The OREGON STATESMAN, Salens Oregon, Sunday Morning, April 1, 1934 P Jsmh, ELEVEN r ' THEY REGULTC 1 Salem Markets With Rallies DEIWORSIE1 . , : e. . j ; t : . f. . . . . - - . .... . - - .'- . , . . H I f l $ 8 ' m s I .taesnan.J J Classified Ads ;?icii:; f Classified Advertising Single tstertion per line lOe, Three insertions pet c I - line -i s. .. ... . . . . . : . 20 c Six insertions er line.. 30c One month per line. .11.09 Minim am charge ...... 25c Copy for-this: page ac cepted until 6 -SO the 'even ing before publication tor classification. Cojj ts :elved after this time will be run under the .heading Too Lats to Claaalfy. The Statesman assumes no financial respinntibilltj tor error wliicli may ap pear fa dertSaemeBt ipnb lisbed i Its coluaus. and ia cases wises this paper 4s at fault -sffl. reprint in ax part t as sflTerOaesnent la which ta typographical sccarv The stateaaaa reserves the rtght to reject obJeo Uonal aflrertlstng. it tar tber reserves the right ia classify all advertising un der the proper classifies-tlon. HELP WANTED !EMALE 4 folicitora. flood local prop., 175 S. Com'L an n ii n nr in if 'mmnim n LADIES list names and ad dress es, spare time for mall order firms. Good pay. Experience unnecessary. Stamp .bring details. Holt Service, Nichols. N. T. SALESMEN WANTED ! Sell coveralls, coats, pants, shirts, mocks.; Liberal commission. Free sam- Sle outfit- Embroidery lettering e etc Supreme Garment Company, 1123 Maple, Los Angeles, Calif. FOR SALE Miscellaneous For sale used ranges, 35.00 up. Ore gon Trading Post; 332 N. Commercial. jTj-u-iriru.iii-i-ii -" " ' Saw gumming and sharpening oil E. Four Comera, TeL 8S- Fertiliser, sand, dirt. TeL 8505. Light breed cockerels, -12 per hun dred. Tel. 133F2, Lee's Hatchery. Com pliance certificate No. 2893. v.vtra. srnod Oat and Vetch Hay. In quire. Lighthouse Service Station, 456 Center st, Salem. Old manure delivered. TeL SPSS. FOR SALE Etterburg strawberry -tdaftts, $2.50 dug, $2.00 you dig. In quire 4 mile south North Howell achoolhouse. J. A. Rlekard. MMMMMMs1-1 Toungberry Plants. $20 per M. H. Kaegell, 200 Center St.. Sllverton, Ore. 1933 Motorola car, Win. O. Church, 5451. radio $45.00. . Ladles' beautiful silk hose, slightly r ..I It AA nstatrhAlri- Rat. isfaction guaranteed. Economy Hosiery 1 TRADE Miscellaneous TRADE Building lot Hollywood district, for closed car. Box 446, care Statesman. Will exchange dental work for wood, chickens, eggs. Box 451, care States man. WANTED Miscellaneous OLD GOLD highest prices paid Star Exchange. Cor. Chemeketa tt N .Cem'L St. WANTED Twin beds, coll springs. .Box 462. care Statesman. ' XjTjj-xruTjuLji.iijsrMi isi i m m Used radio electric, must be cheap. Tt 449. care Statesman. MISCELLANEOUS Halrcuta 15c-20a, 103 8. Winter. Salem photo engraving.-147 N. Com mercial TeL 5887. WANTED: Names men. 18-35, wish ing kecome TS. S. srovernment railway postal clerks. Start $158.00 month. Ap ply today sure for particulars and list government positions. 25 coached FREE. Box 1293F. care Statesman. i FOR RENT ROOMS Room: kitchen privilege. Tel 445. rutrii-in -iri , Fum. room for rrnt. Tel. C633. ROOM AND BOARD ,n i- -i i Sleeping porch with dressing room, board 19. 332 a. cnurcn. - Board-room. 695 Court TeL (S7S. jVTjnjxruxn.nj-irii-M-, 1-1- - Board, room, near P. O. TeL 6482. ftivwnfywir - -'"--' Board and room, 790, N. Church. ; Room, board, laundry, $13 and $20. Steam heat. 923 S. Hlgn. FOR RENT APARTMENTS i Furn. apt. 2261 HaaeL 7664 - mmm m m m - ssirnishMl nt Edgewater Court. Garage. " TeL 6154. Attractive 1st floor. 210 N. Ith. i 'Furn. apt.. $11 mo.1178 Chemeketa. : Furn. apt, gar. Near canneries. 172 ' Marlon. - -- -- ... t ant. overstuiiea iurn. Center. . - - - - n n n nnnnrn'i - - - rte!rM room act. close in. In- Culr 695 N. Liberty. TeL 6559. or S-room apartment, newiy vc-nnm anartment. newiy 'decor. ted. Warn isd beat furnished, ;TeL 4373. I - - -i -i i i -,i iw Two room furnished apartment Main floor. f Very reasonable. 3290 Oak. Tel. 6276. ' FOR RENTHOUSES jui-i-.ruuT-nririri'i-r Furn. and unnirn nouses, i i a rnBKfJER ci M. cottage TeL 3031 y.ii.nnnrn-.--i 1 1 "" -, nuMtera house, furnished. sttfr. SOS U. & NatX Bank. r Mt vnn. 1465 ' "n ci nils Sunday afternoon. Emma xtiirrTliv Brown. " - -vTl .in - n Mwm rnnhn bOUM St CUV uraiis, mourn. room i .- .77 iiDt 'rt fi ; .6783865. f .mrn-mi-ir-i r - - " T V t. at 114$ "E" St Inquire -T-1?