The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 26, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    V., r. r.
Congressman Ed
ward J. King
of Illinois,
Appointed hour Is
here: lot the Phil
ippines le free."
This was the key
note of a speech hy
Congressman Ed
ward J. King of Illi
nois, (Republican;
In which he review
ed the American oc
cupation of the Is
lands from the first
day to the present
time. He declared
that t h e U n 1 1 e d
States was honor
bound to grant in
dependence without further delay.
Congressman King is one of an in
creasing number of Republicans In the
House who are nrglng quick action
on "Philippine independence. Mr.
King Is the author of a bill which pro
vides that within one year the Philip
pine government, under presidential
proclamation, may assemble a conven-
tlon and frame a constitution.
After the constitution Is ratified' by
the Filipino people the President may
recognize the Philippine Islands as "a
separate and' self-governing nation."
The transfer of authority Is (to be
completed within one year. Provision
Is made for safeguarding American in
vestments In the Philippines and for
the providing of coaling stations and
submarine bases In the Islands by the
United Stutes.
Word from the Philippines is that
the people expect early independence
and will be sorely disappointed If they
do not get It.
"No nation has the right," said Con
gressman King "to hold another people.
In peonage, even though It may be
argued by the professoriate that the
condition is simply one of 'tutelage.'
"A little more observance of the
golden rule In national and Interna
tional affairs would soon dispel that
desire for exploitation, the fiercest foe
of freedom In the world today.
"When wo went to the Philippines
we declared before the whole world
that we were not actuated by any self:
Ish desire of conquest or Territorial
aggrandizement, but solely by humani
tarian impulses."
Congressman K'njr culled attention
to the fact that Filipinos are now
raising funds to erect a monument to
Admiral Dewey, which he sold was In
directly a tribute to the American peo
ple as well as to Dewey.' "He1 recalled
the cable that Dewey had sent to
PresldenT'McK'lnley, "which was" us
"In -my opinion these people (Fili
pinos) are superior In Intelligence und
more capable of self government than
the natives of Cuba, nnd I am familiar
with both."
Congressman King then recited the
preamble to the. Jones law, passed
August 20, 1910, and declared It was a
definite pledge of independence. The
preamble stated "It Is as It has always
been the purpose of the people of
the United States to withdraw their
sovereignty over the Philippine Islands
and to recognize their Independence ns
soon as a stable government can he
established therein."
Congressman King stated there was
no question but that the Filipinos had
established the specified stable gov
ernment and," therefore, It Is the
solemn duty or the United States to
grant the promised Independence.
and' while the other women entrants But before long she captures the most
are to be represented by only one eligible men. Then Interest Is arous-
horse apiece, there are some among ed in her "technique" as it were. And
them who haye achieved renown when a group from the bureau of so-
j enough to stand proudly by ' them- cial education of the Y. W C. A.
ssles. comes down a new day dawned. Flat
heels come as naturally a talcum
A suit of clothes looked bcter to powder after that. Most of the cast
Thomas Shannon, panhandler, than are professional movie people. The
freedom. He was on the point of be- bureau of health education, 600 Liex-
tlng released from the Tombs, when) ingt0n avenue, New York, will ar-
ha decided to swap clothes with Fred nnfie a 8nowing of this film in towns
Stern, waiting trial for pocketplck- upon appl,catlon from representative
mg, ana tcKe morns cnanccs oi
drawing a sentence. When Shannon's
name was called for release, Stern,
in the panhandler's shabby clothes
Brown's Dufur Stage Time Table
Two round trips dally. Lea re Bank
hotel, 9. a. m. and 4 p. m. Leave
Dufur 7:-30 a. m. ami 1 p. in. tt
NEW YORK, APRIL 24. The revo
lutionary suggestion has been made
that within another year or so,
women will bo in charge of the
steeple-chases In this part of tho
country. The number of them, who
are entering horses for the cross
country events at Belmont Park this
spring might well foreshadow some
thing of the sdrt. It has Jumped for
ward more than 50 per cent aver the
1920 season; and their horses arc
pttehtion-getter3, too. Mrs. Payne
Whitney (daushter of the late John
Hay) has entered five horses; Mrs.
Brose Clark also sends in five names;
Catarrhal Cfar.s Cannot fk Cured
by lu-il msrilcaiiuni, hj they cannot laacii
lb .J!ru J itoutvii u( t.-io KUt. Thi-ro U
'y unv way to varo catarrhal deofnn.
mi J thi : by u CiSdiliiUoual rnucdy,
V.tarrlul Dcafntaj ) vaudd by a;t !
"u(.;v t condition of liiu mucous lining n
the Cui'acMln Tubs. Vnm tola tube U
IniUtned ycu have a rutnMlnr sound or IfU
x. .1 u unrig, und wtia U U entirely
clcatd. litatnvM I tli rull. Unleia tbt
ln.tntnroi.tion can U r -Oiicrd and thli tube
rviiorrd to ! normal condition, bcarlnr
will h.i dertroyoU frrtver. .lany cacea of
di'Cfru-sV ora caused liy tatatrb. which la
an Inrtarant coidltloa o tha mucoua aur
iiciu. Ha'.l's Catarrh Mrdlclns acta thru
thi blcv) on th mucoua surface of tfc
7 ui:. ;
Wr will !" rn ITniMrM Potlara fjr
any tati ut catarrh! ivaiocs that caaaot
b cured by Hall's CMwrh MadloUe. Cftr
ntrr fr .Ml Tniirir '&.
