, n jarr M'ffi T 'VkI 3T ' 3MAJ;AL $3:00 per Year, in Advance. SALEM, OREGON, FEBRUARY 5, 1875. Volumo VI, Number 51,, LETTER EEOM DANIEL CLARK. On Ovkkland Car, 1 January 19 h, 1875. J Mb. Editor: On examination I dud the Immigrant Department of the State Grange jDf California very useful for this coast. All Immigrants coming from the East or else where call In San Francisco, for InlormatloD as to ourcoaat generally. The publisher ol the Granger's Guide, Mr. J. Ear), does not seem to be one of those narrow-minded men that is interested only In building up his own State. He has'bbanged the name of his pa per to the Granger's Guide of Ihe TUeiJle Coast. He asks ior co operation from Ore gon and thinks Mi at tlio I uterus t of our State I requires that We have a man placed in Sin Francisco, w'bp is thoroughly acquainted with the variqus' resources of our State and 'Washington Territory, to give correct and reliable information to any and all persons wishing to find homes ou the Pad do slope. This Immigration Bureau should bo provid ed for by the 8'ate. Bat, in the great pu dence of our Legislature, they save at the "spigot and lose at the bung." It seems hard and unfair to ask the liberal portion of our people to carry such enterprises forward by subscription, when the whole people are equally Interested in the result. But some thing should be done in this line if we hope to prosper soon as a State. some places four Inches high, all in great contrast with our country north at this time. After leaving your beantiful and interest. ing Capital City with the very pleasant as sociations of friends a week ago I came directly to Canyonvllle and Rosebnrg, where I took the overland stage In a terrible snow storm and found the snow from fourteen Inches at Roseburg to three on Ronnie river. and 38 on the Siskiyou mountains and about elguton the bead of the Sacramento river. till It run entirely out near Reading, 70 miles north of this. I And this the first real live good town south of Salem. I found the trip prettv roinrh and coid at night, but yet alter all'l don't kuow tout, it is any worso than going around by ocean. Very truly, Puiur Rrrz.. Tuesday, Feb. 2. A BOY SHOT. Tragedy at South Salem. About threo o'clock this afternoon n litlln boy. son of Mr. Georue Roland and a. scholar at bourn Salem school, was excused POLK COUNTY. to go out, and soon after a pistol report was nenra ana me iaa returned into tne Douse and said be was shot through the breast. Examination showed a wound through the right breast near the nipple and the child soon commenced bleeding also at mouth and now. The pistol. It seems, wasln the hands of a jboy named Scovlll, not a member of the As I failed to, post this as designed, I wiii.scnooi,naving,Deen sent off for misconduct .' 1 " .."...' fa few davs aero. What tho motive win nr ... . - - - - "" : . " - say a few words about our trip and the wea tber. We arrived at Oden at 0 o'clock this morning, two hours behind time, having ceen detained uy a Heavy rrelgut 'train on the lower end of the Humboldt Plains yes terday, morning, In fresh snow,tbat made the tram draw,, very heavy, the road not being broken. The ruling depth of snow is about one foot and the temperature very mild. At Humboldt yesterday noon the mercury stood at 36 above zero, but it was in doors, and I think hardly a fair test of temperature; but it has been thawing, and is still thawing, and even raining a little as we leave Ogden. I find that travel Is light. The road is-ro-ported open ahead. Yours truly, in a