas,l2,jlJWA:.iiUcomiwn-
A Washington corresnondout of tho 7ra.
n'c relates tho following. An old man
from Maryland caiy.o Into Marshal Douglas'
oiiico yesterday, and stood looking ubout
him as ir In sjarch of soiiluboVy. "Do you
want to see tho Marshal?" askej a clerk,
" Yoc, " responded tlio man. " 1 Vmr look-
lit' for him onoo when ho was 1 fiigltlvo
slave, an' I've novor scon him since.-' Mar
shnl Dottglaiscamn in soon, uud the visitor's
curiosity wasgratltled.
Maine 1ms Ukon steps to enoouraco tho
inauur.icturo or bot sugar. The (iovornor
and Council havo been authorized to eon
tract with any responsible party, or compa
ny, to pay one cent por pound bounty on
lbosug.tr manufactured for ton yours; pro
vided not moro than 7,000 .shall bo paid In
anvons'yMr. lnotlior words, tho statu Is
willing to pay f "O.OOu In ton years, ou beet
Ku'tyoilO, attluio., feels tho necessity of
sjnio lOitorative or me vitni powors, do
prcsbod by muutal or bodily exhaustion, lu
such conditions, lot every ouo, Instead of Hy
ing to tho nh'oholls or medicinal stimuluuts,
which must bo tollowed by dourfeslon equal
to thblroxcltemout, roluvigorato bis derang
ed vysiom by tho uaturul tonlo oloments of
tbo Phkuvian Syhui1. Sold by all drug
gists. Unsolicited Tontluiouy.
rulrflold, Mo., April i, 1S0I.
Oontleinon Seeing numerous certificates
111 the .luific f'hrmrr, endorsing tho merits
or the Great I.ung ltemedy. Wistau's Dai.
smoi" WiuiUUKiuiY, 1 am induced and I
tako plccsuro In gMng publicity to tbo great
euro it accomplished in my family iu the
year ISod. During tho summer of that year
my sou. Heu r' A. Archor, now postmaster
In this nlaco, w attacked with spitting or
blood, cough, , oakmss or lungs, aud gene
ral doblllty, so nu ,cU 80,lht our fauilly phy
sloiau declared bin. t0 Jvo a "sjsttod con
sumption." Ho wv mi mod cat treat
moot for n niimtwr ol onths, but received
tio Lcuellt from It. At . ,enK". " Uh, s0:
ciUtiiou of hlinwlf and v 'j''.1' l wis Induced
to poichaso ouo bottle of . ,,r1Us1 1,'A,'SAy
oi' Wir.i Ciiinmy, which KT11?1 hl"i "
immli I nlit.iliit'd nnnllnr. wh. "" " hLOrt
. union i obtained uuottrr, wJu , r i .,,
Tho cnblrt a day or two slnco roporto.1 tho Hiiw rotorod him to bi usual 'uo , . "eauii.
doiiitat Kloiouce, Italy, of Prltico Antolno I cui Milely racoinutfu'l this rem ,"k , 1
rsin liUowudltloti, fur It Is, I th).
purptris to lo niK (inii.vr i.usu
ik, all it
limisp'irto, Tlio decoased was thn son of
I. union lionnp'irio, tmitlitr of Kaiiolcou 1., port
i.ml was born In 1M(1. IIo was briieiit tin ' l'uli 111K timks!
In 1'iuy, In itiRttuiuo to Amoiuvt.nud M'era Tho aboro statcmont. eontlomon. is "
un vNlf niturnrd to tho P.ipil Stito. from voluntary ottering to you lu favor of ow
w'luuu mumiy ituer mi wit ojeoii'U. li did uispovti. as ever, youi-s,
not rouirn uutll afttr the tcvulutlon of ISIS.
Premium Seed Potatoes.
Snoivllnkc, per biiNhel, 3-'t.00
Uiircka, ... :i.oo
Kxlra i::uly Vermont, - U.OO
IErosvticll'N Itcauty, - l.fto
Cotupton'N 8urprl.su, - - 1,50
Karly IVoncisiicli, - - B.OO
litltO ItONC, - - l.OO
tv:arly Ro.sc, Dlindclt. dnrncl
ami Kill? ol llio Earliest, .75
Tlils'lsmv prlco for them, sacked nnd put on tho
enrsnt Hnhhurd. All wirtusted to ho trno r name,
nnd to reach any point nloni; tho lino or tho O. A U.
