The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 18, 1904, SECTION TWO, Page 14, Image 14

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Oregon History:
Report of Chairman 0. F. W. C.
A ektUMl of Um Oniod history
committee. It la with regret that I pre
vent this BW Import. Tou are It
titled to more denulte, extended and ast
ir factory Information In retard to the
work accomplished by the clube of the
state along thla Una during the paat
"An outline for the atudy of thla sub
ject waa prepared by the committee last
autumn. Tba work waa designed to
cover two years of leisure atudy, since
only such work can be expected of clubs
composed, in trie main, or, uuir iwo"
keeplng women. Thoae clube doing
more strenuous work could accomplish
the study in one year.
t1m,iUp were ent to ASCh
- literary club In tba state asking for a
ready responae. Anawers came win
urnrl.lnr urnmnlllM, but 111 H Hill
lorlty of cases, other plana had already
Keen adopted. Let me aay Just here,
-that the appointment of the preeent com
mittee came too late for the plans to
reach the eluba In good season: Out
lines were sent at once to each club
desiring one. accompanied ny ine em
phasised request that the chairman be
Informed as to the progress of the study,
also Its advantages and Its weaknesses.
Hot oS letter has- been received In re
sponse ta this request. ,
'MtnAA AimmlttMi, I'un come In touch
with the clubs In no other way than
By correspondence, tnis course is raw
unkind and unwise. Without co-operation
on Ihe part of the clubs no ef
ficient work can be accompllahed or
even hoped far. Bo, whether the study
has been pursued and whether It haa
proved helpful to the dubs, they will
have to be answered by them Individ
ually and not by the chairman.
"And now, a few words anent the
work of the coming year may not be
amlaa. la theae anniversary years ,
years of such Inestimable Importance to
thle northwestern country It seems spe
cially fitting- and Important that our
women should Inform themselvee .thor
oughly as to their own etste. While
II. doubtless, have much of general In
formation along thla line. It la In the
main Indefinite, inaccurate and not In a
form to be Imparted to others. . To 11
lu at rated: A friend In our olty waa
visited recently by a wideawake, keen
yed Canadian brother, who had no
taste for vague generalities, but wished
to learn something. These axe some of
the question he fired' at hla almost de
fenseless sister: What are the differ
ences between the soil of your low
lands and your highlands? What are
the products of each? To what extent
re your footbllla arable? Where are
i -.. nilvn Tt was a hom-
Itfur er wmiww -- - - .
bardment that suggested the besieged
later of operations in the far east, she
representing the Muscovite In the strug
gle at Port Arthur. But. Ilka the Slav,
he haa not yet capitulated, but Is or
dering books of history, resources of
the state and other available Informa
tion, with the determination to make
the Indefinite definite.
Besides this somewhat utilitarian
lew there la yet another, quite as Im
portant and perhaps of wider reach In
Its influence. It U the view thst begets
reverence and respect for those who
FHB HISTORY of North Amer
ica." volume &. 'The Colo
nisation of New England"
Bv Bartlett Hurlelgh James.
Ph. D. Edited by Dr. Ouy Carleton Lee.
For systematic research snd complle
ment. this present history has no equal,
rior Indeed haa It In many other respects,
for ths staff of writers, each In his par
ticular Una of work haa no superior,
nd scarcely a peer; each has been se
lected for his peculiar fitness for the
period of American history he has been
invited to write upon, and each In pre
senting his work to the public, haa been
ble to do so with the full assursnce
that the strongest llme-ltght of criticism
xnay be thrown upon It, snd In tba test
It will not be found wanting In accuracy
air authenticity.
What has been said of the first four
Volumes, each a complete history in lt
elf, but collectively making a strong,
compact, conscientious narrative may
be aald of the fifth. Just now from ths
publishers. Professor Jamea, who en
Joyed an enviable reputation as a pro
found scholar and brilliant writer, haa
given color and Ufa to this ths moat pro
saic and unromantlQ period of American
colonisation. Of stupendous moment
would express more clearly than any
thing else this period which virtually
forms the sixth phase of the colonisation
tit North America.
To the early phases which embrace
the myths and legenda, there attaches
the Interest of romance. In the sec
end phase our attention la held by the
vagueness and uncertainty of Ihe Norse
men's descent upon Iceland and Green
land and here we find history begin
ning. The third phase gives us the set
tlement of the great country south of
the Rio Grande with Ita tropical gran
deur and Its ever Increasing problems.
The fourth haa given ua the oolonisatlon
f the south with Ita Virginia cavaliers
nd Its impulsive Carolinians, its Span
ish "Don" and French aavants. The
From the New York Herald.
