The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 07, 1907, Page 19, Image 19

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I :
Wedding of Louise Vanderhoef and M. Heckscher Takes Place at
St. Bartholomew's and That of Adeline Havemeyer and -,
P. H. B. Frelinghuysen at St. Thomas.
-. ,. ; -,, 5
: f .' . 1 - .
Mtss. Louise Vanderhoef
. . , (Jearaal Bpeehil Service.) .
.. . New York, Feb. !. ' -. The world ot
f -fashion turned out In full fore .this
afternoon to witness the wedding of
Miss Louis A'anderhoef, dnughter of
Mr. end Mrs. Herman B. Vanderhoef.
, and Gustav Maurice Ilackscher, which
took place in tit. Bartholomew's church.
Both bride and bridegroom are well
, known In the younger set of fashion-
able society.
Another society event was the wed
ding of-Mf--Adellne. Havemeyer and
' Peter H. p. Frelinghuysen, which took
. place today-In 8t. Thomas" Protestant
8pecll Dlspatrli to Tbe Jaanul.) - -
- Cugene, OT.. Krb.- T. Jwke Perger,
keeper of a place known as the "Beccp
' tlon." a saloon before the local option
-- law went Into effect, was arrested
Tuesday night for the alleged violation
of two sections of the new .ordinance
recently pasaed by the city council for
,' the purpose of doing away with the sale
of liquor In Eugene. Sheriff Plsk. Chief
of Police Farrtngton and two other of
ficers entered Berger's place late at
night and searched the premises, flnd
. Ing several bottles of whiskey, a keg of
. wins and soma other liquor, all or which
? was confiscated tinder the provisions of
the ordinance and will be used In coart
as evidence .
One of the sections of the ordinance
alleged to have been violated Is that de
daring any place where. Ilquoit, Is stored
or kept for sale a public nuisance, and
'the other Is prohibiting the sale of
Honor within the city limits.
Berger appeared In the police rVurt
yesterday, but the oasa Was postponed
A Bad Back Is Always
Worse During Wet or
Changeable Weather.
' Is' your back Ilk a barometer
Does lt foretell every -change
.. '.weatherT "
Does every cold settle on your kld-
neyOT " - ' . ' ', -. '
jBring aching, throbbing, pains?, y
ui It disorder the urine? ;
" The kidneys are calling for nelp.
Use Doan's Kidney Pills, ' ' - '
, Guaranteed by Portland testimony.
Oeor.';' K. Parrlsh. tnuslcinn, of S7IH
Fsst Onk street, ortljuul, Oregon. s:ys:
" "I just ss gladly endorse toun s kidney
pllla today aa I did thren yenrs sg.
Time has proves thnt He benefits I
found i werer permanent, and this has
been 'Vry gratifying. Kidney cum
' plaint made Its first nppearanro In my
case so gradually thnt It was some time
"before I p! any attention to It. A
- cold settled In my buck and t begun
. to suffer from dull, heavy pains In the
loins and over t lie kidneys. It was
' then that I was Induced tn try iKwnn
' Kidney fills, and, ss stated above, was
completely -relieved nrt not a symptom
has reappeared up to thla time."
For a. le by all dealers. Price SO rents.
Fostrr-Mllbiirn Co., HtitTulo, New York,
sole, "gents for tho 1'niteil Ht.des.
Remember thfl mime I'OAN'S and
: -
- i r - 1
V--'' :
'One . of Today'i Brides.
Episcopal church, on of the largest
and most notable of the series of bril
liant nuptial celebrations witnessed In
New York this week. The bride Is the
daughter of Henry O. Havemeyer, one
of the family of millionaire sugar re
finers. Young persons well known In fssh
lonable aoclety were the attendants at
the wedding. The bride had her young
er slater. Miss Elect ra Havemeyer, as
maid of hrmor. " and her cousin. Mrs.
Harold Weeks Jr., as matron of honor.
The two bridesmaids were the Misses
Augusta Munn aid Miss Matilda Fre
linghuysen.. ' ,'
till Frldayl Tho penalty for selling
liquor In the city is a fine of from $50
to tt0 and Imprisonment In the rlty
jail from 25 to 100 days. The penalty
for violating, tbe nuisance ordinance Is
a fin of from f IS to 150. ' :
KpecUI Dtspatdi to Tbe Jeanwl.)
