THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER tt, 1ML for trsnsportstloB through ths mall a umi cum mailer. Posts, for stngls copies: Tot so 3. 10 to 1S- r P Kr. 1 mm; 1 to BP pagee. 1 mui M page. cents. Mltartal tanw roaziav adyxbtisdio mxnxmrAim. Vwu(t intpni, Sdkui advertising amt. 180 Nssss .(TMt. V.W lort, THlKIDtWl maaaxmem eatbs. ' The Dally Joornsl. with Sundsy. 1 yer...eT8 ope i-anv journal, 1 yesr The bally Journal, with Sunday. month,. ATS The Dally Journal. monthe MS TIM Pally Journal, wtlh Hnnday. nostb. 1 Ths Pslly Joarnal. I month, 1 The Dally Journal, with Sunday. 1 The Detly pa, week, delivered, Included The Delly par waak. delivered. excepted Tama ay htaU. The PHr Joarnal. with Sunday, 1 I rr oo .00 The Dal It Journal. 1 rr . Th Dally Journal, with Similar. The Dally Journal. 6 month, Th Pally Joarnal. with Bnnday. S Tha Dairy Jouinal. I monthe ... . mi R?'JT 'oorl. ' MBday. 1 1 . 1.40 .SB an w iiii. journal, I kbosib Vhe Sunday Joarnal. 1 yaar Tha Sundar Jcarnal, 1 month, Tha Seml-Wsekly Journal. Tt. aml Weekly Journal, to It MM I. on - ' H - ".W" VW. lull urn." " Port, 1 reer , $1.30 Tha Wssklv Joarnal. " U fDVUI, aW C1IUU1U. gi irwr tot saeh Imoo. UlnatraUd. fall nurhwt r-ports. 1 yaar W.f H-mittanraa a boa Id ha msds by Oram, peata. rote, express ror and aroall smounis a acctptabis In 1 and 1-cent pBB jMft. 9.0. In 111. Portland Or. iiu xn loouu mat a rovao, . Tha Journal ran M found a aula at tha fol rowing pi cm: BOISE, IDAHO Pteaaar beak atom. CHIPAOO PostofSee Mawa company. ITS horn street Pr.VVFR COLO Keadrtek fkafe BtaHoaary company. 913 Brrntpnth atroat: 1. BUica Sixteenth and Portia atraato. KANSAS CITY Tan Nov Mown mmnany LOS AKOKLM i. F. Osrdner. M South Spring street: Oliver A Ratoaa. MB Booth M1VVKAPOMB--M. 7. K.vsnsngb. 80 Booth Third. v KBW YORK CITT Brant, no's. Union squsrs. OODRN Oadaa Mown annan. OMAHA Millard Hotel nawa atand: nanoMry enmnsny lsos rsraar erreex. BAIT I.AKB CITT Ken yon hotel aawa ataad; Barrow Bra. 41 Waat B,ennd atroat. South. BT. LOriB PhlMn Roeder Old Loruat street. AN K R A N CISCO W. E. Ardlng. Pulse Hotel nawa .is no: ijoiaamtm riroo.. zau an street; Prad w mtr. irtrt u.rk.i srve.4. POKANI, WASH. John W Oraham A Caw TACOMA. WASH. Central Ntwa company. M PardOc arena. FtJNEB Ai If 0TICS. SPBNCEB In tbla cltr on tha 27th lint . Mat tla Spanoar, at St. Vincent's hospital, sge.i 30 year,. Funeral was hald this mornlnf at H) o'clock from Holmes's cbapal. Interment i-one rir cemetery. WXATHEB. REPORT. Tha dlatnrbanca which waa noted Saturday afternoon adsancad rapidly eaatward and Is now renirai norm or tno nakotas. it cauaei hlfb winds ss followa: North Head T4 mile. aouOiMst; Tatooah. Od mllea. southaast; atoraka M miles, south, Port Crescent. 112 mllea, south Mst. snd Pocstslln, SS mllea southwMt. The rains yesterday la this district were ten real and moderately hoary. They hays sow uractlcallr ceased, slthoaan tha weather coa- tlnuea cloudy and unsettled. It will be cooler tonlf h t snd nearly erery wbsra In tola district ASSUOE UCKBBES. I, A Bobarn. XI; I.ydla KtanM. 38. L. I.. Parker. 80; Msrgsret Klerker. tt. lub SuUm, ' .tt k-..i..i. - - an Btarlina W Hu(h'ea. SO; Maud Oltlllsnd. 28 Issac M. Blnnard. 24: Rosa Krerdnan. 31. H. P. CampbsU, 24; Alma M. Blrmlrujbsm. 20. Frank Hlnf nuiuii. .14; Hlauihe U ( hamlier mm, so. - 1 1 BIRTHS. Norember 24, to Mr and Mrs. Oeorfs A Cab e of 1 1 IB East Main atrsat: a saw. November SI. to Mr. and Mrs James H Dlrksou of 201 Second street; a daaghtsr. C0NTA0I0UB DISEASES. November 20. Albert Hammond. 00 atreet: dlnbtberla. Noy.nib.-r 2ft. rreyja Stoekler, first and Jaf taraon atreet,; diphtbena. Crematorium on Oregon City ear Has, Mar ellwood, modern, scientific complete CaargM Adaits. fjo; eniiarsa. ma. visitors i. a, to 6 v m I'ortland Cremstlsn aasoclstlon. Partund or. Tha Edward Halaiaa uadartaklas company, funeral directors aad embslniere. 220 Third Street. PbOM 0OT. J t. Plnley A Boa. faaaral directors aad em Da l mere . aava removeii to their new sstsb llahmeot. corner Third aad Madlaaa itresu. Both phones No. 8. Funeral wr.ath, aad rot flower, a specialty t MM City Ur.enbouae, Twenty second sad Bast Morrison, spp. cemetery. REAX ESTATE TRANSFERS. Julias Psppel and wife to J. C. Mark., lot 1. block Id. Lincoln Park Mary Scnnsltt aad kasband to K N. Hale. WMt H lou 0 and 0, block 100, city... 2,800 jnnus Lamport to a. 1. Bundy. lot 2S, subdivision No. 2, Dalaahaiutt A Oat- man's UtU HoaiM 850 Andrew J. Irygert and Wife to A. J. Iiygert. Jr., block 00, Pulton Park .... M Jsnnle A. Anderson to A. J. Anderson, lata A IT. block o. Wlllamttta addlUoa. Sheriff to A. ll.rold, lots la WMt Port land and Little Room subdivision Na. S Title Guarantee A Trust company to R K. l ase. loU 1 and 1 hlnck 8. Unlladav Park a. billion 3,000 Laura urease a tin DUSDSnO to T. I.. Olson et el., north Vs lot 2. block 2. M. Mil len's addition I Board of school trusters to Irwin Hod eon company, lOoslOO feet In block 180. Couch addition, beginning at point 100 feet south of northwest corner of Mid block Board of school trustee, to William A. T. RuaboDg et el.. lOOllOO feet In block 188, Couch addition, beginning at point 1U0 feet south of northeast corner of Mid block 1 Trier Investment company to II Get lor. lot 0. block 37, Peninsular addition .. aft Sheriff to A. Harold, lota In West Port- Isnd Park Alliance Trust compear to B. A. HMCock. lots 2 end 8, block 1. Douglas addition. 