zZZfSZ "1 '-us?" V.Z'T wiaaaxtatw WILLAMETTE FARMER. 8 d-5 County Qrango Meotlng, P. of H. Mil. Kditoh: It will bo nocossary forov cry Subordinate Uranfro In Marlon county, during March, ortittliolr noxt mooting, to uloct throo delegatus to attend a county moot ing to bo held In Saloin on tho socond Mori ilav In Anrll noxt, at tho hour of 10 o'clock n. in., In tho Ciraiij;o ilnll, for tho purposo of clouting representatives to llio btalo urango, which moots In May noxt. (aoo procoodlngs r Inst Statu Grange, jmko W), for Instruc tlonh). O. W. Hunt, Deputy. Linn County Busineus Council. IdiiiANO.v, Unu Co., Feb. tilth, '77. Jin. 1'ahmi:k: Wo would llkoyou to glvo notleo by publication in tho columns of tho Faiimi.ii that tho Linn county IJu!ncsi Council, Patron's oi Husbandry, will hold ilmlr noxt regular mooting with Santlani Ornnpo, No. :i7, on tho 2d Mor.day In March, jt 10 o'clock a. m. Mosnoctfully, Khank Piki:. Hoct'y Linn Co. Council. UitKswm.t., Fob. 21, 1877. liu. FAii.Mim: 1'leuso nay 111 yourpapor tho tlmo of regular mooting or crosswau ilrango lios boon changdod from tho third to tho fourth Saturday In each month. Yours Truly, Komioj: Knox. Tphsiiu, l-'ob. ii;, lfa77. f. Hit. Kahmiiii: Notwithstanding tho proph. coles, and hopes of tho opposition, Tumor Orange Is', not doad'yot. An onthtislastlo jnootlng wis hold oil tholilth Inst. Tho first ilogroowiiMconroin-d on two new miinibnrs unit three more made applications for inotn ImrHlilD. Among tho biting HrottiorM und KlHtorworo liros. Ixui'l Clark J'. AI. Nlato lrnw, Worthy Uopuiy ". W. Hunt, "Worthy M.Jotui Downing of Knrk Point, nnd Motor 13. N. Hunt Worthy l.uuliitor Mutu llrango and othnrH Iroui Dock I'oltit. ll'lmy all ti"k hold, clioorod uh up with Hhort MdclriihSCM. which worn highly appreciated. This ylsllliiK nr tho lliotliura and .Sisters of dllluront tSumgos is a good loaturo. it gives Htnuigth ami encouragement to us all. I eitrlnMi adddroi's ilcllviirort by Worthy Lecturer of Turner, (intuitu oilhls occasion Htnlwhlcli Is thought worthy of publication by tho llrotl era above named and by vote ot thisiltaugn. An ellort Is belnglimido to itstabllHh a lilnary by donation ot hiicii Jiooksas tho members feel disposed to make. I'ATUON. Thu AiIcImkh, above monlloned. will np jMiur nextwtck in the Kammisii pMHBMrurwiiiaMHHMiaiMMMWMflinMaaawH Ni:w Kiia la a younu: and thriving villa: o on tho batiks of tho Wlllamolto rlvor, a Ha Hon oa tho Oregon and California railroad, 21 in'losfrom Portland. Deavercreek, which einplloH Into tho Willamotte rlvor horc, af fords an oxcollont wator power. It Is run ning a good now grlHt mill, ownoJ by I. I Doalo, and run by the Knight Dros. it Is doing a good busmoss. Thuro Is plenty of water to run any amount of machinery. Thoroaio two stores doing a fair business, considering tho scarcity of moDoy. Thoio ) hotol accommodation for parties who wish to put up in tho plica. A lumber mill wlU bo built