Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 09, 1877, Image 1

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    S II 111 IS i llu In Jl lrSjSIS
vwy&RH M $J i -2 wr?"(to fiCrs? &i1fA ,MJy A v "E'- fe Pro Ms toSEJk
$2.50 por Year.
fe .LEM, OREGON, MATtOH 9, 1877.
Volume IX. Numbor 4.
Hayes aud Wheeler declared Elected.
Washington, March, 1. Tho volo of
t.otith Carolina xxms counted for Hayos and
Wheelor, according thu report ot tho com
mission, tho count thou proceeded until Vor
motil xxus reached, xvhon nbj.ction xvns made
10 tho volo ofSoll.tce, but, on sepm.tlng, llin
objection xvbh sustained by tho llono foul
regulated by tbii Senate, rii.I on rens-em-hlinglbu
x-nto xvns coun'nd for llnx"s uinl
Wheeler, Virginia unit Vct VJrjsliiin wore
then counted forTUdeiitmd Hendricks, uinl
Wisronalu tho lttt Statu In onicr xva
leached. Ohpetloti xvamntdo to tin- voto ot
ono olecllor, nud iho two Mollies g-In sep
arated. In tho Unii'iu thoobjtetlon xxa sus
tained, hut In tho Hcnnio It was votnd down
without debate. Tho Senate xvas no'tul of
tho notion ot iho House, mid ut 1 o'clock on
tlio morning of Maioh -1, niter u continuous
Hlttlm; of eighteen hour, tho hall was pie
pared tor final notion of tho Keualo, ami a
soon us that body entered at 1:0.1 n. m.. und
nil tho members wore Mated, tbo notion of
tho rospeitivo houses on thoxx iseoi'sluq iop
lion xvns read, s ml thotenvo'os ofWini-ou-Mil
xvoro "mimmcd lor Haxeinnd Whi't-l-r.
Tho propicillin nillcor Mild th's concludes tho
noma of tho :te Stairs of tho Union. Tun
tollers v. ill now aoorluIn and dob vor tho ro
null of tho voi os to tho presiding olllcpr.
Senator Alll'oii.ol tho toller, bavli'gdellx'
orud tho statement, iho presiding oluVer ex
pressed aliopothnt ou tho unnounooment
nothing would mar tho dignity ot tho pro
feedings ho ropiitablo to tho American poo
plo and so worthy of tho rospoot of tho xorld.
lie tlion said iho wholf number of electors
appointed to voto for 1'rcHldont and Vic.
rruhldunt of tho Unltod Hnvui .".nil, of whloli a
majority h lb5. Tho fi-un oi iho voto for
I'niKldontas ilfllvi'n-d by tollira and a.' do
turuilncd under iho no' of Conn of J.mo
nry 20th. on thla .suljoci N, for Ituthorfonl M
UajTH, IS.' votro, ami for Samuel J. Tlldi n
1S1 votoi. Tho frtato of tho vino tor Vb-o
I'lvMilont of Iho Unite il HlnteHa dollvor' I
by toilers, us dolermliiod undor thu somo a -of
ConnreiN Ih, for V, A. WliHiIer, IhA vgton,
sudTliomaaA. llondrlchf, Is I votes, 'flier,
foro I do nnuouueo that llulhurford 1
lJayeH ofthoHtatuofOhlo, liaxlmt rocvliol
n mnjorltvortho wholo uuiubor otjilopto- I
voto",ldiily olootod I'rosldontoftho Uul'cl
KtuteH for lour yitn. cominonult'ii lli day
') March, 1H7: that Willlnui A. WhooU"-, .,1
tuo Statu of Now York, having reo'd'o'n
inajorltynr ino wnoio nutnoor oi uivpioiu
votoi iHiuily oleoiiul it" rfiif-im t -i
Unltod iliaton for four yei, oommoniilnj: on
tho lib. dav of March, 1877. Tblt annouure-
mout, togoinor wuu a iihi oi mo voicm, viii
bo uniured on tho lournalH of Ixiih lioustm.
Tho count of the votes bolin: oomplotod
nnd tho ruMilt dotermined, tho Joint, uicotliu:
of tho two botifcH Ih dUaolved. Tho Sonuto
will now rotlro to m chambor.
ThoSonato retired.
Tho Uouao iiumediately.nt 1:10 a. m. nd
Jouruod,aml tho Hap, whloh lina novor boon
down hIuco It wiih hoisted over tho hnlla of
both bonnes r.u tho tlrst, of February last as n
ulcual of their bfthiK In mohsIoii, wasloVerad.
Tho Senate, uimn return, adlourued.
