The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 08, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    PAGE FOUft
JRfUbllshed 1RSII Tho Unlit, Or.
Publlclied Kvery KvPiilnB Kxcept Hiinitay
ty thn Ohrnnlrln IMitillithliiK coinimny lm:
. Urnernl Mnnnicrr
Kntered In
fcond clnun
Tho DulltM
XJnlted Prraa nnd Unltrd Nown Henrico
Member nf Audit Burenil of Olrciilntlotin
On year. In fldvanco....-.
81s month. In ndvnnco
' One month . .
One 'year. In ndvnnvo
tt month. In nilvnnco...
Jn month
yenr. In ndvnnro .
..- - .no
IJSlUI llllS tlollO
'I'lm Inst lo em
till' onlj I wo, llllVO
of the Willamette,
iiiiintli is In the
In ffdorlnK hnticn nf mldrpnn, mil)
erlber should nlwuyn nlvo old nti wnll
; new nddrtti.
Kdltorlnl Honnis.. .. Tilnck 111
.BiiRlnusii. Adv., Clr Dents Hod 111
RiihrrlbM to the Chronicle nro gunr
'HnWd ervlcn. Piompt nnd regit In r do
llry of every nuhnoilbctV pnpur In the
lm of the circulation drimrtment. The
Chronicle CRrrlera urn required to put.
tn papcrin on tho porch or wherever tin
unftcrlber wlslion 'ho impt-r delivered.
By what appears to h: fin over
hclmliiK majority, Wasco county
lias registered herself In lavor of
prosress ns it will ho exemplified , In
the" ."construction or The Dallcs-Cal-fornla'
i'Wjth only n few preclneta jet to
tie noaru irom, ti appears tnat a
jlmjorlty of more than two to oho
has been rolled up over the county
foi; the bonds, despite the vote of
1S3 to( 15- agatnat Uc proposition In
jhe Mosfer section.
' From' the very first return, which
cartlo ft Oin East Dalles, a amall pie
efnet which was voted at .Seul'erl'ii
cannery, there was no question ol
doubt in the ultimate result.
' '.Outside of the satisfaction in
knowing that, the bond issue cir
I'lcd, shewing that Wasco county
otern appreciate n Rood tiling when
they occ it, is the lealiwilion that
ho county's residents will not be
swayed by election trickery.
.The campaign for the bond issuo
was carried forth strictly on itit
merits. The bond Issue wait a le
gitimate proposition, and il was co
romoted. The Chamber of Com
merce ami other asoneies working
for tho Montis, wore frank and fair
nhii honest.
i There was no leilgerdemaln of I In
ures in the arguments put lorth fi ti
the' bonds. The' county court care
fully prepared its groundwork in
n'iijotiatlona with t ho state highway
commission, and Hie proposition
agreed upon In black and while win
obviously nn advantageous one to
the county and nearly every one
realized it.
"f'No organized ctimp:il;4ii nrebni
pllshcd results In favor ol the bond
Insiie so much ns tin: spoutiiueou i
efforts of 'those who saw Kit merits
rimre than any one other group
the farmora.
Wasco county also stands well to
Ilie front In its vote ol thaukti to
thr ex-service men, ns manifested in
the support given the loan and
bftnus bill. The vole was rven
greater in lavor of this mcnmirc
than it wts for the road bonds.
With six precincts to be heard from,
not one of thoso nlready reported
has tinned down the bonus.
; From both of these things, the
county will reap good results. The
road will increase thu county's com
tort and prosperity, Ptoperty valttos
will bo enhanced everywhere alom?
the line. Hvcn as the went and
east ends ol the county are now
connected by the Columbia river
highway, so will the south and north
lie connected by The IVillos-Ctilllor-nia
The loan mid bonus bill will mean
hundreds ol new taxpayers Out
side money will conic Into tin til ate,
and Into the eounl, by' virion of
(lie bond Issue which will provide
fundi! lot the loans. Tim niouniiro
cannot fail to couiilbulo to the
piouperlty of the community.