1,000 Msrr A. Msrrls and huahand to W. II. Smith, lot 1, block 0. Glencaa Park.... 1,000 Nancy t a plea et ai to i itv or nt jonns, atrip 00 feet wide beginning at point la Columbia boulevard, to be used tor a f.Tt' MaWsaf ' M wifi' to X ' 1C ' Lorn hard, lota 34 and 20, block 8. Peninsu lar addlilon No. 2, undivided t lot 4. block 21. Carson HstghU 1 John McDonald aad wife to W. V Bd wardu. lot 8. Dart let 0. double block O. elty j 0,000 Sheriff to Fulton Park Land company. block 30. Fulton Park A. u Uraner and wife to J. S. WlMlaw. lots 3 and 0, block ft. Story's addition . 2,100 Secretary Havlnge a Trust oempany to a. U Plttoek. block 218, City 1 Rollln K. Pegs to Title Onsrsntee A Trust company, lot 2. block 8, Mount Tabor's Central Perk v-- John Bvrratb end wife to A. Seehtem et el. lot 8, block ft Smith subdivision aad addition to East Portland .............. 1.008 Sheriff to L. 0. Bay so Ids lota In Gey tract and Park Place addition to Ai blnu S5 Board of acbool trustees to B. Uoodmsn et si.. OOilOO feet hegliinlag at aortb eaat corner block 188. Pouch addition. 1 Get yew 1 seers sea aad abetracta to real Mtate from the Title Guarantee A Trust coos pane. Chamber ef Cos, mores bundled. BUILDINS rEJUIITS. November 3d realdence, Keat U, Beat i'rrepty-fourtb rest between II. a, street and Hawthorne evenue; coat. 83.000 .overnner an. u. isn"en. isesn svsvsBas Second between Couch and Da via streets; mat. BBSS November 38, Fred Hanshut. dwelling. Twen tieth belwees Washington tad Everett at reels ; November 38, A W. StokM A Co.. s Iters UoM TODAY'S MARKETS FIFTY THOUSAND BALES ARE SHIPPED Many Shipments of Hope Are Made to the East and to the Continent. TWENTY THOUSAND BALES ARE HELD IN WAREHOUSES Bears Are Using Large Crop Bugaboo to Force the Market Downward. Front Street, Nor. 28. The principal market res lures are: Hop baara are very active. No fear of Nevada onion competition. Strictly freak eggs are up. Poultry tone la only fair. Heavy receipts of wild birds. No fresh halibut in market. Wheat and flour are quite dull. Mlllstufta vary scarce. California batter la no- Rep Bears AM Very Active. If the sales of nope are not vary late tha bears are vary much In evtdenea. A U aorta of stortoe of hesvler crops throughout the country nre being circulated In an effort to depreM values and they are having the desired effect for growere are beginning to tire of their hold ing that la, soma of the weaker ones are. Deal era who are not hear, say that during tha peat week tbey were offered large stocks of choice bona around 30c, but with the present condi tion of the market they did not buy. Only one sole was made so far ss now known. Besvsy A Metsier of tbla city purchased la the Newberg district 40 bakes of prime at 30c. Mr. Metsier, who hsa been one of the largest bulla In tbs msrket, saya; "I don't know Just what to think of the preeent situation. Things do look eomewhst dubious, hot they mey come out all right after the holidays During the past week I was offered quite a large amount of choice hops at 80c, but did wt take them because conditions Just now do not look good to sue." What the Ore Really Is. There la a arret deal of talk among the Mars that the crop this yssr In Oregon will go from 80,000 to 100.000 bales, but from a very ear, ful examination The Joarnal cannot recede from Its estimate made early In tha Mason of a crop between 80.000 and Hft.uuo bales. After this estimate waa made some of tbs bullish growers and some of the dealer planed It M for down ss 00,000 bates and this had some effect in boosting the prices early.' Now that thsr know to sltuost a certainty that tha crop was fully 80,000 bates tbey ate not feeling so strong, and hint st greater crops In California. New York and Washington, al though official climate, from the east, espe cially, do not Mir out their theory. rifty two Thousand Bates Shipped. Reliable osuree obtained by The Journal .how that the Southern I'sclBc and the Oregon run way A Navigation companies have slresdy shipped out of this state 82,000 bates of hope' With the eiceptlon at perhaps 2.000 bslM ill of these were of this year's crop. There are now in the railroad companies' wsrenouses .bout 20.000 bales. Mm of these being owned by th dealers wM are storing. This gives about ro.ot.i os lea oik me lersue. in formation aa to th elect amount of bona re maining In the sends of the growers in tha yard are very hard to obtain, but the Mat ln fi rotation obtainable pis cm ths amount at about 10.000 bates, which would give this yMr's crop at 80,000 bales, for ecsttered Vote un known' tu grower. The Journal estimates around 3 .000 balsa, which would give 88.000 