WILLAMETTE FARMER. D KIXDSKSS 70 ANIMAL. While the present age is apparent ly absorbed with polities nnd, rail roads, there are still evidence s of ln urctuinglniinfine feeling now sprlnjj Ingiutonctlvo bein fiaiul manifesting their InfltieiKO by compassion upon the brute creation. This is more plainly -hovn In the organization of societies for protecting domestic ani mals from the effects of harsh treat ment and cruelty, by which their lives have been rendered uncomfort able and in many ert'e-s shorforcd 1 y hard and unrea-on.iUo toll. . As tho horec is the nnim.il vl.kli in thiscountry is subjected more than any other to tho uso and control of lnrm, ho has peculiar claims upon our regard and sympathy ; and it is mot especially towards this animal that care and protection hav6 been ex tended. In towns whero street cars arc in dally use, and whero tho temp tation to overwork and nbii'-o in vari ous ways arc most liable to bo prac ticed, there has already been much Improvement observed in his treat ment, not only in tho amount and manner of service done, but nlo in (ho condition of keeping; all of which are very e.-seiitiel totho health and comfort and ability to work, of any beast exposed to the vnriou vicissitudes of climate and weather. Thcro is, however, ono item of treatment that is less exposed to gen eral observation, but which is de serving of special attention and this Is feeding. 1 for-e--, when younynnd In health, have no dllllculty in mas ticating their provender; but when they become advanced in years, there Is ono circunisttinco attending their eating that is generally overlooked, though any person of observation may readily become acquainted with tho facts in tho case. This is tho difficulty which old horses experi ence when fed upon hay. It is not uncommon for it to remain a long time in tho rack or manger untouch ed, and n very general inipre-ion lias been that such failure is owing to a loss of tho molar teeth, or to their becoming -o much worn as to be no longer capable of grinding the hay after it is taken Into tho mouth. But probably tho mot general cause of this dllllculty will be found In the unusual lengthof the foroteeth.which Hhutting on each other, prevent tho molars from performing their office of grinder--. Wo have seen several cases of this kind. Tho remedy for it is not difficult, and is generally easily itccomplMied by placing a short stick transversely ncroas the Jaws, between tho molar teeth, and of sufficient diameter to keep tho fore teeth separated, and then con fining tho horses head In roino kind of a stall, any pcron with u sharp file eau easily Miorten the foro teeth ho that the grinding teeth may come together and perform their office in masticating hay or other provender. Premiums for Scalps of Wild AaDnals. Tho Hoard of Managers of tho Or egon State Agricultural Society, otfer tho following premiums, to bo awarded at tho annual fair in October next: A premium of SCO to tho por tion producing the highest