The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 07, 1907, Page 13, Image 13

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Extreme Value Yesterday Does
Not Hold and Everyone Is
Scared of the Price. .
California la Eren Offrrlng Egg to
This Market at Reduced Figures-
Oata and If ay Firmer, With Some
Rise in Values Smelt Advance.
Principal market fratnree today I
Kgge tumble with errlvale.
Thicken Burtet never- dull.--r
. ' Clour la firm at advance.
; Oste higher; ao la bay. T
, Onto growere aak mora nooey.
b' fancy potntoe mnaln unsold.
t Creamery (utter price alUI nixed.
ITimH WJth Hoary Arrival..
So great baa beea tba lacreaee la tba ar-
rivale of ergs during tba put M boor tbat
Ida erica allows the greatest braak fur Bun 7
' aajr. Eca are celling along tba etreet
today aa low aa aSr, with aa occasional 'lot
dlepoerd of around 27 He. la tba early
In dealer wara (eking ha blah as la
few caaca, bat ao far aa know no ealrs wara
- iao at tkla figure. According to epeclal In.
rnrmaTtoa received br Tba Journal, tba
elpta la tbla city during tba paat S4 boara
wara fully roar tlmee aa ptrt aa durina tba
... preceding period. Whlla bo dealer la abla to
ay jnat. what tha egg market will da within
rne eeii tew day or weeK, at price aa
' mix) rug altogether apoa waatber eoadlllona. It
la generally conceded aloaf tba etreet that
before tba cloee of tba week egge will touch
SO cent. Fram tbat time forth It la axpaoted
met tka course of tba market will b down-
ward. Prleea a year age wara Juet a boot half
of tboaa ruling today. The remarkable drop
In value during tha paat M houra la not eon-
.' fined entirely to tha Portland aiarkat, far
JtlUM elarwbere - above the nsaa tendency.
. California "egg bindler lla offering agga ty
inia DMrkat aa low aa nza a Soaea and when
daalrra thara offer ta tha out at da price siuat
ha airraawlr weak. Aa waa -told lr Tba
-Journal yeoterday. three wara faw aalaa tn
tha early morning along tha atraat aa high
aa tiiec, but generally speaking solving ever
doe waa wara aakad. Tkla le , why bo blgbar
uuutru In fnv -reguiai
T-hlokea Market "rear Be Salt.
Ttla eouraa of tha poultry aurkat bat aarar
baaa ao alow aa during tba paat waak or aa
Condi tlons at tbla tlree of tba rear ara gee.
orally tba reverse of what tbey ara today,
but tha change tn tba ettuatlon la due almoat
entirely to tba fact that ao local trada ran
buy eastern -dreeeed poultry of uniform alia
and quality at lowar pnceo TDan baaa ruiaa
bara for tha aama gooda of iocal pradortloa.
Karalpta ara Bot aaaa llbaral a look tba atraH
at tbla tlma. but thara la nut 11 ttla damand.
ttloaa ara laaetlaa.
Although tha gaoaral poultry narkat to aulat.
a aarly aomlng af Chlnaaa Naw Taara baa
oraatad a hanay daaund for ducka and
and far thaao prlcaa ara- vary firmly bald.
Valnaa aa prlatad ara nominal pacauaa o( tba
ibiu arriraia. .
QitL.Kvbrt Blakwi ia Hay.
With tha eontlairad ufcwfkgo In tianaportai
ftna auppUaa of oata la tbla aiarkat ara am
taal aad aaluaa baaa baaa adaaacad anotbar
notch. Hay la flrnaar'- for tba aama raa
abd for tba -batter, gradaa ooma oaJara ara
vifarlng a fractional adnata It tranapurtaUoa
ran ba aacurad.
lour aiarkat la flra at tba adyanca of 15
and U eaata a barrol yaatarday. Vt'haat la
llkawlaa firm. Foralga damand for flow la
of good character, but aalaa ara kmallat aa
accouat of tha Inability of akUlara to aacara
aafflclaot auppUaa of wbaat. .
, Ha Faaar Vvtataaa iHUh Vnaald.
Daalrra ara rary aafa la aaadlng oat a nota
tions of 9 Hag for fancy arlaet potatoaa
at tbla tlma ntacauaa of tbla quality thara ara
anna to ba bad. Although tba racalpta of po
tatoaa knaa Incnaaad considerably In tba aouth
during tha paat faw darn, tha market ralua la
holding Ua awa... orowara or ankina ara aaa
Ira mora aannay for auppltaa. kloat of them
Bow holding for 11 par 100 pouada for
fancy ataff f. a. b. ahlpping polnta. Tha
Jobbing market In tbla city ramalaa at 1 .28
for Beat aturr, annouga aa oecaawnat aaia oi
aalertad atuff might bo q noted a rractloa
hlabar than thla. Ona dealer wba la llkawlaa
a baa ay skill par to Saa Krsnctaco waa of far
ing fancy ooloaa Ula morning at ai.iu ia
car lota.
A car af fancy onpfai al ktsohf Tna
mornlng'a arrlaala (ram tba. aouth. Aa blgb
aa 18 for boat, ,
OaBtlaaad Quiat la Hopa.
Thara la con tinned quia la tka local hop
aiarkat, Harry U Hart, who. baa baaa a llb
aral pnrcbaaar of Washington gooda of lata,
left today for that atata with tba a i pacta t Ion
of taking la a faw- mora lota.
; Smelt auppUaa ara aery light la tha flib
aurhsta today and tha price baa adaaaeod to
raata pound. - Vary llbaral arriraia ax
parted aroooa aa tba-watara racada.
Trada pay th following price to Front
atraat. Prlcaa paid Ihlppara ar Iran regular
' oocnmlaalona: " .