ihlssuuimor. A brickmakor could do well hero;al.so,a blacksmltli aodshotmakor. Thoro Is religious service ovcvSundy at 11 o'clock. A lodgo of Uoort Totnplms whs organized last week, and mco's every IVIday ovening. A uobatluir sorely tnoolsi.nn J uts day oven nj,H. Good 'and, Imo'ovad or un improved, can bo had cheap'. Tb'jiols no hottor shipping point on tliu rlvor and l.ill road than this. A new chool district has htoly been formed, making Now Urn tho center ofonoof tho no'iost districts In the county, ovcopt two or throo, audit is now a Used .'act tbit wo Miall ahv.tys havo good schools. Tho pooplo lif o are luhrmony, and It a plor.'unt place foriniiulgiautH to I lml a homo. f. St. PKTiiKsnuito, Fob. 25. Kumors that tholtusslan army has boon ordered to cross tho Pruth on tho 2Sth Inst Is otnclally denied, Moasuros on tho part of Ilussla will depend upon topllesto Gortschakoll's circular and tho doyolopmont of atl'alrs in Constanti nople. Mr. H. Hanson, of East Portland Nursory, has already shlppod to various parts of thb coast over 10,000 Jru It trees the presont win ter, Biid the end Is not yet. Tho Soattlo Dispatch says a train lin.s run over tho road Irom Seattle to Donlou. Tho track has yot to bo ballasted hoforo It can bo I usou lur tralllc. i Circuit court for Marlon county oponod Monday last, lion. It. P. Dolso presiding. 1 MAiinniii. At the rosldeneo of tho brldo'H f.uhor, A. II. Colver, Albany, on the 27th i Inst., Jonl P. Goor, of lititlcivlllc, and Miss Calina K. Colvor. Klder Powoll oilicifltod. Mr. Goer is youngest son of Mr. J. C. Ucor, of Uuttovlllu. IPuSL-FLIVE II-C-X-IISIVI J53-NTT SJ. "SMTitX.i' Hnl.I.UlOWAY'H PILI.S. T.V Of Ml'K. Armed with this great an'ldote, tho tlery ordeal In pasrod through and tho HUlIcrur onco moro rostoiod to tho possession of un- Impaired health. Thoo PIIIh aro pqualiy Smallpox Is mronting Fort Wranglo, a ml- i olllcaclous In nil femalo complaints, and ob nor on a stearnor from Victoria having takon structlons at tho dawn of womanhood. So.d It on tho 1.1th ol Fobruaty. ' oyorywhoro. 2! conUi por box or pot. FLAXSEED 'li-i- - mmmmmMr iEmm iMMfflZfflMm'Jm TriE frKEyS. "" Tho Local Protluco Markoti Wheat cannot bo quoted higher than !'." cents, and no traiiNiictlons, Salem Mills not running and no wheal In Moro at Farmers' Wiirohoiimi. OiitH aro Wl cents, silver, por liushol, and no demand. Hay is very dull, no demand and retails 11 to ?I8 per ton. U'ho mild winter him made it easy to keep Ktnck, and from what wo tco and gather, many fiirmers aro holding oats and hay that (hoy will sell at a low llguro when spring opens and tho roadx got good, i Mill food scum) and high. Portland Produce Market. Wo copy tho following Irom tho Oregoulnn of tho 2H : Wheat Tho market Is very (pilot and av rago tpiotatluim $1 Haul N7 por cental. Flour Dost, brands J.'i 7.'m(l H per bid.; ouuldo ami country brands, $: MU0.00; lino ud siiporiliui, (I MM I 7fi. Oiits ItoHt. Crfi.itiTJ. common, rrari7u. Hay Choice timothy, baled, $irnlil; loose Huir. Macon Hides l'-'-Jaiao liams, IIIaIiIo; shoul dors, 10c. I.ard Oregou-mado, fresh, In tins, 1-alUcu pr lb; In kegs, lOaPJo. Chickens J.ta? I por do.eu. Mutter :i(in;Uicj Cheese, b'ulCo. ICggs IS to 20o pr do.. Potaloos 10 to l.rH). kun Frmii'lM'ii .Harkrl. a T-i.