- "T.r1 fT .V . VJHKOfc i, 4 R. furn. house, 411 Water St Aa- FOR RENT :.. ; FOR RENT- hue good income. Kent only 140 per month. ' - CHILD 5! A- MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street TeL 6708. S hmuvi and an acreaee for -rent. P. H, Bell. 202 Oregon Bids., TeL 3427 or 8121. WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT Small three or four room house, furnished or part ly furnished, modern or semi-modern. A (Mrmjirx 6&. statesman. FOR SALE Real Estate If you are looking for a suburban home that you can buy on terms easier than you can rent s;e me, lfs reason able. It's strictly modern, it's well lo cated It will suit you. H. C SHIELDS Oregon Bids. TeL 8902. APARTMENT HOUSE BARGAIN I have a wonderful buy in a Rood new 5-apt close in. If Interested, SEE JAS. D. SEARS. REALTOR 132 South High Street snurrc noon bttys and TRADES 10 acres on Garden Road, modern five house, barn, garage, few fruit trees and walnuts. This nlare is nrleed right. 7 room modern house like new, want four or five room house. S room modem house, eood location. will sell at bargain or take five room house In trade. Rare other good bargains. CHAS. HTJDKINS. TeL 9182. Room 3. Miller's Store 31dg. WONDERFUL VALUE Neat 4 room cottage like new. nook. tnllt Ins, good plumbing, garage and woodshed. East front lot. Price only SI 2 60, part terms. See CHILD S & MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street TeL 6708. TWO GOOD BUYS $1800. Late built modern 4 room home with basement, furnace, fireplace. garage, east front, paved St., lo cated in Is. saiem, kuu aown, pai. 118 ter mo. to include Int. $2100. Modern up to date 4 room home with hardwood floors. firenlace. basement, furnace, garage, located in new district. A. REAL BUi; onlv $210 down. bal. 321 per mo. to includes int. HERE'S YOUR SEE, W. IL GRABRNHORST 4 CO., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Tel. 6468. FOR SALE OR RENT 138 A. farm near Bethel. 85 A. In cult., new 7 room modern house, barn and chicken house, $7000.00. FOR SALE 10 A. cherry orchard, 4 miles So. of Salem. An opportunity of a life time. $1800.00. TRADE 2 jtorv apt. house, wlilrh brings In $2o0.00 "monthly. Will trade for srood farm. Prefer N. E. of Salem. $35,000. J. F. FLRICH REALTOR 362 State St. TeL 8672. VIEW PROPERTY Modern seven room home complete in every detail, large lot, wonderful view, double garage, oak floors, full cement basement, furnace, firenlace. tile hath ami drain board, A REAL VALUE at $3500, terms. LET US SHOW YOU. & HIGH ST. HOME 8 nice rooms, all modern oak floors. nice yard, good location with east front, price for IMMEDIATE SALE $4aOO. Some terms. 895 N. CAPITOL Modern five room home, tile con struction, corner lot. garage, near schools, price $1200. $1500 down, bal. H. GRABENHORST & CO REALTORS 131 South Liberty Street WHY PAY RENT? You can own your own home with the rent you pay. Here are a few ex tra soecial barKains for Monday:' I3'00 bungalow, mod. 5 rooms lor $2500. $4000. 7 R. house. 2 lots. Ideal loca Hon. $3000. $950. House. 5 rooms for i675 casn ; $50 down. $10 mo.. 6. Price $700. Sold a few years ago for $1600. For best buvs In homes, SEE BECHTEL or T HOalASU.i 341 State Street LARGE LOT 5 R. home, garage, navtm. location eool. Price $1110 terms. SOCOLOFSKY & SON, First National Bank Bldg. COUNTRY HOME TDK A L PLACE FOR CHILDREN 5, A.. 4 cleared, pome timber, prood view, on pavement, close in, fine 6 R. home with fireplace, basement, fur nace, garage, barn, gravity water sys tem. Reduced to $4000. SOCOLOFSKY & Sox First National Bank Bldg.- GOOD NUT LAND 17 A., all cultivation, 6 miles Ladd ft Bush, good deep soil, nice view, $1000 easv terms, balance B. SOCOLOroK I & SU.V First National Bank Bldg. 2 A. on coast highway, fine loca- tlan. fair house, good barn, part in cult. $3700, clear, for small farm here. 4 A. 5 R. house, bam. hen-house. east near paving. $1750, clear, terms or take clear house. 1 A. 5 R. house, basement, furnace, beautiful view, $3500. $1000 cash, bal. easy trade. C. J. JACKSON. 341 State Street A small farm adjacent Klngwood Heights for sale or trade. 275 N. 20th. SNAP In mod. R. house, $2950.00. R. A. FORKNER 1610 N. Cottage Tel. 30S1. $700. .1 room plastered house, toilet, lights, water, ' garage, good location, paving pd. x.oau. & -room Close in, oawmeni, furnace, fireplace, garage, paving, nice shade trees, $500 down. Melrln Johnson. 