. 4' S o WILLAMETTE FARMER. u: I i- ti k ffilfowjcit ustnw tvrnv miiiiay, by CLiAKKE & CX-A.1, vvaumBM and rnonitnTons. S. A. riiAltKR. I. ". CKAIfJ. Term or Siihncrlptlon. One cop)-, duo yesr 5il nnm'icrs). . . . tfSS.fi 0 Ono copy, fir morths (40 numbers) 1.2S (Jtin coiiy, ll'.rcn months (13 numbers) 75 SAIJiM,' FKI I) AY, JM7V Ftoff 23riB77 President Hayes. Men .or nil cinsos who ilcslro good jrovoriimoiitinoro (linn merely pnrtisnn success, rejoice (lint (lio now ('resident lias In (ho outset of hlsndniinistrnUon cut loose from machine politicians nnd the (irlll-st'rjrosuits of party, nnd called lo his enhinot men who generally com mand the respect of Hie country; ono is an avowed Independent, and ono wns a Democratic .Senator in Congress from Tennessee. Tills action of (lie Presi dent Hcem.s lo ho made In accordance with his repented declarations In favor of reform of (lie Civil Service and con- (.'Illnllon of (he opposing interests ex isting at tho South. If his intention is truly to work reform in (ho Civil Ser vice, as seems apparent, it will require grenl fortitude and llrmnoss of charac ter on his part to carry (he same oti( in opposition to those Senators and lead era who havo nlwuy.s denmnded con trol of I'edoral patronage, to use tho wime for their pergonal advancement, and whose Mipporlof party seems con ditional, often, on this pergonal distrl liutlon of tiie " spoils." In tho intorest of good government, It Is to lie hoped I hat (his "rtpolls" h.vhIoiii has found an !iid, and that (lie rewinds of olllco are not horentter to ho hestowed sus pay ment for desplcahlo and dlsliouorablu hurvlce, as has been too often the caso. If President Hayes shall indeed mic eecd in working this much-needod re form, lie will deserve praise for his manhood ns well as for his honesty. Another hrave attempt on ids part scorns to he to restore peace and pros perity to tho South, nnd prevent tho war of races that lately seemed so Im minent. Without going Into an exam ination of facta to prove where tho wrong-doing lay, it Is safe to conclude that (hero has been much wrong-doing In the South, and very unscrupulous oll'orts to retain power, on the part of. both tho contesting parties. Thin re sult continued, tu it must surely bo mi- Xa. .alfLtl yat X ltil.iHUlljHMl. administration, would produce untold mNory In that unhappy Miction of our country, and perpetuato- anarchy nnd misrule until It would poison the wholo national government. Indeed, it has poisoned tho whole government nnd nation, nut! tho only salvation seems to be the houo-ily, good Judgment, nnd llrmne.Vi of the President. Let us hope that a new em of peace mid prosperity is indeed dawning upon tho United Stnle-H; that (he President will meet surces In his effort to secure Hofonn; Mini that tho color line may speedily disappear from the South, nnd the gen oroti.i people who sinned so bravely oven If greatly in attempting seces sion, and have so grievously sulfered therefor, then nnd since, may become reconciled in spirit, one with us again in tho slncerest unity, and reall.o once iiioio the wonderful proporlly they possessed before the civil war. We tan eiuluro n tt'irlllc war with tho old and evil spirit of partisan pro--crlptlnu and Intolerance; wo can com placently seo tho politicians rage against principles of Reform, if wo can see tluMo principles triumph in tho end, and the American people once mure truly united, happy, and prosper- Oil. The flivuiiiitniU'Cs of the late elec tion are Mich as lo caiiho grave doubts in (he inliuN of many honest men If Hayes wa-. properly elected to tho high dlllce he now till. This fact makes it proper, and even necessary, that ho aliould h I rive to compensate for the