CEUE B RATION AT THE DALLES JULY 4th, 1898, In Commemoration of the Independence of these United States and the Battle of Manila Bay. COME ONE, COME Grand Parade, Basket Picnic, Speeches, Music by the Bands; Games, and festivities will conclude with a Grand Display of Fire Works in thfc evening. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Ailvortlnlnc Itnte. Ptr HttA. One Inch or less in Dally 1 SO ver two inches an J under four luehev . . 1 GO yer four inches and under .twelve inches. .' 75 ver twelve inches 0 DAILY AND WEEKLY. One Inch or less, per inch fisn Over one inch ana under four inches. ... -J IX) Over four Inches aud under twelve inches 1 so Over twelve inches 1 00 HUIISCKU'TIOX l'KICK. J One week $ 15 ; j im uiuiuti ...... One vear G 00 THURSDAY JUNE 30, 1S9S GLORIOUS WORK AT SEVILLE. The conduct ot our forces in the fight near Seville was magnificent. Officers ami men fought like veter ans of many campaigns and hard fought battles. Ever' natural advantage lay with the Spaniards. The enemy vas on his own ground ; was concealed by deep thickets and entrenched behind earthworks; was acclimated to the oppressive heat of the tropics; was armed with the most modern rifles, and presumabl' had been under hot Are before. On the opposing hand, our troops were wear from the exhaustion of hard marching through an enemy's country; the wero exposed in open position, and were caught in a dead ly ambush. Here were the condi tions conducive to a frightful panic. In his official report, General "Wheeler puts our losses in killed, wounded and missing a, about 100, or more than ten per cent of the forces engaged. This npproximates the Un ion losses in some of the great battles of the civil war. "When it is considered that these severe losses were sustained in an engagement lasting only two hours, the conduct of our gallant boys is marvelous. Jt demonstrates that the fighting spirit of the nation has not suffered during a third of u century of peace. Officers and men alike carried themselves with superb courage and coolness. Captain Capron's death is unexcelled in history, and will live in deathless story. Mortally wound ed, he asked support from brave Sergeant Iicll, and continued firing until the revolver fell from his weak ened grasp. Then his "nut soul composed itself for death, the last tender message was sent to wife and parent, a cheerful farewell was spoken to his faithful comrade, and the dy ing captain was borne away. Colonel Roosevelt's dashing cour age was glorious, and the conduct of every American soldier was above reproach. The nation will be pro foundly moved by this splendid ex hibition of fighting spirit. Hevicw. THE BEGINNING AND THE END. It is tin impressive fact, in connec tion with the marked spirit of friend ship bich has more recently sprung up between tho United States and England, that to America falls the providential lot of striking the coup do grace in a great struggle begun more than three centuries ago by England. Spain's downfall began with the destruction of her armada in 1588; that downfall was praotic ally finished at the battle of Manila. "That Spain bad fallen," with tho destruction of her armada, "few of the world's statesmen saw then," says Green in his "History of the English People." uTlic defeat of the armada was the first of a series of defeats at the hands of the Eng lish and the Dutch. The naval su premacy of Spain was lost, and with it all was lost. An empire so widely scattered over the world, and whose dominions were parted by interven ing nations, could only be held to gether by its command ot the seas. One century saw Spain stripped of the bulk of the Netherlands, another of her possessions in Italy, a third of her dominions in the new world. But slowly as her empire broke, the cause of ruin was throughout the same. It was tiie loss of her mari time supremacy that robbed her of all, and her maritime supremacy was