THE ORBOCnr SUNDAY JOURNAL, POKTLANP. SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER tt. 1901 Amid Your Christmas Joy Don't Forget to Read the Want Ads. Be Happier! 4 4 I 9 i - "Tlw Ortgiaar' ROOMING HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. IAfT CO. UH Ablngtea Block. IWe Mtlo IBS. yam socttioae an going rut. net helow of both large tod small sun, cm u. TO ROOMS Well furnished, doing wj lsrgs business; food Use.-. $4.7.v, part caab. IB BOOMS On af the beat money ma k era In the Htr. naew rlMrlnt Ifi.UO Bar year. Brick building, heart of Hiy; raa make, a fortune during the (air. You will ha?, to hurry If 70a aacara thla. Price, 68 BOO MH- Modern brick; bot aad raid water la all rooraa; private bathe; the bott adesaiillr furnlahed bonee In the rltr. clearing now above all expentet $rtoo per montb. Wllbout doubt tbla la the fluent boy In Portland, tome In at full particulars. BO ROOMS Steam beat. bath. gat and all modern improvements: cheap rant: all velvet carpeta and aolld oak furniture Tbla place la clearing aboTe all ex paBaaa over $275 par month $3,000 caab will baadla It. Lease, ft lc. 14,100. M ROOMS Hotel, ateam beat new brick building, atrlctly modern and np to date; houee full af aood people; cheap rent heap rent par and long le, b; leaae. Price. $4,176. ST BOOMS Flea-ant It furnished, leaae; rent only pinu per muntn. so, ( act, pari ROOMS Beat pan of Morrlaon at cheap rent and good long leaae. rant a aood t re Bales I house run mouej-rsaker, desalt fall to ee tbla week only. $8,000, Bart Be ROOVfaV New. roodara preeaed brtgk bale inc.- eiqirttlte farnltiira awl carpeta: steam heat; hot aad cold water In ell : -rear leaee; rent only SITS, u- cludlag heat. . Thla houee will pay B Rr cent a month on the 1 ureal men t ice. $0,000. dO rooms- Beat location In the city; elegantly furnlahed. rant only SBDO par month; leaaa for two ream; clearing now oyer S300 par mouth; aleam beat and all Dim conrenlencee. for a money aaaker during the fair thla house cannot be beat. Our price. 17,508. SO booms - New brick, modern In deary way, fur-debit ga vary good ; all hair saet treeeeo; far a quick sell wa bae reduced the price to $3,475. SB rooms -Swellest 'plso. la the city; all Axmlneter carpeta, golden oak aad mtg hogany furniture: clearing oyer 8300 C month; cheap rant and good long a; hose fide reaeoaa for selling; ex- claalrely with as. Price for quick sal. 1009. SB ROOMS Moat elegantly furnlahed apart ment bona In the city, stew clearing boot Baoo par month; rent oaly $136; leaae. Can be had Dot for $4,600. W ROOMS Steam beet, bet and cold water la all rooms, the eery beat location la the city; has been under the same management for IB year. House la clearing above all expeaaea $860 month If you are looking for some thing good, don t fall to see this. Price SS.1B0. ROOMS -Rent BRA. furnlahed aad ds with leaee: fairly well king money; owner haa other buslbeee and cannot attend to thla. do instructed us to rut the Mice II.S00, A decided bargain. 9S Rooms -'hi Tenth at., very swell In every way; lesste . price only 11.500. This to surely a bargain. 84 ROOMS Vary choice location, ne new furniture, furnace beat. This la oae of the neatest and cleanest houses on the market; rest only 128, lease, B3.T50 84 ROOMS New brick building, steam heat hot and cold water la every room: everything- saw aad Is good condition: sooo tease raai, pun; nig maker. s.B00 ROOMS Alder St.. nicely furnlahed. housekeeping: bow cleaiisg over per month. $1,800. BO ROOMS Fhrshihlnga fine; goad. ale, clean bouse; 8 blocks Portland Hotel; lease; rent right. fZ.MO. SO rooms on Eleventh St.. near Mori eon boarding; nicely furnlahed: doing good ousiseee; real oniy two. ee.aoo. IB ROOMS Furniture ell nice, rood location chesp rent: mostly housekeeping; slwaya lull. ee.SOO. 18 ROOMS Oa Washington at.; well furnlahed good location, low rest; lease $2,500. 18 ROOMS Oa Park at.; hoarding: very Baa i--eiion good; rest STB.' Price, $1,400. IT ROOMS Best location, near Portland hotel: very finely furnished ; rent only $50; uoing nice ousineee. iTlce, IS BOOMS Very central, nicely furnlahed This la surely a good bargain, only l,aw, IS ROOMS Centrally located, well furnished, rent only $41; rooms slwsys rented. Oaly $2,500. Tbla la surely a bar gain. 18 ROOMS Very Snely furnlahed. swell loca tion, very reasonable; good Income. Thla la exclusive; for particulars cau. 11 ROOMS Rest $38; ee year'a lease; good furniture; clearing aao a monin. ITlce. $780. t ROOMS Oa Taylor at., choice location: remote rent for $85; owner occupies rooms; rent $40 Price, $A50. S ROOMS furniture all good: location vary central; rant right. Price $850. -ROOM fist at your own price: furnlahed ele gantly. Including piano. This plsce baa to go Monday, sure; call In and get par ticulars. GROCERY STORE On Washington at., doing caab business of $40 per day; alee, clean stack. $8,500. CONFECTIONERY. Morrison t , , Oae oa 1,000 DELICATESSEN. One on Morrison, receipts $80 $S00 One on Washington, receipts $SB 2,000 WE CAN MAKE TERMS ON ANT OF TBI ABO VS. ALL TITLES GUARANTIED. RUT RMS FROTECTEO AS WELL AS SELLERS. i3S$owTo"2, TO w BOOM ovwm TAFT CO., 185-B Ablngton Block. 