THE OREGON" "DAILY JOURNAL. FORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER It. 1SC5. FOH ALE F 3. PEKSONAL. CARPET-CLEANi:."0. PLANING MILLS. FINANCIAL. 8IATK l AM'H MR SALE Te itita ef orrr.a raa tor sale a ttmtted nxiunt of baMt f 1 f lira seleellons: Hir entil further u-.tire oi per. acre, for par-ti.-uiors si1rces Oswald Vnt, State Land Agist. Kefe-m, Oregon. f,in0"O rARM of 0 im 220 cultivated. . u ere pasture: 30 acre .clover; bouee, two ban; would Mil In lota of 4U iim. Ad drree K. Hell. K.xite 1. Klrkrttl, Oregon, ar et East Twelfth St.. Ponlsod. FOR SALE Stock rsneu of t seres war Cuborg, S nilire northeast uf Enren. Laue county, Ores-m: prio 1W and term . r. I). Cheniberlalu. Labb bitg., Portland. FRF" USD I 0HKIJOM ndr th Carry Irrigation Act. Iead direct from etata. Writ today. Hook l-t and map tree. B. 8. Cooke Co., bl Alder aC Portland. Or. FOR HALE Farm war Latourell rail. mile from elation or riser boat; lil im, all (-need, hot turn land, suitable- for" dairy or pr-wlu. e ; 7-rouen D-w boua, 10 Nat, good pair horse and all nacesearr farm Inn.u-- luenta; i. ': terms Is auJC. J. X. Smith. Lstourrll a alia. Or.' FARM for sal ta taw valley.- HA arm in enltivstlou I'lO kt pastors and tlmher. rnn- alnr water, 3 good barua. fund orrliard, 8-rooul dwelling and OMtoulWlljigs: tula pla.-e -will b anid at bargain on aoxamt of old are- and eliknesa. Apply ,t owner, John Covert, I'srion.' Oregon. . BS AP 10 sr-ree. fenced: MO (araa andar ml. treation; ikut, good town no railroad: $1.6ai. easy tarma: raaliaad $1.5U0 en la at year's crop, uuu uregimien Dhlg. FOR SALE TIMBER.' CERTIFIED eortn, an; ay slae Piece i prior. W. 0. H 4, Baa Chamber f Cae- FOR HOMESTEADS, timber daises a ad sort apply o 80S Commercial elk. . - FOR SALE 2.WM scree first -clssa timberclose to Oltimbta rlrar. naar Caiw llara, J. 1. Armairofiir, 88S C'ahla at.,' Portland. Pbona Main Ka5. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. FOR HAI.B nond workhorwa: ran na arm at (tilf llnka. Kali wood. ln.ulra Wllllaaa Moffat. TO EXCHANGE. TW0 HORSB oiproaa oat fit to trad (or any. thliic ot oqoal raloa. 3H5 Barnalda. ' TO EXCHANGE-J00 arraa of Und. koaaa. barn and bulldlnKa trait troaa. (or bonao and lot la Portland. T. J. Walklay. KUt Urand tb. FOR AMS OR EXCHANGE Lataat lmoroTa.1 Kally Imtaawuis Bacbln. cbaap. i Addroaa d 44 Joornal. " - v - . KOR aakt and a x ahanrr 1 I0 arraa. oaatarp ' itrrfo- all la arbaat. rrop ttb nlaro: will . lake rottaita or raraot Iota for part paxaiant. Northweat Land Co., 2U9 Murrlaua at., room 211. . - , Sit ROtlMS. aonaakaaritnr flata. wall famlabad. to asahaotra for lota or aouae and lot, Inqulra U at lUTi Third t- Kiel Baitialer Co. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Bl MMACK SALE (Iraa bj Idlaa' Aldaoclatr of riaaaato-fttrrwt Ooacreratlonal rhnrck, wlil ' a coatiaaa aaxt aroak. 11 bouth Union ara. FOR RALE d-borarpowrr bolatlnr onrlna and boiler, at. O. Lundatrou,. Hut Ouaniarctal bkl. - ... FOR RALE Rtork ladlca' ralrxnaU. $10 a ad ap; laillra' tailoring oar aporlaltjr; ad work unr 4 anleed, Kltckia A Uroon. CM WaalilaUji U Pcl . 179, , 1 "FOR RALK R-REfT-NRW- AND RHOOND , , HAND SBWIM UAC1IINK8. STANDARD HKWINO MACIUKB AUiCNCY. B. D. JONU, 3f YAMHILL 8T. - . , WE print roar una oa M calllnr earda. propof aiaa and atria, sac: no boalooH earda, ft. Brawa at Rckaaala. Z2S Flrat. Portland. Or. AMCUICAN TOOL CO. PLANER Planaa 12Vk (rat, (or ftala roaaonablo. luaulra 2So OUaan. MARD ANU POOL Ublaa tat fast at tat la oa aaar narmanta. TUI BRUK8WICK-BALKI COLLEMDEB Oa 4a Third at., Portland. . ; LABOR atoak aaoond-hand ilaealncton aed Hmltb-Prrmlar trpawrltara, froai $40 ap. . L'aderwood Trawwrllar Co.. 3B1 Stark C LA B0 EST atork of bottloa k aorthwoati ordera (Iliad promptly. Portland Bottla Rnppl? Co., Sl Mortk ELfhtaontk at. Mala Itloi. BH0WCARER AND FIXTCRE8 mad to ardor; aaoond-hand (onda (of aalo. Cartoon A Kail ', atrom. as Cooeh at. Pbona Clay 871. - PORTABLE. loraamtiT anllor and anglno) laaa tbaa Hrkw: 4 homcpowar. U U. fif- Rott'a law aa-flra. 4 Mulkay bide. FOR RALE Ona ttnrh Raltb atlrker. owa aaadar, on two-aplndl . aba par, balta pullrya. S04 Foarth at. . and UNCALI-ED-rOR monntrd apaalaaana aad far . ruga rbeap. r. J, Braaa. tUSVk Tbird at. TWO a a an Una mflaaa rory rbrap. Inqulr ( . r. uartmaa. Boa, in uuaa aa au A $50 UNCALLED r)R tailor-mad salt, dark rraaa. S8 or 40 boat. 45 Incbra blp airaaur. (or aa la rbaap; a lao bandaoai rraraoatt ouaL lrraaiaakui partora, 4J0ti Morrlaua at. firm 0NS aplrndld erfaai a oat aU at one. aVis Morrlaoa at. BEMEMBER. If roar (Iraplae narda a aow grata, Krorbmaa At Hartman, 168 Pint at., ara aalllnf tb nnaladar o( Ikalr atock bio roai. HOTEL ran XCbartrr Oak), aaad 4 nveatba, dining chair, tablaa. abowaaaaa, eooatera. - Waatara Balraga Co., 27-B Waablngtoo, at. MILK goata (or al (or eonanmntlaaa, bablaa, ' old and weak toaaacba. tv GoldamlU at., Alblna. MAYOR'S Walnnt Oil aaatora gray, or fa dad kalr to nataral color t bottla fl. For olr wlax addraaa K. Mayor, US Bacuad at. , 1300 NEW nprlrht piano. SIM; another $4(i; orn fSS. 341Vt Flrat, cor. Mala, au atalrat ' FREE trial of a aaar oil bnrner (or rook a tore; , rail for on: I will fnmlab yoa with tha oil. O. W. Mower 804 Marguerite- ar. Pbou Kaat 40. ' , CHEAP FOR CAHH.a Two Pataliima Innibatora and hroodara, 0 ahlrkena and duake. aoma laylnr: on eoo ' ator and Kaatlng atora. two table, bed and . eprlag mattnaa, honbeaa, earpata, aha Ira. etc. Part la ran If they wlah rant tb pmra arty where that outfit nr M par month; 7 room bona, barn, atahla. rood wall, aar of :. rronnd. naar wbonl. 