The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, June 26, 1869, Image 1

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O 0
Notary Public.
. (rr:EGTJHlS5So
Oregon City, Oregon.
y Will attend to all business entrusted to
our care in any of the Courts of the State,
Collect money .Negotiate loans, sell real estate
etc. 1'articular attention given to contested
Land case. .
j. x. DOLrn.
Mitchell, Dolph & Smith,
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law,
Solicitors in Chancery, and Proc- .
tors in Admiralty
Office o-er the old Post Office, Front
-street, Portland, Oregon.
XoUiry Public and Com. of Jjeeas.
Attorneys and Counselors at Law,
Portland, Oregon.
OFFICE On Alder street, in Carter's
?rick block.
Logan, Shattuck & Killin,
No. lOO Front Strret, Up Stairs,
Cor . FR OX T and 1 rA SUING TON Sts.,
.'ermtinently Located at Orego?i City Oregon
.ROOMS With Dr. Safiarrans, on Main st.
(Formerly -urgeon to the Hon. H. D. Co.)
OFFICE t Residence. 5Iain street Ore
gon City, Orejri.'n.
SURGEON. Pohtlaxd, OifKO( n.
OFFICE 5 Front street Residence cor
ner of Main and Seventh streets.
Established sisce 1843, at the old stand,
Main Street, Oregon City, Or yon.
An Assortment f Watches, Jew
elry, and Scth Thomas' weight
Clocks, all of which are warranted
to be a represented.
l.epatnngs ione on short notice.
and thankful fur past favors.
Savier, LaRcque & Co,,
ttTKeep constantly on hand fv. sale, flour
Midlings, Bran and -Chicken Feed, Parties
purching feed mnst furnish the sacks.
City Drayman,
All orders for the deliver' of merchan
dise or packages and freight of whatever des
cription, to any part of the city, will be exe
cuted promptly and with care.
Main street, one door North of the
Lincoln Bakery. Oregon City.
2$. F. Newman, Proprietor.
The proprietor is now prepared to lurnish
the public with Ice-Creatu whenever the
"weather will permit, also Soda, Sarsaparilla,
otc constantly on hand.
Pic-Nic parties, and excursions supplied,
. and attended on short notice. (
L O ti U S fc A L IS RIGHT,
Corner of Fourth and Main stret's.
jtl Keep constantly on hand all kinds of
fresh and salt meats, such as
Atd everything else to be found in their line
of business.
Manufacturer and Dealer in
etc., etc.,
Main St-ee(, Oregon dty,
Wishes to represent that he is now as
well prepared to furnish any article in his line
as tine largest establishment in the btate. lie
partkralai ly requests that an examination of
hi stock be made before buying elsewhere.
Having purchased the interest
of S. Cram, in the well known
vne aoor west ot hxcelsior Market. Oreon
City, announce that they will at all times
keep god horses ard carriages to let at
reasonable rates. Horses bought and sold
or kept by the dav or week.
Successor to SMITH tfc MARSHALL,
Black-Smith and XVaqon Maker,
Corner of Main and Third streets
Oregon pity Oregon.
jri-Rlackmithingin all its branches; Wag
on making and repairing. All work warrant
ed to jrive satisfaction.
Main Street, Oregon City.
M. T.UOWX, Proprietor, thankful for past
favors, solicits a continuance of the same.
And the very best qualities of Wines. Liquors
and Oi.ars.
VW rigs Feet, Tripe, Herring, Oysters
and Sardines eoDstantJv on band
Fresh glides the brook and blows the gale,
Yet yonder halts the quiet mill !
The whirling wheel, the rushing sail,
How motionless and still!
Six days of toil, poor child of Cain,
Thy strength the slave of want may be;
The seventh thy limbs escape the chain
A God hath made thee free !
Ah, tender was the law that gave
This holy respite to the breast,
To breathe the gale, to watch the wave,
And know the wheel may rest !
But where the waves the gentlest glide.
With image charms to light thine eyes ;
The spire reflected on the tide,
Inspires thee to the skies.
To teach the soul its noble worth,
The rest from mortal toils is given;
Go snatch the brief reprieve from earth,
And pass a guest to Heaven.
The Vagabond Sage. An old
man of very active physiognomy,
to the name of Jacob
was brousrht before the
police court. His clothes looked as
though they might have been
bought second-hand in his youth
ful days for they had suffered more
from the world than the proprietor
" Vhat business."
"None; I'm a traveller."
" A vagabond, perhaps?"
