THE OREOON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 8, 1804. PORTLAND'S LARGEST FOREMOST STORE THE "DIFFERENT STORE" THE PIVOT AROUND WHICH PORTLAND'S GREATEST BUSINESS REVOLVES. AN EVERYDAY "BEST" STORE, A RELIABLE STORE WITH DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE, THE "OLD HOMESTEAD" SHOP, IS SURE TO BE THE CITY'S BEST CHRISTMAS SHOPPING MART. Am I A Million Dollar Stock at Mercy of Shopping Multitudes 84th Grand Friday Economy Sale THE Newest Christmas Novelties and Latest Winter Goods all included in the carnage ! The loss is awful! The slaughter complete! $500,000 of surplus merchandise, piled high in the warehouses, moved to the store and placed under the guillotine! Heads may fall, profits tumble and topple on every side, costs are ripped open, dismembered, severed limb from, limb! THE GRANDEST MERCHANDISE EVENT EVER KNOWN TO ANY WESTERN CITY! A PUBLIC BOON! THE PEOPLE'S SAVING CHANCE! Such mercantile achievement has never happened before. The man who fills the breach when a crisis comes is the man of the hour. THE "STORE MAN AGERS' SALE" steps quickly to the front on the call for volunteers to eject a half million dollars' worth of surplus stock from this store ere New Year's 'TIS THE SALE OF THE HOUR. The store managers are makine their own prices the firm is backing 'em up. THE PUBLIC IS BUYING ITS CHRISTMAS GOODS FOR LESS THAN MANUFACTURERS MADE THEM FOR. No wonder our enlarged stores are packed to the doors. FRIDAY'S SALE WILL MARK A DISTINCT MERCANTILE TRIUMPH far away and ahead even of last Monday's the fame of which resounded over four states. NEW CHRISTMAS GOODS HERE TOMORROW AT LESS THAN WHOLE SALE PRICES! The greatest merchandising event ever held in the West! And remember that distinction in style and splendid quality of material is not sacrificed. 84th Grand Friday " Economy Sale F. M. HAMBURGER. UNPRECEDENTED VALUES IN THE MIL LINERY SALONS. Second Floor New Annex. Stylish $3 Hat Shapes for 25c An aggregation of values that should crowd the Millinery Store to Its utmost capacity on Friday. Another move toward the (olden prise of 650.00 Mr. Ham burger Is positive of winning. WE HAVE INAUGURATED FOR FRIDAY ECONOMY SALE A GRAND CLEARANCE of UNTRIMMED SHAPES ONLT 25c FOR HATS WORTH 75c- TO 13.00. In the lot are beautiful French Felts. Scratch Felts. Fur Felts, etc. Colors black, brown, blue, gray, tan green and red. High crown dress shapes, turbans and sailors. Tour choice of nearly 50 styles, worth from 75c up to 66.00 for Economy Sale only Jtt, each 25 FANCY FEATHERS. 10c FOR FEATHER TRIMMINGS WORTH TO 75e 50 dosen Pompons, Wings, Breasts, Quills. Birds, etc.. In every color, values up to 75c; for Economy Sale all go at the same price, each 254 Hello Central ! Give Me Exchange 1 2 Mci. ' ' -r" SS BBSSSF em' ' SM 'LsSMw ' F. P. YOUNG. We want to talk to Mr. Frank P. Young, manager of the Ladles' Furnishing Stores. All right. Is this Mr. Young? Yes? Well, this is a lot of PorUand women who want to know what you've got on special sale for Friday. Yes we'll hold the line, all right -go ahead. Everything adver tised during the week except the gloves; they're ail gone sold out. And these are special for Friday only. Write the list down and use It tomorrow. The values are remarkable. Oh! Hello HAT URATES 50c A fine new Una of elegant Chiffon Hat Drapes, In black, white dots, and black and white, some plain hemstitched, worth 11.00; special, today only, each .564 LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS 9c EACH A lot of Ladles' Fine HemsUched and Embroidered Initial Handkerchiefs, "4 inch hem, worth 16c; spe cial, each ' 94 Also another lot of AU-Llnon Plain Hemstitched, best Richardson make, H and ',4 -Inch hem; special, today only, each . . ." 