(imiM.l H.I II I'mncifCO, l'b. !!. riour tfxtrnjubtilng, t) -2.V&? 'a. Wlioat Klrnirr. liot rny lie ipuilrd xl t'.'.S lolitn fiM, Out H NVM W. llnrli') llii'Mliic. t UVi(t 15, r,otl, ft lMft VO. I.i'j.'iilTcndiii', lUVi liii)lni;, W, rclllnj;. I.hiri'Dol la'Ht nmrki'l tu-tlny 10 NiaiOt KM for amo.o Onlirnrulti in lnitatU M for Club. SALEM MARKET. Mll.MJTAItV. liiuALTeNtieii,liuylii),', K'Sit: kcIUiik, Ihi.Vc Kl.Olllt, (UtAlN ln'nt wlillu V lniilul.... Ac. Whom I'om Mcnl, fl It Vlour, lu'tl, N "". (V barrel) llucWwliint t'liiur, V S llrnti. ) Inn MmrU, i tun.. lU'.u Moitl. M tun Fl-r hot'il, jM-r In Hay, V ton, now I'.tkil, V ton 'At (& f4l ...... .... & "t .... ... .... . .401 !.' Ca a l.MKVjJ .. ...... 1W U5 .. .......... tlAlHXi... ........... H.. ll lli f t U OltUCKItlKS. Hunr,SM fraiii-ircorvnni'tl, V )ll. Uluml , rnuhnl lunnliriil... Krauulaliil MrtlP. N til Ti',Jlniii. f) Hi ImiH'rUi . Codec, iVMit lilea, ) B Kill.... KlMIO Jta.. tfall, t'ariiu'ii lIaml, jutch l.hrriHiol, nmifo ilalry nay i.. ... . .... .. ...... .... .... . ......... uCM'JH iicCt l .... 1N(5 NVi&l 00 NVtt HI 1 1Cpl Ml .. .v .. .v .. y.v .. ..(iM to ..iM ri .lit KT ....... .... . ... . ... ... ....... ................... .............. FHt'lTM, VK(IKTAlU.KS.:.to. At'plo...... uruHi, v m l'ochc,ilrlvil, V B... l'lum, " .... l'earr, ..r prim,.,,... Hi'u, W tr rotatoei. V uutliel.... Oiton, V Cabbage, 11 ila.,...,.. . HUTTKrKlKlS, o, Mutter, frvh roll, V B ACKetl.,.. Xigt.V itiui'ii I'hroo Ore;vn 1'rtuio, M tt LarJ.V B inn JW6 X 75t W ..a an ..it s. oils, .tc LlnretM OH, boiled, ) vallou r, I.aut Oil, V k'allou al Oil. " NilirkHit Oil, N Kl a'Ui,v s a ttt t Kva .. IV& . .1 llil 11 .1 NVll IM . DO M & -t b 5.0 0 0 BUS JI K L8 or- m CS3E 2 CB- W) 5E; 3E3 1 FLJItNISJIKI) FKEK Oi (IIAJIGE rou -- Sowing in tho Spring of 1877. ? ,urrr:r. .A,fljrr-,irPf?5Swrr: WMMmmxLJ.wmmzm;m THE EVANS SULKY PLOW: Iron Beam. Iron Framo, Iron Whools Easily Operated. The Latest and BEST Sulky Plow in The Market. Baa the Hitch and Draft direct from tho ond of tho Boam. .Arranged to work throo Horses abroast. tl3. jF'iirst OFimi-u.aaa A.t tho Orogon Stato Fair, 1876. CtT Soo tla. 33"V-A.3XnS tooforo You Toixy ! k3 THE OLIVER CHILLED - METAL PLOW, Will Scour whore othore fail. LIGHTEST DRAFT PLOW im ported. Aelc your Neighbors about thorn. A ITLL. ASSOHTJtrNT 01' THE KYi'ItA II WtDKNED AcknowlotlKcil ly till JntolHyi'iit Imiiiiii'm a-, llio M:'V Stcul I'lou iiuulo. TooK. We Ikiu a full aorlini'iit orcvpr.Mhlng In our line HiH-Gicle TIIK IfilOSl1 CHOP VOM CIIArVCSl!! OF LAND, FLAX STUBBLE ISQUAL TO SUM3IER FALLOW FOR WHEAT, IS