275 State St. Tel. B79fi EXCHANGE Real Estate Chev. truck, will sell reasonable and take most of the price In wood. S room house In Portland clear for Salem residence. Will give good deal to get property here. Run down apartment nonse tn Port land clear. 8 apartments; exchange for Salem property. Nice 5 acres close to saiem. gooo buildings, elec. lights, water system ; exchange foij Salem residence. S. M.- EAItLE E. K. BOBKKTS 208 No. High TeL 9678. 40 A. fine soil, good bldgs. Close to acbooL $4000. Will take house. . m A., mod. House, itne location. Will take house In town. Mod. 6 R. house in Salem for acre age. i A J.., a Q. -m rrm nnt. I ji-. "'"-- and fruit To tr ade on urger acreage. R. A. FORKNER 1610 N. Cottage TeL 3031. SACRIFICE IN PRUNE ORCHARD 25 acres. 33 acres In bearing prune orchard about 18 yrs. old, in good condition. Price for QUICK SALE 63200. 61200. cash. bal. terms. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. SEE US AT ONCE. W. H. GRABENHORST CO., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. TeL 64S. 12 ACRE BARGAIN Seven room plastered house, barn, chicken house, garage, nearly all tn I bearing fruit. 4 miles out. near school I and store. Price $3750., will consider I a"" notn ln KaJf'm as part payment. J SEE, W. H. GRABENHORST CO. i - ki owuiu uwttu uwi I -K-riTTT- actus SArmnrirna flood road, close to pavement 4 1 acres pears. 10 acres prunes, build- j ngm, pasture, so me timber. Just 4 miles from Salem, fine location, worth I tnor. money. Price $5000.00. I w i CR ARRVHORST A- PO REALTORS 134 H. Liberty Street Interesting Facts . . . Easter Sunday. See you at church this morning. u We took a day off Friday and Bnent it visiting in Portland. Went up to the Oregonian office and saw our friend Harold Moore Thought that we would get some first hand tips on who is to be elected as Harold is the political writer for the Oregonian. But he told us he has quit giving tips. O Saw Leth Abbott, advertising man for the Southern Pacific. He told us that he was coming to Sa lem some time soon to talk to the Lk3 club on Old Mexico. O Met a fellow by the name of Brooks that we used to know some 20 years ago in Eugene. He Is now on the sales force for the Palmolive soap people. O We drove oat by the baseball park and noticed that they are dolling the place up getting ready for the opening ball game which will be between Portland and the Missions on April 17th. Many Salem people will be a little more interested since our own Andy Peterson will be a member of the club. O Visited a while with Harry Failing, advertising manager of the Oregon Journal. He told us that he was preparing a very in teresting talk to give before the Salem Ad club in the near future. 0 Went up to the Associated Press office and saw the manager of the Portland office, Leslie Smith. Mr. Smith got his first newspaper experience at The Statesman not so many years ago. While he was here we introduced him to a Nina Marshall, who was the bookkeeper for The States man at that time. Now she is Mrs. Smith. 0 Visited the old car display back of the Portland hotel. We became quite interested In the old bug gies. Automobiles of 20 or more years ago surely were different. O Visited the new public market. It is a very large place but we noted that the prices in most cases were higher than those in Salem. O We learned from one of Port land's business men that they es timate that only 15 per cent of the business transacted in Port land comes from those living out side of Portland's immediate dis trict. 0 Visited a few moments with Rav Conway, manager of the Oregon Motor Association. Mr. Conway will be the speaker at the meeting of the Salem chamber of commerce Monday. He will tell of many interesting things about the tourist travel. O Be careful today. April Fool's day. O Well we went into Gwynn's bar ber shop, that one stop station, to get our hair cut so we would look good at. church today. The people in there are not forgetful, they remembered their promise that if I mentioned them in my column they would give me the works So they did. O : Just imagine four people work ing on you all at the same time. But that wasn't the worst of it, everyone that went by Btopped in and watched: They thought that it was really someone important getting all that attention. yVe won't say anything about the haircut or the shoe shine because we had to pay for that but our first manicure we ever had sure looks fine and that facial. If we look as good as we feel. Oh boy, Oh boy. . . . our fingers fairly fly over these keys as we sit at this typewriter and the thing sure runs easier. We suppose that this column will be just a lot better now. EXCHANGE Real Estate 1ft ACRES xrMtf K-ittom soil, running creek with sufficient water to irrigate this land, price $1250.00, cash. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO.. HEALTUKS 131 South Liberty Street FOR SALE FARMS q0sw-s m --m W m'mW' SHEEP RANCH mil a inn-a miltlvation. balance timber and pasture, complete set of buildings, borders Willamette river. i-ii iie.oofl 'Will take smaller place or city property for part. This place is all valley lana, no nms or imnuun n See HAWKINS A ROBERTS, iriJ. FOR rAitaa WELL HOWS THIS ALMOST GIVEN AWAY 40-acres. 13-A. now in crop, some timber, running water, family orcn ard. 6-R. plastered home. Water piped from good spring. Poultry house, wood shed, small barn, horse, 2 cows, heifer, chickens. 5 turkey hens, plow, culti vator and household goods all for $1500.00; $1000.00 down, bal. easy. A snap. First comes gets it: located 11 miles north. SEE JAS. D. SEARS. KEAMUB 132 South High Street FARM. BARGAIN One of the most attractive farms In the valley; 100 acres cloee to Salem. Only IISS per acre. Extra fine set of buildings, deep well, electricity, etc 50 acres cultivated. 2 acres timber, mixed orchard, balance pasture. Will accept clear house ln town as part pay ment Let us Show you. SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILD3 MILLER. Realtors 844 State Street TeL 6708. FOR SALE FARMS FARM BARGAINS . 100-A. running water, dwelling. poultry house, machine shed, modern milk house, large barn,- some timber and SO-A. In crop now. Price , only $40.00 per acre. Sea HAWKINS ft ROBERTS, INC. FOR BARGAINS A PEACH OF A BUY 71-acres. 3-A. fine bearing walnuts. 9-A. prunes, 1-A. logans, 1-A. black caps, springs and running water. Wov en wire fencing good: 6-R. house, barn, garage, ' dandy poultry house. electric lights and water system, a dandy profitable home. Give good terms. Located up by Newberg. Priced to selL ANOTHER GOOD ONE $250 down, price $1250.00. Nice 8 acre place on market road. 5 R. house, barn, fruit cellar, fruit A real buy. Don't fail to see J. D. SEARS, 132 S. High St, before you buy. FARM BARGAIN $63. per A., 157 A. 4 ml. from In dependence, 147 in cultivation, bal. timber .and pasture, rich loam soil, 1 0 A. timber, family orchard, good farm bldgs.. bath, electric lights. Take small acreage. Melvln Johnson. 275 State St. Tel. 6796 ACREAGE 24 acres, 13 prunes, 2 filberts, $0 large cherry trees, prune dryer, 2 houses. Price $3500.00. Easy terms. RICH L. REIMANN 16T 8. HIGH TEL 8633. WANTED REAL ESTATE WANT 80 to 200 A. yanch for gen. farming, must be good soiL for cash buyer. This buyer has no trade to of fer. SOCOLOFSKY & SON, First Nat L Bank Bldg. Business Opportunities Have cash buyer for garage or fill Ing station proposition. Let me know what you have. H. C Shields, Oregon Bldg. TeL 8902. WANTED Real estate partner or salesman, one who will not Knowingly misrepresent. Box 450, Statesman. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY: Want to loan several thou sand dollars on farm, city or acreage properties. Must be best or security. CHIUJS & miller. Mtge. Loans 344 State Street TeL 6708. "Bells of Harmony" nightly feature over Radio KOIN Announces A NEW DEAL in Loans UP TO $300 AUTO-ENDORSED NOTE FURNITURE No fees, deductions or discounts, and only lawful rates charged. See us If you need money. BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETY OF SALEM Member of NRA Room 119. New Bllgh Bldg. 2nd floor LICENSED NO. S-122 by STATE 518 State SL Tel. 3740 $ $ EASTER MONEY $ $ To salaried men and women $5.00 to 530.00 1 to 6 months time. No security All loans confidential. STATE LOAN CO. 212-Oregon Bldg. Phone 7783 Lie. State S-165 Automobile and Chattel Loans 1 to 20 months to repay at lowest pos sible rates. GENERAL FINANCE CORP, A local corporation 1st NatX Bank Bldg, Phone ISSS L!cned y State Funds for farm loans now available 5 5 long term. Hawkins & Roberts Guardian Bldg.. TeL 4109. PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN ON GOOD FARM OR CITY PROPERTY. RICH L. REIMANN 17 R. HKJH Tel. 863?. