,tl&ti -j . i'JSX 4 7mEi&&iJl'H'fr f fcw"' -"-HW15E ""1MIBIi9hO I. t r i WILDAMETTE' FARMER. & -t-itVi' Salem, Friday, May li. 187G. DIRI.0TORY. oia'iri::tsart!ic national (.kam.i:. )talr John T Tunes. Ilarlon Phillips. Aik-. 'tenter J. 4. Woodman, Pan l'.i, Van liurcr., Midi l.'iturerA. Smtdl-y Crsco, Ho-i-n-d, la. Mutant , .1. Vmiglin, Memphis. Temi. .IV Helmut Miutlwer Whltthtad, Mlddlibnsb, iicrT!, N. .1. I'nau I'D H. II nill. wiirliuU iroush. Warren. O. Titu'mir-V. Mi McDowell. Wajnc, SUiibeu.N. Y. S;y,.,y), II K el ley. ' oiiI-nIiIu. K,. lltitr-Kitti-r U Dlinifddle, Oiiliinl tlrnie, I ml. t'eif .ilif. John T. .Iiiiu'k. lliriiiu, Phillips. Ark. 7fil"-Mis. tfjinucl K. tilun'. Mnnllrello. Winn I'ow'iii'i- Mrs Huney (loddard, (Viutli tlranby. Ct. ImIii A'ul'tuht AleieaiU-Mlt' Cirolino A. Hall, T.XiUvllk., lly eiecl-tivk riniMiTTEr. I) Wiatt Mken, (Chairman,) 1'ol.csbury, S. C. .'. It. Mllnk 1H, Dubuque inn a. Huillv, T. rime, Clirvm mt N'. II. Almu (1 .Ider. iimk Falis. Whltfldr. III. JV, II. Clumbers, Uswei.cliec, llt.sstll. Ala, OIIU'prH oi'Orrxoii Mate (ii-nii:;c. Mutter- DutiU-l Clark, rialeni 1. ). .sv'H .!. II. hinith, lliiirl-hiii'. thtiMti Win C'irus, Silo. ts'rHirrK. I. Mnllli, Oljmpta, W. T. itnritnl-W M nudum, W.illa Walla. W. T. lbl ml Mtuttnl W. M P.mirs. Shuld's. 1'itttitiiiiiy Pctirsoti. .liihouvil!e. rimin i . I' Leu. Portland. Utit-h'iir., A. Miithew Liioklriijrla". 'Vf Mr Jane Cjni-!. Mlu. PimimayUv. M A. Pom-is. hcdd. Fun a yt. L. C. Hoed. .Mi.Mlumlllc. . .l7 Vtitttnt- Mi. I S. Pn'soni .function Uji'citHi't 't;i''- Dinlcl I'huk, r-alcm : t. lluiwn. Vatii-nuvir. W, T j I' B. Slim. Coiwill s; 1 II. Hill, .IniiUlon: A. W. Manard. Diowiii Hie; i 'Ion. Dubs; C. C. Iraue, Walla Walla, W T. ' Ih'fliitM Aginl. P. Lee, Portland. State Grange Deputies for 1876 ; Po't flJRu. Erin tn. inirui.tr. A A Mith-iti Looking Oliss ItoscburR IIIO-. .1 lli-nr, Sluuedcr.... Ott I II I.WI li S Illlitick- Ashland Jacksonlllo W m llrown tinker City llaker City VC in W l-'ldl.-r App-lesiti Jacksonville I. VNE I! N ,1 Iitncllnu City... Junction City i. no II llninei-ley Cioprvct Kiucnu City l'ncoo Knox Civ well WmCyrui. '...'. Sclo Marlon Station It A It Ina LilnwHi ....Albany .1 (1 Smith Harrlbnr.' IlarrUbnri; i a Mom riirmllls Uorvalll I II Nlcliollu Mniinw J Oram Kins' Valley MAHIOK. .. , I A Wltel Turner balem li V OHIaiuin Uuitevllle. I .1 Clinrlton...'. OoosoLake Jackjonvllle imilk, .1 U Stump ttnen Vista. M. A Henry .". Hubert C'Iiih Dills", MMIt.U .1 .1 Ilenderon Amity .-. II Henry Ltt Kayell. I'D Humphrey Illlfchorn Hlllsboro I' II I''annliu Cornelius ( Li KAUAI". . i, U1.I..I.... a.iusm Oteijon Cltv V llajidall". '.'...'.'. Oregon city i .iohu.mN"!I.A": Ea9U'oitlnd...E.1.t rortland, li Ml .(tooui... WA-CO. II Mujs .1 II Doilllil'.. Typh UppeiOthuco.. .IMic Dalles I I! mnehun!. Canyon City Canyon C11 rilVTIIl.A. ... ., I wntie Wcelon Werton A 11 Sa'le".'.".'.'. Aftoria Atrla it V nolden".,.".,.' Tillamook North Yaaihlll Cull M11IA , ,. ,, W Mttni'il Columnla City I. V enters Klakanlne I'MON. M i: Ittei- Coe WAIMIINUTON TElllltTOllV. HAI 1A VVA1 1 A N M Slielton ... ...Wull.i Walla Walla Walla (Ill UMUIA. golluiiiii Dayton ll.iityNHMii'ur'. KvvartsNlllo Colfax - p 'iUlliniiil Colr,ls t-ollax I IIIMIAlt. VI . (IihhMii Klina ? M.i kluini..' Chelialln rolnt I. .1 Abbot'r"": ODmpli Olympla li l.oii'inlre -l ImIIiik llruni Seatt'e Seattle u:i. T M I'lerwii CU imito I r Cons Elleib'ir tus i it. .Iiiliiib lluirtli 1'i-kln it I.K M i Diiuliit niiooiier f.i. JUller .'