10 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY HORNING. DECEMBER M, 1904. JERSEY CATTLE THAT MADE OREGON FAMOUS Crystal Spring Farm Cows AstonisKe J the Breeders of the World at tke ,St. Louis FairNothing Like the Record of Loretta D made any- 1 TM . 1 f t H4swHcxfc ' ' B I aTTl 3x1 bbbbbbb1HbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbsbbbbsbM ' m W : BlF bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbF .' mist' - Eurybia. K ! wnere Erlse in the Two Hemispheres age of l.StC. Merry Maiden, the sweep stake champion, (are 3.041.: pounds of milk, a dally average of 33 79; and 164.84 pound of butter fat, a dally average of l Ml. Brown Bessie, the champion but ter cow, save 3.634 pounds of milk, a dally average of 40.37 pounds; and 173.12 pounds. of butter fat, a dally average of 1.91. For the same time at the St. Louis contest Oregon's treat champion ha made the following record: Pour thousand four hundred and lzty-two pound of milk, a daily aver age of 4 (.37 pound. Two hundred and seven and thirty one hundredth pound of butter fat; a dally average of 3.30 pound. In a nutshell, the great Loretta r has performed the marvel of producing, in A distinction of the greatest Import ance belonging to this state as the re sult of the St. Louia world's fair was the wonderful record established by Lo fetta D. the famous Jersey milk cow. owned by the Ladd estate and being one of a celebrated herd on the Ladd Crystal Spring farm In southeast Portland. This animal gave more milk and but ter fat In a test lasting 120 days than any other cow by a large margin, not excluding Importation from all part of -the globe. During the 120-day test she gave 5,762.4 pounds of milk a dally average of 47.13 pound and there waa produced from that the prodigious amount of 280.13 pounds of butter fat, a dally average of 2.33 pounds. This .rfleans to .the dairyman two-and three quarter pounds of churned butter dally for the entire period. Incredulous a It may seem, It Is nevertheless a fact that Loretta D. pro duced during 92 days of the contest at St. Lout a fraction over two and one half pound of butter fat each 34 hours. Ser largest production In a single day as 3.13 pounds, on August 13. This was equivalent to 3.71 pounds of hut ;ptr. On 16 days of the time she made over three pounds of butter a day. Her best week waa the seven days ending September 10 20.61 pounds of butter which surpassed the wonderful record of the great Brown Bessie at Chicago. Not only was Loretta D. a queen among Jerseys from Oregon, although a he won the grand prise, her companions five In number from the Ladd farm also made extraordinary showings, a this table of results will prove: 1. Loretta D . milk 120 days. 5.802.70 pounds, daily average. 48.30 pound; but r. i0 day. 330.03 pounds, dally aver age, 2.75 pounds. ' ' 3. Diploma's Brown Lassie, milk, 130 days, 6,212 pound, dally average, 43.30 pounds; butter. 120 days, 312.28 pounds, dally average 2.60 pounds. 3. Eurybta. milk. 120 days, 5,438.30 pounds, dally average, 46.33 pounda; butter, 120 days, 310.47 pounds, dally average. 3.68 pounds. 4. Dorlnda Darling, milk 120 days. 6,665 pounds, dally average, 48.28 pounds; butter, 120 days, 300.61 pounds, dally average. 2.50 pounds. 6. Prise May's Duchess 2d. milk. 120 days, 5,726 pounds, dally average 47.70; butter, 120 days. 238.28 pounda, dally average 2.48 pounds. Comparing Loretta D.'s wonderful per formance at Bt. .Louis with the record of the world's championship contest ants at the Chicago exposition, it Is found that Oregon's cow has distanced the great winners at the Columbian ex position. In the Chicago contest Ida Marigold, the .champion cheese cow, gave In the first 16 day of the teat 873.6 pounds of milk, a dally average of 44.9 pounda, her largest dally yield being 46.7 pounds. Loretta at St. Louis In the same number of days and at the be ginning of the teat gave 749.8 pound, a dally average of 49.98 pounds, her largest dally yield being 66.6 pounds, and on all but two days she surpassed Ida's largest yield. Ia the final 89-day test at Chicago by the three champions in all breed .con testing, Ida Marigold, the champion cheese cow, gave 3,448.3 pounds of milk, a dally average' of 38.81 pound; and 