. Boise, Idaho, Feb. J. A peculiar sit
uation" exists bere In the house. The
committee of the whole recommended
the passage of McCraken's local op
tion bill., also the Ballantyna county
commissioners' -bill. Intense feeling
exists on both aides, which are working
hard. The final vote comes on Friday.
, Bills providing for a three-fourths of
a mill tax for the state university and
the licensing of gambltag were Intro
duced In the house. Bills have been in
troduced in the senate to secure Interest
on county funds, to repeal the sheep In
spection law. to appoint. a sheep Inspec
tor, to do' away with a sanitary board,
and to amend the Irrigating powers of
the county commissioners In the matter
of the existing water 'rata. The senate
haa refused to pass the Mil for free
telephones, but passed a bill requiring
railroad companies to fence their rlgJit
of" way.- '..-.").,. ...... ,
A mass 'meeting will be held in the
house tonight for the purpose of din-,
cussing -the Boise city charter bill now
pending against which there is serious
objection. ; . -. ' - ' '
(Special Plapatrb to Tbe Joamat.)
"Pendleton, Or., Feb. 7. Dan P.
Bmytho of this city has been honored
by being appointed by President Roose
velt as a member of a committee of
seven which la to- meet in Washington
of February lt,to- confer with the pub
lic lands commission regarding the Bur
ket hill now before the senate, . -
Mr. Smytha has accepted the appoint
ment and is Intending to leave for
Washington la time to attend the con
ference. Before going"' east he will
Spend severs days In Salem br tha Interests-of
th bill that llepresentativ
Sluaher haa Introduced at tha Instance
of th shnepmen of the state.' j
(Special TUapatch to Tn Journal.) ,
Roseburg. Or.. Feb. 7.-Adjutnt-Ocn-
eral Flnier of the OS N. o. la In th
city looking for a suitable location for
a target mng", th leglarature hating1
"Pproprlated. l,000 for the etabllsh-
mont ot target ranges . In this stste.
th-neral -Ptmrer-hns- opened negntlntlons
fnr a suitable tract of land here, but the
result la not known yet aa tt haa to be
confirmed by higher authority. Rose
burg hue one of the beat rifle teams In
Kings County Penitentiary at
Brooklyn to Be Auctioned
V ,'. Off With' Fittings.
i -
Oowtli of 1 City ' Has ' Kttrrnundod
Oijce Iiolatod Structure With Fin
Itosldoiices No That It Has Ik-
come an Kyenore to Neighbors.
JjimvmmI Bn,-t.t
- Nf Tori, Feb. -7. If th. Chicago
party 'who attracted ' attention - some
time ago by declaring his Intention to
hull n private' prison atXollet because
the authorities would not imprison him
tn the regular mate penitentiary will
vltUt Brooklyn-tomorrow he wlU have
nn opportunity to buy the genuine ar
ticle at a bargain. At 11 o'clock tumor
row morning- the Kings County Peniten
tiary building; and all Ita fittings wll
he aotd to the highest bidder.
Ry April 1 the historic old. prison,
which Is conspicuous feature of the
landscape aa it stands perched on a hill
on the, way to Coney Island, will have
become thing of the past. It was
built so long ago thnt the exact date of
Its erection la in doubt. At that time
the location wan an Isolated one. i Rut
In Into years, the. city of Brooklyn ha
Brown no rapidly that hundreds of band'
some homes now stand within la atone s
throw -of the-somber- okV-edtfkwr-and 4t
finally became auclr" an eyesore to the
community that the authorities were
prevailed upon to let It fall In the
march of progress and public rmprove
ments. " .s . . . ' .
Since the demolition of the old Tombs
the Kin's County penitentiary has hid
the -unenviable distinction of being the
most historic prison in the vicinity of
New-York. It has held many notorious
criminals in Its day. But' now the old
rison.liaB--played H-fart in t1igMa
tory of the metropolis, and It will noon
vanish, leaving as the only reminder of
Its- existence innumerable v stories, jn
some of which tragedies are strangely
Interwoven with romance.
(Special Dispute to Tbe Joornal.l -
- Salem. Or., Feb. 1. The funeral was
held today of M. O. Harhord. who died
rnreTuesday-lthe Willamet te "sani
tarium after an illness of three weeks,
aged . Ha was atrlcken with a stroke
ef paralysis while on his way from Fort
Worth, Texas, to Salem, and was taken
to the hospital, at Cheyenne, and later
was brought here by his daughter. Mis
Kittle Harhord. , 1 .