THE TESTIMONY OF ALL THE FLAX -RAISERS Ixx -tXx JS-tctt ! FAIR, AVERAGE LAND WILL PRODUCE A GOOD CROP. THE BEST LAND, WELL PRE PARED AND SOWED TO FLAX, WILL YIELD LARGE RETURNS, IN MANY OASES FROM 20 to 30 Bushels to tho aero, the profit from the same being muoh greater than that derived from any other orop. Printod instructions regarding tho preparation of tho laud, sowing, harvesting, and pricos, fumishod to all applicants. OIL CAKE MEAL will bo furnishod to all contractors, to do paid for in Flax Sood, if dosirod. Address, PIONHUK OIL CO., Or, Salem, Orvpon, AI.IIANY KAIIMKKS' TO., Aihan n.OKl) A. CO . IIikkiii'isii; KINU A HKl.l., CumAILl.; le Plows, Left"hand Ptows, Cultivatos's, I rows. fcjucKeye ;J'oacs-ca!3 5eeaers, tsucEceve CJraln Drills, BABW Farm Wagons, Spring Wagons, F-acific Fan ?flil!s. Portable U't IVIIU5, ttfiitoncjvycjxa Bvsn" Har- vitnrlAi 11 iiiu W -- - Pi u t unoDO inE-ivmis. -j. .. n.Ji.1.- -'. ' vitioi otciiu!), valuer Mills, &c.f &c. Utir Uoods nrc nil 1'UtST-CJjA.SH not rtibbMi tlnil will not soil in California. UaT Send for our C'utnlojjuo nntl Vrlw Ll.sl. "Zm I'orllaiKl, Orogon, Oct KIfcTAlJP9 JSUKKEJJv & CO, w.wEATiicnronti. j. w, wKATiiEiironD. JAMi'.H lll.AKKI.V. lliuiHSMII.IK. .1. O. I'AITIJIISO.N, WAII.A WAU.A. 1.UI.4 fcwf4i. I. Art.(lM.r.w.lU,.u UTT, Ik. .tlMU Art C.UCt .f IL. LilrMhaiu....., M ttwkt,!i 0 A Grand Premium Gift rXiESKNTlCD TO EVERY PATRON OF THIS JOURNAL, lit Jill von c Wehtherford & So.. Wholcrnlo nnd ItcthllDcnlcrMn D1U6S, PAINTS, OILS, CLASS, P a t o xi t Medicines, CHEMICALS, 3F 27 t-vl m. o v y TOILET GOODS, Etc, oto. PURE WINES and LIQUORS, For Medicinal iiuo. Modioinoo Compounded, and Proscriptions Fillod. Weatherford & Co.. FeStf Commcrcmi Urcet. NALUM. A Howard of $'20,000 line liocn (HlVrrck liy CongrcfK Tor tho lict nml mutt iliirnlilumi'ibiiiliirurauliii! Wnivr from Well iirfl. t.tii. SHOOT M .V COMVRI.I. lwi! been awardud llient)0 oun their RUBBER BUCKET PUMP, for tho icnron Hint ltlthomnt iirifrrt nml durlrnlitu 1'iiMplM uo. Till I'.Xl'A.NDINO urCKBT I tint oiilytiiiulbntl iircnnlioratuiitcil Thuiiiliicliialiil cxiuut un U thin Thu Itiilibir, t.ilm or mi Inch tlilclc, I (ilnuil bvtwvvii two CONN hXKD I'l.ATES, rartoonl t-cclhcr with n cnv; I tut iilatvn licing full irtliitbuit'iitru, pru hnrdi't In tliurnntor. which cuw tho Hublicr to vsptml, o lh.it It can liu ltKADILV AIMUSTKU TO ANV SIZED TUBE, from IV to 3 liichct, fon toproducu tliu least po. ''. .Rt?l'i,.l!.?n.a lt rc,,Ko n Wed vacuum. Tho cl If 'UU CUltll, luiiLwuiiddiflnhlo. wlthn cntlla. tfd lop, ndmlitlni; freo circulation or nlr. Kuul unit polonou koh'. ro (julikly rt moved by thin MACIC PUMP. It I known that tho 110 nf Impuru Water chiic niorolcl;nt and death than all other caiiec com lilmd. NNocballeiiiiKthn wmhl to pnxtiicua I'liiup rUMI''1"' "'"" exi'aN1'ijj' HUliUKK UL'CliKT Tliollubber tnat wo iiko I puro Vnlcanled Whlto I,".,'bAIv.l'.?f, nml l'1,tlc. Thu mclnl part of thu buck et U KINK llltASS. which I INDKaTUDTIIIIiB by any acid ronnd In water. Tblpnmii In all ll part. I llio senium Imnlli-lt.