disappointment of the popular majori ty, that certainly voted against him, by n cuiiM'tvatlve and national policy that shall s'UNfy u!l p.ullu.t and all sections of Ids Integrity of purpoip. Iteform " was the watchword uf the late canvas, nnd if It meant nn. thing more than to catch vuto. and win Mkroa, it should require tho President to carry out tho policy ho has commenced in the fullest and mo-it amicable manner, positively, few differences icy between the partlus and tho sec tions. Parties have little antagonism, except for the possession of spoils, ami there is no sulUcient reason why Pres ident ami Congress cannot work to gether to iimko tho people prosperous. TIlO Wll.KAMKTTi: K.VltMKll lilts 110 partisan olltlcs, nnd no ono connected with it takes an active part In political proceedings. Wo stand as ready to ac cord praise, where deserved, (o ono party as another, anil whenever wo feel the people at largo havo especial Interest we do not hesitate to speak. Wo side witli neither dnss o'f politi cians in condemning (lie otlter, but wo renllzo that the ngo lins become demor alized nnd Hint partisans nre alike dls Jionest nnd unscrupulous, the measure of evil being too often only the posses sion of power to execute it. Tho cor ruption of tills government has be como a sin Hint cries unto henven. The Immoral practices of politicians have tainted tho -whole nation, and if any power will arise, or lias arisen, to stem tiio (ido and bring a better state of things, we may well feel glad for our country. President Hayes Is now in his seat, nnd the struggle has but com menced. Wo nre told that ho request ed tho churches of the nation to pray thnt lie might iinvo heavenly guidance, without which ho could not hope to succeed, nnd with which lie could not fall. If lie maintains that snirlt of meekness nnd flrmuess. wo may hope thnt the nation lias at last found a President, nnd thnt the political canker Is not to eat out tho very heart of Liberty. There are, as to ikiI- Magazines for March, ticrtliiicr'a Magazine for March has a firoat varloty or HluHtratloiia of much Intorost nnd valuo In connection with tho pnpgra thoy ao eouipay aud Illustrate. In "Tho Now York Aquarium," you noo many plcturos of quocr llshos mid loam a, groat deal about marine llfo. l'liio vIowh uro furtitotiod of I'rincoton Collogo and portrnltn or lis dlitlngulshod inon, Thoro aro nil norti of houso furnish ing plcturos in connection with thnt subject, tlon'l McOloIlau wrltos uuout "a winter on tho Nllo," mid It Is woll illustrated with on KwlugM lolatlng lo Oriental llfo. A lwpulnr soionco iroallno tolls of tho wonderful "pllohor pluutH " mul-showH wliut thoy nro llko. Other llluntrallous relate to Gllbort Stuart, tho great painter, and mirlal Hlorlca nro coutliiuod. Ueuide theoo thoro In tho usual varloty of tulo?, poetry, editorial chit chat, nnd coleutlllo utid hUtorlual mlacol- lauy noowHary to iu.iko tho monthly at at tructlyoas UHiinl. St. Xicholun charms tho chlldron projior and oven lutoronts "ohlldron of n larger growth." Thoro Ih much valuablo liiforma Hon contained hi nomo of thoso HluutrntlouM and tho- akotahos thoy accompany. It in about iw oasy lo descrlbo tho plcturoa of u Kaloldotcopo, forovor cliauglng, as to irivo a monthly account or tho varlouH thlngH .Sf. Xicholas furnlHlies. AH wo know is what our folk Bay of It and they nay It Improves with ago. Tho February number has wonderful vurloty nnd run. A Uormau " Folk-Mtoryj" "Tho Hoyoti Akos" oomloally "On tho loo," with winter hcenory: "Making nmplo Hiigur" (as wo used to reu It, though on h lorgor Hole); Kalry talos and ptxitry, nud coutliiuod stories, nro among tho reslduo of tho good things thut dobght tho youthful roudom of