Pull man Falace'car, as she runs. DANIEL ULARK, the circumstance under which the shot was fired, we have no means of knowinir before going to press as the rumor has Just reached town in a very crude shape. Dr. A. N. Kinney, of Portland, who came up this forenoon to attend upon bis father, and Dr. E. Y. Chase have gone over to attend the unfortunate bov. and we can onlv norm that the consequences may not be serious. Of course the sad, event baa created a great excitement in that vicinity, ADDITIONAL PARTICULARS. The latest w'e can learn i that. Inn .5COV1I1 noy. who is known ai ''Den" hv the boys, had an old Allen pepper- uu revolver wuioti wouldn't go, so ne was pricking powder into tbe nipple, holding ihe rls'ol spalrst his breast, when It wrntoffand shot little Rowland who was standing by looking on. LETTER EE0M PHILIP BJ.TZ. Cmco, Cal , Jan. ?0, '75. Jin Editor: As the road is washed up and bridges and telegraph down about Cary- ville. I thought 1 wouldstop a day here and visit someold friends and1 take a look at Gen. lildwell's'magnlficenl estate of 22,000 acres of as fine lsnd'as there Is in the State of Call fornia,"wltb'his immense orchards and vine yards and princely residence and grounds. I found the General at home, in excellent health. He insisted that I should spend tbe day with htm, and soon ordered his carriage, and we drove for miles over his superb farros,after one of tbe fluent teams that Lever saw hitched un. '' saw hitched up. List season bpjaiusd 110,000 gripe vines-, inostlyrjr the "Vblto Muscat oj Alexandria" toe great raUij, grape of.pallforoU. He coin weLeeii Quaking raUlus of thU grape lam fall, anji IUO70 b'e has on baud unw are cer tainly asjfinejas anyMalaga raiii:.eflti be. He Is alsgJ'i;uUJyaitpjri theJmonaMargel.v Gen. Biawell settled on this placa In 1S12, thirty tjvoyjarsaii Heasalsjo a jyery ex, tensive l.)uriij(m(l J, berp, atidjagd prf tlon of this tlirlxing-JJlo ton;prc,bUxiit over -1.000. inhabitants jta ,011 ,hU,oJd land claim. Jllsuwubiou costf JM06,P00,,,jtt r.e,r Mil, l,vvnjiultuyiSf luoa.fiur luffje magnificent estates aud the hospitality of the great, largH hearted owner it Is better for tbe 'Country to see ft aiVd' tip jnoiV closely with suiafl faruiertp and mure ujjcxpl bouses. V ' ' Another item, to give your readers Horns' idea of Ihe extentr.f their farming operation nero, 1 was luirguuceu u a gPBiiemniitll wlgbt from Colusa county, jute v.estoftbls across tbe Sacramento, who js pulling fn 11,600 Aften or wheat. In looUii j- lh bfll ofixpenses, to carry 011 that farm, Willi 1 m hardware iiuerpliam hero,' wo ir.iced one item wlduu, wfc a wOiar'nsw 1 iifv ivu'w X,CC0 cartridges ,tot iJIeury rIil.wtoOHi4iig f 175. 1 askedwhatl that oould bo for, they looked at! ma with surprise that I 'should be so queer-j-and sa'd that was what theamr million cost to kill wild geese ltb, tbattboy kept men employed all the time shooting the jLu&e 10 keep them fromeatlng up the young wheat Jn the wrtritsr, as' ihejr comoln herein co triads frDmtfhfe"frozen' conntrle's north and AfBtnrthn'nioiknklna ln''l,.t ' ' ''" 'I The gra U Wtif ul and green beta, now, 'hetiiT letter, -XKJHlMleU CUA . 'I' "' "' V':,"W .exiJ'-' i t -l " J Phenomknon We w itnessed a beantiful display of the elements as we crossed the foot bridge early thin morning. The clouds which hung high, were pouring down a shower of snow on IhedUtant Polk county htlls; the upper cu rrent of wind being from the toutb made the falling fleece incline to tbe north, but, midway to tbe earth it was caught 011 the winys of the nuder current of north wiud and carried south, so that Ihe falling shorn er presented the appearance of a bent knee. Wmtiso School. Mr. James Orchard, who in intending to open Writing School hero, nt the Central School House, next Thursday evening, shows us Borne-very line specimens of ornamontal penmanship am lu.