The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 07, 1907, Page 18, Image 18

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' Two Statesmen to Cross Swords
in Writing, Opposing Views
on National Topics.
1 Follrtte rpholds Nebrahkan's Et-
forts to Iloach the Em of the
':: People Leaders Afraid, However,
iS.' I IHsastroua llnults. v -
'.:"-' By John fc.' Lathrop. ' :' '
r, CwWlnk-ton Boreas Of TU Joarnal.i
Washington, . Feb. ?. Democratic
Yialltictan in disturbed- that W. J
Mrvan has decided to writ In a aeries
of magaxjne articles his view onpend-'
Ing questions or national governmenv
They are Ailing many column of
tra newspapers wuu stones inim
prominent Democratic' leader," r'tnany
.mrirea3ers or toe Iemorrai"j'
Democratic senator and reprearnu
t Ives." In which there ta manlfeat a
, disposition to -view- with alarm- the
Jilana of th Uebraskan. "
Th aplrlt of these crMclame ta lndir
' rated in an artlcla ta tha Evening
Btar of this city, which assert that
these Democrat fear' that Mr. Bryan
'will "play Into tha hands of the Re
publicans.? ; :.
Senator Beverldg la to writ for tha
Republican aide la tha aama msgasine,
and the two are to engage In a running
debate through, that medium.-- v-i
" " It 1 regarded ... by . some ' here aa
strange, indeed, that' bis party aaso
' ciutcs have even yet failed to under
euind that Mr. Bryan le not aeeklng,
primarily, partisan advantage;- that he
la anxious to aolva preaaing problems
honestly and for the -good of the re
public, and that his concept go to con
siderations highor than the ascendency
of any organisation or party. -.
Mr. Bryan holds ' In thla respect
exactly th etfne views as those enunci
ated by Senator La Follett In an inter
view in which he said to The Journal
- orrnndent W'.LZ. '' -.
. "Discussion of mooted questions
' that is what the people want, not party
stratagem and spoils. - They demand
' that their public men give a reaaon fur
. the faith that la in them, and cease to
piny the- small game of merely striving
to win against their - political oppo
' nents. Lt the people have this frank.
- open discussion, and let them have It in
; no smalt measure. . Anyone who essays
to speak for tha people in political mat
: tvra should not fear to give his views
to the people."
. Senator La Follette was not at "the
time referring to the Bryan propa
ganda, but was talking of political pub
liclty in -general. ;
Senator La. Follette wrought out his
t policy 'thus expressed end toured the
country last summer. Then he returned
. to Washington and forced through his
. Mil . limiting railroad employes' hours
"Jif -employment-' lie - believe that to
take the people "into his confidence con
" clltutes astute politics, and It Is to be
' Inferred that, were he to go on record
. as to the Bryan magatlne, he . would
' Indorse the Idee of the JMebrssksn and
laud hi Intention to tell the people
what he believes is good for the curing
! of existing ills. -
, This' strange misunderstanding of
v the mental attitude of the Nebraska
. leader Illustrates the too common basis
of political action in the national cap!
- lal, wherey probablyr the wishes of the
, people are learned last, after elsewhere
they have long been known.
Apparently, the old-time campaign
theories are doomed to relegation to
the forgotten past. Time .was when
political ledws-. counseled secretly- and
f caucused : under cover, withholding
. just so long a possible an outline of
i plans for-the coming battle. Delegates
' were elected and boarded their tralna
i for the national convention . without
knowing what would be the platform
; expressions of' their party," "and these
matters were threshed out In sub-committees
of the resolutions committee
solely with regard to what would be
the next nominee of the Democracy,
if ii h, tfiA nomination were he
to retire to" his Nebraska - farm and j
utter not a word from now until ine
national convention met and wrote his
nam at the head of the ticket.
-But." snys Mr. Bryan, "let ua talk
over sums matters with the people. Let
us tell them what we believe. Let us
engage In earnest, although friendly,
debate - with the opposition, and then
let the people-digest these view and
decide- intelligently i lo advance just
what they want."' y ' '
And this is the attitude which la dis
turbing the Democratic politicians, by
which it Is thought he "may play into
the hands of the Kepublleana." '
The New York World, in discussing
the matter." said that Mr. Bryan had
already tried' thla plan; that he re
turned from abroad recently and pro
mulsated .his doctrine In favor of gov
ernment ownership of railroads and re-)
reived-n rebuke at the hamls of the
people such as to compel him to recede
iriun. at B i uuiiu. r ....