S7. Nicholas, Jfarpcr.1 Manihl; Ih tho grant original 11 lufilmtod mogizlno of tho United States and Mooms to havo no dllllculty In malnululng IU well earned ropututlon. Tho Ublo of con touts for March Is very outortiilultig. Tho illUNtratluus nro profuBo and very c.xwllcnt. Tho le.idlug paper rolatos to "Conlompornry Art In Kraneo." Thou oonio-i "Tho l'rtusb hu Wends and tholr Home," with llluslrn t!ons, unit nuothnr lllustated sUolch of tho "DNtrlbutlou or Animals" Is both Intorost lag nud iuktruetivo. "A Kumuior crulso umoiig tho Atlantic Islands" gnvo graphic vIowh both from ion and poucll and maps of thoAwroi nud Madolra Island, no ram oiii for gropo growing and wluo making. Thu usual coutlnuod stoiloi, taliw, poetry, editorial matUir, etc., kivjp up tho intorost of tho mouth to tho usiul sUuuhd, A " Youufj and Inexporiencod " Correcpon dont. The following is from a young lady, whoso eloquent niul lengthy essay on Ttiiipawwe was not published In the c'ak.mi:k, and tho manuscript returned cposlugo paitl by usj with thu asaurauce that, while wo appreciated tho ellbrt, we were obliged to divlluo many .simi lar articles for the very good reason that the Wu.i.amktti; Kaiimuu could devoto only a limited ..paco to that sub ject and do Jtisllco to other duties: 1..ni: C'chntv, March Kl, 1877. l!ni roil Paiuukii: Yours of tho otU iust. at hand tulontN notrd. I am very Noting, nud O how It uhlllotl my ho.rl wheu l'. hinted t- tuo thnt tlu publlo jiiuiimU of to day, iuftomt of being publlo isliu'iiiom, a thoy should be, weroowued by ulihky rhuts, i-ullio.id mouopoluM, political trSukstnrH, u. Now, Sir, 1 only havo this to nay: 1 am ury you ilou't ow n tho Kaiimuu. 1 suppoml you dare pk cm on hIIkuIi-Jtx-to of lntrnt to tuo cu'iuiiunlty. Hut, al.is for our beloved couutiy t when tin Intel liont ulltor nuiKt tUl his p.qor with cures 1. r ti. ki on lion-ox, uiuln va-i aiui,umo'o h er aiMy twaddle! Siu! 1 (viiblder tho ennte of I. O, (l.T. In tliuulyabi)vo(riitf'riA,.. es,Hlr! a.unueh nbuv It as hoavon la nbovo the regions ol tho Uwtl I havo this further to bay: nsynu havo elascd your iwjior g.lnt mo, by the grai of God assisting mo, you bhall hear from mo In some of your exchanges, and Hrhap otherwise for 1 Intend to u:ep.Aro myself o battle against tho foul demon, Huml 1M you know tho boys nnd gtrls or to-day will iiiako tho men and women of our beloved country In a few yerT I am youug nud In oxporloiuvd, but whatever lntluems) 1 pos. seas I will exert it against tho clrcuhtiou of tho Kaumku. I am now gathering up facts in regard to the villainy of tho V. of II. , and If tho press of Oregon U not outlrely muuled, I hope to got It ttoforo tho lKoplo. A uuiu of mloiu Tho phltloguotuUt. Letter From Ochoco. Mr. John Pcabody, whoio lottor has bcon somo tbno on hand, wrlloa ni fjllows : Ed. Faumkii: Stock ralsors oro In good cheor on account of tho oasy wlntor; grain, Hour, boof, hay, and ovorylhlng that can bo used for grub or food, boars n good price. Mou aro aolng in ovory dlroctlon hunting quarlzor Hllvorsoap, great inountalnB of tho lattor bolnc lntolv found In a belt of country 10 by 10 milon in ostont, nnd tho king oT gold and sllvor, himself, can only toll how much will yot bo found. Thoro don't appoar to bo much troublo to rind rich qnarlsi on top of tho ground, but thoro h no big thing In plecor mines, as yet. Our correspondent glvos tomo Incidents of lo;inl nnd illegal proceedings that wo omlt,aud then adds: Br. Iloamer, of Portland, wont through horo latoly with teams loadod with machin ory and bound for Damp Creek sonp holos or sliver wolls. J. V. Vuudtrpool A Co. havo brought on somo diamond drills nnd will soon commence running n ho!o through Smith's rook to seo what thoy can