94 RIBBONS 10c YARD A lot of best quality All-Bilk, Silk and Gros-Oraln Ribbons, all colors, black and white. 1 to t Inches wide, worth 14c, lie, 2Io and 12c yard; special, yard 104 LADIES' FANCY BELTS 48c EACH An assortment of Ladles' Fancy Belts, to be found at the Neckwear Counter, worth up to $2.00; special, each .... TTTj 480 LADIES' OOLF GLOVES 60c PAIR A fine line of Golf Gloves, in black and colors, worth 76c; special, today only, pair 564 WWW "iexexen ssssssV ' Jm P. H. EVANS. A Crowd-Bringer to the Christmas Book Shops MAIN FIRST FLOOR. "BOOKLOVERS' LANE" runs from Flfth-St Annex to the "Fair-Way" nearly front of the mammoth new elevators. Largest stock of new down-to-date books in all the Northwest. The Holiday Book Shops are the brightest and best by far in the city. Visitors who shop 'round smong all the city stores tell us so, and then we've found it out and satisfied ourselves. For Friday the book stores offer these special Inducements: ONLY 14c FOR CHILDREN'S TOT BOOKS WORTH 16c. These pretty books have board covers, with colored picture on front. Each has four colored plates and numerous other illustrations. The list of titles is as follows: LITTLE BO-PEEP AND LITTLE BOY BLUE THE OLD WOMAN THAT LIVED IN A SHOE CINDERELLA. LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD. PUSS -IN- BOOTS. OLD MOTHER HUBBARD. HEY DIDDLE-DI DDLE. JACK AND THE BEANSTALK. Our 26c value for. each 144 COMIC BOOKS FOR THE CHILDREN ONLT 41 CENTS. THE KATZENJAMMER KIDS. ALPHONSE AND GASTON. PORE LI'L' MOrtE LULU AND LEANDER HAPPY HOOLIGAN. MR JACK. TIGERS. For Economy Sale Price only at, each 4X4 STANDARD BOOKS OF POETS (0 CENTS FOR POEMS WORTH 11.60. These poems are padded leather bound, red under gold edged pages, round corners, title on cover in gold nnTTRTSHIP OF MILES STANDISH ALICE AND PHOEBE CART ROBERT BROWNINO WHITTIER BRYANT MRS. BROWNINO EVANGELINE DANTE HOLMES BYRON LOWELL KIPLING . MOORE MILTON rnriAH ALLEN POB FAVORITE POEMS and many others are Included In this list. The publlshsrs' price of these poems is 11.50 each; for this ons day only we will sell them at. the vol. 994 POPE BURNS HIAWATHA LONGFELLOW LUCILLE GOETHE SCHILLER MR. E. J. OLIVER, "BIG CHIEF" OF THE Linen and Domestic Aisles FIRST FLOOR THROWS OUT MORE BALLAST FOR FRI DAY, loosens up a notch or two on the brake and turns on the bargain current full force. All previously advertised specials of ths week are In force here tomorrow (unless closed out) and these added ones: PRONOUNCED SAVINGS THE ORDER OF THE DAY FOR THE EVER POPULAR ECONOMY SALE. FOUR GOOD THINGS FROM THE LINEN COUNTER FIRST FLOOR SATIN DAMASK FOR 11.10 WORTH 52.60 Richardson's One satin Damask, double, our 12.60 quality; for Economy Sale, at, the yard 91.80 Full else Dinner Napkins to match, our 17.00 value, for, the dosen $4.95 II 45 FOR SATIN DAMASK WORTH 12.26. Very fine satin Damask. I yards wide. good line of patterns, our 12.26 quality. for. the yard 5)1.45 Full else Dinner Napkins, same quality, our $6.00 value, for. the dosen 5)4.2(1 For Additional Friday and Saturday Specials, See Page 9 emsnsBBjBHBBF , ssemm xM sB Bare .. . t profits oora to m liid or "fast- COSTS MOOTED AITS BEMOBALIIID! TXI MOST SEWS ATXOBT AZi SUIT Mm COKDTJOTXD BY A MOT A I1II-F1I01 , MOT A Illl-OOIf IUI Women's $22 to $28.50 Tailored Street Suits for MISS L. BERNARD. Second Floor Grand Salons. $9.98 fteooad Floor Grand Salons. The Host Medically Ridiculous Slaughter of Values Brer Perpetrated la the Annals of Western Merchandising! Miss Bernard, the woman manager and buyer of the apparel stores, is going to the extreme in her accorded privilege of price-making during this great sals. She is laying her department open to the greatest bargain rush the store ever knew