: tuz. .ossgon suiidav. jouhiiai; -ronTLAKD. cu::dav . ::c ::: :a july'.cy t: ---- ,wuuwitistf . i :lJ':J:y C ) ( ) C ) : T , - 'I ; IlilLtllJiJ 4 ' O : I 1 1 -v - t . . , 1 1 1 , ' - . J 1 . ' ' F 1 . ". 1 W ci..l-i;Jjj.-JfJ!i ' ... V. v - . .:; 100 2 toy? Trolley l ' . PERSONALLY. CONDUCTED. . $ and; Aider:; Streets Every Day except Sunday at f t 9:40 a. rri. Return at 4 At l4:30.p..nL v With Two Hours for Lunch at tffe Estocada Hotel, r v ' r;.. " - . on the Cackama's River. . 'r ' 7 Great Ferris Wheel; Ikeda's Mid-Air- Slide, the first of its kind . in the -world ; The Giant Whirl Flying Machine, tinequaled in the world ; Harii Ito playing the-Patilownia,1 a-great-Koto musical-artist-direct from Jpa FRIDAY, JULY 28, Two Hundred Swedish Singers at the "Oaks Tavern f : TUESDAY NI(SETI77Cn 7 AFTERNOON, JULY 27, a dance at the Pavilion Exclusively for ChUdrenT-prizes h A ; Woodmen -of the WorldLog-rolling, Pillow Contest Sack Racev Egg Race. Ladies' Race, Drill by the.Guards and Fireworks; Next THURSDAY. NlGHT, JULY 27, magnificent disolav of Fireworks, i Every Afternoon and Night D'Urfeanos Italisn Cnd New Fecteres it t&s Cs!sty Theatre. Reduction oi fiHz on the Miniature Railway for Children to 5c. - One Hundred Other Delightful Acssraests.' Teiethe O. W. P. O Ry. uo. jen9 rvrn ana juaer oireeis r are c. Admission: to Grounds 10c. m.m. M m tu k i 4 ' : . . .- OEAH TRAFFIC IS lilCREMIG- :markabl Growth of Business Oetween' This Pot .and San Trancisco. OUR STEAMERS FUUNT THE HARRIMAN FLAG NOW "Af of Topeka Mu, Been Engaged to Carry the ManyTauengera Who Prefer Sea: Travel to tfie RU- Eutern popl praf ar . aping . t San Trmaetaoo front Portland by ataamar Uhar than on tb train. Ttala wap flam nstratad yaatarday by tha fact that vary atateroom on tha Valencia waa n-14-ed by t o'clock In too aftarnoon, and a will oly brine 12 pasaancara from eMtUa. - '- . .. So groat waa tha rush for aooommo ulona that tha Harrlman Inter at iosod a deal for tha City of Topeka yen irday and will place bar on tha route to tin alternately with tha Valencia. Bha. o, la owned by tha Faciflo Coaat Steam Ip company, and baa been plying ba reen Seattle and pointa In aautheaataro aaka. She la returning from tha north, d will ajTlv a -week t row today. The earner la about tha aanie aixe aa the elenola. and wll - accommodate fully a nrat claaa paaaengera, .while nearly 1oe that aambe eaa be taken care t i the eteerag-e. Neither of the vetaela the eouDd will carry freight. With the fottr.ateamera on tha route, a Columbia and St. Paul, of eourae, be T tha other two, there will be a Harrl a ataamar galling from Portland prao ily erery two daya for the California ropolia. It la eatlmated that, they 1 carry at baat J,oa people down the at ererr week. -Thla .will break all -rd la the volume of paaaenger traf . tetween any porta on tha Pacin ,:e popularity of tha increase in tha n.r eemce waa atteated yesterday. n It became known that another vea 1 waa to be placed In commission to ply connection with tba Columbia and St ul, -people kept flocking at tba local n of the oompany to purehaaa bertha. ill tha attpply waa azhaueted. The lorlty wore eaatornera, who , stated they wanted to go by way .of San anclaoo to their bomea Just to enjoy t luxury of a aea trip. Bealdaa, It waa Jalaed they . believed . It would b ore oomfortabla than to make tha trip n tha cars, particularly la tha aultry ether. r. ,1 - Whea the vlaltora came here they were to believe that It would be possible r them to get accommodations - on a earner for a aouthera city at any time -r dealred. With tha chartering of tha -end steamer it la now aald that all pllcanta for transportation by tha wa r mufe will be accommodated without Vulty. It will no 1 oncer be necee t