Orataw Hoar aad Taad.
flRAIR BAGS Calcutta, SVja buying pHrai
a)Mn. ,. ,
wHftAT Naw chih. ! T4 Boamaa, Ode;
Ineatem, Tic: aalley, 7a,
, CORN Whola. lifWi araekad. MM par
?"BAf.ET-lBW raad. IM OOaJM.OOi rallad.
(21 SOdl.bO; braving, (2XU0QiO.00.
. kYIC 1 65 par rwt.
OATS Naw Prodacera prica No. 1 wktta,
2aa (10; gray. 27(2T.fiO,
rLOl:a Kiatera Oregon patanta, $4.0(1;
Btralgkta, 8.00; axport, $3.15; valley, $j :
graham', Ua, $10: whola wbaat, .Ti ra.
oa. 00; balei $ T5.
HIU-STl'FKS Bran, $17.04 par tons rnliV
dllnga. $2.1.00; ahorta. eonatry, $20.00; rity,
- $1 50: chop. lld.OPtm.OO.
HAX Producers' prlca Tlmotby. Wtllamatta
ralley, fancy, $lS.O"l0ls 00; ordinary. $.001
loOD; eastern Oregon, . $10.00; mixed,
, $10.00210.50; cmrw. $i.00; grain, $8.00010.00;
ahaat, -
nttar, Egga aaa a-amrry,
til PAT f. a. a. Portland
cream. srtiwtc aour, ami.MC.
BUTTS a City eras mery, U5THet oufalda
fancy, 5ci itorago, ata.toe: atnra. lT017la.
- KOOB xtr fancy, caadlad, 0S7V,c; local
and aaatera atoraga, 80c.
. CBBK8B Naw Full craam. flat. lalaOIMt
fpnn America, 15"A10e.
' ' PdlXTBT Ura Mliad ehlckena, UUa par
R; fancy bena, U4113H lb! rooaiera. aid. Ina
per H: aid atsga. lla par lb: fryera, 14a par lb;
broiler a, 14c par lb; okl ducka, llHe Jb; aprtng
darka. US Pr lb: gaewa, P)IOc per fc tnr
keya, 17 par lb tor old: draaaad. faacy, Xto
Bar lb; aqosha, $2.00 par doa; ptgaona, $1.00
do. Draaaad poultry IdlHe par lb higher.
Hopa, Waal aad Bldaa. -'
HOPS ItHm rop. ehotoo, lac; prima ta
choice. He; madluio to prima, 10c: medium. Iflc.
WUOL lto all Valley. SOQSa! aaatara
.TfiiH AIR Mw, BomlnaL
- BHBBPSt'NB Bkearlng. 1 aarh abort
WooL B540c: madlam Waal. MOT5a aaehl
JiVwonl 15c$l.00 aaeh.
TALLOW-Prlma, par lb. HQ4c Bo. I aad
grease. trtH.
CBITTIM BABE H)7 far car Iota) arnad
' tota. nfldo.
. HIDKH Dry,' Bo. 1, Id Tha and Bp, lu
..I7H pa lh; ?ry kip, Bo. 1, to 15 Iba. 14c;
dry calf. No. f. andar $ Iba. Ic; aaltad bldaa.
ataar. aooad. $0 Iba and oawr, 101 lie; row,
g uajPUc; auga and bulla, aooad. OajTai kip.
It ta $0 Iba. c calf, aooad, aader IS lha, Hal
greaa. anaaltad. la bmat cnlla. le par lh leesi
torse hide, as 1 ted. each, $1 rn,75: dry. ck,
$10001.50; aolt hldaa, tottnOc; goat akma,
aomaaa. aach.. lOQIS; Angara, aark. BVCtl.
. rratta aad TagataUoa.
- - POTATORB Baymg prtco. aaatara lfultna
mab and Clackamaa aalrct, tLafll 50, aeUlug.
fancy. t oO ordinary, haying. $1.10a1.U rwt;
aweera 5c lb.
ONIONS Jobbing prlca Bo. t Oregon. $l.;
-Ko,-X.llJ'W,Sd. P" '
Br rer lh.
APPLIt Pacy Hood Blrar Bnitaanhaeg and
T.ime Newrnwoa. fi TO; fancy Wmamatta ak
lay aad aootbera Oragaa, $l.sOQl.I5; rrdlaur
tsL-k. COcCllJ. H
Conaldering tha fact , that h 4
d TJnitad Htatea . produced tha 4
largcat crop of apple th paat" 4
4 BeaBon In Ua hlitory, th eouraa
of value herd and elaewhera d
la moat reraarkablo. Oregon 4
produced a bumper crop of all
varietlea and yet apple ara 4
d quotad alrnoat aa high aa they
were a year ago when tha crop d
waa ahort. ' Th damand waa
. much Jtavler thla aeaaon than
uual, owing to th ahorUga In, 4
4 other fruit crop. - .- ay
' A ' '
PRRBII rBI'ITg Orangea. naw aaael. $2.50
.4.oil taagerluaa, $1.T5; bananaa, 6c per lb;
Iriuona, w4.W box; llmra, Maxlraa, $1.25 pr
loo: plnaapi'lea. $4.O0jS.ui per mii grapca,
klalaga. $7.50 . par kag; peara. $l.Tn;
pineapple. $5.04 per doa; pomegranate. $1.29
fl.50 tier bog; grape fruit. $4.75. - .
V1H1KTAHI t.- lurnlps, aaw, i)l$l aack:
rarrota. 7Actl(l oar aark: beets. It iiTee mm,y
Oreaon radlshae, Mw par doa; cabbage.