Wasiiinton, March a. Tlio lnatic;uratlon
proccHiion on Monday will bo very largo
'.Two llpht batteries Ircm Fortress Monreo
will nrrlyo fa'umlay ovonliiR. Tho marines
nud hallow at tho navy yard aud possibly
tho naval cadets from Annapolis will tu!o
part in tho procession, with ull tho mllllary
in tho Dls.tr let, as well as tho mllllia nri;au
Italians of this el'y, Tho Ilartinnfi nud
Cresent Clubs or l'iilladelphla will Im in
line; also tho Turn Vereina of this elt,
Two regiments from Pennsylvania uro ex
jH?oted. Tho torch-light )toccxflnn promls.-s
to bo a tnnsnltlcont aif4ir. Thuro will be
over 10,000 men In lino. Decorating Pond
sylvanla uyenuo began this uiornliig. A
pyramid will bo eroered ot eaob cmssinj,,
hlxtien In all; besides them will bo numer
ous arrluw, banuers and bunt Jn.
ThelnauRural proeelen will boeouipoiod
oflour divisions, omt will movoat lOo'clook
n. m. in tho tallowing order: Chlof Marahal
Brovot Major (Joneral William D. Whipple,
U. S. A. mid aides to chief marshal. First
division Capt. P.unsey'a light battery, f.uir
guns and four calwons and iwolvo cmniKin
.esofaitllltry, acting ns infantry, all under
eommaml of llrovet Major Ooueral W, II,
l-'roncb; fcpcond division U. S. marine corps,
eight companies under command of Lieu
tenant Colonel Haywood; third division
Colonel HobertJ, Fleming, commanding,
aud aides, Washington Light lulautry coris
tltato foncibles and Woccoco Ltgiou of Phil
adelphia, Wuhinglcu Light Gnnrd.-,
Waihlugton artillery, lUbt battlilon
district militia (colored) and time
o'Jin panics of Columbus, Ohio, cHi.ets.
yellowing thebo will count tho President and
Vlcu President olect, comndblonera of tho
District and other dl6tluguUhtHl personi. A
citizen's inountwl guard, orcaniod us es
cort to tho Presltlent-elect, will follow. The
fourth division will conaUt of various clvlo
Tho President nnd Mrs. Grant gave a state
dinner this evenlug in honor of the Presi
dent elect and Mrs Hayes. The following
were presont: Presidentelect and Mrs.
Hayes, tho Secretary of SUto and Mrs. Fish,
Mr. Secretary Morrill (Secretary Morrill was
too ill to attend), tho Secretary of War and
ft! Us Cameron, Ihe Secretary of tho Navy
aud Mrs. Hobefcon, tho Secretary ot the In-
terlorand Mrs. Chandler, rostmasteruenerai
And Mrs.Talt, Hon. V. A. Wheeler, tho Vlco
Proddeut-elect, Senator aud Mrs. bhornunf
tsonatorandMrs. Boutwell, Senator Sharon,
Senator Booth, Mr and Mrs. Creaswoll, Chief
.Justice and Mrs. Waite, CSenercl nmt Mrs.
,Mitoholl,Oolanil Mrs. Oaant, Mr. and Mra
tuuiti u,d, uiuui) u. uuu ' i.v-
ber C. Haj e, kon of tho Preldet ,:ct,
WiMUN(iT0N, Mutch 3 ThiC ocutlvo
Miuialou la besieged to-day by ivj SuuenRu
throng, Tho PreMiluir pavon i:i J recep
tion and hnud-lil;ln;i was liuf 1 for a
longtime. Tli l'ri'juutiixprear.oniiiuy
bis delight titilio iipprcneij ol the tl'uo when
ho should lOlliKjulsh publio olllcoaud Its at
tuudaut euros. Curs uro nrilvltig crowded
with Irr.velerM, llotr! itciomtiiodHtioim re
bnt'i'tnlng dllllculi l" scouri. Kluaa aro lly
Ingaud liccoraitoi.ii lin the pitucipil aven
ues. I'l o caUu' a I irmly hss pin. on bo'iUiny
attlro. 'Iho t'oaiuilnm .mleis 1 1 Columbm
U'no, nrrivud tins nmrnln?. Proslilnl
(JrAiii, nulwuipiir.lo.l by Scer.'tnncs Fish
and UobukOii and noerourj, U. M. ilr.int,
Jr., ami C. C. smiUii, wei.'lo Pro-blent 'h
Mom in tho Sotuiit wing, lie Mint for j-v-cral
Siimiors nnd ItcpierMitaUvct) wlib
whom hi. convrroo.lou pnh.lr matters. He
acaln urircil hln vitw m f.nor ofuddllloual
legi)auon to l'n-,1 up. ilio roiiinptiou .f
nrreto piyuieiit", ami ex:;oKe.i tlio hope
tb'it ovt.u hi iho U:w Lours .'eft of tho uehaiou
ftomothli!; mUht I e cdW'ttvl.
