( mm (Chronicle. VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON. WEpSpCSD AY, OCTOBER 16, 1901. NO. 20 mli 6 ASTORIA pE2HBBBHM Alwsvs Boiififhf KepMHUttHb-H W simUatinglteFMd ting the swbiidpb Promotes Digestionheful- ncss and Kestcomflinsaamer Opium,MoriUne norfiwraL Hot N arc otic . Pumpkm Semt ;Ux.Smn AniteSm nmtymm i mm. Aperfec! Remedy for Cons tipa Tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrtwea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- ness and LOSS OF Fac Simile Signature of NEW Forln&af an Children. The Kind You Have Bears the Signature of AwSb a .iv In Use For Over Thirty Years EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER- CASTORIA When Indian Work. I Washington, Oct. 11. Ia his annual Iport to the Indian office, Su; erviaor A. Wright, who waa temporarily in barge of the Warm Springs Indian hool, Oregon, pending the arrival of i new eut eriutendent, takes oocaeion comment favorably upon conditions ihefonnd them at that institution. Ir. Wright Bays be found the Warm brings Indians very skillful with tools, well able to handle their farm ichinery and shoe their horses. But, ksddV'thev knew these things because ey had the work to do." They had aniiuitU- or allowances; and were liged to cultivate tbeir little farms i herd their listle bands of cattle and P- . . ' pathetically, Mr. Wright remarks t he saw the ponies of these Indians de into "canned roast beef." 3e Warm Springs Indians are self- (porting and industrious. His ex- Meuee at the Oregon reservation has rBed Mr. Wriirht that what, thn ie most in need of is not so mucn cial educational facilities as inconlives fork. His theory is that the Indian 1 ork, but thut necessity rather than bolastic education will beet teaci. to work. As Ions' as there arc an fi It will be imnnaaihlfl tn mukn i American Indian eork. it rain rood Nonannaa. nothor ridiculous food lad lias been oded by the most competent author- ibey have dispelled the silly no that one kind of food is needed for another for muscles, and still an- ' ior bones. A correct diet will not nourish a particular pert of the but it will sustain every other let, however good your food may nutriment is destroyed bv tndi- on or dygpeyajft, yoU mxist pr, or their appearance or prevent 'coming by taking regular doses of n Aug,t Flowtr, tbo favorite w,Be 01 'be healthy millions. A few ' m digestion, etimObHe, the User "uy meuon, partfleiubt blood, and "u ieei buoyant and vigorous. w get Dr. G. O. Gieen 'a reliable a' at BUkelev'a dm. (. Gat ?88lcial Aline, j Ub rom Trial. oigktown, y., Oct. 16.-Under -"'MOD Of Judos nanlellU. mAm weseja ise a wiw ' DArSnnal k - m: aw iAjZL. ' weapom before being permitted w room shsrs It trial of p-rs is bsiog bsld, the jadge its and all the lawyers on both sides sub mitted to a search this morning at the hands of deputy sheriffs. The trial is now under way in earnest. D. W. Wooison, of Frankfort, was the commonwealth's first witness. Woodson testified to nothing new, nor was the testimony of Colonel B. H. Yonng, of Louisville the next witness, important. Colonel Jack Chlnn, who was with Goebel when he was shot, waa then called to tbeetand. Colonel Cbinn stated that he started to draw bis pistol after the second volley of shots cauie, and that Goebel tried to get his revolver from hts pocket as he fell wounded to the ground., Epbriam Dillard was next introduced, but bis testimony was much the same as that of Colonel Cbinn. Edward Steffey then told of having eeen a gun barrel protruding from one of tbe windows in the secretary ol state's office jnet before Go bel fell. Nlglit Wan Her Terror. "I would cmgh nearlyall night long," writes Mrs. Chae. Applegate, of Alex andria, Iud., "and could hardly get any sleep. I had consumption eo bad that if I walked a Mock 1 would cough fright fully and spit blood, but, when all other medicines failed, three $1.00 bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured me and I gained 68 pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds, Lu Grippe, Bronchitis and all Throat and J.ung Troubles. Trice 60c and!. 00. Trul bottles free at G. C. Blakeley's drug store. 2 BttMlt Will Aaaist. Constantinople, Oct. 16. The Bur sian government has repeated its ex pression of a desire to assist tbe United States government by all practical means in rescuing Miss Stone. Tbe other powers are equally solicitous, but Rus sia is the best able to bring tbe necessary pressure to bear. Messrs. Baird and Haskell, tbe mis sionaries, have not yet succeeded in getting into touch with tbe brigands or opening negotiat'oor. "I had longsuffored from indigestion," writes G. A. LeDaie, Cedar City, Mo. "Like others I tried many preparations bot never found anything that did me good until I took Kodel Dyspepsia Cat. One bottle cured me. . A friend who bad offered similarly I pot on tbe net of Kodol Dyspepsia Cue. He ie gaining iaat and will soon be able to work. Be fore be used Kodol Dyspepsia Core . . . J - jB KlM mt AST SKI i indigestion pea snap I Otarhe Fshfs F. O. Pharmacy. MISS STONE'S PITIFUL LETTER Asks That Ransom Be Paid Without Delay Brigands No Loafer Treat Her With Consideration. New York, Oct. 15. According to a dispatch to the Journal and Advertiser from Sofia, further word has come from Miss Stone, in the following letter, written to W. W. Pelt, president of the Turkish mission in Constantinople : "My Honored Friend: I write to in form yon that on the Sd of September I was captured by a great number of armed men some fortyas I traveled from Bansko to Dlamaaia with a boot twelve teachers, students and others. They took me and my companion, Mrs. Catherine Tsilka. Tbe reason why tbey captured us is for ransom. The price which they demand for us ia 25,000 Turkish, which most be paid In gold, and this entirely without tbe knowledge of tbe Turkish and Bulgarian govern ments, within the term of eighteen days from today. The condition of Mrs. Tsilka decided the limit, as she is to give birth to a