The facts are 'that Mr. Bryan has
never yet declared .for , government
ownership of railroads, When be
landed In New Tork last . August ha
said: "We may ha to come to gov
ernment ownership. - At present i be-
Miss Florence Flower Weds Pierre
Lorillard Barbey in St.
r ! Thomas Church.
Bride Mottt Accomplished, 8M-aVln(
z French,' ; 'tiermtin, 8iuixh and
( Russian Almost Faultlessly : Jlo
. sUlca Hclng a Skilled Musiciaii.
and I He ' In.' government oontrol of.-the-l now- of -NewrVork. and- the bridegroom
i t (Journal 8prlal Berrire.)
.New Tork, Feb. T- About liSo people
gathered ; In St. Thomas' " church this
afternoon to witness ono of the most
fashionable and at the same time one
of the most unostentatious church wed
dings of tha season.' t
The bride was Mis Florence Flower,
the eldest -daughter-of Mrs; James de
iava! Flower, formerly of Now Orleans,'
strictest sort."- Ami he has reiterated
this view every timo he has spoken on
the question. ,
The disclosures of inadequacy of
present transportation facilities result
ing In intense suffering fxbm fuel
shortage and stagnation of Industries,
the appalling louses of life unparal
leled In any other country- in wrecks,
snd the unearthing of grafting by rail
road ofAcUla, . the watering of stocks
with their consequent imposition of
heavy burdens on the consumers, the
juggling of stocks and ponds on "Will
street, the political corruption by which
railroad -corporations - have debauched
the electorate and their legislative rep
resentatives, these pre facts which have
caused everyone '-almost to .consider
whether or not private ownership shall
not sometime be, forced on the nation,
which would have to adopt 1t ln self
defense. -',-"..,..,, V ' . v.
! Howevert careful scrutiny of ' Mr.
Bryan's expressions falls to discover
one line In. which he haa . declared for
government, ownership., Inasmuch as
he has been " misquoted on this ' domt-'
na nt issue he J..W tlLd ! eust.b t jiuhlectX
frankly with the people. " There are
some who think thnt the only element
of weakness in.hla program is that ha
engages In ' the ' magaxlne dlscuaslon
with Senator BeVerlage, who Is- not uni
versally looked upon a a heavy gun
from the Republican, batteries. ,
was Pierre Lorillard Barbey, a well
known clubman, .
Owing to the recent death- of the
bridegroom's father no attempt was
made at an elaborate wedding. The
Jguents were confined, to the relatives
of the two families and a few Intimate
friends from New Orleans. Boston and
this city. Miss Katelle Flower was her
sister's only attendant. Henry O. Bar
bey, brother i of "the bridegroom, acted
as best man. An Informal reception
followed at the Flower home io East
Sixty-first street.
The bt-ido, who Is of the blonde type
of beauty, was Introduced to society
with iscveral of the 'popular young wo
men nf today. Including Miss- Janet Fls!t
and Miss Sybil Kane. 8h received her
education through private tutors. ,Her
knowledge of French, Gorman. Spnnloh
and Russian Is almost faultless.' She Is
also accomplished iu music and rldos
exceptionally well. . , ;
Last summer ' she spent several
months in Europe with her mother and
sister. Her mother Is a descendant of
the Old Llvermore family of New York
and. Connecticut. ., Robert Stuart How
ard, her grandfather, is a direct descendant-
of the Dukes of Norfolk, and
her paternal grandfather, the late Rich
ard Flower, is related Ho the oldest and
most prominent families In Louisiana.
' Mr. Barbey received his early educa
tion In Kngland, nifd was graduated
from Harvard In 1904." He has never
engaged actively In business, hut is in
terested In mines In Colorado and else
where. His mother was Miss Lorillard.
Ballard's Snow Liniment I praised) for
the good it does. A sure cure for Rheu
matism and all palna. Wright W. Lov
ing, tirand junction, Colo., writes; "I
used Ballard's Know Liniment laat -winter
for Rheumatism and can recom
mend It a the best Liniment-on-ths
market. I thought, at the time I was
t !ien down with this trouble, that it
would be a week before I could get
about, but on applying your Llntment
several times during the night f wss
about In hours sad well In .three:
diiye. Bold by all druggists. '
sister of the lats T'ierre Lorillard anil
of the late Mrs. i-awrcne Kip and .of
Mrs. Jsmes P. Kernochan. " His sinter
axe-the Couateaa de i'ourtales end the
Countess de Neufllse and Miss Rua
Barbey. . ...
