The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 26, 1901, Image 3

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McdS Suits
All this week, $7.75 will buy a suit that
is strictly all-wool, good looking, stylish
and durable. Only new heavy winter
suits shown, latest cuts and patterns,
positively the greatest value over placed
on sale.
Men's black and brown stiff Hats,
$3 qualit; special $2.33
Largest and most complete line of
Men's Fine Overcoats, H. S. & M. make,
$15 to $23.
Children's fast black Hose,
size 5$ to 8; real value 15c,
5icial Price, IOc.
Ladies' fleece-lined cotton
Hose, excellent value at 35c;
our price this week,
2?c er air.
Ladies' fall-weight jersey
ribbed vests and pants; good
value at 35c; our price for
this week,
You d Your Wife f
are invited here to see our
$3 Shoe
Perhaps you will be surprised to
see. the shoes we are selling at $3.
Our Great $3 Shoe is our Leader.
It's made in a Lady's shoe and
Gentleman's, and if there is a bet
ter shoe on earth sold tor $3 we
have never seen it. The winter
styles are here, of the best stocks
and new lasts. On the foot you
can't tell our $3 shoes from a $5
5t MAYS.
The Dalles Duly Gbmfefe.
- OCT.
ifl . Served
Oysters m
At Andrew Keller's.
- -
All W aaeo Count? warraats rgitred
prior to December 3, ISM. will b paid
on premutation at mj oBJce. Iatarcet
-Ma alter September It, 1MI.
Coudit Treasurer.
Pro'essor Sand vie will five a dance at
the Baldwin tonight. A
A thoroughly competent girl wanted
to do general housework. Apply at tbia
office. ,25-28
Tne Chicago woman who was married
to the same man three time would have
been a grand topic for the Episcopal
Tbeo. H. Liebe has secured the ser
vices of W. L. Coppernoll, an experi
enced watchmaker and jeweler , late of
iSogene, Oregon.
Engineer Lucas, of the passenger train
recently held up on tbeoutbern Pacific,
is brother of J. Lucas, of the United
States land office at this place.
It ia suggested in the East that the
viroroas efforts to drive cut the English
sparrows have resulted in an increased
plague of bngs and beetles. And even
sparrows are to be preferred to bugs.
Lidies wanted to work on sofa pillow.
Material furnished. Steady work guar
anteed ; experience unnecessary. Send
stamped envelope to Mies McGee,
Needlework Dept., Ideal Co.. Chicago.
The marriage of rival newspaper -edit-ors
m Bosworth. Mo., but well result
newspaper consolidation. 'wo
eoole with bat a aingle thought can't
consistently- put np a good journalistic
M. T. Nolan bat for sale few copies
of the new Ortgonian head book, which
he is selling at ten cents a copy. This
is the most convenient end valuable
compendium of Oregon statistics in print
" soy price. 9fi.S8 28
Tomorrow will be "Sally Sunday" at
tn M. E. Sunday school. A pleating
program has been prepared consisting of
a,og natations, addresses, etc., and
presentation of rewards. All are most
w dial, invited.
The buildings belonging to the de
funct distillery i Oranto are being torn
down and the lumber disposed of to the
Sherman eoaaty farmer. The baild
togs, which are three, war and five story
22m. ara said to ooeuia ttO.000
The Dalles Cit, this morning, besides
a liberal list of passengers, appeared to
have every available inch of space on
the lower deck occupied with wheat,
live stock snd emigrant wagons, and yet
had bargained to take on tbirt, - five
bead of beef cattle at Lyle.
Sam Hudson, the youngest son of
Henry Hudson, of Boyd, while chopping
a log in the aoods Thnrsda, afternoon
was struck in the eye with a chip, which
inflicted a wound that may cause him to
lose the eight of one eye. He went to
Portland this afternoon to have the ad
vice and care of an eye specialist.
A recent visitor to St. Martins' Spring
tells the Grass Valley Journal that there
was a lady at the springs whose husband !
was a great snorer. The husband died
recently and the lady was so used to the
enuring that she had to have the hired
girl to etand at ber bedside and turn an
old c ff-e mill before she could go to
Mrs. Elton, of Mill Creek, bronght to
this office today a box of ripe strawber
ries, some of which measure, or rather,
alas, measured for they're now only as
a pleasant dream oyer four inches and
a half around the waist. They are of
the Margarita and Mitchell varieties and
the vines from which they were plucked
hive been bearing all summer.
Friends of W. H. Taylor, of Dry Hol
low, were congratulating him today on
bis recent marriage, that being his first
appearance on the streets of The Dalles
since that event. The wedding took
place on the 16:h in Linn county, at the
home of Hon. F. M. Kaiser, the bride's
father, the bride being Miss Nancy El
len Kaiser, who is a cousin of Mr. Tay
lor's first wife and an old acquaintance.