lost in the wreck of the armada." This conviction is with the Span ish statesmen of today, and the thought of it embitters all Spain against England. How to Look Cifioit Good looks are reaily more than skin e than skin deep, depending entirely on condition of all the vital oruai liver be inactive, you have a bilious look ; if your kidneys be effected, you have a pinched look. Secure good health and you will surely have good looks. "Elec tric Bitters" ia a good Alternative and Tonic. Acts directly on the stomach liver and kidneys. Purities tiie blood, cures pimples, blotches and boils, and Btves a jjood complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Bold at I.lakeley & Hough ton's drug store. 50 cents per bottle. 5 The Modern Henuty Thrives on good food and sunshine, with plenty of exercise in the open air. Her form glows with health and her face blooms with its beauty. If her system needs the cleansing action of a, laxative remedy, she uses the gentle and pleasant Syrup of Figs, made by the California Fig Syrup Co., only. Mrs. A. C. Stubling & Sou will soon begin on the erection of a new hot house especially for the culture of carnations and violets. The increasing trade makes this necessary and Mrs. Stubling feels that her efforts will be appreciated by her patrons. je!7 Ue fire Doir?g v-v JNfeat apd flrtstie .priptir.. por leajorjable We Print Anything in tho Printing Lino. Qiue us a trial, rqpi pub. 5o. ALL. fieua Columbia Hotel IS THE HKST Si.oi I'EK HOUSE IX THE CITY JW. TOOfllEY, Prop. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this -well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. 1 . War or No You will always have the benefit of Low Trices at pdru feller's ?afe. Ice Cream', Tee Cream Soda, Candies, Fruits, Nuts and Oysters in any style. 7VL z. DONNELL, PtyESCSlPTIOrl DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., Til E DALLES, OR caho C. F. CITY LIVERY AND FEED STABLE Northwest Cor. Fourth and Federal Streets. Special Attention to Feeding Transient Stock. mmi Closed Hack Day or Night. PRICES REASONABLE. Tom A. Ward and Jos. T. Robertson, Props. THE DALLES, OR. Gyandall & Burget DEALERS IN J()beS, All kinds of undertakers Bufial Shoes, Funeral Supplies embalmers RQt The Dallas, Or. A cordial DAY The Dalles, Or war has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes has everything to be form first-class Dry Goods Store. STEPHENS. invitation is extended to the residents of the Inland Empire to join in the celebration. COME ONE, COME ALL. everj thing to make you happy. The Spanish Headache- Uncle Sam is mixing a done that will euirolv (aire. Not all heiulnr.hu curen lirinv; about relief and many have a had effect on the heart nntl Hygtimt generally. Wo can offer you one not ho violent in itH niothodH uh I'lidc Sum's, but nun winch will remove the ciini'i' and cure the headache. Trv DOCTOR WOODS' HEADAO'IE CUKE. Put up by j KEL1A1SLE PHARMACISTS. 1 175 Second Street, THE DALLES, Regulator Line Tie Dalles, Portlanfl ani Astoria Navigation Co.' sirs. Regulator fi Dalles City FREIGHT AND PA8SENUER LINE IIKTWKI'.N Tliu Dulles, IIoixl Illvor.l.'iiH'HiluUickHHiiil I'uru limd iliilly,-f'i Hiiiiiluy, DOWN THE VALLEY Aro vou going ( EASTERN OREGON ? .. vu iiHiiiuy iiml uiijny a bviuitUul trip on A?f t-'l"l'- '1IiiiwiMjouii( tinlu nrrlvfn lit lliu DiiIIuh in nmiilb Hum fur pinmcntriTN tu tnki: tliu uti'iimer, iirrlvliiK In I'littliinil In tlinn lor tlio oiiIkhIiik boillliurn unit Norlliurn tnilimi Kunt. am iiKuin iiiiiyillK 111 inu I III I'M nm to tuko tliu Kiint-boiiuil train, ' For (nrtlior Infiiriniitliiii npply to J. N. HAItNKY, AKt-nt, )uk Htu-ot Dock. I'nrtliiiiil, Ortuiin, Ur W (J. AI.I.AWAY, (ifii, A(t., Tim DhIK'n, liri'unn r BROS. (1KNKHAI Horse fthoeing a Specialty. Saeond Sfcfaat. 