...' .' Kllkllat City Ill Mill TEl'.lUTIlin .1 llimsiil.'... .' l'.iradli' Vall) LettMon WiM'iuton Mt. Idaho " I.I I'nrii-u ..'. DoUeClH I I Smith ,',' " .t i(ii.il ,.wr (ill it.ilili I'ajette Inairj cJimty where the Deimty a,polnto.l I not .nw mol i"tUable, ni.d the Oiatuei ol .he locality will I ii.pnly liulUatetoiniMi cholie. I will he plea sd, for In mini) Itulanti"! lmelHUi obllgid to make aji- (I'll inilllt Mltll'MIl I tiowKslgo. DAXIKI. CLAUK, Matter OieirmiStateOranie, 1. of 11, C'IiiiUhiiihii fount)' Coiini-ll. t'ho 01 ickain i County I'miiu'll mi-el on the fouiih Kildav of eaeh month at It nYluck a. in. Place ol in-. tlinr. at J. a. Tnilllier' mill, near the center of till I'OlllltJ, (iiMcers-N. W Ilandall, Pro'ld.-nt; A Nlchole, Vice l'iildi-ut W. W, II Sam-oti.'H'Civtar), P.t) Nei-Jj: .liliii Itlui;. Treasurer; Krank Vai win , lt Steward; N. II Duiiall.'.MSrenanl; Wm Wit!, (lalekeeper. Ilrilhn-n In g"inl lainllns aie luiltisl to meet with I. tinier of the Count 11 W, W. II. Samos, Sec'y. WUou vrTu visit I'ortUnd do uot fail to go jiinl seo Wooil'a Museum, with H70,(Xou rlosltles. Admission only 1 cent. Warion County Council Will meet the third Friday In May. All the nratiire Interested should send delegates. T. h. Davidson, iseo'y. I'ouKixTioK. ThoUiilvorswHstStnto i-ouvontlon willlio hold tit Zoiw, l'olk foiinty, Thui'sdny, .! f 'f."' '": .-li-tul or Juno isth as published by u lll-t WTCk. ThenowTrrdgo on thopwyheeriver.be. twelm Uolse City and Wlunouini'ca, Is tin-ished. -SyT ' -'t '"" Hard Times, Cash, and Econony. If we expect lo buy goods cheup, and to best advaiitatto, wo must pay tho c-itt for thorn, and not Iihth them cliargAi! on tlie luerebantA books lo b paid for "af-er bar- vest.', Tlie tnercliairt basto chargo for wh!p Intr, and also to add1 a percntage to niaka good lil ocraslonal loen. He would much- prfpr. wltlif ut tsi o)tk)tirlo receive cah on delivery of the poodn, and a fair pn.llt for f bla lroubleffor then lie knows exac'ly wbat ' ho Is about. He canuot often afford to give long credit,, for In that nse, unless possess Ing large oash capital bo must demand lone credits on bis own purcbvei, and himself I pay more tban if be paid in abort time or Jealt fur cash in band; mi it is plainly to be aasti flint the interest of tho whole coinmu Dl y "111 bo advanced if transitions can be nil upon a cash bails. It Is alo tho ca'o that when the farmer keopii "a stor account" be i apt to make purcbaoes freeW, more treely than if be paid the cah over the countnr. Piy-dav comes and shows an aUtnning array of figures. In many inUuces tlie accounts eat up tho acres anil destroy the prospects of life, for it is a niilancbolly titct that men, and women ton, Aro weak nnonnh to think that pay-day is not dangerous if put of! Into the future. That is a great mistake, as many an experience has proved. A te;kle-s store account has made many a man complain of "hard times" many a year afterwards, even In instances where the victim