" You are not far wrong. Trav
elers and vagabonds are about the
same thing. The difference is that
the latter travel without money,
the. former without brains."
" Where have you traveled?"
"All over the continent."
"For what purpose?"
" What have you observed?"
"A little to commend, much to
censure, and a
o-reat deal to laugh
"Humph! what did you con
mend ?"
"A handsome woman who will
stay at home; an eloquent preach
er who will preach short sermons;
i . i 1 1 .
a good writer who will not write
too much : and a fool avIio lias
sense enough to hold his tongue."
" What do you censure?" '
" A man who marries a girl for
her line clothing; a youth who
studies medicine while he has the
use of his hands; and the people
who will elect a drunkard to office."
"What do you laugh at?"
" I laugh when a man ex
pects his position to command that
respect which his personal qualities
do not merit."
lie was dismissed."
Value of Age. A negro named
Ephe, who was a regular attend
ant at church, was proud of his
Bible learning. lie was sawing
wood one day, while his masters
son, a lad of twelve years, was
looking on, and now and then ask
ing questions.
"Which of the apostles do you
like best?" asked Ephe.
" Well I don't know," drawled
the boy.
" I like Sampson," said Ephe ;
" he was so strong, and piled up
dem wicked folks so."
" Why, Ephe," replied the boy,
" Sampson wasn't one of the apos
tles." Ephe put down his saw and
looked at the boy a moment in
amazement, and then asked him.
with an air of triumph.
"Look'ere, white boy, how old
am you?"
" Twelve," replied the boy.
" Well, I's forty ; now who
ought to know best? I ax you dat."
We need Variety. Monoto
ny is destructive. The sea has
nothing but itself the desert the
same. But the country has varie
ty, and here is the charm of life.
In all our enjoyment there must be
variety. For instance, how keen
are the first enjoyments the first
glimpse of Spring, the lirst airs of
Autumn any pleasant event long
delayed. Ifa man has not heard
music for a long time, the sound
even of a jewsharp is welcome.
Xow, the wisdom of life is to
take advantage of these things, en-
joy one, and then the other; thus
each one will be iresh, it time be
given the chords of the mind, so to
speak, to gather keenness. Ilence,
there is a constant round of more
or less enjoyment.
1 his is t he best that can be done
with life according to the best
mmds. And when the prosaic mo
ments must intervene, to still fur
ther make up the variety.
Thirty thousand acres of pub
lic lands were disposed of to actu
al settlers durini Januarv. in Xp-
braska, Minesota, and Wisconsin.
s r""' L- --
' ' '" ' V -" " ' ' ill
Weekly Enterprise." -
, - . :. 11 " . "IT 'IIW 'JTfflMT l-asSssmEsam... . . .
Historical Portraits.
The era. of the French Revolution
and Empire.
There is now on exhibition in
1 arts an interest.ino- poll pet inn of
historical i,ortm-t 'iinct,.otin,r thn
era of the Ilovnlnt mn nn,l tL.f Em
pire. The projectors liave taken
much trouble to gather the eighty
pictures which it contains ; but an
rngnsn paper remarks that since
they have succeeded so far, it is
difficult to understand why they
did not go further, and enlarge
the exhibition by obtaining the
loan of many other such portraits,
whir-b m,Kt. nvkt in ti.o
collections of France. Many of i sente(L the violent declamations of
the prominent figures of the Revo- j the adef of the mountain must
lution are absent, and the heroes 1 have given almost a physical ex
of the empire are not represented Passion to his peroration when he
at all in the person of Mdme. Xey, denounced the Girondists" Je
whose only claim to distinction mesills retranche dems la citadelle
was that she was the wife of the
" bravest of the brave."
The final cause of the catas
trophe, the chief sufferer from its
violence, Louis XVI., only appears
in a group sketched in crayons ;
but two small daubs of his Queen
recall to mind the proud and beau
tiful features of the unfortunate
Marie Antoinette. Louis XVIII,
."It "
is represented as a boy m gay and
gaudy colored fancy dress, which
arrests the eve on entering the
room. It is a costume de ballet
for one of the frivolous theatrical
entertainments at Versailles, where
the king and court amused them
selves ' fttes while the storm
was rumbling in the distance. It
is not too much to say of this pic
ture that the face of the future
monarch is as silly as his dress.