for people ton go., from Portland to "1e and take a eteamer from there ' the Bay City aa they bare boon do- te paat '. a City of Topeka la tit feet long, feet wide and 1 1 feet deep. She waa I at Cheater, Pennsylvania, U 1111, 1 and soon afterward waa brought around to the Pmoifie coast. -la .early. daya.aha made frequent trips to" Portland to as. alat the State of California to take care of tha traffic down tha coast. - Of late years she haa been operated in northern waters. At tha time of the Klondike excitement aha made a trip from Port' land to Alaaka.. Subsequently aha' waa operated from tha sound to tha far north by her present owners, i ; Word waa : received .from Seattle last evening that the Valencia haa been de layed a day and will not reach Portland until next -Tuesday afternoon., , tyiil work on' her and aha wllOio'glvaa aulck dispatch. The lumoer win m shipped by tha Paclflo Export Lumber company. In order that tba work might be started without ' any delay, ft. F. Barnes, deputy collector of customs. boarded her laat night and gave tha cap tain entrance papers. - 1 : HASTINGS LOSES LICENSE. USING THE DIX. tow Water Abore Torka of, iMwia Kakea ZJght Craft Boata JTeoessary Because of tha low-Jwatar, above Jh forka of tha Lewis river tha Kamm Una had "to Heart ttie" gaaollna' lanrieh ' EMx yeaterday afternoon . to run up to La Center, connecting with the steamboat Mascot from Portland. The vix De longa to Thomas Byara, who haa been operating her in the harbor alnce the fair opened. She can carry IS passen- cera. . : ' - ' f ' " At the forka of the Lewis the freight carried . by the Mascot will be dis charged into light-draft scows, which arlli be towed by the Dlx to La Center and other pointa i xr the paat - lew daya the company baa been transporting passengers and freight from the forka by mean of row boats, which proved too alow. The. Dlx draws leaa than a foot of water when loaded, i In a few" daya tba -owners of the steamer Leona. running from Portland to pointa. on tha Lewis river, will - place a new gasoline scow in commlaaion in tha upper waters of that stream. 8he waa reoently. launched .from, the Supple shipyards and draws only three lnchea when light and fire inches whan carry ing 10. tone of freight. . . , . . ' ; -. - i . . ... t ROBERT; DOLLAR . TO ;?QME. Steamer . Chartered to . load : bomber aTere for CaUforala, Through Taylor, Toung , Ca the steamship Robert Dollar was chartered yesterday ' to load : lumber ati Portland for a California port . She will load at tba Portland mill and will take out more thaa 1,000,000 feet of Oregon fir. . Tha Robert Dollar-haa been here a number of times during. tha past two or three years. She la now en route to the Bay City from the sound and. la expected to reach the Columbia river early next month, ',, ..- i ' 5 ILFORD IS IN PORT. r; Steamer Arrived tUs Bright rrea O ," da to Za4 Z.ambev for Ohlaa. Thick, foggy weather waa tha meana of prolonging the paaaage of the British steamship Ilford mora than a day on her trip from Ksqulmalt British Columbia, to u Portland. She - Bailed from tha Canadian port-en -Wednesday-and only reached here late laat night Tha voy age waa without incident The mouth of the Columbia river waa reached at 7 o'clock Prtday evening, but the bar waa obscured and the steamer did not cross in until yesterday rooming. Tha Ilford la In command of Captain J. O. MoKechnle, who waa at Portland 14 years ago in tba British ship' Old Kensington, .which . waa aubaeauentlv soldi to a German firm. ' The skipper aaya ha la under the impression that she. Is. now tha German ship Crystal, which waa recently here and loaded lum ber for the far east . At T o'clock thla morning tha Ilford will begin receiving a lumber cargo at tha Inman-Poulsen mill for Taku Bar. China.' Four- gangs of , longshoremen -imz - . : : v ; v chiidre rniim ap rnniAATTl rntmnm ajtt SJsaomTS. i :;.jfia Ara uiosti;' . " sonu i MoaTir' llirill IIL LIIIIIIMII I ?