the Dalles VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1899. NO 75 Mil T IS WELL ROASTED or Stiosbone Coautv Fannd My. THE JUDGE ORDERS REMOVAL ludgc Stewart This Morning Found That the Commissioners of Shoshone County, Idaho, Were Guilty of Willful Misconduct. VAi.uci:,Ii!ulio,July 10. In deciding the removal eiseo this morning, Judge fitewnrt (omul tlmt tho commissioners wcro gtittty uf willful misconduct In bI Iowin bllln to theshoriffin excess uf the lawful fees; in allowing percentage for collecting licenses without application or band; In approving bonds of county of fleers with iiiBuflleiotitBurotlos; in failing to take action whun notified of probable destruction of property at Wnrdnor. For these ho held tlium guilty ot neglect aufliclcnt to justify Iu the caiH of thu sheriir ho said : "Defendant by lila own tcntimony has convicted hlmtiolf of most flagrant vio lation of ofliciiil duty." Continuing, lie delivered a warmer rout, If posilblo, tlmn that delivered by W. E. Horn h in Ids closing argument in the same case. Dofcnse gavo notice of appeal. Mr. Forney, in tlio statement to the jury in Cororon's case, auld that thu date would show tlmt Gheyne met his dostli by being shot on April 20. Tlmt there was n conspiracy existing prior tT that to drive tlio employes of the Hun ker Ml! Company from their work by threats and intimidation. That there were then iu tho Coeur d'Alenea four miners' unions liurko, Gem, Mullan nil Worthier. That these unions received charters from the Western Federation of Miners. That implicit obedience is re quired from each member to ardors of Wither powers. That there was also n central executive miners' union, com posed of two delegates from.euob of the local unions. This central union held authority over local unions, but waa in turn subject to the Weatorn Federation, The central union could meet in either town whore local unions existed, or in Wallace. That Hunker Hill wan nominal ly worked hy non-union miners, but that eomu union miners wore thero. Tlmt 'n April the union men nt Wardner be rime agirressivo, posting notices demand ogeach mivu In tho Uunkor Hill mine join tho union. That the central union "Id a mooting and agreed to uphold tho Wardner union in its fight against the Bunker U Compony. That the union Wardner, April 2G, held an all-night "Mion, leaving the hall about time for h ii t0 clm" adjourned from the Jll to near the Hunker Hill mine, where the minors wore going on and coming ofl' Wit, and were told that they must Join "union that day; If they failed to ,do, "Mother proposition would be made. wt these men were beaded by the Prudent of tho Wardner uuion, who W the Bkor Hill men that the move- was backed by the Western Federa nd thu Bunker Hill mine would "Hr run again without onion man an. m lender uuard of aoldlara. Tb state thOW that llrlnr n A .ll oa tt.. d puued rMoUtioiwjlvliigbeir, rTe 10 the Wardner union .and " T,MM,meMt ' 6 P nt of month's r, hk suci, purpose, Thatomtba.worn. " rril 111 mamh.. ..-.Il,l JJ work that day, but to repair to Taii-i. . " '" "vai ot the train, .JJV'MW tlionce titey waat by train to JJ toQejBwhtr. additioDi 'l" wdfl to their numli.: rru.i .... M tb.. r,w,wt " MveNty boxes wll had been drk,tfcat morning, DAVAl . Baking duaouunnrbuBr Makes the food more ddtcious and wholesome aom uxma Hun with masks and guns inside. Tlmt at Mullan union men met in session at the hall. That the proposition nas made to mask, but it was voted down. Thut when outside of the hall some were found to bo armed and masked. That when near Wallace nioro arms were taken from a box in u manure pile out in the field. That lit Walhici tho Mullan men met those from Burke and Gum, with almost military precision, all going from here to Wardner. That Wardner union men hnd been notified not to work that day, but to appear in jumpers and overalls on tho track n short distance oast of Kellogg. That they met thu train there. That Ohcynu mid others were captured by these masked men at Kellogg and hold while powder wns put in the mill. Thut they were abused while hold, nud finally ordered to run, and that when they did run they were fired on, Gheyno receiving wounds from which ho died two days lator. That the state will show de fendant was financial seurotary of the Burke miners' union. That just before tiiu departure of thu train from Burke the defendant boarded it with a rifle, saying: "Men, wu'ro going to Kellogg to destroy the Bunker Hill mill." That he was in tho parly which fired on Gheyno. That only local and charitable business are transacted in open meutings of miner's unions, strikes nud similar important matters being managed by of ficers under direction of the president of the Western Federation. Deatnns. Cannot tin Ourmi. by locul applications, hb they cannot rcuch thu diseused portion of tho our Thero In only one way to euro deafness and tlmt is by constitutional remodies Deafness is caused by an Inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. Whon tills tulio is in flamed you have it rumbling sound or imperfect heariiur. and whon it Is en tirely closed, Deafness is tho result, and unless the inflammation can be takun out und tills tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for- ever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of tho mucous sur faces. Wo will civo One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deufness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars ; free. F. J. Cuknkv & Co.. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. 0-10 Hall's Family Pillf are tho best. Jumped From a Train. f.oH Oal.. July 10. A. Kra mer, of Dayton, la., jumped a Southern Pacific train near Burbank, und tiiKing a penknife from his pocket, ho pro ceeded to gaBh at liis throat. The train was stomied and tho man put on uoaru and brought to this city. His only in jury is loss of blood. It is thought mat Kramer became temporarily insane irom t.lin hf.nt nt the Moldvo dosort. Ho had considerable money with him, as well as a return ticket to Dayton. A Frightful Blunder Will often causo a horrible burn, scald, out or bruise. Bucklen's Arnico ' ... 1 i ...111 1.111 Salve, the best In mo worm, wm .il.. .In nnrl nrntn ntlv lioal it. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, bolls.corns, , u... .,11. felons and all skin eruptions. i i" euro on earth. Only 25 cte. a box. Cure guaranteed. Bold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. Thomas Kboade, Centerfiold, O., .writes! "I sulTered from piles seven or eight years. No remedy gave me relief n..u,ui. wit nil Hnzol Salvo less UIUU lini D " ,,w A, , than a box of whieh permanently cured me." Soothing, neaitng, i"7 -leu, Bewaro of counterfeits. Butler Drug Co. . DeWltt's Little Early Ktsors expoi from the system all poisonous accuinu. latlone, regulate the stomach, bowels and Jlvr, and purify the blood. Ihoy and give health and vigor for tho da .y routine. Do no gripe or sicken. Butler Drug Co, Powder eo., mw vohk. FRIGHTENED TO DEATH Burglar Alarm Going Ofl" Accidentally Causes Death of Female Physician In San Francisco. Sax Fkaxcihco, July 10 Death called Dr. Mary C. Edmonds, a well known physician of this city, in a tragic fashion nt tier homo at 913 Hush street. The ac cidental sotting off of a burglar alarm wrought up her nerves to sucii a Btraln that she suflnred death by fright. She went to n window-and blew a whistle. Help came, but just as she opened the front door she tottered and full dead. Mrs. Edmonds was a very talented find successful physician of this city. She wus the widow of Judge Edmonds, lato of the superior court, and leaves twosons and a daughter. The latter, Mies Annie Edmonds, is a teacher nt Berkeley, and one of her sons, Frank W. Edmonds, who has been connected witli the United States geodetic survey for years, is now in Alueka. Her othor boh, Dr. Harry Edmonds, is a phvBiciau practicing iu Fresno county. IS IT ltlOHT For an Editor to Iteonininotiit Patent AlviUctuo? From Sylvan Valley .News, Brevrad, N. C. It may bo a question whether the editor of a newspaper bus the riuht to publicly recommend any of the various proprietory medicines which flood tho market, yet as a preventive of Buffering w feel it u duty to say a good word for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. Wo liavo known and used this medicine in our family ior twenty years and hoye always found It reliable. In many cases a dose of this remedy would save hours of suffering while a physician is awaited. We do not believe !u depending implicitly on any medicine for a cure, but we do believe that if a bottle of Chamberlain's Diarrhooa lietnedy wus kept on lm..d and administered at the inception of an attack, much suffering might bu avoided and in very many cases the presence of a physician would not be required. At leust this has been our experience during tho past twenty years. For eale by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists. NOTICE. Usitkd States Lanm) Omen, Okkcion Cm-, June 21, 1809. Notice is hereby given that tho ap proved fractional plat of Township 2 north range 8 oast, has been received from the surveyor general of Oregon, and on August 1st, 1899, at 0 o'clock, a. m., of said date, said plat will be filed In this oflice, and tho land therein em braced, will bo subject to entry on and after said date. Ciias. B. Mooues, Wm. Galloway, Register. Receiver. A diseased stomach surely under mines health. It dulls the bralu, kills energy, destroys tha nervous system, and predisposes to Insanity and fatal diseases. All dyspeptic troubles aro quickly cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It has cured thousands of cares aud is rurlug them every day. Its ingredients are such that it can't help curing. Siiipes-Kineraly Drug Co. An Kplilcmlo uf Diarrhoea. Mr. A. Sanders, writing from Cocoa nut Grove, Flu., says there has been quite an epidemic of diarrhoea there. Ho had a sovero attack and was cured by four doses of Chamberlain's Oholic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, He says he alto recommonded it to others and they aay it is die best medicine they