SHEEP ON THE RE8ERVE8. BUSINESS LOCALS. WASH DfyESS GOODS I'reliy Wash Dross Goods will encounter the greatest price flurry of the sea son this weok. Wo liavo yet a good variety of lines, but not a great many of any one kind. Thoso we havo grouped into lots and put a low price on every piece. Best dimities and organdsos and other fine fabrics, value from 17c to 25c, your choice at 9c per yard Other fine fabrics that range in value from 10c to loc, your choice at..7c per yard BOYS' SHIRT WAISTS. Boys' Shirt Waists in medium and dark colors, 4 to 12 years, 29c each Mother's Friend Shirt Waists, in dark blue and white percale, 7 to 12 yrs..59c each Mother's Friend Shirt Waists, plain white plaited bosoms, 5 to 12 years ....85c each Fauntleroy 131ouse Waists, in dark and medium fancy percale, 2h to 8 yrs..35c each Faunlleroy Blouse Waists-, in plain white, age 2h to 8 years, that range in price from " 50c to $1.85 SALE OF SUMMER HOSIERY. An exceptional good wearing TUchlieu, ribbed, drop stitch, lisle hose, colors tan and brown, regular price 75c sale price 39 cts Tan Hose in silk finish, cotton drop stitch, regular price 50c sale price 23 cts All GoocIb Marked In Plnln Figures. Pease & Mays. rse Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY - - - AUGUST 129, 1809 Telephone JVo. 1. TAKE NOTICE. TO OUK ADVERTISERS: All Clianjjes in Advertisements must bt banded in heforc iu o'clock A. M., as no changes will lie accepted in the aft trnoon This rule will be positive. CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. The Dalles, January i. 1809. Oysters Sorvocl In every Stylo at A. KELLER'S WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. For frtfil' oysters no to A. Keller's. Tlie Wuson ........ 1.. ...A !.... 5-nt8 for No. 1 wheat. Special salu of fruit jura nt Mye & Out our prices. tour Spanish cannon will be sent to . .'l7a placed around tho etono W to comuiuiiiorate thu dead volun- Who over lmfnn. tl I.t l n le eo rare as u day In August? Hut wrtnlniy will have to yield the WW this year. Mrs. Ben. Wilson has returned from 'nplB trip and is ,10w ready to tree?r',,,:l,,8nt ,10rKa"yon bee dn. 8 ltom J 10 5 Pr wriS? ,?m,,,m nrrived The Dallea t M lrox Oklahain yeiterday. caonty 1?" tholr wy t0 OUck.ina. Wiinorn. PrC9t'dud 00 tueir journey "Go on Jour huaband'e cravat, "Hen't vn 0.1 """oanu a cravai, 'WlaL', U,only A witwwo uauow." CfiL1. Wl' 0ttt 'hooting cfiy yeiterday killed tfcrte pigeons, among whieh was a curiosity a pigeon with but one leg. There was 110 Bign of Up ever possessing more than one, either, so Hint its wlngB must have been compelled to do double service Mr. Cuse, of Albany, now an oct'gen arean, lias beeu studying the moon for a good many years and has discovered that the face in it has been changing until it is like that of the new woman. Dispatches from New York announce that Joa Jefferson's health lias been completely restored, and that ho will inaugurate a tour of the country with "Kip Van Winkle," September 4th. Tho weekly weather report for Eastern Oregon mya: "Tho mean temperature for the week, 56, is 3 lower than for the preceding week and 12 lower than lor the corresponding week last year. The maximum temporatureB ranged from C4f to 80, and the mimimum Iio'ji 48' to GO", except over the Plateau region, where it ranged from 88 to 40. TIb only when Dalles people- have spent a few montha in a city where shade treeB are unknown that they ap preciate the beauty of our trees. Com ing from the valley their verdure ia not ao noticeable, but, perhaps with the ex uoptlon of Walla Walla, none of the cities and towns east of us can boast of such lawns and treeB surrounding them. Tho Oregonian and Telegram are both speaking in the hlfcliest terms of "A Midnight Hell" company, which ia now playing there and will be at the Vogt next Monday evening- Were it not, however, that we hnd already heard of its reputation wo should scarcely caie to trust tho Oregonian'a opinion as to its merit, judging from tho notices the minstrels received. A heavy rain and hail storm passed through the country eome three miles west of town Thursday evening of last veek. The etorui waa ubout a mllo iu width and swooped down otl'Fox mount ain) passing north with almost the ve locity of a hurricane The rain fell 'n torrents and in places tho hail was uur IncheB deep after the storm was over. Long Creek Eagle. Last evening about 0 o'clock, while running his wood aaw, Win. Catea ac cldently ran his right thumb onto the aaw and tore the inside of that member very badly, almost severing It from the hand. It required seven ttltchea to re place it, and he will bo unable to work foreeveral weeka. This :e particularly untortunate ae Mr. Catea la just ro covering from an accident wherein hie foot waa badly mashed. The prune crop is beginning to come in lively, and quite a force of packers are at work preparing them (or ship meat. The aeaaon