- r - rim ,., w I III ill Mr riJIIIIall I- I : .a. .aw. , - -- - .,, . , .. 'U iuiiii ui liiuiuui ii " 1 1 - '. i a. ' v 1 1 ' . :- . i . - ' ... I 1 . B I I ' I - Xt Waeat Suspended. But a rreakUh Oust of Wlad Carried It Away. . ' John Hastings, -first- officer -on - the eteamer Bailey Oataert. loet hla license yesterday afternoon. It was not exactly suspended, but blown from' his room by A gust of wind which came sweeping down tha Columbia river. Tiro last seen of the paper It waa floating down stream some distance from tba boat The United Statea inspectors will ba asked to Issue him..a dupUcate.Those who made the trip on tha Oataert aay there waa a strong breese In tha Colum bla river canyon.. i ! .. 1 ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Tomorrow the British bars: Thistle, Captain England, will be tied up at the dock, of the Oregon Water -.Power A Railway company to wait for a charter. She ' will probably remain ' there until aha la fixed to take out a grain cargo. Twin boya were born on Prtday nlgbt to the wife of. Fred .Mclntyre, a local marine engineer, who realdea at ft Tay lor atreet ' .. . '. Carrying a full cargo of grain and with every berth occupied, the eteamer F. A. Kllburn Bailed last night for San Francisco and way -porta.- Nearly all of her paaaenger accommodations have been aold for the next trip. With a ! huge clgar-ahaped log raft In tow tha eteamer. Francis H. Lsggett croaaed out ' over the Columbia river bar yeaterday afternoon bound for San Francisco. Tba raft waa built at Stella. J. Allen Harrison, agent for the Van couver Transportation company, la en tertaining hla brother-and family, who arrived yesterday from McAllster, In dian Territory. Oriental, liner Aragonla arrived down yeaterday afternoon at J o'olock and an hour and a - half later crossed - the bar and sailed for Hongkong and way porta, She left Portland' at o'olock in the morning and consequently lost no tlfna getting to aea.-- .- --r v " MARINE NOTES. ; Astoria, " July 22. Arrived, at -I and left up at 10:80 a, m. British steamer Ilford, from Comox. Arrived down at 10:10 a, ra. and sailed at U:J0 p. m. Schooners Boreal ts, , for Redondo, and David Evans, for San Pedro. Arrived down at-l:l( and sailed at ( p. m. Steamer Francis H. Leggett, for San Franclaco. i Arrived down at 1 and Bailed at 1:10 p. m.oerman . steamer Ara gonla, . for Hongkong and 'way porta Sailed at C p. mSohooner Sequoia. Xor San. Franclaco. . : -. Astoria, Jury 32. Condition of the bar at a p. jm , obscured; wind north west; weatner roggy. - San Francisco, July tl Arrived (at 10:10 a. m. 8 1 earner Despatch, from Portland. Sailed last nlgbt Steamer Northland, for Portland. ' . V San Pedro, July SI. Sailed Schooner Bbulah, for Portland. . 5 " j , Snaday, School wiealo. - Next Saturday Centenary -Methodist Episcopal Sunday achool will hold a genuine, old-fashioned basket plcnro at Hawthorns park. All members of the school- andchurch are invited to meet st-the-church, corner Eaat Ninth and Pine streets, at 11 a. m. and Join the procession to tha park, r Entire Business Section of Wash ington Villags Destroyed by i Flames Friday. ' - FIRE LOSSES RESULT: IN DEATH BY SUICIDE Two Hotela,. Three. Saloons, Two General Merchandise Stores, Bar ber and Blacksmith Shops, Bakeries and Bank Go Up in Smoke. ' (Special Dispatch The Jearaat) - Colfax, Wash., July 21. Almost tha entire business portion of Endtcott waa deatroyed by lira early yeaterday morn ing. ' Only meagre reports could be ob tained owing to the loss of the telephone and Western ..Union. offices. There were 10 buslneaa houses and one dwelling burned. 