4 Blacksmiins Wadonmakers I 0. R. & N. GO !:'. ur Knit Tim: mriikiiui.i:, 1'IUI.M D.W.I.Kh, AlilUVK I'liOM. Knit .Mull IlsW p. iii, Halt I.nkr, llenviT, Ft, Hint MhII. n;10 it. iii. Worth. Oimiliti. kiiii i-ii City, Ht. Unit, ;iii('iiK Mini i.iiHi. HpOklllH! l'lyor fi;W p. in Wnl In Wiilln, HpiikiimO Mlllliuiiliiills. Ht. I'iihI.i Hpiikniic Dm I ii t li, .Mllwmikri.'J !',:) h. m. Clili.'iiun mid Knot. ! liver. H p. in. I'uom I'OUTI.A Nil. I i, m, (li'i'iin Hteinnidilpt. i All HillllllK link's snlijciitl to I'liiuiuu. I Hnr Him FmiirlM'u-. , -nil Jlilv f.,u, l:i, 17, at,' ill mill VJ, I. in. Til AI.AHk.k tNillJiniuT, '2'. p. in. M li. III. t i. in. Kx.biiinlny K.i.MiiidiiyiCnliitiililii Kv. Htennierii. ITo Akhiiiw mill Way Kiitiirday IjiiiiIIiikh. Id i. in. ' fin. in. Wim.axkttk Kivint. I:;)) p.m. r.x.Miliiiliiy Ori'KOM City, NiiwIhtk, I'.x.miiuliir Cllieill V , 11 I.JIIIU ft. I II. Ill, WH.I.AMKTTI: AHU YAM Dili ID, TUI-J.,'1 lllir. IIII.I, lUVKI.H. .Mllll.,Wul nun nm. ,iri'Kiiu uiy, iiiiyiini, itnil rn. unit Wiiy-ljuiilliiKM. I'm. in. Wili.ah Km: IlivKit. ' 1:W). m. TiK'.riiiir.-l'iirtiiiinl ti CorviiillM 'Tiie., rhur, unit hut.' unit Vy.jiiiiii(,', I mid tft. I.kavi: iiii'uiia. 1: li n. in. .Mini.. Wnl, mill Hriilay , 1,KAV I.KWIHTO.t, , ti . I.'i ii. m. Hkakk Ktvci:. l!lnirlii tu l.owlnliin. 'HIIII..TIIW. 1 Hint Ttiur, Knr lull pnrtliMilum mil on 0. li. it X, C'o.'i HKC-iii i no Jinik'b. or iiililrcfH v. ii. ii(,m;i,iiniit. (iun, I 'iii. Ant., I'urtlniiil.Or EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OK TIIK Southern Pacific Comp'y Trulnti leave iiml iirc ituu to urilvu lit 1'iirtlti I.KAVK. OVKItl.AND KX-) lirvnii. hiiluin. Kline- 1 Ijiuk, Ahliliinil, Hill'. rmiiiiiito, tlMili'ii.riiin ! Kniiiuliii'o, .Moliivo, ( 0:lK) 1'. M, i ON aiikoii.'h,i-;i riinii, I New urlvmiN mill I Kant ... . ,J oteljiiri: mill wuv htn :ai A. .M, IIiiiik . l'.M I f Vlii Wiioilliiirn lurl i Mt.Ans'il.Hllvurtiin, Dully I'Sl'I'pt Kiliiilny.i i7:o a. ii, Dully except fillllll ttl'Ht ticln, vlllt'.riprliiK (.Niilron . . i'Hi hcin, iiruwiiB ) Kllulil mill (CorviiillM lnliitliniB mn! wityj iWl'.M lNDKl'KNDKNdlC I'AHHK.S'GKK. KxpriMi lrl Dully (ii.cuit hiiiiiluy), tiaip. in. tl.v. I'ortliiinl Ar.) h:W' :iiii. in. Jai MiiMIiimvIIIi' l.v.J fiirtlii.B t:;u p. in, (Ar .niiU'puiiiluiifu.. l.v.J t tO. 'Dally. (Dully, incept Hnniiny, DININC. CAItH ON OODKN KOin'IS. I'IM,I.MAN IIUhTKT Hl.KKI'KltH AND HKCONI)-OI,AH8 HI.KKIMNt CAB Attached to nil ThroilKli Trillin. 111.... ...I lullll Oftt' ..iiviiv viiiiiivuiiiiii in r.iiu r iiiiii;i ilcntiil mill Ork'iitul mnl I'millUi mull "l!'H.l,1,Z IIik-h lor JAI'AN mill UIUNA. Hulllni; iito w ... ..ii,.i,... n 1'nvniiwii. r. Hutw.1 mill tlekelK to Kimluin ihiIiiIi , i",1,'1 nijio. AImiJAI'AN, OII1NA, llONOI.IM.U Al'HTUAI.IA.cilll linolitilllieil lliilll . . J. II. K1KKI.AND, Ticket TliroilKli Tlokut Olllt'0,i:il Tlilnl HtrwI.wW'J UiinilKh tlckotH to nil polutH in tho vJS, HtiiU'H, Ciiiiiiilumiil Kuropo ciill liu iihluH"" lowt'Ht niton from , . , J. II, KIltKI.AND, Tloket AK All iibovo traliiM iirrlvn at mill ilepnrt w Ormiil Contrul Htiitlon, Klltli mnl ItviiiK V k i ll 1 1 I . till'lulONT. I'ukkviiKur Dupot, loot ol Juilermm ntrccfc 0:10 p, in, on Hnndiiyii only. U'hvo for Hherlilan, week ilnyn. at IsaOp.w Arrive ttt I'orllmnl, V.M n. in, , U'ave for Allll.IK on SIoihIiO". .V'l'fC Krlnay at U:i0 a. in. Arrive at I'ortlii "ii iinv, Tiiurkilay ana riatnniai n .i.w v- Kxcupt Kiimlay, It. KuKM.KH, jiuiHor. Kxi'ont HiitiinmV' (1, II. MAItKIIAMi. Tho farmer, tli muctiiuiic iuuJ t!i oyulo rltlur aru llalilo to tmexpectecl cu ,ui(l hrulb, DoWHt'B Witch " ti..l.. l .i. I. ...i i.l., In kotlll Oil I'8" ' unno m viid unoi mum - tnnn It lumlB quickly, una In ft L"": cure for plloa. BiilpoB-KlnorB ly WW Uuvo lor OHWKtiO, ilnlly, ii.xf!pt Hii nil)fi T.Wn. m.i VJ:3(). UK, ft: 16, ,1HA5' S (anil ll::to p. in. on Hiitunlity only, ml ,t mnl :i:3ii ii. in. on HnmliiyH only), Ar Portland (fully ut 'fiitomnl Hiliuii m.i " "V.jj 1:1ft. ili'JO mnl TM ii. m.. (iiiiU I0:W a. ii rwirti(in'iMia!wi r,j