ISO J. 13 -J r.--. a.,. sri- :J0!IRKAt g, AABaaaamnBBBk -i . THE nflOM' DAILY TOURNALL PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENrwG, NOVEMBER 14, ' ' ' Eiiml et the poeterf Ice at Portland. OrafJ. wot uiupriaim laroufB im rui ee .- 1.ib,.m . . -. Wm aw B Id eg 18 paper. 1 ceuti IS to 80 psis, 8 Ceets; " . a fs H vniM j .... , '' u.l. MA :;:::.ui Billings Oflto.. tobeiob" advxbtisibo bbTOMEBtaTaTB. Yreeland rWnJerale Special AeVerttllne: Atf"' 1W Naoeaa eueet. New i'ork; Tribune Bulia- If, Uilcae. ... ;'V.;v. ; ":. ..iJ BUBSCBrPTIO BATES, . '-.- Tsrsss y CurtK. "'. The Tllr Journal, with 8adr. :S The lielly Journal, I r "-"-v;;: , 7? The Dally Journal, with Sunday, Beoetba. 8.7 The Dally JosrnaL wltb Sunday, 8 1-bo The Dally Journal. I eaonths ' The Dally Journal, with Sunday. 1 .. The Dally, per waak, ilelieered. Saadey -i ,ee eluded .IB Ibe I -ally, far waak. delivered. Bandar e- ... espied , ,. , " ' Tana kr Mall. . Tbe-Pa fly Journal, wlta Sunday, t jraar jna Dally Journal, 1 year. aw -ma Dally Journal. The Dally Journal, i n Delly journal. Tha Dal Ir Jouraal a oe irauy jtarui. wile Donvm e ' rha Daily Jouraal, 1 areola JZZ The Sunilay Journal, 1 year VV aae Sunday Journal, a monies - The Semi-Weekly J""". c" The fleml-Weekly Journal, t ll pares ark iaaoa. lUaatratcd,. full awkat ra- j ateralttaace? afcoaM to'aiaaa 'by a'raft. '"J Kim. aipreaa onlara and aajall aawaau ara aceaaUbla la 1 and frcaat TH J0BBHA1 P- Bot m. 'Portland. Oroa. WHXU THX .1QWIH MAT BI Thw Joaraal earn ba foaaa'aa aal.t tha fnllowlna nlaraa: BolSB. uTaUO H. Ballar Oa.J W. B. Mo- Intyra. . " mt. Oil. AOO-Poatofflea jtawi eampany; tTt V- horn afreet. , &E.NVEB. v01XIM-t, Black, HxtaaaU aad Vortfc) atreeta. ' Kansas riTY Tarn Nor Hewa oP"r. . MINNEAPOLIS al. J. KaTaaaask, ateBtk Third arreet. r . " " ' " " MiW YORK cm Braotaao'a. Tafcai aqnara. OMAHA Millard Hotel neara atana: Megaatk ' ritatlooery company. IXm rarnnm atraet. , ALT IMKII 1TV Kenyoa Hotel aewa 'J! Barrow Broa.. 43 Weat Second afreet. Math. BT. I.OUI" PMMb Keeder. ll Locaat atraet) E. T. Jelt. we OIlTe afreet. : . , BAN rRANCIHCO W. B. Arrilnc. Palaea Hotel aewe atana aarl 10na Market atreet: oid amltk Broa., SSO Setter atreet and Batet Frearla hotel; Foater Oraar, rarry halM- hit; N. Wkeatley. egerasle aewa auad, or ner Market and Kearney atreeta. BEATTI.K Rainier -tiraud aewa atand; -W. I - banka. BoteJ feetile aewa etaad.- - -8POKANB. WASlll.SOTON-4oha W. Graham c. .... TAOOUA. WARHINOTOy Ceatral Near aoav iwn: Hotel Tarome aewa atand. VICTORIA. BRITISH Jor.CUBIA TlelorU Book AV RlatlonerT eamneny. WEATHER REPORT. A atorm of" ronaldi-rahl aiteray nneed eaat ward Itm Brlllah Columbia during the laat 24 hour and ia now rentral ever the Dakotaa and the Brillah aoeeeealona lamedlatetr to the iiwrth of .tneae etaree. -It rauaed rain a Ion Waahlnjttrti euiBt apd eery llrhf ahowera la lw laierlor orTweatrrn Waablnetn and aortb wMttern1 'Orron. Elaewbere throiwbont the 1 alted ftatea fair weather ha a preeallrd, ei--lt la tbe aortbera alatea eaat of the Mla aiaalppl rlrer, where light anew iurriee hare rrtirred. It la ameb ronler thla laornln la tha Da kolu. Of apner Mlaalaalppl. Ohio and Teneeeeee eallrya. the lower lake reflon, the aalddle At lanta? and New Eariand alatea. Blaewhere the temperature rhanfea hare been email and ba important eir-nt ta weetera aloutana end la periloaa at Alberta; where le -la ceaadderably warrawr. . " The IMUMtlOM are that the weal liae la -Thla ' dlarriet will rnntlnna aeaeralle fair dnrtna tonlaht and Tuewtay.. If will - probably .be roeier tontcht In weetera waaaiaatoa. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Arthnr Paller'3T: elt1e Fnltl. 2ft. II. T. Drranaa, M: Hi-lea . I'eanefaa, M. A. C. Slwieir. 3a: Mary l. nraael. m. Joke r. flterup. 24; Katie Maboney, S4. ' 'Weddlnc Cards. W. O. Railth aV Oa., Waah- Inftea 'bid., car. r aorta aad WaaBiactoa en. Mtee Bartaa Marti a. meat U Allaky bld taaiplnc and Bae aeedlework; leaeeaa 11 rem. BIRTHS. kI A( KBV Sorember K to Mr. aad Mrs. Joha t. Markry. XKI Eaat first atreet, aorta, flanirhter. ' -Till i kl PKO.V November 10. to' Mr. and Mrs. 4-harlea,Tboejiiae, Foorteeath aad Colnmbla atreeta. a eon. VTAKTHT Noeemher K. to Mr. aad Mrs, . rrstna A. McCarthy, KM Beat Math atraet, a rtaorhter. BCHi:vi.KRMA! Boeeaiber It Mr. and , . Mrs. Joka I. HchaylaraiaB, XT Blato. atreet, a uanahter. " CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. BI.AI'KR NoeaihT 1. Lloyd BUorr. 144 " Mi aih li iik'hana 1 1 rnr.UCNTIIAI-Niiiulr 1.' Mra - M. Pried enthal. 22M North Ninth atreet. diphtheria. DEATHS." MILLKB Noeeaiber It, iMrotby May Miller, aawd 1 yeara, at Astoria, Oregon; eaase, Baatra-aatarltla. Bartal .at RlTerrlew eenie- ' terr. . MA LET oeemher . Bllaaheth I.. Malay, a red a yeara. at Aoerdeea. washlaftoa; oauae brart dtaeaee. - Creasarorlnni.' SieTeRr-Noreniher 13, Harry Meter, a(ed 54 . yeara, at ttlxteeoth aad Front atreeta; ranee, Brtrbfa diaeaae. BurUl at Lap J'tr ceoa- . tery. VKTEBHEN Noeember 11. rhrtatlne. it. Peter. new. a red M yeara, Sll Morrla atreet: renew, . nneurannla. Bartal at Lone Vir eeaieteev. IfRTWtHiD Xoermlwr . Kate M. Hrywoed. acen : years, at uiyaipia, waahlnyton: eaoae. parairaia. rmriai at Dt. aiary a cemetery,. BRKNETT Noeember - lo. William H Ren aett. aged M years, at f1 Beeeateeath atreet; -' ranee, rheumatism. Barlal at 1 Blrerrlew eemetere. . CALU1AN Ktrretnber Jameaf,allfaa. d ywa, at norne rur Agm; rauea, aeolllty ' Burial at Mount Calrsrr rrmeterv. PAY Meeemlxr II. James r. Day, aged SS years, i.i iianeori street; esue. aaaemla. ' 1 Ftarlal at Mount Cslvare lemeteev. , BKNIriOK Ko.emtwr lo. .Bolaad Jenleoa,: aged . 