-orms us mat lie has had success in teach, ing In Albany, Scio, and other place. All appearances are In his favor, and we have no doubt (he will succeed. HU card will bo found elwbere.. , Poiik,ani Ukuk-D. & a: AMjj'Ciilly jn- iuraitus mat iney nave purchased, 605 pigs in me inn, io monin,'we aht 69.M5 bs'and tbey have ruu thioueh tbehfliuarket ir Jlhat tlmo 3i,5WMbs'bepf for Salenj")e. The pork has been niiinuiac'iireiVnitu Jard and HUirar cured hain ami slionliler, hainples of which are for bale, in tbuir innrkHs and will be iS'UMil looihbouje euough or' any of our eiluu. , SjaunuM,) WouMi.-MAajhesteamerE 'Cooke tka neariuj; ,Hlem-lai,teenliig, while cleanlnu the inachlneryone of the hands nanifd U iilamin Perklna wan Inlnr,i byhe bnrstlng'ol the heavy Klasa that guards fbe lubricator, lie was brought here aDd Uktu to the hnplUl with a wound in the abdomen. We larn lo day that little hope Is entertained of his recovery. 1:ntm!-$ise Tho Orcgo'nian ha exten dnl itx fykg'rpli)c couiract 10 jncltido all the ina'ieriWnt by the.Abroclated Prnu,tn tl, .inn, uaiifftn ana iwi pf.CllfonUar and K publishes today the fuli proceedings of tueTilton-BeecW trial, BivlnitTllton'a moat (iDjionant evidence against Beecher in t nil Mr. D. M. Guthrie of Polk county, calls on ns to day and reports considerable sickness over there, scarlet fever aud some deaths re sulting therefrom. On the 28th nit., John Graves, eldest son of J. K. P. Graves and Abbey Graves, died, aged 7 years 11 months and IS days. They reside near Mr. Guthries place, south of Dallas. Having resided here for 28 years Mr. Guth rie pronounces It the coldest winter he has ever known, tho mercury having been 0 bo low zero. David Goff, a very old citizen, whoilves near Dixie and is'ftitherof Mrs. J. W. NeR mitb, lies very ill of paralysis and is not ex pected to iecoerj also Mrs. MoNary, an old lady hose residence is near Eola, is ill and not expected to live. Stock, about Dallas, is generally doing well and making a live of it. Tbe first feeding Mr. Onthilj did this win ter was on the 0th of January, snow fell on tne 13th and lies on yet. Candlemas 1 o-day is Candlemas, a day observed not only as the day of nnrlfi. calioncf the Virgin Mary by the Catholic Church, but also one of the especial days of observance, on that account, of the Episcopal Church. It is knoiyn as Candlemas because all the candles burned in religious services, by Catholics, and perhaps also by ritualists of the Episcopal Church, are blessed by a oonsecrating service, on that day. State Priktino We learn fiom W. F, Cornell, foreman of tbe State Printing office, that tbe bodies of tbe Senate and House Journals and of the session laws, are now complete and there only remains to set the type for the decisions of the Supreme Court and the indexes or the several volumes. He thinks two wek& more time will suffice to wind up all tbe work of the late Legislature. We rublish today a very Interesting letter from Philip Rll7, of Walla Walls, who lately went East and was detained at Clileo by the floods which made such devastation at Marysvllle. His ride over Gen, Bldwells farm of 22,000 acres give opportunity for a nice description which he has most success fully improved. Our Fkatiierfp Friends Second lec ture in tbe course to-morrow evening at the University. The water birds will bethe sub ject of this lecture. Mr. Knlgbt will explain the meanings of Mich Jtw-breakfng words as IemillaroHrts, Lotipipenncs. Sleganopodes, rggopodes, Ac, Ac, llluslrading with specl- 8UPBEME COURT. Wednesday, Fob. 3. Pjiotosk to Disband. At a meeting of diroctoiH of Homo Manufacturing Company, this morning, an understanding was arrived at that on the deposit of money, at next meet- .. , -.