10BH Third St. We have the barealne IN ROOMING-HOUSES AND BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, A few of our specialties for thla week B rooms, rooming house, hath, E. L. . . B rosans. light hskp., s snap at . . ... B rooms. Sat. new far., central T rooms, house, sew for , Sue location. T rooms, bonee. sew far. Sne location T rooos Sat. new for.. Bee location B reoeae. booae. good furniture Id rooms, modern hduee, good locetloa. IB 1 uuaae. modern houee, good location 11 rooms, houee sll full, fine locetloa... BBfl 400 8B0 BOB 480 800 B0 Too BOO BOO 8.100 Ml 00 750 3. mo 3.000 3.200 18 raoass, bonee. with saloon stock aad flit urea, beet location IS rooms, rooming house 18 rooms, morning bowse, eew furniture 33 rooms, rooming bonee, Bne location ,1 25 rooms, rooming house, money-maker.. .V rooms, roomtng-hoaee, good teretlon.j .TJ rooms, rooming boose, s ewell place. . go rooroa. hotiaekeerilne. swell and cen tral location $.$.000 85 ronroe, heneekeeptng, swell end rare eeslral , Bid.onn K rooms, a hotel, modern, atesas heat $ 5 one. SB rooms. Bat. very central and swell .$ a.SBO 72 rooms, transient very centra I $ 4 500 All the encore aw the west side aid with good xrase. - t iger, eaady aid fruit store1. 11. inn 1 Iger store u a cigar eaady tad fruit atnre $ 800 i.roeery atare, stock aad flat urea itss S:;;:;:;':-'SiS 4J4m Fsurth at. Phene Rat $336. oar partial w ouea. II ttw UMPIRE fTVVEBTMENT 00. Boom U chamber of Comaaareu. Phone Mala MM. rOB THOUGHTFUL PURCHASERS. The few attractive propositi Bare sat forth should certainly Invite .careful eoaalder alien oh the part of tatending lureetare. ALL TItU Ol iJUNTRBD. ELEGANT APARTMENTS IB noma. modern house, furnishings tuirtly first class; beet of locations; Al class of roomers; rent $60. 1 rice. a,ow; can arrange terms. SI ROOMS An Ideal bonee for the fair: aood furniture and carpets; moat central ourner in ne city, rent aim. race, e,eJO. o ROOa s Beat $100; leaee for 8 yeere extra good furniture: can be made to pay 1 or naeir la u-se roan aix mamma time come In and talk with as shout tbla. price, 80 BOOMS New carpeta. good furniture; never a vacant room; one block from the Portland hotel; brat of reaaous for selling. Price $1,830. 48 ROOMS Superb apartments la new corner nrira Building; ateeut beat: elegantly fur nlabed with the bent of everything', proflta are hatter than $600 a month; rent Is light; raa make very reaaoaable terms u the right pany. B ROOMS An Idesl loretlon for s erlvste home: furnished leaa than 90 days ago; everything or. ue neat; rent . cert casn, price pnoo B ROOM flat. Fifth at. locetloa. corner; hot and cold water: everything new and reedy for you to step In aad get your dinner; rent aw. 1 rice, bow. B ROOM flat, new aad complete; owner MUST go aaat by January 2. and aaya aril tor asou caan; rent ssv. BACHRU1RS' APAKTMK.NTH Washington St lea than; .lean, brat: low raet: excellent nttinga; now owned by a aommerclal man. wno gaca east January 1, see SALOON One of the brat located aatooas In the city wj 1 awed (wralahed rni sbova that re with It; I lesse at right price; elcgaot nit urea and furnishings; a live eeloon men can make all kinds of money bare; Information at office REST A CHANT. One of the very beat ntgbt atands: can d better than $40 a day; everything la new ana complete; rent $26. Price, SM. RARBER SHOP. One of the beet paying barber a hope la the town, atrletlr un to date: workina 7 chairs to na bathroom In oouneetloa; rest only $00, with lesse. rnce, fs.uuo. OONFECTIONRET. ' n ' 1 ie " 1 ii" nun. tiu. on nn , i,-iii lease; Ire cream parlor In rear; atock and fixtures worth more than selling price; owner wishes to go north. Price, 11,000. GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET One of the beet GROCERIES and MARKETS in Portland; horses, wagons and tools go; 1 fine aatabltabed business with growtnar trade sales over 12,000 par month; cheap rent trice. ps.uti. M1LI.INKRT Country town where you hsve no competition. nice, clean, saleable atock; will invoice the run value; see vwser st our orrice. GROCERT. Uendy end cigars. Fifth st. location: rent $28. witn living rooms; gooa natures, rieea atocg - will Invoice more than price asked. Price $450. POULTRY AND FIBBL Al business In fine location; big growing trade; guoa reasons tor sate. w.- have many other goad money making propositions on our books. If you don't sea what you wast, remember wa are at your aervicee. EMPIRE INVESTMENT CO. Room 0 Chamber of Commerce. PACIFIC COAST LAND CO. Phes mack looi. 'Sll Altsky Bldg. This Is the place to get bargalna. Nothing Misrepresented. Titles Guaranteed. 5B rooms Good location, finely furnlahed. ateam beat, electric lights, modern In every respect . rent $138. Price $8,000. 