number not less than 1,000; and to the por tion producing tho next highest num ber not les than GOO, $:!." ; and to the person producing the next highest number not less than 230, 510; nnd to the person producing the next largest number not k"-s than 100, $3 ; and to tho person producing tho next largest number not lc"s than 73, $2.50 ; and to tho person producing tho next largest number not less than f)0, $1.30 ; and the next -ix highest numbers $ 1.00 each. One Panther to bo equal to 30 Squirrel-. Wolf " 30 " Gopher " is " " Javblrd ' 1 " " Wildcat " - " NoTi:. Tho per-.on producing the scalp, to furnish the Committee ap pointed to examine tho 'ame, a satis factory statement in writing, that tho animals from which tho -caln-were taken, were killed by him with in tho time from January 13, 1672, to October 1st, 1S72. Wool. 19 cents Is now offered for wool In this market. CAiKM'ii i m:s Our orchard" arc alive with the-e little post, and any simple mode for their extermination oven for a Mnglo season -hotild be hailed with delight by fruit grower--. Mr. J. P. Eagan, of Monitor, in thN county, has placed us in povesslon of what he asserts to bo a sure -hot on the caterpillar and it4- moth. Here 1J the way he goes for them. Where n tree Is ono foot in diameter, take an Inch auger nnd bore a hole into tho tree ubouHhreoinchoMlccp, anglingNlownward ; plnco about two tal'eponnfiiN of llourof -ulphur in thl- hole, and then -top the hole with a piece of a limb of the tree, and see that it lit -nugly. This doc-: the work for tho caterpillar-! on the tree. Within the day they become stupid, and in a few days die. If any stray ono happens to Hud its way up the tree afterward, the suno fate awaits it. After caterpillars have changed to moth-, no eggs will bo deposited on any tree treated as above during that year. How long the tree will retain the effect of this treatment, Mr. Kagan Is not able to say. Dirri:r.f..Ti:or Opinion. Holla-1 day's paper don't like tho cour.-e the F.vn.Mi:r. ha- been pursuing. Here Is what Hon. J. II. Douthit, ono of the -taunchest friends the railroad ever had In the SJate, say to u In a private note : " Your indt pendent eoune in will regarded by ceery per ron. You may well stippo-o I am highly delighted with It." One of our agent-, -ending u- a li-t of mbscribcrs, .-ays : " I feel that I have notdono full duty in getting names for tho Fakmi'ii, but shall en deavor to do all I can for tho paper that bo nobly battles for tho rights of tho people. The cour-o that tho FAnMEithas taken of lato is endorsed by all who read Its columns, nnd wo farmers pay 'Go after them.' " Gkani) J'oniTit or Jri.Y Kxci'ii fioN. The O. it (.'