ever used. Eor sale bv Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. INFLATED CUR RENCY TROUBLE Silver Has Been Made Contraband and Bankers arc Forced to Flee From the Land. San Francisco, July 10. Several leading citizens of Guatemala, just ar rived on the steamer San Juan, confirm the report that a revolution is threat ened in that country. A prominent planter hero said: "The inflated currency, combined with the surplus production of coffee, explains the condition. Of late years every bit of arable land has been used for the growth of coffee, with a result that there is over production," The Call says that President Cabrera is charged with having ordered the coin age of a silver standard piece, 600 fine, in place of 835 fine. This brought a storm about his ears, and he' laid the blame upon the superintendent of the mint, who new lies in jail. In order to adjust matters Cabrera made a demand upon Jbe banks for Bub eidies of silver. This was refuted, with the resuit of the expulsion of President Kocenda Develia, of the Bank of Eng land, and the forced flight of Alexander Abrahamsen, of the Bank of America. Silver haB been mado countrabrand. All Guatemalans who attempt to ship it are apprehended and incarcerated. The treasury, foreign relations and public works portfolios in tb6 cabinet are now vacant, no one caring to accept either office. The floating cf $2,500,000 in paper, with which the laboring people are paid, and which is practically worthless, lias led to. much suffering in all parts of the country. Itolibcd the Oiave. A etartling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated by him as follows: "I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin waB almost yellow, eves sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually grow ing weaker day by day. Three physi cians had given me up. Fortunately, a friend advised 'Electric Bitters' ; and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks," and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50c, guaranteed, 'at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. 5 DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between O. J. Cuthcart and J. D. Straus, under tho firm name of Calhcart & Straus, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, O. J. Catbcart retiring. J. D. Straus will continue the business, and will col lect all bills due said firm and pay all accounts against the same. Dated July 1, 1899. C. J. Catiicakt, J. D. Stuaus. For Sale. Throo houses and four lots in The Dalles, as a whole or separately. Lo cation healthy and desir able, near school. Pays exceptionally good inter est on investment. Prop erty in good condition. Address, Mrs. A. Fitz Gerald 839 Golden Grate Av., San Francisoo, Cal. True, OUR Daily special make a favorable our customers. One and advertise to ao, we ao. mat tney can uopenct upon us in every respect. If you can't come yourself, send your little girl or boy; a child can buy as safe ly as a grown person. For Tomorrow We have selected an assortment of Little Boys' Blouse Waists 03 rr. a lie wiin rumen ironr, cuus anu . rr g a rr. .1 collar, ot light percale in pretty stripes and plaids. Sizes 3 to 9 gi years. Usual price 42c. Tomorrow only 23 cents. We ask you to call and see our latest arrivals in Duck and Pique Separate Dress Skirts. They are beauties. Keep in mind oar coming Saturday's Sale. I A. M. Williams & Co. & FREE "A House Wife's Delight a Nicely Ar ranged Table." Buy your goods of us and get a set of this HAND-PAINTED CHINA FREE! ASK FOR COUPONS. The above cats are representations of a lew pieces of handsomely decoratvd, hand-painted china, now on exhibition at our store, which wo intend giving away free to our customeis. We guarantee that our prices on gnoas will remain the same. This special offer is made for the purpose of increasing our trade and showing the people that we truly vppreciate their patronage. Tlila ware is rapidly taking the place of White Granite or Iron Stone China. It has that soft, white, velvety finish ; la of the finest quality, and without doubt tho best in the world. The shapes are thu vety latest patterns and have been de signed to meet the taetes of the most f istidious. It is only by our euarautcelng to use a large quantity of this ware that wa have been able to get it at a price that enables us to give it to the trade absolute ly free. Our assortment consists of Cups and Saucers, Pie Plates, Breakfast Plata, Dinner Plates, Platters, Cverd Dehes, Cream Pilch re, Sugar Bowls, Tea P,t , and everything that goes to mike up a tine set of dish s, We earnestly invite you to call and intuect it, when wi will cheerfully giv you full information. Very respectful y, NEW YORK CASH STORE, A. C. OIGER k CO , Prop., 'rhe Dalles, O r every uuofd of it. offerings are begining to impression upon many of all realize that what we Wo have selected 5 dczen pair Men's Elastic-Web Suspenders, made with drawer supporters, good lisle end's, metal cast-off, id back. The everyday price is 25c per pair. Tomorrow only " 13 cents. FREE