The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 05, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 248
w SO yean,
Allow i
one to deceive you in this.
Jmrt-aa-good are bat
that trifle with and endanger the health of
Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Para
gwric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm
and allays Fererishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
, TT MM T imtT,
25 per cent off
on LAMES' COLLAKETTE& and ftCAEf. If you
have waited to buy, now is the time.
30 her cent off
on all MACKINTMHE&t and now is just the time you
need them. Our prices on above goods have always been
the lowest, and with 20 per cent, off, you get a Bargain that
is worth taking up. You get a good coat for little money.
Remember you can always get bargains at
Where Prices are Always the Lowest.
133 Second Street. THE DALLES. OR.
Lost. MOMOi'lht SUMU Of TIM
Ues, a lady' sold weteb. Tss dollere
wrd will to gives for its rotors to too
eolooo. ihU
0M C.
After rxpoosro or vboo yoe feel s old
com ion oe. toko de of Foley's Hoooy
andTar. Itoever laila tostopacold U
taken is lino. Clarke A Folk.
Foley's Honey v Tar
Terrible Disaster Off the Colombia
River as a Result of the Prevailing
Astoria, Dec. 4. Tho bar tog T tooth,
which has just returned to port, report!
that the British ship Nelson, CapUln
Perriam, toroed turtle lost night aod
went to the bottom with her entire crow.
The Nelson left Astoria November 25th
with o cargo of lumber for Cape Town,
Sooth Africa, Monday night aho waa
back at the river'a month, aod yesterday
was reported to have shifted her cargo.
She had a bad liat to starboard, and
c nld go only on one tack.
Yesterday afternoon the tog Tatoosb
went ont and picked op the Nelson,
passing a hawser. The tog started off
shore with the ship owing id tho gale.
It was tho intention of Captain Bailey,
of the Tatooah, to remain with the ebip
daring the night.
The gale which raged last night, how
ever, was too severe tor the vessel to
withstand, and she broke from ,the tng
and tnrned turtle, sinking at once. In
the darkness it was impossible for the
tag to render assistance to those of the
crew who were not carried down, and all
perished. The Nelson carried a crew of
twenty-eight men all told. She waa an
old wooden vessel .
Captain George W. Woods, the bar
pilot, was to have been placed aboard
the ship last night, bat the weather was
too rough to permit it. Captain Woods
states that tho Nelson went over between
10 and 11 o'clock loot night, daring the
height of the sale. Boatman Jack Reid.
of this city, states that tho Nelson carried
aiz mon more than the Rickmer Rick-
mers, and that twenty eight aonla were
lost with tbeabtp.
A Carnegla flan.
Nkw Yokk, Dec. 4. Andrew Carnegie
has under consideration the gift of a
large sum of money to be used for tbo
benefit of the aged telegraphers in this
section of the country, and it is said that
he intends, when satisfactory plans have
been made, to extend his chartitable be.
qneet so as to include the telegraphers
in all parte of the land. Mr. Carnegie
hits in mind the establishment of a
combination dob and hospital, a general
pension fond and tho founding of an
Acadia in New Jersey. Tbia includes
the establishment of a town with lots
and houses, to ho sold ot the maximum
ot $2500 each. Beotals are fixed ac
cot ding to tbia plan at $15 per month,
and tbo interest at 1 or 2 per cent, to go
to tbo general food. Libraries aod co
operative stores also are to to established.
m antcn everything is 10 oe given w
telegraphers at cost.
fart mt Ik laUaa.
Washington, Dae. 4. It is the general
impression of lawyers who have ex
amined tbo opinions ot the supreme
court that tho recent decision makea tbe
PbilioDino porta a part of tbo United
Ststesand subject to tbo coastwise lawa,
hich movent foreign ships carrying
goods from one port in tbo UnitOd States
to another. It is presumed, however.
that nothing will to done to atop any
such trading under this decision until
the treasury department makes an an
nouncement, such as it did in tbo ease
of Porto Rico. Tbo legislation lor Porto
Rico did sot change this condition ana
it exists today, and there is a probability
tbat no legislation changing tbe condition
ill bo eoactoa.
A ' lit Tru.U.