nud there. As most of tho oxcltomeut is In this coun try at prosoutnbout tho mines nud silver wolls I will gl vo somo facts as to tho rlchuosu of theso mines, First tho Oohoco inluos nro worked hi tho. Spring and early Summer,, then tho wator dries up, thoso mluos aro placer gold mines, during tho ttmo thoy nro workod thoy pay very woll. Quartz lodes nro being found nil over tho country and somo of them show tho precious motal con siderably. This country has uovor been prospected. What Is found so far hns been happoutd upou. Thoro aro somo fow pros pectors horo huutinir out tho various kinds of rock. Thoro is not moro than ouo man out ot 20 but what has a plnco of rock to show to you nnd If you haven't ono to nhow in roturu ho will not tnlk with you but n nlurt tlmo, You meot a man on tho road, tho first word is how do you do and how is tho mluos, nnd tho common reply Is, Dully! Tho noxt Is tho eilvor wolls or soip holos, I expect somo of yourroadors would llko to kuow how tho sllvor wells look, Thoy aro sltuntod nbout 05 mllo from 1'rlnovlllo Inn uouthonstorly dlroctlou uoar n small crook through tho Fahmkh tholr wolghl and ages, cntlod Camp Creek, thoy aro built upas I am feeding a llttor of ton, keeping ncoount tliough thoy wore uiadoby hand. I sup of tho feed and oxpoct to show thorn attho Po they will nvprago 4 liot high, l'Jorlt wv iiuu uaig itiiu lal ntiuiru biiojr iuuuiutu BIG HOQS. Salhm, Mnrch 12th , 1977. Kn. FAiiMr.n! I will now attempt to answer Mr. Noyer's onqulry ns to tho bl,i gestbreod of hogs, nnd his ouqulry about Poland China, as ho statei ho and his neigh bors aro wanting n largo hog, and ho says he thinks nny ono having tho Poland China would do woll to ndverllso them In tho Faii mi:r, Allow mo hero to ntnto, I had an ordor for a pig from a Mr. Noyor, poslolllce, Kow Era; I shipped the pig thoro nud havo not alnco heard from- it, and ns Mr. Noyer says they havo tried tho Borshiro, but they aro loo small, I havo thought it mljjkt of boon my pig thoy thought too small; honco I now glvo again my opinion, bollevlng It mny bo of profit lo them. Big food is tho big hog, and for tho information of nil concornod I will stato what took first premiums last fall atourStato Fair. Tho largost hog on tho ground and which took tho swoopatakea promlum for nil breeds, was n Borkshiro, nud to my knowledgo tho promlum Poland China wns specially fattened and flttod to boat tho Borkshiro and fell behind. Tho largost nnd first premium sow was nlso Berkshire and tho largost pig upon rocord In America, and probably In tho world, Is n Borkshiro. Its weight is givou In tho May numbor of tho American Stock Journal, and statomouts fully authenticated that It wns Qvo months and twonty-thrco days old, nnd Itswolght 323 pounds. This Is pioven n puro Berkshire I now glvo thowoltchtof my Borkshiro vs. common stock. I fattened about fifty bond without nny particular ro. I fod thorn a llttlo during tho summer, nud after taking the filubblos I put them up In Xovotubcr, about tho middle, and killed them tho 0th day of Janunry. Thoy wero pigged last days In March, and first of April j wero red brau and shorts lu a solf feedor, and went to the crook ror water. Tho Bork Hbiros nottod 100 pounds and tho common 07H pounds, same ago ami fed togothor. Mr. Ueorgo Smith, near Tumor, klllod n pig of uiy stock tho day it wns olght montliH old, 1170 pounds. Inm Informod Mr. Cllugmnu, noar Pooria, klllod somo Barkshlros last fall, not woight four uundrod pounds, of stock ho got from tuo, and I hope ho will glvo uo CENTAUR LINIMENTS, Ouo Kind tortlic If ninnii Family. The other for Hones and Animals. Stato Fair. Thoy will then bo olovou months old and I oxpoct thorn to avorage Unco hun dred