Tho Prthldeiil had a iOtiratlon with lieu,
(jordoii ou Soulli Crtflhia filln'r. Ooicou
np eatM to him to tke the numo ocilon In
renaru ro&cutti t nrc.ioa i-k Ii L'ltd In Uiulnl
ana. Tho PieMli.ent tuld lot bad not yet
i mile up his inhel niucerulng South Car-ill-no,
thai (mambrrhiln hail not gheu hlui
mo oil trouble ami t e hoped the courts w (j)d
be able in fob lo i tin mai.or without lnlerfer
uncj. He Kitd also thai perhaps it would bo
bht for him tofi-e Uov. I luxes and acertaln
his viowii tlj.iut the propilny tf withdraw
li i no tioops, Ho wild, lurihor, it was pos
ilile that on relit ctten be might lo-moriow
cijueludo to l-Miiotho orders nxked for lu
South Carolina, bti lnicmiM not May for cer
tain. Ho oxjircsx'd an cpiiibm thai hiiob
auOnn In both S-a'os vs wn right xx'oulil
mot tho approval of tlio country. To Dun
cormtB xx Uh xvliniu be iMinv.TK'il, tho Presl.
deiitinllmaied It xxus bis wish 10 baiiUh all
tioilnns of political umajonhin or re.-nnt-mont.
Tho wsiin p'itoiiHl in.inuer ol iho
President made ix jirotouml Impretisioii on
W.xmnuton, March .". Tho lileoioral
Coi.imi.v.loit met ibH mornlni; pursuant lo
adjournment, Coinuil-sioiicrCllllord. Miller,
vrontr, Field, Pradley, Morton, Frfllinghuy
vuu Kunutt), l'ayno and Abbott present,
Afior Using iho nmntintol comiionsatlon
to be paid to olllcers uml other employee and
extending until March Illbttboilmo hornto
foro allowed for tiling opinions by tho
members, adjourned.
Th Louisiana lotornlng board hiw boon
(llQiinrgeil from cmuody,
Clut'Ano. Moi-oli 3. Six Inches of snow
Besros, March a, Wool been In good do
main! amlpileei have ruled In favor of buy
ers. Fine wools nro a shade easier. Sales
of Ohio Hint Poniisvlx'auia PJ 100 poundi)
uiodium nnd X at -IKij, l.1u: XX -l.")!?; XXX
und pick lock -Ibfe.'iO. Michigan active: salo'i
of X comprWui; 1 1S.000 nounds at asc. New
combing ami inodlum Ohio JITOjIiO, Combing
and delaine nnchaiigt.d. Pliiludtlphla buy
eiH have i niton all that is otforltig at current
nnces. l'ullod salts S2.000 ixjuuda and X
at lO&IDo. Some cholco California belllnc as
Ci)c. California In lair donmml, sales 37,800
pounds npliiK ai(iii20; fall 10Tj.U7.
Commoiits of tho liugllsh Press.
Loxdon, March 3. fho Timca prulso tho
Democtailu leaders tor their moduration, aud
thinks tlitlr conduct will eecuro Iho eiulro
Rynipithy of tho law-Mbldliig American poo
p.e, who nro xvoll able to apprtclato modcra
lion ami rcpvcl tor tho coiihtltutlon.
Tho Mwttltiitl hAVfti Tho undlsniitod tuc-
cession ot tho Presidnioy whloli has been so
cunal is xvoithy ot all siicrillcta of paiiy In-
icroitor puui:o mity.
Th J)nttu .Vtien cousidern the hticcess of
tho nllbusturlngstiulon of Deuiocrnis would
invoiMoeu a uupuuiioaii leaotion ruinous
to tholutuio iruHpectsof tho Democrats. It
thinks ttioaoiilh will bo better oil lu anuio
rospeutaibnti It would haxo been under Til
deu, as Sombarnorttxvillunwumslly control
thole own local uII'iIih xvlthoui. haxliiK tho
samo temptation to abuse sixxer as they
woiiiu nave nun in tno case or a complete
Demucrntlu Huccoi,
The JUll Mull Gazette fays Prosldent
IIayt.s must lely lor viudlu.ulon of his iollil-
col eharactor, not on iho blunders of his
enemies, but ou his own acts.