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY FOR SALE 175 Wnite Leehorn hens, 1548 Lee St. Tel. 6354. Baby chicks. Warlner's Hatchery. 2160 N. Fifth St. at Highland avenue. FOR SALE WOOD Second growth and old fir woed. Prompt delivery. Fred E. Wells, UUARANTEEO DRY wood eoaJ TL 600 Salem Puol Co Trade fort re FOR SALE WOOD Phone Tracy's, 1986 for dry wood. Dry wood priced right TeL 7983. Old fir 16 In. 4.75. TeL 8590. Dry wood TeL 8254. Dry old fir, oak. Tel. 9768. LOST AND FOUND FOUND Rimless glasses. 2346 Ha zel Ave. LOST Purse, containing small sum of money. Also keys oo ring. Reward. 240 N. 18th. LOST Key container. TeS. 5639. PERSONAL r Want to meet gentleman between 35 and 40: must be reliable; give de scription. Box 448, care Statesman. Partner wanted. Brunette. Age 36, Must like Calif. P. O. Box 393. EPILEPSY EPILEPTICS ! Detroit lady finds complete relief for hus band. Specialists home abroad, failed. Nothing to sell. All letters answerea Mrs. Geo. Dempster, Apt. E-166. 6900 Lafayette Blvd. West, Detroit, Mich. FOR SALE USED CARS McKay's Used Cars CHEVROLET GIVES MORE 1926 Chev. Sedan 75.00 1927 Star Six Sedan 85.00 1929 Plymouth Coupe 225.00 1928 Reo Sedan 245.00 1930 Chev. Rds. Pickup - . , , , 265.00 1929 Buick Sedan 375.00 1932 Pontiac Cpe. 475.00 1932 Chev. Spec. Sedan 625.00 1932 Pontiac Sedan 550.00 SPECIAL 1930 Ford Coupes 3 exceptlon tionally nice cars your choice 275.00 TERMS TRADES McKay Chevrolet Co. 333 Center St TeL 1189 430 N. Com'L IT PAYS TO GO TO THE BUI CYC-PONTIAC DEALER 1 1933 Light Nash Sedaa 95 1 1932 Chevrolet Coupe 475 11930 Buick Sedan 485 175 45 35 25 25 11928 Ford Coupe 1 Model T truck 1 Model T Coupe 1 Model T Roadster 1 Maxwell Touring Otto J. Wilson IS8 N. Com'L St TeL 5451. SALES ft 8ERVICE 1930-3-T. Dodge, Sr. motor. S-T. ra pacity. A-1 bargain. 1932 Chev. Coach, A-L Some trade, 2045 N. CapitoL Business Directory Cards ln this directory run on a monthly basis only. Rate: $1.00 per line per month. - AUTO BRAKES Mike Panek, 275 South Commercial. CATERING Burt Crary, the caterer. TeL 6753. Hulda Helps Hostessea TeL 694S. j CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4450. R. E Northnesa. CHIROPRACTORS DR. a L. SCOTT. PSC, Chiropractor, 266 N. High. TeL Res. 8752. . DRESSMAKING Svmer suits a specialty dress making, remodeling, bemstitchlng. Mrs. I Snelgrove. 180 N. Com'L Tel. 7464. FLORISTS CUT dowers, wedding bouquets, fun eral wreaths, decorations, u. . Breii- haupt. florist 677 court. TeL eu. -TT. kinds of floral work. Lutt Flor ist. 16thMarkeLTeL9592: INSURANCE RECKE A HENDRICKS 189 N. Hieh TeL 4947. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE W EIDER LAUNDRY 26J S. High TeL 1121. CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY First in Quality and Serrlce Telephone 3165 1264 Broadway. LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired, traded. We de liver. Harry w. scon, -lei MATTRESSES CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4069. nkw MATTRESS made to order, old remade: carpet clearing, sising; fluff! mi? vmvine. Salem Fluff Rug 4 Mat tress Factory. S. 13th A Wilbur. TeL 8441. OTTO F. ZWICKER. Est. 1S1I. MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, sewing machines, sheet music and piano stu dies. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines, 432 State Street. Salem. PAINTING R Benson. 2224 N. Lib. TeL 3976. PHYSICIAN Homeopathic Physician r. n Aitmin. M D. Homeooatblst. Office and residence 607 Center 8U TeL 5832. Treats both acute and chronic disesses. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, oamph int. fiNtmmi tuwika nr inv kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department 2l 8. commercial ieie - phone tlOL RADIO SERVICE CERTIFIED RADIO SERVICE Tel. 3773 Court at Church REAL ESTATE BECKE ft HENDRICKS. TeL 494T. STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt and repaired. All kinds of woven wlra fence, lancy anu v. K-.b-t. hnntii Incan hooks. "i ".nd Stov7 Works. MI Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R B. Fleming. TRANSFER mil local nr distant transfer storage. call 3131, Larmer Transfer Co, TrucKs to Portland dally. CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. xzs State Et TeL 7773. Distributing for- warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates WELL DRILLING R. A. West, 30 years experience. R"D 7. Bos 203. let II Ufa. FOR SALE USED CARS jyirijmul nsxr j"l n i.n n ' 1 -' JOIN THE EASTER PARADE WTTH A ROOD USED CAR 32 NASH 8 CIL SEDAN 6623 sa Packard customrdstr. $595 Extra rood 32 FORD TUDOR SEDAN 8485 New paint 31 AUBURN 8 SEDAN $450 A Sporty Car '31 CHEVROLET 2-PASS CPE. $360 New paint "29 STUDE COMMAND. SEDAN $325 Small mileage 29 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN $265 Good shape '28 OLDS. 4-DOOR SEDAN $225 New paint 27 STUDE DICT. 6 SEDAN $195 New paint 27 BUICK l-DR. SEDAN $185 Master Six STATK MOTORS INC. 525 Chemeketa Hudson Studebaker Dealers Valley Motor Co. Used Cars and Trucks 1933 Ford Std. Coupe $535 1932 Ford Std. Coach 475 1932 Ford Bpt. Coupe : 475 1931 Ford Victoria 325 1930 Ford Coach 275 1931 Buick 8 Sedan 635 1929 Buick Sedan 1931 Chev. Coupe, air wheels 1929 Durant Coupe 1929 Studebaker 8 Coupe rr.. 192$ Dodge Sedan 1329 Ford Touring . 375 840 145 300 90 125 60 192$ Ford Tur Trucks 4 1931 Fords. L W. base at 2 1929 Chevrolets at -..$408 185 185 425 18S 2 1929 Reos at I 1929 Dodge 3 ton 1 128 Dodare Panel 1 1929 Ford Pickup . 196 1 12 Studebaker L. W. base -V 300 1 1929 Ford L. W. base A 175 1 1929 Ford L W. base as Is ....J 250 Lot at Marion & Liberty Open Sunday Tel. 7910. OfilVES WBHT OP CHICAGO, March SI. - Up) - Brisk upturns of grain prices late today much more than offset earlier losses, and accompanied reports of an expected stimulating announcement by President Roo sevelt, In some Quarters, talk was cur- rent that tlie Roosevelt announce ment would relate to national fin- ances, and would be made on his return to Washington. Late ral lies ln securities helped the sud den reversal from weakness to strength In grains. Wheat closed firm at the day's top figures, H to 1 cent above Thursday's finish, corn at - advance, eats uncnanged to on, and provisions varying from 2 cents decline to a rise of 12 cents. Today's closing quotations: Wheat May 86 87: July September 87-tt. Com May 49-49: July 51-51; September 52. Oats May 32-; July 33 September 33 07' DC"":,U1'" 078' General Markets PRODUCE EXCHANGE PORTLAND. Ore.. March 31. (API- Produce, exchange, net pricet: Butter. extras, 20; atandsrdt, 20; prime firsts. -u; xirau, w. egg u. s. apecisla, 10; U. S. extras, 15; U. S. medium 13. H' Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. March 31. (AP) Wheat Open High Low Close May 72 72 72 72 July 72 72 72 72 September -Tl 72 .2 72 Cash Bis Bend blueitem 74c; dark hard winter 12 per cent 78e, do 11 per cent 73c; aott white, western white. hard winter, northern aprinr and west ern red 72c. Oata No. 2 white $19. Corn No. 2E yellow $22.75. Millrua Standard $14.80. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore, March 81. (AP) Butter extras 22 c; standards 22c. Butterf at Portland delivery: A grade, lB-21e lb. ;' farmer' door delivery, 16 17e. Egga Pacific poultry producer' wil ing prices overiie, 18c; fresh extras, 16c: staadards. 15c: mediums. 15c dozen. (Cartona le higher) Buying price o: wholesaler fresh extra. 16c; tints. 14c; mediums 14c; pullet 12c; under grade 10c dozen. Cheeie, milk, country meat, mohair, easeara bark, hops, live poultry, onion, wool and hay, unchanged. Milk Contract price, 4 pet, Portland delivery, 61.05 cwt; B grade cream, 87 e lb. Country meats (dung price to retail I ,ri: country killed hog, best butchers. undr 50 lb., 9c; vealers 90 100 lb, 10 10c lb; light and thin, 6 8c lb; heavy calves, 5-6c lb.; yearling lambs 10c; Dring- lambs. 18 20c lb.; ewes 3-5e lb.; canner cows, 8-4e lb.; cutter cows, 5-e lb.; bulls, 5 -6c lb. Mohair 1934 buvinr orice. 25c lb, Caacara bark buying price, 1934 peels 2-3e lb. Hop 1932 clusters, 24 28c lb. Live poultry Portland delivery, color ed fowrs, 1314c; leghorn 11c; broilers 1416c; stags 8c; roosters, 6c; Pekin ducks. 12e: colored, 10c; geesa, 10c lb. Onion Oregon, $1.00-1.25. Potatoes Local white snd red $1.10 1.15 cental; Yakima 61.2S1-.35: Des chutes $1.30- 1.35; Florida Triumphs $2.60 per 60 pounds; 6c pound: Hawaii $1.40-1.50 per 21-pound box; Texas Tri umphs $2.75 per 50-pound sack. Strawberries Sacramento, ( per 34- box crate; Los Angeles $1. 15-1.25 per 12- i box crate. Wool 1934 clip, nominal; Willamette ivaney lu.