1 mile from Portland , Halght car line. B ftfi, Tb Joaraal. FOR SALE Tonne Rmtch collie, good aheen , dog, Inqnlr Wllllaai -, Moffat t the fi( llnka. RaUwoo. FOR HAI EBI K RIM l) 11.1 NO. I AlllllMll MACHINE. ALMOST NK7. HI CHAMBER or COMMERCE. PACirlO 4341. FOR RALE Rom rinrat Antomatle B. fl, atork, rary rbeap. F M. Journal. PARTY going eaat will 1 Iron bad, anrlng I. and matt raw. $.1; itanalnn table. '2: baallix i atora, $2; chain. e; lady'a blcyelr. good condition. $12: gent'a bicycle, $d; ennarer brake. Mr. Brown. 411 Eaat Thlrty-fourla at., Tlawthorn ara. ear. PERSONAL. T. F (Tlta1-FVwr "tablet arlTl I tor t pea tb anap. rim and alror a( manhood; If Kara larking In b power o( rltallty. Ma raaoltlng (rota Indlaoratkia and eacaaaaa. , aand (or a bog o( ta tablet and b en rloord of tbalr merit By mall la plala pk.. $1. Tbe Armatrotig Tablet Co., teak. Met Tnlama blk., Detroit. aUra. SPECIAL NOTIClt TO Wn MEN Don't rlak tour Ilea by an operation when yoa raa a enrad by harmleae aiethoda; electricity rroperly applied' will ear Ufa where opera Ion kill. We poaeeee the lateat Inrentlo ' to eoatrol lleeaae necnllar to women. Dr. W. J. Nace, M. ., Medical Electrician. Of. (Ice 719 fw-knm blog. Pbea Red ten. Otftc hour -la, $8. MRR. ANNA LIICKEY and ETHEL WARD ar now located at $30 Taylor at principal of the American Beanty Partnfa we core all . eratp dlaeaaa and poetttraly (row hair or make no fhargai all klnda at bath glren; elactrln maaeere, manlrnrlnt and eMropody; - a ten Madam K arrow mmerlleal aatlafactioa ' gnaranteed. t'hon Mala it-i-Hl. . - t)EFCTIVK AnrNCT Coondcnttal fnreatl. gatlona: raoorta made on inf 1i.I1Mhii4 mial naa a prop-Mr: 0itln rrUtlraa I'vCktad; bad drMa collrrtpn: itmig-n rai'nahla ; crr- r-0"TnrtT- I ' i T lir. ,ri I''tlra R-r'r-. .. a , . ' . W., - 1 ,V 8 ' - 4 k . , , L . . DR. AlM'I.I'Mi. dleaaaaa of women and aajr grry. All-ar bio., 'llilrd aad Morrlaoa. f FR. Paltno Tahlata make) T- Bleep perfectly; tnay cor aaraianraa and make yoa etrtitig; prlr ftoc a hot. boar fi ; guaranWail. All drurrtata. or addr-aa Bruuka Drug Ca-, 141 Korrh Iblrd it.. Portlaiid. h'O URCGS, an operation; Prof. Daaa arlraa oatotl,y ad aiaanette treatment, radtaroa our flaaa. relleraa tui.piaaaed aaeathly lrraa aiarttlea. Cmeullateua (rwa. Wtftca. aut Ooudoongh bldg. MANI.T rigor raatorrd by Dr. Roberta Kara Glebale. One month' treatment, ft: axial ha, 3; aant aacurely aaalrd by mat. Aerate. Vt oodard. Clark Co.. Portia od. Ot. BOOK SI Hare thar are: -Decameron.' He. nni tinena -A ltr.t Tamale "Klttaf RHL' "Twaoty Tear a Faker." 'Torbldrt-a Fralt." toe aack; Hat. (re. A. Schmale, 2 Ftrvt ft LOST power factored by tb groat Dr. loreaa a Nerr Tool" Tablet; tSc per be. boara (or $1 2S. Write or rail at Email' Pbaraury, tZl Morrlaoa. hot. let aad Sd. TUB Celebrated Star Hair remedy rearer . gray and laded hair to Ita natural color, pre- Biotra tb growth of balr; not sraaatfvl . Hair Store. Sud Waaklugtoa. WHY lire akm when yoa can ecrur a Ufa cofnr-aulon br Joiiilng the Interatat Intrw dnclng Society, and meet or .corrranoad wit reputable pcre-xia of tbfa oection. many wealthy; the Noremlier reeiater, 10 cent. Unit U Bueaell bllg. Pbune Paclfl oa). Sl'ITS preaard wblle ro tadlao akirta preeead Roc. Gilbert, lofli Rlitk at. Beat to the Quelle. Pboa Clay to. WANTED T eon fee with thoaa enatewipUt. fng a bnelneee eoar; to your peraonal aad (lna icU Intrreat to laTeattgat. Addraaa t 4$, car JournaL LA DIES Yoa apnaar SO ye re vetragar. ro . avrr all wrinkle, bar akla Ilk relret by aetnr Orcgoa Grape 8k la Food. Pbona Eaat I jxSI. PR. ATWOOD, 1 Raoael bldg.. IsoH Fomf at. Female dlaeaaa and cooflaaaieDta; opea erenlnga. Conaultatkai (re, MEN I WOMEN 1 Raymond' pill poaltteely car aorrouanrea and lack of rttal ty; $1. 4 Boxaa tk. PlamaMT Drag Co SM Third. EXPERIENCED droaamaker wlIK awu la (aatlll. Cnloa S44. DIAMONDS, WATCHER. JEWELRY. BOl'tlHT, HOLD OR FXCHANIiED AT UNCLE MYEKS. PIONEER MONEY LKNDKR, 143 THIRD KX, ' NEAR ALDER. - r , . . j 8WKIMMH trained nura. HrbrtDgfor graduate, noaltlyely rurea rbeumatlam. nerue dlaor dara and auemaeh troulile by band-rbbiug. - ateask. aweat and tub hatha; both ewxee. T taut Elarenth at., two door from Eaat Aa- - keny car line. Pbono tiaat SBO. . --; FREE aimnra eor. bunion and wart vara. Ba wl a L. Pea a. dept E. Tauntoa. Maa. Tl'RKIttll BATHS. $0 Oregonlaa bldg.r Udlo daa. gentlamra night. Main l3s. WANTED To know tb where bnvta of William Rtenhea Rmltb. (ormrly of Loa A ore tea. . Addreo Motber. bos 128, - Santa - Barbara, California FBBE to rait of town (mtrooe.-onr tetcat rata . logne o( (ancy work, pillow . torej. eemer flecea, ahlrtwalata and nareltlra. The Needle raft Shop. Jgr7 Alleky bldg., Portland. Or. DBS.' M. A. N1SBETH, Bwedlab aprdallat. care raeumatlam. kidney, atonarb and Urer trouhlea. ehroale conatlpatlon, oboalty aad all chronic and aerron dlaeaaa; no dm re: a knife; $V0 per atontb. Conaultatlon and dem onatratlona tre. Hood 1822. 