- The family first settled in Yamhill
county In 1871. For three times the
marrfhalshlp was conferred upon him by
the voters of toe-capital city, and Tit
wls elected chief of police In Spokane
In 1890. He leaves four children: Miss
Ida M. Harbord of Davenport, Rolls C.
Harbord of Kpokane. Miss - Kittle W.
Harbord and Mrs. D.. S. Fry of this city.
Perry Mills Will Operate. '
f (Special Dlsttatck to Tbs JoonuLt -
La Grande. Or., Feb. 7. it la the Jn
tentton to atart the mills at Perry by
the middle of thla month, or as soon
thereafter, as possible. ' Th!S"TS' much
earlier than usual, but tha demands ar
pressing. Borne Important changes are
being made at the mills and the ex
penditure -of over 11.000 Is Involved.
The log supply will be provided en
tirely by the railroad reaching the Rock
creek district The company had l.OuO.
000 feet of logs. In the Urande Bond
river to begin' with. r,
' , Owns Vnique Watch. - ?
(Special Dtapatcti te Tbe Jnuraal.)
Joha Day. Or.. Feb. 7. C.-D. Tyler
of this place is at present the owner of
an ancient English timepiece. It) is
supposed to be -over 100 yeara old and
the hour and quarter hours when so
desired. It is a unique timepiece and
surpasses anything la thla section of
Oregon- - v
.- A lvao.wM
This Year Better Than Ever
This year's tobacco crop in Porto Rico
is the finest ever grown. Only the choicest
selections are used to make the El Toro.
For these reasons the El Toros now on the
market are particularly recommended.
El Toro has always been the finest 6-cent
value Porto Rico produced this year
they're better than ever. .
The increased cost-of genuine Porto
Rican leaf has brought forward many
brands which are made largely from tobac
co grown in the United States so you
cant be too" particular to see that you get
the1 genuine - ", -. " '.".. - . '
Cigair- j5 Cents
'' ' I
'?A J
1 This 13 the one cigar you can be sure
Is genuine Porto Rican in quality as well
as name. Made in Porto Rico, of Porto
Ricart tobacco exclusively, in a thoroughly
modem factory with facilities far superior
to those of any other manufacturer El
Toro represents the best 5-cent agar that ,
Porto Rico can produce. "
All El Toros are now banded. The
best 5c. cigar made. .1 . -r--
Porto RkatfrAmerican Tobacco Compauiy a
, ' Maanf aotarar, Sam Jaaa, Fort Bloo
MASOK, ZaraMAaT CO Blstrikators, Portlaad, Ore.
hxmclriu aaa
j' ikaft)
Aht mmJi im
rnttiU mtut
rttUl final
Charles C. Cates Smashes China
on Buffet Car Upon His
. Valet for Error.
(Journal Eparlal ftcrrlr )
Columbus,. O., - Feb. Charles O,
Gates, son-of John W. Gales; the mil
lionalre plunger, created a scene at the
union elation yeaterday.
Gates was anxious to get to Cinrin
nstl and lr ft fllrertlnn for the trans;
of his luggage by his valot.
when he entered the buffet car,. fol
lowed by a man servant, ho learned of
a blunder, made by h la valet, the dis
covery coming Just In time to avoid
being taken to St. -Louis. -
Gates did not say pmuc-h, but vented
his. feelings on his employe, and when
b was finally restrained, tbe. valet
stood among broken dishes which cov
ered th floor.
Gates left Lhe car. after paying 124
for the damage done. A special train
of nn engine 'and a Pullman waa se
cured to take him to Cincinnati. ,
, r Baltqnpt to Bryee.
(Jrirsai Special Bernei.t
London. Feb. 7.-M)-ing to the recent
Jamaica Incident, the farewell banquet
given by the. lyindon Pilgrims at the
Hotel Savoy Inst night in honor of
James Hryce, tha new ambassador to
th United 8 tales, developed Into-: an
exceptional -"demonstration "bf Angfo-American-
amity. ' Field Marshal Earl
Roberts presided. Beveral members of
the cabinet. - foreign ' diplomat and
many other nqtabj persons were pres
ent. Ambassador, Beld proposed, the
health of Mr. Hryce, and the speeches
of- tha two ambassadors , Bounded ' the
keynote of the. friendly relations be
tween their respective countries. .