Iho hcuuoiiint thlnku tho nroceodlncs of
thu electoral tribunal aud the way in which
its decl.iloiiH have been sustained by Ameri
can public opinion, looked at broadly, are
xery siguuieani oi me tendencies oi Domical
fuelmus lu the Unitti. rfiuitn, Tho Iin.t
thing noticeable ir tho tteady Uislne.ss-Jlko
American moderation hv which tho .trr.time-
meiii liKiwteuthe txxo onncslm; parties is at
ouch made, each desirous to Maud by tho ar-rangomi-ut,
whtiheru xvorkswellor HI for
tl.e pany concerned. '1 he teir control xxhlch
liUUiiiKH with good grace tnarhursiion after
It baa been made ami uccepttd, la the first io
qulmtoof all political stability.
About Flax Seed.
Those who propose to cultivate Has must
not coufouud tlax raised for beed with that
rahed for tihor, Tho Pioneer Oil Co., Mate
iu their advertisement that they will funlsh
seed free to all who xvish to sow it on con
tract with that company, and und an article
on tlax raised lor titter states that seed will
cost three dollars a bushel. This last refers
to ihe Dutch tlax seed sown when tho Inten
tion is to produce fller.
Tho stockholder, In tho Mount Jotforson
Ptss Wagon Jtoad , ore rcrjuostod (hi' the In
corporators) lo meet at Heed's Opera Hou"o,
iu saiem, at one o'clock p. m., Saturday,
March 3lt, lb77, Sirm, H, UAMiiKn,
Wasuinoton, Match ft. At 10 o'clock to
day President Iltiycn, jccompante.l by his
son nod Senator .Shernmn, left tho residence
of tho Senator for tho F.xccndve Mansion,
xxhnin l:o xx'hm met ami conl-'ally preited by
exPiesldetU Grant, who wni Inwaltingto
escort tho noxv Preridrnt to tjo C'lnltol.
Th.'Mi was mImi pre-ent tlio Vice PrcLident
olot and tlio CiioHiiNsiituiT of the M-ir'ct ol
Columbia. Tito party ai'joiiruid to ih bluo
pntlcrand pasmsl -nim llmo In cni.vt na
tion. In the inrantlmo tli itinivl lii.iugurat
pitoant that hud gathered ;t WashlnKtoii
circle in tho xves: i nd ol the oily, eboutix
mile di-'ntil ircm iho Whbo ii-mte, Hailed
xvlth toclr llyitiv b'loners nnd bands of
niuslc. Lieut. Pel. C.runl, 'n Pill uniform,
and Col. Amos Wt bn r or the militia or the
l);nrlct, t.piclnl .life lo piisli''einti.l iaml
priiuiie, ropoucd at Iho hx'cutlvo Mansion
that tho prntwhlou xvii anpros.'blng. Tho
cnrrlacool ix-Piisddetil Otiiut, Inwiitchfoui
borxeu wetu t'nrniMit, wen tlauding at tbo
door, nmi wlr'iont delay tho 1'r.t.lileiit, e.-
corted bv tho Ix-PitliniitiiNd"iinait)rMoi'
i III, of tt.iMsimii'itti (i i nuaiiwiiientv, took
H'atn ihotp'ii, and tuoxliu: to odd of t!ie gate
way h leading to ll o ejiccutlxo mansion,
ixwaltid iho appiosiili of ix mllUni y ei'orl. A
chrer ifieeied Ilium im tbey loft tho inantiloii.
A.'iorn Xery few inomeubi the ptocrsqinu,
t)en . Whlilo cined mitrslml, nioTiil by tho
ezcetitlvo mansion, coining In tlio. following
order: Adjuiams Utmnil uml aides to tho
grand iimr-hal.
l-'ltbt division llrnvrt Major f.'eii. W. II,
Kreueh rommamlliig the band of ilio '-d U.
H. iirHlli'ij'i batii.lUm ol U. S. nrillkry, Hist,
second and third regiments.
Second dlvlsou Ilvt. Lt. Col. Cljns, Ilox'
xvood, I'oinmundlns baud and batlnllou of U,
S. marines.
llilul divMon-Col. Hobf. J. iFleming
I'ominaudliitc baud uml nhliliiij,n light
liilhntry corpv; baud and S.ato Iutinclbles;
bind nnd WwO'Xcoo loitlon; W'vhltiplon
Light tJuard", Wixhliigioii nrtlUlry, ilrNt
bni'allmi DMrlet of Columbia, nud colored
ColumbuN Cndils.