. It. Company have acceded to a general arrangement for an excursion to Portland on the Fourth, at figures le-s than half laro rate-. Kxcurslonlsts can also secure tickets on t-peclal terms to Astoria or The Dalles. Companies can organ ize and go in cars by thenis-elvcs from Salem. Tho affair promises to bo on a grand scnlo, and on vory III) eial term". Tho people at Albany and Eugene aro going, wo under stand, to turn out and celebrate in this very enjoyable way. The peo ple at all other points along the road are Invited to Join. Tickets are good for five days. T UNDKHFOOTO), AND Till: JUlA- -on. Wo havo received n letter from ono of our subscriber, request ing that his paper be discontinued, on tho ground that our opposition to Ilolladuy's monopoly "was politics." A llttlo inquiry lias revealed tho fact that this same individual was for merly a member of the Legl-lature, nnd told himself for $:J,000 to vote against tho interc-ts of tho people Who eent'hlm there. Tho-o who op pose the couro the l-r.n:n has taken on corrtiutlon aro either tho-e who have sold or want to -ell them-' -elvo-, or who havo Itoughl or want to buy others. 1'nosT. A heavy frost occurred lure on Miturday night, doing considerable damage to fruit and other vegetation. to advkutini:ks. T oajli the column of tho lViottn Ho ailie t'ei If enabled tn present M hurlnc to all chirr i of the ymbllc nil tuVtanUge pororcd by no otlii r paper la t.ie t-:.ito. Term- of ..du'rtlhi en I'ltllll pace. IF. ,wt3r.c vc'CEM'r iroic r pib Bvo. p SPECIAL NOTICES. WXX.LZAIMC DAVIDSON. REAL ESTATE DEALER, OHIoc, .. Gl I'ruilt Mint, ronTLvsn. oituioM. IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY op JLiOisriDoisi: sn w:.t i:n in CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES! A!0 KEK1S CONSTANTLY iV HAND r I U '.S.I V. I'l I. S!-' El '. EI) -TOiIi Of KL'AL !TATE In V...' CITY r.n.l KA-T n.,iw ..J r 1 r.-r-.-.. roiiTLAxn, jnihcino.tdiMi.:ci..caiith..co.'Grookery and. Glassware, rifting rf LOTS. HALF Dl.tXiCS M..1 11 LOCK". IIOV-E" AND "TOUE i r.!r. lMI'HOVEl) fAUMS i.nl u.l.iab!o tit oil tlv.lttil MNDS, liXJtcd In AM. part cf the bTATI. for ALK. nEAI. EsTATR ar.tl !l.cr I'n'iicity Jmr clnnl for (VrroHimlcr.t, In thl CITV iii.il tliroajliotit U..J STATES at..l TKIIIllTOIIII'.'t, MlthprrAt euro i.ml on the tin t ADVANTAt.i; OVS TEltMS. HOVsES iidl -TOIir.S LEADED, LOANS NEGOTIATED. arl CI-MMS 01' AI.1. DESfltll'. TIONS rilOMl'TLY COLLECTED. Aii.t n (Irti crjl riNANCIAI. AND AHENf'Y M'tlSKSS trat..".ctfil. AGISTS .f thl OKl'It E In nil llic CITIES r.nd TOWNS In tho STATE, Mill tole drrcrlp- tlor. of 1'AltM 1'HOI'EIITV ami ruronnl Hip anic to tho nluvc adilrrr. IVlil-y. L""rric ily Hoot Store l.a Imv ticot Hoailqr.nrtcrii for the f.tV of TIItllEI.'S CELII IHtATEI) HOOTS, cfMhlili 1 have i:xnXMK At-r. rur;loi r.ro caiitl.mdl torxaniluo nuil It ml my name on them, a thr emmtry U fioodol llh a IIOTTEN HOOT, In ImlMtlnn of tho Kiniilni-artl. do. Kii-ry i.ir of TlrnT ltoon old at my c ft il-ll-hmrut I tuiranltcd to h c jiorfi-ct rail lartlon. Ilrnicmlirr that tlii'atxiro !imi nil tin hull or fjillt pnoi!'