PKRHONAL HINTION, paeteoRer on St. Martin's R. B. Oilbreth lelt on the Regulator tbit morning for Lylte. Dr. Tack in an was a passenger on this morning's boat (or Collins Landing. Mrs. Fred Fisher was a this morning's boat for Springs. A. J. Wagnitz and H. J. Byrkett are registered at tiie Umatilla House from Trout Lake. F. H. Rove, formerly of this city, now of San Francisco, spent last night in the city and left on this morning's boat for Lyle. Rev. J. T the city on a visit to his parents, who are stopping for the winter with Dr. Eshelman. Mrs. Levi Clarke, who has been yisit ing here for the past week, lett on the Regulator this morning for her borne in Hood River. D. Magill, a former Wapinitia boy, now a prominent stockman of Izee, Grant county, arrived here from Port land on the noon train, accompanied by bis wife. T. A. Hudson, of the firm of Hndson A Brnsvnhill, arrived here on the noon train, with the intention of spending the next four or five days at The Dalles office of the company. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Ltebe returned home last night from a wedding trip of two weeks in Puget Sound cities and British Columbia. They are stopping for the present with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Liebe, but expect to go to housekeep ing in the course ol a week. Women and Jewels. Jewels, candy, flowers, man that is the order of a woman's preference!. Jewels form a magnet of rorghty power to the average woman. Even that greatest of all jewels, health, is often ruined in the strenuous efforts to make or save the money to purchase them. If a woman will risk her health to tet a coveted gem, then let her fortify herself aitainst the insiduous consequences of coughs, colds and bronchial affections by the regular use of Dr. Boschee's German Syrup. It will promptly arrest con- ! sumption in its early stages and heal the Eshelman. of Tacoma, is in affecte,i ur)a8 and bronchial tubes and drive the dread diseasefrom the system. It is not a cure all, but it ia a certain i cure for coughs, colds and all bronchial troubles. You can get Dr. G. G. Green's ! reliable remedies at BlakeLev's drug store. Get Green's Special Almanac. 1 HkflUS They overcome Weak u irregularity and MoM.1nrwaa vbr or and banish ''paini of menstruation." Thev are "LIFE BAYERS" to srirla at woaaanbood. aidiacr develoDmant Of onrana and body. No by druggists. DR. MOTT'S CHEMICAL 00., Cleveland, Ohio For aale by Geo. C. Blakeley, The Dalles, Or. The Wheat Market. No. i wheat ia bringing 49 and 50 cents in this market, some of the ware houses having paid the latter price to day and yesterday. 'J he wheat market in the East received a slight set-back yesterday on better crop reports from the Argentine. The weakness of freights held the coast mar kets fairly steady , although San Fran cisco was fractionally lower. The buy ing in Portland was on a much smaller scale (ban last week, and most of the exporters were quoting 55 cents as an extreme figure for Walla Walla. So A Deep Mystery. It is a mystery, why women endure Backache, Headache, Nervousueae Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy Spells when thousands have proved that Electric Bitters will quickly cure sncb troubles. "I suffered for years with kiduey trouble," writes Mrs. Phebe Cheriey, of Peterson, Ia., "and a lame back pained me so I could not dress my self, but Electric Bitters wholly cured me, and, although 73 years old, I now am able to do all my housework." It overcomes Constipation, improves Ap petite, gives perfect health. Only 50c at G. C. Blakeley's drug store. S For Cuban Annexation. Havana, Oct. 21 . A petition asking that Cuba be annexed to the United States is being circulated among Cuban business men, and every effort is being centered upon annexation, as business men generally, it is alleged, believe that the reciprocity movement will amount to nothing. A meeting has been ar ranged for Wednesday next, at which J although he'd under the guiee of re ciprocity, it is said that the first gun in the campaign for annexation will be fired by Cuba's orators Senores Desvernine AN UNPKBOKDEWTED OFFER! lie People's national Family Newspaper To all old and new subscribers paying one year in advance we offer Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $2.00. Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $1.50. NEW YORK TRI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. Published Monday, Wednesday and Fri day, is in reality a fine and fresh evcrr-other-day Dally, gl ring the latest news on days of issue, and covering news of the other 3. It contains all Impor tant foreign cable news which appears la the Wily Tribune Of same date, also do mestic and foreign correspondence, short stories, elegant half tone illustrations, hu morous items, indus trial information, fashion notes, agricul tural matters, and comprehensive and re liable financial and market reports. Hegnlar subscrip tion price, 91.50 per year. We furnish It with 8emi Weekly Chroni cle for $2.00 per year. NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. Published on Thurs day, aad known for nearly sixty years in every part ol the Uni ted States as a nation al family newspaper of the highest elass, for farmers and villa gers. U contains all the most important S literal news of the ally Tribune up to the hour of going to press; an agricultural department of the highest order, has en tertaining reading tor everv member of the family ,old and young; market reports which are accepted as auth ority by farmers and merchants, and is clean, up-to-date, In teresting anil lustruc tive. Regular subscrip tion price, 1 per year. We furnish it with Semi-Weekly Chroni cle for 11.00 per year THE CELEWATED AUGUST BUGHIiER, Prop. Of the product f this welhkn rjTewery the TJaiterl But H.ei Reports for June . 