411 Morrtaoa at. MIDDLE Ai ED lady gotnr eaat ran redo re (are. Write Immediately, B M, The JonmaL DOLI-H" hoapltal; repairing aad dreaalng. Yam hill and Weat Park ata. BEND-(or-free Ilat of-rnt jrlcea and lnb .rate on maraalnaa; agenta wanted.- Jooaa' ttnoa more, evi amht bi. a HEI-OMA EOYPTIA. arlentlflc Dalmlat, perrhlc. life reader and beater; paat, preeent nd future-. 2:14 V Recntid, cor. Morrlaon t. ASSAYERS. GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO, and Montana Assay Office. 186 Morrtaoa at AUTOMOBILES. ROWARD C0YET, Fifteenth and Alder, agent for Cadtllae and Plere automobiles: mackloe ' rented, repaired and atored. ART GLASS. JU PORTLAND Art fllaae- Wot a Plalnand ortia mental glaaa. 2R6H Taylor. Phone Red t"". ATTORNEYS. i. H. TANKER, attorney, SOS Commercial Mk .' Second and Waeblngton ata. Phon Mala, Ml H. F. BURLEIGH, lawywr. Beat Portland. . US Oraad Bt., EDw'aRD T. TAOO ART. attorney and aona aelor. 4td Clieojber of Commerce bldg. ART EMPORIUM. "THE LATEST FAD" BO bay a pen aad lak sketch of yoaraelf from phot or Bf. Fas King. BM Raleigh at. Bear 29th. M. ear. PROFERROB R. MAX MEYER. $4$ AM. Portrait aad laadacana artist and teacher. NEW wall decoration, panela In nil painting; order eoMrlted. Phone colon jnnj. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. I. BIRKENWAt.D CO.. S0A40S E rare ft at fyarreat batrhrs' anpply hone oa tb eout. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWTt. DAVIS KILHAM. lf-11t feeoad t. fllank book mannfartorerat agenta fnr Jeaee m pro-red Looae-Lea( ledger; ea the Bear Enreka tear, tha neat on tne maraer. BATHS MASSAGE. MIHR ENOL1HH. healer; rhenmatiata cored, also medicated bath, electric and magnetic treat ment. 14rlv Rlxtb. cor. Alder, roam S4. TOl'NO 'aelentlfle maaaeoae ffrrea electrical, rheaanal I alcoholic and medicated treatment; ehlronodlat. pedicuring and manlcorlng. , Re. erptlon room lo, B'nann bldg., cor. and Morrlaon ata. Phono Pacido 735. tutu TOUNO arlentlflc manaena glrea magnetic, at - eohollc nd electric treatmentn. rapor.' Roman and medicated hatha. 27 Tecoma hooae, Btark bet. Third nd Fonrth. ; BLACKING. ' ;-; WERF00T Blackln,abolntela waierproof. pre aarrea the leatherit-aaeka flioe wear BO per cent longer. . For aala ertrry where, 10 and IB cent. g - CHIROPODISTS.' IF yonr feet art ont of order, f to Dr. W or ley Benlamm, 3k0i WaahUieton - at., tl foot eoeclallat. Phon Black' BISV CAFES. TTTB orriCE ffl Waahlagtoa it -Phone Mala TTl. aamoel Tlroeana. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOERanrboly ewe yon any rnmey 1 W eol lect bad debts of all klnda from It P- 122 - Oraad are., room 11. Cat tola oat . C0LLETlOXR by tha Northweat Collection Agency; yonr bnalneae hawllrd 1n A boaloaaa manner; try na. lrt-17 Lalibe bldg. TUB Bl Book Mercantile Agency, "ollectloaa, law and report. $1$ Oregualea bldg. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLE.!.") crockery and ylaaewar. Prael, Hegele gt Co.. Ion to. lod Fifth -eor. Stark at. ' CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ERRERH-OtlNRT CO. Dlatrlbatora ( riNS era ars Portland. CHIROPRACTIC poITiVEI V corca all foam o( rhenmatlam. lc. E-a li -eni, a Ml Hall at. Phon Mala V4. STANDARD Carpet Claaelog Co. targeet pleat oa tbe meet, lortug and Har.llt. at, trle- pbotte Eaat rii. ta claattaa. reim--. awed and laid both eleam ai.d Uteet com- preeaed air procaaa -. reooTatlag fee Ibrra a aperialty. SANITARY ear-pet cleaning, aurtl. and eoaa- preaaed air auublaeo: oat i-et cH-aoi-u wltooat remoral. Mala t-'-J4. Eaat eVW. r a H p r re e-i the floor- are ra tea i doat Pbe Clay $1. fro deaaoaatratloa. U BrNTER Steam leaner. B.V Jrffereol eamat and mattn . phone Mate tie. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. LENKCH BROS, rammlaalo aaercbant. floar. feed, bay and prodace, 2 to So Treat at Pbon Mala 2ftWr. . . BVRKD1NO A FARHRI.L. prodoc d e-oaaaaHj. eloa Baeachanta. 18 roat at. Portland. Or. Pb-ea Mala 17a. COAL AND WOOD. KINO COAL CO. Sole nt for th famon - Diamond roal: try tt and yoa will iwje any It. tvyomlng and" Waablnatoo bowee eoele. Vtrrtnla and Wn.ulnrt'-n aioltulng cue la: (nil . weUbt guaranteed. , Tel, Mala 1420. , A. L. Stephen, manager. CHCRCHLET BROS, har reeaoeed from foot Darts at to 428 Kearney at., near lit; la bow th rarreat woodyard la th cite, carry, tog all kind of wood and coL Mala Kit. GREGORY MORRIS. BrceMur to Cala MrKno. dealer la arond nd coal at Merest .Bticea: aatlafactioa gnaranteed, Cor. TaaU nd Irrlng. Pboa Mala 4K7S. WPRTEBN Feed Fuel Co.. on Front. hetwa Ollaan and Hort. dealer la all kind of aoaae oraia and hlaekamith cose. Phone Mala I0IR. ALBINA FCEL CO.- Dealer la eordwood. ol and tree and dry alabwood. R. B. and AW Mna are., 2 block eaat of (eery. Eaat $74. STEEL BRIDOB FPEL CO. Dealer ta er-aV eordwood- and dry alabwood. Phoa Eaat 424. BOXWOOD nd planer :" trlmB-lne-B, Standard Wood Co. Phon Eaat tSlB. Foot Bast Pine. 0RBOON FTTEL CO wood. SOS Alder at ATI kind of coal and Phone Mala SB. - KIRK HOOVER. SIS Water at. wood sad al Phoa Mala dS. DANCINO. WOOOWARD-S dancing ernool f tb Weetera AaeJeen a UuelM. Meautev anal Thursday. .RDectator Inrlted. Lrnnons BOc. Daaclng S to 11. Oor. Recnod and Morrtaen. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST - ELECTRICAL ENGINEER! NO) Compear. SOS Stark at.. Portland. O. K, tot eaerrthtng la U alactrloal Ilea. Paoa Mala 1HHS. - PACIFIC ELECTBI0 CO. E-irlneera. - eoatrae . to-a. repairer, electric wiring, an poll. 84 First, eor. stark. Mala SOB. B. H. Tata. mgr. THE Electrical Appllaao Co., 480 Waahlawtoa at. t rno Mala 4RH. , CLEANING AND DYEIN0. UP-TO-NOW CLEANING AY PBESRINO COM peny -Rotte preeaed, KOc; pasta. 10a, : Phon Paclrtc 284. $48 Aakany at. YAMHILL CLBANfNO PRESSING CO 'Work ca Had (or and dellTered. Phon Clay Portland Steam Cleaning A Drelng Work a; prac tical batter la connection. 2114th. Clay T04. CLOTHES cleaned -bdr preeaed !per SHBtav I'nlqn TaHorlng Co.. 841 Waahlngtoa at H. W. TTtRNEK. pro free lot-el dear and cleaaar, BOB Jefferaoa at Phone Mala SB1S. a i i, ju i . i i ieai i i niis-iaisa CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. AUTHORS A WOOD, aa reenter, hnl Ideas: r Klrlng and Jobbing; ator and office fixture lit Shop SO Colombia. Mala 62BT. . WASHBCBNE A FLOYD, sragoa builder and general -b work. S Btb at Phoa Hooa oso. F.-Hr TANDBBHOOF, earnenter - and Jobber, 287 Stark et. rhon Mala T4T. LATEST dedgna. plan of flats and heaae-: eatimatee made and coniracia tea am. at drees T B7, Journal. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST MRS. Sophia B. Relp. nrckometrlat. aeereaa and pmnhetea: dally 10 to B. I to S: circles To carter aad Friday. S P. m. 84S-4 Yamhill eor. Rerenth. Pacltle in. Sunday erenlng "meetings Drew hall, 12 Second at Com Friday. . . MRS. STEVENS. Portland'e d latin kabed falm, tat aatmlaglat aad aplritnal life reader. Do you want to know rarte important ana reli able T If ao, call apoa thla gifted and act. entlflo aeer. 1S8 Serenth t , Pbon Paclfl . TI4. - - - 1 B. FT. KNEESHAW. healer aad trapra Bedlum, raa be eonaulted at 145Vi Sllth et Hoar 12 to ,4 p. m. -. .. CURTAIN CLEANING. NEW process lace eurtala clealn(, BO tn 1 pair. 4o4 01laaa. Male f-4ld. DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. mrrfrmovfii.n vj .p.c.M.-Pog"TinriV.T pltal. 2S7 Bnmald. Phnaea: Maln40B:Bat263S DETECTIVES. e.e m, e TEI.L as ynr trnubles; we aerer sleep; arMenc traced ' In Ctrl I and criminal caeca. B. L. Henlnger. 16-17 Labb bldg. 1 DETFCTTVB ar eecret serai c work I strictly confidential: difficult caae aolldted. . Boom 14. Waahlngton bldg. DRESSMAKING. ANOELFR DBKSSMAKINO PABIXIRS. S42 Fifth at.; up-to-date atyle. perfect (It. ekllb fill workmanahtn. new method kt all branchee of dressmaking and repairing; lowest prlcei; call ar write. v FT RRT -CLASS parlor. 21T Allaky hldg.f an ita. town, coats, Jackets, lateat at-; akirta bound and. Jacket relmed. SHIRTWAISTS wool ar wsah atlk. made for tl.tB; eblrtwalat antra. $3 Sa 4o East Mar at , Phoa Eaat 1221. , KEISTER'S LADIES' TAILORING C0L1 EOR, 202 and 400 Allaky blilg-S write for booklet. nnireaar aarrlt arltl make a ' few gagentent In families. Phone L'ntea 544. DRERRMAKING SrrlctlF a to data; lateat da. ' eigne. 4M C1F st. DENTISTS. NET CHURCHMAN, dentist. $24 Maroniit-i bldg., Rlith and atom eon. rnon aim ion. EDUCATIONAL. LF1RRONB In decorstlre art painting, burning, ahelf and furniture malting. Roota , Lewis . hklg. - . . . ' FRATERNAL INSURANCE. . ORDER OP WASHINGTON Foremost fraternal society nf northwest! protecte the Urtag. 612 Maaiiiam bldg., Portland. Oregoa.. FLORISTS. American Floruit A Garde Co., 2 Tenth It Matn B4I0. Flow era and pot plaota. FURNITURE FACTORIES. -I r m I'tf- - -i i - ' - - - OREGON FrnltUT-MaunfaetorlBt Company--. . Manufacturer aC (uraitare luf ta trad. - partlaad. Or. FCBNITfRB BJatinfeftarlnir nd epecial order. L, Boecnohr'e fnrnltnre factory. $70 Froat at FRENCH BAKERIES. . THB only place tn Portland to get French bread, Perrer A May II. 407 Sixth at ball dalle, ary. Phon Oreea 60S. ' " FURNACES. I.. B0YNTON rra-lr fnessrea a fool, J. Q. Bar roraaot 0ei Sad Booa4. Main dSU. 1 : GRINDING. Baeen, kntra. ' m laa.aa - aharnened to turn, narteiai A Co.. i N. at, rscirertwa. GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO.. arbolaaam (acturer aad wmiaiua marchasta, and Oak ata. . ALLEN A LEWIS, enmmlasto and produce chanta. rroot and Darts ata.. rnrtiasa ad. Or. HOTELS. HOTEL Peadletoa, Piadletoa. W.A. Brew a. mgr. HOTEL Perttaad. Aawrieaa petal $$.$ dap. HOTEL St. Georga. Pendletoa: lea diss hotel. BELVEDERE: Earopea plaai 4th aad Alder ata. HARDWARE. HAY AND GRAIN. B. O. COtll'EB,- A CO PoUtoas. toed aad floar. 12S llama are. Psoas Baet WIT. - INSURANCE. LAMBERT, WRITMER -A CO. Fire lnearac and reel estate; otflcea loT-lod Sherlork bid. Mala 1008; dept U4 kaat Alder. Bast 4uL JAS. MrL WOOD, employer', liability sad la. cinouai a reliant Bursty Do no at au aina. 4T. SUS McKay bldg. B. F. BABTKT.S COMPANY Fir lasnraaaa. 