$2.6tS.xo; bell peppera, per lb; toma.
toea. Mexican. - $3.50; pa ran I rm, PorrT$l: atrlng
15C Der lb: eaullflower. f 7 AM twe An-
aa. 18c; boraeradlan. imlOc per lb.: arttebokee
l 00 par dot on: aiinaali. naa ho.:
celery, (allforata. $3 .S.'.tS.76 per eraU; pomp
klna, ltll'-jc; cranhcrrica, but par barrel;
epninfa, Bnc-pcr lb. ' -
vkied raciTB applea. evaporated. "4
Te par lb: apiicota. ISHajWa per lb; pearhaa.
124tl3He par lb; aarka. He per lb hme; prunes.
$0 to 40, 6ii6e: Uc drno aa each l-IO amallar
alae: flga, California black, djVt par lb;
California white. diflUe per lb: dataa. golden.
fe w ar aoxxaaaa, 1.401.50 per la-lb boa.
.wrooorlea, aTata. Zta. . ,
BHG AJt California a. .
$5..tH; powdered. 15.11(4; brry, $42V,. dry
granulated. $42U; Star, $4 72K) eonf. A,
$4..2; extra B, $442; golden C. $4JW D,
seat granuatea, 4
Western Cuba. .Vi7; powdered. U1IH:
dry granulated, $4 2; P. 0 $4.82W: enuf. A,
$4.BiVk; extra C, 44 41 l goldea C, 4eVit t.
fallow. $4.22M: beet granulated, $4.T2H: bbla,
loe: H bbla, 26ei boxea, toa adraaco aa aack
voaia. v
JA-bOTO -Brleaa are la Aarm
tlotia). ,
ll)N:T-$rr per crate. '
COFFEE Package braaile, $15.(W(91o.(CT. .
BAI.T Coarse .ft. If vrnssfl lfU uiaa 'sm
roa: 50a. Sa.50: tshle dsirs. iu ai mi, m
$13.75; balea. $1.M; Imported LtrarpooL AOe,
$100; lOOa. $17.00) r.'4s. 414.00: aitra flaa.
onia, xa. na, lua, 4.00O5.6O; Lgrarpool lump
leUO i smbj wia ruca. aw.wi las,
A bore Brlcea annle sal o L v.
f' sota. Car taU at epeeial prlcaa adbject ta
HICK Irinerlal Janaa. Mo. I. ai - njV a,u.M h. it. a!. ao, Creole,
BKANB Bmall white. $.t0; large white.
ao.tu; pma, bayoa. $S-75 U aa. 4S4c
Mailcaa mla. 4. ,
' N L'TH f'ssnsts. Inmlvt BUe s n. rwhta.
TH Per lh; roested. 10c per lb: Japanese, but
5"iC roaated7t7Aae per lh; cocoa uts. anCi
fee door- walnut;- California, let per lb;
French, ne per lb: nlnenuta. 1415e
aaatera. Istjldc per Tb; Braafl nnta. lac per
lb: nUwne, 1 per lb; faacy pacaaa. lBOaoc;
.hsiiwim, awai sfcc. .. . ..
Msata, Stab aad Prarlaloaa,
PBRBH HEATS Front Krroet Km e....
ymr 10, ra ai. axiru. ve per in; ardinary, 8c Dar lb: boot, da aee lb: mutts. se
tic .per lb.
HAU.l BACON. FTO Port Is oA s. rn
bans. 10 to 12 lb. 1H lb: 14 te Id Iba, In
if. w v jua, iu in; ureas isst nacon, 1014
acme lb; plcolea, 12e lb; cottage roll, I2e
10; regular wort clears, inuaok iiuk lh:
amoked. 12He lb: dear barka. unsm. ctert. ll:
a moke. t. lauc lb; I nlou buttx, 10 to 13 Iba, uu
amoked. He lb; amokad. Be lh; elaer belllee, aa
amoked, lae lb; ameked. 14e lb; euonldera, 12 Vr
IV, pif-sens imruej. wr vara-
LOCAL I.AKIi Kettle leaf. 10a. ixaia lh:
5. lift lb: 50 lb tlaa, rBV4 lh: ateam ran-
oereo, lue, 11 a id; m, . u, lb; eomnousd,
loa. tVc lb.
1 . 1' . n at. . . o w . . - . u
tans, ai.-i: i-id talla. iz.,6: fane, t-lb r
$l.kO; v.b fancy flat. $1.15: fancy lib era la,
aa. 101 A'ssaa -tana. ntaa. KUrje; red. tlMi
aomiiat 2s. tall. $2.00.
FISH Itock cod, 7e par lb: floandera. Be per
lo? Bailout, ao par id; craon, fivi.DU par
dogant striped baaa. 12He par lb: catfish, lot
in; eauooa, rrean uoiumbia nrer aureralde, 10c;
frorra salmon, RHlSBc lb herring, dc lb; eolre,
c per lb; ebrltnpa, lOe per lb: perch, ee per
lb: black cod. te nor lb: tomcoaL Te nor lh:
allrer amelt. Be dot tb: lobsters. Ise oer lb!
treab mackerel. Ba par lb; craw flab. 2e per
doaen: aturgeou, lOe per lb: berk baaa. 20a par
id; 1 oiumnia near aatait, ac per id.
OYHTF.KS Bboelwater bay. per gallon, $2 50;
per 100-lb aark. $4.50: OlrmDla. oar aallea.
$2.50; per 115-lb aack, $7.75.
naraaaeii. per box. bs.udi raaec
elama, $2.60 per box.
: i lat. deal Oil, Xta.
ROPB Pure Manila. 15tiei atandard. live:
alaal. lie. .
COAL OIL Pearl ar Aarral CW. par
gallon; water White, iroa how, ie per galioai
wooden. 17e per gaUua: headlight. 170-deg.,
cases. tlu,o per galloa.