'A3 one ookn oe; the imperii of the
state' these dojti. he llnils icpoila ol
conventlotin In aosulon; t I'lugene
for Instance, the mate gtungo it
holding it h uieellng Tim lied ("tost
chapters recently nut at llaket; tin
state federal ion of women's clubs I;
fnc eting at I'endleiou
The, Aumileiin l.egloii lu golns li
hold1 ilu couveutloii In I'Mgene nox
month. or a ucoie ol lilt
fn(ing stale incullnun ate slated t
for held lltla mouth, ' vi'ryw here litl
In The ''Halloa.
-y'rireio bus been a K'od leitBtm fo
Oils In the past. The flt his 21.
Iiatl a place hirgo ('liough Id lak
euro ol evi'n a tnodei.itulj nled cof
i llow'evcr thl'i condition Is t
be cIihiikciI. The now aiidiioilttm wl
lie built llila tiumiuei, and It will b
large enough to accommodate att) e i:
v'entlou in lite ulalt1. baiting th
Kteat niitlonnl giilliei Ink ix
(anlonally lake thoiiamU to I'on
land, llku the Hhrlte coiulaM' lau
' Not only will the auditorium Ik
lingo enough tor I ho meet Inns, lin
(lieio will be a gteitt dining rt on
(or thu convention bat iiuels.
Thu Da I lea Is nolnc tn bo amph
prepHred to take cale of eonventloiiH
by this time next yeiir. Kvery week
loIkH are going Irom llm city att
UflegNleH (o (he hlato galhet lngx,
I Would It not be we Tor orpuUu'
I It'll:! Ilicse delegatloud leiuer.eut to
begin woiking lor the alalo
Im;a hete? I
The American
I bin very tiling.
cut Ions lu fact
and the one next
Willamette valley.
The Amcilcan Legion convention
lu a big one, and any city will by
houoicd in cnteilaiiting the men
who were at Ihe fronl tlnec yearn
ago. The Dalles po.-!' Is working to
have the 11)22 convention hole. 11
hits Instructed the delegates to work
i or it, ami la asking ciihIcih Oregon
posts to Join In an el fort to lutVe
Ihe mee'ing bote.
Conventions are mighty goi'd
things lor cities entei mining them.
The people ol' ihe slate come to
know the hostess city, anil entertain
kindly feelings toward II If the lios
Icf.'s docs herself piottd. Nothing ad
vortises a city more than the con
ventions It entertains.
Thete is no city lu Oiegon. with
oat exception, more beautiful than
The Dalles in the months of Ma;,
and June. Portland in all Us herald
cd loveliness does not have th
broad streets to compare with mos
of those here, and Portland docs no
have the majestic I ices along it.
parkings that one
I it ii ii who
cuwr. and
with a IIji
a clean, 3
linn a herd of high (.i;ist
Ii- serving his tit. ioni"i
: ittiallty ol milk handled in
nl'ary manner dlre- t fiotn
hl'i own herd to the cotutimer to be
'naked to compete In price wit it milk
of infeilor iualll Irom nonde.ierlpl
'herd.". II' atijono offets you eho.ip mll't
investigate the condlllons under
which that milk Is produced,
Don't drive your legitimate tlalrj-
man out of business or lorce him to
cheapen his product. The health oi
the chlldi'i-n of your town should he
valued above dollars and cents.
Ho'ipeellully siibinlttnl for the pro
perlly and happiness of the produce"
nnd consumer, (live the dnirymnn a
chance to enjoy the working hours
mat ou, i he consuming public, en
superintendent! of ihe wirlour. schools
explained what llieir rchooln bin! he-ti
iloing. Rev. .). I, Powell, win came,
hero ."" yeiut' nt;o. told about organ
izing Ihe first Sunday school in thU
ice-Ion. when but a few families liv
ed In thia coininunllj. Rev. Kails of
Smock delivered a spit nd id leniuin.
Louie McCoy and Mrs. May llai.eo
of this place were iiiiiriled In 'Vancou
ver, Wash., last week.
Mr, and Mrs. Clyde l-'llnu, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Sum Wall vhlfeil at the
Cheater Pritlnln homo In amie Sun-
lirittaln and chlblieu tie
them home for a visit
day. Mrs.