448 Sherlock bldr. Oregoa Phon Clay 620. LAppftRS. LADDERB-e-Palntera ei tension-la doer, paper. k angers' treaties; Ire and roof lender; . plaaterar and (arm ladder; aee catalogue. : Phone Bast TOO. Portland Ladder Ca.. MT ' Rhine St.. eaat aide. B. W. Hassrard. proa. LOCKSMITH. I. H. BICHABDS0N. expert lock and keysaitthi ganarai repairing: eaat Iron braslngt all work . guaranteed. S0$ Fonrth at Pbea Hood 1182. BROWNE'S IN ri-OWN Etnert locksmith aad bicycle repairing. SRB Stark-Day Clay 822; nlrht pboa. Mala 838. MUSICAL. iaai. i,ei aa a SANJO, sultar) and mandolin I. aeons: aperlal -rates to clubs. Mrs. a B. llullopetsr, 8I j Wllllaau ara. , , -. -i PIANO, elolm. atrlng and wind tnsrramonts. Pmfeeaor Iklwta A. Smith, S04 TWaicta. . 4T0S. ...-.'., WEARER'S Mandolin. Banjo. Guitar atudle, S7I Aiasr; agent tor uinaoa manaoiin, PIANO tuning. $2; "pertec. work gaaraBtesd. O. W. Jot. aeon. Fbon Mam iaii. VIOLIN, mandolin, guitar, 10 I'nloa W7, MoBUrllla. . , It aeon It. Phon WEBBEB'B Mandolin. Banjo, Guitar atudln, S78 Ainer; agent roc uinaoa atenooiina. guirare. MONEY TO LOAN. HEADQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS. xti teregoataa aiag. Ladies or Gentlemen. No Publicity. If you borrow IJi) you pay back St. 86 a week. ir you sorrow 9 yoa pay nca a I on a weea. , If you borrow $.10 yon pay hark $2.00 a weak If yoa borrow 8 US yoa bar bark 82.28 a week. If yoa borrow $.V0 you pay back 8-1,00 a week. I a jaaenia suspenaca in caae or. aicai Strictly Salary Loans. , . . THB crescent Loan CO, SIT Oregoa laa Bhlg. MONEY TO LOAN On fmnrored city property or far bundle aurpoa. day amoout oa from a to 10 year time, with arisilog te rpy all r part of loan after one year. Loeae ap pro red from plans aad money adraacod a bulldlag progress; axirtgage takes ap aad . replaced. . FEED H. STRONG. PlnaarUl A goat. 842 Stark Street. A THB STAB LOAN CO. Any aalarled employ, wage-earaar. get aa bla note, wlthont mortgage ii i Meets,. H Meoth. Wee.. ISO.OO Repay ta aa $l3.rt8 ar $. ar fa W 829.00 Repay to aa 8 S.6S or 8$.M or il.nS $18.00 Repay to tie 8 4.00 ar $2.90 ar $1.00 tie McKay bldg. MONEY to lna a. aalarled people, tea mater, et . without aeenrtty: eaar payments; largest hnsines In 48 principal dtlee. To tea a. 222 Ablngtoa bldg. . Pbon Mala 84ST. MONEY to loan oa real, porsooal and collateral aorurlty; apedal attention to chattel mort gagee: note bourht. C W. Pallet, 804-8 Fentoa bldg., 84 Sixth at ' HIGHLT ' res pea table pises where ladle aad !:ent can borrow money on diamond end ewelry. Collateral loa a Bank. SOS Wash ngtoa at Pboae Black Tl. -" - CHATTEL Inane ta amorjnta ranging from ITS to $5,000; ro-imlng-boase a specialty. .New Era Lee A Trust Co.. tod Ablngtoa bids. WB aiak all klnda of loan oa good aeearlty at lowest rataa: special attention sl ' chattel loans. 02 Morrison at MONEY tn Inaa In sums of from t8.0fY ta si ono; terms to suit tb horrewsr. 2O8-I0, Commercial blk. MONEY to lea a la larg or small amount oa rood eeeurttr: lowewf rate. William S. ' Beck. SOT Falling bids'. MONEY tn loan an Ctarkanwe county laada, B. F. aad F. B. alley. 808 Chamber Coas- LOWEST rare aa fnmltnr and plann( Pa. ra Loan Ca, 44 Bhariock bldg. Clay 83,. - TO LOAN Sum to ntt ea chattel sag Billy. R. A. Pram, 814 Th Marauam. Monkt tn loan on all klnda of security. Holl. room . Washington bldg. Wot MEDICAL. THE BrRIXGSTEEN MEDIITNH CO., 'll De- kura bldg.. agents for th ceieiM-sten afonninin Roe reutedlee: cures all female trouble, ale stomach ami Hear tmnhlee; conauleatlon free. OSTEOPATHS. DRS. ADIlt A.NORTHRrP. 41B-Ia-1T Dekani bldg.. Third sod Waahlngtoa ata. Phoa . Mala 88. Etsm lna ties free. , i- . DRS. OTTS) A MABU-AFtN, do Wectesy bldg. Clay T7R. Re. M. tlBl" Cooeoltatloa free. TUB eery heat lady osteopath In town, Dr, L. A. John eon. 224 Salmon, near Sixth. ' OVERALLS. BOSS OF THB BOAD OVERALLS aad me chanics' clothing: anion made. Rraetadtar ' Rene., mannfarturer. Portland. Or. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BEACH A CO. Tbe Pioneer paint CM wtndew-fl.a aad dlaaliit. - 18 Fts-et St Phon 184. , . - ERNEST MILLER' A CO., -Second and Taylor Wall paper, plt all at market prteeei fra dellrery. - IASMI SSF.N A CO.-Jobr-trs. pelnla. 4L gUa. Tsaab aad dews,. Ssmmd and Taj las. ENTERPRISE Plaalor VIII Co. Raah. aad sreodtnrutng. J heat l ! sv PLUMBERS. DONNERBEBG A B A DEM A CHE It, eaaltary plambara. M Foarth st tka pai FOX A CO.. analtary plnmhers. 2X1 Bi read. bee. Main and Barmoa. Oreon raeai eiaio e-a. PRINTING. WFI.rll A DAVIS. Prt titers Doers of cbr things with Ink and type oa paper, aiaarai bnig., BltU aad Morrtaoa. Mala 414T. ANDERSON A DI'NIWAY COMPANY, printing. Htbograpblna. blank book a. I eoae maia i. tod Alder st METBOPOUTAN PRINTINO CO .Beery thlag In nrlmlng, Mala 1V- 1ST rront sr. RIDIN0 CLUBS. P0RTT.AVD RIDING CLUB Saddle boa and rarrlagee for rent. W. u. nrowa, ou oeww. SCALP TREATMENT. SEAT, falling hair, dandruff treated: ahampnse ing, manicuring, cniropoay. iace were. . B. F. Kyae. IdBVe Fourth, see. Mantaoa, Room 22. Phon Pacta 2S. SECOND-HAND GOODS. GOODS'! Furniture Hooae Highest price paid t'tr aacond-hnad furnitar. Ptnwja raetSe ,aSS. j r TREES, SHRUBS, ROSES. W har the by tb thousands: strong, healthy atork. Our ' 1805 lllnatrated and priced cata logue telle alt PORTLAND SEED CO.. rroal end.Yamhlll (1. R00FINq. TIN BOOFIN0. guttering, repairing and Slowing. . J. IJell, 212 jertereoo e a SPIRITUALISTS. MI7.PAH. medium, glres sdslc la troabla aal lose; telle aongt mlnee. nita to seueraiaai. tell about Wired one who hare passed beyond ajad hrtag Joy to tbnao who grlere. 