A very pretty little boy in blue
is said to be l,oms vv.Il., by
Prudhon and Mme. Lebrum : and
lis aunt, Mme. Elizabeth, is close
it hand. Her friend, the Princess
de Lamballe, is near her; but the
i i
t-HIiq'VOlU AU lO f-T lb I V l
the poor victim's beauty, and is
simply that of a vain, uninterest
ing woman. It is easy to imagine
such ladies as these supporting
their queen in calling for more
money from the easy, good-natured
Calonne, who was to restore order
in the department of finance. In
this picture, by Duplessis Bertraux,
he seems incapable of refusimr
anything. " If what your Majesty
is going to ask ine to do is possi
ble," said the Comptroller-General.
" I will answer for it that it is al
ready done; if it is impossible, that
it shall be done. Such a Minister
was not well fitted to arrest the
downward course of the monarchy
it belonged to an aristocrat by
blood and birth to accelerate tnat
movement, and to strike away the
props to th crumbling edifice.
Everybody- has heard how coarse
and ugly was the Compte de
Mirabeau; but the fire of genius
irradiated his face, and this .made
him so popular a subject among
artists that he is as well known by
the brush as by- the pen. The pic
ture here is said to be a faithful
representation of his features, and,
if so, they were not so frightful as
they have often been described to
be ; but his eyes are large beyond
proportion, and envelope one in
their gaze. His dress looks neg
lected, contrasting badly with the
extreme care and neatness observ
able among the chiefs of the sans
culottes, Murat excepted. Robes
pierre especially appears as a dandy
of the day his hair arranged with
taste, and his voluminous cravat
folded round his neck. His coun
tenance is pale and sharp, his lips
are pale and bloodless, his eyes
small and piercing, ine expres
sion of his features is singularly
devoid of intellectual power, with
out any suggestion of cruelty or
harshness. Looking at him, one
can understand the inordinate van
ity which urged him forward
through rivers of blood to the
chief place in the State, and finally
led him to the scaffold ; but one
cannot discover the power of will
or the intellectual dexterity- which
must have supported him in his
career. Xot far from him is St.
Just, perhaps the handsomest face
in the room, but hard, cold, devoid
of feeling, and manifesting all the
characteristics of a man who ex
ceeded his conferres in calm, delib
erate cruelty-. Couthon, the third
in the infamous triumvirate, is a
quiet looking old gentleman ; al
though he was but '38 when the ax
tookoff the head of one of the
worst men of the Revolution,
There are two portraits of Murat
the first is that of an amiable
man, painted while he was yet un
known to fame except as an eager
disciple of Kousseau ; the second
by Boze, when he had become the
" ami dujjeuple" whose atrocities
can only be accounted for by in
sanity. DANTOX.
The best picture m the collec-
tl(m that of Danton, by Greuze.
- ; Tlie rude, massive, powerful face
; of the tribune is painted with great
care and enect ; ana though the
features are cruel, almost bmtual,
there is more life, more expression
of feeling in the countenance than
might have been expected from
the man who was Minister of Jus-1
tice during the September massa-1
cres. From such a mouth and
i tnroat as greuze nas nere repre-
! de k! raison ; fen sortiaal aveo le
canin de la verite, et je indcerrserai
les setter a ts mu out
6'e?" There is no trace here of the
momentary indecision whicli caus
ed his fall, but all that boldness
can be recognized which prompted
him to reply to the questions of
the revolutionary tribunal, u Jtfa
derneure sera bientet dms le neant :
quand a raon nom vous trouvrez
da hz le pantheon de r histories
With Danton fell Camille De smou-
lins, one of the early spirits of the
R evolution, whose ruin was caused
by his strenuous opposition to the
extreme measures ot the terrorists
lie appears here by the brush of
his friend Boze, with long hair, a
quiet smile upon his lips, but with
out any signs of the energy-- or tal
ent which distinguished him.
There have been many portraits
of Bailly the philosopher, who ac
cepted the perilous post of Mayor
of Paris after the fall of the Bas
tile, and in all he is represented as
a quiet, firm, decided man. Souvee
and an unknown artist are the au
thors of the two pictures here ex
hibited. There is much merit in
the former, a painter but little
known to fame, except from his
Death of Coligny, in the Louvre.
A good portrait of Mme. Roland
shows us a pretty, pleasing woman,
coquettishly dressed, with bright,
cheerful eyes, and a lively expres
sion of countenance altogether.
Whether the painter, whose name
is not given, has succeeded in his
attempt to portray this extraordin
ary woman, it is impossible to say-
but, according to her own account,
Mme. Roland had more soul than
countenance, and her expression
was so subtle that few artists
would have ventured even to
guess the meaning of her looks.