164.28 pound of butter fat, a dally a ver- cSC'B trwla J!s9HlS?Sm iilj u'''P J. aawL ' "if Ijm ; I m bsT! ''''BsBlky' ' JaBM ' V BM'.SiJisK1sK8BKP ' ,1k ' Srfi!''"1 ' ' BBxaxaxRsaaKsHSsWv' V ' ;'.V' '' . ''saaaaKaaW:' ' , ' Jassar fW j 'fm ' (TansanW ' jyxatssBB9BsBBKsa9sla Diploma's Brown Lassie. Loretta D. 99 days, 297.31 pounda of butter fat, as against 178.12 pounds produced In the same period by the previous world's champion cow. It has been a bard-fought contest a contest between feeders and the cows of the breeds.' It was a splendid finish, every cow in the Jersey herd in perfect condition, although the pace has been very fast. The figures for economical production of butter fat are not yet completed, but the work of computation Is so far along that the Jersey breed stands out pre eminently winner over the Holstelns, Shorthorns and Brown Swiss. In this contest there were 25 Jerseys, 16 Hol stelns, 25 Shorthorns and 6 Brown Swiss. In the Jersey herd Oregon. was extremely fortunate in having flvtrrep reseptatlvea. four of the five owned by tb Ladd estate of this city, finishing among the first 10 cows of that breed In the following order: Loretta D., first; Dorlnda Darling, fourth; Prize May 'a Duchess, fifth; Oonan XIII, ninth. These cow will be brought home to the Crystal Springs farm, southeast Portland, and with them will come Mon tana's butter queen, Diploma's Brown Bessie, who finished tenth in this battle: She would have stood higher but for an accident resulting in carrying her bag in a sling for nearly three weeks. She comes to try her mettle with the Ladd cows and others at the Lewis and Clark exposition dairy test, to be held the month of September. 1906. The queen of tm Jerseys at Bt. Louis, Loretta D, la a very handsome cow of exceedingly strong constitution, weighing 998 pounds. Last year In her official work at home, beginning In March, for 10 months, she tasted 6.05, 5.15. 5.28. 4.83. 5.43. 6.32, 6.42. 6.49., 6.83 and 7.11 per cent, and made 619.9 pound" of butter fat without any pushing what ever. She freshened April 6. 1904. Awaiting the beginning of the delayed teat, ahe milked from April 10 to June 16, 1904, Inclusive 67 day 1,417.4 pounds, a dally average of 61 pounds, her highest milking being 61.9 pounds, on June 8. From the beginning of the teat. June 16 to September 1. 1994, In clusive, her official record 78 days - is. Milk, 3.883 pounds: dally average, 48.78 pounds. Pat, 178.03 pounda; dally aver age. 2.28 pounda ' MAKE FINAL SURVEY FOR NEW RAILWAY LINE (SpecUl Dispatch to The Journal ) Minidoka. Ida.. Dec. 24. A large, party of engineers, thoroughly equipped for campaign In the field all winter. In charge of F. M. Robinson have arrived from Salt Lake to make the final sur vey for the Minidoka & Southwestern railway from the Snake river to Twin Palls City. The line will leave Mini doka and 1 to penetrate the region to be Irrigated by the Twin Pall company. A contract waa let several week ago to the Utah Construction company for grading the first 20 miles from Minidoka to the Snake river. This work Is well In hand, and now the final location-is to be made to Twin Falls City, and It Is further said that early ia the year the contract will be let and the Hue graded and' tracked so ss to have the road in operation for the full 69 mtlea early In the summer. 4yMUrTsnWssr?li ,7M' iTsasasasasasan1 S jxj- sjjajjjHkrjaa tfc-lffto' jgg asf sHB ss xs jtTSBrL .js raw bs4 - Vtl Dorinda Darling. POLICE NOW UNDER GRAND JURY GLASS Microscope Has Bssn Turned on Methods of Chief Hunt's Kangaroo Court , DEPARTMENT RECORDS CAREFULLY EXAMINED 8. D. Sigler Indicted for Using Office to Extort Payment of Debt. The county grand jury yesterday (sailed witnesses to secure evidence bear ing upon the administration of the po lice department. General Beebe, member of the police commission, was the most Important witness examined, and Ills testimony was heard at the forenoon session of the jury. Captain Charles C. Orttsmacher, of the police force. In charge of the headquarters during the day time, snd Captain Ha Ilex whose wstch Is from midnight until morning, were other witnesses subpoenaed. Captain Grltxmacher brought with him tie voluminous record of the depart went, and