found out his mistake and became cautious before ruin mas inevitable. There is not one man in it hundred who will eferclso the hiiio edition tn purchasing goods on credit, that bo would' it bo dealt witli cash in haml. We all have a natural regard far a twenty dollar piece that makes it liiiploac.iut to part with it unnecessarily. They are st tangible .sign of wealth, wblle one's credit at a store is a very Intangible tiling xt the limn it Is used, Ina assumes tangibility about the time when it has to be redtemed by a cash- payment, thotOAii only be made by emplyiirg a wheat bin or selling oil stock or land. Now the question is, how shall mat wlio must have supplies, and has not cash, obtain neceNsarles? The ansner Is that all tbe mi nor resources of she farm must bo-eolletl into uso; butter, egg"-, chickens and whatever can be used to in) vantage must be made to assist as purchasing agent, ami with pru dent management these minor products can be counted on as a great assistance towards housekeeping. Then, if money must be had, it is better to hU-o at a tair rata of interest, evwn If land bas-to be mortgaged to raise it, than to run a lore account yctr after year. 'i.be man who has land can generally raise motley on it, o.m we believe it. is cheaper in the end to bowrow money thsui to run in debt at the store, for the fincis reason that when you know the money is borrowed and interest is to e paid on it, and tbe farm is pledittit for ita punctual repa;aitut, you will handle It pradsntly, thattaWynn possess I ordinary ovation, and do without many things rathor than risk so much to procure them. It is. not alwajs necessary to mort gage a farm to prevent a store bill, money can bo hired frequently on personal security, ind it is better to hire monoy than to buy ou credit, wa veritably believe. We wro discussing this :iiattur with a far mer whose prominence would be recognized -uadily, if we named him, and be endorsed our views fully, adding t'jat he had puisjed tlie policy indicated to unsown i-atisfaction. lie ms not able to keep out of dabt, but he owed no atom bills: thought for casli, and bought only what ba absolutely needed, hiiing what, money be needed, and paying H out with full consciousness ot the. v.iluo ol every dollar, -ind certain when bejiaid it out that the goods were needed, aud that they wero purchased al their lowest eash value, as be paid l.'ie money and had all the stores iu town to choose limn. Uaro was nu in stance that ptoved tlie cuirectuess of our theory, which U, alter all, more common sene than thoo.-y. We have no hesitation in believing that buying and selling on credit makes the grca'er part of the bard times we hear of. Americans aie generally far mote extrava iMt than Kjropean who go to a new coun try to nnko honiaj. The3 last become in Jepeudent sooner, w lieu destitute of menus at commeticomenl, for Ibe reason that they deny themselves tnuoh thit an American tliluks he cannot dJ w Itbout. He lives more within bis own re-sources and is more in dependent of merchants, ,uud as a con sequence' he gains properly and soon has something to show for his labor. If an ex ample U wanted look nt the Oertuau Colony at Aiuora, fee Norwegians who have settle! among us aud made