. No Shoddy palinul off tijion Itrrit'. tomctn Torn i pcrlr artlcln of Kr ik.Ii Calf!! Al. rlp, nturnid within a rraornMi time rrpalnd free .if cfca-to. (Dccl.l .1. W. OII.HEI1T A CAHI). Tl.o riport abroad I that t'nHni I- an tinhralthy p'aco. lion-can It ho other vle win n In alinott every l.or.io )o:i men with ilrhneir In omc formf I think I ean fafdy ray mof t of the coin bluing I among tho female portion of tho roinmuiilty. Why If nidi tho rac t llavo c not tho rtht to he heatty, ra?Kcd, and healthy ' Or l It a ilrace to our ild'.cato nituro toon tl.lt I'mm tho up pcaranro of mart of tho ladle licre, one would certainly Judjjc mcli ti lie the cae. I he Ken a il(Unt of thlKplaroneaily tiio yearc, ar.d have leen under tho eaio of mine phy flclr.n mot of that lime. My complaint werv If. i;toii. Tho dms Hon wero fullhfully patronlred. About four w I't'k a-o, a Udy (a ttranscr to mo then) came to tr.c r.Ld raid the kmw wheie 1 cmiiUI tic cured If 1 nould cor.xut to gn, Voituuiittly I con iciited. A cure a narraUed, i.nd tn day, com paratively peaVtnif. my hody l well and my mind at catc. I utidorftand that the ramo cute ha betn ttlictcd with nunmber of other ladle In thl place, who wero rlinllarly afflicted. Now why ha not runic or.o of tl.ero lnerted n eard In the mwrpapcr. that ladle In delicate health mayVnow where they can fct permanent relief. In. tend of rpendlr cry dollar that ran be earned In paying doctor' hill r Now allow mo to ray to all lidk that may be ruf. fcilrj; with what they cannot dctcrlbu tliuunUii', but called by the family ph)rIclaumroitii(, and where the whole rynemncid tonlnj; tip, to throw anay your tonic and call on Mr. !. I'oi.ii a roon c porrlble, and I will jniarsntoo n pcrdy re lief and a pirmamt.t cure. Mil". S V WHUOWi. HaUin, May 8.1ft). Willow and Wooden Ware, Plated Ware, Tobaoco and Cigars, Toys and Notions, Xiime and Salt. DANFORTH'S NON-EXPLOSIVE PETROLEUM FLUID M.ircJrM. t omiiiorclnl treel, Snlriil. EG&S FROM MY FIRST PREMIUM FOWLS T AM NOW l'KEI'MlKD TO ItECEIVK OllDEIts KOK i:C5C!.- OK MV K1II.ST 1'I1I.MM JL I Ol 'owl, U: CHICKENS. yv.Tv-N w " jrzi r. 'y,; Xiz&yX K . ., A' i te ' ??1-XCSS wmmk uz$ -rtxvMVJ IJWNS. .ViJr-.- lffiM 1 iBtfr v - iVCiN: v1 . &vavm tvJI v.v2srv:.;irirtvAiiftft'.' v mmm ft.siit )$8igssm:wmw w' v ,X.v9BIBffll 1 IB " .i w vXySST DA1IK HIIAIIMAX, I.U111T 11KAIIMAX, WIIITK TAt'ED III.'K I Kl'ANISlI, FllKNCIl llOl'DAN-. WHITE HE A It DEI) l'O. i LANDS, IOENEUAI. IIAliNI IIKD III i OAMKS, '.liU.i LrUI.IMI III.Al'K 1IKII fl, ,, f I.H1., H U iiii.-ii ju i i i.i.ii iujii.?, n ENI'.I.IMI I'll KAMA NT , AMI. DUCKS. ItllAN JILLlvn. V- . 1 iiiimi: pavi'iii ntvt.s X.J i.Autii: lMEDoit srorri.ii oV DVCKS. I TURKEYS. UHONZE Tl'IIKKYS, jllLACK TUIIKKYS, i GEESE. lMXQV: COMIION tIEEXi:. 1 PEA FOWLS. There ECllti ate Horn my FlltM" l'llEMll.M 1 OWl.x exlill.tim at our Sluto l'alr. The Efc n I bodelleril at my rerldeiKoul $3 er tliizru. If iuc kt.il imil rent by Lpuri, lloat.or lliil'iotiil I t-t ler dozen. Tea Fowl E. 1B irr dozen. l'nlor tho alioio varletle wllllio for rale III the I 'all tV"rnt i.trc uil .ii patl.IiiL'. ' MONEY MU8T AtTOMPANY OllDEIf. , N. II. All aro luwtcil tn call and fee my n-n.l and n.ui.ni. h.i.i t 1 (lien Oak, near Salem, March ti.ltt). J. 1.. I'AHHIMI. ELECTRIC, CHAMPION AMI LIGHTNING MS-CUT SAWS! Wait's Patent Portable POWER HAT PRESS STATE ND fOl'NTY I RIGHTS FOR SALE. Oregon fc California Railroad TI3IK TABLE. I.QU.Ml HUTU. I " i HOC.NU Ni'llTlt. IWrt freight I "ATtosr. j i-anVi lrclk-Ut l.tlru i..:i0 A.u..rrtliii.d .. ' ll.5 A.M L.VIl'.x J.W .. 