child in three months. "We are pursued by a Turkish army. ; beg Dr. Haskell himself to go to Constantinople and exert himself for tbe payment of the ransom at flaraakov. wbere men will receive it on presenting an order from me. "Tire men who captured us at first showed courtesy and consideration to- ard us, but now since Turkish soldiers and Basbi Bazooka have begun to pur sue os and the ransom is delayed, onr condition is altogether changed. There fore 1 beg yon to hasten sending tbe ransom demanded iwrd that ee esser- getically as possible you will present to tbe Turkish government that it stop pursuit of us by soldiers and Basbi Basonks, otherwise we shall be killed by the people in whose hands we are. . I pray yon to communicate without de lay tbe contents of this letter to tbe representative of tbe United States at tbe porta and request his most serious co-operation. "Fray for us, we are -at peace with God. "With hearty salutations, Your friend, "Ellen M. Stone." Men's Trousers COMPLETE NEW LINE of Trousers in the latest Fall patterns and materials all sizes now ready. $1.50 to $7.50 Women's Shoes. Bat BaBaaaW BaaaaaaaBfcK This store has long been recognised as the leader In Women's Fine Foot wear, and today we are better able to satisfy yon than ever before, for oar line has never been as complete as now. Possibly the most popular Shoes today are our $3.60 line with tho t4 ones close seconds. But for thote who do not wish to Invest that amount, we have good, atyliaH shoes at $2 26. $2 50 and 3. e2.25 Shoes, with quality and dur ability as prominent features ; good filling lasts and txten sion soles. 92.50 Stu.es, msde from box ealf or kid; heavy or light soles; and Shoes that DO FIT. 9300 represent our Plngree Com posites; yon are all acquaint ed with them; all styles; IS. A. M. Williams SL Co. Mm a. Tsilka Heard From. Sofia, Oct. 15. The parents of Mme. Tsilka, the Bulgarian teacher, who was captured by brigands with Miss Ellen M. Stone, tbe American missionary, have received another letter from tbeir daughter urging tbe step already taken, namely, stopping the military pursuit, because tbe brigands tbreathen tbe prisoners with immediate death in tbe event of danger to themselves. The writer saye that she and Miss Stone are bidden Id a subterranean retreat and are treated courteously. She also says tbe only means of .obtaining their re lease ia to pay the ransom demanded. Although tbe time fixed by tbe brigands who abducted Miss Ellen M. Stone, ior tbe payment of tbe ransom demanded, expired a week ago, no one has appeared at Samakoff to claim tbe money or to- announce the fate of tbe captive. It is now learned that the bandits have dissolved, bot Miss Stone is kept under surveillance at some distance from ihe frontier. This is due to snow and cold weather rendering tbe mountains uninhabitable. The efforts of the polios to arrest Sarakoff, formerly president of tbe Macedonian committee, whole suspected of complicity In tbe kidnaping, are still unavailing. Tbe failure ie due to tbe sympathy of the inhabitants and local authorities. p.o..: ' Dull Headache, Pains in various parte of tbe bodv, 8inklng at tbe pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Peveriehness, Pimples or Bores are all positive evidon oat of Impure Mood. Mo matter bow it became so it must be purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Wager has never failed to cere acrof nloos or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood disenees. It ia eertaioly a wonderful remedy and wa sell every bottle on a Blefaeley, the drag- dark ft talk are never otoesd Sunday. Don't fornet this. Women aucl J ! Jewels, candy, flowers, men that is the order of a woman's preferences. Jewels form a magnet of mighty power to the average woman. Even that greatest of all jewels, health, is often ruined in the strenuous efforts to make or save the money to purchase them. If a woman will risk her health to get a coveted gem, then let her fortify herself against tbe insiduous consequences of coughs, colds and bronchial affections by the regular use of Dr. Botchee's German Syrup. It will promptly arrest con sumption in its early stages and. heal tbe affected Inngs and bronchial tubes and drive tbe dread diseasefrom tbe system. It is not a cure all, but it ia a certain cure for coqghs, colds and all bronchial troobles. You can get Dr. G. G. Green's reliable remedies at Elakeley's drog store. Get Green's Special Almanac. 1 Experience is the best teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, colds or croup, (should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded 25 etc. and 60 eta. Blakeley, tbe drug gists. Hudson, Brownbi'l & Butts have for rent two good farms of 100 acres each ; one for cash rent, and the other for hall the crop, the owner furnishing every thing. Both are good propositions. Write or call at the office. ll dAwtf Clarke A Falk's flavoring extracts are the bast. Ask your e cer for them. aiffordFotos Never Fade JUST ARRIVED ! The largest and moet complete line of . . . mmm m ever shown in the city are now oa display at H. Glenn & Co's . I . SB. II Paint and OH atore. YOUR KIDNEYS. After van tire of using so-called kidney remediea without any benefit, use Linooln Sexual Pills and be forever rid of those mill pains In your back. Discard that old fogy idea of "pain in the kidneys" and have) all your bladder and urinary troubles core f, andyosnr nights made restful by Ihe use of naturo s greateet assistant -Lincoln Sexual Pills. Price, $1 00 per bus buy ot your druggist or sent by mail on receipt of price, tn nlnln wrepnei. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO., Fort Wayne, Tl"VnTiai M. Z. Donnell, Agent, The Dalles. WS ABB Jk.&MuXBHBM FOR We operate a PLUMBING-, TIN and BXOYCLUB REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to ui will have prompt attention. SEXTON Wllm THE DALLES, - - - ORBQON. Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in the rlaftfi HmleH-t - . 4