-..1. 1. -,.1 . , 8. H. Humnhrevs executor. ann.nL . "" "'. ray expenses in- L.LTaylor. responded; app.al from Wash- ,"" " " " ""!'.. " !?,'?0U,d lngton county. Judgement in, Jhe court bt- Saonl. A. Howe, appellant, vs. Thos. and Francis E. Patterson, refpondents; appeal fiom Columbia connty. Decree of the Court below alarmed; opinion by Prim, J. low affirmed; opinion by Burnett, J. City of Portland, respondent, vs. Chas. T. Kamn, appellant) appeal from Multnomah oounty. Judgemont below roversH and new bill ordertd; opinion by Bonhatu, C. J. Cnrolina Huffman, respondent, vs. Saml. Huffman, appellant; appeal from Union oounty. Aruued and submitted. Newell Kussel, respondent, vs. J.M.Swllr, appellant; appeal from Bakcrcounfy. Argu od and submitted. D. A. Richards, respondent, vs. O. O. Fan nfngj apneal from Union county. Appellant allowed until to-morrow morning to fllo ti 1 motion lor diminution or the record. Caroline Huffman, respondent, vs. Daniel Huffman, appollant; appeal from Union county; decree of the Court below affirmed. Opinion by Prim, J. James Hurst, appellant, vs. Harriet Hurst, respondent; Judgment in the Court below af firmed. Opinion by Burnett, J. David It. Lewis, et al., appellants, vt. Delia B. Lewis, etal., respondents; motion to re mand tho cause to tho Court below lor fur ther proceedings, argued and submitted. COUNTY CQTJRTr J. C. Peebles, Judge. New BmroE WANTiin.-WllIlam Savaee Is circulating a petition to both the City Council and tbe County Court that a new bridge may bo constructed at the Commercial St. crossing north Mill Creek, wh'eh would prove a convenience to many fepons, The W.jlt. T. Company h-uf a contract, that commenced with the loading of the Bea ver Saturday evening, to carry odo thousand tons of flrur from the Salem Mills to Atnrl. Thri vessel 's, probably waiting thenj to re ceive cargo. .. .1 ... Onr correspondence is very Interesting of nui, anu we nope to elicit a ironeml ln(f rest among onr resderB that shall rniUJjTf, (.6, l,o- onmej triors so, ax they hhall (ncreiso their plestiit,cpn,tirlbutiqna. 1 1 ' 1 The llne.Yr-'Jrt ol'd frtend'I'q .Jvi'nnpv' fs HPBravaWd ,y")lf0 brWkiuKraH.of,ery. slpe!aMri,ftiBeiuleled llmn,.but his attend'' nns hope 10 overcome tbal difficulty ln'a few dnn. 1 re i'"if J. Wolford A Co., plalntiBs, vs. Win. Mac gurle. Judgement rendered for plaintiff by default for the sum of ?239 49, In gold coin interest ond cost. Upon complaint of Harvey M. Newsom, and upon due medical examinatlou,VIrgll N. Newsomo was adjudged insane, and an order for his commitment to the insane nsylam was made by tbe Judge. In the matter of tho final settlement of the estate 6fE. E. Wheoler, deceased, final ao count examined, and compared with the vouchers and found correct; order made for distribution of property among devlees, and a further order for the dlsobargo of the exe- outor. In tho matlor or the estato or John I). Wood application to prove the will, nroor taken and John M. Harrison appointed exe cutor. Tho following Jury HH was drawn for tho February term : Frauk Manning, L II. Poujade, Lew is Dor goine, A. Mntholt, W.Yorgon, HonrySlirum, o.u. miDuira, j.c, Hiiuhanan, Jno. p. Cole, Davis Shannon, John I!. Dlmuilck, G. W. Shaw,, Lcii BirlnesK, Hon), Tueltor, V. 