OABOUNR-dd-dag caaaa, 24 He pea gauea.
tmn bhla., lSe per garioa.
BENSINt dag. raaaa, 2Se par galloa;
Iron bbla. ISHe per xalloa.
bbla. ser ration.
WHITE LB AO Toa lots, 74e per lb I 500-lh
mta, ac per id; irae sota, sue per id.
TURK NAILS Praaeat baa la at $2.M.
LINHKETf OIL I'a-e raw. la a-hhl lots. OOrl
1-bbl lot. SSe: eaeea. 65 per gal: ran aloe ket
tle boiled, raaaa. 0a par gal: b-bhl lota. B4l
1-bbl Iota. 55e oar asl: aronad caka. ear lota.
IW peg toa; ham than ear lota. (30 par toa. .
Portlaad ttaloa Btockyirda. Feb. T Ureatock
' IToea. Cattle. Bhaen.
Today 04 - BO
week eg .. - 3.5 ...
Year ago . His ...
Prerloua year ....... SO 1.10 foo
With gecelnta ao light that Brlcea are ee
bard ta aecure. the llreatock market m eery
quiet today. The tone, bowerar, m very firm.
A year ago: Hnga firmer, 15e up; rattle
firmer. 10 to 15c up; abeep firm but unchanged.
orncui uveetock prlcee:
Hnga Beat eaatern Oregon. $7.25: ' atnrkera
aad feedera, $1). ,5; China fata, $.75.
Cattle Beat eaatern Oregon ttaera, $4.25:
beet eowe and half era. $3 M; atocker aad
feedera, $3.2513.50: bulla, $2.00.
Uneep Mixed, r.5Hcs wethera, 1aei .
BVt!i nba. 6o.
. i mi, ajssaeaaaajeaaMm
Larger Livestock Firms, Say They
Hare Adequate SopplieB.
(Joarnnl gpeclal Berrtee.)
Bepnner. Or.. Feb. 7 C. A. Minor, ansnseae
of tbe Penland Llreatock and lnd company,
atatea that tbey baae already fed 52 dare, riia
comoeny own, 25.000 bead of aheep. 3.VI bead
of cattle and 0 horses, it taker from SO to 17
toes of bay erary feeding day for thla great
amount af etoek. but the eomaane baa iu.n
of feed. -
Oeorre Carrhi. who own 12.000 ha&d of sHs.s
nd other large ewnere ara well aimaiierf siik
feed. . , .
(Journal Bpaelal Berrlce.)
nannner. Or.. Feb. 7 V. a. hlctfnmh A Bo
ot BoaemaS, Mont who baaa been la nenoaer
for time buying cattle, ahlpned bViO bead
In the paat few daye. Tha cattle purrhaeed
are principally cows and ealrea for tbe ranee.
They also shipped 450 bead from tha Bbanlko
Kew Tor. Peb. I. Official priors-
Tema, registered .
do coaona .....
. Opt.
. Opt.
. Opt.
. Opt.
I"5 .
101 .
Threes, regtetered
do conooa .....
(-man poona ....
Fonre, registered 1"7
ii H
ii 4
enupoa 1"7
nnre. registered .......... 1'J5
aouuoa...... ...... . lwra
a 2a 1ni IrcttJ
oupon 04'4 loiW
4 of Colombia ........ .... 13) .....
do counnn
PbUlppuw da ,.....!..., lUB'i....
Best Trading In This Issue, for
z - Many Months Is Shown .
; . Today. . '
Entire'. Stock Market Goea to
. Higher rolnt After Dull Open
- lng AtchlMon Common Two and
Three-Elghths polnta Up.
Atclilaoa ...
d .... .lErle
1 Ixwlartlla
. . a
Auacundl ........ 7.
MiourT Ti
tr -a
Bugar M,
meltar IVjNat. Lead ....
ar and Fdy. .... VN. T, Central ,
ocomotlre ....... llPonple'a Una
Car and
Brooklyn miHeadln
rlellimore IBrpnbilc Bteel
Bt.- Peur .-jTsr.-rr-JH Hock Island pfd.vr
I Cbeeoneeke
... 1 ITenn Coal 4i
... 1 U. B. Hteal H
... ml do pfd
... 1" Pennsylvania 1
... lM,'Uock Ialaad pfd... 1
... lh' . - - , ,
I Canadian ' ...
ooutuera ny,'
Bout hern Pac,
Union Par. .
Nortuera Pae.
Near Tork, Feb. T. Prom tba act loa of tha
atock market at tlie openlag today It did not
look like tbe flnrruatlnne which wore later
niade were possible. Tne market opened er
ratic but tbe activity began luat about whea
half tha area Ion waa over. The greateat In
dividual, advance today waa ta Teaoeeeae Coal
and Iron, which eloaed 4 44 polnta no, with a
much better trade than for many monthe. Tba
entire market, bowerer, cloned with a gals.
Official cuotatJoag by Oaarback:
opea. Close,
111m 1131.
eommoa 42V
Amalgamated 'Copper Co..
American Car A Foundry,
ssirnrta 1 11 av aounory. prererrea ....
Aaierlcaa- Cottoa Oil, common. .... tni
Aiuerlcaa Locomotive, com moo.... 72
Anierlcea Bngar. eommoa ....... .182
American Bualter. common .14214.
A merles n Bmeltar, preferred ..... . ...
anamnaa u lai ng ii.- .,
Atcplaon, coalmen ......101
Atchiaon. preferred .....
Baltimore a Ohio, common .....lid
Baltimore a Ohio.- preferred ....
Brooklyn; Kapld Transit 73 14
Canadian Pacific, eommoa 18014
tVorral Learner," common .. . ..7, . . ...
Central Leather, preferred , ....