1 yeara, Ran Vsaderhllt street; raaea, pnue- . aevnia. t pwi si loiueanis remetery. ' eUTBBTIIW CIMBTEBT. ' ' ItBsia mm 111. family lota rm si wa The only eemetery la Portland which 'nee. fietaally maintains and parrs for Inra w vTn InfnrsurVaa apply to W. R. Mackentle, Wer- ernar ewvnip w, aa. Laao, presloent. - J. P. Itnley ft firm, funeral dlreeteea aad OfftM nt eoantr aoreaee. T,ki. I - aireeia Telepboae Mala Dnnatnf. MeRatea Oltbaagh. aadertskera . aad embaueers; saodera la every detail, leeeatb and Plae. Mala 430. Lady aasleXsat. rnneral wreaths and eat Sowars a oneetaHy at Host City Oreenhoaae, T ntj eeonod aad ICaet Merrlaoa. ' espsaita oametery. - The Edward Horman Undertaking company, . funeral directors and embalm wa. 220 Third at- Phona SOT. . rterb Broa. -far flowers. 2ns Morrleea atreet, V FUNERAL NOTICES. BRADY At raetdenca, 248 8ieeidae atreet. November 14. lte. Bdwerd Brady, aged S3 yeere. behwed hnehand of .Mrs. -i B. brady. end father ot F-dward. Mary, Msrgsret end .". IM'IIS' Bradr. of ttrle city. fnneral 'will tske piece Tliuradsy. -Bovember 18, at S:4S a. m. , from residence, thence to St. Law rence church. Third and Mienaaa afreets, at T b a. m.. where rcoulem maea will ,bo of rcred. Interment kit. rslrary cemetery, frlcnde reaicffnlry Invited. REALr ESTATE TRANSFERS. M. L. Morgaa and wlfa to I. M. Catch- v . Inge, west 3S 1-a feet lot a. Woe JI. ' etty .....-..-...'.;:.. ..ilooo Aeta land company b F. A. Pie, Jot t. . , block 8, Arlete Perk Nn, 2 ' M r.. Sewell et al. to F.. r. f 11 If nee et" " ; al.; M 8, blork 8, Mrsd addUioa.,., 1W0 wlUi atunaay, a s , wlta puoaay, a - , . S aviaitaa " .- . ; INTEREST SAYINGS ' BAM. "' ' '' :- OF ' V'i,;.-' , ' Tk Title Guarantee V ' Vtys 4 per cent on Certificates of Deposit. Pays 3 per cent interest on daily balances of deposit accounts, ; subject to cnecic Banking . hours. . . . . . ,9 a. m. td 4-p. m. Saturdays..... ...... .v a. m. to 1 p. m. Saturday evenings. . . . . , .5 to 8 o'clock " DIRECTORS t - W. M. Ladd. i J. Thorburn Ross. T. T. Burkhart i Frank M. Warren. ; George H. Hill. 240 Washln?tcn Street ' Comer Second. ; PORTLAND. OREGbN. ' There la ant any eonaertloa whatsaet between the Korthwaatera' Katloaal Ufa of Mlnoeenolia MUTUAL LIFE OF MILWAUKEE. WIS. Tba latter Company, which wa have tba honor to represent, etanda tor all that la Beet in Lire laaursare. aad baa received no anfarorable criticism by -the dally prees or others, IT Id iveki noKHi nr.iii ut tri n.u as inn HIUUEMT KXAMPLK OP WHAT A Ul'B I.N- SLBAMCB COMPANY 8H0LLD BE. ; ?S.T. OENBBAL AOKNTS, -' Ceacord hldjj., " Portland, Oregon, ; ', i 1 'a-Gem? a -room modern konse. with lot. on East Taylor. Coneerretlre market 'value, S4.1K0. rraer will sell. U taken at ewce, la- aa.tjoo. Aaothar ana. la. oa sWIIerooeV- etreel worth ISAOO. Caa be and for 3,(J. The owner In each eaae wanta money, of herwtee property could not he had for these Sgares. Proierty of aon-rasidents reeHree aur special attenteon. R. H. BLUKaUM. SIS Chamber of Commerce. PI BI4C ACTOCNTABT. , (state. Corporation and General Aceoaats. 116 Cbambar of t'ommeree., ' ' Mala 1714. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Neftlngtum Ce. te l. B. Roberta, . east A Wte 1 and S, block S. Haa- aon'a Becoad addition ., I. Mayer ta t, Nudclmaa ,et al., 100f i - 400 noiiuui.a leet aeginnitur anainweei corner block 121, and other property. L Dentoff et al. to H. Newman, parcel, land l.Toxov,32xl4.o.Ti4r.8 feet, aad other property, block 121, city .' I R. Bc-tt aad wife ta W. A. Rvane. 4,000 tooo Iota 41. 42 and X block. S, tmltkaoa Lead Compear s addition I. II. Huduieeoa and wife to Security Barings A Trust company, lota a and S, bkick 1441, Coach addition R. Scott to H. B. Uearln, weat H block 1US, Couch addition fc C. Hunt at aL to H. M. railing. acres W. D., Prcttymaa Hoaeeetead. aectioa S, iownsblp 1 south, range eaat ..,., .,..,...'...' ...v B. Uooee and wife to 4. B, Morrill, lot ' S, block . Tolmsa Tract H. B. Naaoa and wife to D. Caddy, lot 4, block 1, Barrett'a addition W. J. Caddy, Jr., to D. Cuddy and knew band, lot 8, block. 1. Barrett'a addition. C. E. Carkeoa to B. T. Carleoa aad wife, lot 11 block SS. IJnntoa ..' Victor Land company to P. T. Calkins, . lot 2. block 3M, Mount Tabor Vllls... . Carbna to A, Carkwa, lot 11, block SS, Llnoton C K. Carleoa to 1 T. CarlsoB aad wtfe, lot 12, block 33, Unntoa Victor Lead compear to P. T. Calkins, lot 1 I ' 1 tss ot I so ia n 60 US T ia A larhna. lot 11. block S3. Liantoa . . T' J. Wick to Gertrude al., aodt elded H north lot . block 1, Cook' addition 1 1. Wick to Anna Wick, and! Tided H north H kit I, block 1, tiook'e addtttoa . 1 C. A. Brandlee and wife to J. Watklna. . lot so, block a, Peainsnlar addltlva No, S SO M. H. "Flock aad wlfa to M. B. C. Yeanga. lota S and 4. block 118, Waat Irrlngton additloa 1.208 B. S. Farrell to O. W. Oreeamaa. lota 8 and 8, block S, Garrleoa's subdl vletoa Bast Portland 1250 W. T. Shelley and wife to B. Cnnlry, lots 11 aad 12. block S. Mount Hood addi tlon T8 E. B. Metsfer and hoabsad to B. Conley. lota a. 4 and , blork S, Meant Hood ' addition til Oregon kidge No. T.' KnlghU of Pytblaa. : , . to tvsahoa lodge No. 1,, Knights of Pytblaa, lot ft, bkick 2fs, city ) M. Murdoch aad wife to J. P. Mattlngly. MilM feet -beginning west aide Four . teenth atreet, city. So fast north at -northwest corner Jefferson 1 Portisnd Academy to K. B. Dlsmoad. lot 8, bbvk 8, Highland. SM C P. Pat ton et al. to M. dToster, lots T and 8, block 23, M. Pattoa s addi tloa - . M. Oberdorfer et aL to D. A. Kvsaa at al.. 100x40 feet beginning northwest' corner lot 14. block 811 1,200 W. M. Ladd and wife to B. A. Wyld. trustee, lota ,8 and 8, block 124, East Portisnd ' t 0. W. Wheeler and wife to W. Brldt, lot 6, block 22, Wheeler's addition .... I,S0 r. r. 11 era don to W. Kaed. block 10, , - Klng'e addition. 