'V Hicks, Ruben L?wl,John I'. Amtoron,T..T LMhiuudiOn.N O Parker. Jairlfs. Franc!. A L.Stlnson, lUij.h Walters, V, 0. Morrli, 0', r' ytttrM ol i,b'"' ""' tllri1 Wlw "" 1'1 lll1' "f M. Tinjjle, John F. Millor, 1. 0. Ilowsrd, f70' r'iomHly podr liinn w,im wild for ?2,O0D thon be disbanded. Any mouoy Paid In on toek, more than the proportion due Irom tho Individual making It towards pajlug the ex penses, will bo rofmided. To mal.o action legn', stockholders will have to py the first ufrsessineiit to entitle them In Volu, but tho Linn oounty men express it detdrmiuatlon to gho tho rest atuplo security that tho fair thing shall bo done to all coucorned anil no advantago talcou, Stkameh AlicI! Sunk. Yes'lcrday tho Allco, Captain Bell, wis on her way down with 150 toiiM of freight taken ou atCortallls and Albany, and when about one mile abovo Buena Vista show ruck it snag which had newly lodged in tho current and it toron nolo immediately under iho boiler. Soelug tho wuler coining in last the ( aptalu had tier beached about two hundred jntds from where sho struck, on a level bir, where sho lies comfortably with no danger nf injury to the freight. Tho purser, Mr. J. W. McCully, came down to ton yexterday aftoruoou and telegraphed down to the compauy to send up nails, lumber and carpenter to repair her and a boat to tako off her caro. Tlio Fannie or Cooke will come up this eTonlnir fr lhv.f. nnrnnid ' Lecture To-Niuur. Rov. P. S. Knight's leciure at the University Chapel this ovenlng will bo worth attending, Outside of the nat nrl Interest in the leoture Itseir, line spouU mens of taxidermy (prepared by Mr. Allen Kliodof) wl'l maUirlally aHsist tho lecturer li illustrating his discourse besides attracting: considerable attention from the audlonccv Among the specimens to bo shortly used is a fine pair or ehell-drako ducks iferganier Amcricanuti), which are souiowbatoftt rarity although not entirely unknown in Oregon. This eon rso or lectures will repay the limo taken In listening to thorn. HiHWiitiAN and Concordia. Thiso bpcIo Uhh have nn excellent programme for their exhibition to take place Friday eventing tho 11th lust. An admittance fee of 60 cents will bo charged lit the door, the pioeeiwis of which go toward repairing their hall. The pro grainuiecaiislsbi or dialogues, charades, ipo itatlons In character, oto , iuterpersod with miikio, and tho whole prograiiuue tiikeu together is uniloubti dly u good one Intend oil to pletse and us they huvo herotnloio hot 11 giving iico vJshililtlmiM, tho cltlnus of tfaleui should turn out '"d tslvu them full hotiso. 'i'HH CoUNrr Poor, Thoro aro now, In nil, 1(1 paupers In Marlon oounty. Thora woro unt to tho i:,t, lht (all, o fiien.s lhori,two oftlicm liylnold men, rusptctlvoly 00 anil Jphn llah, KJ. lllrchi J. Roland, A. U Cos per. P. Vuuh.C. U. W are privately Informed that its (eleErapio I'vnn wmio f j,wv yui ujuutU ' Sknt to the AhVi-UM, Virgil, tfewaom jwas Jbfouffbt befors tbe.Counly Judgsyes-, leruay atuaruoop, anu npon b proper mad icl and other evidence was sent to.'East l lw jqr. .Ju-ibiJufie 1 , i We wero mistaken In saying tho i-katlng season m over. The boys say that at tlie head of the slouch the Ico Is hotter than over and as good as tan be. rt eatlu-rford & Co. arn Marling Into tho year J8,. lt)i plenty of