80 rooms rent $178. leaee; 8 blocks from Portland hotel: well furnlahed, rlearlag $880 per month. Price $8,600. SB rooms Vary central location, finely fur nlahed. rent $188. leaae. This la one ef the heat money maker, la Portland. Price, $4,000. ' 33 rooma -Wrll located, rent $116, 1aae, well furnished; clears $125 per month. Price 23 rooms Very reatral location, rent $100, well furnished, room a always rented, clearing $133 per dtsnth. Price $2,100. 23 rooma - Good location, well furnlahed, rent $80 with lease Price $3,800. IT rooms Central location, reat IBS. with leaae. clearing $100 per month. Price $2,000 16 rooma Fine location for transients, rent $60 with lease- stesm best; new furniture. A aaap far $1,400. 14 roomsv-Rent $45. with leaae; fine transient buelneeo; newly furnlahed. A money maker. Price $1,360. 1.1 room house, fine location well furnished. A ansp tor $1,100. 12-room houee, central location, rent $48; well furnished; clears $40 per month Price $i.'"hi. on eaay terme. 11 room bouse, good location, rent $33; clean $40 per month. Price $780. 10 rooms central location, furniture very good, clear 830 per month over all expenses. Price $750, We have a Broom bouse that la a dandy. Rooms are beautifully decorated, and the furniture le new ahd elegant: Aimlneter car pats, furnace best, everything ftrst-eleea; rent $40. good leaae. Price only $700. Will give time oa part of It. Broom houae. 3 block" from Portland hotel. rent $45. leaae; Income o. price gws) Furniture very good; will sell on eaay terms. Thla to a good boy. 8 rooma Good location, rent $30. tare and carpets. Price $450. balance to suit. $876 caab, rooauk Swell Infattoa and furniture, rent IKA. rents 6 rooms fair $70. Price $SOO. This la s good buy. Here le where you get the vorth of your money; furniture of a 8-room cottage, in f a good location, reat $20: $76 worth of choice a seer led canned xralt; winter s cost nnn woou, all for $476. This Is s snap. Everything complete, ln- i hiding a lot of frocerlee. 10 room house, good locution, rent nt $35. with lease; ulevly fnrnlehed. Price $389. fine location, rent $30. furnlahed. Price $850. with 6 PACIFIC COAST IJIND CO. Paooa Blacl nan $11 Allaky Bldg Corner Third tnd Morrlaon. $2,000 WILD, buy an Int-reet with s whlcB win neat tun laveatigatinvi: ta in reafment Will not only be eafa, bat the chance far profit making la good; come and htt aa tall you about It. DAVIDSON. WABD A CO. 4a et ckamber of Commerce FOR SALE OR TRADE Oa half Inhtsest In sswatin. lo.noo capacity, wagon. teams, camps, three-mile flume, food t arbor ; SB miles from Vancouver. R. c. ; controlling about ino.iano.ono feet timber, hair cedar. Ad dress W Y B, care Journal. IN what way could you dlepoSe of your prop erty, reel estate, nr la fact aeytktng elae aa easily ss with The Jeurael wast ada '1 "Besr la atlad." 81 word, for 16 eeuta. rot SALS OawntaTp sjamr aad liag lBhaevy tB aaat ssying cigsr snu eonrsetton ilnesa In The Dalle Addreea Gumhertt Tobacco Hoaae. The Dallea, Or. HANDY DY man wll aer daring vt Journal. 1th $78 cash can ke big I M t" later mouths. A' FOR BALE-With leaae. good resttur.nt. First ft- STRANGERS. ATTRNTION ir you want reliable InforiBstloa about any haatBeta progaantlon. eel I asd see ue. We will take pleasure m putting yea right aad protecting rear luteraata. PAOirtO COAST LAND 00. CBRBy and cigar a tore, good location, real K;.wVc.1ktSto?o' t;lgs and ransty Very central; I store aa good bualneae street. Bar a aood man; rent reaeunabta I cau be bought for $400. I .Mik this ap at Old eeUbllabed cash business, central' location. ohllgrd go eaaf and wlflacHrlvc' bougbt today for $800. Lunch counter la center of rltr doing a good business; a money maker. Price $1100. Saloon, a enap Bar a good man; good, atock of liquors, everything usee) up good; rent $35 with leaae; daiag $80 per day. Price pi. its. Grocery atnre na send corner; rent $80; yeera tease; eaiee pn;. per aay. au caan: horse and wagon; good tut urea; will a Invoice, about $1.2no. Grocery store, tip-top location for bualneae; rent $85; average cssb aalee $1,400 per month, owing to dlasgrcement of partite ra. thla place can be bought at Invoice, about $:l.00o. Splendid opportunity for a good, live man to make money. Manufacturing business - Steady, reliable man can buy aji later eat In good plant; will pay him $126 per mouth: can buy for leaa than Invoice. Price about $800. Partner wanted Aa old-fashioned real estate firm wanta a good live man; splendid oppor tunlty for the tigbt bub. $800 cash re quired. The above are Jtiat a ssmple fro our lists. .fi'hlnua'M SirSdo' noes and Pacific OO AST LAND 00. Phone e'k ISBi. Ill Altsky Bldg. ion isr Thl htrd and Morrison. C B. Tuggle. W. J. Dsr. OREGON ASSOCIATED RSTHANOE. RED ON 288 V, Waahlngtnn St. Phone clay 772. Business Chances, steal Kstaie ana Mentals. CONFECTIONERY store, choice location, good baatneaa, new stock and flit urea, cheap rent, goad lease: a nan. $460. CIGAR store, central, good trade, bargain RESTAURANT, well located, doing good bual nees; seats :ifl. cheap rent: bargain, $.150. 0 ROOMS, central, new furniture; rent $80. $800. 