Mies ss vary liberal eatlmate or the crop. No Fear of Nevada Onlone Com lng. The onlnn men continue to talk of bringing Ne.da onlone Into this msrket. but the grow- .... have no fesr on that score, ss Nevada onions sre quoted et prkctlcally the ssme pticee as sre the Oregon Tne maraei mi iue ueooro, la Is a very good shape, growers refusing to Mil st the present figures ids pnisio aisnsi Is In a very dull elate, dealer only earing to i.,,. .ib.ii loia for iocs! coneumntlon, aa the outside market sre still too low to admit of shipping Btiictly rreah Eggs an up. Rirletlv fresh Oree-nn etas are not coming SS fast aa the demand warrants anu price, ivu.j are lc higher. Baetern eggs are nu via only th ohoioct stock, andlng a demand. Oallfernla Butter la Coming. Kerns email ahlumelit, of Cnllfornls crssmery butter were received on the street this morning. The California market Is eonsldrrsbly lower then this snd shipments can easily lis made and sales msde at several cent under local Sguraa Local creamery la fair. Heavy Receipt ef Wild Bird. Ts.. of wild hlrde sre now very lsrge snd the trsde Is filled up with quotation ruling dull. Pbeassnte sre coming very resr snu sr.- lower. Chicken ere quotea ouiy i.o n prices. TodJ ruling price a rain, flour snd Feed. WHEAT New and eld Walte-Walla. BOO 88c; blueatem. StMSBTe; "W. HikLK x reea, ju.vvgi. sn.w .m ... , sn no DVB SI Ml nee cwt OATS Producers- prlo No. 1 whit. 337 00 v on. sris Basl on. FlOUB BMtera OrfB Peteato. 84.88 mights. 83 78 valley, 4 io. graham. H 84 00: 10s Sdea.i MILOJITirkB Bran, eie.oo Sssrsest, sua dllogs, 326.00. shorts, country, 83.80; chop, IISIlTi HAY proouears pries I imoi o, . tviieawsesss valley, fa-icy. 31Bn"l0: ""a""j,. ' IS 00; mat At earn OrrruD. IlAO0i13.0O; clovsr fiJjfi I1100S120O: cheat. 111.0001260. eie.uvSBiu w, imi av-ii, 12. w; grain, Hope wool ana niani, HOPS 1004, ilVsc for export; 81 Vie chi... 'II, for nrlmes snd mediums. WOOL NomlBsl. valley, coarae 10 meuium. 7U18c; flu, 18c; eastern Oregon, izic. MOHAIR New. 80c. SHEEPSKINS ShMring. lOOSOc; abort wool. 20 Hoc: medium wool, 80O60r; long wool. tOcOtl.OO each. TALLOW Prima, per w, oc; no. a ana greaee, 303Ue. I HI I IIM BSM ec per in, 00710s poiv. HIDBB Dry hides. No. 1. 18 lb snd up. IdUOltc per lb; dry kip. No. 1, t to It lb. 12Vtc: dry cslf. No. 1, under t lbs. 1514c. dry .sited bulls and stsgs. 1-3 less than dry tint; sslted hides, steer. Mund, 80 Ins or over, TOtc; to ta SO lba, 7c: ander 60 lba and cows. 007c: stags gad bulla, sound. r,c: gip, 13 to 30 lbs. TVse; sound. 10 to 14 lba, Be: rslf, Bound, under 10 Ike, 8Vsc; greea (un alted. lc per lb leas; culls lc ner lb Ism; h isn hides, Ml fed, each, l 2.101 74: dry. each. $1. 000 180: colt' hides, eech. 2.1060c; goat sklna, common, each. lOQlftc; Augors. with wool oa. each. 2tcO81.00. attar, sggs aad real try. BUTTER FAT Sweet. SBUe; soar. 28V,e BL'TTBB Cltr y. nest miTsmr- end California, i outalds fancy. 27 H 030c: erdi. I oot... -...-.a 23Vtti27Hc: store. i.1ft13i,c. BOOS No. 1 fresh Orsaon. 81 32c; Mstera. trail, bbbi Aprils, esc. t HEEBB New Pal) cream, twin Voune America, lflc; Bastera, lftOlOc 1'ODI.TRY Cklekaaa. mixed. lOtec 13Hc; r lb; hens. He par Ik: roosters, old. Be lb Ih yoaeg. lOUc per Ih: broilers, lie fryer, lie per 11; sacks, eld, lovsc per lb. young, 1IJBI80 ft lb; gees,, ftsrOr per lb; rtaya, ibqitc per id; or, a, ad, iksjibc per in. WILD oiMB Twal. 81.78: wldaeon. 81.78: . 1 1 . . ss nroafta ret. k . . sees. .... Chins pbesMnts. 3d SO, native pbrsMnts, B.0o! Fruits sad Vegetable. POTATOES- Best Orreoa. OOrOSI.OO cwt: buy 1 re' prlcea. 70073c; second grade. 70O8D ssrk; buying nrlce BSOflBe: sweets, beet.; ersted. 31.3fi01.4l): New California tc lb ONIONS .Loral. 83.0O4JA3S; buyers price. SAOOOtot; garlic, 04210c per Ik. FRESH rBUITB ApplM. estee fancy. 31 B". fancy Oregon. fl.OOSjl.SS per hoki cheep gratVM. 404J7M per box; orange. tel. tS.00O8.33 per boa: Medllnga 82 OOOJ.60 Per bos: banana,. 8c ner lb: lemons, choice. 33 28 per box: fence. 33 76 per box: limes. log. .-4 K-... ri - , . e, aaa November SB. B. W. StokM. dwslllne East Eleventh between Ash and Ankeny streets; Ml, 1,000 November 2B. T. end J. Parrell. two 2stnrr residences. Ksst Fverett between Best Ninth snd Rest Tenth street: ml, 3.1.000. V..sif M rV..lAe V L I..LI-. . MBtksast corner East Btxtveath and tut Mor' rteoB eueets; east, (1,480, T U .. . I - n 88c per 100; place ppM. 82.604)3.00 peers, fl.ousji Sib basket. 30c: buiTeiberrlee. 80 ( uncords, i 10c par lb c per lb: cranberrtea. oo per awl; Jeney 0 per Mu: prunes. 2c per lb. VaVlLTABLEA TurnlM. 81.00 per Mck; car sio rots 81. On nee seek: beets. 81.3ft Der asck: Dregon rsdlsbM. lac per oos; raDoege. ure aoa. ll.2sai.TS rt: lettuce, hothouse. SOd) BOc per do; green peppers. Tc par lb; chill Dep. per,. lSo lb; eatery. SOOT Be per do: tomstoes. California, 1.1S1.2S; porenlpe. 7Bc8I 28, pi ntk'ektl .of) dos: b'ut'ter brans, lie: pumpkins. I lb. horseradish. Tc per lb: sprout, oc; muah row. 20c per lb: srtlchokM. 