4Bxlne feet 1 Portland Trust company to O. T. Flan, parol land lot 3. block S, Portland Homestead, section 10, township 1 south, range I eaat .. 2,200 J. H. Scott and wife ta M. L, Glraaon. lota 21 to 25. block S. Henry's Pourtk eddltloa i I M. Mcuiiald ta W. H. Little. Ma 8 aad lo, niuca is. uoiamnta uaigBia x.w Get rear Inearenca and abstracts ta real aetata from tbe TltleOnarsntoe 4V Treat east paay, sto Waaalrurtis atreet. oeroee ktacoad. NOTICE. PROPOSAIJt - FOR ' REPLENISHMENT OP . Depot Stork. General Depot -of tbe Quarter maatar a Iiepertesent, M New Montgomery i at.. Sea Franelaro, rallfnrnU, November 8. 1 10OO. Mesled proposals la triplicate will U .receive at this offV-s ntitll lo o'clock a. m., PadSr eundard time, liecember 8, lftOfl. for furnishing aad dellrerlng at tha Baa Fran . rlaea depot alcohol, stationery, plumbers ennlle ..ViKar-.l. Mn.llw.b.,. I. , stovebolta. boras, wblnklimoeae, saints ana braabea, p1acttlnge, haraesa and saddlery, berlsp, efnee -chairs, wagon-parta, etoveptpe T,uwa, ..'.".ff, arspeiia, aeae, nraaaing. Irons, iBcaudeecent lamps, lye, elle, wrap ' plug -paper, library - paete, aaacenana, type, writer r! boons, sawdust, nl at form acala. ahrllac, chanwda-aklna, soap, . thnmbtacks, ehoelhreed, Inrptntino, kwlne, whlpa and cojiper wire, etc. i na i mtca ntstea reaerrca the right as aeeept ar reject any or all bide, so aay part thereof. Informatics and blank aroaoeala fnralahed oa appllcatloa. Envelopes containing proposals to he marked "Propeaels foe Rcptenlahment of Stork, No. ' S.S7I, to Be Oneard liecember S. Itaib.' and -- anil eased to Maine c A. Peenl. Quarter Siaatcf, U . iu, Iwpet Qusnerassslf . , , rOsr Mlnaallsn ' Are SatuSed I o o NOTICE. IJI THK elrrult eaoyt of tha atata of Oregoo for Multnomah eaaoiy. .... m la the matter of tha recetTerahln of tha esiata of Aagaat Vraa, aa Inaultaat debtor. Tba amWalrnen will rerelra sealed bide for tha aaaeta perteinUig to thja eatate, Inrluiltng Interest In lea are to The Tarern and The Cafe, reereetleejy, -oa Biata eiraei, aerweea WaahauTlon and Alder, Portland. Oregon, op to is o'clock nooa, of Wadueauay, Noreaiber ,3a.!i''ta hide for tha Tarern property and , fne vare proper, , - ."I fled Ckeek tur 1U aer ceni os ma anmnt oin mast aerompany esra oner, ne euouitiniai blda will ba eoaaWered'. Iareatory and inspection of property may Ba had on application. - Dated rioeembea Ju lflOfL-. - --- R. U HABIN. Bererrar. front and Anktay sts.. Port land. Oregon. BXKfXTRIX NOTICR. It la hereby Intimated inaff tne onurrais"i " ,u the county court of Oregon, for Multnotaeh county, a eteeatrix of the laat will of H. H. Schwab, deceaaed. All pereona baring claims agalnat tlie drreaaed or kle eetate are hereby notiflrd to present the aame to tha nndrmlfoed at . tba law of lire . of J a runs Oleeeoo. rooms 1 and S Mulkry building. Portland Ori'goB, wltb tha proper vouchers aad duly eerlSed erlthla all ajonths from tba date of this notice'. . Dated and Srat publication had tha serea teenth day at October, im. irKNia t. am wan Executrti of tba Last W1U of K. li SchwabJ Deceased. NOTICE OP DISSOLUTION OP PARTNERSHIP I hereby glee notice mac me psxinereuip ImmWdm silatlne betweea N. A. r'hauen ' sad Philip Neav ander tba asms of Bclianea at rieo, asa ueen nuworrea oy pmiwi hot Bent. Tbe aualneea wUI be continued at the location of tba former firm at SilS : rirst atreet by tha near firm, Noa Klngsley. All bills owing by the -former firm wiU ba paid b, m. aS ail acoauaU Portland. Oragna. November U.. 1808. NOTICB la hereby given that 1 am so longer connected with calumet reataarant, oev enth at.. Portland. Oregon, and that tba partnerships heretofore eiletin between ma . and P. A Medio wss dissolved by mutual con sent oa the 7th day of November, J.0O0, said Alladto aaaummg all debts. . BERNARD BABOOCSSB. " Dated November IS, 1B0S. . MEETING NOTICES. IYANHOB LODOB Wo. 1.- K.' of fHegtilar conTentloa tonight at 7:au o cmca ia ryinian hall, eighth flopr Msrquam hldg. Enquire rank. Vlsltlsg7 knlguts cordially lnvltad.'. , L. B. CKDUOH, C C. PBKD P. HOLM. K. of R, 8. J, LOST AND FOUND. TAKEN CP "tray cow". Owner can kava aaraa h mmIm nwuMrt. and nartne charaoa. Call phone Kast TT at Woodatock. i,sii i ain-raaai 1 ..HELP WANTED MALE. SECURE A GOOD POSITION. Wa assist competent office men. hrakkeenere. atenogrspnera, csaniera. aoiisciorv, viu ceraa, general clerical, technical aommarclal men, Baalneaa Maa'a Clearing Booaa. 110 Second. MEN and boys waated ta earn S3 day. after .J . months' laatructjon, position guarnnieeJi special luuioa nsir price, irw '"7 wj , Coyns Bros. Co. Piamblng Schools, Mew York, CloetnnetL O., 8L Loala, Mo. troa csUVogue. $30 TO SAS par week easily mads aelllng ak-k ana accioent nenenis rnr union auiuai , Aas'a, TOO Marauam bldg. ALESMBN wanted; caah advanced weekly; good territory onea; outfit free; some ere mak ing S100 to HBO pet month. Why not yon 1 Aaarees weening ton nursery v Awvym.., WaeblDEtoh. WANTED Clerks and window -drsssira ta atody ebow-eerd writing at. Y. M. C. A. Bight achool; peraoaal Inetrnctlon. Apply for par ticulars. ... COATMAKERB wwntod. A. J. Brault, 10 Ilamlltna bldg. lino A MONTH sure oa 2Ae capital: remsrkehle but true: peye from etart: worked spare boars; pertlcolare lor ae eramp. J no waw nlla ftlllty Specific Co., lock bog 032. I'ortiana. uragon. WANTBD Puret-crseo eshmet-maker foreman: en It men with high ability and able to come . well recom mended need apply, ttreann riaa Ing Mill ... Nineteenth aad Bond ats. WANTED Oood city salesman who baa bratna ana anility; nan oe amn. '"a . Ftsnoara lot rce mum. t reenn 0Ont epportnnlty for vnsmg man ta become riorlBt. intuira eiu nivionna . . -, nee ! up meal waated! beet keener contract to work ander.