Itallrom) lu good ohler Mtmiy In sums of ten del-
larsaud upward may lio rent liy express nt mr ex-
peilsa olhcrwlsiiiii ri'irlstiirvil hu'er. Address
rnun j. it. runucK, iiuliimiJ, or
Trotting and Draft Stallion,
tho IHtm of .T. U'. Ncsnillli, Dixit . Polk
county, nnd lit DUltlHN & CO.'tf 8lnM, In hiE
on I'riihis nod Snturdajs or each wtel;. after tho ioili
ol April
, TKIIMS For the Heeson. 2. nf ths end of tho
Season. WBL'MANCK. ?3.-., pajnole hen tho
.Milrolshiiowiilohowllh lout, or whut Iho owner
tas parted with her. All hills pajnhln In cold coin
Jlnrcs from n distance pastured and cared for ntll
per week, hut nc risks taken.
Description nuU I'odlmco.
oi.ii is in iiaiuis .i iiicncs i.i.
nu'rl.'JUU lo. was
wlns'ou, Jialtic,
Chopped into Food,
UTox Ouo-Wontli Toll.
Srli, Boors, Blinds,
TiiB-nlii. (all'vnlK, ItcilHtcads,
llnrvaiiN, Stands, TableN,
A'"' "tl UliulH ol Furniture,
At'TsSD-HOCK I'ltlCKS. hopnt Ajj-lcnllnral Wotks
builtl.nr, (iulciu. ol O. V. BKNNIN.
lltlrw Rit.v-
ics I.!k1i, ii lyoars old,nndvclchs
hred liv Vo.n Iint-nnl.u ilV.
Ills dam was Hotnan's 3Icsscnner!
rer. liv Inthrnn Mpmniih.. i... r
V.Vri,ni.Mi'Sr,.llK!iT,r...'iho "yyol'l's More, dam vt
....i.v.j .i.n.i .v.r.n, viuiuueu j.xju pounds, nnd
wa n Hue samplo of tho Jlessenircr stock.
11I.ACK HTIMXOKK was sired br tho Wvcr's
horse, n liay stall on welRhliiKl.s.W pounds, and cct
erotnn extra luo or ttottlnc colts. Cnpablo or
trottlntt h inseir In 9.M for n mho, and has tcpeatcd
ly mado his hair mllo in 1:10. IIo was sired byOcn.
Knox, out ols Messenger mnro, wclnhinir l.nto
pouii.fs ULOICBTIlAffaKKhsso vory powerful
set nf limbs, vorv stralvlit. ulih m.mi...i .....i i '
Joints low down, tho bono processes mid musclin
pcneci samples or His crand sire, Ocn, Knox.
by Stono Messenger,
fHIAKKS pleasuro In offering to tho Wool-Qrowcrs of
1. Ureron and tho a linlnlnir Territories tho cbanco
lo purchase TIIOltOCdltllHKI) ME1I1N0S, and as.
surlUK parties Interested that they can, and will en
deavor to. sell Sheep-of the ramo nnality and aluo st
MUCH ClIKAI'KIt ItATKS than such can possibly
bo Imported. KxamUiatloti uid comparison m 1th oth
er tihecp oaered In Die market aro cordially Invited.
fcAddnst JOHN M1NT0,
H.ilcm, Orecou.
N. II. Tho Kama nnd Ham Lambs of tho flock can
be seen on tbo ISLAND FAUM, adjoining 8alem.
Tho Uwescan 1m s:cn at tbo same placo, or at Iho
IIILh FAltM four nnd a hall miles south or the city.
Halem, Keutcm)er 10, 1875.
Tho Celebrate!
I'rora March 10th to Jn'v mth. Jlnw can bo taken
i. tt.n ! '"."V atablo of Jlran .t DsTldson, or sent to
rate ' JAMK i HWtB Salem,
Clydesdale Stallion,
Sired by Nethorby, dam by bay Wallace, will stand
lor Mares nt tho farm of tho proprietor,
3NTo.x 3VXo3VIri-axrlllo,
VAMiiit.Leounty. $;io to Insure, payablo whea
tho nuto Is known to bo In foa .