IN ths National museum may be
seen sn ordinary-looking atone,
which probably, sera pas the atten
tion of most visitors, but which
represent ths question as to whether
there may not exist In the world some
thing Ilka bona nrte witchcraft.
Prof. Langley brought this stone with
him sfter having witnessed the spec
tacle of natives of the FIJI Islands walk
ing barefoot over white hot stones, and
t-omlng out of the ordeal unscathed. The
professor, In describing this Incident,
"I saw ths spertarls of fire walking
In Tahiti. The essential question as to
the actual heat of the atones had not
then, been satisfactorily answered, and
after ths fourth passage I secured
Papa-1 la's (ths principal performer),
I- rm lesion Is remove from the middle
of the pile one stone, which, from Its
glse and position, every foot had rested
upon In crossing, snd which was un
doubtedly st least aa hot as anv of the
ethers trodden on. It was pulled nut
b my gslstsjnts with difficulty.
"I bad brought over the lsrgest
Wooden bucket which Ihe ship hsd, and
It wss half Slled With water. The stone
caused tbe water to rise nearly to the
tp of the bucket, and It was thrown
3ta sura violent ebullition that a great
deal si it soiled over aim escaped welgh
... ... --
first settled the land who bore the bur
dens and faced the dangers Incident to
pioneer life, and made the present civili
sation possible. In this Iconoclastic sga
Ideals need to be buttressed by reverence
end faith, thst they may not be de
stroyed. Before the Choir Invisible'
wss written we thought of Kentucky
as the home of beautiful women, thor
oughbred horses snd blus grass. Now,
towering lmmesurably above these char
acteristics la ths memory of the pioneer
heroes, who made the later life poaal
ble. Mr. Allen has made us to partake
of their sufferings snd their successes.
Thus should the loyal members of our
stste crystallise the memories of Ita
forefathers and f oremothers our own
sex the bravest, because upon It fell the
greatest sufferings. Whst s procession
It Is. How the study of the paat brings
It Into view. English adventurer, French
enthusiast. Spanish freebooter, csssocksd
priest snd Protestant preacher all a
part of the grand mosaic, its lights snd
its shadows.
"Will -you help In the work of Immor
talisation? As 1 lay down thla work,
so Imperfectly carried out. may thla
plea be mads, that the study of our state
bo undertaken by the clubs with both
earnestness snd reverence.
Respectfully submitted.
ALICE H. DODD, Chairman.
at ft
Anna Adams Gordon,
Loyal Friend, Noble Woman.
Though lacking In the dramatic Inci
dent which has made famoua the friend
ship of David and Jonathan or Damon
and Pythias, yet the beautiful love of
Francos Willard and Anna Adams Gor
don Is none the less deep and loyal
than that of these historic charactera
and quite as worthy to be emblssoned
among the annals of the world. There
are here and there cauatlc critics among
our brethren who are disposed to speak
cynically regarding the loyalty of wo
men'e love for each other. This friend
ship which withstood the test of more
than SO yesrs of the closest association
Is one among the many that might be
cited to prove the falsity of auch
charge. The pages of history have been
somewhat crowded with the "doln'a of
men" else there would have been space
to chronicle many commendable thlnga
that women have done.
Anna Adams Gordon was born and
reared in the historic shades of Bos
ton, passing her college days In ex
clusive Mt. Holyoke. Miss Willard used
to relate lovingly her first meeting with
Anns" In Boston In H "7, whsn desiring
an organist in the meeting which wss
In convention with the Moody evangells
tlo tour. A slip of a girl, with a ahy
mannsr snd sweet face, came In re
sponse to her request. The women who
met there never psrted until thst sad
parting when the Angel of Life claimed
the life of the one snd left the other
bereft. No mother could have given
more loving care, no daughter more
tender service, no sister more loyal love
than Mlas Gordon gave Miss Willard
all thoae years. No husband's lovs waa
ever more protecting, no wife more
clinging than waa that of this gentle
girl and woman to her matchleis friend.
And Miss Willard returned In kind the
loysl snd royal affection.
But while excelling as a friend, Mlas
fifth Introduces the "holy experiment"
of Penn snd the boundary disputes of
Lord Baltimore; but the sixth, with
which Professor James grapples, had
Its seat In religions discord, sown across
the seas and brought to fruition on the
rock-bound coast of New England. The
stern unbending materia! hs had to work
wltb. the forbidding subject of hide
bound religious prejudices snd contro
versy, mads his task a difficult one, yet
In the volume Just presented, he haa ac
complished It so skillfully, that In in
tense Interest, clear and lucid language,
fair and fearleaa treatment this fifth
volums equals any of Ita predecessors.