60J0e per DKiKD rBUITS -ApplM. evajorsted 7tc srttcoogM. ooegnuc per aoa. -Apples, evaiioreted 70Sc ViaiSc per lb; Mck. H , Sai2c per lb; near. Ulten. 3a4s,c per lb; r lb; flga. California black. per lb; apricot a per lb 1cm: peachM. per lb: prune,. Italiaa. rrvsrs, TSBiVVSV V v. , - --" Slur ner lb: Calif or nla white. Per lb; plum. Bitted. per lb: dates, golden, oc par lb; fords, II. SO per 15 lb bos. OroosrlM. Bute, Zto. BUOAB Sack baste Cube. 88 40: powder sd. 80.36; fruit granulsted, 88 S; dry grsnulsted. so-to; beat granulated arauuisieu. rj w, r.ui ... v.'i 16; golden 0 65 ftft. bbU, 10c. Hbbls 2Bc. boxes 60c .dvsnce On ssrk basis, less oc cwi lor issu, It days: maple, UffllOc per lb. HONEY 14H Vine. l urrwsv-r-acksgs urareaa 14 76. HALT - fiae Balaw, I. 3a. Ss. 4s 8a. 10s, 81.80; raoie. aairy, ooa. s.oyrii.ov, ews. erew, Imported Uverpoel. 60s. f ift.u0O10.00: 100. Il4.ft0ai6.00; Htm. jil.80ai4.t0; extra flue. 60. bbls. 2s. Ss, 6. 10. 84.50; 84.00: sacks BOB. aa,. balk. 820 lba. HaLt Coarse Half grooad. 100s, ner B.20ao.SO; 60s per ton. 8ft.8ft0.0o: Llvi mp rock, lift ftoaio ftfl per ton: 60-m ion, verpoo: rocs, BB.20aO.70; 1000. ,1 700 (Above price, apply to ssles of less than car mi. tar tot it special prl CM aubject to fluctuation UBA IN BAOB Cslcutt. 89.TSa6.00 per 100. Kit E Iniperlsl Jaoan. No. 1. 4ic; No. 2. 4r; New Orleans head. ftVkttdc; Adiack. SVc; Creole, sc. B BANS-Small whits. 4c; large white. 8V,c; pink, 4c; bayou. 2e; Llmas, Be; Mexl- JTBdk, SUe. NUTS Peanut. TUc; Jumbos. 9V,c per lb; raw, Qrjloc per lb; roasted, cocoanata, swaf BOc per dos: walnuts. 14018c per lb; pine nuts. 10012HC per lb; hickory nuts, 10c per lb; chestnut, esstern, 18Jie. per lb; BrsMl nuts, 18c par lb; filbert.. ltO'Sc per lb; fancy pecsns. 140I6C per lb; slmonds, 13016c par lb. Meate, Fish aad Prev lslons. FRESH MBATH --Front strMt Beef, steers. dOte per lb: pork, block, sadc per lb; peckers. OC icr lb; bulls, 2J2Vtc per lb. cows, SMAtVAe per lb: mutton, dresaod. tOtc per lb; veal, sxtrs. 7Vk(Hc per lb; ordiaary. OsJTc per lb; poor, date-pa- lb; temba, BV,5Hc per lb. HAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland pack local) him,, 10 to 14 lbs. 13c per lb; 14 to 10 lbs. 13c per lb: 18 to 2D lbs. 18c per lb; cottage. 10c per lb: brrekfMt bacon. 1401ftc per lb; picnic. 10c pee lb; reguler short elesrs, un smoked. 10'gc per lb; eatoked, HVie Pr lb; clear becks, unsmoksd. 10c per lb: smoked, lie per lb; Union butt. 10 to 18 lba, unamoked, 8 in; smoked, ec per lb; clear neiuea. un- snjoked. per lb; smoked, per lb. LOCAL, LARD Kettle leef. 10. He per b; Be, 11 Me per lb; no-lb lias. lOMc per lb; stesm rendered. lOe, lOVic per lb; 6s, 10c per lb; 60s. Pkc per lb; ..impound tierces, SVsc per lb; tube, flltc per lb; 60s. 84c per lb. CANNED SALMON Columbia river 1-lb talis, 11.86; 2-lb talis, 32.80; fancy 1-lb (lata, 82 'mi; H lb fancy data, ji 2.1, fancy 1-lb ovals. $2.78. Alaska tsfls. ulnk. 88080c: red. 81.80: nominal 2s, tall, 83.00. . FIHH -Kock cod. 7c per Ih: flounders. Be per lb: Halibut. 7r per lb: crabs. 31 2.1 per dos: striped bsM, 102l2Vsc per lb; catflsb. 7c per lb: sslmon. stMlbesds. 7c per lb: silver, Ides. 8c per lb; herring, tc per lb; soles. Be psr lb; hrlmps. 10c per lb; shad, dressed. per lb; perch, tc per lb; shad roe. par lb; had Be per lb; black cod, 8c per lb: silver mslt. tc per lb: lobsters. 12c; flash mackerel, to. crew flab. 20c per dos; flounders, tc per lb; aturgeon. 7c per lb. OTBTBBB Hhoslwster bar. ner gal. 83.26 per sack. 84.00 net; Olympla, par sack. 86.23. CLsAMB Hard shell, ner box. 32.00. Mane clams, 83.00 par boa. ' Paints, Coal Oil.. Its. BOPE Pur Manila. lSVsc; sUnderd. 1214c; Steal WHO. COAL. OIL Pearl or Astral Case. Sitae tier gal; water white. Iron bbls 10c per gal. real; per gal: headlight. 170-deg. case. 23 v- r gsl. Iron bbls ITc per rat LINSEED OIL Pure raw. In bbls 62e per gal. caaee 67e per gal; genuine kettle boiled, caaea ,P" C1!1 e par gal; ground cake, car lota 328 .00 pat ton, teM than ear loia 828.00 per ton. (tASllLJNB Sfl-d.g, eases 82c per this jo,- per gel; stove, cum 24Vi gsl. Iron e per gel. ...... m,i syes iwt ssi HENSINE ttt-dec c per gal. Iron tbsi 18 He per gal PAINT OIL Raw bbls 33c per gal. esses 38c per gal; boiled, esse, 40 ner sal TERPENTINE la esse. SBc per gal. wooden bbls. 81c Cr gnl. Iron bbls TSe per gsl. 10-lb c per gal. LEAD Ton let TVic per lb; 600-lb caae lota WHITB lot, 7 te 7c per lb, 1cm tot Be per lb. WIRE NAIUS, -Present baae at 32 32.80. TONEJN HOGS IMPROVED. lifxrtlw Batter rtatlttuj males Cattle and Sheep lrmer Portund Colon Btockrarda, Nov. SB. The hog merket Is slightly better, the tone being ee.l.r. The cettl market le firmer and sheep . .. ,ur miu. couiiiiiou aim quoiations un. Meted. The receipt,: SO hogs, 107 cattle, io .uevrp. 1 if flciel prices ruling today: tattle ileal esstern Oregon steers. 33.60 Tr'A. V. f a.W;00? : jysf. w.o VOSHUS-Wj SLS.S, SAW, Ilog Best hesvy. 8ft.2ftfa5.ftO; block. 84.00 China fats. 34.00; atockers and feeders. 33 60. """-p ssjwi arsm-reo wetners, B3.OOtXB.2B lambs, IS.SBOS.I no; mixed abeep. 