Half Brother to Caledonia Chief, the
fasJesl Trolling Stallion in Canada,
Sired by Howo's Itnval Oeorco. Dam by old Harks
way. tho celebrated Irish lllood llors. will stand for
'iurLi iii
East Portland,
At the Stables of JOHN SUAVKIt, from April 15th
to Jiily IsT, 1817.. lHOto IllMIML-nnaliU" -i
Harch fO, 1877.
Dealer tn
Crockery and Glassware,
Wooden and Willow Ware,
Tobacco and Cigars,
Kontncky-Bred Stallion.
The Fino Mambrino Trotting Stallion,
Awarded First Premium at tho
Oregon Stato Fajr, 1876.
dark brown. Ill bauds high, nnd wa sired by Kricson.
1st dam by llootlu; Sd by Gray Kacle; Id by Aratus.
Urlcson ) Clay's Mambrino t liter, out of tho trotting
maro Mrs. Caudle. Clay's Stambrlno Chief was cot
by Mambrino l'a) mister, who was by Matuhrlto, ont
or a mira by I'aymsstir. Mambrino was a ton of
Imp. Mcsicuirer: ho was tlio lro of Abdallah, and the
crand siro of lljullck's llambk-'onlnn, as well
Mambrino Chief: tho dam of the latter was a brown
mare, a celebrated roadster aud famous breeder, sired
by a gray horse, n sou of Imp. Mestencer, who stood
lu Duchess eo., N. Y. Kricson has n record of 2. SOX.
3d heat, ot four years old, and Is tho sire or Eric, with
a record of 8:83 V, at four .rears old, and Dobl, with a
record of S.4JS, at tuo yinrt old, and 3 SO, at six yrs.
old. W. Combs, with rocotd. S;W)S, at three year
old; nnd tlio sire of msuy other food oius.
TKItMS-The Bf.ou, US.
WILLHTAXh l.'.SM.Xjr. at Djirbln's Stable,
XliuiUny, Filcny, and Sutulduy.
AVAWAXY, MonanyniurrUursanr.
apl0x3 rroprlitor.
The llandsomo Young Half-bred
Clydesdale Stallions'
w HI stand at Oorxxolia 33rtxa
Cornelius. Wahluutoii couiily, tho etsulivt siroi..
fn.m April 1st to July 1st. Thuy culned tws flrsiue
inlumat tho Urecon htate Fair Inst hi), fr thjbe.
thrco-car.old draft coit and Iho best firm team
TKIlMS 20 lo limine, pajnblo wh tb
maro Is known to bo lu loal. Marcs dlspondH oe
forv lodln, to bo paid for a In f'.al. . ..La
wUajil WM. ClIALMUB.
8a'.cm, April SO, 1S75.
C. 7. DIICK,
IIullmrtl, IMnvloii. Co.,
UltEEDElt Or
Shorthorn & Devon Cattle,
IlIit. IJrnmuli ClilttlcoiiH.
Youug Stook for Salo.
P!b at tho faim. $3, ant shipped for $d Llcht
ltramahcht-Vuie:$t so each, shlpyid, (r $1 for thro.
t'UKsIl UliOS earetully pJick d and thlpevd, il.50
per dozen. I hv trifd sewr-l of tl non.lns,
and fltid lha l.Vhl llraiuan iqual to them f "Vtt,
ami nrKtterlV.r lh table. (1 W. UWU'K
Oa' Grow Stock Firm, iltrh 8, IS'.",
Jk. 3L -V 33. 13.
'J ho Half-Bred Clydesdal
v- a
at Ore on Siato I'alr, itn. and iiroport n' "-"
i ii MtAinici, i.orueiin, oy worncuos. dh'iu1
as bciM fni, by special reiiutkt, to ttaudi
1 .. ll n ii t'lirr ti i'.n f...um..
J. It. ilKIU.MlMil ', uuriJi
Whero ho will Hind tho rlrst three das Iifch week,
uiui iiui iai iii'it: ui too uru. oi I
j. sirpixui'iKLi), iiowcii nine.
TF!!MSr"0 - -. tt--,-L narab e
ism. or .Ttiinuvir luaren urjioiwi in i
. I.1w....
1st ol Jau
lu foal
OKR ? C7,y a WecWtrt Airts. I Outfit
, ?.
"iU Jj,