- Hooma S2S-30 Mar quam bldg. . WANTED A man of Intelllgenca and einei-t-nce. aad any nationality, who la willing to week and teat hie ability In order to anceeed. Addreaa boa Tfr Portland. STRONG hoy to emrk lafha mill: nana other need apply: 1.1 per nay, pay eijiu. Apply OiegoavWaabhiftoS Lamber Co., South Portlaad. SOLICITORS wsnted for papera and ansgaalnea; rpe tlmlara at room 61S Oregon Ian bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. PORTLAND SEWING SCHOOL Fashionable dreeamsklna. 271 H Morrhraa at.', cor aouru, room C. System tssght. GIRL ta work for board aad go to school. 122 Kset Tweaty-aixta at. near momeoa. BANSEN'I LA7)7S' AGENCT. S48H Waablaa- tna at., cor. Beveatn. npetaira. mono ataia 1802. Female help waated. YOUNG girl to help la general housework. Hamilton a log. WOMAN, over Vi. energetic, reliable, to take charge of a viaei of rice, can or aaarees room 28. Lewis bid. SALESLADIES wsnted to solicit trade for tea and eofreo; salary ana commission; mast no of good addreee. Standard Coffee 4 Spice Mills, 300 Second at. WANTED Girl going to achool for get Ices morning aaa evening, goou noma. rnone Mam MS2. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. THE demand for competent bookkeepers and stenographers is greater tbaa tbe supply. From Angust 1. 1004. lo Angust 1. 1008. we placed SOT la good positions; bad calls for mora tbaa BOO: oar graduates are ALL employed; we will aeslat yoa to a Position when competent; enroll now; day or night Rebuke-Walker Bualneaa College, Sixth and Morrison Ita. WANTED Imme!tately. men or women to da cenyaaalna. Call na East 8.TT: good oroooaitlos. WANTED At ence, a bright, energetic, pre- eeatable maa or wore an, a good talker, to take ap aa attract! re proposition, I&unlrt T33 Chamber of Commerce, 0 a, aa. HELP wsnted and supplied, mala or female. R. w. Lirsse, euva euuiujwa . uin, ina WANTED 4 reliable agenta. aalary or com- m teak n. 84 per day. Boom s Ihhe bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. BY young man, not able to do heavy work nn account oi aicxnesa; neve eome-aiora peri, ence, alto card writing!-will soon be will again. Addreaa T 01, Joaraal WANTED By young man, poaltloa aa collector, experienceo, Aonreea A i . journal. YOUTH of IT. attending baalneea college, de- aires employment tie fore and after school; Sood . refeteacea. ' Lonla Ilelbenaelck, 431 Ixtk at.-. HARDWOOD tnetwctnr wanta pnsltloa aa In apector or tallyniaa: good referenere. Address A. Holeeple, IMn Oneoots et., Woodlewn; - EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. , HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB, rOR MEN. 8 H. Second tt, phone Mala 1B2S. PACIFIC Cnsst Emp. Co. Reliable employment ageata I2vt N. id at. Phone Mela inTO, ACMFJ EMPIOYMBNT CO Sll Meerhma gLl supplies Bean teg ail kiada at work. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. JAPANESK-CHINESB EMPUYMBNT OTriCa He"y Tanara. 1T Braratt at. boa Pa- clftc 640.. . - -" STANDARD EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Help rntaSed free, SS Burnaldo et. Phooa Mala S43T. . - '' BI1 POUR BMP. AOENCY Help supplied free. it N. Seeoad at Phone Mala 191S. NATIONAL Employmant aad Labor Asancy, SIS Ptaa at. Ihooe Mala kOud. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERIOAN EMPLOYMENT CO., North Second: nirniaoea an sinus ear proymeat tier men and women. Main anna. -WANTS GENTS. A WINNEB for sreote Health and accident Insurance oa popular sbobibv peymenui. rue llherel terms, aiMreee O. A. Lyman, mana ger. Continental Casualty Co., N. W. Dept., 320 Mohawk bldg., Portland, Oregon, AGENTS wanted to eell nursery stork; now and complete oninr rnrnisoen iree , ceea weekly. Capital City Nursery eompsuy, Bslem, Oregon, J AO K NTH WANTED Mala or female, tor tha beet selling household articlea on tna marker, fur Seat ssd surround lug towaa. Call or addreaa G. H. Bwetland, Leute. Or Boa 7. WANTED Agenta: anmethlng new; good Bailer, Big wage. J McKay omg. - WANTED REA L ESTATE. ' W A NTETVPereons having real aetata for Bale would do weu by seeing us. wa asm nave good bargahis tn - city and farm property. Campbell A AtcMllUn, 279 Elftk at. l'hoae Pacific A34. I HAVE -buyers waiting ta bear of amall homes la or near Portland, any direction; it yoa are ready to eell addreaa a 3. cere Journal. WANTED Lot close In.' also amall farms; bare cnatomera. Sua iotBrta at, WANTED To bay or lease a bolldlng lot eloss la, etcr-neraon. uumaa ootai, ami aaa suass-. WANTED U oa west able or Hawthorne are.. or new cottage, eeme locality, immediately; no aireats. B 40, JournaL LIST YOCR LANDS WITH t'S FOR QUICK RFTT'RNS. FARM LI N En A HPECIAL'I'Y. unr.i,, pniRi., daau noiais. sirata FENTOM BI.IXJ.- WANTED TO RENT. WB want -dealrabla hooaea and flats, all parts of tua city: bars hlgb-elaae clients waiting; teals collected, pti'iieity cared-tor: THIS CURTl.MtMAJ. 248 8tsrk St. ; ( Phona Mala 1ST 8. WANTED To rent farm, IB or SO scree. Bear city; booaa aad barn, , M, u. aaargaa. viu Mllwanklo st, 1 WANTED To rent a chicken ranch hear city, Call 2KS Conch at. GENTLEMAN desires room and board near 1'nwu arc. car line bet. Hueeell at. aaa Woodlawn. Addreee A 40,' care of Jnarnal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 8KB the Lewis and Clark fair at home; aend 40c la etampe for kaaflaoene pnoto nooa, nearly 300 photoa of fair. IViiOH Inches. Western View Book Co.. Portland. Boa See. PAINTING, spraying and whltewaablng treea. Dssemenca, oerns, worse, eic. j nrim i"'.' spraying outfit on the coast. M. G. Morgan Co., 070 Mllwaakle at. Phase East MIT. . STAPLES. THP1 JEWELER, BUYS OLD GOLD AND SILVER. HIGHEST cash price paid for bottles aad yank ot every deecrlnttoe. Portland Bottle snppiy Co.. B01 North Klghteentn, Phone Mala 2288. BOOKS bought. - sold aad eachanaod a the . Old Book Store, Z2s lamniu at. r. J. RTOFR, printer. Baeood aad Waihlngtjoa ats. Phono Main oaan. IP yoa waat manure for noes or lawn, call pnona Front auto. - WHO IS M. O. MORGAN at CO.t WB WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADB ANT OLD THING. w firiT i.i(3jr KAi.vAijr; t-u., . an. . 