2.7ft. EASTERN H0OS LOWER. tnieago xow. 2B Hom opened 10c lower with ft.ftOO )eft over. Receipt, a year ago were .10 001 I'.l.u Ul I T. J4fl64d.S2Hi rouS; 9.11 Cattle Steady. Sheep Steady. . FOUR POINTS LOST BY COTTON OPTIONS (Furnished by Over heck. Stsrr A Cooke rv New l'ork. Nov 28 - Cotton clrsse A ssl.i. Awm ajarsri: Low. 33 Com .I4r.-t7 0.4142 8.61063 0.37068 0.61 8 70 S3 B.flS 8. 28 0 B.1Q84 ii n::rn.'. (i ip,tii7tl P 24i22 8.232t Cotton visible Supply. New Tork, November 28. Cotton vlatble sun Sir: Bates todsy, 80.000; bales week ago, 4S'7A " ' 94,487 ' bmln ' 102, MEW TORK COFFEE MARKET, New Tork, Nov. 23. Coffee closing Rid. Ask. I RM S.Sr November December td. 80 to 80 May 87 40 37.46 8 80 011 June T.tO 7 66 TOO t OBIJuly 7 00 7 68 7.10 7.161 Anguet 7.70 7.78 7.20 7 2.1 September ; 7.". 7.80 Jemisry Fehrnsry March .. April ... r so I October 7.80 7 ( sab corree No. 7, Bio. 8ac; No. 4 Ssatos. CRICAOO LOCAL STOCKS. Chicago, Nov. 21 -Local Storks closing Bid. Ask Nstlonsl Biscuit do preferred . . .llftb .. a I'nltrd Box do preferred . . 18 American Can. merlesn Can ip, do preferred 64m, stlonsl Csrbos 48 J1H Bit 40 11" I. 18 II. 1 100 78 63 100 Ai preferred 10S Diamond Mot. h . 1371 113', IBS ::i to Swift A Co Chics go City By. orrn side lly . Weat Bide Rr . . Siwth Side By... BAN FRANCISCO LOCAL STOCKS. Frsnctsen, closing: Nov. St. Local stocks. 10:30 Rid. Ask. Contra Costs Wster Spring Vslley Water Central Light Mutusl Electric raciflc lighting Ssn Frsueteeo tlss A Electric (Jlsnt Powder Hawaiian Sugar Hutchinson Sugar Makawell feagsr Oiemcs Sugsr I'ssnhsu Sugar , California Fruit, annera California Wine , Oceanic StMBWhlp .a rseuse lunt .. all Open. High. January... 0.47 BTBO February.. 0 40 March 8.83 S.8S April 70 B.TO by S.TT S.BO Jure .... Inly S.BS 8 33 November.. 26 December.. 3.3ft p. 3d 80 SO 0 11 V4 SI tSH M. isS lt IB tan B8 ion Mat - COLORADO FUEL UP SIX POINTS Bullish Feeling Prevailed on New York Stock Exchange To day Money Riee. NORTHWESTERN NEARLY FIVE POINTS ADVANCED Louisville & Nashville Strong- Illinois Central Four and Seven Eighths Up. (Furnished by Over beck. Starr A Cooke Co.) New York. Nov. SB- Today's stock market was Mosatioaal with auntattone Irregular Law son wss hardly talked of, but hie friends man aged to hold down Amalgamated end Hugsr. The sensational advance wa In Colorado Pawl, which cloned 80 higber than Saturday's closing. Th market opened et 68, a rue ef from the previous close. It wss steady all day and ths price want to 64, then SB, ftS, tH. aad- near the eloM 6S. Illinois centre) waa exceedingly strong on heavy baying and the market wee 4s points up at the close. It opened , at ItSVk. rte of over th previous closing It touched the high point at Its. but reacted 1 point at the close. Chicago A Northwestern was up 32 et 202 end waa strong all day. Toward th elojs of the session th prlo went to 204, an ad vance of 44 point, since Barturday. l.ulsvllls A Nssbvllle st 10'4, the opening figure, waa s up from Batnrday. Under active bu ring and the general good feeling the price rose steadily to 142V4. showing a rise of 2 points over Seturdsry'a price. l'eople-s Oes was dull at first, but tb open trig we up at 100 Mi It later reached liOH, end advance of 81. TB. Cbeaspeake A Ohio advanced 33. It opened s qusrter up at BOVi, and had a remarkable ndvsm-e to 68. Canadian Paclflc showed X rlM of $1. Bteel common was up at the opening and ahowed e rlae during the day of SVs points. The preferred waa slightly higher. Pennsylvania wa vary steady around 137. It' riee today was point. Heading acted good, but remained within small limits. Erie moved well et small fluctuations. . The official stock market: f DESCRIPTION. Aneconda Mining Co Amsl. Cupper Co Atchison, cetiu do preferred Am. Car A Pound., com. do preferred Am. Suaer. coin DWTk 3314 8 14S Kit. 113Vi s rlI Am. Smelt., com,..,,... 82 tt do tweferred. . ........ Am Ice, com B01 do preferred Baltimore A ohlo. com.. 07 8S34 'M do preferred 1H HI IH Brooklyn Rspld Tranalt. SOW bV4 ('una. II in Paclflc, com... Cbl. A Alton, com 111 1344 44 4 do preferred . . . Cbl. A Qt. WMt., com. . Chi., MIL A St. Psui... Cbl. A North., com..... 1 ra ao4 Cbl. Terminal Ry ChesspMke A Ohio Colo, rue i A Iron. com. Colo. South., com do 2d preferred do let preferred Delaware A Hudson . . D A B. O., com 00 preferred Erie, com do 3d preferred do let nr. f erred Illinois Central 7 Loulevllte A Nssbvllle... 183 V4 1B8U 1 .in . n 1-1'. 1; Metro. Traction Co Manhattan Eleveted Mexican Central By M St. P. A Ste do pswterred. ........ . Mlasouri Paclflc M.. K. A T.. com do pre f erred New York Central ,u Norfolk A Western, com. do preferred.' North American N. X., Oat. A WMt Pennsylvania By P. 0.. I.AC 00 Pressed Steel Car. com. . do preferred Psrlflc Mall Stesm. Co.. Heading, com do 2d preferred do 1st preferred Rep, Iron A Steel, com . . do preferred Bock Island, com do preferred Southern Ry., com do preferred HjSi 80l le 44HI 40 78 B I TSU 5??; Southern Paclflc 07M. OT4 SS 1 sou! 28 K 54 3SJ4 783, ' ?8' 31 81 81 St. L. A 8. F Sd pfd. . St. Is, A 8. w . com. . . do preferred TexM A l-acino , . Tenn. Coal 4 Iron T., St. I.. A W., com. . do preferred Union Paclflc, com do preferred r. S. Lesthe. Mm do preferred f. B. Rubber, cram do preferred 118 1118 0444 04 V, 14VA I 14U To or, B434I BO 34S4 341i HSVk1 Wl SS ' I SS 01 SI OP C S Steel CO., COm do preferred Wheel. A L. B.. let pfd. Wisconsin Central, com dO t. referred :ii) 3144! 