Pretty soon we will pay for our sal-
wnlkerl out. But there Isn't much ad dres8,n y the dropper full when
freedom of choice loft In life these we settle ur luncheon check. New
days, and somebody Interfered with Yort restaurants are beginning to
sen ineir cream lor your conee or
your baked apple by the ounce. Or-
tho mutually-agreeable arrangement.
After years when everyone had to derlng coffee doesn't mean anything
have hor house done a la one of the but coffee these days. If you don't
French Louis' or Elizabeth English or like it black, you specify how mush
Italian Renaissance, we seem to have cream you want, and then you pay
come finally to the exceedingly Span- for It. "It makes It easier for the
Ish. It makes little difference as to patron," is the polite explanation of a
year, either, Just so It comes from restauranteur. "Then he doesn't have
that picturesque peninsula. Interior to comipialn and bother about not
decorators for the past two months having enough. He can order all he
have been trying to slip out of New wants to use." One admits the consid
York harbor, Spalnward bound, with- erateness of the plan.
out letting any other interior decorat
ors get breeze of the fact, and now
they are-beginning to slip back again,
bearing old Spanish hangings and
doorways and other treasurer under
-their arms. Some of us will probably
get by Just with hanging a pair of
castanets to the chandelier, but. at
least we must show an effort to keep
up with such things.
Girls who have policemen for suit
ors ought to be tagged In some way.
It Is hardly fair at present. Ire Carter
ltfarned the difficulties of such a
situation the other night. When he
accosted Alice Fey on the street,
thinking she might like to take a
stroll with htm, he knew uothlng
whatever about the fact that she not
only had a policeman sweetheart, but
Even common sense is given an tx- even at that moment was enroute to
tra boost if you hitch a romantic meet him. 'He thought Alice was nice
flllp to it 'somewhere. That's the idea and agreeable, because while she did
of a new moving picture Just being not talk to him, she passed two or
put out. People young people, par- three traffic cops without speaking
ticularly used to be told that It was to them about him and he kept walk-
good to be sensible. 'Now they re , jng 0n at her side expecting her to
shown how attractive It is. "The Highbegln chatting any mpment. Presently,
'Road," is the title of the picture, however, it developed that she was all
which was screened down In Georgia, the time walking toward the corner
which makes a specialty of romantic where waited her husky beau. One
moonlight and the scenery to go with wora- to him and Ira stretched flat un
it. It Is the story of a typical smatl on the cdld hard pavement. And as
city where the loveliest glrlB in lacy a0on as he managed to rise again, he
frocks and high heels eat chocolates waa taken' to the police station and
and talk sweethearts most 1f the day locked up. While Alice Fey walked
and drive and dance in the moonlight along at her sweetheart's side and
a considerable ,part of the night; a smiled gently.
harmless but rather empty and un-
strengthening life. Albng comes a I The earliest known engraved plan
girl who has learned to plav tennis 0f the city of New York Is being of
and "hike" and cook out-of-doors and fered.for sale at a disposal of a col
do' a" thousand other things that are lection of old prints. It Is. valued at
fun". tho"ha"(Tlearne(r them from' the jio.UOO. " ' '
Y. W. C. A.) and learned to wear low ( . .
heels while she did them. She doesn't j Taxi Mayfield's Taxi
make any particular sensatIoa"at first. J Telephone main 5021. 27tf
Contracting Bricklayers and Plasterers
All kinds of Tile and Cement Work. Fireplace Work a Specialty.
Estimates furnished free of chary?. All Work Guaranteed.
Telephone Main 6461 or Call at Gates Block
( Eyesight Specialist
Hour 9:00 to 5:00 Sundays and Evenings by Appointment
17-19 Vogt Blk Over Crosby's Drug Store Phone Black 1111
Wasco Hotel
624 East Second Street
Open Under New Management
Thoroughly Overhauled. Clean Comfortable Rooms
50c a Night and Up. Rates by Week and Month
Dining Room to Open Soon
M. S. Elliott, Mgr.
Step on the Gas!
A few hills ahead mean noth
ing to the progressive business
He is used to driving his car
and knows that a shift of gears
and a 'little more gas" will put
the high spots behind him in jig
Beyond the problems of the
present is the smooth level rpad
of the future.
The outlook for business holds
no fears for the men who "step
on the gas and go to it."
The real good times the good
times based on normal values,
smaller profits and quicker
turnovers, the good times of
peace and plenty are right be- ,
fore us.
Step on the gas! Advertise!
Advertise to your consumers at
the places where conditions fa
vor the sale of your product.
Use The Chronicle to do this
HIM I j Mi if l'lill-Bil'im
Big Sale On
20 Discount for Cash with Order 1
It costs 20 to sell monuments by agents. You can save that one-fifth of
the price by buying at the shop. Make your selection early and give us time
to set work before May 30th, Decoration Day.