820 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC 70S. ri'BKlTI'RE wsnted: Isrre' or small omsntl tlee. H yon wlh to dispose of yours st good pricca, phone aiaia oils, asb lor air. vae. WANTED Ta hay steel range and hot water holler for rseli. J. Laadlgan, 184 Sherman et. Phone Hood lea. WANTED A amall office aafe. weight about , 700; most be caeap tor caao. au nasi . Morn eon au. WILL build or fix your houee very reaaonablc. Call H. wahl. new neeiern noiei. i WAWTVfi To bnr fori caah. second-hand bath tub. J. Laadlgan, 1S4 Sherman ;et. Call Hood 14.1. i F.u; RHIS HED.JROOMSJP'ORlKENX Til M V l Vfl .Va Jefferson at., new building. . handsomely rnrnisneo, witn every monsrn con venience:: sll outside rooms, with heat, gas cr electric lights, porcelain hatha; rates from 88 to 818 par month; special rates to s or more persona. BEAUTIFUL front enlte with open grate and in moneru amuil puvae, wwieH iwawe west. BM) Fourth at. LARGE, llrht. elegantly fnrnUbed rooms; gaa. electric light, porcelain bath, pbona: 5 min utes' walk to hnslueee center, or S ear lines. Phone Mala SS83. 422 Vi Jeffer son et. . THE HAM ANN. ISO N. 18th.. cor. Hoyt Newly furnished rooms, $1.60 ap; eoavenicBt location, IB minutes' wslk to fslr groanda; Morrison ear at nnioa depot direct to hoaeo. Phone 8470. HOTEL, HOOD, cor. Sixth and Everett, la andea new management aad can rent new and nice furnished rooms,-with steam heat, free bath and phone, at very ..low rates Tor the winter, ram urn as wieTenth at., cor. Stark New rooming-fa oose, arwly fnrnlahrd, s teem best, gaa light and baths; eloae to bullae e sec tloa, 1 block from cerllne; all tbe comforts oi a oouae, iotiuwi , m. nmvm a.., . A. Clancy, prop. - TUB RELLEVUE, S1SH Fourth et. Neatly rurnieoea rooms ror ercniicuive, an mew rooma; electric lights porcelala bathe; ratee, ' SOe, TBe, 81 1 very tow ratee by week or saoatn. Hood T01. - enrr er-e t at .4-Wi awuwaiai maMsaet amrl, saetlaanj f BUlaVf I 111 llimijaaysa iwinmi isvwsua P- ".,,.., eer aerrlce, 401 Tenth at, Pkona Pselfc uie CHEAPEST and best located rooma In Portland, 1 weak aad an. Oilman. First and Alder ats. a HrrTEt, PALMER, Centrally located at the corner of Alder and farg eta.; atesm near, not ana -oiu wsivr, free porcelain hatha; rooma BOc, TBe and $1; special weekly ratee. BEAUTIFUL front eulte end t other dealrabla fnrnlabed rooma In modern noma of private family; phone, bath, furnace heat, walking alliance, oou pouria as. sjnone r a euro , KING'S HEIGHTS Deetrshla net rh hot hood, near St, Helen's HaU; alcely fnrnlshed room for one or two, with private family; aernuv nent preferred. TSS Mala et. LIN DELL HOTEL, 4th and Market; new man agement; furnished new thron shoot; no dark rooma; comfortable kome. Mrs. E. McLeaa. MARQUAM HOrSB. 145H Sth Rooms ea aalte or sing Is; housekeeping rooms ! gsa stores, bets, electric lights; transients solicited. FURNISHED noma, single or en eulte, $8 per montn ana ap. notei rairmoant, wanty sixth and Upshur and Vaughn, sts. NICELY famished rnome at moderate prices) for rent mi large private bonne, cifoee la. call at 14Y Tenth St., nesr Aider. ELEGANTLY furnlehed hot sad cold water; ratee North Sixth at. wnabla. 88 14 NEATT.Y . fnrnlabad alngle aleeplng-rooms, aaa double parlor; also single housekeeping -rooma. 101 Tenth et. FRONT parlor for gentleman of refinement wienea room aaar the (eater tat git. wee 881 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT HOTEL MONARCH. SAB Stark at.l transients so licited; prices reasonable. Phono Pacific 808. NICELY fnrnlshed rooma. all modern veoreocee, reasonable. 844 Sixth at. THE GRAND Newly furnlehed room by the weea or anonuu sooa urano a vs. ONB room wltb or without board; beta, phone. close in. ea Eaat Beveata, N. NEWLY furnished rooma In prlrate family; trlctly modern;' eaey walking diatance to bualneaa center: toilet be. seen to be appre ciated. 2o0 Serenlk at. . . MCB rooma, reasonable. 9TB Alder1, opposite Arlington ciun. slam ana. : FOR RENT Nice room, every convenience; caa . serve break faat; one or two gentlemen pre ferred. 823 First and Ualsey. Puyae , Unloe '( B388. - ELEGANTLY' fnrnlshed rooms; bath, electric light and phone; l.7 per week aad on; hiinie tltomuehlr clean and reel ec table. Ho. ' tel New Belmoat, 13H First at. FRONT parlor, nicely furnished, with prtvllere of eotikaiova and Beta: centrally sucateo, jtJJ fourth t. Phone Main os7. . GIRLS, employed, wishing rooms with kooee- keeplng privileges, can rma accomiuoaaiiona at CM Tsylor. Reasonable. ' FOR RENT-HOUSEKEEPINO FOR BENT Furnished housekeeping rrjetaa ta beat brick block oa seat aide: gaa ranges, bath, ete.t -no tranalenta; prices asodarste. Logan tlk.. 108H Union, a rev, eorae Eaat Aider. Phone East eo24. SUITS S rooma. gronnd floor, newly furnished. all modern conveniences; siso otnex rooma. Tbe New Grant, Second and Grant sts. TUB MITCHELL, flinders and Seventh Rooms, k lee i keeping aad trsnslsnt; oaaraniam; pneaa reasonabla. THB GLADSTONE S1SH Ssrler at,, fnrnlshed roome; nnosv new ansnaaeeavaiie saahav or Sonabla. - FURNISHED or nnfuntlsned houeekeeplng and aleeplng rooms, cuss m; Datn; an lentn. near Stark. Also 804 North Twenty-sixth, cor. Ssvker. $1 week; Wssbtngtoa cars ta Mxrtn Twenty-sixth, torn left 100 feet. FURNISHED houarkeeplng rooms and alngle jooma .ror rest, wu neveau at.. Bear uiay. NICE aalte. furnlihed or un furnlehed room; low . rent. -Phone Beat 41ZS. ft. c. Barter, Ait, Tabor. 