Ileio tho dlMliii'iilshrd pntty swallmg
wubln tho L'u'o oi the oxeeutlxo tw'uuds
pasted out niniii tho )laudits of th inultl-
inuoanu iook inc.ir piacts in uio procession
no halt holm: made. ',
Follitwlmt tim carrl'igoa of tho Plealdont
ami ice rrKsliieut-elect. xvitn o iikoiih ou
loot ou either sldo or carrluccs, cLniotbo
civii nartoi tuo nrocohviou. m i 'kanivi
sloiis. Thu department or the District of
Columbia closed tho procossion, hlehxvaii
fully fifty minutes pssMng the Kxecutlvu
Mansion. Tho pageant xvas In ovnry respect
wortuy iiioniimiraiioii wutcn nsAiircuiy uro
colved to a wry full extrnt? Tho xvealher,
raw auu ciouuv xvnen mo niocot.hicn binned.
f became quite cheer fill as tho tliy advanced,
ami w neu uio capitoi xvns roiiuiioii ny tuo
procession tho sun was elilnlnc brluhtlv
llin iirtlllnrv reL-liiu.nly imr.iilmirnii InfHtitrv.
ns xvnll in light artillery, aud tliondmlroblo
inarcuuig oi too marine itaitaiion were uio
subject of profuse comment, The Columbus
Cadets had an oration. Uov. llaitranlt, of
ronnsyivanin. muichlng at the hind or tho
IlartRinlt Club, xvasgrteitd with very grent
Ti0 Pronldont's oarilago. of coimo txcKtl
lucly commlcuous lu tho linn, tbouuli very
dlstnnl from tho front, xvas the first objeat of
attraction, ami its occupants were iiailpd
xvlth comitiuouH cluters. Tho colored com
panies xveroahslRued iijirotnliicntplMco, Tlio
right of tho lino wns hold by governmont
tjoops. Tho Columbus Cadets had tho next
honor. Tho Treasury building was allvo
with spectatorn, every xvliidOA-bolng lllled,
nud lureo-leiirths of tho spectators xvoro
ladles. General Hhonnan and other proml
lieulormy olllcers say that considering the
vnrysnori mm) mr preparation, iho pareilo
xx as most creditable,
A lexv minutes nflor 11 iho Scnalo railleries
weto lllled to tholr utmost capacity, Mrs,
I layes , wile of tho President, occti tilt d a seat
in iho prlvato giltcry next to tho dlplomatio
gallory , her littlo son ucatcd ou her left, nnd
Mrs. Senator Shornian ou her right. Miss
Fannlo Hayos ntul Mrs. Stanley MnUhoxvs
occupied so.Un boyond Mrs. Sherman, to
gether xvtth Mhtr parsonal friend of Mrs.
Hayes fiom Onlo. Tho dlplomatlo gallory
xvas occupied by Lady Thornton and tho
other ladles of tho diplomatic eorns. Tho ro
malning galleries also presented a brilliant
npiKarHiieo, tlio greater liumberof occupauts
xvoro lad ifs. Tlio lloor ot tlio Senate, except
lug tho seals reserved for tho l'rotldeutlal
party, Supreme Court and dlpl'imatlo corps,
were crowded xvlth Senators and Senators
elect, niombers of tho lloun of Represents
live and other dihtlnguU.hcd porsoungos ou
tilled to Its privileges. Among the latter
xveruOen. .Sherman htul Malur Gens. Han
cock aud Terry in full uniform and attemlMl
bv tho mouthers ol tblr rexpictivo ntnll'4.
About a quarter botoro 111 the lorelun minis
ters ami couietarlcs and attaches of legations
entered tho Sciiito chsmuur, headed by Sir
Kdwnrd 'Ihorntou, Dinn of the dlplomatlo
oorpi, and took their seats lu iho two front
rows of Senators' clialrn.