pounds. Thoro is n good promlum for hogs for noxt fair, and I liopo all classes will bo fully roprosontod, so wo mayjudgoby actual faota and not at random and lu tho dark, I had a brood ton years ago named "Cross's Iuiprovod," that gavo general satis- taction, and I roily believed thorn tho bost hog I over saw. My only fault to thorn wan thoy woro tooirgo; nnd the oows would got loo fat and fall to rnlno pigs, They have alnco been erorfnod with Chester VhUoH,nnd tho fall of'75 ono nt two years old welghod MA) DOUIlilH! mittl.imiu.nonlfill 7(l Itflrt iiniituln. .- .J. .. sa MW rfT .. . -K " ' - unavauuiuiur uio huw wero nnniiiliir-timf noar, puro Berkshire, nud I will show tho pigs at tho noxtStato Fuir, ond 1 shall mako an otlbrt to carry tho sweepstakes premium. The blood of my old stock waun start from Hudson lUy stock, crossed ujion IrUh Oruzlor, Suil'old and llyllolu, nud then bred to my imKrlod Borkshiro Y, ti, ladd, which caiiio from Now York nrouud tho Horn, nud wan purchased upon board shin by W.S.LndJ, of Portland, and I paid Mr. Iadd f!2J for hliu, lio was famous asn breeder: without doubt tho bent over In Or ogou. 1 had him nbout eight years; ho wns familiarly kuowu ns "Old Bill," especially In Iilnu county. AHEUICAK llKIU' IN K.NCUNI), 1 herewith euolo.oyou h copy of tho Daily Jmlejteiulent, published lu Shotnold, Kng land, sent by my uophows, who aro largo dealers lu meats lu that city; nud tlioy wrlto mo they aro now going Into tho trade of American liocf, and 1 dotre to call thoatton tlou of yout many readora to especially notice tho dill'orouoo nt that place, between American baf and Texas beef. Now llilu AmorIc.ro beet Is utuloubtedly tbo be-.'f of Shorthorn Uursftlu8 lv1 Mimao Block (huruba) aro uo better than Texas. 1 lonru by a lotter fiom h. G. Heed, (hat ho has told to Mr. Harper, of British Columbia, ton bulls. Now, Mr. Harpor has got his 050 upon tho olut, nud I hop:) tluno oatilu of Mr. Hecd'u w ill bo proelatud, as tho valuo ot tl om to cross uKn tho hertls cast of the mounUlus, In future, vtlll count mllllous. Hueh bulla In Illluols aro worth from ono to leu thoimud dollaia, aud havo 1-odu i.d yauclug to my cortalu knowkdgo forty years siradlly, cud thoy havo tried nud proven thorn , and it us nu tclunl fact that a well-bred Shorthorn steer In t Ji'c.io mar kol.wlil anil dtH" bring i)f:y ii' Ujtn moro than a erub steer. This u lullv puven in my pruMuuc:) when las! thcio. Now beef nd.solt east ot thu m uittaii k, f-.yy W.isoo cjuuty, will koon ba sold lu UiveriMioJ, mid 1 am woll nwnre that M-ruU V.miIo will In uo lustiuico iell or bo lakou from ttiera to Kug laud , I am of opinion that H, 11. Itc&il will tinvo urdora In advwuco tor his anlmtls, nud at largely advanced llgun, aud the tradu in them, llko water, la iKiuud to find its level wiih thu pitoea 111 Illinois. Buion vn.i.Ti.i.!,,:nil 1 am not afraid to state till', my opinion, Iraukly aud freely; when sueh men us Mr. H.irporsoo tho jvolnt, I hero will havo to bo largo lmputatlons- to supply tho demaud; they are not in Oregon. TllOS. CltOhrt. The People want Proof. Thoro U no madleluo preerlbd by pbyl daily, or sold by OruKgUU, that carries such evidence of Its ucwas nud t.u parlor virtue as lUucatK's QiniMAN Svnee for severe Coughs, Colds settled ou tho breast, Con sumptiou, or any diabase of the Throat and Luugs. A proof of that fact is that any per son alll toted, can set a Sample Bottle tor 10 centa aud try ha superior etfect before buy lug therfgular alxaat 75oonta. It haa latoly boon Introduced in tkU country from Ger many, and IU wonderful cure are attonUh (nft every one that uaea IU Three doaea will relieve any cse. Try it. Sold by n hugo teacup turuod up3idn down then tho