Tallien is a good-looking, mel
ancholy man, but one s interest is
absorbed at this point m Mme.
Tallien, Xot re Dame de Thermi
dor, who roused her future hus
band to exert himself for the over
throw of the terrorists. She was
the queen of societyr under the Directory-,
and must have been ex
tremely- beautiful, although there
is a sardonic expression about her
mouth. Dressed en amazone with
a hat and white neckcloth, she is
one of the prettiest figures in the
exnioition, and lustines the devo
tion she extorted from the Mar
quis de Fontenay, Tallien, and the
Prince de Chalmy.
In the hottest fury- of the Revo
lution women were also to be found
in the foremost ranks, and of these
none surpassed in loveliness Ther
vigne de Mericourt. Sometimes
seated on a cannon, sometimes
borne aloft byr the people, always
picturesquely dressed in the favor
ite colors of the moment, Iher-
vigne, a true goddess of beauty-,
became lor the time the Goddess
of Liberty. She had been a friend
of Mirabeau's and of many other
members of the Convention, and
shone at the Revolutionary fetes,
tumults and meetings. She is
painted with a profusion of hair
falling round a beautiful but silly
face, and she is occupied in read
ing a book. Her hands are small,
and were remarked by- Dr. Esqui
rol ; who described her when she
died in a lunatic asylum, at the
age of 58, as still beautiful and
with perfect hands and feet.
While Thervigne figured as the
Goddess of Liberty, Mdlle. Mail
lard, an actress from the opera,
was selected to impersonate the
Goddess of Reason. She is said to
have been pretty, but the picture
is probably a fancy sketch, or, if
it resembles the original at all,
there is probably more accuracy j
in the masquerade dress than m
the features.
French historians Insist on the
beautyr of all the women who were
renowned in the age ot the Kevo-
lution, from the Queen of France
to the Queen of the Market the
virago who, at the head of an ex
cited mob, upbraided the Roy-al
iamny m tneir apartments at v er-
sailles, and who dispersed the Life
Guards of the King; though she
may possibly in more peaceful mo-
ments, have been the irood, quiet,
smiling odd-lady we find represent-
eu nere.
charlotte cokday.
Ary Sheffer's brush has popular-
lzed the features of Charlotte Cor-
day, whose great crime and signal
punishment raised her to the digni-
ty ot martyr among the royalists,
The portrait exhibited here is the
authority for all the later produc-
tions, and was first copied ly Shef-
fer himself. She has a pale but
determined look; her cap-strings
are tri-color, and her attitnde is that
of a woman of action. Ciaveah
Lagafde, her counsel, deni?d the
correctness of all her portraits, and,
while admitting that her face might
have been faithfully rerpodueed on
canvass, added, " 3lais nor sa
grande ame, respirant toute entire
dans sa -hyiiognome "
Some unknown artist is respon
sible for Mdme. de Stael's corttme.
which is so slight in the sketch of
of that great literary lioness, that
it can hardly be criticised. This
makes it difficult for the visitor to
look upon it as a correct r?pre-
scntation of the worthy daughter
of Xcckar, who was said to be al-
ways y-oung, but never childish.
French writers are often severs up
on her, possible because she was a
Swiss, or because she landed Wel
lington and criticised Xapoleon,
whom she spoke of as a Robespi
erre on horseback. Louis xvin. tc
vonohd Ids onmnv Iw ilinn'
TVfdrnn dA Stnoi n nhntoo-r-or,,!
m Doticerts! but in Hip nitnw ho
is clearly- unlike Chateaubriand,
and her dress is singular, not plur-
Twn T-ArTT?T-cT'c
Two morn norfrnirs of irnmpti
should be mentioned, those of XTa-
polcoirs two wives Josephine
painted by Gros in Italy, w-hen her
husband as a republican general
was earning tor her the title of
Xotre Dame dos Vietoiros: and
Marie Louise. Lx- Prndhnn hpr
drawing-master, called the French
mat re de dessin de S. M. Impcra-
tncc. FOUCIIE.
The portrait of Fouche is well
painted, but is in bad con
dition and mnch damaged. It is
the Due d'Dutrante who is here
is here
J loch tuu, iiji uiu J-
the Jacobin Club. He
lmvrtcnn nrl i- f lir T-
resident ot
:;7-UK? HU iV7k B.yu
ooireggio, who signed himsell that man can, by dmt of great care
"Paudhon, peintre d'historie, and a very steady, low team, run
ii uct-n xenicno anu gave Iosteri- rtioo tothe rapidity of its move
tvthe -nicturo smartlv drpssod. enn-1 4 , i
i tit V
mng and shrewd old gentleman,
who if it be permitted to tell the
truth, reminds one strongly of Sir
Richard May-ne, both in physiog
nomy and expression.