12 Rooms, central, heat street; goad, new furniture; rent $45. leaae. $760. OREGON ASSOCIATED EXCHANGE. 2SX1, Washington St. HOUSES AND LOTS for aaU on Installments large and amall sere tracts nesr csr line food farm Bear Portland. $88 per acre. J . YARNEIX. office opposite I. O. O. r hall. Phone Union 4611. Mont aril is. Or. FOR SALE Lot 60x100. level. 3 hloeka to woolen mills: overlooking the river; fine Iocs Hon and view: $378, part caab. C R. organ. Bt. Johns, or. T. JOHNS 4 acre, new g room bonee. f best men 1. variety of fruit will sell, trsd- tar farm or for stock, sua lease place, o X C 1, care Journal $250 WILL buy half Interest In paying reatau rant; oner only open for a week: good chance for lady or gentleman. Address Z W IP, cere Journal. SNAP 840 ACRES Grating land. 1 mile from rnuroeu ana otumota river. oiumnia county $1,000. H. Stale,-. 1481 Winona at.. Wood lawn. HALF Interest In an eatabllabud paying bual tin account of other engageanenta a partner retires. FUI UJM, Beast 18. Nit 1st. WANTED Partner wtth $500 for aa eatab- llahel wood and flume bualneae. Address C. H. PIOOOTT. lister. Portland. Oregon. SNAP For ale, grocery it ore Call aad eee owner, unone union euiz. win tell at la va! oe. . Good ressons for selllag. FOR SALE St w ml 11 everything complete; good nusiares: win sen an or nsir interest, ah A X II. care Journal. $1,160-10 ROOM, modern houee. lot TO1I8B, at Tremont; a anap. Apply sin renton Dldg.. 84 Sixth. Terma eaay. $40 SUVS a I- ultimate bnalneee that will make M to s per dey clear; A BMAI'. can Monday, 808 Ankeny at. GROCERY - -First -claes, central, leaee. low rent. doing e good bualneae, about $3,000. X C 4, care Journal. CANDY and cigar atore; most aell account eictueea; cneap rent, fee owner, aaoifc nrat. FOR SALE--Fine dairy; will pay 16 eeuta for ' milk at ranch. F 803. care Journal FOR BALE MISCELLAKEOrrg. 4 DROP-HEAD aewlug machines In light and dark oak. alight ly a.-u fled The above ana chines have been In the office some time aad will be aold very cheap. If you are con templating buying don't miss seeing them. At 403 Washington at, the Singer Manu facturing Co. Phone Main 458s. TYPEWRITERS Second - band Remlngtone. smith-Premiers and Iienamoree, must be closed out by the first of the year; some bargains can be found In thla lot. Underwuajd Typewriter Agency. 46 Front at. FOR SALE- 60 pairs golden, silver. Lady Am herst and Japanese pheasants, Imported An Ct cats, parrots, alnglug and fancy birda. tland Bird Co., 304 Third and -XT Sixth St.. North. FOR SALE 1 large and one email aet of first clsss gold snd bullion sea lee; also oas sst af analytical and bullion balances, all far leaa than half price. 204 H Washington it J. H. Flsk. UNDBRWOOD TTFBWRITRR. Visible writing Tabulator. Ball bearing. Llgbt Agency 68 Front at. Phone Red 1861. BILLIARD AND POOL table for rest ee fat tele oo eaay payments. TUB BRUNSWICK-BALK COLLENDEB CO, 46 Third St.. Portland. NEW and aecond-band ptanaie at bargalna; $60 and up; organs $35: free lessons, assy pay. menta, 841 1 let and Main, room 13. 4.00C- CHOICE Italian prune from 3 to 8 feet long at 6 centa each. F. M. Cnbtree. Lei.rel. Or. FRESH Jereey cow for sale. Call at f Commercial and Bandena streett, Alblna. PRINTED eovelopet. carde, atate menta. $1 600, Etir-ka Co BOX 316. Portland FOR SALE Canary blrda. 207 Pennoyer it. FINE caab regleter, cheap. ISO Front it. LOST AND FOUND. THH beet way offered tn find the loser or finder of sny article la through The Journal classified coin bear thla lu words for 16c. LOST Five montbe old Fox terrier puppy, aa swsra to name of 'Toadies;'' black spot at mat, of tall. Ian spot on aide of heed: reward far return W. 1.. PANGBORN. 503 Nortk rup at. FOUND In W. I Rnckler't carpenter ahop. black elasirh hat owner ran ha ve tame by calling at Screnth end Stark ttreeta. $10 REWARD For return of small English tet ter. aiwwTert to the name of "Dick. o c. Schlotb. tio Sherman it. LOST- trd cqee. ceeitalnlns el celpts. jatyiueat atopped. Retu and re. urn tn 230 Burn. side. Reward. LOST- Jape sees Mecr! nhd white nog; return to No. BOB ,. Reward. Telephone Mala 6448. TO EXCHANGE. SOf Til PORTLAND real eatel rerts $3 per month, value $4.non. with atwaxgage of $3.efu. at 6 per -eat, payable in aemt annual In- aratlmenta. -which caa be paid with rente re rwivea. wl etcnaage la Bart pay meet n ccmtrict to build $3,000 realdeasltaTZsl FOR SBTE-R1BT ESIATX. ADVERTISEMENTS aader thla cost 16c for 81 words sod premium free. Dally at Sunday meadow vakaable REAL ESTATE. Hood River fruit raacb, acres la good building,. Sg.uoo. apples 112 acre farm near Hlllaboro; rick sol), good hop isuo, new mouern nouse. Choice $ aad 10-acre traeta, close In, oa eaay City lata aa car ithly. lias. Ills. $10 down. $6 4-room cottage la Piedmont, close to ear, $000, isr me. 3 lots In good location; city property. will exchange for 4 acres close In: new modern house; will racoange iot nome in city. n room house, modern, corner, good aectloa close 10 car. pa, sou. B arrea, 8 miles out; 7 room houee. barn, fruit etc.; an in good condition. $2,500. aa acres it mites from mrtlsnd. close to a town; too rrujt treee; bouse, bera, fruit dryer. etc. as, sou. 338 scree. In southeastern Washington, close to town; 280 acres cultivated: bouse, barn etc. ; 87 bead Jersey rattle, B horses sad farming tools. $a,aoo. 4S4 arras, stock and grass rsnch, 180 scree limner, balance graaa and pasture. Hood out range R. R. sag steamboat to Portland, eaey terms. J2o acre dairy reach. 