1 . Tha heavtrst losers are CTX Waht- fud and Peter Xlaveno, both owners of general merchandise stores. -Wahlfud carried a atock of 110,000 but aaved some of hla goods. ' Klaveno had a stock of IT.B00, which was a total loss. Two hotels, three saloons and two bar ber shops, a blacksmith shop owned by Sltner Bros., two bakerlea and a con fectlonery atora, a harness ahop and the Rndicott etate bank, of which United States Senator Levi P. Ankeny la preai dent, were among those destroyed. The only remaining business house la. Hunt- lay -Bros.,' general merchandise, and tha Da via Implement ' oompany. - It . la reported that a man named Johnson grew despondent aver the loss yesterday and committed suicide. He waa Interested In soma of the business property burned. ". ; "' .-" PENNSYLVANIA ROAD ' . IS SOME PUMPKINS -., jr , -. '-. .' .. ' V A new atlas for ticket agents of the Pennsylvania railroad system is shown by F. N. Kollock. the company's general agent in Portland. It contalna a aerlea of maps by atatea ahowlng ovary ata- tlon on tha system a 10.M1 .miles of road. . -' ' '-....' The Pennaylvanla system la composed of .11 aeparate -. companies. It owns trackage and opera tea. trains -In tha atatea of New Tork, Pennsylvania, Dela ware, Dlatrlct of Columbia. Illinois, In diana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Mich igan, Missouri, New Jersey, Ohio, Vir ginia and ' West Virginia, and steam ships from Baltimore to Old Point Com fort and haa double track extending from tha city of New Tork to Bt Louis, with the exception of 100 . mllea in southern Illinois, which Is being double tracked. It la constructing a paaaenger atatlon in tha heart of New Tork City, to coat M0.000.000; It will ba com plated within three years. At Washing ton, Dlatrlct of Columbia, a paaaenger station to cost. 11,000,000 is being erected. , . . T" Bishop O'Oermea Will Speak. : v; Rt ( Rev. , Thomas O Oorman, D. D, TATB BAMS AT. THE COSMOS B. Oor. Fourth aad StorMaoa Sta. Now under the.' aame ' management aa "Tha Calumet," centrally located, well furnished. -a. , : ! One room, on person. .. L.fl.00 per day One room, two persons,. ,-,Sl.SO per day Family suites .....$3.00 per day HOT11V MONTEREY . Under new management V ' ' SOW OPBB. " Tjooated STorth of Wewport om tba Beaeh. One of the most desirable of ita claaa on tha coaat Unsurpassed in eltuatlon, having axtenetve grounds for recreation, tne saiest peacn ror aurr oatning tn ocean. MI8S NORA FITZPATRICK, manager ana owner. Beard and Lodging at the Farm Clatsoe Beach, sear Seaside. TeroM II day. address Mrs. aL M. B, Morrtsoa, War. rvstea. ureeoa. Park addWaihrniloa, Portland, Orcfoa "The School of Quality" MODERN, PRACTICAL, COMPLETE ' Opsa all the year, Ceaalagas free a. p. armstr6nq. lu bm principal bishop of Sioux' Falle, ' South Dakota,' will preach at tha late mass today at st Mary'a cathedral on tha "Conatltu tion of tha Church," , ... , . ' MISS SHEUERMAN WILL GIVE PIANO RECITAL ..,.,-. , ...... Monday evening, from S to 10 o'clock. Mlaa . Carrie Sheuermaa . of .Pendleton wlU give a piano recital in the Audi torium at - tha fair. Mlaa Sheuerman haa Just returned from California, where ahvatudlad under the best teachers. nw jrrup;rBsii will Dei r Dle Prtnseaaln. op. 41. No.' B.' Orier: Sle lat so wetae, op. 41,Wo 4. Orlea: Holberg Suite, op. 40, Orieg; Praelu- dlum, Sarabanda, Oavotte. Aria. Rlaau- don; Nocturne, op. 10. No. 1, Tachalkow aky; Chant San Paroles, on. f, Na S. Tschalkowskyr Schfesw la Russa. Op. irNo. 1, Tschaikowsky; Etude, op. 10, No, 10, Chopla; Etude, op. St. No. 1. Chopin: Polonaise, A flat major; op. It, Chopin "The Wanderer, Liast; "Mark, nara, ui lan, xisai; nnapaooia, NO. I, LISSt j. - 7 Bxearaioa Batea te STrwpert. The Southern Paclflo company haa placed on sale at all Portland offlcee round trip tickets to Newport at rate of It. limited to October 10. 