Chicago a Great Western, com. . . 15,
Chi., Milwaukee at Bt. Paul ...... 147 44
Chicago a Korthweatera, eommoa. ....
Chesapeake Ohio ....
Colorado Fuel 4k Iroa, eommoa. ... a
Colorado Bouthern, common - ....
Colorado Bouthern. lat preferred.. ....
Denver a Klo Grande, common 1... .... Klo Grande, preferred
Erie, common .................... $414
Krla aeeond preferred ....
Erie, first preferred .............. ....
Illinois Central
Louiavllla a Naahvllle ......18314
Manhattan Railway
Mexican Central Railway ....... ....
Missouri, Kanaaa 4k Taxaa, com... ....
Qrrat Nortbara
Missouri. Kanaaa 4 Texaa. preferred ....
Mlaaourl Pacific ,. 84
National Lgad ....,....
New York Central .....12814
New York, Ontario 4k W cetera ...
Norfolk a Western., coanmoa ......
Norfolk A Western, preferred ..... ....
North American .'-
N net here Paclfie, common . ........ ....
Pacific Mall Bteamehlp Co.
Pennsylranla Railway 12RX
People'a Haa.' Light 4k Ooke Co..... 5 -
Preaaed Bteel Cer. comnxai
Ree.llng, roramnn ...12114
Reading, aeeond preferred ....
Reading, first preferred ....
Republic Iroa At flteeL, eommoa.. ..... '
Republic Iron a SteeL . preferred.. ....
Rock Island, common 2d-
Rock Inland, preferred ....
Bt. Louie Ban Free.. 2nd pfd. '
ft. Lou la A Baa Francisco, lat Dfd .... ,
Bt. Loula A 8. W.v eommoa..,.,., ....
Bt. Louie a B. W., preferred ..... ....
Southern Pacific, eommoa 0514
Southern Pacific, preferred ...... ....
Bouthern Railway, eommoa ....
Souther Railway, preferred ...... ....
Trnneaeo Coal 4 Iroa ............ ...
Texee A Pacific
In Ion Pacific, eommoa ..........17214
I'nloa Pacific, preferred ......... ....
fnlted Btatra Rubber, eommoa. ... ... -
Cnlted Btatra' Rubber, d referred
I'nlted Btatre Steel Co., eommoa.. 44
Cnlted States Bteel Co.," preferred. 104
Wabaab, common ....
Wabeabi preferred 1 ...... iw..... . .....
Weetera L'nloa Telegraph ........ ....
Wisconsin CentraL comDMU ....... ....
WIeconalB CentraL preferred ....J .... '
Virginia Chemical ....
Associated Oil Advances $3.25 Dor-
ing tha Day.
Aeaoclated Oil waa the tpeclal feature of
tha trading on tbe Portland etork market to
day. . It aold at $47.75. aa advance of It 25
over tbe former value. Mammoth Mining
dropped m to 7He with ao as lea. Ooldfteld
Trotur advanced a "4c with a eale at tba ad-
vance. Oreat Northern.. Mining loet c. - Tn-
day'a nice: Tea Associated OU at S47.75.
8.000 Manhattan Crown- Point at 15c. 1.500
Washougal Kxteaalon at 24e. 1.000 noldfleld
Tmtter at 2214 1,000 Oreat Nortbera at ac.
Official prices:
: Bid. ''
Bank of California $;!$. 00
Rank era A Lumbermen a
Merchanle' riatloaal 175 00
Oregon Trnat 4 Baring , 123.00
l-ortland Truat lo
United Statee National... 200.00
American Btsruit Co. a........ ta.00 loooo
City A Suburbaa 4s
Columbia Bouthera Irrlgatloa da ......
loo on
. lOO.Su
, ioioo
' io.'oo
Home Telephone oe .....
J. C. Lee Co. da ......
O. R. 4 N. By. da. ,,,, Pft 50
O. W. P. a Br. a
Paclfie Coaat Blacnlt da P0.0O
Portlaad Railway fie
Aaeorlated CHI 47 50
Home Telephone 80.00
J. C. Lea Co...r.
Paclfie ta tee Telephone ...... 106 00
Puget Bound Telephone
.14 .
: J
"" .oa
lee Creek Gold .......
British Yukoa
North Fan-view
Manhattaa Crown Pelat
rVaebottgal Kxteadoa . .
Alaaka rVtrolaum
Blue Stone
British Columbia Aval. .....v.
Roidfleid Tmtter
Oreet Northern
Mammoth ...
Standard Consolidated ,
income tneei
Copper Xing ....
.05 '
Harpy lay
Park (Vpper ...
Banwatorm l.w
O. K. teoanUdated .02
Sew Tork, Feb, t Offldal ePttoa market:
i Opea. High. Low. Fab. T. Feb. S.
January ..... loOS ' 1013 100T 100S inns
February ,.,
March 04$ B47
April ....
Mar ......... A AOl
47' 0X5
.... IM
1 PM
June ........ M p4
JiiIt -.; 070 P74
P4 not P.t
W7 P14 IM1
Aur-iar . .
-- fl mat ' ;T pvi
Bentemher Bed P74
1.11 1
104 4
eoe pe.-v pn4
1 psa ps4
, toher Pas Pot
Oeuaabet 1001
Egg Prices Show Greatest Slump for Many
a Day, Owing to the Much Heavier Arrivals
and the Smaller Demand From the Dealers.
Values Are Skyward Almost
Everywhere In the United
: States This Year. ' -
Butter, Egg and, Chees Cost Con
, aiderably More--Excesslve Prices
Due In a Mensure to Lack of Milk
w era, Which Decrease Milk Supply.