124 'u Flrat at..' ronii I. Beading 24e and 60c. STREET-PAVING. WARREN Coo traction 0a.. atreet Baring, hide. walk and croaewalk,. Tl utegoaiaa aieg. THB Trinidad Aphlt Partag 0a. of Portland. ci roe son Worcester am. SAFES. 9t eAaT "s "j'lHi'rrtjWftIiis- tt asajtsmWjHjaa printing presses, tim anras. seiaa, open onto, do all kinds of machine work. Columbia Gaa Engine A Rata Works, 842 Second et Pbon Pacific 86. Fraak J. Super, supt. DIE BOLD Maa -ansa aare; fir aad burr la r- ark; Jail aad srtaoa trora: sncioanj repelr. J. B. Da eta. Third at. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SH0WCA8KS of eery dearriptlnai bank, bar nd ator fixture Bade ta order. The Lath Maaafacturing C., Portland. T SIGN-PAINTERS.- GOLD SIGNS, window lettering, cloth baaaers. ecnaoaiical electric tana end eign ar au kinds made quickly. ' Foster A Klelsst, Fifth and Ersrstt Phon' Exchange 88. . TELEPHONES. THE only exelitetee telephon houae. B.-R. r.iecrrie at te lepaotte rtaptmciuriBS com pany. P2 Fifth at. - 'RUBBER STAMPS.- P. C. STAMP WORKS, 248 Alder at. phoa Mala . Tio; runner stamps, sesia, atenciia, baggage, trade ettecke; aend for catamgu No. So. TYPEWRITERS. NEW typewriter, all makes, rented. stld and repaired. Coaat Agency, UI Btark. TsL 1407. BLICKEN8DORFER typewriter, gucplle. rt pairtng. Bos A Boss. 2o8 Stark. Main 1870. TOWEL SUPPLY. 7&1 CLEAN TOWELS DA rf.T Comb, brash. Baa. $1 par swath. Lawrence) Bros.' Towel Sanely os.. Fourth and couch, pnoue m TRANSFER ANp HAULING. SAFES, plaao and faraltar mora 4, packed ready for ablpplnf aad ahlnned;,atl work Saaraateed; large, Mkery, brick, ire-proof warehouae for along. Offto 128 flrat at, C M. 01 sen. phone Mala 847. THB BAGGAOB A OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO.. cor. Sixth and Oak at.; baggag checked from hotel or reeldenc direct to deatluatloui paaaengere theretor arold mall aad annoy ance at denote. . 0. O. PICK, afsce 88 Flrat '"attwsea'tsrk , and Oak ate., phone 688; plaaoa aad furniture more ana parxeu ror snipping i eomu f brink ware bouse, Froat aad Clay ata. TUB EDWARDS RTORAG8 A SHIPPING CO. will pay full rain (or household furultur! If yoa want t eli, call ap Mala 604.' OREGON TRANSFER COV-184 North Sixth. Pboa Mala 08. Heavy kaullag and atnrag. SEE Boss tt. Pin m mar about atorage; Brenrof eat rates. Snt Third st phoa Mala 281. AST SIDB Transfer Co.. A. B, Hnleerah, rp. 122 Eaat Water st Phoa Bast $. POST SPECIAL DELIVERT N. BOOM Waea- Ingtna st. Phone Mala Box. VIOLINS. 1. A. WERCO. rtolln-maker and repairer i work Bret claeB. SB alaeee king., t aad WIRE GOODS. BAST PORTLAND FENCE A WIRE WORKS JR8 East Morrlaoa at Phoa Eaat 821. FINANCIAL. D0BTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. I Th Oldest Trust Company ia Oiegea. BKSUl'RCKS GVEU $l,2fl,000. ' General banking. Exchange oa all parts of the world. Saying .acooniita. Tim certlS rrte. S lo 4 per ecot ehort cell apeclal cert Il ea tn. $.V( e oxer. 8 W to 4 per cent. Call for book of ' I LLC ST RATIONS." . Sualbaat Corner Third and Oak Sta. . . Phone l-rlrat Exrhange T2. BENi. I. COHEN.,,..,., .President It. I.. PITTlii'K.i i,j,,.-....VIc;rPrrldcnt B. LER PAGET. ...e.... ...... Secretary I. O. OOLTKA..... ,A,aelattnt sveretary UN ITU STATES NATT0KAT. BANK OF P0STLAND. 0BEO0M. . ' M0BTTTWX8T COB.' THIRD AND OAK STB. Traaaaeta 8 General Banking Baeia. , DRAF'll lex l : 1 1. AralUbl In All lltlra of tbe T'nlted State - and Kurope, lkmghonv ted Manila. r ... . . COLtECTIOiri UADt OH FAVOBABLI TERMS. Prealilent .....J, C. AIMMWOHTIt Vlce-Prealdent .W. M. AYEH Vlre-Pr.ldent...,.....Sf.. J. 1 EA BARN Kit Cfcsbl-r ......B. W. BCIIMKEH ..Kl A. M. KHIllliT Aaslstant Cashier ...,W. A. IIOL'f r-taif NATIONAL BANK r OF rOEtLAUD, OtIOOX. Drelgnated lie peat tor and Fltmatisl Agent f Ilia I sited State. Ptealdent i,..a .A. t. Mil I.B C eel.l.-r ,.J. W. NFWhIHK Aaslstant Csahl.-r ,......W. C. ALKI a,nad Asalatant Cashier It F. STF.VKNS Letter ef- Credit laaeed Arallalile In Europe and the F.aatern Hlalea. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Tr oaf are arid on New York. rVietoU. -t h Ira an, St. Uula, St Paul. Omaha, San Franrlar aad th nalnctnal solnta In the Northwest. r niirhi and time bilk) drawar tn entits-to anil on Loadon. I'Arla, Berlin. Frankf art on the Mnln. Hongkong. - Yoknfceaaa. t otieahageni chrlatlanla, Stockholm, St. I'eteraburg, khH I Cow. 'V.' ITil ..KU T..