8A',4 :n 1 H4 4S 24 43S 06V4I 04 Vs M 48H 47Al 47' 24 V, 2.1 241. 1 1 48441 48 I 474 Western I'nlon Tela Wabash, com 11 a ravk w '- BS 2:t'. 21', 234 do preferred, ess I MV41 4d Total ssln for day. 1.812,700 shares. Money, 398 14 per cent. B0.1T0R COPPER MARKET. Boston. Nov. 1st Royal I tilled State. . . dven 1 ure Arcadian Atlsntlr Hlnghsm Calumet Centennial Copper Range.. pelt west Oreene Copper . Mas. Michigan Mohawk (lid Dominion .. Osceola Parrot Phoenix Qulnry Rhode l.l.nd . . Santa r Khsnm-n Tamarack Trinity Victoria Wolverl na Wyandot SAB rKABCISOO MININO STOCKS. San rranclaco, Nov. Bid. IB. Mining stocks . loss Bid. Confidence f pfi Ophlr 32.50 Mexican I SO 'Sierra Nevada .. Oould A Curry. .27 IL'tah Rest A Belcher. 1.18 jBulllon .48 .78 .28 .32 ,07A .14 .(ISA .SB .SB .08 On. C.I Va 1 an IKx chequer . . . Savage 40 Beg. Ch.llar II ivermsn Potosl SO Hale A NorrroM 1.10 Unsttrs Silver Mill .... IDceidentel Scorpion crown i-oiiii ... Yellow Jacket.. .IT Con Imperial. Con. Kentucky H2A I I'nlon con .03 Challenge .11 lAadM .IS .24 04A Bid. ss 33A .34 Alpl Delcl Alpha Con brr 38 Con Maw York. TONOPAII BXCHANOB. Ml. I I 3) 73 Belmont a Midway SOSVklNarth Star Mnntsns . Jumbo Ei tension Demand Starling. New York, Nov. SB. Demand sterling. 4SS.48 4W) 30. 00 day. 483.1 sa4M.3V. . PORTLAND BAXX STATEMENT Clesrlngs .(SBfl.tSOTA .l,ri.S4 Rslsncea Tseovns Sraia Market. (Kperlal Dispatch ta The J our Ml.) Tsroma. Wssh . Nov. SB WhML wMker. 28 Copper closing: Bid. Ask. 2V44 4 281? 37 SJk ifi S Is', 18 ... 17 ; . 876 SSO SB 2111 . 11 It lSg 14 " si,' B4 BU fldVi 84)47 SS 2SVt 06 Bd US SVi 8 11B 130 Yl'.'.'.'.7.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. io3 io? Itt IBS 144A IB BVl 5i, 10s 10s IH BluMtem. BSci club sad rsd. toe. Fully Fifty Thousand Bale of. Hops Have Already Been Shipped Out of Oregon On ion Men Holding Stocks Firmer Than Ever. PRIMARY MARKETS SHOW SLOW DEMAND Receipts Greatly in Excess Year Ago Increase on Passage Large. of DECEMBER WHEAT 18 OFF ONE AND A QUARTER Action of Corn Gratifying to Bulls Receipts Smaller Than Expected, THE WPEJkT MARKET open lirase Todar Todsr Close LM Sat. Today 3i . I ,oi a 1.10 A .'-, December 8I.0BV4 Al.ifft. May 1.004, 1.0SUE July.. OSs, .08 M i Furnished by Orarbeek. Starr A Cooke Co.) Chicago, Nov. SB. Logan A Brysn My: Is whsst the primary markets reported a alow demand with prices about le lower. . Receipt ere largely in esctw of a rear ago. The con tlnued large ehlpmente and Increase on paoMgo coupled with the loereaee la our own visible supply seem too great load for the bulls on vheat The market today suffered from llqul dstlon. The Argentine news ta still con fllctln. but the comnarstlve strength In Liver pool would Indlcste some apprehension la still felt regarding weather conditions there or the possibility of tbe strike becoming a factor. To our mind, tm, le e rector st the moment and should be carefully watched. Our douieetlr situation la not at all favorable for higher prices for whest- The action of tbe merket todsy wss decidedly weak. Corn Market Acts Good. Considering the extreme weakneae In wheat all through the session, the action of corn Is very sratlfrlna to the DUIie. ine receipia sre somewhat smaller thstl ctlM-cted. snd III view of the splendid weather for curing and shipping tne crop, tney are eaceeuineij .10.0 , . action of tbe market would Indicate thst the shorts are a little bit uneasy snd lnciinea to cover. An nrgent buying drmend from this source would bring sharply higher prlCM. - j Oats Ruled Steady. The oa is market rotes very dull but stesdy Trade continues locsl and largely professional Wa sen nnehlne st the moment to chance ex Isttng conditions We rather favor purchases of futures on Mtbarka. Provision re still Isrgely proreselonai anil the nackera appear entirely looking on. We doubt If the merket will get out of Its preeent rut until the receipts of hog show soms falling off and the price of beef improvee Tbe orricisi msrsec: WHEAT. Open High. Low. f l.fms LOST Close. 107J4A l.OOviB 08S J I 'm l.(WT4 1 Orlti .87?? 1 .0844 CORN Nov.... .40 'A 4S'AB .'46A .48 A Dec Jan My.... July Dec.... May.... July.... m .sm U.47J4 1147V4 12.80 )2.ttrk TOO 11 r MRS8 l'ORK. 1200 . 13.00 IB 00 18.10 LARD. 12 SO 1200 7.02V4 7.22 14 A 737v, 7.274 7 22 SHORT BIBS. - 8 80 ASS 8.88 6 77', S.SB A72V4 8 53 8.73V4 fl.87",.S- MUCH DECEMBER SOLD. srhlrmara Bar Considerable of Month's Option of Wheat. (PornUhcd by Overbeek. Starr A Cooke Oo.) San Pranrlsco, Nov. SB. K P. Mutton A Co. sv There waa eonalderahle Mlllng of He 1 ember wheat today, which waa bought by ahlpper. It looks If there would be some dellrerlM on December contrect. My whest wss in fair demand. It la probable there will be more liquidation In December tomorrow end next day If shippers continue to take tka price will not suffer much. nSriey is in ISir ueiveuu ' - - l.tlve bnvlne. Today's rrieisl i:mi a. arket: WHEAT. Open High BARLEY. ... 