7.M .. I K. 1'ortland.i 11 .. !).. 1.4).. 7.20 Utachlnc Sh.' 11.(0 .. -MM.. ?.n .. 7V... .Mllwaukto.10.-IT 3 U . J vm . M5 . I Marrhflehi ' J." . 1 0.1 . . i.f) . . loreyon City lO.IW i S.W .. S.M .. I 0.15 .. iliQfk HUndi lu.05 I .vO S.U .. I H ... C'anby... KM .. l.M .. J) .. 10.15 .. Aurora.. 9.2) .. I LIT .. :.-!. .. 10.V) . i..llubhard. H.-.'l . ,1')U .. 5 5S .. II.W - Woodhnrn. 0.50 .. 14.81 .. l.ics .. ,11.-.J .. ....Cvnalr.. 9.08 .. ,l').t!0m IT . 'llM .. '.. llrook. I f.il . Ill.MA.M 4.M 'lir.Mifalr(iroirdr. r.'ll ,1I.M .. 4-1T .. Vl.iO .. .. sa(m... -i .. 1113 .. '.07 .. 1 IT .... Turner... WD . 10..").. til . 14b .. ...Marlon .. T.40 .. 10.W .. i.1 .. i 15 .. '..Ji (Terror. 7.U .. U.SS .. 5.W .. 4.3i MU'.tr... T.1T . 9.U3 .. Kl) .. I S.1T ' Albar.y... T.( .. C4) .. f..27 3.4'J .. ..Tangent 0.1) .. KM .. i..v) .. 4. IS Miedd'.. ti.i5.. T.40 0.5T .. 4.4) Ilalrey... CIO.. TIT.. T."a .. 5.3v! .. .llarr!uurff. 5,'H fl.SI .. T.iS .. CM.. ..Junction.. 5.10 .. 555.. MO .. G..V) .. ..llleit'r. 4.49 .. 5.1T .. b)i .. 7."J L'ntrme.. i.tOA.M 4.40a. m ir.n:vr. lea re. Adrirr tLe iDUIitor ".' II, WAIT, llox t), S. lem, OrifCii. t'ard'and (Irinlnr nnt freotuaii) addtit. CALL AT TlIKl'AtrroitY ON ClIMMKUCIAI. street. and eo for)oiirtrlu,and joti wlllilinl them the. lint, tho cheapcrt, tho mo.l prartlrahle andpotlthdy the only genuine riirUhle 1'rerr In lire. I hen hychalieiiiio any other I'rcrr to compete for the champion fork at tho licit Mate. fulr. Wo will taka the hay out of tho nxk, inoio twliv to etcry hale, at.il not hae ot-r thrto hand and one horro to work thcl'retr. rirarerendln ionr orileiir- ly. blimle rlnhtr (old, and tartln fuuilrhid to ' eery one tliat wlihe to manufacture. ' steozai. rzummrMs. I 1 wllljriiollOfor tl.o hcrt and mort wnikdonotn , ten hoar with cue of my I'nrrir pri-tlour to the I' text Mate fair I will cite f 25 for the he.t and mort wink done In ono hour with nnu of my prerre on the fair (ironndr daring tho next Statu fulr. Maylltli.tr. T II. WAIT. LADD&. BUSHT BANKERS, hALEM. INTEI1EST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSIT for ptrlod of three month and tipnaril. Dcporlt rtceludand aciounu kipt ruhjttt to Check. Valuable! recelvid on ilepo.lt for af kteplng. Collectlot. made, and all UiJiiitlal and trun hu !ne transacted. bight and telegraphic exihango on 1'ortlat.d. Sun rrat.clco and Athintlc Mattr. Ureenhickr, and itourMmtit, and fctatc hicurl tic bought and redd. Atirll 15th 1ST). ltipd. r :. rtfKt, c. it. iialu DKS. rZSXE ti BAXaZ.. , H'FICi:-.NO. I, nOOHKV HI.O K, ' .p'.'7 r-ALEM, OIIEOON. 