The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 22, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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matter 'of hosiery. Silk stockings arc
the worst possible things for the
NEW YORK, April 22. Such a nice
large variety of human tastes thevo
are in the world! And this city caters
to them all. Especially when it somes
to pets! The other day In the window
of a shop in the Hudson Terminal
building, I read this sign: "Baby
Boa Constrictors, one dollar each."
By the way, it Is rather interesting
to observe that most of the world's
famous dancers make up a regular
i "over forty" club. Pavlowa, Isadora
Duncan, 'Maude Allen, Genee, and
many others.
things about the newly arrived cats
not being, as well-behaved as those
which have been brought up In their
midst. But the metropolitan island
would welcome back even the dis
turbances to nave its perplexity te
moved. v
One 'of the most grievous angles
mat nave neen developed in tn? case
of "Dorian 'Hope," the poe; whose
real name turns out to havj been
Bret Holland, and who has recently
departed for parts unknown, leaving
behind unhappy haberdashers, pub
Ushers and photographers, is that ot
the disappointed maids' to whom he
dedicated poems. There is no use talk
ing, however unsentimental one may
be, it Is a blow to learn that the
yearning lines addressed to one were
in fact written by a member of one's
own feminine sex, and just taken over,
as it were, by the attractive man
whose name was signed. And such
seems to be the case. 'Miss Miriam
Vedder was surprised to discover just
about the time "Hope" disappeared
that most of the verses in his volume
"Pearls and Pomegranates" were her
own -which had been previously pub
lished unddr other titles. And among
those written by her were all which
he had generously dedicated to fair
maids of his acquaintances. 'Hope is
said to be right now in Italy getting
acquainted with D'Annunzio.
Cotton stockings are still worn. And
by whom, do you suppose? Some prac
tical woman executive or hard work
ing policewoman. Not for one tick of
the clock. By Pavlowa, Russian pre
miere, danseuse, and by as many of
her Ballet Russe girls as she can m
- fluence. And she claims that because
her girls are English, the influencing
is not impossible. There are two rea
sons according to the Russian firefly,
'why she makes her ballet up of them
rather than Americans. ''One is that
American girls' ankles and feet are
not heavy and strong enough for Rus
sian dancing and the other is the
1 It Is an upside down world. We a.u
sending "English tweeds" to Austra
lia, and Paris is sending jazz songs to
New York. Truly! Within the last
i two weeks, the products of this latest
French industry has begun to arrive
here; and they are the real thing. One
of the latest songs from their boule
vards is "Paris Qui Jazz," which any
member of the A. E. F. will tell you
means "Paris which jazzes," And at
least half a dozen others have begun
to bo heard about the environs of
Manhattan is .wondering if soma
terrible cataclysm, is about to descend
upon it; if maybe the island is go
ing to fall down into its subways or
become a victim of a subterranean
volcano. For its cats are migrating
to Brooklyn. Now, everyone knows
that cats are loath to change their
habitats; they will stay with a house
rather than follow a family to a new
one. But for some inexplicable reason,
this spring is seeing a rapid move of
a seemingly large part of Ihe island's
feline population over across the way
to Long Island. How they get there
no one knows. But that doesn't wor
ry Manhattan as much as why. Brook
lyn citizens are complaining, too. The
Inrush disturbs their sleep, their
babies, and. their churchi services,
they protest; and they add unkind
"Freda"" Julkowska of East. Twelfth
street, has lost her beau. It Is a par-J
ticularly annoying instance ot that
not uncommon tragedy because ot
the fact that it is due to lack of judg
ment rather than of affection on the
beau's part. John Deerskl, a waiter,
and according to Miss Julkowska a
very good one, was so much In love
that he threatened suicide if sffo did
not marry him. Then to prove that
he wasn't bluffing, the suicide took
place theoretically at least. His hat
and coat and a ferewell note of
passionate affection to his adored
one, were found on the Manhattan
bridge following the waiter's disap
pearance. Now then Deerskl has re
appeared, but only at a comparative
distance. Miss Julowska reports that
he has been seen many times near
ner home in the last few days, but
that he is afraid to return to his
home or to her because his friends
will "kid him." So far as she can seo,
unless he can be persuaded to brace
up. It's one beau gone lust as much
as though he had lived up to that
farewell note.