For McKlnley Memorial. , ' ,
(Joornal Special Servlc.) '
WssMn gttm; Feb. 7.-r-At a meeting f
the trustees or th Ney Memorial asso
ciation at the Hotel Arlington today fa
vorable resorts were received regarding
the progress on the McKlnley monument
at Canton, which ltjl ho;ed will be
completed and ready for dedication: tbi
eurmner, Vlce-Preaid.ent Fnlrbanka, who
Is chairman of th endowment fund
commute, presided over tha meeting.
Is a violent Inflammation of th mucous
membrane - of - th wind pip,- which
sometimes extends to the larynx and
bronchial tubes; and Is 'one of th moat
dangerous diseases of children. It al-
mnat alaya cornea nn -'ah1
Give freouent small doses of Rallsrd's
Ilorehound Syrup and apply Ha I lard s
Snow Liniment externally to the
throat, tic. 50o and 11.00. Sold by all
druggists. -
4vl. Dxa i1 -.
Chas. P. Gates. '
' (Special btapatck fa Tbe tawuM
'Roseburg, Or, Feo. 7. Roseburg is
aroused over th water and light ques
tion. At the last meeting of th city
council Mayor E. V. Hoover issued a
very urgent .message favoring popular
ballot on the nuestlon of municlual
! ownership. ... After atatlng th facts la
connection with the situation as it has
existed sine last July, and calling the
council's attention to , the number of
times tbe local plant haa changed
hands, ha says th city Is no better off
now than; six months ago. He says
"L'nder these circumstances I tak It
to be my duty, aa mayor of this city,
and having been leetd to that ofrtid
at a time when the people by their vote
said overwhelmingly that they were In
favor of municipal ownership, to do all
In my power to see that the people
have an opportunity to vote en this
matter, and own their wn water ays
tern If tbey so desire." The Message
was approved.
'-'.'(gnselat Dlapatr to The JnarsaM '
Roacburg, Or., . Feb. 7. The Douglas
county fruitgrowers have filed articles
of incorporation. Tho association will
be known as the "Douglas County Fruit
growers' association." Articles ef in
corporation were filed with the county
clerk, signed by the following Incor-
porators: Ioula Barsee, K. p. Drew, H.
Every Voman
uusnstM sen aoeaia w
sum in weusarna
MARVEL wMrUsa Sorsv
TtoMVtiiMlstn tufro.
trim UMt Rat.
If be cannot aarnirtlia
MlltflL. a-ant aa
sutar. but aaod aima foe
illuatraiMl boot ,U. neteas
full nartleaiara and llreetiona ta-
TaiuaW to ntaill, CO.,
. ss sr.. Iiw loan.
sauo co iTOBEiT
Scoffs S?ntal-Ppsin Capsules
TorlnSsBiaiatloB ernaurrhot
tba Blad'taraod Dlaaaawt Eld-
nara. BO OCX! so FAT. ;roa
iatc.kly ae BarstseeDtir the
worat e of SJeiawrsiBsa
ana He, ae aisttot of bus
loS( ataadlos. Abaolataly
fcarmleaa. Bold by drBtsiata.
Prloa 11.00. er by nail, Ba
Bala, Bia, I bosas, SLia,
Ballotoatalas, Oai.
ky All Sfaraisto.
av vn'j rvH- i iwaasoAMr
-.jS,,rl ' "" lanaalli.
- s -i
There Is no ailment peculiar to men that I cannot' cure.
For sixteen years I have devoted my entire time and energy
to the treatment of men's diseases.- . ;
My methods have been rfected by ! actual experience,
with a thorough theoretical knowledge as a basis. ; I am the
only physician thoroughly and permanently curing those func
tional derangements commonly classed, as '"Weakness," and
my success in overcoming such cases has placed me foremost
among specialists treating men's diseases, and has brought me
.the largest practice of its kind in the West.
Kvery sfnicted man Is invltd to writs m a description of his ess. Such is my
knowledg of men's diseases nd so perf ot ar my methods In treating them,
that I am able to affect our In all ordinary cases without seeing the patient la
person. All correspondence strictly confidential. Thoae visiting; Portland may
' feel f ra to call at toy offlc for personal consultation, - . . ' 1
You Pay When Cured !2&tr
So-called "Wsknes" In men Is
curable fully curable. It has not
been curetr dj tnosa itieasuies uiiiii
monlv emoloved. for they ar meth
ods based urton sunnosltion and not
upon fact. Prmaturns and loa
of power In man Is du to a chronic
tat of Inflammation In the prostata
gland, and not to a disordered ner
vous condition, as bas ben supposed.