While the extent of the colonisation
of New England could not be compared
with any of the other territories, m the
life of the nation It outranks them all
in Importance.
Dr. Lea very truthfully says: "A
study of her history throws light upon
the most pressing snd the most difficult
problems that confront the historical
student. These problems are as diverse
In nature aa they are complex In char
acter. They concern such matters as
government institutions, social conven
tions, economic Impulsions, theological
disputations, snd sectarian contentions.
New England waa not only the media
through which European Institutions be
came American institutions, but ahe
originated ideaa that had lasting Impress
upon the development of the United
All theae phaaes of New England his
tory, beginning with Purltsnlsm snd
Separatism, aa It existed In England and
was transplanted to this country by
the Pilgrims In 1620, to the psssage of
the "stamp act," In 1 765. the author
deals with carefully, and In a painstak
ing manner that will give even the stu
dent of history newer snd clesrer Ideas,
and elucidate many of ths knotty points
of controversy. Alone It Is a volume
well worth having but absolutely Indis
pensable to the complete history d?
North America. This, like the other vol
Ing. The stone was sn exceedingly bad
conductor of heat, for it continued to
boll the water about 12 minutes, when,
the ebullition being over. It was removed
to the ship.
"The stone wss found to weigh (5
pounds. I brought this piece of It to
Washington with me and determined Ita
specific gravity to be Its specific
heat, and Its conductivity to be so
extremely small that ona end of a
small fragment could be held in the
hand while the other was heated Indefi
nitely In the flame of a blow pipe.
"This partly defeated the aim of the
eiperlment (to find the temperature of
Hie upper part of the atone), elnce only
the mean temperature was found. Thla
mean temperature of the hotteat stone
of the upper layer, ss deduced from the
dsta mentioned, waa about 1,100 de
grees Fshronbelt. The temperature, at
which auch stones begin to show dull
red by daylight Is approximately 1,800
to 1,400 degrees Fahrenheit."
Thle performance of the FtJIans Is ev
ery whlt as wonderful as If a man put
hla naked feet on while hot coals, lot
them remain there a considerable pe
riod (for the fire walkers promenade
back and forth repeatedly en the bias
ing stones), snd showed not a trace of
Uie performance. t
The theories put forth by eye wlt
ucsses of UUs apparent miracle tsome.
Gordon, who la now vice-president of
the National Woman's Christian union
and honorable secretary of the world's
organisation, haa also many strong
elements of character that commend
her to the confidence snd trust of the
rsnk snd file ss well as the leaders of
tba W. C. T. U.
Having accompanied Miss Willard In
the long years of travel, both st home
and abroad. Miss Gordon had the oppor
tunlty to study every phase of woman's
and reform work until she may well
be said to be a specialist slong those
lines. Gifted with a swift Intuition.
she grsspa a situation quickly. It la,
however, not with a superficial under
standing, but a comprehenalve knowl
edge both as to general scope and spe
cific fact. Her grasp of every thread
of detail In the moat complicated condl
tlons has been a constant marvel to
those of us who have been associated
with her through many years.
Mlas Gordon Is a musician of no
mean gifts, both In the Interpretation
of another's work and In the setting
down of the sweet, 'quaint melodies to
which her whole life seems atune. As
one of ths commissioners appointed by
the stats legislature of Illinois to man
age the msktng snd Installing of the
willard statue In the "Mill or rams"
In the capltol In Washington. Miss Gor
don bag won the confidence of those as
sociated with her. Should Miss Gordon
succeed Mrs. Stevens as national presi
dent when that Intrepid leader la com
pelled to lay aside the gavel, the W. C.
T. U. will still have a chieftain time
tried and strong.
ft ft ft
New Book by
Well Known Journalist.
It Is with profound pleasure the wo
men of Oregon have received the an
nouncement that Mrs. A. S. Dunlway's
book haa gone to preas, and will be
given to the public before the opening of
the Lewis and Clark centennial expoal
tlon. For some time Mrs. Dunlway's
frledda have known that ah was en
gsged Inheriting a atory founded on
her experience In crossing the plains In
ths early da ys of Oregon, but so many
have been called snd so few chosen, by
the unspeakable, publisher, that to know
she has run the gsmut of his criticism,
and been accepted with open arms, and
thanks besides. Is most gratifying to (he
msny who havs for years looked upon
her as standing st the heed of women
journalists In this state, or Indeed oh
this cosst. Journalism for women, has
rarely been a harvest of shekels, but
Mrs. Duhlway has probably earned more
by her pen than any newspaper woman
In the state. She waa the pioneer In the
work, and remains a "mother In Israel"
to younger newspaper women.