he waa questioned as to the i. inline i in which prisoners committed t the cKy Jail or arrested by officers are handled. Chief Hunt's method of conducting the "kangaroo'' court was gone Into at length. It la said, the ob ject being to learn If the prisoners were 1-1.1 and discharged by due process , of law. The Investigation I" prompted by per ltent reports nf Irregularities In the, pel ice department for many months past. Theaa nave, Seen in certain Instances specific, and have dealt with particular facts alleged to be susceptible of various Interpretations. Councilman B. D. Sigler was Indicted yesterday of "threatening injury to the property of another with Intent to extort a pecuniary advantage or property." The Indictment recites these facta: That Sigler is a member of the common coun cil, and in that capacity has, with the other members, power to govern the manner of transacting city business; that Ferdinand Joplln. of the street con tracting firm of Oeiblsch 4k Joplln, had performed a contract for the repair of Multnomah street, completing the work before September 23. 1303; that the pay ment of money due thereon waa not paid to the firm. Councilman Sigler delaying uch payment; that Sigler upon Septem ber 22. 1903. In conversation with Joplln, used this language In threatening Jop lln, whom Blgler alleged owed Sigler 8312: "Tou will get no more assess ments made until you pay those not;" and that, forced by Staler, he signed 'ver to him three warrant for the sum claimed to be due. The facts In the main are not denied by Councilman Sigler. .who justifies his action. Mr. Sigler waa arrested upon a bench warrant, and yesterday afternoon gave bonds In the sum of 81,000 for his sp pearanoe before the circuit court. SANTA CLAUS CAME AS HE DID LONG AGO Forty employes of the Singer Sewing Machine company Imagined last night that they were young again when a real Santa Claus visited the parlors of the company on Morrison street. Triers were presents for all of them, candles, nuts, popcorn and everything they got wlien Santa Clau really came. A tree had been arranged In a window, winch was decorated with holly and mistletoe. Mrs. W. D. Church, the man ager, and her assistant originated the idea several days ago. and great care waa taken to perfect the details. Kverv thing waa carried out aa It was many years ago, even to tlx entrance of Santa Claus and the distribution of presents After the "make-believe" festivities there was a general good time that last ed until late in the night. There were many firms In the city that celebrated Christmas time In a substantial way. The Haselwood com pany distributed checks to Its em ployes. The company treats each of Its employes as a member of a large family. DEATH BOAT'S OWNERS MUST UNDERGO TRIAL (Special Dispatch hr Leased Wire to The Journal, New Vork. Dec. 24. Judge Thomas, in the United State circuit court, today handed down an exhaustive opinion. overruling the demurrers Interposed by the defense In the Slocum cases. This opinion renders Indictments against President Frank Barnaby qf the Knick erbocker company. Secretary Atkinson. Treasurer Dexter. Commodore Pease and Captain Van Schlalck. who commanded the Ill-fated steamboat. The indictments sgalnst Inspectors Lund berg and Flem ing were sustained 111 a previous opinion of Judge Thomas. In the very lengthy opinion Judge Thomas first reviews the facts of the disaster which caused the deaths of a thousand people on June 16. The In dictments charged that the death were caused by unssfe and unserviceable life preservers. Incomplete and unfit equip ment of steam and hand pumps and by the neglect of the captain to discipline and train his crew. BIHLER'S REPORT CAUSES COMMENT Engineers and Taxpayers Dis cuss Statements Regarding Morrison Street Bridge. MUCH MONEY SPENT THAT COULD HAVE BEEN SAVED Steel Used Where Wood Would Have Served and Preserv ative Used Needlessly. WOIi HOLD (NpeeJil Dispstfh to Th Jaeraal.) Colfax. Wasb.. Dec. 24. The Colum bia Open River association wHl hold a mass meeting In the Rldgewsy theatre Wednesday afternoon. January 4. The meeting will be held under the auspices of the Colfax Commercial club. Dr. Bla- lock of Walla Walla and other promi nent speakers will