THB OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 17. 1906. AO LAWS TO STOP BRITISH VESSEL Steamer Reeiorer Entitled to Co to Assistance of Liner Mongolia. S0Z0D0NT POWDER DECISION OF AUTHORITIES RECEIVED HERE TODAY Small Dot. of Land Near Hawaiian Island Was Occupied by Captain Reynolds of U. 8. 8. Lackawanna Nearly Forty Years Ago. The department of commerce and labor has notified the local collector of custom that the British steamer, Restorer, which went to the assistance Of the Pacific Mall liner Mongolia, when she stranded on Midway Island s few days ago. had perfect right to do so on the ground that the territory, while under the American flag, la not yet governed by American law's. Ac cording to the letter from the secretary of the department, Midway Island is In the same category as the Island of Quam. for which no laws have yet been enacted eo as to govern trade relations between foreign powers. The letter adds, however, that It le supposed that before long congress will find time to legislate for the Island as It has done for Alaska, Porto Rico end Hawaii. Until this be done the general lews of the United States are not ap plicable. Midway Island was occupied by Captain William Reynolde of the U. 8. 8. Lackawanna on July 28, 18(7, and has since been regarded es Ameri can territory. The Mongolia struck Midway lslaad while bound for Honolulu on her way from the orient to San Francisco, and in calling for assistance, the British oable steamer Restorer rushed to the scene with equipment to haul her off the rooks. She also carried supplies for the is of proven value. Sixty years is a pretty good test. No acid, no grit Ask your dentist. passengers who had been landed on the email Island. The queetlon then arose whether or net the British vessel had the right to engage In traffic between the Hawaiian islands and Midway Island, both groups being under the American flag. REFUSE BUSINESS Owners of Old Windjanunere Believe In Olving Teasels a Baal Lumber droghers are wanted end any one having any kind of a carrier can And profitable business by applying to any one of the many lumber .exporting agents in the They are all looking for .carriers because Sap Francisco wants lumber and the cheapest way to handle It Is by the water route. Borne shipowners seem Indifferent whether they charter their veesele or not, ac cording to reports along the waterfront. A rumor this morning had It that one lumber shipper offered the ownere of the old bark St. Nicholas 87.60 a thou sand for San Francisco, which is fully aa much as Is being paid the steam schooners plying In tie trade. The offer was thrown down and the old bark taken to Clifton to tie up for the winter. The St. Nicholas recently returned from the salmon canneries at Bristol Bay and the Intention of her ownere la ap parently to have her remain idle until 1 w Ajjffl us isw RbbbL bu am. OUTTI o coKPAsrr e- mm m next spring," whs. she will be eent north with gear, boats and employes for the canneries. , The Portland-Alaska packers refused an offer the other day for the ship Ber lin, which also returned from the north ern esmaerlea about 10 day' ago, and they announced that they would send the veeeel down to Gable for winter quarters. It Is a long time elnce shipowners re fused eueh offers aa these now being made end lumber shippers eay they are at a lose to understand the reason there- fore except that they already have more . money than they know what to do with. A few weeks ago lumber dealers looked to the salmon fleet for relief, but they are disappointed now that their owners seem disinclined to let the vee sele go for outside buelness. That all of the salmon shipowners are not eo strongly opposed to making a little money on the side Is indicated, however, by the faet that the ehtpe James Drum mond, Big Bonanza. Columbia and a few others are already in the harness hauling lumber along the roast. NO SENSE IN RATE WAR Captain Spsnoer Bays Wheat Za Being; Readied Too Cheaply vow. Captain B. W. Spencer says there are no better prospects for a rate war bar tween the steamers plying on the upper Columbia river when the new eteamer J. N. Teal le ready for operation than at preeent. The J. N. Teal Is being built here by the Open River Transportation company to assist in handling freight from I -e wist on to this port. 