and it has some phenomenal records to break in her remarkable, un precedented offering for tomorrow and Saturday. The Suits composing this splendid collect ion are from our own regular stock of elegantly tailored gar ments, of superb workmanship and authoritative style. A generous choosing of the season's best styles, embracing Blouse, Eton, Norfolk, Tourist and Jacket Effects, the popular long-coated models. All popular materials Chevi ots, Broadcloths, Venetians and Fancy Tweedlsh Mannish Tailor Suitings. In every wanted color, embracing Black. Brown, Navy and Novelty Mixtures. Plain tailored in the severely plain styles or prettily trimmed with fancy braids, but tons, strappings and velvets. The best actual 522.00 to 626.60 values svsr of fered at regular sale, for TWO DATS ONLT Friday and Saturday your choice at 99.99 Extra salespeople and fitters have been engaged to serve the hosts that will gather here. All possible will be done to aid the fitters, but we urge an early call on Friday -from home folk, as Saturday will bring crowds from neighboring cities and towns to this great sale 622.00 to 626.60 Suits, for two days, $9.98 M 1 ' . A ' 111 uins uoats AT ONE -THIRD OFF FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY GIRLS OF 6 TO 14 TEARS THIS INTERESTS YOU! The coats are Just the newest, smartsst little models you evsr saw. All ths season's latest Ideas embodied. "Peter Thompsons," Nor folks. Box Coats and Sacque Styles, with capes. Materials are Cheviots, Coverts, Kerseys and Swell Mannish Mixtures, so popular In tailored garments this season. A wlds color range, also Black, Reds. Greens, Blues. Browns. Tans and Scotch and English Fancy Mixtures. Some with velvet collars Fancy braids and button affects mostly form ths trimmings. Prices range up from 65.60 (Friday and Saturday only at 5)2.85) to 655.00 (.Friday and Saturday only at $23. 35 I ALL 1-5 OFF - . - ittuuuu9immTammasw IN THE IHnrritittinor Storpc sKeR-aetel mm, AWAAAA SSNBk w WW FOURTH FLOOR DOLLS FOR THE TOUNO FOLIC CURTAINS AND BLANKETS TO INTEREST THE ELDERS ALL AT PRICES TO INTEREST ALL A. J. LI LB URN. LACE CURTAINS. 1,000 PAIRS LACE CURTAINS Renaissance effect. H yards long and 5 Inches wide, value 62.76: special, pair 5)1.68 75 PAIRS LACE CURTAINS Brussels effect, very dainty. SH yards long and 62 Inches wide, value 55.76; special 6)2.45 6700 BLANKETS 54.76 Extra Large White Wool Blankets, pink and white borders, valus 67.00; special 6)4.75 DOLLS. Bisque, movsbls heads, jointed bodies, dressed In chemise trimmed in lace. length 24 Inches, valus 62.60; special $1.2(1 Same Dolls, with shoes and stockings, value 52.75; special . 1 . $1.65 DOLLS' WARDROBE AT HALF PRICE A GRIST OF ROUSING SPECIALS FOR THE n M. HANSEN. "Store Managers Sale ON FRIDAY From Second-Floor Annex Bhopa Mr. Hansen offers an attractive list of very special values, selected from the Chrlst mss Art Shop, the "Beby-to-MIss" Store end "Petticoat Lane" all Second-Floor Shops. SPANISH AND MEXICAN DRAWN WORK AT HALF PRICE. Spanish and Mexican Drawn Work. In alt slses of dollies, centerpieces, scarfs, tray and tea cloths, hemstitched or with Taura wheel edging. They were slightly soiled In using them for displays, but one washing will make them white end fresh, prices from 254) to $15. OO CHILDREN'S KNIT PETTICOAT, with or without waists or shoulder straps. In plain pink, whits, blue or red, with fancy borders Regular prices 40c 60c and 76c Special prices 6o 34o end Owe LADIES' FINE ALL-WOOL KNIT PETTICOATS, in plain black, white, sky. pink, red, and navy, or same colors with fancy striped borders, regular price 12 00. special f $1.1$ CHILDREN'S ALL-WOOL SWEATERS. In plain white, red or navy, or same colors colored trimmings, for agee from 1 to 12 years