100 cultivated 1 S miles from R. R. autton Pott laud, houae, etc. 25 miles from WESTERN LAND CO. 848 6 Stark St. KERN PARK $8 down. $8 monthly, will rare a neautirai lot, choice location, water mams, rose esrdens. atocked. tc We have lota on Vancouver ave.. Preecntt at.. Main at. Highland place, mth. 17th and 18th sta.. all on esat side; some choice lots In Montavllls at $100. Alao lota In South Portland. 7 ran houee end 3 Iota. 60x100 each. 22 fruit trees, beautiful lawn, furnace, batb, hot and cold water, etc.. nicely furnished: pries, $1,860, or will exchange for a g 1 saloon. 2 5 room houaee and lota. 83x100, near fair grounds. $2,000 and $2 700. Beautiful bouse and lot on Vancouver ave. cheap. GREAT NORTHERN REAL ESTATE CO S Labba bldg . Washington at. Phone Malu 6122. Buyers of Interest bearing ahd business prop erty- esaavine tnta net. $6,600 100x100. Grand ave., Holladay sdd modern 7 room bouse. $8,800100x100. new modern houee. fine view of fit ti 45o : 100, 7 -room houae. modern, corner M.600 60x100. 8 cottagaa. 16th, near Nnrthrup $86,000100x100. 4 houses. 12th end Alder $6,00060x100, sroom house, 8 blocks from City Hall. & BOO 60x100. 8 boose, rent $40 per montb 000 60x100. 8 6-room houses, modern. $6,0008 blocks, 14 lots. 601 Ui each. B room modern house, bet. 24th and 20th st., aaat aide. $1,660100x100, Broom houae, 20th at., eaat alOe. $1,70083x100, 7 -room bouse. 26th at., eeet aide. $3.600 4 lot. 3 houses, close to S. P. shop. $8,000 100x100, Broom bouse, Broadway, bet. First sad Second. $7.000 7 acres, 6 minutes' walk car line, with first-class modern Improvement , fins law n aad orchard. Call, write or phone to LOUIS SALOMON, 112', I Irs t Bt. ALL kinds ef bargalna lo real eetate, houaee. rooming houaee. furnlahed houaee ; don't fall to call. BilUugs A Ford, BOB McKay bldg. $'i 'too 9f)i 100 on Twelfth sad Harrlmn ate . 1 block from Portland aaoenry; tne grouni la covered with ell kinds of shrubbery; there la a kaaaa that caa be remodeled, but we do not flrure thla houee in the price. Tkto property, without a veatlgs of anything on it, fa worts' more then the price asked. W. H. OrlndstsTf. 346 Stark. Wl HAVE BARGAINS. WHY pay rent on small farms of 10 re 80 acrea aear the city whea you caa bay the eame from BB With nominal caeb ferment aad Interest leaa than rent 1 $7,000 will buy 167 acre farm near by; the wood thereon to worth $5,000. See as quick. Dsvtdson. Ward A Co., 408 Chamber of Commerce. YAJ.UABLBJ timber claims and homesteads. Will ecale aa leaa than 4.000.000 feet pine and Br: Bear railroad: about the beet good thing In Oregon, unless aatiafactory ho fee. Ad- 111 It EE choice Sea Tie w. Long Beech. Wash., lots, lying stougstde railroad track, three blocks from Seevlew etatloa, at $880 for tha three, or will sell eeparately; delightful location. N BOT. The Journal. $636-80x100. heat part of HoUadey'i addi tion; street, aewer aad cement walka all la and paid; nothing to good snd cheep left; mutt be sold st one. 740 Chamber of Com merce. $376 A fractional lot, fine surroundings ; easy walking dJatance: fifteenth near Bant Rurn slde: this price and location ttUta to you, so be qnlrh. aaa owner, 740 Chamber af Commerce. Sunny. I. le ear. 3 blockt Nt. Scott line. .Ice la; one fifth do a. balance to tnlt purchaser. Owner J. A. Grey. Phone Union 830 1. FOR SALE Choice dairy and atock farms, hay. potato and hop farms: amall tracts close In: Greebam kite and residence property. J. H. Chanter. Greeham, Or. SIGHTLY LOT for aale by owaer. an VaB couvar ave.. bat. Hanock and Tlllaaaook. In quire of Nargard A Petteraoa, ttllort. cor. Third and rimblll its. $4,000 8 houae furniture tnd ground; eaat SB. noo: 16 ml no tee' wait from roort hoots ; reat win pay for property la 6 yeera. J 184 JOURNAL want ada are lucres sing In number dally because of results; have yon aometblng to tell, rent or etcbengrl 31 weeds for 16c. I't.R SALB--$ajoo for S room banal, with new woodshed, cellar, everythlag handy; high cor err lot 60x100. 861 Presrott St. A lnROAIN let. $ and 4. Arleta Park. Bear Highland school. $140; eaay terma. Owner. 31 Willie ma ave. FOR SALE a teres of choice land. I', mile, north of Vsitcwver; will sell en time. Inquire SBS Larva bee et. LOTS WANTED In exehsnge fair carpenter wovh. Room 16. Wlntera block , Grind tvej aad Cait Deris at. FOR SALE New. ateadern. 