Her new book, which will come from
the press of MoClurg A Co.. Is to be beau
tifully Illustrated in colors by a well
known California artist, but It will take
the surprise away to tell too much about
It beforehand, and curiosity must be
curbed for Just a little longer.
This Is not Mrs. Dunlway's first pub
lished book. In 1ST In crossing the
continent to attend the centennial in
Philadelphia, being attracted by a poem
of Whtttler'a she wss reading. Mrs. Dun-
Iway wrote an epic poem called "Da
vid and Anna Matson." During her stay
umes. Is elaborately Illustrated with
water color facsimiles, photogravures,
maps, stc Twenty volumes will com
plete the entire story. They are being
Issued at the rate of one a month. Until
all have left the press, they will be sol
st ft per volume; sfter they are com
plete the price will be 87.50. For fur
ther particulars, write to George Barrle
& Sons, 1313 Walnut street. Philadelphia.
"A Captain of the Ranks" By George
Cary Eggleston. This book deals with
a period In the history of the United
States, not so threadbare as the civil
war, which has been told In song and
story until every detail of every battle
has been made the turning point In the
greet Issue between north and aouth.
Mr. Eggleston'a story follows Just
sfter the wsr And has to do with the
wopderful upbuilding of the grest west
at that period, and In which many of the
best young Virginians played an Im
portant part.
The author tells us that the. person
sges of ths story are not fictitious, and
Its events sre mainly fscts, but. thinly
veiled. Truth then Is stranger than
fiction and In the story the events csrry
ths reader on and on through the most
compelling scenes and Interesting situa
tions until It reaches the last chapter
and "all's well."
The hero, "Guilford Duncan," Is a
young captain In the southern army, and
when all hope for the south dies, after
the last battle, he goes west to Cairo,
and enters the great army of workers.
Possessed of a university education,
and a graduate of the law, he neverthe
less knew very little of Its actusl prac
tice, but to a well grounded knowledge
of Its underlying principles he added a
strong and healthy physique, unbounded
courage snd laudable ambition. Being
abaolutely alone In the world, and penni
less, the necessity and desire for work
came to htm, and he Joyfully welcomed
It as something vsstly better and
worthier of his strong, young manhood
like Prof. I,angley, scientific observ
ers), sre almost ss varied as so msny
philosophical systems.
Some of these observers have con
tented themselves with the superflclsl
remark that the stones were not ss hot
as they appeared, but Prof. Langley's
experiment has demonstrated the fallacy
of this hypothesis. Other observers ad
mit the presence of Intenee heat, and
endeavor to call science to their aid In
the construction of theories to account
for the phenomenon. Prgf. W. -F. Bar
rett remarks:
"If a whits hot ball of metal, pre
ferably of copper, be lowered Into a ves
sel of water containing a little soap
In solution It will enter the water with
out any ebullition of steam, and ths ball
will remain white hot In the midst of
the water for a .considerable time. The
ball. In fact, does not touch the water,
and the latter remains only slightly
warmed until the temperature of the
ball falls below s certsln point, when It
comes In contact wltb the water and
violent ebullition enauea.
"The phenomenon Is reslly attribut
able to a repulsive force, discovered by
Sir William Crookes. which occurs when
a hot body la brought very near a cold
M n been argued that a similar phe
nomenon occurs In rasas whsn ths hu
man band la plunged Into molten metal
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In the east she happened, with a number
of prominent women, to be the guest one
afternoon, at the home of Dr. Jennie M.
Losler. Some one proposed that each
one give aomethlng original for the en
tertainment of the othera. Mrs. Dunl
way produced the "yellow paper and the
poem scribbled upon It" to use her own
words and read It to the assembly. Ita
merits met Instant recognition, and the
demand waa made that It be published.
Shortly after Mrs Dunl way gave It to a
publisher, and for many yeara the book
enjoyed a large sals. Mrs. Dunlway's
shorter poems have found their way Into
Journals all over the country, and so
well known Is shs to the literary world,
ths In summing up the literati, or the
Journalists of the Pacific coast, no list
would be complete without her name
and her new book will secure for all
time the place ahe haa always held well
up In the front rank.
ft ft ft
Fine Showing for
Texas State Federation.