Delbert McCoy nnd Mis Annie
Lewis were inai'rled In Vam'ouver,
Wash., last week ami lire nttw ntoii-
ping In Poland, tittendltig the Roa"
Kes thiil.
sees in Th'
In May and .lime The Dalies is n
mass of blossoms. lis lawns art
pcriet'L ami nestling down here or
I ho edge of Ihe great Coliitnlilai
horseshoe, with Ihe green mantlet'
.tills on .every side, the city need b
uivlohs of none.
j 'in you ioikb wno nave iiveit on
.his aide of Ihe Casiadca all of yom
lives, ever stop to think that thost.
jyer across I ho motin talus have an
Idea that The Dalles la a high apo'
in thu sage brush? It's remarkahl
how Utile folks west of the Cat)
Ciidea know about, this caaL uidi
There's a whole lot of woik we
Waticoitcs can do in leading them
out of the tlatkuesu. The Wcblootui
in piotty aot in Ida weys. Jfe think:
(lie bountlarics ol' the verdant Wll
liunutte valley are the exact dliuen
aloiiK of God's green footstool. Wi
'.snow. We used lo live (hero.
Hut these liiimc folks west of tin
mountains, most of I hem dt least
never saw Ihe glorlhua pipltislon ol
color in Iho K'llcklllita. Ihe eve
changing shimmer of reds and purplet
and bron.ea on the rugged hill
along the Columbia, Ihe cherry oi
chatils In blossom or hills carpeted
iti amoot green an far as one can
t:-j in the keen crystal air.
The Columbia River highway anil
Thu Dalles-Calllornin highway. (I.
wo ever got il), w.ll make of The
Dalles a touting cenler. Why not n
convention center also?
1iist wek two delegates fioin Tin
Dalles went to Albany anil picket
ofr the V.I22 concentlon of the Stale
Laundry Owners' association for thli
(So thus, a lot of you brothers and
Joiners, and do likewise. The city
will take en re of your crowds ail
tight, welcome (lain tight heartlb
and pal you on the back for having
'he lug Idea.
'L'onvenliona advertise cities; the)
bring business to (. It lea, Kvery titer
chant piofits by coincn'ions foi
convent loners have to eat and sleep
and buy dpi tea JjhI , like the rest
of us.
in ,'oitr
in on lit
Vim -Oliver,, .Mine 7
ol The Chronicle: il nolleu
paper thai a milk prtee win
The Dalles. I feel that alt" r
22 years experience in Ihe rolailing of
milk in The Dalles I am qualified to
atate Hint cottilllion.i do net warrant
mill' retailing at $-'& month oer
Utinii To Ihe milk con.iiiniing public
I would -lay, ilon'l ask jour milk mim
'ii sell ou mim ill a price thai moarm
hat he iiiu.-t woik It boiin a day in
irdor toMtteet aoine ll -bj ui:,,hl com
if a certainly discouraging lo a
WAIMNITMA. .June 7. Several lino
a Iris have (alien hero th'j jiast low
ittjs, (.ommenciiig Inst 'Jiitir.sdny
it 1 i. si tliunder shower and some
itln lots fallen every day since,
this moisture is causing the grain
o head nnd a bumper crop is
linost insuted.
Rev. J. .1. Parker has purchased
ilmaell n new car.
Rev. Mathews of Sinnasho left
'.Vaplnitia last week lor the cst
. attend ii conference of the
Geo. Mnsill, a inonilnent farmer
if ihe Winnie country, anil his lamily
were here Sunday to attend the
hlldtens' Day exercises. When ho
wits asked how Ihe Wamlo country
stood on the bond issue he replied:
Solid!" He also remarked that
here Wits not much tall; about II
ill ihe letters frotn the so-called
vell'are league were received anil
I'o'ul, an I the conclusion was that,
itey would vole as a, unit In favor
)l the bonds.