1MJtkMhtonE& the labratory of the United States Health reports. It is absolutely daS of the slightest trace of adulteration, baton the other hand is comrjoaeH-! the best of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of thehtak est and it can be used with the greatest benefit and satisfaction bv old IvS voting. Its use can conseletitiotteljr be fMfMontp by the physician. the ceVsainty that a better, pur or tndrb whofcttome bavwage could 5 possibly be found." 01 Bast Second Street, TH1 DALLWB, ORBGON. DEALERS IN AH kinds of les Crandall & Borget UNDERTAKERS rfS EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Robes, Burial Sfaofe Etc I 3 T 1 4 I 11 1 a much wheat was moved last week, when auu "B"BU le arqu.B ue otoniora. the price struck 40 cents in the Palouse. that the demands of exporters are not veiy pressing, and they are averse to paying anything above tiie expert value. The movement in the Valley is still on a very restricted scale, and nearly all of the puichases are made by th mills. Last week's strength in the wheat mar ker, checked the decline in freights, but tonnage is still obtainable at 55 shillings and a shilling or bo iess for distant load ing. The Portland quotations are : Walla 55 cents ; Valley 6t)50)$ ; Stem 56 cents. Walla Blue- Aii Explanation. T. A. Van Norden has seen fit to an nounce that the firm of J. E. Adcox & Company is extinct. The firm name is extinct it is true, but, as everybody knows, the business continues as before, and I have been tts sole owner since December 10, 1900, sjnee which time Mr. Adcox worked for me for wages till about a month ago, when I discharged him for drunkenness and for taking and pawning a gold watch left in my care for repairs. Those sending watches from a distance intended for J. 7Z. Adcox & Co. will please address them to myself, where they will receive the attention of as skilled a watchmaker aa there is in this city. All work done at my ctore is guaranteed, a this has always been my method of doing business. Ol9 (fATtf Timo. H. Likiie. Constitution is Immoral, Boston, Oct. 20. James Jackson, of Cambridge, who was suspended from membership in the Second Reformed lJre-tiyteriiin church because in be coming an American citizen, be took theoithto uphold the constitution of the United States, proposes to fiht the ruling. Jackson took part in today's services at the church. The case is probably one of the strangest of its kind ever called to the attention of the people of Massachusetts. Dr. Jackeon is a Scotchman by birth, but now, after ten years here, he has taken cur naturaliza tion papers. Rev. J. M. Foster, pastor of the church from which Jackson was suspended, its quoted as making the following state ment in regard to the case: "We look upon the constitution of the United States as an immoral decument and as an insult to the Almighty in that it makes no mention whatever of God and claims for the people that sovereign power which belongs to God alone. We refuse to accept the constitution thus defective and cannot swear allegiance to it." Clark and Falk have just received a full line of fresh Velox papers and de velopers, the same as used by Mr. Lovick in his recent demonstration at our store. DtMl'l Hub It Id, Just wet the affected part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and the pain is gone. Bold by Clarke A Falk. ' 'Clarke dc Falk have on sale a fall line of paint anil artist's brushes. S60 REWARD. Lost, three head of work horses which Ltrayed from a freight team near Ante lope June 12th, last. One is a dark chestnut sorrel gelding, with white face; both hind feet white. Another is a light bay mare with white face. Both of these are Clyde's and heavy set. The third is a steel grey gelding, rangy built, with rigbt arm wire cut. Average weight of each above, 1300 pounds. Ages from 7 to 10. Branded figure 7, with a quarter circle under, on left hip. Will give $50 reward for their delivery to me at Hartland, Klickitat county, Washington, or a liberal reward for any information leading to their recovery, D. W. Rotiirock, elS lmw Hartland, Wash. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to the public that the partnership heretofore existing and known as E. P. Roberts & Sous, by mutual consent of the members is this day dissolved. The business of the firm will be con tinued by Albert S. Roberts, who will both pay all bills owing by the firm and also collect all outstanding accounts. The Dalles.Or., Oct. 12, 1901. Signed W. J. Roberts, A. S. Roberts, D. H. Roberts, T. M. Roberts, Mrs M. H. Roberts, for the heirs at law of Kphraim P. Koberts, deceased. Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Go., The Dalles, Or. T. A. HCDSOK. Notary Public. Timothy Urownhill, Attorney at Law PllSOi) i BfOWQOiH Real Estate, Insurance, Loans, Conveyancing and Abstracting. THE V06T BPEBfl HOUSE F. J. CLARKE, Manager, oB-2w Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is not a mere stimulent to tirtd nature. It affords the stomach complete and absolute rest by digesting the foo l you eat. You don't have to diet but can enjoy all the good food you want. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure instantly relieves that distressed feeling after eating, giving you new life and vigor. Clarke & Falk 'a P. 0. Pharmacy. Lwis Ojkerman, Goshen, Ind : ' De Witt's Little Early Risers never bend me double like other pills, but do their work thoroughly and make me feel likeaboy." Certain, thorouijh, gentle. Clarke & Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy. DeWitt's Little Early Risers never disappoint. They are safe, prompt, gentle, effective in removing all im purities from the liver and bowels. Small and easy to take. Never gripe or distress. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Phar macy. CASTOR I A Por infants and Children. Ike Kind You Have Always Bough) Bears the Signature of We represent some of the largest fire insurance companies in the world. We have a large list of property, both city and country, for sale and rent. We have money to loan on real estate security at reasonable rates of interest. We do all kinds of conveyancing, and are the exclusive owners (or Rice's sys tem of abstracting, which precludes the possibility of mistakes in looking np titles to real estate. Any one having property for sale or rent will find it to their advantage to leave it in our hands. Collections and all legal business left in our care will receive prompt atten tion. Will practice in all the courts of the etate. Correspondence promptly answered. Great Offices: Washington street, French & Co.'s next to General Mill Work. Hansen & Thomsen Manufacturers and Dealers in Sash and Doors. Rustic, Flooring, Pine Lumber, Mouldings, Etc. BEE HIVES' AND FEUIT BOXES Of All Kinds Third Street. ONE NIGHT ONLY, THURSDAY, Oct. 24th The World Renowned HERRMANN The... in a New and Marvelous Program of Sensational Novelties, accompanied by ..McWatters and Tyson.. and Company in their Latest Vaudeville Success, "Scenes in a Dressing Room." Reserved Seats $1.00; balance of the house 50c. The Dallee, Oregon. Wanted To trade apples for wheat, either by the box or carload. Write to W. Kennedy, Hood River, c4 4tw Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday. Djn't forget this. Complete tailor system of dress cut ting taught by Mrs. S. E. Henderson at ber residence on Third street, near Mad ison. olO dawlw A lull line of Sastman firms and sop plies just received by Clarke 4 Falk. Subscribe for Tun Chbomici.k. Greatest Discovery of the 20th Century. The easiest, beat, cheapest and most healthy fruit obtainable by our system, which we now cheerfully offer to the public. Any lady can do one day's work in two hours. Thin fruit is not only harmless but healthful. By our system you are en abled to eat fresh fruit and vegetables every day in the year. Mr. John A. Fleck, of The Dalles, one of your old and well-known citizens, is ready and willing to bear witness to this statement. Send us $2 and purchase this wonder ful knowledge at once, and you will never regret the investment. F. A. LARI8CH, au24 The Dalles. uflira Lice uonpreii. use Carbolineum : Avenarius. The most efficient Wood Preserving faint also a Kadi oil Remedy against Chicken Uon. Its application to in side waits of poultry bouses will per manentlv exterminate all lice. Re sults baalthy chickens, lor eiruuia Write for eiruu Mention this paper. plenty ol ra and piles. i i i i i Jos. T. Peters & Oo., -ram uallh. obbuon. Seats now on sale at Postoffice Pharmacy. Claike & Falk's Jast What Yoa aaant. 2251 C. J. STUBLIHG, WHOLESALE AND BETA J L Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Condon Phone 33 ft- Lout JMst. 101. Next door to First National Bank. THE DALLES, OREGON. I Elm II ft Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kt4& Headquarters for Feed Grain ol r 11 kin Headquarters for Boiled Grain, u Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, SilMt Headquarters for "By-era Best" Pendle- tOTl 71 Oil T D'B lur 18 manufactured expressly for toffy UVA use : ever sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction, We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't thinks) call and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker,, -DKALKB IN- Iron. Steel. Wheels. Axles. SDrincrs and Blacksmith Supptftt Agent for Russell & Co.'s Engines, Threshers and Saw Mills. Car, Sftiort & LangDlln Sts., THE DALLES Oft Telephone 157. Long Distance 1073. New ideas in Wall Paper here. 8uch wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Real imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at oar store on Third street. Also a full line of bouse paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. Notioe of Final Settlement Tbe undersigned having filed ber nnsl ac count siut report as M4uilqUlral.rU of toe estate of Hugh 1-Mcey, deeesined, tbe county court of Wasco County, Oregon, la an order made ami entered Hepieiuber W, W01, has ajniolnted the county court room in tbe county court house at iMl'es City, Wasoo Uounty, Stan- of Oregon, as tbe place and Monday, Nov. i, lUOl, at the hour of 2 o'clock, p. m. as the time of an aW&tetiuy present at said last mentioned tl I11M Mitfi nlaii llSSLt"" " -e.toaeia UATHS1UMIS LALKY, Administratrix ot the Estate of Hugh Looey, BBS J THE "OWL n T. .XjT, Prop. Purest Liquors for Family Use Delivered to any part of the City. 173 Second Street Phones: 51 Local, 868 Long Distance PIONEEB WW. I hare re-opened this weU-4DUwn Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread. Pies and flakes. Also oil kinds of Staple and Sweater Orooer ea GEORGE RUCH Umm Crrooer. Adverttae in the Chrca