' --!. .1" '
(ftnerlal niwitra to the ornit.T
Ileppner, Or., Feb. 7.r-Th Woodmen
of tho World and Women of Voodertt
of the Ileppner camp at a joint installa
tion placed the 'following persona In
office: f ,
W. O. WV William Walbrldge, P. CV,
I. W. Brlggs, C C.f , Frank . Gilliam,
banker; J. L, lenger, clerk; Frank Qolf,
escort; If. E. Clark, watchman; W.: W.
Bmead. sentinel.
W. of W. Mrs. Loretta Yeager, p.
O. N.; Mrs. P. J. Gordon, O. N. Mrs.
iJtura Kolthloyadvlsor; Mrs. H. P.
Brlggs, magician; Mrs. Mary A. Neville,
clerk; Mrs. Inei A. Freeland. banker,
8. J. Devtn, attendant; Mrs; K. J. Mc
Ferrln, C. of Q.; a A.V Smith, 8. 8.!
Mat tie flonimerfleld, O..H.; Myrtle Maf
teaon, musician," Kmma Hulo, manager.
' Mill Work rtusprndrd. -;
'- (SpMlsl' rjlnpateb to 13 Jnunil.) ,
Elgin. Or.. Feb. 7. Work In the Pal
mer Ltimhor company'" camps In the
Looking ulass country has been sus
pended for the present on account of
tho slow progress of, .the O. R: & N.
track extension. The lumber company
has J. 000.000 feet of timber cut and
this anisunt -is -sufficient Sat Jtlie beginning-
as soon as the big - mill Is
ready to run. 'Work otr the track ex
tension bciow KlRln has been practi
cally at a' standstill for several weeks,
principally en account of the weather
conditions. ,
10 " 1 11 1 1 "" '
The simplest, easiest and
most effective remedy
for this most common
complaint is an AllcocKs
Plaster. Millions have, been ;
cured of back trouble during
the past half century by this
wonderful, healing:,' strength,
ening, and - pain - relieving;
- plaster..,? -
Th original nd genuine) poreue lattr . : :
REMEMBER -Alkockyt Piasters have been in use for 6o years
and hav no equal aa an external remedy. Made of absolutely the
purest and West materials, and Guaraatoed nndar til Pur Food .
and Drag Act, Jus 30, 190ft. , Sariai No. 3S5. .
For C-utiftitn, Wisiswil, TrsaVV D&iUt kdirtrtien. He.,
B pa nil reth 's-Pil Is
Each pill contains eae grain of solid extract el earsaea-' , V
rilla.whlck,wUhethrvalablevegetahlesodBCts,auki . ()
lla blood punner of esceiiemcnaiaaw. -
I Will Make Millions Invest With Me If You Want to Share
With Me You Must Come Quick Your Money Will
-t-t -r-v Grow Into Thousands -.
;'- Blslng Trom th ' Orave. "
A prominent manufacturer, Wm. A.
unweii, or l.ucamn, N. i relates - a i
most remnrknhle experience.' He says:
"After taking less than three bottles of
Electric Hitters, I feel like one rising
from the grave, My trouble Is Bright s
disease, in the fHubetes stage. I fully
believe Klectrlo Bitters will cure me
permanently, for it has Already stopped
the liver- and bladder complications
which have troubled me for years."
Guaranteed at Red Cross Pharmacy.
Price only Stic. ......
pupular and win vol is.
. The Bryan leadership appears to be
unquestioned at this time, and there are
few who do not, believe that he will be
Exercises off High School Last
Evening for Fifty-Four Who
' Are Through School.
From school room to the stern duties
of life was the step taken by the it
pwmbvra-of - the senior class ofL. the
Portland High school laat night when
. :,. thoy were presented with their diplomas
. on the stage of th assembly hall. J.
i V. Beach, chairman of the school board,
' - made the presentation speech In which
lie wished them success and prosperity
through life. -
- ' The occasion was an auspicious, one
, lor theexerrlsea. The grsduate pre
' Rented a prefty sigh I as they sarTipOft
the stage; the young men were a manly
s lot of fellow, while th young women,
possessed of all the wisdom they had
f gained in their high sehonj days, looked
" well In; thejr, pretty gowns;. Flowers
' were scattered profusely and served to
: decorate the stage and hall.
Kabbi Jonah B. Wise made the ad
dress of the evening' and his remarks
were appropriate and closely followed
ly those, present. He dwelt upon the
necessity of doing things, but advised
the graduates ta prepare themselves
, well before undertaking any enterprise.