Mr. and Mrs. Hevi'l, ol Portland
tie visiting fi lends here.
ihe Coiiinieicial club met at thu
tchool bouse Saturday evening, ow
ing to ii picture allow in town the
rowil was not large. Klectlon of
in leers was postponed until next.
liiturdiiy ev-nlttg, .Jane It. Several
Hems ol Interest were taken up and
tlisposed ol. The main auhject dis
cussed was the gelling out of n
folder and oilier literature In the
inlet eat of the products ' of our
country. A commltleu war, ap
pointed to meet Saturday night to
thoroughly discuss (he project. Joe
(Sraham, the foiest i anger here, wib
eporl on the timber. II L. Mortis,
il Maui'in wa present and 'xpluin
ed lo the club that several car loads
or home seekers will leave Omaha
on the lillh of .fitly lor Portland.
mil the various clubs am chambers
or commerce ;ire lo tocelvo thoui
and show them over the diircrenl
sections or Oregon. Mr. .Morris Is
real estate man ol i.Maupin. He
alao said that those that woie com
ing were only a I'oi-rttnner of what
was coming lo seek homes. ' and
that the only way this section ol
Uiu country would recti ve the!"
share of them would be to be on
hand with literature and rep.nseit
tut Ives lo tell litem of Hip wonder
lul possibilities hero, where land Is
cheaper than" almost any where else
ami crop failure Is unknown. It
was also i.iiited thai we had some
thlngh thrt oilier .sections didn't, thn'
good wheat lund' was lapiilly be'.nr;
own lo alfalfa and way proving a
rent success.
Mr: Alice Chappie Is taking euro
ol the liar.eo ho'el during the own
er's absence.
.1. R. Lewis and famllj. nnd Mrs
Alpha Hill visited relatives In Smock
StindiiN .
Jack Kelly, road tiiiporvlaor. It' t -
been doing considerable road wor'
In this section ihe past lu day?.
Sheep shearing waa llnlshed ill Hie
Abbott ranch Ihe litMt ot the week.
The Children's Day evercl. os which
were held in Ihe Abbott Clove Sua
day were a decided succes' , Thn da.'
dawned blight nnd clear. Ai 10 o'tioci
Sunday .school waa h;ii b. Rev. .1. I
I'urkrT. rollie'.ed by a in'.vd pii
gram pari ielpaleil l:i by the loci
ehool. litre (Stove aihool and Hr
t'mocli i.ebool. Dinner inllo'-ed under
the beautiful oak tree. The iillettioon
sea; ion be;;an at, 2:'W, when the
J2i! : '
'gene, June 8. The position of
est lookout Hj.OOU lccU above
level, on the McKcnzie river In
Cascade rorcsl, will be held
'liia, ii: In Roland, Hungary. Czcdnr
Sh vrklii and oilier reel 'em of
and East cm Km ope, arc supported by
the JfUli.iioo.tWi.) contributed by th-?
Ante lean people dining the European
Hollo! Council diivn,
President Hainlsrh. of Austria, lead
ing nrodlea! authorities, lite prenn tind
the pdbliq generally credit Americifi
generosity and (he efficiency or thn
iloovcr organization with having not
only haved lens of thousands of Aus
trian children from starvation bit'
with having to a largo extent prevent
ed the permanent deterioration In
health of the growing generation.
summer by Miss Dorothy Dickey, a
student in the University Ot Oregon.
She will begin her work about tho
nun ot July anil continue till some
time in Septmber, when the fail
rains begin.
' This is not a new work for Miss
Dickey, for she was lookout last
summer and waa the first ,to discov-1
or 1(J forest rites. Though her
'mountain post is clghly-live inSlof
from Eugcno, she says that she doc
not get particularly lonesome.
RESOURCES" Dulles, in common with m., of Oro-.oit 1h
bein iouullitll cndoHoi b;. Nuiui,- xi.h m t.j,.
iiuiie. line sciuterv. anil f,vut f-'ttill'y ot
It has cvei) nuturul reuu.m' for growth.
The Erehtii K- Couipunv
promoto I cal hid tali lea',
plana for j;i eater tin ut u
liuir't I. eer ntilvrr
mid la ltitrett'.yd in
d ivelopnunt.
; t'i
I'aid on Savings
E. II. niENGM. l'MS.dnt
RAUL M. TRENCH, Vlcr Prr tidf lit
v, m. r ttuiNGH, Seetctury
J- C. HOSTETLER, Caslnet
U A TI7F11C1
BY! A. R. A.