'There would be nothing In it for anybody to out rates." aald the owner of the Charles R. Spencer thle morning, '"because rates are now down as low ae possible. At II a ton for wheet the profit le eo email that It really makes little difference to us whether we carry the grain or not." With the J. N. Teal in the field much better service le looked for, so that the farmere will be greatly benefited. F. A. KILBURN ARRIVES Steamer rlnge Full Cargo Frees Baa Fiaaeisoo and Way Boxes. The steamer F. A. Kllburn arrived from Saa Francisco late last night and Went to Greenwich dock to discharge cargo and load. Captain Merrlam re ports fine weather moet of the way, ex cepting a little fog oil the . Oregon coast. So much freight has already been re ceived for the outward trip that Agent Greenbough hung out the "No more freight received" sign yesterday after noon. The Kllburn touches at Coos bay and Eureka and doee a big business with those ports. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. The Harriman liner Costa Rica sailed for San Francisco last night with a full cargo of general freight and the steam schooner Johan Pouleen departed for the same destination with a cargo of lumber. The eteamer Harold Dollar left Seat tle last night for the Columbia river to load lumber at one of the lower mille for Ban Francisco. The schooner Irene went to Vancouver last night to load lumber for Redondo. She will take on a quantity of rail road ties at Stella. The dredge Portland oommenoed dig ging a channel opposite the mills of the -North Pacific Lumber company thle morning. After completing this work the dredge will go to work deepening the channel to Vancouver. MARINE NOTES. Our "Clothes Shop" Suggests to discriminating dressers the advisability of inspecting our new tines in men's and young men's Pall Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats. Each garment is a model of perfection In style, quality and workman ship. They fit, they look and they wear. The varieties we show, the range of fabrics and designs we display and the prices we quote, make choosing very easy. Besides you are privileged to pay for your outfit in small weekly or monthly payments. No extra charges for credit accommodations. Our Men's Furnishing Section offers every requisite An Men's Toggery at the lowest market prices. Our Children's Wear Section shows many strong attractions for clever and economical parents. Your attention' is especially directed to the waterproof suite we show for boys from eight to sixteen years of age. They shed water and at the same time resist wear. Women's Wear for Autumn The various Sections devoted to Wear for Women are veritable moving pictures of style. The Suit and Coat Section has outdone all former efforts the Millinery Section portrays the fashions of the hour the Waist and Furnishing Goods Section offers a variety of beautiful things that is well nigh bewildering. Whatever is new and stylish is shown here first. In the Jewelry Section Elgin and other standard brands of Watches, as well as all other kinds of Jewelry, Silverware and Cut Glass SI A WEEK Buy BEDDING and HOUSEFURNISHINGS Here. Our show windows are miniature style expositions always interesting. Eastern Outfitting Co. Washington and Tenth Astoria, Sept. ST. Arrived down at 4 :i0 and sailed at 8:80 a m . steamer Costa Rica, for San Francisco. Sailed i at 8:35 a. m.. British eteamer. Knight I of St. Oeorge, for Bt. Vincent, for or ders. Sailed at 8:40 a m., jMtrk Hes- per for Redondo. Balled at 8:40 a. m.. steamer Johan Pouleen, for Ban Fran cisco. Star Point. Sept. IT. Sailed, Brit ish ship Dlmsdale, for Portland. San Francisco. Sept. 27. Belled, I schooner Henry Wilson, for Portland. Astoria, Sept. 26. Arlved at noon and left up at 1 p. m., steamer F. A. Kll burn. from Ban Francisco and way porta Arrived at 8:1 IS p. m., German ship Nerelde. from Hakodate. Arrived down at 21:80 p. m . schooner W. F. Jewett. Left up at 6:80 p. m . French berk Genevieve Mollnos. Bt. Helens, Sept. 37 Passed at 0:20 a m.. French bark Genevieve Mollnos. San Francisco. Sept. 27. Arrived barkenttne Chehalls, from Astoria. Astoria, Sept. 7.