The musical part of the program was
well taken car of by Miss Edwins
. Mastlck. Miss Aids Broughton, Miss
t'ornella Bsrker--and Miss Leonora
Fisher. Tholr selections were well re-
celved by the audience and encores
. were given. j
, i i i i i ... i ii m 1 1 -i . i '
,' X'athlaitM't Voteg for City. "
(RperUl Wrtrtl to The' JomL)
Clathlamet. Wash., Feb. 7. Tbe elec
, ilou held to decide whether or notCath-
Ixmet should . Incorporate resulted --in
" almost a unanimous majority for In
. rporatlon. Th following offleere were
elcrted; For mavor. A. F. Cooper: for
ounllmen, M. Gorman, J. R.' Barks,
' A. l- Blrmle, J. T. Nassa and Fred
Hrown;, for treasurer, C. 1L Wsrren.
Hret of WildaH. . v
SlcU Dbratrk te The JmirH
Iwtoa, (jr., Feb. 1. L. T. iienness,
living two miles south of dates, last
wvK killed Ave cotigar and the fort
nigh; jm vious killed eight wtldrgtg. --
Wev IlllnC'S flelit
Wot J luoncybaik.
as coined the new
Foloy'o Hdnoy
and Tap
There Is no case on record of a
cold resulting? io Pneumonia, or
ot her serious lung trouble, afti
Foley's Honey and Tar bad
been taken. j .
It will cure the most obstinate
racking ; cough, and heals and
strengthens the lungs.
Foley's Honey and Tar has
cured many 'cases of incipient
Consumption and even in the last
stages will -always give comfort
and relief.
Foley's ITaney and Tar gives
quick relief to Asthma . sufferers,
as it relieves the difficult breath
ing at once. ' "
Remember the name Folev'a
Honey and Tarr- and, refuse
substitutes " that cost you the
same as the genuine. Do not take
chances y with Some unknown
Contains no opiates.
Cund f Tirrlbla Coujh on Lunrt.
irrJackion ff tJaaville, IHlr write:
"My daughter had a sevar attack of
La Grippe and a terrible cough on her
lunge. W tried a great many remedies
without relief. She tried Foley's Honey
and Tar, which cured her. She haa never
been troubled with a cough gince.'
Consumption Curol '
Foley ft Co., Chicago. . Dana, Ind.
Gentlemen: Foley's Honey and Tar
cured me of Consumption after X had
suffered two year and wag almoat des
perate. Three physicians laUed to rive
ma any relief and the laat one said he
could do mo no good. I tried altnogf
every medicine I heard tell of without
benefit, until Foley's Honey and Tar
wag recommended to me. lt euect-
rigbt from the start was magical. I
Improved steadily from the first doae
ana am now sound and well, and think
Foley's Honey and Tar ia a God-send
to people with Throat and Lung Trou
mo. our very truiyr
I ran a machine ehop and bras foundry In Minneapolis, 1 1 did the repair work for the Electrical
Street Railway of Bt, Paul and. that city. . I was sp successful aa a meclianln and- electrician In thl
'repairing that I waa requested to change every dynamo put la by th General Klectrle Co. I aw. aU
, Via trouble of the atreet railway manager. I found th preaent aystm of running atreetoara was
entirely wrong. ..;.-" , u. , ri t ... .r. ... :.
- I found I could get more power, greater speed, more safsty and comfort by -running care with electro
magnet direct then by th roundabout,- mlxed-up system now used by electrlo railway.
I have always been a successful manufacturer and Inventor.' X have had charge of too expert mechan
ics at one time. AU of my Inventions have made great successes and enormous sums of money. The
- greet successful barb wire business today la built on my natenta. ' . .
Th beet money being made today In the manufacturing of barveettng machines is very largely based
,n my invention. - . . ..;
,. - th. first switch and turn-out that prevented the trolley wheel on trolley ear from eon.
atantly Jumping the wire at eroaslngs. ". - .
; For fourteen year L have studied how to make ears run faster, cheaper arid safer than ever before.
. I am done experimenting. . - .