- ' CvlWcUoa Made ea FtrerabM Ttrau, ADO A Til TON. BABKE88. (latsblieaed la lt.) . Tre asset a 4Vsaaral Banking Baataiaa. Cot!cles ssade el all reMara so tsreesble raas. I.llm m4 ereltt laeoed aesUaM la knr.e and all points la the ( nlred Mates. Sight Ktrhaace and TrlcgrepUic Tranafae old oa New lors. Waahlogton, t hbsgs, St. ieia, iieaei r. omaba. nan rraweaco sat Montana and Brltlah Colsml'ia. Kienang auld oa l.mlo. Parts. Berlla. Prsnkfnrt . Roagkaag. okehama. -Maalla and llouoluka. ft I ISCKAaTTS' MATIOKAX BARK. IV . . POBTLABO. OBjLltOM. . J. FRANK W ATrHl.V Prialdeut St. L. WBHAM. ...,., a Vle-Pralont B. W. IIOYT tnehlar tiKOHCk W. MOYT '. ..Aasletaiit Caahhrr Teaaaaota a Ssnsral Basking Baainea. Draft and Letters ( OmIU le'tled Arallaha) ' s All larta at ike World, i Ollactkeaa a Snrrialty, StCVRTTT SAVTlfOS A TBVST OOatPABT, Md Merrlaea St, Partlaad. Or. . Teasaaeta a traaaral Banking Bualnaaa. SAVIBOA DEPARTMENT. Iatereat Allosred en Ttsae and Sartuga Deposits. ' Acts aa Trustee tier eJMetr. Drafts aad Letters of Credit Arsllabl h All Parts of tha World. C, F. ADAM Preetdewt L. A. LEW, IS..,., .Fb-et, Vlce-Preetdeat A. L. M1U S t.j.... Second Vice-President B. 0. Jl BITE Secretary F. RlMtKM.. Jtaakstaat rWrrtary M0BBIS BB0S. IM First St, PerUaa. 0. . Offer Gllt-Kdge Inreataienta la Manlrlpal aad Railroad Boa da. Writ or all. 'U OOmiKIlTTAl. COMFAXT. ., ' ' Financial Agent. ' " Storks, Bond aad Mortgage. ta Stark Street. Phon Mala ISTd, MORTOAGG LOANS 0a Portland Baal Batata at Lswast Bat. Tttlaa laaarad. Akatraeta Faraiaaed TITLE OUASAMTFE A TRUST CO. tt Wsahmgtoa St., Oar. Sssaod. 60IIIG DLKID Famout . Calif ornian Will Prob ' ably Spend Remainder of Days In Darknetv.:L UNDERGOING TREATMENT " IN A 'FRISCO HOSPITAL For Mors Thsn Hslt a Ctntury Bsld win and Fstt Hsvt Been Plsjrlng " a Gamt of Die and His Lack May " Now Triumph. ' . l' . (laamsal SnocUl Berrlre.l - San Franclaco, Nov. 14. On a couch in a darkened room at Lane hospital ilea K. J. Baldwin, or 'Lucky" Bald win, as lie Is known throughout I ha lena-th and breadth of the union. The ased man's Strugs' this time la not for gold, not even for Ufa. but what Is perhaps mora precious, Ms eyeelsnt Tha Drotebllltiea are mat tna r malnder of "Lucky- Baldwin's life will be spent In total darkness. Fop more than hair a century ha ana rate nave been playing, a gam of dice.. Often thei gamw want a samel mm, mors ire- quently he won. But this time u Beam hr ta tor row forver. : r Ten days ago Baldwin cam up from hi ranch In tha San Oabrlel valley to be treated for, hi eyes. Hla ya nave neen Tailing mpiaiy. no was oarw ly able to aa when h entered tha hospital, and whether tie will 0 able to see when he leaves It Is a quest los th physicians cannot answer. Last night It was reported a Blight Improvement had been mad In Bald win's Stsht and It may be that thla man's marvelous luck will .again triumph. . .. Baldwin waa one "worth 18,088,80S, but lost Immense sums, r H I still a very rich man. as h owns (0,804 acres of th moat fertile land In the San Okbrlel valley near Loa Angelea, and several blocka In San franclsco. CITIZENS' TICKET CHOSEN v TOR ELECTION AT ECHO (Special Dispatch ta Th Joaraal.) Echo, Or., Nov, 14. At a maaa meat- ing. held by the eltlsena or Be ho, a cltlsena' ticket was nominated for th fiefalJialintclpnjl be helTTeoernbr 4. Alayor U A. Kali b, who has already served for two terms, waa unanimously renominated for the office. W. H. Boyd waa nominated for treaaurer. H. B. Gillette for recorder and H. D. Puglay for city marshal. Tbe foHowIng sis eouncllmen were nominat ed: John Dom. Frank Bput Jerome Oulllford. tdtuls SchoL Cltyd Oliver and C. I. Lyl. r. 8. Bramwall. field superintendent of th La Grande sugar factory, la In Kcho superintending th gathering or tha beet crop - raised In thin section. About ! Japanese are at work harvest ing tha .Ou-acre crop and one carinaa has been gathered at thla tim. The sugar percentage of th crop la vary good, averaging from 17 to 10 per cent CENSUS SHOWS BIG INCREASE IN DOUGLAS ' "..(..' Dclel Dispatch ta The Jeoraal.) Roaoburg, Or., Nov, 14. Th official summary of th censti for this year waa todav completed by County Clerk Aaron. Th noDulstlnn of Douglas. county Is given at 11.118, an increaa ef raor than 18 per cent in in isai nv yoara. Rosaburg leads .the towns Witt a population of I.0R8. Thla la an Itv creaae of 1.SI4 In the" last Bve yaara. Although some new territory was takes In this year, this Is considered a re msrkabl Increase. Oakland I the sec ond town, with 418 Inhabitants,- and Drain a close third, with 184. the popu lation of Drain having doubled in thf past five yars. -. . .., ... CITIZENS OF ECHO : MAKE STRONG PROTEST (Rneclat Dteeetrh t The Joaraal.) Echo. Or., Nov. 14. A mas meeting of cttlaana was held hare laat night protesting against Secretary Hitchcock rejection of th East l matins irrigation Lproject. Strong ,-reaolntlone , favoring P I .1 i aiMI Skill reciamaiiun aof ,, . b ant te Washington. The Oregon Dewelopment lesguo will bo eskod to takeSip th Irrigation question In Ore gon. ColaaMA College aroaarena. . ' (Soeclal Dispatch t Th Journal.) Milton, Or.. Nov. 14. Arrang'-merit. have been perfected for the orgfinixn tion ot a gymnlnm snd resrltng rnom at Milton, In sVhioh the students ot th Columbia rolVcge Win tnVe an rtive Intertst. ttna. htmtlred tlxllsrs hia al ready bon stibscrlhcrl fnr svrntnl'rn apparatus.. The t'olumMi I tn a VCry pronperoti cuii'!l""n. LUCKY DALDlJin IS Ul till! 1 L1$L Whington Railroad Ccr.... ion Holda That Present Hit: J . Ar Not Cquabl. " MUST HAUL THR0UCH WASHINCT0f4 CATEWAYC Restoration of Joint Ratca Is Ordered and New Tariff Fixed on Hauling Coal. From Roslyn to Cotfax and Intermediate Points. (racial Dbwairh t Ta Joaraal l Colfax, Waah., Nor. 14. Tha