'v " ll.TB PER WEEK Large clean furnished Boasexeeping-rsoms; launary aaa Deia - aaa Bhermao, South Portland. . F6R7 RftNT 8 furnished boasrkeepmg rooms. rnone west imov. TWO fnrnlshed bonaekeeptng roome for 88 per month: beth; ball block from car line, nj Rodney are. - - ROOMS AND BOARD. THE COMMERCIAL Select family , hotel; . , , , . , i , u. i ,, i .,1.1, nicely lurnwmi, aiuaw tm wn,f - ', Srat class; free bsUis; walking distance; ratee reasonabla. 488 Waahlngtoa at. FIRfrT-CLASS roorne and board for perxaaueut rple, S22.N and 820 per moot a; tame ooara per week. ' Astor .beuss. Tth aad Maeleoa eta, TaL Mala 8281. - BOOMS with board for pei msaent tenaots. reaaoaablai nrat-claaa . Sixth st. anokins. l PLEASANT roome and board; niodern ptnmhtng. etc.; central aocatloa. 487 East Ankeoy, near Ninth Bt. THB MANITOU, 361 13th Handsome rooma and anltes; steam heat, fine hatha, very camrort. able, excellent boaM-cooked moala, well eerred. EXCf I.LENT -table beard. S4.KO per week alee rooms with board. T as, Journal, riNB froat ' snltes with board, 822.60 each, 221 Waat Park, ear. Salmon. LENOX REHTACRANT. 208 Salmoa; board and room; modem arirg Bldg. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. BOTET VAIRMOCNT. Nortk Tweaty-elxfh St., from Cpaba to vaagnn. Rooms fnralfdied and onfornjebed, siDgls ' and an ruts, fi per weex ana an. A permanent modern building, plaetered And with bathroom a aad aaodern plumbing. PIPED rO OAS FOB COOKINO. ALL OUTSIDE BOOMS, BOOMS and offlcee In Lrwla bldg. White, SOS Dekam bldg. Inquire I'NPURNISHED hooeekeeptng noma. It week. ' Ington cars to Twenty-alxth, turn left 100 feet. ' FOR RENT FARMS. 10 ACRES with ' booee and ban for rent near Troutdaie; good land. Inqnire sss Bomslde, FOR BENT Stock ranch of 800 acres In Dong' las connty, fregon; good lmprovementa: 200 acres farm Una; cash rent; If yoa want it, come quick. 2AB Morrison at., roam 211. FORt RENT HOUSES. TO rent or sell 4-room cottage at Tremont; nor ce Iain bath, hot and cold water, orchard. garden and cement sidewalk : price $000; SUA , oown, onisnce fio per aionin ana miereei at 8 per rent; rent ror per month, A. Ogden, room 60S fen ton bldg. TnAT elegant 12-room modern dwelling, 482 jfoiianay are., oniy buu per montn. inqtilre at 220 Waahlngton at., or phone Pacific 87T. NEW 8-room house and ousrter block, Hancock and East Twenty-elith sts, $37.80. B. M. Lombard, B14 Chamber of Commerce, . Fok RENT 7-coom home on Kerby at.; price - gio. x inquire at ana e,emy sc. TO RENT AT UNIVERSITY PARK. , d rooms ,,.. S rooms 810 S rooms, modern 81.1 7 rooms, modern H. G.eejlBKAY. Pnona union 8811. 8 ROOM houee for .rent; . most desirable loce . tlon for rooming bonee. ' Inqnire Max G. Cohen, 400 Columbia bldg., 38B Waahlngtoa st. Phone Main T84. 8-ROOM cottage, eomMetely modern. Including gaa for all purposes. Apply soil Eegene at, FOR RENT B-roota flat, completely furnished, $.17.60 per month. Call 3A4 foorteeslh at. S-ROOM cottage, bath, pantry, closets, etc. inquire 221 Morris at., Alhlna. fOU RENT Hone and yard for chickens, $5 a month, etal ration road, Mouth Ret enth at. HffUSES for rent, rents collected. Edward I. Ilrneon. mors 1 Hamilton bldg. Phone Black mm. ' . . FOR RENT FLATS. rOR RENT Nice 8-room flat. Inquire 230 Hall an - - , i 8-ROOM Inwar flat for Teat : gas and bath rent $20. inquire Mm r.ast ' ntsrk, bet. Fourteenth aad Flfteeath. . ;tw fvroom fist with an modern ermeenlencee. rent reaeonahle; new firrnlehlngs ihrmixhont ran be nought on easy terme. sa owner la rwmpelled to change climate scconnt or neanii; this is a Bargain, "-a jacxecn sr.. aeb aer aalb. aad- l axk. Phona paclUa - HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI . TURE FOR SALE. FOB beet reeulte ea ' " . FCRNITCBB- u Whether to buy or eell. ring P Msle, 8008. PORTLAND AUCTION UOOMB. 211 iirat St. i $128 BUYS furniture of 8-room modern booee. in walking diatauee; rem i-aamaM.a. dress H 61. csra JouraaL " " THB Dirnlture at rooma in Burkhard bldg.. Best Burualde st. rooms to rent, or wiu ran furnlehed. Apply B12 Wllliemo are. Ft'RNITCRB of a S-room bouse for aale and nonee ror rent, very t-oesp, -- CommercUl block, rlecoud and Waeti Ington. FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS. FOB RENT Centrally located efUces wltk phone ana Beat, $10 per aaonia. a. v.- ... Becood at. OFFICES and 'noma. Lewis bldg. Inquire White. SOS Dekam bldg. FOR RENT Deekroom and everything fur- nlahsd. B. S. Jackson Co.. sen atsra su OFFICES, unfurnished, and sample-rooms ; alen Bali out ju, uooanouga oiug. etpi'iy elerator.j i FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT About Jaaaary , 2-etory brick building 100a 100, northeaat cor. inira aaa Madison; will remodel and lease whole or pert to desirable parties. Apply to H. I. Cox, No. T First St., room 10. FOR RENT 8 story warebouse, 100x100. oa trackage, northwaar cor. rouria ana "oyi. Apply R. T. Cox. T Flrat, Moat 10. PUoue Main T01. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE Barber shop, two chairs. Addreaa Box 844. Tillamook, Or. - .- - -rear. Inquire 7 no W sailing ton at. CONTINUED lllneee compeLs me to eell ar er- cbange furnishings aaa oasineoa ot ooat oo ruom hotel In Portland; central location, good lease. M., Gllmaa botsL First aad Alder. GOOD restaurant for sale, $600 cash; food trade and locations lease. Aaarees r 0a, Journal. t ' , ', , NICB. clean 20-room house, fall of eteady room ers; owner must mere wwb, yiato fwv, - asr quire 200 Vk Madison at. RESTAURANT fnrnltare tor Bale. W. H. Lattla. Hotel Falroaoont, Twsnty -sixth and Upahnr Its. FINE opportunity ta established baslnesa; need " help and capital. Addreaa O 84. eere JooraaL WHO IB M. fl. MORGAN CO.! FOR SALE Ftrst-olaaa reataarant and bakery. OmUB a iHnairiai WW, u, eri, e, , of 111 health. Inqnire ITS Commercial st., Bslem, Or. . A RESTAURANT oa Sixth at. doing a (nod business, also one on Burnaiiie St.; born are bargains. 