Writing In a Dallas paper of the re
cent federation, a tor respondent says:
"It almost takes one's breath to con
template the evolution of the Texas fed
thsn brooding over misfortunes and a
lost cause. He wooed success, and as to
all such young and hopeful spirits, of
course. It came, and he won for himself
hot only money and posttlon, but one of
the sweetesf and bravest young Women
of fiction. "Barbara Verne," the heroine
whose courage and wise counsel, sympa
thy and understanding of "Guilford
Duncan'' helped not a little to make this
one of the author's strongest and beat
books, although It Is but to supplement
ths trlology of romances which i have
gone before In .which- Mr. Bggeaton en
deavored to show forth the Virginia
character under varying conditions.
The book Is beautifully bound In green
and red, with delicately colored frontis
piece. A. 8. Barnes dt Co. Price, f 1.20.
"Out to Old Aunt Mary's." Christy
Edition This Is one of the most touch
ing of James Whltcomb Riley's child
dialect poems, snd. In Its new edition.
Is one of the rsrest and moat beautiful
gift books of the season.
Riley hss his enthusiasts he has also
had hla unkind critics, but through It
all he touches a human chord, and hold
a place la American, hearts that no
other writer has ever nestled Into. Sel
dom soaring Into the lofty, or sublime,
he hss picked up the little psthetio
threads that come Into the life of every
child and that abldea with It aa a tender
memory to the end of time and tied
them Into little songs that go to the
heart and bring tba tears behind a
stnlle. Who has not had an "Old Aunt
Mary "? Sad Indeed Is that life which
In Its spring time could not turn from
the pleasures of home to ths Joy of a
visit to some Indulgent "Aunt Mary."
whose smiles were the sweetest, whose
pies were the best and whose milk waa
the richest, not only to boyhood but to
"you who have Journeyed the wild
world through."
The present edition of "Out to Old
Aunt Mary's" Is beautifully bound with
snd Instantly withdrawn unharmed, ow
ing to the rapid evaporation from the
surface of the skin, which creates a mo
mentary protection. But It haa been
pointed out that such experiments call
for momentary exposures to the host,
whereas tho firs walk lasts a vary appre
ciable time.
It haa been furthermore urged thai
chemical substances, such aa ths oil
from the fat of the green frog, or the
Juice of the aloe plant, are employed by
the natlvea aa a protection agatnat the
heat. Thoae putting forth thla expla
nation have never been willing to teetlfy
to their faith by s practical experiment
In their own persons.
As a matter of fact, chemical authori
ties say that there Is no known sub
stance which, smeared upon the body,
can alone protect It from the best of sn
open furnace. Those endeavoring to
explain the matter along these Unas
say that the Are walker la a native of
a hot country, walking all day along
roada hot enough to blister the fast of
s white man. Their soles, unaccus
tomed to shoes, become tanned like
leather. Besides, an oriental Inherits a
less sensitive nervous organisation then
the American or European. Tha frensy
of religious fervor Is cltsd aa swaying
the performer s mind, rendering him In
sensible is ssystsnt
eration. 8evn years ago the word 'cul
ture' comprehended Its broadest mean
ing, and a book was Its symbol. One
would Imagine that society had no ali
ment, spiritual or moral, that could not
be relieved by a good dose of culture,
administered In a book capsule. I ion
ley's vision of Carnegie handing gut a
library to a starving man on his back
doorstep would have served as a pen
portrait of the club Idea. Do you re
member the 'yard of roses." 'yard of
parules,' et al. thoae popular gift litho
graphs that once cemented the friend
ship of women for their favorite Jour
nal? Well, the papers read at thoae old
time cfub occasions were like that sen
timentally rounded periods, Interspersed
with flowery quotations, and set In for
mal rows, a yard, yes, two or more tire
some yards. In length.
"Now the federation counts Its philan
thropies by the scores libraries and
scholarships, kindergartens and civic
betterment, muslo and art for the enjoy
ment of those unsble tt supply their
own; domestic science, patriotic en.
rieavor, work for home and schools, and
for that unfortunate element that has
known the Influences of neither good
homes nor schools. The federstlon has
awakened to the fact, that the progress
of the world does not depend on the ac
a vignette of the dear old lady Inter
twined In' a golden. heart for cover de
sign and Is printed on heavy Ivory
paper, each page bearing a-'beautiful
tinted 'illustration by Howard Chandler
Christy snd decorations by Margaret
Armstrong. Ths book in every particu
lar does credit to the publishers and
cannot fall to please the lovers of beau
tiful bodks. Bobbs. Merrill a Co.