their way. Sell'deuial U ofteu the surest lusts of ptrnnnaiit pros parity ami tho joung married couple, iust couimeureinp, life can insure their future prosperity host by it mnusneoiug to lay up something by present industry aud frugal ity. Mending the Highways. The long contiuuaui-e of ralus tbe preseut winter have caused very serious damage to the valley roads, aud now that sprlng-llme is at baud aud road supervisors aro about to commence woik, general regard U mani fested that something aball be done to be permanent, lu many directions leading to this town it Is hardly ojsible lo haul more than an empty wagon, aud no doubt it is the same elsewhere. When the fearful mud holes aro found there should be something done to proveut the same condition another year. The Idea Is lo do good work aud each year make somo improvement that will be lasting, then wo may expect to soe good reads after a while. The Indiana glass works have orders for 250,000 demijohns. Kven If there were no alniauacsoue. could tell by this that it was 1'residential election year. IMPORTANT TO PATRONS. Mr. flerren invites all Patrons of this county and in tJris lclniy to meet oil Satur day, May 13, in this city, for the purpoio of consulting and planinv a course of action lo pursue In relation in tlie coming wool crcn and otbw products pf our State the presea season. The need of coLcert to recure the best rescrits is very evident. Mr Herreu has had exptulence that i valuable, and will no doubt be ble to inakenportaDtsuggestlouH based ou his business- transactions of the Tear past. All interested should endeavor lo its presented go lend iutsre-st to the meeting. Tery Foolish. Talk. AmerubatU from Linn county, formerly dlug builnee eioe'here, ald In eur pres enoe the other day, that he "wished1 it would continue to rain for three weeks, so-as to break upthe Q d grangers." There are some men engaged in trade who seem tn forget that this is a free country, ant) resent tho-idea of their old customers daring to think or act fur themselves in relation to business matte. These men cousithti the selMng of goods their own prerogative, and if tho farmer vlll not trado with them anathematize hitii and call down ruin upon him, not remembering that all tbe country would go to rulu if the agricultural Interests are crippled. We have never had a great deal to say about co-operative-act'on by tho farmers, for the reason that '. consider the question a dllliuiilt aud delicate oue to treat, and recog nize that if tbe firmer traded with cash la hausi he would generally get his goods a- cheap- as was reasonable, where ceropetitioit was airly conducted. We have loft tha matter lor the farmers themselves to discuss, aud Tor experience to decide, but at the sama-time-we have never hesitated to believe that the experiment wns worth a test, if' fur no other, purpose than-, to satisfy the farmers of Oieguu whether, us not, it is tor tbstr inter est to establish cooperative business re lations. In many lustnuos merchants bavs-done themselves injury in public estimation by taking imprudent ground against tbe grauge mouement. Of course we know that very many have had the good sense lo put them selves as nearly oa possible in accoid with thai movement avd have