Prices 11.26 61 60 62.26 62.50 Special prices SLTS CHIEDREN'S COATS, in fine wool materials, colors tan. green, blue, red and brown, trimmed in fancy braids and brass buttons, all with large rapes, ages 2 to 6 years, regular price 64.60; special $2.6$ aw i THESE ARE MIGHTY Bargain Days for House- fmm , HrJjLA HOTEL AND BHxT j RESTAURANT MEN ARE , PROFITING TOO. Ws srs In ths midst of the busi est sals this store tvir held on Sr.l floor In t h jml j fj nouse lurniamng shops. ECONOMY SALE PRICES ON ODD PIECES OF HAVILAND DECORATED CHINA THIRD FLOOR. PLATES. Havlland Decorated China Dinner Plates, vslue 44.80: special. dosen $3.00 Austrian Decorated China Breakfast Plates, vslue 66.00; special. dosen $4.00 Austrian Decorated China Breakfast Plates, value 66-00; special. dosen SB.dO Austrian Decorated China Breekfast Plates, value 612.60: speclsl, dosen $9.50 MANY BARGAINS IN CUPS AND SAUCERS Choice Decors ted China Cups snd Saucers st Half Pries Our 6126 vslue at, each 634 Our 6100 value at, esch ...... 504 Our 76o valus at. each . 3H Our (vc value at, each 304 16c FOR DECORATED CHINA SUGARS AND CREAM8 WORTH 60c. 26r FOR CHILD'S BREAD AND MILK SETS WORTH 75c. HAVILAND CHINA AT HALF . PRICE. Sugars and Creams, value 61.40: special at 70s) Fruit Comforts, value 66c; special at 43 Salad or Berry Bowls, vslue 61-00; special at - 504 Old Blue Plates, vslue 11.10: special, dosen 904 Old Blue Cups and Sauoerf, value 61.60; special, dosen $1.16 White Plates. t-ln.. value 61. .00: special, desen 904 White Tea Cups and Saucers, with handlss. vslue 61. 26; speclsl. down T64 A RAPID-FIRE OATLINO - GUN ADE OF SENSATIONAL FUSIL- ains in Xmas Wares FROM THE HOLIDAY BAZAAR AISLES ON FIRST FLOOR Perfumes, Stationery, Leather Goods. Jew elry, suitable for Xmas glfta, economically W. I.. ALLEN. priced. Fancy Imported Baskets, containing bottles of perfume, all odors Our 20c valus. for, each., 124 Our 26c value, for, each .V 154 Our 50c value, for.each 294 TOILET SETS WORTH 62.46 FOR 1149 Fancy porcelain back, hand-painted Toilet Seta, with brush, comb and hand mirror, our 62.46 value, for, the set $1.4$ 21c FOR .OPERA BAG GATE TOPS WORTH TO 75c Fancy gilt or oxide Opera Bag Gate Tops, our 46c to 75c values, for, each ..'.., 294 16c FOR CHILDREN'S STATIONERY WORTH 26c Fancy boxes of chil dren's Writing Paper, assorted, tints of papsr and envelopes, our 2 to valus, for, the box -194 66c INSTEAD OF 76c FOR HANDSOME PATENT LEATHER MUSIC ROLL 6166 FOR KODAK ALBUMS WORTH 62.16 Kodak Albums, with extra, heavy leather backs, for unmounted kodak pictures, else 7x10 Inches, our 62.19 vslue, for, each f , $1.39 ONLY 66c FOR SHAVING MIRRORS WORTH 61.46 Combination Shaving Mirrors, round shapes, with plain mirror on one side and magnifying glass on the other side, eaael back, our 61.46 value, for, each 954 16c FOR LADIES' CARD CA8E8, In black or brown leather, our 2Bo value, for. each v 154 16c FOR FANCY PEACOCK EYE HAT PINS, extra long, our !te valus. for each 194 39c FOR STERLING SIL.ER GARTER BUCKLES, our 69c value, for, the pair ONLY 67.00 FOR UA DIES' WATCH WORTH 61166 Ladles' line enamel back Watches, gold filled case, open face, small also. New England move ment, our 611.66 value, for, each. 6)7. OO PLAYING -A..)S Only 66c for "Pit" and "Flinch" Playing Cards, our 60c valus, for 394 66c FOR STATIONERY WORTH 60c Fine box Stationery in high-grade quality. In red, green and brown tints, our 90c quality, for. ths box. .554 "GEE WHILLIKINS!" HOW THE CROWDS FLOCK TO THE : NEW ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. ' Such a wonderful display of smart things there for men to wear and such hosts of bargains! Ths problem of "what to buy for FtftfwpMtfMHpg!1 j ths man" is easily solved here. Walking by Mf Hpf" njKir-hv