be present to explsln the project of the penbosed portage road which Is to connect steamers above and below Celllo rapids. The mutter is one f great Importance (o residents of Ore gon. Washington and Idaho, and a large crowd will no doubt be In attendance. Keen Interest wa excited among tax payers and engineers by Charles Blh ler" report on the Morrison-street bridge, which waa submitted yesterday to the special committee of the council snd the executive committee of the Tax payers' league. Mr. Blhler's statements gain credence from his impartial poal Hon. No one doubts that his eatlmate of 'at least 315.000 greater charge -for steel girders than should have been charged to. the city, ia reasonable and fair, with perhaps more leaning toward conservatism than high estimates, as he takes the highest price of steel for the basis of hi figure. It I regarded probable that the excess paid by the city la more than 316,000. Mr. Blhler's opinion that no material advantage Is grained by treating with a preservative the planking under the block pavement and sidewalk, nailing piece and guard rails, for which 96,800 has been paid to the company, is ex plained by an engineer. "When material la treated with the preservative commonly used here the cost Is about twice as great as If the same material were used without the treatment I think it is safe to state that the life of the treated material will not be more than twice as great aa the life of the same material un treated. Thus an engineer might state that he would prefer not to have his material treated. Laying the untreated stuff costs less, and In addition to hav ing the use of ons's money longer when handling untreated material, there may be pronounced advantages otherwise. Treated Material Waste of Money. "I agree with Mr. Blhler In hi ppln- lon. and believe the city would profit more by not using the treated material. The treated blocks will laat about as long as the untreated planking beneath, and the city would be able to replace both at the same time." If this view had been entertslned by the city engineer and the executive board, the Item of 96.800 would have been omitted, as substitution of rtr blocks treated with a preservative for oak planking wss left optional, wnd cost nothing. The angle iron advocated to prevent the block creeping cost but about 9400. If untreated planking had been retained, the city would have en joyed the use of the 34.800 "many years before having to repav the bridge and the present would not have been taxed to pay for what the distant future is to enjoy. This ssme engineer advanced an In telligent argument why steel girders are really no Improvement o-er the wooden Joists aa first provided. "If you will eerefully compute the relstlvs cost of steel and wood girder BKllii " ' .JrnrSr- T v. . ssawfiSSaVssi graM ' sHBaaaaaa 4IjwV-B MBr -ff M mt M sl$l . . . lav V' " asFslaPwBr w i,.llSI J9J1 reaasTi 091 aaya VJ"T .-tjr Prise May's Duchess Second. placed In the bridge, you will note why It Is that many engineers advocate the latter. Assuming that steel will be lasting after It I In place, you will find that the Interest charge on the pries of steel Is so great as to pay for the relay Ing of wood girders as often as they will be needed in the natural course of usage. Wood Would Have Served. "In other words. If an Individual or city has great present need for money. steel Is not warranted, for use of wood la no economic loss In the end. This is the view I take regarding these girders. When, the first plsns and specifications were formulated. It was thought that 9331,000 was enough for the city to put into a bridge at this time. There Is urgent need of many Improvements, and laws make it difficult to properly share the burden of this Immense work with that portion of the future which Will enjoy It as nine h as we do. Hy the use of wood girders, omitting the big Item of 927.170 for steel, the olty would have been greatly aided In divid ing the burden of building and main taining the bridge with the coming gen eration, which will use It extensively as we do now." M The Item of tender houses and numer ous details of a completing nature, which Mr. Blhler called conveniences. and for which the city Is taxed 97,386. has