being late, however, !b not yet at its height as is usual at this time of tho year. While the crop ia not quite up to the usual standard, the yield is at any rate a good one, and 'tis a.iid Judge Dennett's will exceed that of other years. Wm. Taylor, of Dry Hol Ijw, also has a fine crop. At a special meeting of tho dea cons of the Congregational church and Ilia superintendent of the Sunday school, which was held last night at the pastor's tome, it wa9 decided to hold an anniversary service on the 17th of next mouth, that being the fortieth anniver sary of their organization here, tho 17th occurring on Sunday in '69. As the Sun day sciiool was organized a month later, it was thought beet to celebrate both events at that time, v hich will uo doubt bo made an enjoyable occasion. It ia now discovered that the man Gillie, who waa arrested at Wnmic and taken to Portland on a charge of se duction, waa not the person they were looking for, but it was a mistaken identity. Seeing his name as having returned with the volunteers, and the description tallying with the fellow who lias been wanted in Hillsboro since '97, they telegraphed to the oflicers here to go to Wamic and arrest him. Although he protested his innocence, there seemed to be no doubt as to ills Identity. Ar riving at Portland, tho mistake was discovered and he returned last night. When Rev. Deforest left the city to visit his family in Denver, it was his in tention to return to his charge by the tlrst of September, leaving again the latter part of October to attend a conven tion in St. Louis. Since his arrival in Denver ho has made different arrange ments, whereby liev. Leslie, lector of a parish m that city, and who was desirom of visiting the coast, will exchange places with him for the following two months, giving Rev. Deforest a longer time with his family and Kev Leslie an opportunity to visit our state. The latter la expected to arrive tlile week and occupy the pul pit of the Episcopal church next Sunday. AMvuliuu, Ittxluteul All Red men are requested to be at the wigwam at 7:30 p. m. sharp, aa there arc five palefaces to bo scalped and salmon soup for refreshment. By order of the sachem. Notice. All outstanding warrants agalnit School District No. 12, Watco county, Oregon, will be paid by the clerk, C. L. Schmidt, upon presentation. Interest ceases from this date, C. L. Schmidt, Clerk School Diet. No. 12. The Dalles Or., Aug. 14, 1809. What Dinger Hermann' View Are n the Subject. Hon. Hlnger Hermann, U. S. land commissioner, who has spent his vaca tion at his home in Rosoburg, loft Port land last night for Washington, D. 0., whero ho ia due Saturday night. In talking with a Telegram reporter, ho said : "While at home on this trip I havo been giving moro than usual attention to tho subject of sheep grazing on the timber reserves in this state. I havo studied tills question for many years, but in view ot the position taken by tho secretary of agriculture recently, I hao given the matter still further considera tion, and I must say that I differ with Secretary Wileon; "Now, I am in favor of taking tho sheep ofTof the reserves in certain local ities. For instance, in New Mexico, Arizona and other states where it is very dry, it is highly neceseary that the eheep should bo kept off, and they are. But herein Oregon, whero there is eo much raln.and where tho forests aro nearly all of fir, the removal of the sheep is not necessary. There is plenty of grass and there is absolutely no danger of sheep injuring the growth of fir. "The latest htatistics show that Ore gon is at the head of the list in the wool business. Why should we cripple this very great Industry by restricting the grazing privileges when such restriction cinnot possibly benefit the forest. "The reports of the deputies who aro right in the forests, and who see what is going on, do not indicate that in any way the sheep are detrimental to the forest or to the young growth there. "Now, J contend as I have in tho past that so long as the sheen do not hurt the reserves, that theyehonld be allowed to graze there and thus help to foster one of our great industries. "It is possible to prevent any injury whatever arising from sheep grazing on the reserves. All that is necessary is to limit the number of sheep allowed on them to eo many head, and limit the number of months in each year that Bheep shall run at large on them. There, with one or two other restric tions, will be a safeguard against any poeEiblo damage that could arise. It will be remembered that Secretary Wilson, after his recent visit to this state, recommends that the grazing of sheep on timler reserves be stopped, and there is Baid to be danger of the secretary of interior adopting Secretary Wilson's suggestions unless the people of Oregon make it known at Washington that they do not desire such a change. As is well known, Commissioner Her mann has always