12 Pins st, . National Baal Ea- Ute Co. ' . , . : - ' IF yoa want a farm, city or enborbaa property. a good ousineee orsny mi, or novo sny kind of property to sell or exchange.' esTf on or addreee Northwest Land Co.. 269 Morrt - son at room 21L Phone Mate 0418. ; FOR SALE 8-roora hoarding honaa doing good nuslnaea; iesTlng town caoae oi eaie. bob First at. . SALOON doing baslneee of $53 per day, fins location, very cheap rent; it C lea re garei per month I will eell at, $1,230. , Adureea B 48, Journal. . FOR aale, cheap, good baslneee In thriving aubarb; fine location, cheap rent; prefer to eell direct. Addreaa X. Y. ., care of Journal. CANDY STORE WBLL LOCATED WITH LTV. ING BOOM, caa be had at Vrnr rent by a dealrabla party; location ea east side oppo ' site the Alblna school hones. Partlenlara, call of nee, bit commercial Bloc. FOB ecoont of alikaisa, alee, clean. Bxmey -making haastnaaa on east aids; Balee from $18 to $88 per day: price $1,400, or wlU In to ice; no agenta waated. O 88. The JooraaL SALOON aad good hotel, with or without hotel, for sale; will sell halt Interest to Us right - party. Addreaa B 80, care Journal. . BLACKSMITH -SHOP doing good business past 12 years, full supply of tools, qnaptlte of Iron aad coal, dwelling-bouee, bearing fruit trees, chicken-house, 2 passenger-boats, ear aerrlce each day, 3 minutes' walk to each place; all for $200 If taken enon. Apply to Thompson Poster, Rldgefield. Washington. INVESTIGATE -For a email amount of capi tal. Urge rstsrns. SOS McKay bldg. FINE opportunity for rood man to secure half Interest In money-snaking eeal eetate office; amall Investment required:' Apply 221ft Mor rison, cor. First, room 8. HALF Interest la fma equipped eastern Oregon weekly; rash receipts laat month $M3; plant ' mrolcea' $4..Vm: will take $1.2ii0 to swing; no time fia- Idle Inquiries: make showdown In your replies: bargain for right man. Ad dreaa B 00, Journal. FOR . RENT Restaurant, furnished, or will he paail ksilas aaee as mail masks., milk rooms In rear. Inquire 780 Washington at. BARGAIN Lunch counter, centrally located. OOtng gOOU IMISinTw., new rsiia.-. a' .,'-. low rent; price $.M0. Apply 221 H Morrlsoo et., r-me e. FOR SALE A growing manufacturing bnalneee HI TUW Cliy; rern caianiieienj i'. " jv-mrm WlU pay owners $10,000 per year clear profit: here la a chance for two men wltb $12,000 cash. Addreaa B 80, Journal. , FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE reroom cottage, S lota, all ktnde of fruit, berries, fine soli, good water: 20 mm tites" walk to ear line. 10 to Southern Pacific. 12 miles from Portland. Bee owner. A, S. Draper, 233 Waahlngton at city. - ' FOR SALE At a bargain,' B-roora cottage at Snnnyside, easy mommy payments, ins Mercantile Agency, Aoingion oiag. TWO fine lets. 100x100. corner: good view of enow mountains; mesa, jibsb new rnoosrn fnmlahed 8-room booee, bara. . East 428, or Mala 1418. FOR SALS TOi 100-foot lot on East Bdrenteentk and Conch; will aell for $1,280 If sold in next few days: fires east; well worth $1,400; will aell part of lot U desired. Addreaa K 48, care JooraaL INCOME would 'be at least 13 per cent pet annum.' or 10 per cent net, after paying taxes and Insurance on two modern double bouses and a full quarter block on west aide, la good residence district; the houses occupy but 80x100 feet, leering 40x100 feet nnoc ' en pled wblcb might be wild off for a good sum to reduce to the Investor the cost et the balance ot tbe quarter block on which tha hoaaea are located; these hnnaeg are In a good condition and In a desirable loca tion, eurroandlnga good. .Price $16,600; half cask. CULVER. $28 Chamber of Commerce. $.1,T00, A SNAP Comfortable modern hooae, close la ea the east aide, S llvlng-ronma, bath, etc., gaa and electricity, large basement con taining laundry, two store And fuelroome; . everything slmtit the bouae In flrst-clsas ra pe lr; the tot la MO feet deep, contains rblrken. bonee aad yard and number of Site fralt trees; aa Meal home- for comfort aad con- venlence. Call or addreee the owner, room r-SO0, -tke Marquaaw - Phono Mala 883, . to 4 p. m. , LOT $2x100 and f -room old bonae. K. Wsah Ine hetweea Union ere. and B. Sib. $2,000. Fifteen aerea at Mt, Hcott. nn which M about 4O0 cords wood: price $no. - leirga corner lot with 2 good bouses, central Eaat Portland: rents $M; price $A4no terms. Elegant 8 room new modem cottage and corner mt, nawinorne s riraauaivon, i.v, l,lt.M.h . Quarter block with Improvements; aanoal rent fl.lwo; west eioe; price em-iear. ' . CULVER, 828 Ckamber of Commerce. $280 BACH 4 kta on F.ast 20th and Iran ate. near Dlvlalon. Call at TOO on- the place. EAST SIDE HOMES Three T-coom and one 8-room house ea e. mini son amiimmii . ku.He.ll. CImKaA. rfna, iMewtlont eoneenleni to S esrllnee; eeey terma. Parish ' eV Gonrlay. owners. au Multnomen at. A 8ST0BY brick building. 100x100, on Est aide; will psy 8 per cent net on $i ooo; price $M.ono; caa (Ira terms. Addreaa B 84. earn Journal. . Want Ad" Rates VXD ANT CLABSITIOATIOB ' .Fife Cent per Line . Ke ed takea for leaa than loo per day. Bevea words, as a rule, constitute a Una, but each Hue Is pebarged regardlssa Ot the number ef .words. , WEEKLY BATE T tnasTttnna (Inoludlsg , one Saaday issue) $0 CENTS par Una par week. MONTHLY BATE flaeludlng all aWay iiiu.i ) 1 1 mi per una per mania. ESTS must be la bualaeea sfSes by 18 o'clock ' week days and by 18 e'olook naturday eeenlnar far tka Sunday Issue, to eeeuxe elsssimcatlaa. Display rates gtvea upon appUoatioa at , . tka eftee. '5ijliil5 JOURNAL BRANCH OFFICES ADVXBTISIatZBTB, Will bo received at regular main-office rates. - Following la a list of authorised agenta, who will forward your advertise ment a time for publics tloo la tlie seat V0BTK sUDB. , B. A., Preston, drocglat, Twaotv.thtrd and Thnrmaa atreeta. Nob Hill Pharmacy. 