10f ! HOWE'S Platform &Counter Scales Kangaroo SHEEP SHEAR8. SHELF AND BUILDERS' HARDWARE! roil nam: iiv JOHN R. FOSTER. COKNEIt hTMtIC AND l'ISONT VJ'ltEETs', l'OKTI.A.M. tIii: Singer Sewing Machine WILL SEW EVEItYTIIlS'ii NEEDED IN A r.OIILY, 1'IIOM TIIBIIBAVlhlsTTO TDK LIOIITKlTf AIIHIC. IT DOES MORE WORK, More Kinds of Work, AND BETTER WORK Tim ii any oilier .Machine. Mud furtinulrandmpliof wtrk at A. N. (III.UEIIT A CO.'S IVW. and hhoo htore, AprllJ) tf. ht'.tm, Oirgon J. H. & S. Robbing' SULKY BREAKING PLOW THE BEST IN USE ! milK MLKEY ltliEAKINd I'l.OW 1H 01' HE X rent inMtilon, having beui patiiitrd hv Mr .1 II, Itobblnr during lit nrent ttlp li.t. Tho fi I tutting trritninnliil aro j;ltn a oldinro if Mr Milueof tho I'low i m . YcmMll Co.. April I. II .i. Thlr lr toi ertlfy that I hau iircil ,1, II A H J(i Ii blur' Milky 1'low lor it rhorl time, and Hint it to glieperfitttJtt.faitloii, ami think ll the hrrt in J. W. llltlDWt'I.I., Akiti, Oregon, April 1, 117 Thlr lr to i ertlfy that I ham been tiring ono of .1 ll.A,r.. Itolililu' Wheel I'lowr.r.ul It ml 1 1 to .In Uttir work than aii)lUlug 1 oer miw. It lll'll draft, wotl. eary to tho hand, and turning lie ground oer III giol orilir, and ha ghiit cowl n-t l.li.illi li In u ry mi leof the word W. It. I'AT. V AMITV. April I, th 1 Tl.lr lr to ( riLfr that I l.aie ureil J. II. A H, i Ii Mr,"' Hulky Plow lor oun jrar, and f.nd It to cue ierfeit riitlrUctlon, ami 1 tliliiklt I tho hot low Inure W. C COCIIHAIJ Amrr, Ya'uhlll Co., March vd, lb-V. Ttiln la tut ertlfy thht ot.ojrarcgo I detenu II. t it tn buy a Hulky flow. I kmKeil at reveral dlKirri t klndr, ami detcrmlniil to buy or.o of .I II AH. Itobblnr, which 1 thought wa I ho be. t. nnd utti r plowing rnmu3arre with It, I am well pleaml, aid would i ot c luiigo It for any one I havo nir inn. T. 11. lir.NliEllhON Yauiiit.i.C'ovNTr, April I, lh"). Thlr n.ay (ertlfy thai 1 l.avel ow In ure one of J II AH. Itobblnr' Hulky flow. hihI find that It do Ihebertwotk of an; plow I hmo ever uitd I cai.i.ct ho btat In turulii;uidir l.iavy rtubblr T. K. IIAIIHIH. ri?r Coiiiity Itlcht for alo on low term. Oi.o Tiatllui: Thn ther for ra!v. fir faril.cr tarlhularr. nddur J. II. A H, HOIIIUSH, A fi V-u llrtl.fl. folk ckuii EGGS FOR HATCHING From the Finest Bred FOWLS IN AMERICA! TWELVE f llthT 1'IIEHItlMH AT THE h'acrainento htato fair. I.l'.it llralinmr, teni dlhVrent tialn. Datk lliahmar.linportedfrom Knc'ai ilard Irrlaid HoiiiUna, direct from 1'roiiro. 1-1 l'ln he, direct from franco, Silver H-pangied HainhJiKr, raid to Uy )l,)iT a year, (.'olden I'ohndr, nonrcttir and f.ne larer. hlUer I'uktni!, non-retter and Aim liter White Cochlnr, llatr Cochlnr, Du-' .mjid C-u- lanir. Ooldi n ' ibrlKht Itatitam, Jctun, ro ll.iiitami. IItathwoo.1 (iiuiltr, the r.ne.t l.j the tturld, Ayleiburyand Itouen Duck. Ilk'l!" and l'owla lor hair. Additr-. THOH. B. fINI.EY. Mana.'ir. California Htock and I'oullry Arroclitloi . Oftco No, US Llrderdorrfatrrtt. Yatd t'on.cr Lacuna and Ma.hliuton al , MarSO-Sm Hati frMt.'0,