Vlco Prosldont Whoelor, on bis appearance
xvas greeted xvlth applause. Proceeding Im
mediately to tho ohalr on the right of tho
presiding oflicer heatoncn began his address
lo tho Senate and xvas warmly applauded at
Us elovo. Tho oath ol olllco xxas then ad
ministered him by Preii!ont;r&fcM. Ferry,
and his llrst olllclal act xvas to dlnot tho ser
geant at-arins to proctssl with tlio pro
urammoof tho luauitural ceremonies. Tho
proce-slon was accordingly tormed and pro
ceeded to the central portion of the east Iront
ofthepapltol in the Inllowing order: Mar
shal of tho Supremo Court, Supremo Court
ot the United Slates, sorgeant-at aims of tho
senate, cainiiiittoo or urraugemonis, J 'resi
dent of tho United Slates, Vice President and
ex-presldentand secretary of the Senate,
members of (he Senate, dlplomatlo corps,
heads of departments, ex-mum btrs of the
Houo of Representatives, mtitnbers elect of
tho 15th Congress, goi'ornors of Slates and
other persons udmiited to Iho lloor of the
Senate chamber and to reserved seats t the
loft ol the dlplomatlo gallery. Mrs. Hayes
and her pirty had previously leit Iho gallery
and taken sealn on thu platform erected lor
tho occasion, xvhlch xves built out from tlio
first liiudiuircfir-it slept ol tho central por
tico, aud pioiusMy draprd n usual xvlth
UiitioiiHl !la;:s. Tlio President beci'ii hi" in
augural addnrsat UMI. Imim'itiately after
the proc ms.Hhi lciclied tho platlorm, bis
appearance at tho front of the platlorm xmim
gtoetcd with slum's iifnpiilaus Horn thepeo
)'o. At tho conclusion of the address the
on'.i rtfi Mice xvas admlul-teied to tho Presi
dent by rhhf Jnxtlco Wnlto, both standing
xxbh uncox-oiod head-iou tho pbitlorin.
t :vTlio Itmu';urul Address will bo found
ou thootti p.tgo
W.xmunmvn, Mnreh 5. Pnmiplly at
tvioii Prisldimt llaxes and ox President
Grant, accompanied by Senators Morrill and
end Howe, ol tho committee of nirangonent
tmored the '-iounto chamber by the main
entrance nrd xvoro shown to soaih provided
ior (iiein in inntot tuo ctesi. oi tno prestiimg
Mlllcer, 'IhoSpuulo xxus then call to order.
As they proceeded down tlio aislo to tho
Mats ro'crii'd for them, the Seualots and ull
oiuer occupants ot tin. tioor, lose ami re
mained standing until they IiihI taken their
sesis, und tho galleries applauded liy o'ap-
limit oi nanus nun xvuving ot uauuKorcuieis,
Immediately lolloxvlm: them cxmoiho ui'-ni-
iiein of Pii'sldent Granl's cabinet, Webb
U,.,... I".... I.V...I I!.,..,. .....1 1. II... ., i.n... 1.
ol the signal corps, anil ono Of Ilio aides of
tuegrami unusual ol tho day. eour pouco-
men urougni up in tuo tear, t oi. uriini ami
Lt. Dunweody wnio In lull uniform. Tho
Presidential pnrty having taken their sea's
in tho spreo in'lront ot the desk of tho Presi
dent, the, Hiumlo xxas cnlhd to onler by Sec
retary Uorhnm, uml Chaplain Suudntland
elloreil jiruyer.
I'lili.t Clerk McDonald read tx proclamation
convening tbo Senate In extra sealed,
Hamlin submitted tho billowing:
Jicaolvul, That tbo oath of olllco bo admin
istered by Senator Timothy O. Hoxvo, lo
Thos. V. I'orry, Situator elect Ironi tlio
Statoof Mlclduan, und that ho bo aud here
by Is ehoon Pio!idoiit of tho Senate jno (cm;
agreed (o.
Tho oath of olllco wish thou administered
to Terry, and upon taltlmr tho Chair ho said:
Senators, accept my sincere nekpoxvlodgo-.
inents nir tins renewal or your courtesy ami
conlldeiicu. J xvill at onuo enter upon tho
duties or tho Chair. Ho thon ill reeled (ho
secretary to call tho roll of tho Senators
newly elected, nnd request thorn lo pre
sent thouuulx'es In lours to be sworn lu. Tho
newly elected Senators xvoro then called, nud
they were escorted lo tlio desk of tlio presid
ing olllcer by tholr colbngues, when tlio oath
auu administered lo ilium In tho following
order: Henry II. Anthony, Jamea 11. Heck,
lames G lllalne, George F. Hoar, David
DavI", Henry G. Davis, Samuel J. Kirk
xvood, John lt. McPhersou, Preslou I).
Plumb, Kilwnrd II. Kulllmt, P.llas Sauls
bury, II. M. Teller, Win, M Wlndoui, Klcli.
ard A. Coke, A. H. Garland, J. G. Harris,
llanj II. Hill, John W. Johnston and Matt
W. Ransom. When tho name Win. Pitt
Ixolleitc. or Louisiana, was culled, thoro bo-
log no Senator from that State, lngnlls es
corted him to Iho desk of tho picMdfng
Tho Prtsldont pro Ion hero announced
that then) wore to stls of credotials Ironi
frouth Carolina aud theio was hut ono va
Gordon objected lo tho oath helm: admin
istered lo any one uIhIiiiIuk a seat liom that
Slate, nud Iho eroJoiilials ot Corhln and Hut-
ler xvas laid oxer until in morrow.