conceded soine thing to its demauiis. Ihero never was any reajou in the loudsmouthed prejudice a,ftw have expressed as aboe related, which sort of aurses are like ehickeus that come home to roost. All great moements create pre judice In some uunds, but iu the end they alii settle down t natural results, .ami so with the Patrons of Husbandry, they will thjrive on all unreasonable opposition, anil iu, the hands of honest and iute'ligsnt men tbe movement will work out .results, ia course of lime, tSat will greatly benefit the agricultural olussea in social aad. other respects. MiUinery at Cost. Mrs. 0. M. Cross, Commercial St. f opposite IheFAiiMKRotlUfe, is determined to dispose I of her entire stock on hand, including new spring puichases, at cost, and invitss ladies to visit her establishment and Judge them selves of the inducements she etui gUo to purchasers. Sua has a complete stock and gaod aasort meut of milliuery aud lancy foods, and wishes to dispose of the same within thirty tiavs. yalem, Mny 5, lSTU. -Iw R4S!:.4IS TO BK2I4D! Spring Trade of 1876! Iu. & E. II I R S C II, (Successors to Herman & Hirsch.) COMMEKCIAL JiT., . SALEM, OKEdOX, Have cow on baud A Complcle and Well-Selected Stock general'" merchandise Suited to Hie Country Trade, And Inform their customers ami all others ttat these guwl w ere ZESQTJLgflit; Low, AND WILL 11B SOLD cheap: The; are pri pared to clvc GlifiAT BARGAINS! For Cash in Hand. All peront calling on them will liavo the fu 1 here in of the GENERAL DECLINE Iu prices at sail Francisco and the East. Salem, Mays, lstti. llnri CAPTAIN JACK, THK T HOROUG H B RED StfvllioarL, Will stand throujih April and May at my farm, ten mile smith of SaKui, li the ni-o. 1 ading Irorn Salem to lluei-ii ita, at tho following low rates: $10 Tor tin vie n-r ice, lithe season, ami $20 for Insurance; or I wlllbrctda limited number ot marcs ou shares. PEDIbHEEl Capt. Jack was sired by Jact Miner, dam Kate Harnett, by old ltiilemin: grand dam. Flora Burnett, by Consternation, see "Ynuatt on the Horso"ig. g. dam by Warren's Jtcseuger, ho by Jlambrluo, ho by Imported Mtseuger. Farmers, try a thoroughbred cross. Q. G. GLENN. May J,la"C, 1856. OKFEJl 23Lstr-7-est THE FOLLOWING For tlio JArmImPLEMENTS andjj ACHINES. rhai.rjl in Reaper ana Mower. The DEST Self Ttake cn-iitined M .chine In the Word, at ettdenced by the faif.of Its hailnir rerehed the hliriiept awardi at KxhlblSonsaud Field Trtalf, both In Kurope and America, Iu 18?4 and 18T5. Strone. and suitable Jur Flax a well .as Grain. ST Send for Champion Cir culars before leclijln.r what Re-iper to buy. oAt't Ilea per d Mower, "Ohio" and "Buck eye" patent.-oonibliiecl, with Dodire' Imnroiemer.t; two sues. Nnp. I and Can beset lo cut Ugh. Pricas greatly rt-duwcl forltlTS. Main a' Heater U mine "Single" anil "PohW Gentei, ID, 12. and 14-Kstt inr. The new lmDr.nn Ail) 1 1 ft able Rett aiuT Hram. ami .tlu-r Itiiiirttvi-iiiHtiti forlSTII. Farmers an-ottirlotieil 1,'alust bu)lni Inle rlor ' outride' makes. u. l . . ... . - ........ nursn nnrvmwr riirrowin-iKiinii-jriiy oi iui Harvest! r has Aiouirht our many ItitMtor-i, but the jiAns.ii sriL.1, si'AMiis- vr ths head, not withstanding ontrsry sratements r comneMi'i: par- ties t Hho Iretl wisl tie iVAlinu t. t.'f. ami wlit not. tSinn for USscrllitlvit llook rnnrfllnfi, t rpniirr.. and ttttlinmtal infacor cf the Mnn-ovtr other ShjUt of llarvetttiv, and do not be in tu-ie lo recoeutzu a Machliiu as beliur "lastly, ahead ef the old siyle Marsh ' that mny'bnws been one of those returned M the makers hr-catis they dldn'tuIiosatWfaftinn We have twosb.es, A and II feet cut, lor J" or .1 Binders, made to attach a self binder vvueil wa h d. ihamplnu Mower. Wrought Iron FSaait and Pa tent Hit irutn Vmmvtton. Will do bettir wort and Is lha StroiigeU Hfid Jlont )rcWriiioerfu maiRet f& Send foi Champion Circulars, Uvtu full de scriptlon. prac, Iron Mow'. Simple In rr.'ahantsm and unquestionably oue of the bml.uukltl ats ytvs.il Mow ers. Clipper Hower. Three sjos. Pricee-vtJucttl. The Tfaimas (fonnettu "OhJo." Huky Kak. I We have secured the Ageneyifur this Haki aRcrsatls f Isfjlng ourselves of Its gtetit tftKrluiltij-owr other F well known and lie:tt)bie uoDulur Kikes. It ditmin itthifr sud the teeth an so formed as to do the Ut possible rakinir and gytier thr lea't f,ra& will rake smeii Inches higher than other Kikes and hence inn rake larger bunches. (iTuout fall to.mnid for u Kakc Clicular. Bararn' "eviilvlaat KM. .Mounted ou Hunnttn, and has Improved tripplui' device. Hors" Huef sUaiUesofitheI'jfifa P!i latest '.Vrtji Votrl' bithi "Miiunted" i:ml "Dowu." 'I he lintwtnirnt add trreatly to the cane of tt.ifj7, ftrttujtU and dm ability. ESTABLISHED 1851. IRON AND CO ACM, CARRIAGE, Material! All the Latest and Newest Goods, in JWECHANTO' TOOT8. House-Builders' .Hardware, Farmers', and Gardeners' Tools,, Black smitJis, Machinists', and Wagon-Wakers?. Tools, of all kihds; and the mtfst coaapleto stock of Wagon, and Carriage- Makers' Hardware in the State, euch as i-aeles, Springs, and Wrought and Malleable Irons; also. Hubs fcpokea Kims, Pel-sloes; Eastern Bickory xles; Oals; Ash, andtjuickory Lumber PLOW HANDLJUSJ and BBM. if at Ol-z-ofVtly nodtuood Prliou S x h.wjc jo not njziL ix jiA&aiEiix wagoxs. ORTIIRUP & THOMPSON, P0B.TI.A2ID, - - - ap23m3 - - - OSIECCW;. ibipBMjg, Storage, uutr & T& i. or0!!., J. W1LKIXS. Vim Ptft-ident, .( ij. IP. c7. SC0OOC.Y, tvUntOII. IVu. 02 front Street, -Dealers in- WAGONS, CARRIAGES, RE AIDERS, MOWERS, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, - AND GENERAL COIfOSSIQN MERCHANTS. WE KKKP CONSTAVTIY ON HAND A FTH.L M IVSoiaaxo 'CVagoiis, "Tlio Cri'tingor's J&a.-vox-itbJ" AND AltU NOW HECElVINli A FULL LINK The Wheeler No. 6 Combined Reaper and Mower, THE IMPEOVED KIRBY TWO-WHEELED MOWEE, Tho Burdick Heaprr, the A. W. Coats Lock Lever Bay and Grain Rake, &c , &c. Onlv Oeneral Accnts for Orceon and V.'ashlnston for the good old " stand by," the Mccormick reaper and mower., &c. Wo are Grangers), and Mean UuMineNH. Sei d for Clrciilirs, Descrlpthe Pamphlets. Ac, luj; Territories. Agents Wagon-Makiiig and Repairing. IT s A1 .r- South Salem Mai liVJl M. , II.U 16'O.V FAVTUiir. WAOONS AND OARRR1AGES tXJtMEPAlHEll. JI.IDE TO OliDRll (si jfAllMO iKOraalerl r HAST tseucrnl Hlaekunittlitiii;. 