Washington, 7). C, Feb." 7. Eiceaal-re price
for butter, milk . and cheese throughout tbe
natloa la matter of ecoaomle coocrra. Batter
quart of milk eoaia by tha month $X Yet
dairymen are pot raa tiling toe large profit and
are charging" tbeeo high prlcaa only bee ansa
every article wttch tbey buy ha rlaea In
coat from 80 to SO per cent. '
Improremcnta In milking machine, there
fore, ar of vital Interest to dairymen and
consumer alike. Tba department af agricul
ture experta - believe that . aooa milking ma
chine will be anc carefully operated.
It baa long been realised that a eaereeafnl
and practical cow milker would Bteaa a profit
able revolution of tbe dairy Industry, aa It
would render tha work of milking much oaaler
and reduce tbe Beceeolty for hired help, thua
making tbe datrrmen more Independent. Tue
German writer Martlny atatea that 0 different
Bitlkuig Biachtnee known to- him bed been
Eaten ted la different eonntrteg or mentioned
tbe dairy literature between the years 1S77
aad ISO.
ataar Milking auekiaaa.
Tha annoal reports of the I'nlted Statee'com-
m ia loner of patanta ebow that during tba
period of 04 years from 1872 to l0ft tnclualve,
127 oatente were taken out ta thla country
alone for at liking macblnea or eeparale parte
of them.
Naturally, tha urge dairyman will Bo the
ftrat to adopt tha cow milker for tba reaaua
tbat hie equipment will coet hire leas per
than tbe email dairyman. Again. ,tue
large dairymen baa mora at atake and ka to
depend retire ly upon - the - hired meu to do
the wore, ti ney xaii mm, uie wora tans
noon hlmeelf or perhane upon a very limited
number of belpera. With tba Installation nf
tba milking machine tbe largo aalryman wooia
be much mora Independent, and It neeeaaary
could milk a herd of 60 cowe without assist-,
aace. Tbla would be aext to Impoealble with.
eut It. However, there aeema to ha ao good
reaeoa wby a dairyman with a herd or even
10 or 12 cow could not see a machine with
Bcareixy ei atuaan,
Tba acarclty of milker and tbe anrellablllry
of many of tbem baa bed a tendency to keep
many men rrom going inco aairy. Terming.
Home dairymen who hare beea la the bual
neee have been obliged to give It up for this
Greet tn teres t therefore cent era around
the milking machine, eapeclally where the above
difficulty exteta. It la believed also that tbe
advent of the milking machine will hare a
tendency among faruiere who now hare email
dalrlee to enlarge their plant and to make
dairying their chief buslneaa. Tbe trouble baa
been In the paat tbat too many farmera have
made dairying aecondary to other work and
whea anything bad te he neglected it wa al-
waya tha dairy. ToPHhbj reaeoa tha profile
from tbetr dalrlee nave elwaye neea email.
Where milking machlnee have been Introduced
they have influenced dairymen to cleea up
their harne and take Biare priae tb meir worn.
Thla naturally will result tn tba -prodoctiaa of
cleaner milk and perhaps ta eoma eeaee la
better price. Any aaw apperarue which baa
a tendency ta Improve dairy coadltiona aneuid
he welcomed by th industry.
Covering of Sales Sends Chicago
Price Higher Today
Feb. T. F-b. Oatn.
Mar . ..$ sou S .TO "A I ."
Jnly T!) .TP .00
September .T ' .78 My
Chicago, Peb. T Short cover big caused by
farther crop damare reported eent the wheat
market hlrher again today, moat of th gate
being In tbe lata trading. Cora and oata fol
lowed tbe lead of wheat, but prorlalon loet.
Official price by Orerbeck, Starr A Cooke
Open, nira. tow. Clone.
September ...
T fti4 Tat, sou
-Tsii rsi T84-T9i
Mar .....
dT 4T
4B 4T
47 A
September ...
47 47
47 KB
40K 41
V 13
September ...
stay .......177. 1T0
101 1 .
July 17bs I'M) -
kfay POT BT
July innj loot
September ....lots lots
afar 7o P70 Pes SdT A
Jul B79 sn fit SIS B
urxKroor. srani lAixn.
Llverpeel, Pah. I. Official prlcee
Peb. T.
FeK .
a d
aa Td
March ...' ....fu.4
May fla Td
t . COBN.
March XHd
4e IH4
da 4Sd
..4a ad
General Market Is Dull la San Fran
clsco Today.
Baa Fraacleee. Peb. T Nevada eharee were
dull with a fractional decline n aome aad a
alight advaace la others.
Official bid srlcea br Orerbeck. Starr
Cooke Co.!
Belmont ......SS.m Mexican $ .na
Cash Boy 10 ICaledonla ....... .SO
tMldea Anchor. ' .4 I Exchequer M
Tiger 14 INorcroaa ...f.....4
Jim Butler ... 1.1.1 Gold rrowa ... .13
MarMamara ... .el Oreat Bend .... 1.01
Midway I 02 Beacu .IS
Montaaa t.pH Blark Bt. El... .14
North Btar ... .S Blue Bull 34
Ohio .20 Montgomery Mt. .M
Tonopah Ba, .$ 00 Bunaet .1$
Nevada 1T.TS Hceptr 40.
Went Bad ... .IS Menhattaa 15
Adama . Hayler Ilaaip... .10
Atlantic ...... ,M Deiter ,W-
Blaehell ,4H Oranny .34
Booth ' .NT riold Wedre ... .Id
Columbia Mt. .1.00 Ixma Btar .83
Con. Quarry ,, ,24 Greet Bend Et. - .84
Mamondfleld . .41 Oreat Bent Aa. .24
Ptile ......... .14 Creaceat .It
Oold field l.r.'U'Owhor ......... .10.