Witcsita. Ken.. Doc. 4 At a moat-
ins-of tbe Implement Dealers' Associa
tion of tbo Booth west, is tbia city, today,
W. Blaine, of Pratt, introduced a
resolution calling on tbo members aod
other mercantile concerns to organise
oonpartiaan anti-treat leagues, and to
roo down any congressman who will not
oledee himself to antl trust legislation.
Tbo resoletion woe adopted.
sjjm etwee ae Mas. Teilke U.
WABHweee, Dec. 4.-Tbs state de-
received a cablegram
Eddy, United States
Obaree of lawa tire ot Cooetentinople.
. Mans. tsja, ore priaoaete
iase pease eassawewsw". .
etdeof ttosaggstsjai
&fe Ribbon Sale
brought U9 our first customer this morning and before she
finished her purchases others came and likewise for ribbons.
Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons are the talk of tho
store. At this moment and in fact ever since the store opened
the ribbon counters have been crowded with ribbon buyers peo
ple who need ribbons who know where to go for good ribbons
and who know that the BICST ribbons are selling here this week
at lower prices than are usually asked for the CHEAPEST kinds.
We intend making this the greatest and most satisfactory ribbon sale ever
held in tho town satisfactory to us in the quantities sold and to our customers in
the good qualities given them. If you have immediate ribbon needs or if you ex
pect to need ribbons later on BUY NOW.
The number 3 I in. Ribbons, reduced to 5c per yd
50c and 75c
Fancy Neck Ribbons
4 x in
5 1 in.
7 H in.
9 If in.
12 2 in.
102! in.
22 2 J in.
40 3 in.
CO 5 in.
All fancy Sash Ribbons, special 50c per yard.
It's just lots of fun to do without rub
bers this winter. Our
Valour Calf Storm Shoes
have so much splash and frippery to
them that it's a shame to wear them
with anything else but a short skirt.
a pair
and Strictly
Let us prove it to
Cha Ribbon Sale
ads Saturday
The Ribbon Jalo
ends Saturday
Of Brneflt to Vou.
D. S. Mitchell, Falford, Md. : "During
e long illness I waa troubled with bed
sores, waa advised to try DeWStt's Wltcb
Hszsl Balve and did so wltb wonderful
results. I was perfectly cored. It is
tho best salve on the market." Bore
core for pilft, toiee, barns. Beware of
counterfeit. Clarke A Falk's P. O.
aro tba bost advertisers for Foley's
Honey and Tar and all wbo use it agree
tbat It is a splendid remedy for coughs,
or sore longs. Clarke A Falk.
OU OoldUr' Ep.rlDC.
M. M. Austin, a civil war veteran, of
wii.l.Mtr Ind.. writes: "Mr wife waa
eiek a long time in spite of good doe
tor's treatment, hot was wholly cored
by Dr. King's mew uie mis, wihcj
worked wooders for her health." They
iIhh do. Trv them. Oulj 25c at (J.
C. Blakeley'adrng store. .8
Cbaa. Replogle, At water, O , wa io
very bad shape, lie aays : "I suffered
a great deal with my kidneya aod was
requested to try Foley's Kidney Core.
I did so and in four days I was able to
go to work agalo, now I am entirely
well." Clarke A Falk.
Oh Didn't Wear a MaaO.
But her beauty was completely hidden
by sores, blotches and pimples till sbo
used Bocklen'e Arnica Salve. Then
they vanished oe will all Eruptions,
Fever Bores, .Boils, Ulcers. Cerhoueles
and Felons from its oso. Infallible for
Cats Coma, Borne. Scalds and Piles.
Cere guaranteed. 25e at O. C. Blaketev't
dreg store. .
Won't Hm it la,
Just wet UkJ affected part freely wltb
MyeUriooe Pais Cere, a remedy .
aod tbe pain ia gone. Sold by Clarke A
jyu. vams) bbal.
lie p. as.
I hare re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Oroosr.
Sexton & Walther
Hardware, Iron
and Steel
A full lino of BBlfXJE A BEACH
.......... .. ui iL'i BiinM A
P Cook and Heetlog Stoves.
Harroas and Ploes. Spring Tooth Marrows, Blaaall Chilled Plows. Mitchell War
ons and Macao, Hroory Buggies.
...Star Windmills...
With Bell and K iller bearings, eed folly warranted.
Write ns for prices and catalogues.
AH orders oatrosted to? aa slit bavo prompt attention.
Prlosa always right.
The osly Eseteelve Hardware Store Is the alty.
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