-, -nt'" vi-icSu, I . . ., I TT . DnIsiaa -;,. mm Tt n4 Tl 11. ia - -u v tug yiibo -vs f --- - i flfs No. 1. new crop. $14-15; eastern Orea-nn Timothy. $17; Timothy CTaaaas, blended $15; oats $37.50 ton; vetch, $14; Willamette valley timothy, $lo. Stocks and Bonds March 31 STOCK A VI SAGES 50 20 20 0b India. KR's. Cts. Totsl 98.5 49.5 75.2 85.4 Today Previous day Week ago . 95.0 48.9 75.8 84.4 B5.6 49.4 76.5 85.0 47.2 25.3 62.1 46.4 ic.r ay I 3 Tear ago lO.S ' i.B 101. 1 ?Teers. g 111.8 112.8 105.7 109.4 High 1934 105.0 54.3 90.3 64.3 03.8 Low 1934 89.1 41.8 77.5 BOND A VESA OX S 20 20 20 60 ladis. BR's. Cts. Total Todav 80.7 85.8 88.3 84.9 I Previous day 80.7 85.8 88.4 80.5 86.0 88.4 60.0 59.1 75.8 84.9 85.0 64.0 96.3 85.8 74.8 I Week a go 1 I Year ago 13 ver aire 87.4 100.7 100.9 High 1934 81.2 87.6 88.5 Low 1931 . 72.6 64.1 77.: Student Teachers Now on Last Term RICKREALL, March 31. Stu dent teachers for the last term of this school year arrived Tues day. Those enrolling in primary work are Miss Margaret Litton, Tigard; Elva Smith, Salem; Irwin E. Hobart, Molalla; Jeanette Kro- ker. Monmouth: Elsie Mauris. Rainier; Reva Douglas, Eagle Creek; upper grades, Mary Mac Lean, Jessie Cannell. Lucile Nash, Rita ' Correa, Geraldine Groves, Bruce Mahan, Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. Mary Lovitt, Mrs. Eleanora Schle huber, Milo Chapman, Norman Reynolds. Mrs. Rose Pence and Mrs. Marjorie Lew are critics. Greenwood practice teachers for this last term are Robert Nelson, Portland; Charles Race, MoAer; Stanley Ness, Sllverton; Erma L Hitenian, Cloverdale; Florence Chris tianson Root, Mill City; Dor is Conyne, Woodburn. Mrs. Alma Dempsey is critic. BROKEN LEO MEXD8 ROBERTS, March 31. Martin Ivans who had the misfortune to have his leg broken by a tractor driven by Howard Henningson is getting along fine and expects to be able to leave the hospital soon. FOR SALE USED CARS We- haM 15 used cars to chooae ft haM 15 used cars to from. If tt's a used car you want sea us before you buy. 8ALKM AUTO XMPANT 423 N Com'l Tel. 4 IT! WANTED USED CARS . W.Mle m CASH FOR TOUR CAR ' See us If you want the top price for your car. We need light cars, '25, '2P and 30 a. BORREGO'S CAR MKT. 240 No. Liberty TeL 5688. tirade B raw 4 milk, co-op pool price, f 1.59 per hundred. ' - (Milk based ea send-aiOBttty atuifat Terage.) Distributor price 12.10. Bntterfat Tap 19c, prints 2iac cubes 23 He Prices paid to growers by Salara buyer siarea si (Tbe prices below, uppned by Iocs! grocer, are indicativa of th daily market, ont gnsrsnteed by The Statesmsa.) rBUlTS AND VEGETABtES Atpirsrnt, loesL dot. . 1.25 CsUfomis aspsrsgu, ersto 1.95 Canlifhtwar, crsto . 5 to .80 Leek, del. beeches , .4(1 Parsnips, bos lug jio Turnips, box nig .80 KoUbegss, box log ,jo Brussels sprouts, lug .60 Egg plsut. local J)5 Cebbsge. cwt .90 to 1.15 SpoksDe. ewt 2.25 Green peppers. Oalit, lb. .30 unions, dos. baneae - js Potstoes, local . .75 to 1.00 .1.15 to 1.65 -L10 to 1.43 Xakims Deschutes Lettaee Cslifornia. dry pack Ca liroraia. iced . Onions, Lsbish Celery, dos. Celery Hearts Applies Home Cesuty Oranges, choice - -2.25 to 2.50 .2.05 to 2.65 1.85 .60 1.00 .65 .2.00 to 2.25 Asrsls. fancy .2.65 te 8.10 .20 . .29 .35 ...1.00 1.70 .65 .05 5.75 1.00 Beet, local, dos. Carrots, local, dos. California Spinach, local crate . Texas ; Banana, lb. oa stalk Hands . Lemons . Limes, fresh Aveeedos, ersto 7S Tomatoes. California, ease 2.65 swse potato tb. : natt Grapefruit Florida California , , v Pea. California, lb. New potatoea. lb. Rhubarb, local, lb. Hora .06 .06 .03 .80 .16 .20 nutter, 1933, lb. top HUTS Filbert, lb. . .12 to .12 to Walnuts, lb. Baying Prices UUS Extras . Standard Small .12. .11 .10 POtTLTBY Colored hens, 5 lbs Colored hens, 5 to 6 lbs. Colored medium hens Light hens . .13 .12 .10 .09 .05 .05 Stags Old rooster MEAT 1934 spring lamb, lb. . : 09 -6-50-7.00 Lambs, top Hogs. 160-200 lbs. 200 to 225 lbs. 225 to 250 Iba. - -,4.40 ..4.15 ..3.90 Pigs Sows .....3.65 2.40 to 2.65 Steers . Cows Bulls Heifer .03 hi, to .05 .01 to .02 .02 to .02 .02 to .03 .5.00 to 5.50 .08 Veal, top Drested veal, top uressed Bogs .08 GRAIN ADD BAY Wheat, western ttd .57 .. .59 .14.00 -14.00 -16.00 -16.00 .11.00 -11.00 -12.00 White No. 1 Barley, feed. No. 1 toa Oats, feed, toa Barley, malting, top Oats, milling, ton . Hay. buying prices uiover bay Oats and vetch, ton , Alfalfa, valley, first cut DAUGHTER IS BORX ELDRIEDGE. March 31. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Klenskl are the proud parents of a daughter, Joan Darlene, born March 26 at the Deaconess hospital. The mo ther and daughter are reported doing well. This la their first child. Cross-Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER g m-t. ; L W lr ,.i1:iiiii litz-ililS---- ii" "in in. HM w WW Ww HORIZONTAL 1 through 4 kind of beer 9 ready money 13 wings 14 supplies issued to troops on the march 15 medley 16 labor for breath 17 unaccom panied song IS small round hill 19 in a self examining manner 22 bone 23 night before a holiday 24 detests 25 former Russian rulers 27 chess pieces 28 therefore SOany of a genua of edible fungi 32 greenish acid fruit 35 decorate 87 Persia 38 ventilated &9 particle 40 fascinated 41 eject from the stomach 42 tempera t 43 Hebrew name for God. 44 bronze or copper 48 small piece ' of rock 43 wander off 50 Anglo Saxon coin 51 like 53 one op posed to territorial expansion 68 fabricate 59 use re proachful language 60 to the inside 61 sea eagle 62 succinct 6J large fiat bottomed boat 64 covers with turf 65 small island 66 sailor VERTICAL 1 graphic 2 Orient Herewith is the solution to yes terday's Puzzle. s-j - 1 I KrUUNILtr. IrM ZXTAnV-M C-OTtsM. 1M4. mtrn KHSITED NEW YORK, March 31. re stocks closed out the year's first quarter with a rally today, ex tending: the improvement they had made Thursday when the market appeared to have taken an infla tionary view of congressional ac tion on' veterans" benefits. Trading was not particularly active until the last half hour, ex cept for several specialties in which professionals were reported interested. Toward the close, however, an increased demand was noted lor steel and other in dustrial issues, and this section finished with numerous net gains of one to around four points. Rails mostly loiteered and utili ties eased a hit. Transactions to taled 814,510 shares. Bethlehem was the strongest steel stock, up 3 net. For U. S. Steel,- National Vanadium, Mc Keesport, Toungstown, Republic and American -Rolling Mill gains averaged about a point, Westing house, Union Carbide, Lima Lo comotive, Baldwin, American Can, American Telephone, Safeway Stores, Seaboard Oil, Ohio OH. Boh Aluminum, duett Peabody, Chrysler, and New York Air Brake were among the miscellaneous shares up about 1 to 3. Eperry Corp. and Texas Pacific Land Trust traded actively and were strong. Weaker Sentiment Comes PasiWeek for Wool Prices BOSTON, March 31. (JP) (U. S. Dept. Agr.) Continued quiet trading -in the wool market was accompanied by a weaker senti ment regarding wool prices dur ing the past-week. Most grades of domesticwools were quoted nominally unchanged from last week but some holders were more willing than in recent weeks to consider bids below asking price. Concessions were made quite freely on odd lots and clean-up sales. The easing tendency was most prominent in fleeces, the 488, 50s, V. blood grade being offered at lower' prices. Nelsons Trade for Large Farm MONMOUTH, March 31. Mr. and. Mrs. N. A. Nelson have exchanged a concrete building on Knox street in Monmouth for a 284 acre farm near Jordan dam in Linn county. The Nelson build ing, erected about five years ago. houses Fetzer's cafe, and a large garage on the first floor, and has apartments for two families above. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Nelson occupy the apartments. The Linn county farm owned by Fred Kuhn, is well Improved and stocked with dairy cows, sheep, goats and horses. 3 agents 20 egg-shaped 4 inferior 21 domesti- 5 on the cated summit 25 snare) 6 strong vrind 26 slide 7 memorable 28 location period of 29 Persian poet 20 soft or deep mud 81 verbal 33 anger 34 cries like a cat 36 garment 38 province of British India 42 North American rail 45 city in Pennsyl time 8 note of the scale 9 one who adheres to ' fixed cus toms. 10 fragrant resins 11 timber supporting a window frame 12 consecrated 13 percentage paid for ex change in .currency 18 bird of the hawk fam ily vania 47 act of dressing 4 abide 49 battle town in West Flanders 51 famous American fur merchant 52 place com pactly 53 inspires . with rever ential fear 54 Roman tyrant 55 e-tnember of - the Bobility 66 - ascend 57 one of :,. Sooth Amerkaa : tribs of , Indians. 62 note of tha .... seals - - t an I I "I I i.. i - It i r Serson court. mm qMeiipensbve Til " r tm M