- niuu'ivn iniif vn. JWt IN A 01VKN TOIK: WITH I.KS8 I'OWKK THAN ANV OTHER I'T.Ml' NOW IN USB. and lnocrobt.iirtcd by rn-clni; Uproperlv aiUnMi-il, lliickit paten'ed Jan. 3. IbW. l'rlco l!i lor Curli. und llrt Vi lector pipe lor un uciow mourn iwnorbtntuKiuiit Addrei. iiicKii paien'ed Jan. 3. IbW. Pr! with IJcfl, Spout and (Irlpo, nnd ll ami chain, and 50 cm. per ( ot for meet, ior Pump, or County, Tin MIUDAl'OII & llEAItn.SLUV, Salem, Oregon. CoimtntliM of' tho J.mmvst anil Most Sitnwttiott.i Work of' Art rrrr Ismivil or Amcrlru, entitled The Wedding Feast at Cana, 1hli nirtiiiiltliviit Stivl Kner.iwiii: hits ul Uxii fMieil lir llu National Art Co.. Oiiu-lii natl, Ohio, In it iivrl I'ri'iiiium IJUllim nml In ttu llmtt iliul nitt .iviiIm' uork ( art t er KmuhI in Amorli'rt ben lu esitruirtltiiar' clre iinit iho chiUr.ili ami rVtllfiil lalr Unit nut Neil pill iihiii it, ttnnliliuM w itli it iktI'-i tln ol prliitlui: urv iMiiklilenil. ll tanl mini) m iiiu iuivi oi unu an pnniieaiitiiK, rum r in i.nniv or .inrrica ill Me u i moiv to tin) at llio lual o lino art nul'lu-.Ulntii. rllln r in i.iimik than llinnlii't Ion,- by nearl tw o f i l w Mc one hi the lan.el purv tluo teel viir.ivuii.s ever iriHtmi 1 Ik ro arv inuro than SIXTY FICURES REPRESENTED and llio prinelal one ot tho group portr.i tho mot H'rtvll looi U malo fortn nml ftuv In tho ivixaiol t'to Natititul lirldo urninidiil l lu'ralloiutintslhai mo ImnKlimllon mil iviuilxo It uMiuiu'inonili". tlio N'rlptural iM'in i-l Jului ohapt r ii i wlurvin the I unl tliriiiHl Miltt'r lnt.i illi. unit mini., lowing thu ktMin .if nuirrlii.jti f. ktlnti .it 1M1111. In (..i!it.. Tho kurnmiiiltiif. ol the phdiro embMiv over Hip lmiiilri'il iUl iiliju'l. tmti one oi wini'ii i iiiiuiuHi unu iiu iiiuiiui rare unu lauiiiiinn. e ril-.n. no tiien work iu I'li'l Iiefori! ImIIlsI. unit lllil .T fou lirtUt'k immfn klrtli'L tilt tihui'.ht J.iO ii.r ihiiii It U lii ... . ; ... . . " :'. v . ; ;. '".-" ' :. . : -----..---- ,- ,.. ..-, , rvuiiuiii ever omnii. xrniiienuiib. nave itvu inane, uiuicr I mini v evirvimiron oi nut luivr Willi h tyriii t rmiviii nil. pletnliil materplnv in itntml Premium tillt for IT7 all ikM. tho luiyiM ami lvt prv'mtuui ever nth nil. whU'li Iho National Art I u "111 hi Mil rlli'r an thmloro nip-iiMnl t. cut out llio lollovvln,; Sulncrlptloti (Viion ami 9vim n in iiie.niuiuni .ii t.m..