In Talleyrand; when y-oung, one
may trace a resemblance to the
veteran diplomatist, though it can
scarcely- be said that he bears in
his countenance any sign of that
great talent or love of freedom of
opinion which characterize him.
" I like Montroud ," he would say
"he had so few prejudices." "I
like Talleyrand," replied Moutroud,
he has none.
Ridding a Hennery of Lice,
Daniel Kemble, of Mount Holly, mg her, requires time and patience.
' "'IT t 1 . I
X. J., is positive that if you mix
about a gill of gas-tar with a pail
of white wash, and apply it with
a brush to all exposed surfaces,
these pests of the roost will either
die quickly-, or go away very fast."
The receipe is certainly worth try-
A Pennsylvania girl thinks the
advertisement of agricultural soci-
eties are the best commentaries on
, .,...
the management of their fairs.
"Look at the premiums," she says;
"For the fastest trotting horse,
850; for the next fastest, 825; for
the best team of work-horses, $5
for the best loaf of bread, 50 cents."
A Frenchman brought two
mugs to the milkman in the place
t , .
of one, as usual, and on being
asked the meaning of it, replied;
Dis vor-te milch, an dis vor teva-
tar ; an 5 I vill mix it to soot my-
I self.' i
rand Dossessed some Dolitical fore-
sight, if certain statements purport-
ins: to have been written by him
upwards of thirty years ago, and
Which have only just been publish-
ed, are really his. He seems to
have fully expected the Victory of
jrrussia in ner struggle wun
tria for the lead in Germany We
see, also, that he Urarned European
powers as to their policy towards
the United states "Ji.urope,
J says Talleyrand, " should never
gi e America a pretext ior com-
plaint Or retaliation. The United
States are crrowinu stronge
and the time will come
when, being brought nearer to Eu
rope by newly discovered means
ot communication, they will desire
to take an active part in our affairs,
Xo opportunity should
be given by Europe for such an
intervention. The moment Amer-
ica places her foot on European
ground, peace and security will be
banished from it for a long time
What he would consider might
happen if Europe say his native
country, France placed her foot
on this continent in Mexico, for
instance may be inferred. But
Louis Napoleon had no Talleyrand
to advise him when he was prompt
ing the unfortunate Maximilian to
his ruin, Oregoniaru
m . - .
TT-vt r-r a riftn T? tr iAin Tt,
rpnnrt. nn tr,i xtrnrV Mr R
.i - .
one of the. commissioners, makes a
careiul estimate of the actual cost
OI tnG entire road and equipment,
and shows that it cannot be so much
as $39,993,000, and would not be
wortn more, n new; out tnat at;
least one-third of the rolling stock
and portions of the rood will be
worn out before it is opened. On
the other hand, the liabilities of the
Company, without reckoning the
capital stock, are already at its com-
pletion, $71,715,847. It would
seem to ionow tnataproDt oi some
thinS like thirty millions of dollars
,Jils uttu among uie pro-
and that the utmost which can now
hoped by its creditors is that i
wil1 atrrd a Sood security for ita
Iirsi mortgage oonas, ana win De
6old bv the Government to obtain
W"uug lowarus a return ior me
want in ploughs is not so much
ght even furrow at the right
angle according to the depth, but
an implement that will enable a
very mediocre workman to handle
it easily, and make good yet rapid
work. Our ploucrhincf operations
are too 8ow UI,der the mistaken
;.'t t
trials have shown that the draught
of a plouh i8 not increased in pro
ments tnrougn tne son. jv piougn
Am l
of miles abn ho cutti a
rnw ( fonrt hpR wbi(ift bv
seven inches in depth, acquired a
draught of 484- pounds, while the
same plough, cutting the same fur
row, at the rate of 2$ miles per
hour, gave a draught of only 500
pounds, or nearly double the work
done for an increase of labor equal
to about six per cent. Canada
How to Manage a Kicking
Cow. An intelligent correspond
ent of the AT E. Farmer imparts
the following plan: " To milk a
good experiencedkicker, without ty-
1 once oougnt a cow irom a man
withont tyirig her legSi j firgt
cleaned my stable as for a dancing
party, drove the cow in, and shut
it up as dark as possible. With a
milking stool made on purpose,
about two feet high, I gently seat-
ca mvseii dv ner side, it she was
there when I was ready to com-
mence milking, she was not there
IonS afterward. I5ut 1 followed
her ? where. shfe h? closd
my lips against the first hard word,
The process was repeated until the
cow was tired of running away,
and concluded to stand and be
milked. After which I could milk
her in the yard. In the course of
the summer I was obliged to be ab
sent a week or more, and the milk-
lnS was done by another hand. On
m retu.ra 1 ,c.oul.d nofc Set within
reach of my kicking cow, and was
obliged to Jgive h aQOther dark
stable lesson, and in the course of a
few weeks I could again sit down
and milk her in the vard as I did
other cows," 1
I tm r 11 til
" ' ' t 1 " " 7MMWM;
NO. 33.