mush, crasa irrowlnir all ovor tho out sldo except tho top.whleh is very soft, nnd n polo van uo insortou 10 a uopiu ori root wun ono U1IIIU, Pooplo nro crossing tho Cascades ou horso back to and fro without dlflloulty. Tho mercury ranges from "OtoCO In tho shade nbovo zero. John Pkahoiit. Mr. Poabodyti lottorn woro Interesting but writtou with such palo ink that It was almost Impossible to docyphor thorn, though othorwlso woll wrltton. Thoy havo thoro foro lain on one table until wo could Hud tbno to copy tkeiu. Anothor fact wa'i that UlftJXLkor Is n strancor lo tin and ns ho In- uountod hw u'onuluoness nnd or coumo liavo omtttoa tuo personal allusions thbuzu thoy all nppoored good nuturod. Wo llko humor well enough but llko to understand Jt and know tbero is uo ill nnturo behind It. The Good and Truo. Pure an tho lily, puro and whtto, Tho good aud tho truo doth unfold; Not a sjiot uor 11 stain Can his whtto broast ordain, For ho'a littlng for tho right. Thon give him tho crown Of the bright nud truo Moro bright than a king doth wear For ho Is tho ono to wear tho crowu; Thou why do wo still forbear ? Ho U working far might; Ho ls'worklug for right 5 lio la working for tho crown 5 For tho oro wu of puro gold: Is his henrt to enfold, and no paiu can outor there Dkixa D. MARRIED; Manih l."tk, at tho reh!onco of tho brides imronlM, Howoll Prairie, Marlon Co., Kldor Browerotllclatlug, Mr. Vfui. CUIuairod Miss .'uij 14, .inner. - NOTICE. Tlivstockkolddn, lutho Mount Jell'orsou Pass Wagon Ho.id, ore retpiotod (by tho in corporator) to nifotnt HaodS t)pon IIouo, lu baiom, at 0110 o'clock p. m , yiturday. March 31st, 1S77. Sr.ui It. Uammi u, Si:c Y, ntKHIUMS FORISIEW SUBSCRIBERS. tjullon Uiimbsrof p?rous havo nvnlled iliomol ves of cur ell', r to allow 11 yo.us sub rrlptlou loauy one who will send us three now nimss, of suturrit'en who will pay tho'r subicrlptlons In advance or within tho year, so wo repeat tho proposition for tho beuellt of our render. Any person procuring throa now snbscrlb omwIio will juy In advauco or will pay wlthtu tho yoar, can havo their own copy freo for tho present year. It la or course advisable to send tho money wlih tho name whore- practicable, but where it 1 desired wo can w tit until noxt Fall. Any ouo not a subicrlbor can havo tho Faiimiui ono yoar on tho sauio terms. Theme ot our IrlomU who aro lu arrears can havo n year's erodtton aoeouut for ovory three suhscrlbsrs procured fur the Fahmku. All will of coutao umlorsuud that wo can not credit tlioui until tho subacrlptlons thoy seuut aro paiu up. As wo cannot afford to pay traveling agents, wo nuko this liberal proposal to Buy and all persons, whether they aro subscrib er of tho PAKMiutor not. Times bolng a llttlo hard, just keep this matter in mind and save somolhlug for your selves as woll as holp us, Bo all uieuibera of your Grange or Lodge, and all your responsible neighbors take the FaiuikrT If not, why uotT If they will take it, you can make a commission by sending In their names. Thcso Liniments 1110 tlniply the womlcr of tin world. Their efloctt nro llttlo lose than inirvclloiif. The White Miilmeiit la fortlio buinnn fami ly. It will drive llheiimatlm, Sclntlen and Ncuralgh from tho sretcci; euros Lumbago, C&lllh'alnj , Lock. Jiw, I'flly, Itch niul most Cutatico'n Kniptlonjj It extracts frot from frozi'n hands or feet, nnd tho poi son of bites and sllnss of venomous ruptllcs; It sub dues swellings, nnd alleviates pain of every kind. When sprains or bruises occur, it Ik tho most potent remedy ever discovered to heal tho Injured part?. Tho Centaur Liniment is used with jjreat cfllcacy for Som Throat, Toottincc, Culled Ilrranti, Ear. nchc, nnd Weak Back. Tho following litiit a sam. jilo of numerous testimonials: "Iniiiaka llovL.JKFr. Co., Ind.. Mav 2?, isa. ''I think It my duty to Inform you that 'I havo ml", furred much with swollen feet and chor.