Li'Uayeto Grovor, Snuator elrot from
Oregon, did not respond lu thu call of his
Senators not objeeted to, having been
sworn In, Ferry nsked If tho Vict President
elect of tho United Slates xvns ready to take
tun oath of olllco. Af.er a tew minutes
Whteler entered the Chamber leaning ou
tbo arm ofMcLVemy of committo ofarrango
inoutH, aud xvns (ecorted lo tlio desk of tho
presldtiigolllctir, xvheii Mr. Ferry said:
' I havu great pleasure lu presenting the
Vieo President of iho United Stutcr. Win. A.
VK'K I'r.SlPll.M'S ADl)i:SH.
HaiKtoiii: Ollluial station over brings xvlth
It (MfM'spondmg duty and lespuunlbilUy.
Son ice lu analogous parjlaiueutary spheres
has taut lit mo how delicate and at limes dlf
llciiltnud comjilex are the duties whloli tho
eaib I am about lo t.iko will luqioso on mo,
As President ot the Senate, it is my sincere
purpose to Hit myself entirely above ele
ments o! iiaitlsanship; loaiiiululsterlts rules
lu ineirti no spirit, with courteous lliuiuos,
and by all meant lu my power, to llcilbato
and expedite its delitieiatleiin, In doing
tills I shall noeil youraid, your genrtsms lor
bjiranee, anduttlims vour Innluiii Judg
ment, ujou all of which I conlldeiitly rely
x hen you shall bo sHtlslicd ot the rectitude
of my Intentions. 1 trust that tho relation
about lo bo cntabllshod between us may bo
pleasant uml productive of good to tlio best
interests of our national commonwealth.
Mr. President, I am uov roady to (alio tho
oath of olllco.
Mr. Whteler then delivered an address,
and at Us conclusion Mr. Ferry retired from
tho ohalr, saying: "With nnM pleisuro,
Mr, Vlco Prcsldout, 1 surrender tiio chaii lo
Tho Vlco President thin announced that
tho Senalo would procetd lo too eeninr porti
co of the cipitol to witness tho Inaugurauon
or the President, and tho procession xvas
lormed bv Iho deputy seigoant at arm,
Christie, and kit the chamber.
At 1:!13 P. M. thoSoiiatorroturnod,and tho
Vice Prcbldent resumed tho chlr.
Hamlin submitted a resolution that a com
mittee ofthroo Senators ho appointed by tho
Vlco Pifsldent to wall 11)1011 tho President
or tbo United States and infotm him that 11
quorum or M10 sinito will bo pleased to ro
uolveanycominuniiMtlon ho inaj' bo pleased
o make; eretd to, and Hamlin, Morton aud
UiuHom XM.ro up.ilut(d sucli comiulttco.
Morton moved that when the Somite ad
lourued to-dny, It bo to inuet Weilnosday ut
1:1 M.
HhiiiMu opposed the motion 11 ml wild tbo
committee should wilt upon the 'resident
Ho would no doubt reply Mint bo vus roftdy
to coinmuuic.ito xvlth tlio Semite tmmedato
ly. Tlu relore tim Senate should bo in tw
slon 10 iicelxo snob commuulciulon.
jlMcrton wltndroxv UN motion and Iho Son
mo, at 1:35 adjourned until mum tomorrow.
Europeim Grain Itlatket.
Lonmios, Muieb !. Tlio .1nr: Lane Kc
pro's sajs iho xxmter oxn xv heal and other
cereals continue to i.".H.nt 11 ficllliy and sat
isfactory tipnesrance.cM'cft lu Liiicolushlto
nud a foiv dlsirti'tH wlieuce reports nro some
xviiat indlll'eieui, iho pMnt In somo nieces
having been entiiely rotted by lung suumof
siou, Little elniege is noticoil in Uio condi
tion ol i'higlNb xvl.eat or quantity marketed,
tbobulkof tho ciiei'ings bolng sltll damp
and iiilertor In qi.a.ity. 'Iho damp weather
iM not cotitli'.iieit Ions enough lo ludui'otho
farmers to tbiesh mere frpoly. Dry samplos
maiiitiuutd lix-t xviek's pilriwlu Loudon uml
ivtiutty mnrki.ti), but the wdo of Inferior par
cels lias been .1.111 nil, values having linen
Irregular, lliey wire scaicely quoted. Thu
luiK)rtsof foreign wheal Inui Loudon lnoo
been vciy light, emountliig lo I cm than 17.