I treat th Inflammation by a local
process that does not fall to accom
plish its purpo, and with thla ecn
dltlon corrected full and eompltM
strength and vigor returns.
' STRICTURE Mr treatment Is ab
solutely painless, and perfect results
ran b depended upon In every In
stance 1 do no cutting or dilating
p,t rv4 T'.r.'-x rl - Cor. Second & Morrison Stir Private Entrance
The Ul I aylOr.CO. 234 Morrison Street PORTLAVD, OKEGO.N
' Hotiri 0 t. m. to 9 a tn. Sundsvs. II i. m. to 1 D. m.
. Patients living out of tha city
, charge. Check your trunk dlrct
A Life Long Cure:
No Guess Work
WB have been located in Portland
for over 2!i TKARS and eur RrPUTA
treating all CSsea PERSON A t.t, Y and
giving THEM the best Scientific- treat
ment that the WORLD csn prnduc.
ION. I i
Ws Baaka ao aistoadlng' statocacata
r falsa promt. W hay M fre
trial tratmats. Our doctors ar
rradaatas of th la&diag oollaga rtf
Amarlo aa ar atuy ioa la tha
stat of Oregoa t cur Uaaws at xasa.
- -
eryicx serous t a, m. to i m r. u.t twoAT xo is. .
R. Dickinson. 'Joseph Wharton. J., c.
Baxon, F. B. McCord, . E. Ihxvenport,
N. D. McCall and Watson Davis. It is
argued that Douglas county (with aa
area of 4,800 ' square mllesK Is one of
th most favored section on th Psrlfic
coast in point of fruitgrowing. - While
every other part of tho country' haa
been suffering with bllxaards and
floods Douglas county has so far es
caped with but one small freshet.
' Telephone on CJrldiroo. ,
(Jesraal Soertal gn In
Merldlu Mlas., Feb. 1. The slat
railroad commission cam to Meridian
today to Investigate th charge against
the- Cumberland Telephone company.
Much f.iult has-been found with th
company's service of late, on af the
prlsclpsl complaints being from th
physicians, who object to paying busi
ness house rates for their telephones.
". " Portland's '
Widely Known
and Successful
Root and
Herb Doctor
His laawea raaieSlae. ' tke latteoiaat
hlrfe tmserl irat rroai th Ortaa s
lars SBastltlee aa sraMre as set tat
ss n his sp-ta-Sata labatory. are SMtr
Botoooe at araga at aar kta asaa.
Doctor tria sseeawsrbr ssS gurasteaB
to ran an sloaaeh rrirahtea. esaarra. tinsa,
tes. tfemat. rhae ma ttasi. Bil lusssiss. , Upas,
kteaer as4 hat aoahoad. '
thjiAU TkooLro a wo iU varfATs
P Htm r sitaleaatag stotaaaaats to the
fSlrtod. A Sato a a laatlss sera I the eat.
H Boaanjl ttaae a a at the laa east sea.
tibia far hneaf tualauat. ..
It y-w raaaut eatl. write ear eyiseteai Mae
sag ttrealar. teVa 4 eaH to atasa,
-- - OwsvtT4Tio raza. -
th 0. Oaa We Ckiaaa Madioiaa Oax ltl
tits it.. Oar. Marram. Irtiaa4, 0.
fleas aiiaila tkls aeea.
Best Service! Lowest Charoes! Cores Gnaranteed!
mil, a.. .iril,l.,t .Uk-VEBVOLU PEBIMTT t rstllag strength 'eon-
1 monly called l.oT MAMIOOD." Eihaoatlng lralna, l lmpiea, In.e Ba-.
Inflaairoatloa of th Bladder and Kldoeya, Ithrlily Cobad t-'rlno. liapo
eney. Deapoadaacy- railing Memory. Ia f AmMttna. Mental Worry, re
salts of earras al overwork; I-1 lea. rtatala aad Hjdroeal or other weak-
' seas, which abaolataly asflt them tor Study. Buauiaas. Plesanr a Marriage.