"Monarch." the Big Bear By Ernest
Thompson Heaton In this buay holiday
time, when the leading question is,
'What gift will be most acceptable?"
there comes the snswer In the form of
a blue linen book, neatly and strongly
bound, with the most attractive Illustra
tions and best story Imaginable.
We all know what a fine atory Ernest
Thompson-Seton csn tell, and this "Mon
arch" Is one of his best. It will prove
especially Interesting to western rsaders,
as It is a story of California snd the
west, where the reader feels the clear,
calm atmosphere, the spicy, resinous
odor of mountains and forests and the
deep, mysterious darkness of a western
night The story sclntlllstes with that
outdoor life where the night bird singa
to ears attuned to listen and understand
and the giant redwood whispers a lan
guage of Its own.
The story of "Monarch" Is founded
on facts gathered from many aources
and thle bear la of necessity a compo
site, but the great "Grlxzly," still pacing
his prison floor In Golden Gate park is
the central fact of the story. Msny dif
ferent bears were contributors to the
early part of thla atory, but the last
two chapters are the actual Incidents In
capturing the great bear who still lives
In the Ssn Francisco park.
The great beast's captivity and his
despair Is one of the most touching
Incidents ever recorded of sn animal's
life and lends slmost human passions
to the great, brave beast. The book Is
This wonld do very well were the heat
of the stones anywhere within 1(3 de
grees Fahrenheit, the temperature nt
which albumen coagulatea and the sub
stance of the human body disintegrates
But auch explanations are Inadequate
where the temperature of the steaming
furnace of stones ranges from (00 to
1,200 degrees Farhenhelt. So great
Is the heat from the stones that ob
servers have sometimes found It Im
possible to stand within ssversl feet
of them. They are grouped In a large
maaa, forming a white hot furnace.
The statement waa made to the Poly
nesian society by Colonel Gudgeon, a
Brltlah realdent at Raratonga, that he
himself had performed the feat of fire
walking. The colonel aaya:
"I can hardly give you my sensations,
but I can ssy this, thst I knew well that
I was walking on red hot stones, and
I could feel the heat, yet I waa not
burned. I felt aomethlng resembling
slight electric shocks, both at the time
and afterward, but that Is all. I do
not know that I should recommend
very one to try It. A man must have
mens (the mysterious power) to do
tt. If he haa not. It will be too late
when he la on the hot stones of Tama-J
To show ini the heat of the stones,
quite half an hour afterward some one
quirement of a little more culture on the
part of a limited number of fairly well
educated women, bat on the amount of
leavening those woman are enabled to
Impart to the masse. It Is no longer
alarmed at the sound of such words as
'Immorality' and 'reform,' for It la con
scious that to do the work. It must meet
the facts as they agist. There sre cul
tured people filling Jaila and peniten
tiaries today, and still others at large
preying on the vitals of society, because
they lack the elemental principles of
morality. There are children growing
up In vice and wretchedness to swell the
ranks of perverts that will snenaca th
future. The self culture clutrhas served
Its purpose in awakening women to
these facts, and to the true remedy; the
present club spirit, as evidenced In ths
altruism of federation lines of work.
dealing with the very root of avtl,
proves that the club movement Is not a
fad. but a splendid force for righteous
ness whoso future Is Intertwined with
the destiny of nations."
ft ft ft
Jewish Women
Investigate Slum Districts.
The Council of Jewish Women of
Cook county, Illinois, have made a thor
ough Investigation ef the clum district
of Chicago, with a view of determining
the causes for the great prevalence in
certain quarters of tuberculosis. Tbelr
report lays the blame to the laxity of
the building department,- to- the non
enforcement of the factory Inspection
laws, and to the non-enforcement of the
law requiring registration of cases with
the city health department. The unclean
condition of the city la also held partly
responsible. The council, working In co
operation" with the Cook County League
of clubs, have undertaken a movement
to effect the enforcement of these laws
on the part of municipal and state au
thorities. Chicago must be as badly off
as New York waa a few years ago.
Judging from the text of the resolutions,
at a recent meeting, by the legislative
committee of the council, consisting of
Mrs. Ignac J. Retas. Mrs. Henry Solo
mon and Mrs. Julius Loeb. Houses oc
cupied by consumptives which have
never been disinfected, new tenements
with inside rooms. In defiance of build
ing laws, flats without any outslds win
i dows at all, and factories almost en
tirely lacking .In light snd vent Illation,
are some of the discoveries made by the
Investigators. Mrs. George Watklns, the
newly elected president of the Illinois
State Federation, Is actively Interested
In the movement, as are many of the
moat promlnsnt clubwomen In Chicago,
ft ft ft
Portland Artists
Give Exhibit in Chicago.