Zayeatot ot the lef fleg Kleotre-Sfagaetie Sail way aad
igaal . aystem. lavsator of machine to aaak Barb
Wire. Inventor of many lmpreveiaeata to Xarrsstiag
acaebiaaa. 0aeral Maaager aag Ooaanitlag Xagtaeer
. of Leffler Xleotrle Bystea. -
T pn that yes wlU st s square 6m1
I kT h4 ts followlns enntnet prlatcd B
the etck ( tTery mtlocau:
All or say bares of tha capital
rtock f the Xfnev Zleetrle Bystem
wlU be (adeemed by It at par ot
face rata np to, aad laelBdlag, the
iOtk day . of Kay, A. 8. leas, apea
written aotiee properly gtvem to said
company at Its ezeontlv ffloe la
Obioafo, niiaols, ia a maanar aad
form aa provided by lta by-lawa, and
adopted by a majority of the took
hokler of Shis Company, eo that aU
took ao offered for redemptloa,
wltala aay givsa period, aaay share
eqaaUy aad proportloaatsly. Sew
over, the atook of taia Company ia
only redeemable from funds re
ceived. Ar to be reeeived, aa royal
ties from railroad companies using
he patent of thla company aadv
license, aad aft proper notiee, aa
aforesaid, ' which may be reeeived
from stockholders direct, or from
sack of said railroad companies aa
bare reoelved said stock ta payment
for sreasportawoa, or otherwise,
rmovxsxD, owiTia, no stock
sa ail be redeemed antU after stay
iota, loe, except at the optloa of
thla company.
I Have at Last the Greatest Invention of This Century
' ' ' It will remodel the whole railroad buslneea. There 1 not a railroad In thl country but that will
oo- t later be compelled to adopt my system, bwauss it la cheaper, faster, safer and more money-
magtng man any otner aystens. . v , .,
: I absolutely control the next great step forward in the railroad world In my patents. , Why T Because
" steam ha run Its limit! Steam oanri&t run' a train 100 miles an hour and keep it up. The trolley ahd
present third-rail system cannot be depended upon for long distances. Their motors are likely to
' bum out any minute. With my system I can run a train any distance In a,ny kind of weather, without
a hitch or breakdown," 10 to t6o miles aa hour with perfect safety. By my eystera. If a wheel broke
- or a rail broke tna car-, would stay exactly in ' position on the track. - They could not do otherwise.
They" could not Jump the track at any speed. It would be Impossible to run my ear off the end of a
track Into a river' where a bridge la open. My car would atop Itself even If the leverman were asleep. .
I know thl whole system to be a success, because I have tried It for two years. Paring that Ume
. millionaire have tried to get control of my system., but I would not let them, I preferred to
jwawswt oof- . swtaTet abtbsfJ vials' as t W Ir h nl A ' Inwacrrnasit at , . '
. Charle X Tarkea offered me $100,000 If I would throw my invention on the acrap-plte aad forget
it. He did not want to be compelled to change hi old cable eystera. .
Tom Johnson of Cleveland offered to furnish $100,000 for my patent right for over eighty mllee
.. an hour; (..;,. ' - . .-. ,if .
Wall street capitalist have made five different attempts to gain oontrol over the Leffler Electric
Byatera. and-Wall street generally knows a good thing whsn they aee It I eould not afford to let
these big moneyed Interests get control. I preferred to go to the small Investors, to the people who
want to make small, but safe and aura Investments. ' I have therefore bound myself to thl company
and to vry stockholder, that I will personally see to It that every man and woman who mskea an
inrumRii an viiib vwoiiwir win vi m njuani ,th- inn w square aeai from start in dwlUr .
It will ft roe t wi
Old sot think et tbls
hie railway imm km. Three ef tbe
BHwt tipert eadnecis In tbls country hart
cMiuiir niniAM sr srnesi aac rmoea ee
eww.n oe
wrw jobs Kriceoa, city ensisear or Chloiro;
Karl L. Lehmane. ceoaaltlas snslaeer of kl-
rsm, sad . W. t'lsneiea, former city ea-
(inrrr 01 sinDHWUi. Mianeaota.
Tsey declare tbe trstea enrweasfal, simple
na pmrtiwi ana point oat many etaer r-a
tarw . wbrrrla tbe Leffler syttsm Is sa Im
smiim ImproronMat ovm aay ottaor arstem
sow knows to be In existence. Otber bapr1s
dleed and ectoatille tiprrt. b.T proaouncwl
tbe - Ttesi woadorfnlly elmple and (Imply
woaorrrui. in rosons wiu ee stsi le aay
a upon rqo.
I atwolntrlr prrresf eelllslosa. Kr.r
lir vlgoroealy
rm - oobttsaot ''ataaira
That this enmpasy will par yea fall faes vain
for every .bar or tork yon tmf est off tbe
rornlttae paid by railroad companies salug my
loo em use roar stork a cub la sarmeat
for Care ev frelgbt ea aay rood Ming my 7
tesi. '
Yoc eoe, every road tbat am sr
will baee to pay ear eompsny e royalty .rr
yw Innlr for tho rlrbt to one It. Tbeoe
railroad eompanloa wonld Jtut aa anna par ns
with tlmo cartiaotaa aa to pay cub. aad tbe
eertlAcatre wonld bo tbo aama eaab to ea.