Mtnte the writer au me m ,1 , v n, lai. SSB BXSXCiW since, a lot of English Squares prominently displayed in a lsrge show-window, marked. "Special at 60c." The sams scarfs were on sale here for S5c and It wasn't a block away, either. You'll pay 5c to ride a few blocks on ths trolley cars. You'll save 15c by walking a block from Morrison street to this stors on ths purchase of one of these ties. And dol lars on othsr things that men wear. The best Man s Shop" In town Is OLDS, WORT- MAN & KING'S. SPECIAL FRIDAY: . JOHN V. COFFEY. Manager Coffey offers to his patrons two fine specials at Economy Prices 26 CENTS FOR MEN'S UNDERWEAR WORTH 60 CENTS. A line of Men's Ribbed Balbrlggan Shirts and Drawers, in flesh coior, French neck end covered seams, the best garment it is possible to buy of any mer chant for 50c; for Economy Bale only we sell them at, the garment. .294 ONLT It CENT8 FOR MEN'S HOSE WORTH 26 CENTS. The neweet. best and swellest line Imaginable of Men's Fancy Fall Sox, extra good valus at 35c; Economy Sals price, the pair 194 79 CENTS FOR MEN'S SHIRTS WORTH 61.25 AND 61.50. Msn's. Fancy Shirts, soft bosom style, separate cuffs. In materials of Ox fords and Madras, In very choice patterns; our best 61.25 and 61.50 values for '. 794 MEN'S NIGHT SHIRTS WORTH 75 CENTS FOR 45 CENTS. Men's Flannelette Night Shirts, soft, fleecy garments a guarantee of good, refreshing sleep for these chilly nights: our standard 76c val. for, ea. 4$4 ONLY 65 CENTS FOR MEN'S WALKING GLOVES WORTH 61.60. Men's Glace Kid Walking Glovss, full pique sswed. best and most desirable street colors; our 61.60 vslue for, pair 984 92 CENTS FOR MEN'S UNDERWEAR WORTH 61.50. Men's Fine Natural Wool Undershirts and Drawers, In silver-gray, winter weight, very fine stock; our 51.50 value for, each 924 60 CENTS FOR MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS WORTH 61.00. Men's Chrlstmss Handksrchlefs, with initials, put up ts dosen in box; our 61.00 vslue for, box 664 MEN'S NECKTIES WORTH 76 CENTS FOR 35 CENTS. Men's Christmas Neckwear. English Squares and Four In Hands, the rich est silks and newest patterns ever offered at the price; our 75c value for, each J 354 15 CENTS IN8TEAD OF 25 CENTS FOR MEN'S HOSE Men's Cashmere Hose. In natural silver-gray or solid black medium weight: our best 25c value for, pair 154 S3 33 lis. A Sw W. W. ZOLLBRS. AN AGGRESSIVE ARRAY OP Knitwear Bargains WILL ATTRACT HUNDREDS OF PRUDENT WOMEN TO THE STORE FRIDAY. First Floor. Cuts ars cut deeper and reduction reduced. Mr. Zollsrs is bound to forgo ahead In his race for leadership In the Man agers' Bala Ths proofs ars abundant. Read a few: WOMEN'8 UNDERWEAR. t4c for Women's White and Stiver-Gray Fine-Ribbed Cashmere Vests and Pants; our 5150 value for, each , 944 13-66 for Women's White and Blue Full -Fashioned Union Suits of fine sort wool; our 64.00 value for, suit $2.59 47c for Women's White Jersey-Ribbed Fleece-Lined Cotton Vesta and Pants; our 76c value for. each 4T4 64c for Women's Cream-Tinted Cotton Union Suits, half open front; our 61.00 value for, suit 644 I4o for Women's Medium-Weight Cotton Long-Sleeve Vests; our toe vslus, each 244 65c For Women's Fist-Woven Natural-Wool Vssts and Pants; our 61.00 vslue for. each 584 74e for Women's Natural-Woo) Flat-Woven Vests and Pants: our 61 26 vslus, each Only 52o for Women's White and Gray Jersey-Ribbed tTsjtta Suits; our its valus for, suit $3$W 69c for Women s Natural-Wool Fine-Ribbed Vests and Pants, eat 7, and 6; our 61.60 value for, each $3.16 for Women's Munslng Union Suits, natural 63.60 value for, the. suit 66o for Women's White snd Sllver-Orsy Cotton our 76c value for. the suit 61.16 for Women's White Jersey-Ribbed "Merode"; our 6 7 value for. each I jeKexustiisiiiteajJij .