goods and a rnott accommodating spirit. Glvo them acall. Breymin Brie, always keep excellent cr pts and hare beau iful paeo q dlsplsy them and plenty .of light to see them by, John G. Wright has tho best assortment or crockery in the city and makes a nerl.lt v nt Hkeeping good wars and a good assortment. I T M. m., . .. . ' WU..H.U a, jiirscn nave excellent clothing pu unuerwear tor gentlemen and can suit you to a suit most inltably.' tpnly seven new robscrlberi each day for tb KAKMB-Rlast week, and the praaeat vmk )vUamers weaJbrngixidpwotof phml -w buux,mbh, lau Y4y,toJte,6)Htti A-MlflSDa.,,,1,- , .K . 1 ,' kSll ttttn I) TliEAhUUT Hr.UEIi'iH. During tho wrek tliO luvt Troahury htis beim rorlpnishdil from t)() funilt H ClsckaAns coilntl' (o'ho ex tout 0( f (O.fiJO, I rAu'0 hlur by ftftj'. Ward. 'mjtJioiiMULjjof tfilmuiii beiiKe,i td tvo IrrjiuueibloKoJippl fund. , All Edjmrlia arriteil'witli thn li.llles tnall and r pnri4 ico oil illo Columbia thick i,ud ") The.-ohftK MlniohtMiisnppeared from the vldnjly Porilaml, 'IJ10 maM lieari to mu'vn t nsterday lnornlug,, early, and bjforo noon little wh Men. Tho ico in tro IwerColnmbla.at Kalamn. Is growing thin and rotun and full of air holes. Iu!.tlall, to our towiisintu, IS. llaas,':md lit iho prcHenl tlmo 'jie county ponrnro boirdii'd iirouml among tho lariiipis, 11SJI16 rnuhtcon t'eiiient t.uil, ccoiiomtcj wsy'fi'r.i'ioviilliij; for them. 1 j , Hume Jim Sjwc Wolfarn, from Dr. Car petitor that' tho youi) rin'Ttvi ik,"jiti lmi hlafSi)lpuso Im'J!;,' 11 'v vyiW),t lo(r)( v.ellbul l.ooiiuiottxpail hlifju lljhl.llnili.. srjoii, 'lhoca'oif Ufn.j. I',i!yrj, wv wij jijurid by' (ho explosion on hoard of tho i)(co on her pausu"o up tho other day. In a ilangfruiis oilr, tho woumI ljuliig In IW, lib- iKiiien Hiid of a ehanwter tint onon provwi iuial. A Jmvd.ijH moro will ddclilo his Mo.' IiOJtll AUNUKAOUJftlSf f'0Ml,NV. Tllfl mrctingol'stcckhrlilMrHolthh company was filled lor yesterday ultcriioou, but no sutll. clout iiiuoiiiii of paid up nlo;k was rirfliimit in Lsn-e quantities of tld hay ar(, coming "'$ '"""" 'l"i" " ""' Joii.mil tototi, l,sral. CilsariartTMls. """Klw,l'" -"CMil-JWumc aiothltg Tho dl- i -J I'" tiinliatuii-uiianothorctUfrthafetook- Into Fink Jot, I'niHTiNO -U, D.tWjUmN Job ' "" l" ""' "" '"" sw ,wU printer, In Dutbln'H block, ulioncus i,vcl f Itl"1-"- T Wfdthid .ouJlH aro on a inonnfhbi Drlntloi;iirnieillnr..t nn ii, brldiil t;l, )Mt,i)u j-.alrni at tills time unrl and Informs us that hs I propnrotl and ready to do'sgeb work at any time on nhort notice. This work Is done by a ajobe pres, tlio atss luipruvement in tno art, that being the.k Ind he U9SM, ' 1 Salem Woolen Mills. Suiorinlendent Joseph IlpyJ Inforpis ;tjjat work Is going onito rrjwlr fro-u pipes and prepars tot irocpHWW(Mia tusiuill will probably xwPuldua hoc Iwttyis -flats j 1 ' luJlstnsd iljart uu.lUn bus aul I baun,der,ralbbaal waynsat'week.niiklng 1 jn au8f Mft"&Tti oot "i ,;,'7 , iHUipplji.'mtlii.Coiiuiitulil. Mtinrou Burfoid aim ixtiiio iraiu; m(so Uiorgo W. Shiporof stalein and Martha ' llurfvr.l 'f ra inarrlnd at the resldeiioo of David Grant, K-n.., near JallHM, and aro thoi happy parties we refer Ul,Jr!,"' a'r"oy by Judge W. Trultl of Polk county, ' T Not so Baij', 'i'ho Roland jwy wlioi was accidentally hbot yesterday oscaptdl without any ,MirioiiH, hurt, probsil over an Inr fimnd and tbe boy I )imHore, ,j 1 Thsiiwonnd cannot lie', h drV. thn 'hall Unn'nl li''' la about M'ntual only a- ,- ; 11' ri.jJI''J q-jl 11 Jlltllll . n 1 -'rririiiim-TnamiiBflMiiMmi-iiiiarraWi