6-room eertuge; cheap for cash. Dr. J. F. Drake, 816 Dekum FOR SAI.X Destreble eotlt m at Forty third Eaay terra. and Eeet Ttylor. Price WR build hnnwet aa easy par meets lota Marie; if elearred. arj commercial bldg. a. -i . CAFES BBICKSON RESTAURANT--Merehaata lunch 11 a. - te 13 p. m . ander new aiisigtmeet 0. B EVANS, prop. Second and Burn.lde FOR RENT HOUSES. 6-ROOM cottage. 22B Genoa at 6-Roaaa cottage, rjatn Belmont at 6-Room cottage. 780 Esst Salmon at F. W. TORGLER. in Sherltx k bldg. New S room houae with bath. Forty-fourth and saset xamniii eta., one turns rrom Moam Tabor care. Kay at Dlckaou'a Grocery, Forty fourth and Belmont. TWO new modern 6-room houses oa the aaat side In a food location, $18.00. Inquire of saeriman. I lion ompaoa 4 Pawsrs, $ Chamber or uouunerce FOR RENT- -B room houae. ettltable for t families, barn, chicken yard, fruit, flowers, ergo garoen; mi Eaat saimoa St.; (90. Pbc Burnt 1664. LOOM modern house, farutobed complete, g, oatn. rtur la, on east aide, one block from etreet car, for $88. Call at Jefferson et JITST completed -6-room. modern bouse, Lincoln enu ram, cement waiaa and Baaenient, $3ii POWERS FURNITURE CO.. First A Taylor KADDERLT Truestar fit Commission Co.; pianos snu rurnuure movoa ey experienced men. 110 North Third at- Phone Mala lags. $25 Room house, hath. gaa. cement beee- toent. cioee in. eaat aloe. POWERS FURNITURE CO., First A Taylor $80 MODERN, lower. A-ronm Bat. In good condition, o blocks ateel brides POWERS FURNITURE CO.. First A Tartor. 6-RislM cottage. South Portland, near car line, POWERS FI BNITlTtR CO., First Taylor. ARK you looklnr for a house to rent? If so. maybe yon can be salted iu the following ana. Mean them over. IF You wtoh to rent a boua flat or cottage, First A Taylor. call at POWERS FURNITURE CO. H ROOM, "tpprr flat, on Colurrbls, near Fif teenlh. $22 50. POWERS FURNITURE CO., Flrat Taylor FIVE ROOM cottage, haeement. partly fur nlahed. .147 F.aat Nlueteenth. $16 month. Holladay Park rare. r NEW 6-room cottage. East Seventh. $14. POWERS FURNITURE GO,, First A Taylor. $13 NEW modern Broom cottage. 803 Nelson; tskeafat Ai keny car. Dr. narilagV FURNISHED 6-rootB cottage, bath, yard, base ment, so z saat Tenin at. GOOD houaee. $8 to $18 per month. Home land On . University Pai. FOR RENT -Modern 8-room houee. IBS MrMlllen et. Phone East 1588. FOR RENT B-rocm house wllb batb. Union ave.. North. FOX BALE HORSES AND CARRIAGES HoRSR, btiggv and bameee for aalr. to minutes' weix east on ilia eve. rrom Mintiarn it., second house east of cemetery. A. A. Hale, Montevllla. FOX BALE LIVESTOCK. THREE Spits puppies for sale. Cell 628 ( o lumnia at. or phone Main tin. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT A large sample room or hall, top noor appiy elevator man. iMoanoogn Blag. ADVERTISEMENTS under this clseelflcstlon coat 16a for 31 words and a valuable premium free. Dally or Sunday. THE MATRIMONIAL REGISTER, price 0r. contains tiescnpnona or over ino local ladles and gentlemen seek lug marriage; nearly 8,000 correspondent! In Oregon and Wsshlngton; if yon mean huelneea. write ue. Interstate introducing Society. Box IOTP rortlsnd. CHANGS OF LOCATION -1 wish to Inform my penenia and menus tnat l nave individually opei.ed a new office st 818 Oregonlsn bldg. A. E. Dartre, specialist on dleeasee of the hair sad scalp. Phone Hood 1588. MANLY rigor restored by Dr. Roberta' Narva mores lea oae month a treetmest. $J; $ moathe, $5, eent eacaraly aeeled by mall. Ageuta. Woodard. Clarke A Co.. Portland. Or. CONFIDENTIAL INVESTIGATIONS Reporte made on any INDIVIDUAL, bualneae or prop arty; hooka exported; beet city reference Lock Box 274, Portland. Or. MARRY' Oregon Waahlngton. California la dles, tome wealthy; Improved methods, quick results: addresses free. Star box 82. Oak lend. Cal. YOUNG LADY would like the acquaintance of e respectehle gentleman age an to an. matrl monlallv inclined; no trlflers. W C 10, csr Journal., LADIES-When in need, aend for free trial of our never falling remedy; relief quick and safe. Par la Chemical Co., Milwaukee. Wta. THE BOOK OF NATURE " "Book ef Ufa " "Mabel Gray. "Story of s Slave." "Nan ratal iruea free. A. Schmale. 886 Fleet at. TOUR preecriptlona are mors accurately tad rsaeoaaniy Biiea st siysssn s rstrmscy. xzi Morrlaon at., between First eod Bo seed at. LADIES! Sample pvcksge Unfailing R medy FREE by rctnrn mall. Mrs. A. Pries Co.. t Dept. 161) Philadelphia. Pa. THREE YEARS IN ARK ANSA W" beats all books you ever saw. 88c. Jones' Book Store, xvi aider at. RACJNO- $4 won $40 In 8 week II! Galpln, Oakland. Cal. Addreit FLEE GOVERNMENT LAND We have a few Svat-claas homeetend VocaG'ana on prairie lend In enttem Oregon, will produce 35 bushels or wheat to the acre an amindanec or run ning wster for stock and domestic nee: also a few good timber claltna conlalnlns o,er 2 OOO.OOn feet of yellow pine: will furnlah the laeat nt reterencea aa to our reinouitr writ tasjay for full pertlctiltre. Hudson Land Caamnenr. The Dallei. Or. AuTITLAXT PAVIH. THE Trinidad Asphalt Paving Co of Purtlaad. Office 666 Worc-ater Ml. BARGING AND LIGHTERINO. OREGON ROUND LUMBER CO.. It- Phese Grant 1171 BAKFBY PACIFIt RAKRRY la under new minagement; home-made bread. 