-K A row bottles of Centaur Liniment has douo th work for mo. 1 havo not bcon freo from thoso swalllncs in eight years. Now I nm perfectly well, The Llnl mint oui'ht to bo aprllcd warm. 11BN.TAMIN I1UOWN." Tho proof Is In tho trial. It I reliable, It l bandy, It l cheap, nnd c cry. hmlly should havo the White CcntnurLliilmcnt. Tlio Yellow Centaur I.liilmciit 1 nihpt. id to thu tough muscle, corda nnd flesh of hones , utftailmals. It has performed moro oBdrftilcurer, lit lliicc j cars, of Spavin, Strain, Wind-galls, Scratch es, Sweeny, nnd general Lameness, than nil other remedies In existence, llcnd what tho great liiprcts men say of It: "New Yoiik, January, 1671. Every owner of hordes should glvo tho Cavrava Linimksto trial. Woconsldtrlt tho best nKlclocy erusod lu our stables. "11. MAIM!. Sitpt Adams Ex. Stables, N. T. 'K. l'UI.TZ, Supt.U. S. Bx. Htablcs. N. Y. "ALIIK11T8. OLIN, Snpt. Nat. Kx. Stables, N. V." Tho best patrons ofMils Llnlmmtnro l'rtri.rs nnd Vctrlnary Surircons, who nro continually uilng some Liniment. It heals Calls, Wounds nnd roll-evil, removes Swellings, nud Is worth millions of dollars annually to Formers, Llvcr-iucn, Stcck-urowcrs, 8heepralecr, nnd thojo having hones or cattle. What a Farrier cannot do for $'30 tho Centanr Lin iment will do nt a trltfng cost. Thcso Liniments aro sold by nil dealers th.-un;hout tho country. They nro warranted by tho proprietors, nud a bottlo will bo given to nny Farrier or l'byslclan who dvslro lo test them. Laboratory of J. 13. Jtoai: & Co., It) IJicy St.. Nkw Yoiik. Honey. L'llclicr'M Oaalorln Is a comjto substltuto ror Castor Oil, and Is us pleasant to iafco as Honey. It Is particularly adapted to Tcctlilur; atd Irritable children. Udtitniys worms, asslallatcs tho food, regulates tho Stomach, and cures Vd Colic. Few remedies aro is cfilcaclous for Forsrlshuess, Croup. St.. I IW. t L ..-. than CnstorOll mid neither gags or grloes. Prcpair" cdbyMotrs..T. 11. IIojk .t Co., Wiley Street, New York, from thorcclpoef SaniMl l'ltchcr, 31.1).. or Dirnitablo, Mass, ATTENTION heep Growers ti ifcTsfoiitAm Scab, A SUIIE CUKK FOIt Scrow Worm. Foot Rot, Paraaitos AND that VLL infest Shoop. t is sapkh. nr.TTart and vastly ciieap. THAN ANY OTIIKH EFFECTIJAL IIRMEDY TOH TUB TltF.ATME.NT OF SriEEl IT improves the Health OF TIIE ANIMAL, AND. Till! QUALITY OP THE WOOL. h,?S,JB!lonUc.no02lir'lr ono kimdre.1 to two condition ,,CC?'liB ,0,llclr aK' ruth,acd poVcanl"1 ni ,n VE-QALLON CANS-Price. $13 Send for circular, to T. A. DAVIS &. Co.. rOim.VND, ORTGON, Wfiolcmilo Acent lor tho Mule, Or to your nearest Hetall Diaei-Ut. rmfl TS liereb" 1. Cw"l Notice. 'lt tViun. f Mnrtnn r.inniv m.1.1.1 nt , in wli. iwt ii& PJWt'.M We" l'ii'le auction, ar tho ,?,,,. td?'";w'"'ln Jtnrlon County, Ore .llil?ITr.y.U?.l0Sf!lu.s "J ,Utf ' of David Weston. iMf..i ,,Us.iW8?,."n,n-ftt a IalM 2r tre rliiul- jiminriJl?m,"fWbrI,,sei ""mlcff thenco S 1 Ate. iT?i!2,r?,S,clutJ".,0?tak,lut1icreek.l.lchstko v.. ,' ff'mer of llioUnd formerly owne-l by Itobert rni;!i.i,-ul ? ?" sua chain. IkUio S Y SiSffi ,neuc-f '1 d'. mln. E8.fu chains, lo tho J.,iJAC8?n belnninr; ujrt'alnlujr four tcre. moro or ls. AH siluatod In Marlon Ooimiy. Oregon. iv,i. .1. . . Maiiy J. Witio.v, fco.JL ,,wt AdmluUtratrix of said ertatc. ZiUonns bxxlzs, " Saccejor to J. M. Kiiub A C C LMorly ., . - NKW YOKK, ConimlKCiiou A-jpoui FOR DDYrNQ AND FORWAKDINQ FROM rw. i?w Yo,r.Tl I"mns, Pmclfle RsJIrosd. and 57?lEot iLklD? 9f Merebandise, and for the s!o or Products 1 rroa the pacluc coast, tor the collection of raocej, , octstf r-- iMWA)