This contract ma ana tbat If yoa bonrht ion
sharoa it tbo pr.acnt pfira yoa wonld be ahl
to gat at amot f 1.000 Ins any railroad aatag
my ayatrm. Or yoa tea Id tor a th eerttsmtra
of stock Is to as aad gat 11.000 la eaak wbea
tber Is roralty sxaior ta oof treaoary I
Coa t tklik roa will ovor want ts all, baeanoa
of tb twrmooo dlrldeoda we will pay. Bat
If roa ahonld be aompollad to ell roar ear
rlnVate woo Id be worth lta fnll far valoe.
Tblt makaa It abaolut.lj Impoaalble for a a
tockboldrr ke be frosra out ef (be company.
on rata aQTama
Three sizes 25c, 50c, J?1.00. ;
The 50 cent size contains two
and one-half times as much as tha
small size and the 11.00 bottle al
most six times as much.
' Erf abar ef atofk In- our company Is oe
the iquar. Knt s dollar's worth of the atnrk
will bo sold wblcb doni sot rata-aa ant axartlf
Ua aama footlnf or aundlog that evarj ether
aharaar dollar Kpraaaata. . - -
Th. atoak Is Ft 1X1" PAID aad KOIt AS
Ut8ABU!. V .. .
what sxrwa sronrM aaTi
I ta sot tba only en who- thlaka tbl, Is
. Ike moat par fart,, olmple, rbaap sad eamfort-,
a car srorca It and slgnala asaad aad bablad
It I not affoctad by atorma or aar waatbor
condition. Mr alt-nal ifatam dor set roquh-a
ttbor basd ar mind ef mas ta eporai It. Na
wires or polae are eipoard wbara storms can
blow tham dowa or latarfare wltb tbam. If
isnwsn some aecuant eoa aifaal is brokac,
or otborwtas pnt oat of eemmiaalen. anothar
alfaai Immmllataly taka Its plaee. Brory
" .i,Mimrr ana oparaaor OB ua rose Can
go te alf.p, and my atgaala will work perfertly
aod aafl. Bros tba tralamea bare aotblng
to do wltb tbam. There la no foraeftlnc.
Barry , alfaai works astomatlcally. Wbsa
tratas eoma tosatha too cloaolr. band aa na
rrom tae raar, aa iaetrte bu rln
la tba lavarmaa'e cab.
- - j
cams mroxm jjsaoz.TTa Warfavoi.
' It Is all eootroUed by cm lerer. -The htvar
maa starts, stops snd rsrorais wltb tba same
Mrar. soow. loe, aMet,- rale, treaae, dirt and
aacb enbataaeae 4 not affect tbe power or
control of tba ear er trala. , . .
rata smnn wtxa aa xaocaTBa
Baeanse before long we will be petting my
arsttm an all thai atandard, straet and latar
orbtn railways. Joat thlak what ts Immanaa
bualnaa that will be. Ona esmpaar aWma now
rmplora 12,000 man te make tba proscat rlea
trlc railway aqnlpmanta isd -Oara. Aaotkar
arm emplora aaarlr as maar aaaa. Tear are
also thonaanda of maa amplnyod making atand
ard .hvamotlTes aad eanlpmbnta. All of taeae
will ba bark aambars, aad will hare te go eat
of baatneee becaoae tbla Loftier alactrlc ara
tam will taka tbclr plaea aad will employ
tkoeaasd more.
. rjrrxtmaaTa vs OAMxrmrt ;
Com and are tbla moat amarkablc Inveatloa
ef the twentieth eaatnry.
Tbla Is eorh ee opportanlty se doe set coma
to any ana oaea Is s bamtrad rears, t gat Is
an tba gronad soar oe s pmposltlos bennd to
make million. It Is tha seat groat forward -alas
Is tba railroad world. It means tbe ani
mate changing of every preeeat afeem aad
elreet railroad aver ts the Leffler aratam, aot
anlr baeaaaa It ras res faatar, but It aavea
asoot bait Is operating expenses sad tboasaad'
at uvea. - . .
It mean faater asd cheaper travel and
treat er peogt ts tba raUroed BMnagrrs -and
I eaoaot deeerlbe tha avvtam folly here. I
kava dona tbla is booklet wblcb I will send
roe free for the eaklng. If yos can't take but
tee (barea, get th booklet aad learn fully all
tbe wanders of tbe almplaat, moat perfect are
te m aver dart aad.
Ins tbat eome one
Veloas Idea before.
send roa tba ranorta af eoma of tba a bleat
electrical easinoars le tbla eoaatry, wbe bar
carefully eiamined the a re tern. Tber fully
Indorse It.