Mr. Taylor's Wasco county ft lends wish
him and bis bride many happy days
The Dalles High School football team
have organized for the coming season
with Bay Lake, manager, and John
Coope-, The Dilles crack full-back and
hardier, as captain. Games will proba
bly ba arranged later with the Golden-
dale Academy and Portland high school,
b-si les several other schools of the stalky
For the oast week the boys have been
orac: icing after school boors on the
high school grounds. The expectation
is that a team will be developed that
will give a good account of itself dpring
the season.
Before leaving this afternoon for Port-
lend Superintendent Gardner, of tbe
Boys' and Girls' Home, oieo iresn
papers in tbe ease of the daughter of a
Mrs. B -ooks, a woman of bad reputa
tion in tbe East End. Mrs. Brooke has
two deabteie of tender years who were
taken from ber about two years ago be
aaaae of the mother's dissolute ways.
One of tbe girls came back here daring
tbe asraival and bar lessees was re
ported to Mr. Gardner by tod count,
osleere. Mr. Gardner baa left a wer
raat ia tbe beads of tbe sheriff, and
should the girl eosne bask to her mother
be will be arrested aad aast to the
la this coeascttee it la perti
nent to add that before leaving here to
day Mr. Gardner asked The Chronicle
to publicly express bis thanks and grat
itude to the officials of Wasco county for
the willing and efficient services they
have often rendered him in his work.
The Astorian says : "Carl S. Wheeler,
of Pendleton, has commenced an action
in the United States district court
against the Columbia River A Puget
Sound Navigation Company, better
known as the White Collar Line, to re
cover $10,000 damages for tbe use of two
of bis copyrighted photographs without
his permission. He alleges that be
made two photographs, "Son of the For
est" and, "The Tale of tbe Frontier, No.
5, Defeat and Despair," and that the
company had used these pictures, pub
lishing 5000 of each, for which he claims
they are liable in the sum of $10,000, or
$1 apiece."
Operations at the experimental prune
drier on tbe state agricultural college
farm ended Friday, says the Coivallir
Times. About 400 boxes of prunes and
a qoantity of apples were drieJ as an
experiment. It is proposed to enlarge
and improve tbe drier next year for
purposes of experimentation, and tbe
drying tests will begin with tbe cherry
crop. Tbe drier is also need to sterilise
wheat in seeding fields on the farm.
Tbe wheat is subjected to a high tem
perature, which has the effect to prevent
smut. Tbe new process was originated
at the college, aad ie regarded with
much favor because it is less txpeosive
and is not detrimental to tbe vitality of
tbe wheat, as is tbe esse when vitriol isl
used for treatment of wheat to prevent
S. Huntington, of this city, and Judge
Bennett and Attorneys Barnes and Das
tin appeared for the defendant The
case went to the jury at ll :S0 Thursday
morning, and as no agreement was
reached Friday morning at 9 o'clock, the
jury was discharged.
What Newspaper Han Was This?
Superintendent Gardner, oi the Boys'
viaud Girls' Home, while here yesterdsy
to bring young Archie Simmons, tbe
runaway, back to tbe borne, inquired
nto tbe case of a couple of little girls
rbo have been frequenting one of the
opium joints on First street. The chil
dren are tbe daughters of a German wo-
nan who claims to he tire wile oi a
Chinaman named Toy, a cook in one of
the hotels. Toy's excuse for tbe chil
dren's frequenting tbe opium joint wss
tbst the keeper of tbe joint was bis un
cle and tbe children visited tbe piece as
relatives and for no bad purpose. Mr.
Gardner warned tbe Chinaman that
future visile would not b.t permitted,
end should e complaint egain reach bim
of tbeir occurrence, tbe children would
be taken ewe, from tbeir mother.
Tbe case of tbe State of Washington
against Hsrry Dunn -ended, at least for
tbe pro Bent, la tbe superior court of
Golden dale yesterday morning b, tbe
failure of tbe jury to agree. Dann wag
triad far eeliiag intoxicating liquors
without a license: He was tbe manager
of a "ecaiel elub" where liquor eooltf be
Obtained by its aseesbers by ebreks pre
vioasly f rsensad far that par pees, Gas
sing, otherwise, en alleged dry
Pastas, Attorney Derek was en
la tbe Boaasallse by Attorney B.
Yesterday's Portland Telegram says:
E. L. Rayburn, advertising man in the
local office of the Northern Pacific Rail
way Company, made a clever capture of
a newspaper man yesterday. that would
doubtless serve him as a strong recom
mendation should he desire to get on a
detective force. The newspaper man
wae trepped in the act of attempting to
scalp a ticket. He hailed from The
Rayburn was suspicious of the appli
cant a ben he applied for tbe transpor
tation, and concluded to watcb bim.
Jhe applicant appeared to be in nervous
haste, and wanted as long a time limit
on tbe ticket as he could possibly get.
Tbe transportation called for a first-class
passage from Portland to St. Paul, and
the applicant, gave es a reason for tbe
long limit demanded a desire to stop off
at Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane and Bill
ings. Rayburn played hide and seek with
tbe newspaper man on the streets until
they met face to face in the office of a
Third street scalper. While tb news
paper man would be going eround the
block In one 'direction, Rayburn would
take tbe other direction, thus permitting
his man to get out of sight but for a few
minutes at a time.