ststa rsUrosvd ootnmlanlnn lat nlaht finished ? jpqulry -into th railroad ratea com plained f by shippers mn4 rentier ed a verdict aKatnat the ratlroada, ccmpelllns tha latter to haul ahlpmenta through Waahlncton aatewaya and to catablleh Joint rate). OaoalBa Ittri ef aalcm. The commlaalon finished taking lenll- mony at t:4l o'clock reaterdar after noon. Attorneys for the railroads waived a rati men t and Attorney-Oenaral Atkinson atated that h alao would re frain from anrulnc th ess. The com missioners . eonaulted toscther for a short time, when they announced that they would render an oral decision at T:S0 o'clock, and tha full test of the daclalon with all detail will be rendered as soon as convenient, probably about two week at their office In Olympla. If railroad attorney dealro. they will b siren an opportunity to be heard before th decision In full la published. Hons or tn railroad attorney nor wit aeaaea except Jamea Wilson of Portland, attorney for th O. R. A N.. remained for the evonlna seaslon, all othara leer. Ins foe Spokane on th afternoon train. Tha daclalon of th commlaalon ta erected with enthusiastic approval her. Governor Mead wired his congratula tions to tha commission last nlsht . aTeJpoa4s Xessa Teilart. The naiasmlaslon has wnsnlmously - agreed' upon the following general prin ciples, governing the declaldh In this causa, vis.. 1 ; .- , ' It Is satisfied by the evidence that the employes of the Northern Parlfla Railway company have for many year followed a rule, regulation or practice of routing gooda from Pugot eound ter minals to practically all points In east ern Washington situate on th lines of the O. R. A N. Co., via Portland. Or, gon; and thla practice and custom has' pravatied for such a length of time that th company la charereabl with knnwl- -edge thereof, and that such practice a no" cuatom. under the circumstances, con stitutes a rule govern Ins shipments, sd alleged In th complaint.' That itch rule and regulation cause a unnecessary delay and additional expense, thereby Injuring both shippers and consumers, and la therefor unfair, unjust and un reasonable. Tbe commission will there fore cause an order to be entered ab rogating thla rule, and tn lieu thereof Will provide that such gooda be routed -vta-8ucB gareways'lft" Washington sa ' are most expeditious "and economical, unless otherwise directed by the shipper JeOtmls Sou trajaet. ' The commission Is satisfied thst tha sum of the loawvls now charged on ship ments over two or more lines within the state Is sn unjust end unreasonable rate, and that joint rates on, the good mentioned In the complaint, 'moving In either direction, should be established. Tha evidence la practically uncontra dicted that for nearly II years a Joint rate waa voluntarily established snd maintained by the Oregon Rail rood e Navigation company and th Great Northern . Railway company which met th local rate of the Northern Pacific Railway company and also the rate of the Oregon Railroad A Navigation com pany to Portland, and tbe presumption must maintain that then products rsn be profitably carried wer a Joint rat established. , , , Bate aa Coal Plaed. . The commlaalon le satisfied from Th evidence Introduced that a joint rat on coal from Roslyn 'to Colfax snd In termediate potnte Should be established. From 1$4 to 1882 h joint ret wan In TSfocra'noTn Northern Pacific Railway company snd th Oregon Railroad eV Navigation com pany, whan it was abrogated by th Oregon Railroad A' Navigation company, aa It frankly admits, for th benefit of th union Pacific . Coal i company ami the t'nlon Pacific Railroad company. and a prohibitory rat waa placed on Roslyn eoal from wanuia junction te Col fas. The commission will establish a Joint rate from Roelyn to Colfaa and Intermediate points. The details of all then joint rate will require careful conolderatlon. and will be embodied In the formal flndlns which will be promulgated at aa early date. . ASTORIA REPUBLICANS NOMINATE CITY TICKET (Special D tap tea te The JearaaLt Astoria. Or.. Nov. 14. Th following ticket wss nominated by the Repuhllrans at the city primary election yesterday: Mayor, J. W. Surprensnt; auditor ami police Judge, A. B. DalgttV. treasurer. John Nordstrom; street superintendent, J. P. Kearney; surveyor, A. S. Tee; po lice commissioner. J. W. Bahhldge atvl Y. C. lesws: eouncllmen first ward. Karl Knnbloch; second ward, Jiu; I. Robinson and R. M. Leathers; third. ward, C A. Lelnenweber. SUPREME COURT AT PENDLETON ADJOURNS ' eMMMMeeMe... ' ;,' (Special ptaparrh to The J"ma) ) Pendleton. Q&. Nov. 14-The Novem ber terse of the ststa supreme court which wss In session the Isat week, adjourned Isat night, Judged Wrlvert.m. Moore and Been leaving Inat night for their borne at Salem. Th- t wo spent In hearing cases apisk,l fr. m baker county. REIS MURDER TRIAL BEGINS AT THE DALLES ISpeetsI Dispatch to Th Journal I The Dslles, Or., Nov. 14 1 1 - In.l of Frank ltd of li'-d Hiver. chats' I with hilling Jnme Kon " r- near I1o"d Hlver, commenced In I ,.lt court here tly - ,... from the'vi.f I Plvr have been e .'r,- - - t ' 2 equity raeee. I'l i' ' " ably tin mnr.l.M t, ' A srati'l J'trv Ni I evlJ-u a- l'i I ' '