We have rooalvad roe, oe eta freea as laae tana
seraa different reepenalhie parties within tba
past rwa waaba for eat i ma tea for watting ia
my ajiiam sa saw reaea about te as
strsetei. - .
tzws larriBToma makb
X.T AID QUlCatliT.
Dnn't-let thl oocortnnltv slln bv. Aa anon
has tsa worm icama what s slmnl. mnaey
aavlng. awl moneyarnliig eretem this -Is tbe
money-makins inatiiwts ot tha railway m
asera will furre them to adnnt IL Tola will
meas mllltnim for the stockholders. Tha airoflta
ana airmenae cae I Bcip Dal be eomatblnir
tirect fortunes are made nowaday br r,
nla who make Indlrlou iBveatmciit et tkelr
aavlnxa and aerntnse. ......
Bavins money doean't make von rich. It
Is making the Money work for yoa' while
yon are working that hrlnga wealth.
Invent yoar aavluga Is semerhlfig ser to
bring the greatest ratsrne, Hankera get rlrb
hy dolns thet with th mnney. yoe dcpoelt
wltk them, and they pay ynu only or per
cent for the uae of yonr money. Why not
ilo as the banker dues a4 i t ell tha proDU
yonraelfT - '
iter anra an opnortnnrty a mar never
coma yonr way again. Sucb great things aa
i n Ta on not coma mora man mire in wn-
nirr. It la tin te I" ta act carefully, wlaelr
and Intelligently, Jnvaattaat every rlalm I
make. u into It tboranshly. Kind out for
roil reel f that t have the greateat railway
ayetem ever devleril.i snd d'i't lavmt ane
rent tinleaa' yon ' are perfectly satlaned. - I
Jiav Juat what I claim to have. Aak all th
caeatloec yea west te aad I win ai
gueatWa boneatly aad eoaarelr. .
I boaaatly believe thl atork will advaaee
IOC par eenl or more-wluiln year. If Toa
want to .here ta tbaee eaormon proots It wiu
i!,.aTrrrrt'or T now. Tbb tork
will sever be km. ad aa k. .a. :
stjeaat IS par coat wttbla the Beit few
It ta a the rraoad Soor now. bat
' - ao aa-aia. B WBM) m Mom.
ssember thla la ae aatrlrd experlseant.
e aad system to shew yoa. I want
' :7. . mveaiigaia it taoreagbly. , I
will be glad te shew everything about It
J ye at any time. Everything Is aad will
o iBoroogBiy eoverac ky patent, aad tba
ym.m aa saner is sssMBt ceatrol af tbe
woipanr, .
I honestly believe tbat e vary Utile aanney
laveatad la tbla atork Bow. at tba preeeat
bottom arice. will Is s vary abort time yield
anch as laeome' a wlU make yoc IsdepaoceBt
for Ufa. It le tba abaaoa a a aanturv if
c-oei wav ii raw win ragret K an year ure.
Aaovr raa 'feroosr. ,
This company Is sot loaded down with
lot af watered stock. X el tier Is it oro-
moter's enmoanr. It la s atralrbt. ami.ra
oeai. eiractiy setwaaa yoa sna tna company
Tsar is abaolsteiy no rreeee-oot ecbem
mtxad p la tangle af preferred and asm.
mos stock, aor la there aay other etyle af
soma poms, a very aaare er stork etases ax
aa qtjzox airs out a rnvmrn zxrws
Ter every la aware, ft cash,
' Tor every loo shaxea, 480 oaah. : - '
. Amy ether nnmber .of gbaroa, . up ,W ..
B, 000 sharec, at tbo same twaa.
oxm maanr atoaTau.T ivnaan
: Tow every la nbarca, SIB eaab ajst a
moathly pavymemtc each. Total, Me
rer cverr laa etmrea, flOO cash and
S mathly pajrmBt Sao ah. TewU,
ap tor
Aay other ,mbe of
5,B0O, at the same rate. ,
Par.vahie ef eU charea, $10 per share.
Kot mere thta B.00O ebaras te say eae Sara
All remltUacea maat be mad ta either poat-
afflee moaey erder, ragia tared latter, express
saacey erder er draft. . -. -
If yea let this opportnalty gat by wttbeot
taklsg ail tba stack yea ess possibly say yee
sill eoea be la tha noattloa ef tbe smb wfee
refnaed te boy Bell Telephone atnrk whea It
ceald be had for small . swaay end biter sew
H sail for thirty times wkat ' be could kava
bought It tar. -. - ,
1 am at tba efflse every day from a. Sa. te
Iks Rest Satarday sight sstll e'cleck.