On December (, 7 and 8 an art exhibit
and sale were held In Chicago .of un
usual Interest to Oregon, and to Portland
In particular, aa the work of four of
her beat known artists waa catalogued.
Special Invitations to the exhibit an'd
saat were laaued and It waa under the
auspices of Mrs. Marian White, editor
of the "Fine Arts Journal." and the
Maurine club of Chicago. It was held
at the home of Mrs. White. 11 IB Pratt
avenue. Mrs. White gave short talks on
the artists and their works. Thoae who
profusely Illustrated from the facile pen
Of Mrs. Thompson-Seton, whoso reputa
tion for fine and unusual work has long
been established. Charles Bcrlbner'a
Bona. Price, 8150.
"The Marvelous Land of Os" By L.
Frank Baum. The news that thla" au
thor hss published another book will be
welcomed by thousands of little rsad
ers and listeners all over the land. Mr.
Baum's name has become a household
word In nearly every family where chil
dren form a part, and hla wonderful
creations have brought many a amlle to
little facea where the aun seldom
shlnea Now comes this new book. Just
as funny and Just as Interesting aa
the others and wheaa popularity Is at
tested by nearly 0,000 copies having
been aold since It was published last
Many of the characters are old friends
come again to tell more of this "Won
derful Land of Os" and mors of their
life and adventures. This new story
narrates the strange experience of a boy
named "Tip In an enchanted land with ,
not .only the "Scarecrow" and "Tin-
Woodman,' hut also such other unnat- 1
ural and bewitched beings ss "Jock
Pumpkin-Heed," "Animated Saw-Horae"
arm xne nigniy magniueu wuggje Dug.
The "Scarecrow" and the "Woodman"
are familiar figures In Mr. Baum's other
booka while "Jock Pumpkln-Head, "Ani
mated Haw Horse." the highly magni
fied "Woggle Bug" and the "Dump" have
Introduced themselves to Portlsnd rend
ers through The Sunday Journal and the
greater part of Portland's Juvenile resl
denta heard the "Wlssard of Os" at the
Marquam last winter, as rendered by
Montgomery and Stone, and none of this
little host should be deprived of the
pleasure of hearing and knowing more
of their old friends and becoming ac
quainted with soma very Interesting new
remarked to the priest that the stones
would not be hot enough to cook the
food. His only answer waa to throw
hla green branch on the oven and In n
quarter of a minute It waa biasing.
"I did not walk quickly across the
oven, but with deliberation, because I
feared that I should tread on a sharp
point of the stones and fall. My feet
also were very tender. I did not men
tion the fact, but my Impression ss I
crossed the oven was that the akin
would all peel off my feet.
"Yet sll I really felt when the task
was accomplished was a tingling san
aatlon, not unlike slight electric shocks,
on the soles of my feet, and thla con
tinued seven hours or more. The really
funny thing la that though the stones
were hot enough an hour afterward to
burn my green branches of tl (dracoena)
ths very tender sktn of my feet was not
even hardened by the fire."
The doctors of Dunedln, Now Zealand,
recently subjected some firs walkers to
a careful examination Immediately after
they came off the burning etones. They
fnund the men's feet and hands ex
tremely cold, which gave rise to some
suspicion of the use of a local refrig
erant; otherwise, the feet were soft, and
there was no sign of any vuma. Dr.
Hockan. a Mew Zealand scientist, on a
previous occasion even licked, ths fast
had ths pleasure of hearing her last sum
msr at Chautauqua, will realise what a
treat was In store for those who wore
present ,
The exhibit and lectures were confined
to the '-work of artists or the greater
west." Oregon was represented bjy
Cleveland Rockwell, Franceses Orothi
Jean, Jennie K. Wright and Annabell
li.rpl.ti Unnana V, .. m I)
C. W. Russell and BUlng Qolllng. Durt
Ing Mrs. White's stay In Oregon sh.
visited many of the artists, snd exam
lned critically their work, and In this
December number of the "Flna ArtL
Journal" she baa given the results off
hsr observation, which are, to aay thu
leaat, flattering to the talent she found).
and full or promise for the future
Portland aa an art center.
ft ft ft
Club Program
A I ivinc MnoraTlna.
Growing tlrsd of the serious thlnga of)
life, a Chicago club last weak gave s de-j
ddedly novel program, which was
witty and humorous as tt wag unlqu a.
and may serve as an Inspiration to son e
Oregon club when Its wheels get ologge d
with weight of serious work. The topi e
was "A Living Magaslne," and ths prt -
Frontispiece "Our President.' '
Types of Club Women: 1. As the Av-1
rage Man Thinks She Is. 1. As thai;
Newspapers Caricature Her. 8. The)
Frtvoloua Member. 4. Ths Ideal Mem
bar. . (
"Ballade of 1U0."