-Conditton of the bar at 8 a. m., moderate; wind north west ; weather dny GOOD PAY FOR BRAIN WORK On atnndrsd and Ftftg Dollars fee of The Journal in the "Who, and Wssvt Oo asset. J It would certainly surprise the un initiated to learn how much Interest has already been aroused among the people in the coming "Who, Where and What" contest to be Inaugurated by The Journal next Tuesday. For the information of thoee readers who may have missed the announce ment in yesterday's issue. It le stated that The Journal will publish on next Tuesday advertisements of a number of the leading buelness housee In this city without mentioning their namee. Prom certain peculiarities, either of the name, line of goods, location or other special thing by which the firm le distinguished, the reader will be able to designate the business house referred to In each advertisement and answer correctly the questions that may be asked, One hundred and fifty dollars In coin will be distributed among those who eend In correct answers, divided In the follow ing amounts: First payment 878 00 In gold Second payment. 828.00 In gold Third payment 8X0.00 in gold Fourth payment 85 00 in gold Fifth payment tun in gold Sixth payment 82.00 In gold And 80 additional payments of 8ioo each eajfoo The last person sending In a reply has Just as good a chance to ' win aa the person whose reply Is the first received. It requires tint, thought and study, and the reply eomlng In last may., be more accurate than thoee cent much r1ljr ft... 1,1 u i inn uuiiivn win i'w oin iu w.vry man, women and child, without dlsttnc- itton, consideration or restriction, except to employee of The Journal and mem nonpar their families. Watch for Tuesday's Journal and send tajBgVtir answers. - .. . Buffalo convention. ' On account of the big convention of fhrletlan churches at Buffalo October it to 17, the Canadian Pacific has made a rate of $84.60 for the round trip. Tickets on sale October t and . Long time limit. Make your sleeping car reservations now. Double dally train eervloe. For further particulars, call on or address F R. Johnson, F. St P. A., 118 Third street, Portland. Oregon. m - i , Prsfsrrsd Soek Oaaned weeds, I Alien Lewis' Best Brand. Special Glove Offering for Bargain Friday 100 dox. Sixtcen-Button Length Lisle Gloves, in black and white only, best sizes. Special AG,, priced or Friday at, pair. Ov . - A Ribbon Bauffin 25c, 36o Kinds, 15o 10,000 yards Fancy Ribbons, stripe, polka-dots, Persian ef fects and Dresden, tor milli nery, sashes or girdle. 25c aaei 35c kinds, for Bargain 1 C Friday St. yard 1H FVtvHssfi BsWvvehXEoMaVSy RxS3""eV. eg W C saaMSpurYi BBstanVMMel mm ATTRACTIVE SAVINGS FOR FRIDAY SHOPPERS As usual, we shall give you e chance on Friday to save a tidy amount on any article you may need. Unusual value and quality in every one of this week's items. We aim to give the best bargains always. That we seldom miss fire is attested by the crowds that throng our aisles daily. Our stock of new Fall and Winter Merchandise is one of the finest in the city. Not only is the collection most gratifying to select from in the matter of variety, but the smallness of prices is most pronounced. The following offers are made in order to acquaint you with the wonderful values we are showing. Special price reductions tomorrow CROWD-BRINGING VALUES IX MUSLIN UNDERWEAR All the garments are made from good quality materials, full cut and perfect fitting, with taste ful trimmings of laces and embroideries. 