101. and for - Saturday to Monday tlcketa Ample hotel accommodations at raaaon able rates are provided at this popular i mm vi u Happiness Is not "in having what we like but In liking what wt hsva. . Delightful Mount Hood Trip . . m fc . i . EVert VISITOR te the , " Lewis aad Clark expoel-, . . , tlon ehoald take thla tha moat ' - delightful of all mountain' trips i In America. Cloud Cap Inn, unique and picturesque, T,000 ., i feet above . aea level, af fords splendid aooommodattona, s -' Summit of mountain v easily . '. accessible from thla point . Stagea leava Hood River ata ' tlon daily at 0:10 a. m. and 11:10 p. nk, making oonneotlon - with O. R. N. trains. -Round ..-.trip- tickets. Including ooach ing trip, on sale at O. R. A K ' '"'ticket offlea. Third aad Waah . Ington atreeta, Portland, Par . tloulars about ratea ' at Cloud Cap Ina by writing - , : Xood mivar, Oraroa, f ' Send S cents In stamps te X L. Craig. O. P. A. . Oregoa Railroad tt Navigation oom pany, Portland, for - booklet telling about trip, Hotel Fairmount TWBBTX-S1XTJI ASTD UPSaTUB STB, Opposite Stain Batraaos So &ewig aad . . oian Bzposttiaak. - . . Onlv ebsolntalv flrenrAAf tiAtat aA Joining grounds, equipped with aleetrle telephonlo and special telephonlo com munications for patrons. Uniformed portere and' bellboy a at all hours at guaats aervlca. . r- .... ' ' - -v.; , , :,-.-.; r- 150 Elegant Rooms ' Open for Guests ; ' -BATXS SUM A BAT AaTT TJ. W, H. LATTIN. Oensral Manager.' : 0. W. . j BT. CO, ' Hotel Estacada tnacra uiom oi thx-babes or THE OLAOKAKAg B1TXB. . u MiLia raoM roiTtABa. , Bates oer 4r... ...... $1.90 Rates Per week... t 015.00 Bpeelsl ticket, tnehidlas rmrad trip (re an4 d laser m .TO Bpeelal ticket, Inehio'laf mad trls ISH mSS. ,!'.',:V.,.;.?.';..?. ms noxn omoB mix ajtd aldza its. - , L. B. MARTINEZ. Mgr. r ' , ZSTAOASa, OSXeOaT. -. Mm Gvin Gtvin ; : HOOB BITER, OaWefOaT.';.wr-- The Scenic Hotel of the Columbia jrf A QUIET, RESTFUL RESORT. CU! SINE THE BEST. THREE HOURS' RIDE FROM PORTLAND. FOR RATES AND PARTICULARS ADDRESS . '.- ',-. D. E. RAND.'Aianager PXOBB 1SSL HOOB BZTBX, OB. , : war 'at a . y7, Hotel Moot c ... . .. , - t ... Clatsop Beach, Seaside, Or. j Finest- summer reaort In Oregon. ( Th3 only hotel on the beach overlooking tha ocean. ' Sea foods ft specialty..' Tha hotel has "been rebuilt and newly furnished. ' Hot salt bathe. Fins surf bathing di rectly In front- of the hotel. -Strictly flrst-clase. American plan. For terms and reservations addrese. DAN, J. MOORE, proprietor! ' - , . - r ? HOTEL SALTAIR OeaterriHe, Bom Beaeh. ; Commande Sne view-of the ocean. Good Ashing. Excellent water. (Home oooklng. Fish served daily. .: or particulara address BOSS. FbBTWB, Long Beach P. O., Washington. BBXTATB BOABB ABB BOOatB. : Mrs. Harsb Caimherlahi,. .Lent Besck. Walk. Heme Cnhlns Oeo4 MM la. Hotel Eaton Oemer Herrlsea aad West Park Streets. NEW nsaoseaiely raralshed, elersatlr eealsptd. flrepreof. rm atlmites' walk freta heart mt sbopplea sod ' bailaess OUtrlet sll lsrye, slrr. euteltfe wm, stesai keeled, aleetrle llhte,- teUpeeae la , eaek apertassat ete. Ltrre erneei. toasting, snnklns. wrltlnf. Ull rteeprloa aarleia, Kooaa Mssiisf hr aull or telephoae. . Private eamafVse meats tretae aad stssaiaia. Rooms fl.OO to $3.00 a Day : Special Bates te CwasMrdaf Msa.. . .' V bTSS. at AS SAT0B. ' treemerly of Betel aeSpeta, apekas.t rilhcit Springs Dotcl Uitolt Sfcrrs Leaves Oregon City daily, exeept Sun day, at :10 a. m. Fare (1.50. Oregon City olTli-e next door to Oregoa Water Power Co.'g depot