Jnnho M iPeneer Annas... '.M ,
Jumbo Ex. ,..,3.43 Kernel ......... .31
KendsU SO Black Reek ... .10
iMuna ....... 1.4 In. T. Conaol... .no
May uneea .27 iMaa." Con. ..... .A
Mohawk 17.00 ll.lttle Joa OS
Bed Too B.SOA! Mar Flower ... .BO
Bnndetorm .... .T'J uuuiplng Jack.,. .BOA
Silver PMt ... 1.40 I Bed Top .... .40 '
St. Ivea l.ld I Mustang 2H
National Bank. . M BUI 'rog Mia, , .d
Oold Bar
S . TJ' ,T I.UI
. M1MT.I...1. K -
O. Bull Froa .. .2.1
Im iMIloe ....
Pino Nat ......
gtelnway ..21
Coo. Cat, Ta... .K
Opklr 10
Heart of a today ................
Clearings yeer ago ,.
...$eo4.rr $4
... 7oi.4ia.ot)
Gala today .....
Pii.srv. lonar .............
aa. .(.
Balances ear aga
Expected to Use Land . aMc
Kenna Junction for Entrance
of Sound Line Jnto City. .
Plan of Officials , of Railways Is to
Duild New Structure for Both
. Roads of System and Give Up .the
Steel Bridge.
JFlfteem blocks of (round at MrKrnna
notion wcra taken under option to
day by agenta for tha O. R. ft N. com
pany. It Is said tha sround la to be
ucd aa . tha tunnel entrance on tha
alough aids of tha pcnlnaula. In th
project of tha Harrlman companies for
gaining an antranc Into Portland for
tbs Oregon and Washington Railway
company, and at tha aarae tlma a direct
water level outlet for tha O. R. ek N.
main Una to Troutdala. i
Tha prica to ba paid for tha property
ia $75,000. Tha (round Una In a square
shape favorable to the propoaod plan.
McKenna Junction ilea on Columbia
boulevard, about 'half' a mile eaat of
Maegly Junction, irhare tho-PorUartd-
Seattle croasea tbe 'peninsula from Ita
Columbia river bridge. - It ia believed
the -Harrlman line to Puget sound will
use tha H1U bridge over the Columbia,
but provldea a separata entrance and
tunnel for reaching the Willamette, over
which it will build a new bridge and
dispoae of its present steel bridge to
the atreetcar companies or to tbe city.
Directly . acrons Columbia boulevard
from McKenna Junction, the Slaughter
berk; property. eonBlotlng-of-ntne and a
half aorea, was purchaaed yesterday br
Cord Seng take for 110,000. It la
thought this purchase waa alno made
for the Oregon at Washington Railroad
company.-- 8urvoys made for this com
pany point straight from McKenna
Junction to the Columbia river at Hay
den laland, where the Portland Seattle
bridge ta being built. On the Willam
ette side of tha peninsula surveys have
been made from the Portland Flouring
mills to the bluff Juat went of John
Mock's house, ard thence along Dana
street,' through University , Park, the
supposed route of tha tunnel.
Children Die, Schools Excused,
and Town tn a State
- . of Terror.
v ... " '
(Special Dispatch toThe Joornal.)
Baker City, Or., Feb. 7. For the past
week Baker City has been Isolated,
telephone -wires being down, no railroad
tralna except atuba paaaing through and
the telegraph aervlce badly hampered.
Laat night a train from the east panned
west, but no rail' communication with
Portland baa been established snd it is
feared when snow Is cleared out on th
lower division the road will again be
blocked by water. Paaaengers from
Pendleton lsst night say in many places
the water is within two' Inches of tb
track and pouring down - In large
streams rrom tha mountains.
A diphtheria epldemlo now threatens
Baker City. The first death from the
disease occurred last night when Infanta
in two famines named Drake and 8 tom
bac h passed away. All night Superin
tendent Churchill with a crew of men
labored disinfecting tha South Baker
school and today two whola grades In
the Central arhooi were given a vacation
while tha disinfectant is being applied.
There have been a few caaea In the city
for several weeks, but It appears they
were kept from the publio aa long aa
poaalble. The dlaease has spread as a
result and the cltr is In a atata of
MR. E. Z.
VMR I. Z Yea, Just
STRANGE H Ha, ha, hat ao did I. -.
say, don't grv It away, tha fallow wh
wna thla town alt la an nemy of mino,
and I'm going to got vn with him. I'm
going t atari a glu factory n my lot.
v . a
a. MR. E." 2. I tall you what I'll dex
It! glv yoy th thre htindred do Mar yw
Pld for that lot and ana hundred bona If
you will sell m your lot ami guarante
not ta buy snot her, ,
STRANGER Oh, wall, for a h.ndrr I
ean get vn , with . him some other wy.
"Hr's th deed., four hundred thai v -.
irmftTr7HHTtTTTTTTftmtff.t ' '
BBBSBBBBsanamBmsam '
Majority of Multnomah Delegation Vote to Repeal AH Perpetual
Franchisee and Not Gas Companies Alone, as Desired
. by Newspaper In Its Revenge.
(By a Btaff Correoooodent.)
Salem, Or. Feb, 1. The Multnomah
delegation was spilt wide open this
morning In tha consideration of the
Oregonian'a bill. Introduced by Coffey,
for repeal of tha Portland Oas com
pany's franchise. With Slchel. Hod
eon.. Bayer. Nottingham, Malarkey and
Campbell sbsrnt, eight members, led by
Freeman, substituted a new bill for th
Oregonlan's bill1 and prepared a report.
Five men. led by Coffey, stuck to the
Oregonlan's blU and prepared a minor
ity report.