also excited much discussion A house for the bridge tender 1 essential, and waiting rooms will be appreciated by the throng forced to wait in rainy weather while the draw opens and closes for steamboats. However, most of the Items Included tinder this head are held by the engineer to be mere conveniences, not particularly needed and It Is ssfe to place 83.000 or 84.000 of the charge In thla class. Imposition on the City. All of this total of nearly 860.000 that ahould not have been added to the bridge coat at this time. Is not waate, say the engineers, but la an Imposition upon the city, and ahould never have been authorised. They do regard as absolute wsste the excess of 816,000 over Mr. Blhler's estimates of the cost of the girder, the $1,986 excess oer hi estimate on the cost of tender house, etc., and also think that the coat of the preservative treatment of planking 1 about twice what it should be. Peculiar condition have grown from the investigations. Mr. Blhler makes his report to taxpayers and the special council committee, after the executive board had an Investigation made aa to quality of ateel used. George Howell, a member of the executive committee, says he ha prosecuted Individual In vestigations, and the results he ob tained were even more damaging than as shown by Mr. Blhler's report. An-' other Inquiry by the executive board Is In order, and the sentiment seems to be that they should secure their own engineer, and not rely at all upon the engineer secured by the council commit tee and the Taxpayera' league. Logical development of thla custom will soon have an expert In the employ of every branch of the government, checking up and going over the work of other branches. As the best expert come at about 830 to 840 a day. the cost of this work would quickly become a heavy Item In city administration. CONDON VALUES ARE INCREASING RAPIDLY New Road From Arlington to That Place Will Tap Very Rich Territory. HUNTER ACCIDENTALLY SHOOTS HIMSELF IN EYE (Special niipatrta to The Journal ) Baker City, Or.. Dec. 34. A' Greek rancher named Qua Maralos, while hunt ing near Weatlierby late yesterday. dropped his gun, which exploded, shoot ing him In the eyes, putting out one and endangering the other. He was brought to this city today and operated on st the hospital He Is In a precarloue condition. WILL nitS OUILTT (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Baker City. Or.. Dec. 34 H. R. Mac Cleay. In jail here charged with forging Rdltor Roe's name to aeversl checks, tonight says that he will plead guilty. Also says that this Is his first offense, that he waa hard up. did wrong, and Is willing to pay the penalty. He denies the story that he waa ever in San Quen tin, I In a year agricultural land in the country about Condon haa doubled In value and the average price of wild land Is 920 an acre. A Portlander who has just returned from a trip over the route of Columbia River Oregon Cen tral railroad, a line the Oregon Railroad 4fc Navigation company is constructing from Arlington to Condon says the road will be completed about May 1. He says that when this road begins operation, the people within a radius of 30 mile around Condon will change their mar ket and Condon will become the for warding point for a large volume of trade that ha been going to Axtlngton and Heppner and which ha been hauled long distances by freight wagons. 'The route of the railroad I now lined with team, freighting and camp outfit, railroad workers and home seekers." he says. 'There is every prospect for a nice boom In tAs Con don country neat year. It Is a rolling, bunch grass region, and only one quar tsr of the tillable land la now under cultivation. The land Will raise an av erage wheat crop of 20 bushels to the sere, without Irrigation. One farmer, who haa been engaged In the business 30 years, told me the lowest average whest crop he had harvested was 21 bushels to the acre, and the highest was 27 bushels. The sheep Industry. which has largely predominated, will In a few year give way to agriculture there. Condon, now a town of 809 to 1.000 people, will build up rapidly. The country will support a town of 2. ton within the next three years. Many new building are aolna ud thl winter."