-i.i, ;w t me L.t-iiu'iiiunii.t'., 10 iv mm nun oy inai i om lliy IMII'lOM) III )0 llio oivcravlui: 11 i nmni! luU', ami alfiharKvi pn'ali, Kiielio In Miur li lit. r iHvut. to iviy (or miLIni:. luliliu. ami otnns'ibatvi iri no I'UKmvniK ii iim nnii' no e'iii I'imv, ii mil w Kill uy mail, imilwiii ill u nriu, t'ul Out Itila t'vnpon. II HtH-iirvn jon m work of art worth 'JO. SUBSCRIPTION COWOM muJ ttif lrl Kmirnvliii;. liT;3: Iiiilir4,tulltlil THE WEDDING FEAST AT CANA, to n? .ulwcrlWr of thl. vvr Wr nuirniitn'rurr Ku(rtlnchUrMChttilo.lliutloii Hi rr(nl loii.lillou, uJ U iliiriin full) rrrwitil IMiiimll MTIII kl. lltT CO.. liiNI . VOS Vlur M.. flnrtun.'ttl. O. TITOITCY. Nu iWlf l,ul fS"1' mUvrlWr o( thl. ii'r U eiillllut to this Xm f X JlWCJIi lYiinliliu Kncmvlnv, ami all order mui l HiniiiiiitMl lv thu aliovo (iiiiui. Nil ivpy iM tn k-iii without ll. xcvt on nwlpt of .V, tho nwfl I'lltv. AiltilTa mi u-iivi in iiiv .niiiuiai .111 111,, u , .vi 1 nil. 2i , 1 tueilllKIII. VHUll, r 1J,iy.Bnui,l,,cau,W f VrfaWo and Flower ced ror is,,, vim on n,idy b) January, amUciit piikk toall who apply m,t.im or Ian ea.ou mid not wrlto ror it. 1 odor oi.e r tliu mrKi-t collection or vow- lADll) VL't ll OWT killlf Hit! liu nm -....,1 1...,... I., t ...J7... a laro jHirtiou of which en mimn on ray lx ccil ".?-?'. i "i '"',l W Iroinmy eilabll.hmcnt war- , rallied to bo both fY.-.h mi, irn.. In ii........ ... . .. .... I . , - - ..h MOV . IIH.IIV, rn mi. iiiai hviiMtt prove otherwUo. I will riftlltbordetratl. Atliopil'lnalliitroduri.ro'ibo Hubbard and Mar btehead jiina.he. tho MarMehead Cabbage, niul a cori of other new veritable, i Invito llio patron.i2 or .iff irio an iiittlo-. lohai. !, ti,lfti.tic,ah(l lr 'Ht i r.ll,,l.l,i, NKWVM.ETAIII.l: Arl'liCIALTV. .,, ,, .UHKll.I H.UltMIIIIIT. Premium Seed Potatoes. Siiullakc, iter bushel. Kui'i:t.n, l.Mra Kaily Vcnnoiit, llroivnell's Itcntity, - -CoiuptuuN MtrpilNv, -I'ui-ly iXoiiusiuit, l.ttlt! Hose, l.arly Hone. IHiuIck, Garnet ami KIiik oi i he Uarllc. 7b . V, 'S5 r,l f0J tbtm- "eki'J nd pnt on tho car. at Hubbard. All wivranted to bo trio to nami. iiu.a,n "f Money In mn of u'n iloi ar and upward may be ent by expre.i at mvex. pede-otberuUo In recMnred loter. Addre", M'ml J. . m.MICK, lHibbrtl, or S'.IMO '2 JO l.no i.ro 1.00 1,00 .75 REAL ESTATE LOAWS. OKEGOX AXD WASUIXGTOX Trnst Investment Company OF NCOTLAMI. 'I1 ".?mp!l. " typ Kegothto loin In Ad period f yeai,orreia)abloby biiriearly In. taUciint. for term, applyto ' ' uovIOt il to WILLIAM ItKIl). v,nlr SI First Street Portlatd. Trees! Trees!! All Kinds of Fruit and Ornamental TREES, Shrubbory, Small Fruits, Ro ses, Vines, Groon-Houso and Bodding Plants &c, at tho EAST PORTLAND NDRSERY, CAST POr.TLA.TD, ORUGOX. C'atalogrueN free. Seeds! Seeds!! Ficsli carden nml Flower Seeds, all Kinds of Grass Seeds, Seed urn I it, Seed Potatoes, Garden nnd Pniiilnp Implements. Also Tree, IMants, DtiibN, &c, nl my SloecX Store, 01 l'ront, bet. Vt'iuliinstoii uu.l Alder, POUTI.ANU, OKKGON. Addre Jtt'.tcvJ II. ll.VN.SON, Porthnd, Oregon. NOTICE. hi i in amo am. uu .f n .. ... - :' , clo. Bu.Iucm ca.h-comtnU.loni sj5 mfr cent. Portland, Nov. jo, j5;.i. T" J ATtOf.'K. illanwttt rarmer. iMcru iTinr Mmir CLAKE & CRAIG, rVBUIHIUt AMD rROWUETOBS. S. A. ruilKK. .W.CUAIO. oDocopy,oT,rLttAV.,.,.:,!:....a 50 Onecot.y,Umont)iM86nnmberei i 52 One copy, tiiec monUlvg (, s 'm l ;