2 leasee V. Jimee Hutch Inss. 340 Front at. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ESBERG GUNST CIGAR CO. Dlstrlbutora ef FINN CIGARS. Port lead. CEMENT CONTRACTORS. HAWKINS a CO Reeldeaee, SOS Fourth at.. phone Froat 18BB: eemeet work ef all de arriptloaa; step week apeclalty: work guar- CHAB R CARTRR A CO.. (fsrsBevIr Carter aft Bllt. cement contractors 674 Taggart. Baat 1BTB. All work gaaraatead. CHIMNET BWTXIP. LOOK Ol T FOR FIRES First rlssa work. D D. Wood Scutt 66S4. Lesve orders at Avery co . 83 Third. Phone Mslu 1873. (AOCKERT AND 0LA88W ARE. WnoLESALB crockery aad glassware PraeL eg ill A Co . 100 to 166 Fifth, aar. 8 task aC CARPF.NTERB AND BUILDEBS. alJ. AUTHORS aad II. R WOOD. aad builders: repairing aad tabtaa: akatp and office Sgtaraa built. Shop SBB &iamhta. Phoae aay ISBI. i lay wa. OOeVL AND GREAT WESTERN GOAL CO.. 441 Hoyt aar. Eleventh -Produrere aad miners of washed lump end nut eon t Ices houee reels; lamp 88, nut $6. delivered within I mile of tarda aetlefartlon guaranteed Phone Mala S4g. WRSTBRN FEED 6 FURL CO.. ear. Front end Hoyt street. Sealer a In dnawatlc aad ateam coal, blarkamlth coal, charcoal aad cuke. Phone Main 1018. ALBINA FUEL CO Dealers 1b coed wood coal and green aad dry slake asd. R. U. aad Al htna ave.. 8 blocks aaat of a E. VELIN first-class wemB aa aad seal: office ave.. Beer ferry. Dry COLUMBIA Wo-d A Coal Yard. Eaat Eighth and Hawthorne. Phone Eaat S66T. OREGON FUEL CO an ktada ef $44 Morrison. Phoae Mala BB. HOovbr A CONWAY. 818 Water at.. aad coal CHARCOAL. ASK vonr dealer for the old reliable charcoal bandied by all dealers; made by the old reli able and most experienced burner In the stale n. B. Hater. CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST. MADAME JOHNSTON Clairvoyant. pglmhn. caro reaner; i give racta rename and im portant on til affaire of real Ufa. lit liasTS 80c. 68 Seventh St.. Bear Oak. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. BVIKDINO A FABRBTLL. prodnce sad commie aion mercsanta. leu rroai at., I'ortland, Or. Phone Main ITS. DAVENPORT BROS-. ISO Front at.-Frulta. pea). "eao. . naMBamrnu soiictiea; prompt DRESSMAKING room SIT Alltky bldg. a siiiar-oistie suits ano wrap" or an Kinds; Jacket- rellned; eklrte hound and pressed foe $1; prices reaeoaabte. MRS McKIBREN making 661 DRESSMAKING- Strictly ap to data: latest oeeigne. eao may at DYXINO AND CLIAJirNO. PORTLAND STEAM CUANING AND DTEINO woras, practical Batter la connection; feather boas aad elamee cleaned aad curled by aa ex pert ttl Fourth. Phoae Clay 704. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED $1 per month. Valgus Tailoring Co.. 847 W a. king toa st. OREGON Dying A Steam cleenlna Warka- H. Vetter, prop., 353 Bprnalde. paoaa Clay n w. TURNER, profi Jefferaea at. I al dyer and t Mala SB1S. DANCINO. HARPER'S DANCING ACADEMY la nrganlalac a Wrdnradsy and Fiidsy elsss. addition to Tuesday and Thursday. 324 Columbia at. First leasoB free. MRS GRANT'S adult and chlldrena clt Western Academy. Morrlaon at., car. Sere ad DOO AJTD HORSE H08PTTAL. DR. S. J. CARNRT. D. V. 8., veterinary mm fWf, fwlBB,B''w,al t WmW QXmUM b-Vts ar0B$VwJR and Fifth ate. DECORATORS. HSNRT BERG RR IBB Flrat at : waUnapev. Ingralna. t a past lies, sppHewe frit til, latac- rXrOTRICAL WORXB. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENOINRRRINO Company BBS Stark et.. Fortlead: O ev ery tMnj la the astlUltal Urn. Fortlead: o. K fee FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON Furniture Manufacturing Compear Msnufartnrsrs of fnrulturs Bar the trade. Portlend, Or. FURNITURE BtaaaftetartBg tad apearlal ardMfa, Is Raveneky'e furniture factory. STB Froe! at. FOREST VE SCRIP. IOREST REWBBTB SCRIP FOR IlLs-is proved, enreetricted. reedy far tmmedlata aae: Kow est price B. F. a F. B. Riley. 60$ WADHAMBj A CO WIOlNIpl KTIX l,wVa - facts revs aad and Oak ets saerchaata. Fourth ALLEN LSWIS. rommlesrloa and jawdwee essT et.anta Front asd Deris eta . Pert lead. Or HTJTSLsW HAIX ROLLS. BOBG, ma aft. hamaa ha$r I . Phone Reat tall. Store. BBS SWITCHES FOX SALE. SWITCHES made comblnga bougbt or made te oroer as e. Tweirtn et. i-aone r.aat HOTEL Portland. American plaa; $$. $8 par day. BRLVRDRRR; Baropeet plaa; 4th aad Alder tta. INSURANCE. ISAAC te WHITE, fire loauran too Dakum JAB Mel. WOOD, employers' liability and 1a- eivfadual aartdsat sarety baa taonoa at au 4T. BBS McKay bldg . F. BA RTELS COMPANY. Bra taatw aet ata Sherlock bMa. tiregoe Phone Clay 836 FIRS INSURANCE! J. P Reaaedy Shtrlork bldg. Phoae Mala 1BS6. aft Co., SSI ARTHUR WtletON. Bra Mela IB FALLING HAIR. Dandruff or SJaldaeaa Cabinet baths and errip treatment given: pimples an I blackheads permanently cured. Call room 41, liaieiga bldg . ;'2:o witraington st. OUS tettlmonlala. Mrs Anns Lackey. FRENCH ladlee gtva hatha aad manage treat stent. 80S Fifth it. Phone Mala aaaa. MUSICAL. 