recommended that sheep be allowed to graze on these lands, and from tho opinions expressed believe it is clear that he means to cotntinus to fight in the interest of the great sheep and wool industry of Oregon. Oregon Is liecumluc Famous. Never has Oregon experienced so much tourist travel as during the present summer, particularly along the Columbia river. Every day parties come up at least as far ae the Cascades ; but many of them make tho trip on the upper river, and by eo doing gain a pretty fair knowledge of The Dalles and its resources. While the rains this year have cleared tho atmosphere and made the scenery more beautiful to tho eye, our enow-capped peaks have somehow chosen to bide their heads behind tiie clouds, and many of the sight-seers have been compelled to return with but a faint idea of their grandeur. However, the view which can be obtained directly along the river banks has been sufhYient to repay them for the trip. Oregoniiins' who are traveling in other status are continually reminded of tho wide spread of our own scenery. Hut a fow weeks ago, in company with a party, Miss Georgia Sampson was taking a cruise around Lake Huron, when to hor delight a gentleman from Michigan, upon learning that she was from Oregon, began to enlighten his companions ro gartling the grandeur of Columbia river scenery and gave it eucli a send-off ns would make the heart of any Oregonian swell with pride. Ho also said Portland was the finest city of its size in the United States, and, although he traveled much, lie had not found u better man aged 'hotel thun the Portland. We can Imagine Miss Georgia waa not alow in showing her loyalty to her iiiUivo state. To VleauiD the Nyelem Effectually yet gently, when costive or bilious, to permanently overcome habit ual constipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or awakening them, to dispel headaches, colda or fevers, uee Syrup of Figs, made by California Fig Syrup Co. Clarke & Falk have a full and com plete line of home, carriage, wagon and bain palnta manufactured by Jamea E, Pat ton, of Milwaukee, Wiiconaiu. Got your oysters nt A. Keller's. a20 Special sato of fruit jus at Maya & Crowo'a. Get our prices. Latest thing iu cameras nro Im proved Magazine cyclones at Donuell'e drug storo. Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn nt the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mch25-tf Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy. For sale nt all first-class bare. C. J tnbling, agent, The Dalles. M17 3m. Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy, For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stublin.', agent, The Dalles. Ml7-3m Try Yerba Buena Bitters, the best tonic. For sale nt all first-class bars. C. J. Stubling, agent, Tho Dalles. M17-3m Try Yerba Buena Bitters, tho brat tonic. For sale at nil Drst-clnss bars. C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m Quickly cure constipation and rebuild and invigorate the entire ayatetn, neyer gripe or nauseate Dewitl's Little Early Risers.. Butler Drug Co. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures obstinate summer coughs and colde. "I consider it a most wonderful medi cine, quick and safe." W. W. Merton, Mavhew, Wis. Butler Drug Co. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heirt-burn, raising of the food, distress after eating, or any form ol dyspepsia, une little tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. Restore VITALITY, LOST V'GOR AND MANHOOD Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and wasting- diseaces, all effects of self- abuse, or excess and indis cretion. A nerve tonic mid blood builder. Brings the pink glow to pale checks ant restores the fire of youth. By mailZJOcper bo::; G boxes lor $!2.0O; with a written guarantee- to euro or refund the money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jacltscn Sis., CHICAGO, ELL. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, The Dalles, Oregon. 3IERVITA S ...STEAM... Wood Saw Will run every day except Sunday, Rates Reasonable. Telephone 201. W. A. CATES, Prop, jj Cod wood OAK, FIR, and PINE CORD WOOD At the lowest possi ble prices at maie r i Benion Hardware and Grocery dealers. I I I ,rr illil 1 UJ B 1 More Flies Are Caught with molasses than vinegar, is pn old saying, but Tanglefoot Fly Paper catches more than either. No insect can resist its attraction ana once within its power the tormenting possibilities of thnt insect are over. Price 5c per double sheet. Our stock contains many other prepa rations for destruction of insect life. M. Z. DONNELL, Druggist. vVVVv-VV 'VVvv - vyvvvvvvvv V V V v YOU CAH SAVE flflOpJEY By buying your FRUIT JARS from us. GET OUR PRICES. MAYS & CROWE. CUhiskey This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer ns a l'UKE HAM) MADE SOUR MASH WHISKEY fur Family aid Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or.