1.11 l.It ... 1.10 1.10 Low i.u Clrase H 424 IH'. 1.11 1.10 B Iieeemtier. May Decen May.. Primary, Shipment aad Cleorunoea. Chicago, Nov. 38. Primary receipt: Tod,y Tear Ago Buah. Buah. Wheat 1.847,000 1.B4B.00I) Corn 881.000 830,000 Shipment, were Wheat 731.000 1. 288.000 Corn BSB.Ooti OAS, (mil ClesrsncM were: Wheet snd floor. .14 s bushels: corn, 2,700 bushel., oets, 8.000 bushel. Grain Visible Supply. Nov. 28. American grain Chicago. supply: Whest ... Corn Oets vlalhle Increase Ruah 11 SO 000 300.000 02.00') Decrease. Chicago Cash Wheat. No. SB. Cash wheat: Rid. Cher go. Ask 31.1 I.U No. 3 red 3J -IS No. I red I-OS No. 2 herd winter 1 08 No. 8 hard winter i n No. 1 northern spring 1. 08 No. 1 northern spring 108 1.13 l.on I. ON 1.07 Total Or.ln Visible. Chicago, Nov. 28 Total grain visible supply Today Yesr Ago Increase Hush Muah. Hush Wheat XBheftOOO 30.140.000 8.453.000 Corn 1.803,000 8.887,000 4,014.000 IncreaM. OUTSIDE WHEAT CLOSES. Dec. 31.07A Chicago MlSrankte Minneapolis ... Injlnth San Francisco 1.42 14 Cklsags Orals Oar Let. Chicago, Nov. 3B -Orsln cr lot: Car Orsde E Whest 81 .. torn '...4T1 .. IB" Osts SB 2 2 Cr lodsy: Mlnnespolis. 1.130; imiutn. a.11 Llvsrpool Orals Market. . Nov. 28. rCksse: Wheat. Decern her. 7a 24d. Vkd down: May. 7s 3'4d. Vtd down: Msrch. 7s 4Vkd. Vtd down Corn -December. 4s 10d. a up. SENATOR CLARK MAY SELL HIS RAILROAD (J Mr Ml special Service ) Kansas City. Nov. 11 The World to day bs ye The object of the visit of flenstor Clark or Montana to St. Louis today la to confer with Senator Welkins of West Virginia. Senator Kearns of Utah, and B. C. Kearcns of Bt. Louis, re garding the sale of the Los Angelee. San Pedro A Salt Lake railway, wbloh 111 be finished In two weeks. It suggested that th Missouri wants the road. With very little trouble or eg a Philomath woawn raised 1110 of turkeys. 434 .40 4 1' 44 4fii .43'; o .48 OATS May (I 1 i 4k 1.114 1.021$ 1.4414 Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. UNION DEPOT. Arrives. a. no a. m. Per Mergers, Balater. CI a take ate. Wsstpert. CllftoB, Astoria. War renton, PlaveL His mood. Port Stevens. Oearhart Psrk. Sessld. Astoria and Sessbor Bxprim daily. Astoria Ripisea. Dally. u:i a. 1 7:00 p. I Dally. 8:40 s. as. I. C MAYO. O. F. and P. A.. Astoria. Or. 0. A. STEWART. Commsrclsl Agent, 243 Alder st. Phone Mela BOA ZEIGLER SITUATION BECOMES DESPERATE Another Company of Militia Or dered to the Scene in Re sponse to Sheriffs Call. (Journal Hpedsl Sec vies.) Sprlnorfield, Nov. 21. Another rum pnny of militia was ordered to 2l(ler t'dar In response to an appeal from Sheriff 8teln. who reports that the sit uation around the leltar mines la desper ate. The camp was fired Sunday and a sain today. It Is alao reported that the union miners are making- an effort to blow up L.slter'a arsenal within the stockade. i While the condition of affaire at .. ini i were considered. of a nature war rant Ins; the presence of troops several days ag-o. no action looklntT to such a move waa taken until Saturday. By that time It Was apparent to many that the safety of the community was at stake and the governor was asked try send a company of mllltla to help the local authorities preserve order. It was thousbt and :topsd that the arrival of this first detachment would prove sufficient to deter any demon strations that might have been contem plated. Late advices, however, contain the Information that tbe arrival and patrol of mllltla has had bo deterrent effect, and has apparently only served to Increase the unrest that, was hereto fore not so noticeable. The appearance of the second com pany of mllltla Is anxiously awaited, a It la thought that force of numbers will prevent a serious outbreak. NEPHEW OF CETEWAYO, WEDS WHITE WOMAN (Joarnal Special Rervle.) Ottawa, Ont, Nov. 28. Derowldo. a nephew of Cetewayo, the famous Zulu prince, son of CewasTO. a sister of tbe prince, has been married to Mrs. Annie Booth, nee Johnstone, at her residence In this city by Rev. P. C. Reynolds or the Western Methodist church. The ceremony was a quiet one. though the personality of the brliiegroom gave un usual Interest to the event. According to Derowldo, he was one of five Zulu youtha brought to England In 18(2 with Cetewayo and placed under the care of Oeorge Douglas of Lrondon, whose name he now bears. The bride Is a native of County Cavan. Ireland, and brings her husband a dower of three sturdy sons, ranging from five years downward. De rowldo, or Douglaa. la a typical Zulu. The bride Is fair. The couple, will keep a restaurant. VALENTINE IS BOUND . OVER TO GRAND JURY (Journal Special Service.) Cincinnati, Nov. 28. Joseph Valentine, president of the InteroatlonAl Moulders' union, who Is charged with abetting the malicious destroying of property, grow ing out