101k maito or tbe ileal' Eastern or Mitlie .rial dn.l In IIii, m nifltitn.i- .nil tt'AH. ASTEb. Salem, April -W, JSTtmrl Dr. L. S. SKIFF, DENTIST, Assisted bv 0. F, Tucker. Ovor SALEM, e- tliO OREGO.V. sclOtf OK. K. Y. CHASE. BKBVKTLt-CoL, Ute SurReon U.S. YolUBteen, Office. Oiublu't hjock. nu stairs, icTr & o.f OX- 1876, "hs ButraM Pitts 'ih-illereer1 nrfuher excels alf others and l Low- THE LSAJ1INO TIUCSllER. lhoe Imported y us hae been built with special reference tn the wants or the Caelttc Conjt. The late iiiipioiimfiti haie been tielt tVi-u", anif today It KtHlidH uftbnnt n Hlial as the RING OF TIIKKSIlKM-i. Do not bedecelvf by the windli-t of the blowirs" with their 'to calMl ntt Machines' I at yer' reeord of he 'twritakeit-("hallcTgi-Citwil"ii Cintun Pitt!' Thresher Is pi etti general ly known, rr was Imply Mitn'iting tin NAMB i ' Mietiistaht and pmnttngon mto.tri' mwu int-wi ind thus iryinstosella cnufesstdly Inferior Thresft- rf.ierun tne urt-st- repuiaiion mat n b jiuna-o rip u I ..,!... ti Tn t 1. . i..- .A.i.. f ... ......... .i m... i v.iiiii'1'iiki. I I iiru-iit'i lis- ijiuiic lur uir ijuiiit; I hip. Dm imr buneu-m-d nml ifynu want o Thresher Ihar. will earn you tlie wot Aim? wpli thp Uii-t enenst- .1 . -- . . .. y. . , ,r.; .... . - tor it i).iir ni ri uii-e ine ? tmrntiiirrnt I i ini iiiitip , ion inre-n tor pfliuire r r ii.e jiujjno iiir -iuai. I.ENOEK " and take tn otlitr. Threh(.rnian rlio have not seen thCDhamre- and iinprnrthima made li our Separators and Powrrs the last two years will oimilt tulr win i ttrrrtl py looking at tl'c- "CHAbr. hNuKlf hetnie bujliirf wl-cwhere. an. OBSEirVB that tho 'Omniums' lire wait unly 111 bVt'l?.LU, N; V. JjrSend for Thrwher Crnilars for lSTt; Wbe-lsr A H. i'o , Knit ewHhaln Ihreskitni, lr.ijjroi ed. Latest II rs Hav Fjrksr-' Al- Palmei's ciOls's" Harpoon, the bsi- Vict r Mars. Hay, Platform and Mill Sralcs. V rlrus slues. The Uansfled Portable Biglms Kooc-Mkr or anIHii.-Clafk's -Dniilil Shaki" Pac'ac MilU Tliaonly Mill that nlllttjwvHi UaU from Whoat. carta Hagrni . We have ths-eeneral agency of the celebrated and well known 3AIN WAUUIf; than li'-h there Is none Wten I"rice for "Owh" or "Credit," as low as any first c:Uss Wagon. Wide or nanow track, same prfoe. S,rlnu logins Wj-are n-aklnpr a specl.Tiltjr aC this ola-s ol Wagons Mini have ranch the LhORcT STt WK. mote style tovlntjfnm. ami a better grade Waon than all l he otfciir dealer combined. iJSeiid for Special Wuiron Circular with prloer. AliSOi Ila'vestlnj,' Tools. Huhlifr & Leather Besting, btiRsfor vtacliiues, fttill Stones, slck!secinu8 Smut Machines, Tuibiue Water Wheels,. PlaiifM lachlues, etc- Ll'ivral terms to the Tfailo. I- or Descriptive Ciron lare and Pi lies, nddrees HXAI'l', RKRRKLIi & CO., apJStf POllTJuiyV, 0HEG0:r STEEL, ANI wagon: gommission fcompimji,, Vice Prttldeih T. . .. XATLOCK, lecittaty. jvttmiut. PORTLASU, OREflO.V, - ASSOKTMKNT Or THE JUhTLY CELRRRATEli In all the principal towns In the State anil a-tjoln-Aprll ss1, lu-tr. MB. & MRS. MILLICAN, Ih their NEW KTORE, llrst door south or Breynun llros,', have, Just received an El( tj- a n t. S t. O l or HATS, FLOWERS, A hll StraTC GrOOdM, ECRU LACES and TIES, Coi-otis, HOSIEEY, EMBEOIDEET, Ittir-lilntr. IVotloDN. &... I ' rxmut a M TTATtl GTirrrnrimim Curls, &o. Call, and examine Styles aad Priced. "OltlOMlMiUIX MRSK-tV, F. K PlUFMX. ninom j mgtou, in. price lifts jrtw, I Catalogavtj-oc, l '