880 Qllsaa atreet, earner Twenty-first, A. W. Allen, pharmacist. Sixteenth and Marshall atreeta. McOommon'a Pharmacy, Nineteenth aad WashlnaTtoa gtreeta. B0TJTK KSZ. ' - B. Y. Tone 4k Co-drogglata. Front aad Olbba atreete. . Cottel Drug compsay, First aad Grant atreeta. Fabian Byerley. druggist, 400 JeOeraoo atreet, corner Tenth. Brttman'a Pharmacy, oorner Sixth and Harrison atreeta. ' Phi tamer Drug compsay, 980 Third atraet, corner Madison. "TV. : ; zajt npt. W. 8. Love, druggist, corner Grand avenue and Eaat Barnalde atreet. - Nichols a Thompson, 128 B assail street, corner Alblna avenue. Janrka Drug company, corner Hawthorne and Grand avennee. ' W C Cable, druggist, corner HoUaday avenue and Larrabee atreet, a oar steel bridge. ' ' R. A. Wtlaos, US Grand avanna, near Bast Morrison. B. . w. Ball, . 838 Bast Beventk atraet, coruer Step bens, , ""'"-' v. HIGHTJUTO. P. 7. Clark, druggist, 100 North rjataa a ess so, , . . -t UBBIS1DX. t. B. Worth, pharmacist, 800 Belmont . -.aMV ,.ww aswssi Brooklra Pharmacy company, Powell aad Milwaakb atreeta. . , y ' ABLETA. OBEOOB. '- . Arista Pharmacy, Mora and Foster atreeta, ? lEIXWOOD. ' HeoMtoek'a PbarmacyrB40 Umatilla ave nue, corner Eaat Thirteenth atreet. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ACRB TRACTS' . , OUB SPECIALTY IB AORB TBACTS1 FaU-elaed streets, water. So ; TERMS $10 FEB ArBB CASH . $10 FEB ACBB PBB MONTH. Tea ge to tbeaa sorer ea the aeme ear, Ciy the as ma Be fare the lot maa pays. The t maa to your neighbor, bat be Is re stricted In majority of feature that aaake . a troa oabarbaa heme. . . .',.,. A. V CHURCH M, g, 6V I. a, - 110 Second at, . IT''- i .'SMew ,iv $800 WILL buy small bouse aad lot 80x100. No, TM Alblna ave., bet. Fremont and Beach ats. W. Petterson. 203 Yamhill St., dwner. TWO - acres Jnet eaat ot city llmtta. and sear Montavllla car line: no gravel; all cleared; old bouse; many nice fruit trees: $1.2fi0. Also 1H acres similarly altaated; BO bulM- Ing: 00 fmlt treea: $rwo. - Several bonsea and lots. Bast Portland, of ' good vain and style; centrally located; easy .terma. Alan S-room "modem house, new, , Sunnysldo, . $3.2no; lot Is 80x100 feet. Alen 8-mom bonae, strictly modern, and fne. nor lot 88x70; terma, say $1.2V to $1,300 caah and balance to salt; centrally located, Eaat Portland. CULVER. 823 Chamber of Commerce. NEW 'modern T-ronm residence oa Mount Scot cerllne, 28 minutes' ride from Portland; lot 83x100. One laws and fralt treea. for $1,800. ' at year own terme, or may trade for .land, Addreaa M 48. care Jonraal. FOB SALS Modern eoborbaa cottage, etoae T" ta ear line, one location, ground lOOalOa, 0. W. P. Townslto Co.. 184 First at,. . SELLWOOD era. SS down end $8 a saoathi from $78 to $200. ' Sell wood Tewnatte Can Phone Eaat 4T04. , . tnooWnuierfuM lol.' plenty" of frnlfr$ofair $100 down. $10 a month. Inquire at $80 Eaat Waahlngton at - - LOTS, acreexe and resldenceo on Portland Helgbts. J. C. Bbofner. $AS YamhUL oar. Park THREW new housee, rent ar sals; snap. ISBtt . Fourth st,. room IS. Owner. WAGNER it PETTY. SOS Oornmerclal blk., have , some of tbe best bays to the city. See them before- buying and be eon r laced. NEW 8-room corner bouae on Fremont at,? bath, porch; an exceptional bargain: only fl.aoo. Treea Kmsell, 002 Commercial blk. Mala .SS23. .- ' FOR 8ALB at a bergs In. modern T-room houee -ea East Taylor, close la; terme to oall perch aser. Apply W 43, eere JournaL A GOOD corner, rmarter block, near North era Pacific terminal; good Income property. Cell eerly. SI 3 Pine at. National Real Batata Co. MODERN T room house, eeat able, block from car, $2,200; $noo down, balance $28 per -month. Phone Eaat 075. NEW 8-rnom bouse with bath, concrete base ment, barn and rtlcken-honee on place: 8 lots go with place. Apply to B. T." Taggart, 410 Chamber of Commerce. ' NEW modern S-room eolorHal booee, corner lot. $2.&0: also S-room mod era cottage. Sunny side, $1,800. Inquire owner, 800 E. Salmon st. S-ROOOM modern hones, east aide. $2,000: $200 down; balaara $18 per monjh. Phone East 873. ' WAKE UPl Why pay laadlorda and agents enormous profits when yoa esn own your own little subnrhan home and be barmy, even though married t . T 4$, care ef Joaraal. 300 JTABMS, email tracts endtoto: bargains oa O. W; P. electric Una. O. B. Addlton. Lents,, , Orejioa Tske Mount acotx ear, oc. HERB Is a bargain 8 acre suitable for ehleken park, or gardening: fi-room nlaatered colUge; . flue anrlng of water, all kinds of frnlt; lo rated In Mllwaukle. cloee to car line; can make yoa terma. 404 East Morrison. IP YOU want a subnrhan kome of d lots, good bsrn an plenty fkfrult; M "- M Broad at.. Montavina. a - FOR 8AUC-Ch'p. m'S!'JTL. Alhlna. Inquire owiierJtRQarhet bt. " 100x100 ON East Twenty-elrhth at.; fine corner nesr Ollssn: a snsp. S1.200. Tyaoa KlnaeQ. S3 Comaierclal blk. Mela 2823. 44' FOR SALE 3 lota (tehee on mortgage) for tiid thirds their vslne: cseh. Choice corner nn car line. Inqnire Fetghner, Ivanhod sis- , tlon.- ' HOUSE and . city wate. Kerne Park, $300, If taken at once. 800 Oregonlsn hldg, FOR SALE FARMS. ISO-ACRE farm, IS ml lee east of Portland eej Sandy river. 40 acres ander cnlttvatloa. good improvements. 18 seres on Powell's Valley' road, H mile Booth of reservoir; short die tetic from 3 car lines. IT aerea good, brel land adollnlnr Motor additloa, W, B. Fech. . helmer, 22T falling bldg. ' . 4 ACRES, 40 frnlt tree, berrlee, S-romn honee, . eprlng. 14 aillcs out. nn O. W. P. B. B.1 . Frtc $000. am becoad at, . ; . ' ; '; . . 1 '. v J. VK :--,t-