VIENNA. June 8.--Tho Aineri-in
Relief Administration, headed by Her
bert Hoover, has pnnldod .since the
spring of 101!), lL'8,.:n!Uifi7 meals to
imder-nournishcd Austrian children
During lire month or March, statistics
for which have just been made pub
lic. 8.721.338 nrenla were ftrrnluhed.
npport.'onci its follows: Vienna and
lower Austria 5,7(iO.Mli: upper Austria
708,1 Hi: Sal.bttrg. :itr.7!) ; Tyrol. ISUu
077; Votarlborg, (JUti-liio- Styria, 1.
007. 057; Caiiiiihln, t lii.
The child leudlug operations in AnH
(Erom The Chronicle. Jttnu 8. Lsyu.)
The .sliding mountain near IPmne.
vllle la again causing the O.-W. R, a;
N. railroad much trouble. The river
washing underneath has caused thr
land on which Hie road is built to
slide toward the river.
The event of yea crdav was tin
unveiling ceremonies of the W:;h!
men at Sunset cemetery. The monu
ment was ono elected to ihe niemorv
of Thomas N. .loles. Il was erected
about a year ago, but unveiling cere
monies woie postponed owing to thr
absence of Mrs. Joins. The procc
aion formed at the corner of Second
and Court streets. ,11 was headed bv
The Dalles band and Immediately rol
lowed by the Woodmen on loot.
In the, procession was a delegation
of lo from Dtifur, also O. D. iSturgeas
of Cioldendale. Probably lout) people
In all gather cd ai Ihe cenretcr lo wi'
ncs", the crrcmonics. Tlic.-o wore un
der lite direction of Consul (Slbon;.
Advisor Mann. Banker Phillips, dork
Ellloon and -Neighbor C. 11. Brown.
Dr. Doano read the poem "Oh, 'Why
Should the Spirit ol' Mortal be Proud."
The oration by -John Mlchell War.
masterly. He extolled Ihe virtues and
sterling qualities of the deceased in
;i lit I lug manner and dwelt upon the
benefits of the order of which the de
ceased w;is nn honored member.
II. dl. Joles. wife nnd two daugh
ters of (SencFoe, HI., and Charles N.
Joles of Tacotna weto prci-cnt at the
unveiling ceremonies.
Jr '
The lens sees with you the auto-;
graphic record remembers for
you when you ; ,y . , ' , ;
as you go
Our store is so conveniently located that it is pretty
"sure to be "right on your way." Stop off A few
minutes. The 'Kodak vou 'want is here. ' '
Kodaks from $8,00 up ,..,-, -Brownies
from $2.00 up . "' ' ,
If 1
I f . 11
Whv some
seem to have
the tire luck
Th snme ntandard of qunlity
built into U. 5. Tires is put
into U. S. Tubes.
I ,- '. 4 t,
"Fimf 1 ft V. S. Tttr tfhr
with th flill, i nmptotafr
irrY '" rf (nth.
U, S.
YOU probably know a man whose car fe a
hobby with him. He knows just- why it's
the best little old car there is of its class.
And he'll, stand up for that car against th
world in any kind of an argument. ' ,
Year by year an increasing number of men
feel the same way about U. S. Tires.
For a while they 'may try "job lot" stuff,
"bargains," "big discounts" and "rebates." ' "
But usually it doesn't take' long for a man to
sense the economy of the standard quality tire:
For years U. S.Tire makers have been build-v
irig quality tires for sane tire users for the car
of medium or light weight n6 less thanforth
heavy car. '
The tire buyers of thev land have responded
with a mighty U. S. Tire following.
4 . 1 .0 Ire
The U. S. Tire makers meet the re
sponsibility for supplying this nation
wide 'following with characteristic
energy; l ' "W
Ninety-two U. S. Factory Branches
arc established, covering' th eritk
country. 4 'cM-'' fH
Find tho U: S.Tire"dfealerr hO
has tlie intention oFso'rWrto.VJU
will know h;fn by his"fuli, c"!
sized line of TrosVVoUl-S.'Tires
quality first, 'nnd 'the same 'cnojcV
of size, tread and type as in. tba blf-
gest cities ofs-the land.
1 " ' t
United States Rubber Compaiy
THE DALLES BUIC& PARAGE, Thq Dalles, Oregon.
V. E. TIPTON, Dufur, Orcjron.
cJANNBTT' MUTUK (JU., me uaiies, Oregon.