1100 qunnors, tho grc.uer portion of whloli
xvnsnoiu Uvriuiitiy, Amorlc.i btlng lepro
seuted by about ."ti.OuO quarieis. Tho dimi
nution 01' the supily of red spilug xvhent
from Atm.rici sitll bean out iho leading
char.ic'.crlstli's of tin) musou uanioly, that tim
adx'iuieo which has lal.-en place In ryes hero
has tailed to Induce tin mcrtuscd exportation
of rod wheal from Allautln porls. Thu cotttso
oftrudo has boon quiet butMcady, Although
speculation hni been xx anting, consumption
continues, and prices havo been maintained
for all descripuuiis ot wheat. This stead 1
nesi is notuworthy. r.a xvo had net any politi
cal unciiMnes'i, ami should tho continental
demand begin, our matkels might ntnldly
present a burdening Icndniioy, especlully as
iho CallUiiuhx supply xvill attain ;its maxi
mum In tho course oi'tho inoitntinouth uml
titiorwardii decile Jrt-volnrso.,"ivimi.li-tlio
iiUsoiieu or onti'Itirntal demand. California
arrival) or" tho present mouth ought to bo
easily absorbed, and as (ho loin), piosptoilvo
supplies bcsln m diminish nud tnakuinroadi
upon tho stock It xvill become moro marktd,
aud xvo uhnll urgeutly need Incroascd ship
mints fiom AmerliM and HiuhIh, particular
ly nu fcliiiitueuts Ironi Austria nud Child
seem likely to pri.xo dts.ipnolntiug. Tlio
uuiisunl inildrosi of Iho winter ha been,
much ugidnut the Impnrteis of feed corn, and
t hero is very lif.lo ehatigo In trade, and the.
provNIou crops ot Mayeuco, Afri.'n, uiul
South Russia hung likoiui luetibus oyer thu
trade, and tho id),;tit improvement Ironi
tltuo to limn is epeedlly lost In lloallug
cargoos. Trade has b. on ateady, aud Into
jirieos oociclonally slightly txcoodod lltoso
previously olcidned.
Fi.nii Stocic Wo loam that Mr. W.U,
Myer, of Ashland, w ill bring his Potcheroii
horses, "White Prlnco" and "Floury," to
make this coming season In Linn and Marion
counties. Wonted not say anything about,
tho old White Chief, as ho I.) universally
known nud has proved hiuuelf one of tho
best breeders iu tho Statu. Tho young horse,
'I'lottry," was brought out from tho Last
along wltii "Prido of Percho" ami "While
Roso" In January, litTd, and Is gcneially
coucedtd by good horsemon to bo iho munt
promising hoisn In Mr. M.'s stable, Mr,
Klynr will suou havo an engraving of tlio
npot'ed pony and lur btur.year old lllly by
"Whlto Piiiiro," x.liich ho lud on exhibi
tion ut our last Slice Fair. They xvoro a mat
ter ol gieat Interest to tbo public, and show
ed concluslvelj thepie-oteiieeot iho worthy
Club Subscriptions.
Wo again call attention to our proposition
for club subscriptions, by xvhlch any pies
out subsutlber can get tbo F.xitMim leuowed
ouoyear by sendlng.threo now subscribers,
or any outsider cm got his papor one year
Ino lu tho samo unnner Wo aro receiving
Isigo nddltlous lo our list by this means aud
it.works xvtll for both tlio Kaumjiii uml Its
subbcrlOeis. Wo propoaO to make this 11
standing nllor and beliuvo It will continue to
work well.
Ouu thing we wish understood; that xvluii
tho money .ucomnanles tho ordoi, tiio
gother-up of iho club xvill ncelvo linmtdlato
oiedlt,but when iho new subscribers ask
lime wo miiht wait until ihoy ay up lieioio
wo credit Ihe sendor of lint club, but wo will,
of coin ho, give them ilmo lo collect thu
Tho Cultivator Subscribers.
Wo llnd on tho lists of thu UuUlvtitur a
numbor of pipers going to persons in thu
Stalls and wo learn that nearly all of thexo
aro sent by IrJonds lu Oregon loponons xvho
uro back L'.ist. If such peisDiis will drop us
a lino to bay what subscriptions they a:o re
sponsible lor lliey xvill do us a tavoraml
savuiiieir i.astetn irieniis ironi ooidk ouiiii
ed. As In most instances 110 memorandum
w as made lo Indicate who ordorod tno put erh
wo havo to ttiko thl'i means 10 ivictrcalu,
' cJMHf "
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