If yea css't eelL write far booklet and
actly d a level with every ether ebare.
tba gronad oor It will be .aeiaaaary for yoa
thla stork la halna
If yoa deelre te get le ea
Only a small portion
M4 Below par,
to set st eaea. Bemember, this Is se ostrled
eioerlment. We bare a ear all made aad
ee exhibition wblcb will show aay. eoe ex
actly what ear ayatem Is. Come and so far
yourself exactly wbat wa have got. Tea
will Ond It s marvel at simplicity and prac
ticability. Toe will not eoeatloa wbea yoa
It. tbat inia company win oeeome tna
owner of one ef tb greateat electrical nana.
facturlns plants la tba worm. Tna company
ba something ea mack better and ao much
farmer In advance or earning sue aver
beard ef tbat It la bound te make millions
Its stork hot ders. , ' . .
Call, write ar. telegraph at en,".
to Mafaitaaa Aaov
mm STsrax roa ravaaL
There. r b aver he ad artrec se third
rail, na alot la tba atreet, se asdargrwad
trolley, se abetrsctloaa Is tbe street.
Cas ba rua faater, aafar, aaalar SbO
cert eemiorubly tba ' any other ayateaf
ksoars. ... -i:
It bj cheaper to eperate. sees a half laae
fuel et power honee, la cleaner, rarer end
Quicker la oparatlon Uaa' say ether.
Caaaet be etafipad by elect or enow
storms, rals, las, graase, dirt er say ether
similar enerrertleae oa tbe track.
ptpee "f"aoodtairra'l1B taVatreata, "hlch'b)
aow each e heavy expaaae ta etttee aado
tbe trallay. ': v.-
It caaaet Interfere with any ether aloe-
in wirea, reqnirae lae rurraat tbaa other
systems, snd develop greater power.
It la all eeatmiled by eae lever, aad le
alwaye ander tbe most ebeolate eeatret,
anywhere, aad seder, all ke.
. It I Botaalcaa, nine there ar Ba fear
tag, motor oe other machinery te grlaat,
squeak er rattle.
There are ao barB-nats' ef shots,
btcaoe, there are sa saaaor te bore eaC
II la Impoaalhle for maa er beast te gat
a Bberfc from aa electric earreat.
ro BaicxeCBaa abottt
rn umaa iTtiTH tax.
: Sato rn eivAoa or vmsa-
It eoea away astlrely with locomotive,
heavy seotor cars, alactrlc engine and all
other similar heavy . sad ' eipeoeive ma
chines. . .
A a pood of SO to SnO miles aa' boar eas
ha rernlarly reached sad maintained for
ear dtetance. .
Bane wlatsr asd asmmer alike. - nt
affected by Ice, saew, greaee, dirt, slsat,
rals ar any ether weather condition.
Laae tbas on quarter af the roel ti
Seeded.' " - ' i - j ,
Trains eas be etarted and stopped enlrkas
tba by any other ereteej and wltbeat
dl. comfort to pasaengara. ' -
Power boueea ran b placed ' SOO mile
No brakee are reonlred. Th stopping Is
sons by ravaralng the current. I
There la sa flattening of tj w hoc Hi anpVf 1
rtnevie I -a
tone. 70 eat
ot the care.
grlnd ee tba rail to atart tralna.
be ee boles end depreeatons are made.
ii m eaaier ee tna manned and cars, ana
praciicaiiy bo rapeirs wm se
"j M '"T iiineii ! in i.iji Hiimni II Mil ill j n . Ii I my "" ' ' '
. '; j '
l' ' i .-IR.'
- . '-.-'' " ... ". . ..... ,,..'''. r - .-
- y- . -., 'kgj
- ''r lirtiistjumb mmmmmm ii) m BnfasaniiwwBBtii bbj sBwiiBaraTami BanMBasBaBwati bqi LiixtaamxiJUBai -mmm.i ' "
Friday nd Saturday
. Until ro'CIock
Tbla teffler Cleotri Train WIU Baa 80 Io 800 Sfilec an Xoar Wlthomt the PosglblUty of Stuapisa' the Track awift.
Jarrua iiiothjo tbtzk, inoj omioaoo. , '.': :'.' v"X :"'
Tbo undersigned ia ony risoal Agent for the Wait. Addr aU Inquiries aad orders to '
F.1H1. J0BflW,ST0Pl
r ri (QP eCn . A Tfti Thirnir
425 Fliedner Bldg., lOth and Washington Sts., Portland, Oregon