Bv United News
THAYER, Kan., April 21. bti'a
women, Mayoress Abby H. Forest ann
her feminine city council, have orected
as their first official act to give this
town a jolly good tubbing.
Sunday amusements, the town mor
I ha,vo a small thermometer which is suitable for the in
side of the house which I am giving to my customers. These
are only given to homes but not to children. I also have a
good thermometer and barometer which carries my name and
address which I am selling for less than it will cost to lay
them down here. Price 55 cents. Come in and get one.
Cor. Second and Washington 8tt.
,:a a
A New .
Local Service
for Motorists
Roller Bearing
Roller Blaring
New Departure
To provide motorists, and others
interested in automobile service work
in this section with prompt, expert
dependable service on bearings, we
have established an authorized local
service station for the Bearings Ser
vice Company.
The Bearings Service Company is
the national service representative for
the Timken Roller Bearing Com
pany, Hyatt Roller Bearing Company
and New Departure Manufacturing
Company. ,
Supplied with authentic engineer
ing records by these manufacturers
and having immediate access to com
plete stocks' of new bearings not
reground of second hand stock we
can provide service in which you
can place absolute confidence a
bearing service that is exact, depend
able and prompt one that will make
it unnecessary for you to be without
the use of your machine pending the
receipt of bearings from far off
Parts Department
AuHwHeed DUtrOmtmn
Bearings Service Company
nls. and such things nre something
for the evangelists to worry about, in
tiio opinion of Mayoress Forest, but
when a town needs a good scrubbing
behind the ears, there is a job a wom
an executive can handle to a Cjueen's
"The- first thing we are going to lo
is to use soap and water on our town,"
she totd the United Mews. "The par't
in a sight, there Is dust, all over the
''city council rooms and the city hall
hasn't had a real bath since goodness
knows when. Then we will order the j
grass trimmed In the cemetery and j
flowers planted. We will then go to j
work on the other things.
"We have been given too much ad-'
vice on how to run our town already
by super-minds and we don't need
any more. There seems to be much
concern about what we women will
do about the Sunday amusement and
short skirt problems. We are quite
willing to let the evangelists worry
about those things."
Mayoress Forest does not know yet
whether .she will appoint a woman
town marshal or not. Right now she
does not know a woman in Thayer
who Is husky Enough to, handle the
Dr. S. Burke Massey, dentist, First
National bank, rooms 307-308. Tele
phone main 3911, res. main 1691. 8tf
Flowers for
Mother's Day
Wear a White Carnation in
observance of the day.
Buy her Carnations or any
other Flowers, cut or in
plants, as your personal tri
bute. Our supply for Mother's
Day will be fresh and varied.
In Corson Music Store
A Scene You'll
Never Forget:
A confidential plan will be explained
to you personally by any Brunswick
dealer which enables you to honor
Mother on May 8th in a way which will
bring lasting enjoyment.
No plan could be more thoughtfully
worked out. It gives Mother a wonder
ful surprise party. It makes it easy for
you to give her a really handsome remembrance.
Mothers' Day Club
A Brunswick Idea
The details we do not publish but
any Brunswick dealer gladly explains
them in person. Learn all about the de
lightful surprise party -you can give
Mother on the morning of Mothers'
Part of this Brunswick idea includes
the presentation -to Mother of a Bruns
wick Phonograph, model 112, also ten
especially chosen records, also but
the rest is a secret.
The Mothers' Day Club makes it
possible for you to pay in modest in
stallments. No offer like this has been
made before. You'll be surprised at
the details.
Visit the nearest Brunswick Dealer, Ask about the
Mothers' Day Club. YouU certainly want to join
Established 1845-CHICAGO
Hotel 113
CORSON, The Music Nan