8ELF-PLA TING PIANOS CsctUas sauf-play-Ing planes areaaaaced the heat Iky seeding luoilcltna, alto feci linn pltan play era. A. IT Welle Music Bjouoa, SB6 A hear at- LESSONS 60e. plane, guitar, banjo, asftadnllo. violin: lattrameata for eele. 241 4 Flrat it-, cor. MalS. MR AND MRS H. A WEBBER ban to msndn- Mala BfiSS. ITi W. Pars. MAGNETIC DRS. PATTERRON AND ER1.LS. at $C?ss. JTZLTmZi tn MRS. L. H. BART auecaaafully treats ell dti esee. atelhod taugbt. New Thought'' TO LOAM. FKRD H. 8TRON0. FINANCIAL AORh.1 as . . . smi a SBtWsT spay SVBt BB. M aeowey as leaa. ISO t 1 'a a position to auk a ImmedU r 1 'v' eetete or tar MltOis etate at for building prove loaaa from plans aad " oulldlBg progrsssaa. Op Geo . Financial A reel. IBS Second at., aear Sta ... . . fnu STAR LOAN CO. Km Baa. without mortgage speed saw Rsvpw e to ae In SB nrtS ee MkM 1BSJ BB Repey m ea $ urn or IS 8ft or jt.Sj tlB.nn-Kp.r to ue $ 4.66 or SB on or $1.S i '-B" Too eao hurraw money teas " fsrr -alary or Income for oae te S Cf"'- ; snv amount from $6 to $! Nvweet rate of Interest; no waH. wa de Fj. aegotlatlona are strictly private aad tumfldeatlal: payments suspended laeaa e It!."1- ..The Creaceat Leaa Oa.. BIT Ove gontaa bldg. SALARY LOANS Any aahetad Men a rtaadr pneltioa wrlth .w Jul jMela moner on the eeey t .rn ent plaa. WMk; - co AlJagtoa bldg. eity.. K-iP-Bwsy to loan. Wa ess awl pea is-. "'vsst; security abeoluUly SUte , - ft' J 'W Q AMY. I-&AN8 on eaay payment plan salaried pse- -....M.t.ett.C t"'. WWV "t: strictly mnlorea' tA.e C ' e ee. I WSkleA an Washington ate." Phone 834. 7,1 L4'f B real, pereeeel and aa. totaral aaewrity: special attention te chatfet SJ'J" n"a hough t. C. W. vallate Boa-tr p-catoB hld.. 84 Slith at. HIGHLY respect a hi. sic ledVa BB Swan; sua borrow m mev ea diamonds awl pwvlry. . Collateral Loss Bank. 366 WaPav iBgtaa St. Telepheaa Black 71 m The . rsaen-Lavrreoee Co., real estate aad) ' Bnenclal asenta: money to loan on moetgsgu t low rate. In asms treat $806 $10 000 Buawj F T,"iT-1.!'C"D J"'' ewople -eameters. asve. wTtaout eeenrity: saev pevmente; 1bB.i buslnes. tn 46 principal cities. Tolasaa. Abfartoa kldg. MONRY loaned en plenee. fnrnlture and etBset chattel ascartMea: all hualaees atrletlv pv VB. NORTHWEST LOAN CO.. 681 Abtaf sou bldg . cfty. CHATTEL loans la amounts rangisg from to MOjmO: raionilne honaea a aneelaltv. sa Laaa e Trust Oo . BBS Ablngton Mds- DO YOU NBED MONRY 1 We havt for lav mediate loans from $8 np on ear tteurity. Btelnmeti KtaMag, 804 Martream. WANTED -Loan of $400. on to $1 tvsvnn on first, clesa real eefste aea-nrltr. 3I Chamber ot Commerce or No. 4 C .1. cure Journal. MONEY t (nun to. salaried people or others) on collateral aecnrtfr: amall loena. thort time! notee bought. BBS Mohawk bldg. MONRY TO IOAN en Improved or nnltn proved cfty property. In teams to suit. Uarrlah. Wa6 kins A Co.. 380 Alder at. MONET TO LOAN m large ar small araoaara aa aajj security; lowest rates. William O. I Beck SOT Falling bldg. LOANS at lowest rata oa furniture, plasm: aay security notee norchaaed. Eeetera Loaa office. 446 Sherlock bldg. MONRY TO LOAN ea Clarvamsa county B. F. aad r. B. Riley. 60S Chamber at Cass. LUMBER. "cS ROUGH and In ap Datna lata. sSaRSaastls.T.T - fjffH . NNBRR 4k RADEMACHER. FOX k altary BUSHQNG A) CO. Flout and Stark tta.. lag. Ilthogrtphlng. blank hooka aad erne auppllet; wars done oa time, aaoat comptraa pruning ornc ta use wast, stub laa. ANDERSON DUNI WAY COMPANY. nrlattB. Nthoaraohtng. bleak hooka. Pbona Mala If, PAINTS, OILS AJTD GLASS. RASMUSSEN 00 Job hero, paints, all, ghMtV aaak asd doers. Secoad aad Tartar. FLATINO). THE OREGON PLAT. NO WORKS, 4SJ1 Week- ! REB8 CLIPPINGS. MAKR MONET I USE PRESS CLIPPIN4M! "'i ep nascT ii saa oruer a month a lUlei IBa everv taaea In an all esstai' ate tee: dairy itasaarae eervTre adraaee i-ortiena ortsee. R00FTNO. TIN ROOFING, gu ttertor repslriBg aad i yewetng. at. kssan, XI 1 Jerreeeoa et- R0P3. P0RTI.AND OORDAGR CO. Corner ..salcthrup sts. . Portlsnd. Or P C STAMP WORES 348 Aides af arsasam Mtln YIO; rubber atatrps seals, .tend la. baas SaSw.traalB elaearaai eadtar jpaBa hatrae. . 6T0RA0E AND TRANSFER. SAFES, plaaoa and fsrniturs moved, i ready for shipping and shipped: afl gusranteed: larre t ttorr Brick, ft warehouse Ik .torsge. Office 136 Fh C. M. OLSEN. Phene Mala 647. sTS & O. PICK, office sg pi ret et he twees StagR aad Oak its. : phone find: pianos and Beits tare moved tnd pecked for shipping; eaaat. Bsodlowe fireproof brtrk wareaoua. Bisal saa lay ro, ,i - -, SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES sf every deed, t loo. hap ttore Sstarva a Bb eraer. The leBBBR l. Co. Portland tnd Bee ttl. LARGEST tree la rite: Dtenold sect: epeneu. nepssra. sail seek, tteel ceiling. aseat eed gawdb meettlng a. ax, isavvs. TRANSFER AND HAUL 1X0). IRBOON TRANSFER CO. 134 North Phooe Mala 69. Raeey haollag aad POBTT " SPteCIA L DrTLIVERY No. SBB 4$ Main BSX YOST TYPEWRITER HEAfeQU ARTRI 9w aVfV wRl"Jel. reeutrepalr l.,e,arnM fraewvp laderd mXZumm BBS a mtwtPf . (w r. :::: tV'T'r' Faaap Buaek spti. L'WpsNWnon wxsrpeLB TTPBW'BJTetBV at Proert eg, adesae Red trntj, :g . a I I BIRR CI1o1a'h'TsTSiJ1