Renovating old Currant Busn
ks, Currant bushes are among the
most Unpromising things with
which one has to deal ; their tan
gled and misshapen stalks present
a, puzzle to the novice. Whatever
is done should be undertaken dur
ing the first mild spell, as the cur
rant bushes grow very easily. Tho
bush will probably have numerous
shoots starting from below ground,
or near the, surface ; cut $ut all
but four or sixTof these, accordin g
to the size of the plant, leaving on
ly the most healthy-looking ones,
and taking care to have these as
equally distant as possible. The
fruit is borne on wood two or three
years old. One-year-old is distin
tinguished by its dffferent color
and small buds. Cut out all weak
shoots of this kind, and shorten the
stronger ones t wo-thirds or one half
Manure around the bushes, and
when dry weather approaches,
mulch. Make the old bushes do
their best, and start a new planta
tion, which will come into bearing
in two yeara. Western liurah
What a Hax,!' Acre will Do.
A shoemaker in J ersey bought a
half-acre lot. He was fond of
fruit, and read the papers. The
soil was wet clay, and he selected
frnit suitable to the climate. He
built a house, and put his land in a
condition to produce fruit. He
had no manure but the droppings
of his cattle. In his leisure, ho
brought from the woods bark, rot
ton wood, moss, and leaf mould
which he mixed with the soil three
feet deep. This was done by de
grees, and as fast is the ground
was prepared, he planted fruit. He
became so interested and success
ful that he retired from the cob
bler's bench. I was his neighbor.
anu Know nun intimately, ins
half acre supports himself and wife
comfortably almost in elegance.
She had no servants, and plenty of
time to cultivate flowers. Strang
ers inquired about their beautiful
home. Isabella grapes and com
mon currants formed the bulk of
his fruit. With a better selection
his income wonld have been great
er. Othera had the same success
on smfcll pieces of ground. One I
knew who supported his family on
an acre. Half was in grapes, the
crop which, inone-season, sold for
$800; and he had no bills to pay.
If concentration will give success
let us know it and nractice it.
New York Tribune.
Repelling Flies from Horses.
-It is anact of humanity to come to
the aid of a horse, powerful as he is
against his nimble assailant, the fly.
Here is a receipt which is saidiTto
be an excellent defence against it.
At all events a trial of it w-ill not
do any harm should it prove una
vailing as a defence to the horse :
" Take two or three small handsful
of walnut leaves, upon which pour
two or three quarts of cold water ;
let it infuse one night, and pour the
whole next morning into a kittle
and let it boil for a quarter of an
hour; when cold it will be fit for
use Xo more is required than to
moisten a sponge, and before the
horse goes out of the stable, let
those parts which are most irrita
ble be smeared over with the li
quor, viz., between and upon the
ears, the neck, flank, etc
How to Grow Hcbbard Squash
es. 1 want to have some one
raise some good Hubbard squashes.
This is how I did it:
I purchased some crenuine and
fresh seed which I planted in this
way : . I dug as many holes as I
wanted hills, about a foot and one-
half deep, which I filled with good
hog manure to within five or six in
ches of the top; then I filled up
even with fine earth, and I covered
he seed as near as I could c-uess
with one inch of earth. Thev
came up and grew so fast that the
bugs didn't have time to wink hard-
y before they were out of their
reach. Instead of the weeds chok
ing the squashes, the squashes
choked the weeds. I think hog
manure is the best remedy known
or Bquasn bugs.
Vast ruins have been discov
ered in the Zulu country in South
Africa obelisks with colossal
carvings, terraces, and halls, of
hewn stone, or cut of the solid rock.
The natives regard them with mys
terious awe, and keep strangers
rom them, for fear that it they are
approached no ram will tail lor
three years.
Ask your neighbor to cub
ecribe for the Enterprise.
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