"I will give you just fifteen minutes to
return tbst ticket to our office," was tbe
greeting of Reyburn to tbe newspaper
man as they met. Tbe newspaper man
colored up, hot made no reply. Ten
minutes later tbe ticket was back in tbe
office of tbe Northern Pacific, but it was
not brought by the newspaper man. It
was sent back by another.
It is safe to safe to say that henceforth
at least ooe paper in Eastern Oregon
will carry no Northern Pacific adver
tising. -
Barbara, Attention!
All barbers of this city are requested
to be presenl at a meeting to be held at
the O. K. barber shop next Monday
evening at 8 :80 o'clock to attend to busi
ness of importance to tbe craft. By or
der of the kcai onion.
T. J. Lvkjii, president,
J. R. Hkx, secretary.
Saner kraut and Swiss and Llmburger
eheeee at Mater A Benton's. S4-3t
Wanted For cash, forty bead of
horses from 1100 to 1300 pounds weight.
Apply immediately to T. J. Drlpps, The
Dalles. oS-lltdew
A new line of ebildren's school hats
and asps received at Campbell A Wil
son's millinery parlors. At reasonable
prices. Cell and sea them. oi tf
Far latitats aad Ckilsirta.
Hi KM Ym Han Always faffM
...The New York Cash Store...
188 and 142 Saoond Street.
The BARGAIN STORK of the City.
..logs' aim mo school sous..
We have just received our complete fall line of
Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are ofWring them at
unusually low prices. Now is the time to fit out your
boy for school. Don't make vour purchases without
seeing our Hue. We will save you money.
Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns aro
sold, but come in at once.
Every SUIT Guaranteed.
The Mew York Cash Store
New Crocery Store
We have added a Grocery Depart
ment to our store. A new fresh. '
clean stock. Give us a call. Prompt
delivery to any part of the city.
Trilby and Cole's Original Mr-Tight Heaters
For Wood and Lighter Fuel.
The introduction of Cole's Original Air-Tishv Heater has revolution
ised the heating atova trails In all sections of (he United States. Its won
derful economy in the use of fuel, and many other eic.lUnt qualities,
strongly recommend it to all In need of a heating store.
What Cola'e Heater Will Do.
This stove will heat a room from zsro to
80 degree In five minutes.
It will heat your home evenly day entl
It holds firs 36 ;. ours without attention.
You build only one tire each winter.
It burns chips, bark, leaves, paper and
corn nobs, snd glvss excellent results with
this fuel, which is ordinarily wasted.
The stove is light snd easily moved and
set np.'
The combustion is perfect and ashes are
removed only ocea in lour weeks.
None of the bent la wasted and the stove
alll save one-half of yonr fuel bill.
It is elean, economical, convenient, safe
and durable.
Every one of Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters is gnarenteed to stav
air-tirfht as long as used. Where wood is need for fuel every family should
base one or more of these stoves.
Sold by MAIER & BENTON, The Dalles.
Blakeley's Drug Store,
We carry tbe largest anil incut complete I) It OWN KX FHACT ol Lemou ana Va
tic ck In Eastern Oregon ol are the Heat Made.
UKUue and MKDIl INKS, BvsrjrUiiBg we eel! ts 9 reefc.
COMBS and BRUSHIS, Our prices are Ceaatstent.
SPOKOKI aad CHAMOIS, , Out sKaaCKIriOM Department
fUKSBM aad WiUIll, toiaeasigeel compete, men.
rKBMu and Foco t'AMKKAS, We Mauutaeture
IMIOTO 81) I' I I. I KS, Or. Waod's Ijlaleeeat.
PHOTO W. and MOUNT.. MnTSft Table.e,
I.OWW" OI.OCOt.ATaa. and Wlffc Hae.l Aimed Ceeasa.
MAIL oUU.Ka receive our QflTU DUflliCC I Ev,f' '' deiUwed "rea,
personal attention. I QUI II .nUIIEd I promptly, In the eltr.
John Psehek, The Tailor,
Has just received 1000 samples
of tbe latest patterns in (Jent's
Clothing Goods. He guaran
tees prices aad a good fit or no
pay. t J
John Pashek, The Tailor.
Undertaker ut Embalmei
Cor. Third and Waahlngrton eta.
All or4esatiaadad to area) fitly. Loaf
srwjjagjsjgj bOA0 ette eveewBwle, lOSe
fire Insurance,
lit IUn I (ran Its. (o. of lot
sOttswee ae
Capital aald ap 7 ,000,000
Aeeete eao,lJM,oaa
Now la the time to Insure; tomor
row may be too lata.
Phone Mo. 6. Heufert A Condon.
Phone No. S03, Pacific Bute Co,
Resident Agent, The Dalles.
vTky aay 1.71 par galloa
palate wbee yea aa bay Jsanet
Pstloe's sea proof pal.M toe
alio., guaranteed ,sae b jMasa.
fmlk, agents.