- In tha Freeman bill it is provided that
all perpetual franchises in the state
shall be repealed and all permits or li
cences made by any municipality to
any person, firm or corporation to util
ise any portion of a street or to exca
vate under any sidewalk for private ase
shall ba made void. It Is provided Slso
that no permits shall ba allowed in fu
ture for a longer period than IS years,
and then only upon payment of due
com pensatlon to' be determined by the
city. . k
Bmsll boys residing in tba neighbor
hood of Hooker and Water streets - a
tempted to have fuavwlth a dynamite
cape yesterday with the result that to
day three of them ar under the care
of . physicians.- -r---
Tha explosive was found by Arthur
Ivsnson In the dry shed of an old marble
works on Hooker street. Toung Ivsn
son did not know exsctla what he had
found, but ba knew it was something
that would pop. so he gathered a dosen
other -lads about him and. a council of
war waa held, the object being to decide
Audacious Burglar FIees"Fr6m
. J Failing Building in the
Early Morning.
Thieves are active in all parte of tha
dty and flv robberies were reported to
the bureau of criminal Investigation
today. Edwin Holt complains that his
room at Sim Madison street wae en
tered last night and all of bis personal
effects carried away.
K. B. Nevlt, lObV Washington street,
reports that a sneak thief entered bis
apartment yesterday and stole a., new
ault of clothes.
Burglara visited tha Royal cafe, 129
North Sixth street last night and pried
open the telephone box. securing about
tl in small change. - '
Carter's store, 18 Washington street,
was broken open during tba night and
fS taken from tba cash register.
At I o'clock this morning the watch
man in tba Falling building notified Pa
trolman Brothers - and Special Officer
Austin that a burglar was at work in
ona of tha rear rooms. Upon thSyap
proach of th policemen- the Xhlef
climbed out of a window, ran across tb
roof of House's restaurant and then
through a rooming-house . to Alder
street. An examination ' showed that
nothing of value bad beea taken from
tba Falling building. In none of th
robberies reported have th detectlvee
been abla to secure a clue that would
lead to tha apprehnslon of tha culprits
A tios Angeles woman sued a man
for 150,009 damage for breach of prom
ise snd got a verdict, for 1 eent. and
her opinion of tha jury ia not print-1
bwaflht a lot.
l'HtfM,ti f
Tha majority report of tha delegation
puta the Oregonlan in a position wbera
it must show Its true anlmna. Th pas
sage ef tha Freeman bill means that tha
Oregonlan must pay for the use -of a
large excavation on two sides of its
building In Portland snd also tha permit
fur perpetual use of the space. It rauat
pay for va of th pipe line for heating,
running across Sixth street, to tha Con
cord building. r
. i Stormy anawttnf follows.
The delegation had a stormy meeting
with much bitter talk between the two
factions. The minority will make
Utter fight on the floor for special re
peal of the ges franchise alone.' It la
believed a majority of tbe absent mem
bers or tha delegation are with tba ale
ment headed by Freeman. . .
Those supporting the majority report
were Freeman, 'Wilson, Northup, Bevarw
Idgev Farrell, Beach. Bailey, Chaptn.
Those supporting the Oregonian'a bill
were Coffey, Burba, Beutgen, Orlseoll,
ttttrrrs; " ' , , :
upon a method of "making her g oft."
- r - Tb
fuse was gone, so tha boys finally ,
decided to apply a match to tha cotton
packing. Arnold Casper put bis foot .
on the cap, while Thomas Storey ran
for a match, t - - ,
"Bang!" went tha 'explosive, and! tha
dosen boys scattered, half of them
crying with pain. Particle of braa .
were driven Into th face and cheat af
Arnold Casper. Thomaa Storey, waa hurt
In the leg and Arthur Ivanson -waa
"shot" In the hand. Nona of tba Injur
ies will keep the boys In bed for more
than a few days, y
Council Passes Extraordinary
Drastic v Ordinance for the
Fourth Time Over Veto.
(Special Dtapatrb te Tbe Journal,!
Tacoma, Waanw Fen. 7. Tba draatio
saloon ordinance which has been passed
three times by the city council and ve
toed each time by Mayor Wright, was
pa a aed last night over his fourth veto.
Aa attempt will now be made to make .
a saloon license foe of 11,000 Instead'of,
800. ,..'. -
leist night's ordinance provldea that. .
a majority -vote of the entire council la
necessary to grant a license, that a two
thirds vote will revoke a license, that
applications for license shall give full .
particulars with names of all partners.
Licenses muat b signed by a majority
of property owners in tb block.
All boxes, winerooms - snd - screens)
must be removed from places where
liquor is sold; bo other sign other than
;Saloon" . shall be placed over a aid
door, n women shall be employed n
th premises; not more than on He suss
shall be granted to on person, Ursa or
corporation, no gambling or theatrical
performances shall ba carried on la
saloons, and licenses may be revoked
by a two thirds vote for any ef several ,
misdemeanors. . . - t
Th removal of screens and boxes
from saloons will make tba front of .
saloons as open to public gas aa a
grocery store front, while th removal
of boxea works a hardship on cafes. -
No us to Ts a law to prevent deep -
ww and slides awe) floods ap the Caw s
Iumbla In the good old winter time. - I
Heavens! --A-.h factory t
Why, If you do that th place will b ah.
olutely unfit for a dwelling plaoa, and th
thr hundtwd I paid for th lot I bought
Will b a dead ioeal
STRANGER I cant hfp that. I'm
going to get vn with my rvsmy. ' '
4, MRS. MARK And ao you got out r
th dlffloulty by buying Ma lot, d 1 y '
TBI la hi deed, la rtf Why, I. : . '
a a blanlt ded and not filed It. C .
yoa runlihead, you nlnrty, you've t
again, Tht man never tnu.vt or ..
a lot st all.
! .