of the alleged plot to blow up the Kureka foundry, was arraigned be fore Judge Lesuders today and waived examination. He waa bound over to the grand Jury, giving 12,000 bond. Exam ination In the cases of others In the al leged plot waa also waived. TO DZCZXtm (Bpeelsl Dispatch to The Journal I Tacoma. Wash., Nov. 28. Joe Thomas, sentenced to three years In Walla Walla penitentiary for burglary committed In Puyallup, wrote a letter to his sister stating that he waa about to embark on one. of the Blue Funnel liners on a voyage that would consume three years Just the period of his term in prison. Sheriff Denholm refused to be a party to the deception Intended, and the letter waa consigned to the waste basket. BOTTLE VASTS A 9. (Bpeelsl Dispatch to The Journal 1 Baker City, Or, Nov. 21 Attorney John I. Rand has filed In the circuit court suit by Martha J. Crlmln for di vorce from John J. Crlmln. The com plaint alleges the parties wsre mar ried at Union In 1888, and have five children. Drunkenness and desertion are alleged aa cauaes for divorce, and temporary Injunction Is asked to pre vent the . defendant approaching the plaintiff or the children during the pendency of the suit. TWO DIVORCE SUITS TILED. I Specie 1 Dispatch to The Journal.) Oregon City, Or., Nov. 21 J, N. Pear cy, an attorney of Portland, has filed two divorce suits In the circuit court. Desertion Is alleged In each case. Wal ter Robinson brings suit against Rhodtt Robinson. They were married In Octo ber, I 'on. In Virginia, and a month later Mrs. Robinson deserted her hushund Cleveland Cox married Kate Cox In June, 1187, In Missouri, andCharges his wife with desertion six ihonths later. XK BLUE MOUBTTAI3TS. (Special Irl, patch to Tbe Joarnal.) Clarkeston. Wssh.. Nov. 23 R. B. Hooper. J. W. Htephens, C. W. Blttle and John Parks returned yesterday from a ten-days' hunting trip oa the head waters of Asotin creek. The parly brought back with them ths carcasses of three bears, a mother and her two cubs, which they killed Tuesday In the high peaka of the Blue mountains, 40 miles southwest of ClaTkeston, ROBBEBS BBTtTM WATCM (Special Dlspstch to Tb Joarnal.) Seattle. Wash.. Nov. 31 At S o'clock last night, as Robert Wheelander .i about to take the car at Ravenna Park three men wearing masks robbed him of 120 snd a gold- watch. Wheelander begged the men not to i ike the watch. aa It was a present to mm. and one of them remarked: "We don't want to take no presents." and Wheelander got back his watch. OVERBECK. STARR A C0OJ bar Chlcaare A HsaBBWawBi I .... , .... I 1S1 TMtva Street, EVER MARKXTE1 HERE? If not you'll do well to do some day. Don slip Along any old kind of groceries or i you have sent you, but drop or phone us. A trial is sll we atSk. Our good groceries and fresh meats always please. 91.00 18 pounds beat Granulated Bugs 154) Pound New Crop English Walnuts. 20 Pound Best Soft Shell Almonds. 25 Three 1-lb. pkgs. Seeded Ralatna, 25.? 1 pounds best Cleaned Currants, MM Pound Citron, Lemon or Orange 15 Pound Beat Shredded Cocoanut. 30c Gallon Pure Apple Cider. 25 1 package Mince Meat. 20f Can" Baker's or Ohirardelll's Cocoa. "fl.00 Box Fancy Bellflower Apples. FELLOWS 374 Washington Street. Quick Delivery. Phone Main 2896 Dr. W. Norton Davis. IN A WEEK We treat snrnsesfnllT all Drivers chronic diseases of men. also blood, heert. liver kldner aad throat trees' cure STPHILI.I8 (without mercury) eared forever, la SO to SO rtsvs. Wt or peju. Is li SI HICTUBK, Without operation Save. We too drains the reault et Belt immediately. We eaa restore the sexual or any msn under BO by means er lees I men, peeenar to ourssive. We Cart Gonorrhoea in a Week Ths doctors of this Instils, an all graduate, have had gau year ea hsvs been known Is Port lend for ll hsvs reoctstlon to taalntnta. and wt take as ess unless certain CUT eaa fected We gusrsntee la core li take or ehsrg. no fee. f la every ease we sstss. rsnsultstlon free. fist. active BOOK FOB kfBS tee eemfl dentist Instructive mailed free la r'aln vrrappar. If von eannct call at office. Hon blank. Boise treatment successful, Of SS boors n to 3 snd T to holidays. 10 t tS. leading speetatlsrs In the Kstahllsbed 1888. Dr.W. Norton Davis A Co. Tea Wot Motel, at. S. Cor. Third aswS WEINHARD'S City Brewery Largeet aad Stoat Brewery te the Harts)' Bottled Beer a Specialty nurspn are. ra. OSLO latk and asttraelds PORTLAND. OREGON. MRS. WIISLOW' STROP has besva BSed hy r of fVlfxr sours. phlldren while Teething for It soothes Ike ehl id. soften strata WESTT.FIVr. OFSTB A seesewsseses,eseeesssss..s.sseeesS4 sownaa, lorann a oo, (Established 1331.) AT A WO STOCK Boom A Orcmnd lMoor. CS4MB33 or OOl Uourna) JAeUI Mervire ) Indianapolis. Ind., Nov. -" Prstl!Trl Roosevelt's special from St. Lours pnessS through here at 7: this morning. TliO president had not yet arisen, so there, was no demonstration. M svBsa Qulna LAROCHE (A VINOUS ELIXIR.) j k Physicians highly recommend ll aa a soariSr V, temedyin cases o( If MALARIAL FEVOIM, OOIMS, Jf slow ooivjUATaoemoc jyr cce BOwBsfwa fl(f flftGsBWBlB.- 4