"The Sweet Olrl Graduate."
"The Minuet" (a statuette after Miss)
Bessie O. Potter).
"Dangerous" (a black and white aftrji
Charles Dana Gibson). V
"Current Events," 'Wit and Humor.T
with popular picture "ads,," give variety
and fun to the pages. . 7
Ona can readily see how this could be)
worked out In different ways to an IS
the tastes or conditions of the club glv4
ing It. f
ft ft ft
Coquille Club
To do Good Work.
Ever to the front In club spirit an
enterprise, the Woman's Study clnb o
coquille presents for the year one o
the neatest, moat complete little yea
books in the state. The club waa or
ganised In 1S02. Joined the state federal
tlon the next year, and one year later
affiliated with the general federation!
While organised for study work. It nfterk
steps from the beaten path to take gv
hand In civic or philanthropic work, anal
unless some one, within the next weekf
"raises them," this club will name th
woman to unveil the Sacajawea statue
One of the Inspiring spirits In all th
club work hag bean Mrs. J. Curtli
Snook, who haa been Its president alnct
the club was organised.
For several months Mrs. Snook hsa
been visiting In California and durtna
her abaence her duties havs been ahl
discharged by Mrs. John J. Handsake
the first vice-president. American lit
eratura will occupy the time of the clu
for the next year, and a very full an
comprehenalve course la outlined.
Mil, ww ii iry mm w,r wua. -
ones In "The Marvelous Land of Ox."
The ReUly Brltton Co. J. k. Gill,
Portland. Price 81 26.
In the Christmas number of the Flna)
Arts Journal, published In Chicago and)
edited by Mrs. Marian White. Oregon!
finds- Itself honored Indeed. More than
half the magazine Is devoted to ths
art and literature of Oregon, particular
attention being given the artists who
cluster about Portland.
Doling a visit to the coast last sum
mer Mrs. White gathered her material,
and that It waa culled with clear-sighted
discernment the msgaslne now give
ample testimony of. The artists whom
she has chosen to represent Oregon ara
Cleveland Rockwell, Francesca Oroth-t
Jean. Jennie E. Wright, W. S. Parrot
and Annabelle Hutchlnson-Paniih. and
It goes without saying that Homer Dav
enport a peer among cartoonists, has
not been overlooked. An example from
the work of each, except Mr. Daven
pott's. Is reproduced In clear and ex
qulstte half tones. One of W, 8. Par-
rot's magnificent Mt Hoods forms
frontispiece of unusual beauty. A
bright sympathetic sketch of each ar
tist accompanies the reproduction.
Oregon's literature has not been over
looked, either, and several of the brlght
eat writers are noticed with distinction,
prominently among them being Mrs. Eva
Emery Dye. A handsome full length
portrait of Mrs. Dye In university gown
and cap accompanlea the sketch.
Among the other Illustrations we find
a sketch of Astoria and one of Oregon
City done In 1 845 by Captain Warre, a
Brltlah officer: a fine picture of Mr
Nell's statue, the Coming of the White
Man and a clear, pretty picture of the
Hobart Curtis, where Mrs. White was
domiciled during her atay In Portland.
In the department of music there ar
aome very Interesting notes by Mrs. W,
E. Thomas. Portland's Charming pianist.
of tbe fire walkers to aee If he could
trace any chemical, but without result
Dr. Hocken, when he witnessed the
fire walking, provided hlmseir with a
thermometer, registering up to 400 de
greea Fahrenheit. Just before the men
walked over the stones the doctor sus
Pnded the thermometer over the cen
ter of the oven, five or six feet above
the atones Tt hsd to be withdrawn at
once, as the solder In the esse Imme
diately began to melt. It had, however
registered 282 degrees, and Dr. Hocken
la sure thst If It hsd been left It would
have registered 400 degrees and then
burst -
Bo far as known. Colonel Gudgeon has
been the only white man to subject him
self to the ordeal, and It Is to he re
gretted that there would appear to have
been no observers present on that oc
csslon save the natlvea themselves.
Rosewood must be alck. I see the
doctor Is calling." ,n
wIMnUir"' d TU yi'"k "
"About 100 times."
"Ooodness! Tou don't mean to sav ha
la that sick?" y
"Well, the doctor will call twice nr
medical services and the rest for Th,