Jto ara, a pay. - lea4 FoJaa,"enntraeted er" keradltary; " Skta
Slaaaaas. Kbssatiani, Bora. Swalluura, Durbars, osarraosa. Slaat,
ktrictuea. Xalanrad Froatata a4 Hyarodal. Hosett Bwllags, Sureasaful
and Cousclentkwa. Marvlc. Reasonable Charge.
Call ot writ SS, T.J. KZaCa, 111 rirtt St., rartlani. Or.
Contracted Disorders
Every cas of contracted dlaease f
treat is thoroughly cured: my. ta-
44ts havno relapses, Whsn I
Dronounce a cas cured there is not
a particle of Infection or inflamma
tion remaining,, and ther I not th
lightest danger that the dlseaa will
return In Its original form or work
It way Into th general system. No
contracted disorder Is so trivial aa to
warrant uncertain methods of treat
ment, and 1 especially solicit thos
cases that other doctors hav bn
una bl to eurw -
f hav tbs larrt ptmettaa teeaua
I invariably faiflll any promises.
BC y Oolora Chart showing- ' th
Baal anatomy aad affordiaf aa la
trtlBg study la xaaa'a diseases
tt at oAao.
and coming to Portland for treatment will
to lti Morrion street.
In Any Uncomplicated Case
Consultation Free No Pay Unless Cured
-i VARICOCELE ' , , .
We can truthfully say that no phy
sicians on th Pacific coast has the
pronounced success attending his tr-al-
n no instance has h vr mad a fall
are. Th cures resulting from hi
treatment are SURE AND PERMA
NENT. ' Th-Ttecesalty of -superior,
aaf and sur treatment Is very evident
to vry man who haa Varicocele. If
you have Varicocele, we cordlallv ssk
you to csll and talk with us regarding
our treatment and cure. You will he
very welcome, and there will b no
Charg tor ad vie and consultation. The
psttir of and the results ef seelected
Varicocele will bvfully explained.
IVc Cure T.Zain
No Charge for Medicines
The lowest Fee In the City
I mm
-.Primary, Secondary jjr Tertiary
. - . ; Blood Poison : V
Parmaaently enrea. W anlh-tt tlw most obanV
sat raaea. If jen bare enhaaated lit aid
swihoila of treatment a a atlll hara aeoea aM
patna. Bioenus aa'--ba la mouth, anra tbroaf,
plmplea, eopiier-cobirel apiita, uk-wa. no any
pari of tbe brttr, hair er errhrawa falllug nt,
come to ua, we win cur yoa.
WE CtTltK ttay rarad- hy sew stefhit
nsh-a an4 pnaltta. UJaet, Strtcinra. Varlnieale,
llydroi-ele. li.mnrrboaa, Isist Vttalltr. KMser
ai4 Klailiier Ptaraaea, Pnalaiic Tmnhla sad
all eb ron to an4 servos Dlaeaara of laa.
Special Dtaaaaes Newly - inatrartad iwt
rtinsilc raaea csrae. All bnraln. iK-talo and
tnflammstltm auifiped r hL 4 htmra. t are f-
leria saves aays, , . . - .
Examination Free
If btmIiI to eatl. write for satlos blask.
Portland Medical Dispensary
. Corner Mfili and AMer sta.,
Office Hoars: s. si. to S f. m. Simdtyt,
10 s. at. to I p. at. I. O. Box 2M4.
, Dr. aanderaoe's Cosipoand satin
aa4 Uottoa Hoot Pllla. Tbe het
i . I.w HBli fnr T) V -
LAYEI rKHitiiNa.. lira tne moat
ohstmata psaa la S to 10 oara.
Prlc 13 per bnt. mailed la rials wrapiivr.
Addraas X. J. PIERCE. D. 1M rirst street.
lAwt laieut ftfSfnB.
1 i J
Tha Leading apctalls.
Without using knife, Ilgatur or
caustic, without pain and without de
tention from buslns. I enr Varl
coce7eIh on" week. If JroUbsv
sought a curs lewhers and been "
disappointed, or if you "fear th
harsh methods that moat physicians
mploy in treating this- disease,
com to m snd I will cure you
soundly and permanently by a gen
tle and painless method. Don't de
lay. Varicocele haa Ita dangers and
brings its disastrous results. It you
will call I will be pleased to explain
my method of curing.
dangarous mineral to drl v th
virus tn. th Interior, but harmless
blood -cleansing remedies thai re
move tha last poisonous taint.
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