65c DRAWERS 42c Muslin and Cambric Drawers, m,de with yoke band, deep, umbrella-shaped .ruffles, with insertion, embroidery and tucks, all sizes; regular 45c values. Special Bargain Friday Ly $1.00 Flannelette Gowns 880 Womens Flannelette Gowns, in colors pink, blue and white, made with double yokes, trimmed with ruffles and finishing braid, extra full skirts and large sleeves, all sizes ; real QQ $1.00 values. For one day only, Bargain Friday OOt 75o Corset 39o A Corset that fits and wears, made of good quality coutille, filled with tempered steel, deep hip, straight front, low or high bust, comes in colors white and drab, frilled elastic support ers; splendid corset for 75c. One day only, Bargain Q, Friday i .?.., Os C $1.50 Flannelette Skirts $1.15 Knee Length Petticoats of best grade flannelette, plain and fancy colors, deep ,flounce, with buttonhole edge Q and tucks; regular $1.50 values. Bargain Friday sPlelO 85o White Skirts 08o Long Muslin Petticoats, full umbrella style, with rows of torchon lace insertion, deep lace on bottom, tucks above. Some have deep cambric ruffles, with hemstitched tucks, all lengths; regular value 85c. Special Bargain aCQe Friday UOC BLACK PANAMA Best 65c Grade at 42 Gents Specially priced for Friday. A special lot of finely finished, all wool, absolutely fast black Panama, full 36 inches wide', closely woven, hard twisted weave, a most serviceable and stylish fabric for winter wear ; best 65c grade. Spe- A n cially priced Bargain Friday at . - .--. ,..,.,.. .XeVC English Henrietta Best 50c Grade at 35 Cents i Extra Special 42-inch English Henrietta, fine even weave, nice soft finish, comes in all the best colors, black, cream, brown, navy, cardinal and green ; our best 50c grade. Spe cially priced for one day only, Bargain Friday, 'JCr r, mm-, . rvt-i'vi.-tt1 V ."T.'T. . . UlV At e -sr-"SJWsj - Friday's Low Prices in the Domestic Section Three special lots for Friday not alone selected for their low prices, but for their sterling wearing qualities as we'll, haye yet to learn of a store giving better values. The following low prices are for tomorrow only: T.inan TTnMr Tnwols -s a e We Half-Bleached Muslin 0 Best 10c Quality at . . oC Tomorrow we place on sale about 50 bolts of Half Bleached Muslin, full 36 inches wide, splendid wearing quality, nice soft finish ; excellent values at the regular price, 10c a yard. 'Specially priced for Bargain Friday at Ov Best 20c Towels at Special for Bargain Friday about 100 dozen Linen Huck Towels, good large size, 18 by 36 inches, superior wearing quality, plain white or white with red borders; never before sold for less than 20c each. Spe- 1 fyLt9 cially priced for Bargain Friday at i 1 jbst2 V 5o a Yard for Dress and Apron Ginghams Tomorrow we place on sale an unusually attractive assortment of pretty new Dress and Apron Ginghams, checks, plaids J? and plain colors, in all the best styles and shades. On special saje Bargain Friday at OK0 Five Friday Bargains in Shoes You want to turn your attention our way for Bargain Friday if you want Shoes ; if you don't went them now you will the first rainy days. The prices arc made for but a day and you'd better be active. Women's $3.00 Shoes, in six styles, with good weight soles and patent leather tips, regular and low f C A eJFleW heels, lace and button styles. Bargain Friday. Boys' good solid School Shoes that are war- 99c ranted and will wear; worth $2.25. Bargain Friday 91.48 and. Girls' Shoes for. wear and worth $1.75 and $2.25. Bargain Friday that are stylish ; 99c We are selling Men's Shoes that are real hummers and worth 100 per cent more than iO what you pay at other stores. Bargain Friday eyaVaO Children's Shoes " 69a and 49e COME AND SEE Special Values in 18-inch All -Over Laces 300 pieces in Oriental, Venise and Baby Irish effects, in white, cream and ecru, specially reduced tor BARGAIN FRIDAY - 65c Allover Lace for, yard . 45e $1.15 Allover Lace for, yard 954 95c A I lover Lace for, yard 7Qa $1.95 Allover Lace for, yard $1.75 $1.75 Allover Lace for, yard 91.25 $1.00 Allover Lace for. yard 75e $4.50 Allover Lace for, yard 93.75 Edgings and Bands to match at reduced prices for Bargain Friday'e Great Sale. Unrivaled Values in Embroideries 35c and 50c Kinds at 20c 10,000 yards Swiss and Nainsook Embroideries, 6 to 18 inches wide, with Insertions to match; our regular J5c and Wc Aye values. Now displayed in our window. Special prices for Bargain Friday at, yard aVVv