WITH ML. SULLIVAN'S HOMELY SAYINGS Hero of Prize Ring Has Uttered Many Epigrams of Wisdom. WANTS ALL BOYS TO BE ON THE SQUARE Fighter Who Earned Over, a Mil lion, Now Depends on Friends. John L. Sullivan, the treat pugilist, la still in life's ring, knocking about the world Instead of knocking out men as In the palmy daya of his championship. In those exeat daya he earned and spent over 11,000,000 acquiring- philosophy, so be now says. When he talks It Is In homely epigram. Each epigram repre sents a neavy financial outlay on tits part. No second-hand wisdom Is found in Sullivan's philosophy. What he knows m ttfe's arena, the lessons taught to he knows by having paid full tuition fees for the learning. Happily, as testifying to his own abil ity to receive and profit by hard knocks John L. in this way have not In any manner made him cynical He laughs at his own folly aa quickly as that of an other. Ha confesses frankly that he "never knew what was good for him until he was 40 years old and had bean licked." Traveling the rocky road of worldly experience in thla temper, Sul livan has much to say that Is worth hearing. Here are some of the typical bits of his philosophy: Be gams. Be dead square. Be on the level. Oat good habits on. People can't aat books. I've cut out the red stuff. Learn to think on your lege. All the world hates a quitter. Cut out being too good a good fellow. Strikes? I've been striking all my life. Football does up more men than box ing. Save yourself for tha last rounda of Ufa. Everybody ought to know a little poll- tics. It don't hurt anybody to have a little religion. Don't knock too hard. It's a wastefcf energy. A graceful loser's a diplomat and a hypocrite. Nobody in tha world ought to marry without love. Tha older you get, tha grayer and wiser you gat. Not every one who ahakea yotir hand la on the level. The mistake of my life was to cut out school at It. This is a kid-glove age, and they've put mlts on me. The water-wagon can knock out the bandwagon. I guess I'm a philosopher because I come from Boston. They promised me a palace and gays me a morgue. ' Ton' learn something every time you make a mistake. Everything thnt ever came my way was bound to come. Knuckles beat knives for settling hon est differences. Collages don't do any Injury to those that can afford It. I would have been rich If I had been a tight wad with my money. Go alow. Don't train too fast or too fine, young man. Polished brass will pass on more peo ple than rough gold. Every boy ahould get a good education to start life on. What are we paying a 100,000 stand ing arm for? Easy life. I don't care much for women in gen eral. They don't think much. If I bad Carnegie's coin I'd build hos pitals end homes for the poor. I'd advise) a young man to get next to a good trade or try farming. Vice began in the Infancy of the world and wilt be In at the death. I like comedy because It's got more philosophy In It than tragedy. Get your dukes ready when the other fellow begins to talk arbitration. Ton oan't kill the game of fighting as long aa there are two real men left. If you've got a million, put the dough In circulation. It gets stale tied up. Tha Roanleh war was a bum Imitation of the real thing a regular Jeff-Munroe farce. I admire our regular army, but don't believe the people should be taxed un necessarily. Moderate drinking don't hurt a man. but he oughtn't try to put the bar out of business. They may call It boxing, or physical culture, or the manly art: but it s all last plain flsl-flghtlng with gloves on. Every young person should take some form or calisthenics, or walking, rowing, bo King or fencing. Oet a move on. A girl should marry from II to 21 years of age provided she Is healthy THE MEN OF TO CClC. Tad's Impression of the Difficult Task Young Corbett Will Have in Solving Battling Nelson Tomorrow Night. it . ; : and knows a thing or two about house keeping. The poor boy la the one who makes the foxiest politician. I believe in arbitration. If you refute a friend's Invitation to take a drink and he Insists, arbitrate with a little water on the side. Every man haa his own rules for phys ical exercise. All of them should In clude eight hours' sleep and a cold shower bath, though. Some marriages are like lop-sided box ing matches not fair to the lightweight, so glory to tbe heavy, and no sport for the crowd. There may have been something in the criticism of tbe boy who cried from the gallery: "John, you're H, right, but you're rotten!" It takes sweat to make a man healthy, wealthy and wise. The man who don't take exercise enough to aweat la no bet ter" n a dead one. The secret of happiness? A fair edu cation, a good wife, a nice family of chil dren, a good farm home and f 100,000 In vested at to 10 per cent. Every man ought to aave a big wad for old age. A fat roll la a mighty good friend when your hair's gray and your wind ain't what It uaed to be. For a long time I have lived three yeara In every one, and have come through it without a cent but have friends that are worth more than money. Anything to get up a sweat! There's something wrong with a man who don't perspire. If I had life to live over again, know ing what I do now, I'd marry at 21 and that's no lie. Of all the alleged fireproof buildings. there's only ons I'd bank on. and that'a the reservoir. Brain may be better than brawn, but men will fight ao why not with their honest bunch of flvea? Moat flghtera are featherweights In Intelligence. They have no philosophy in their think-tanks. Whsn I had money my friends were welcome to it. and I've never regretted a cent that I ever gave away. I fell off a train ones going 4r mtlea an hour, and I believed In fatalism when 1 found myself in a hospital. The Prince of Wales surprised me by his democratic manners when I met him in London. He's a mixer. When I pipe off all these patent medl cine signs in the streetcars I wonder if we're a nation with bum innarcic. It'a my ambition in later years to be a farmer, because the farmer haa hla own meal ticket right on the farm. There Is no reason why a man should not live as long as an elephant say 200 yearsIf he don't get too gay. What difference does It make what church a man belongs to. Just so be be lieves In God? There are 4S0 religions, and every fellow thinks his Is the best New York's the money boss of the country, and little old Wall street elects nine out of ten presidents to Its own liking, no matter whether they're Demo crats of Republican.. It does the boye In the gallery more good to see a kidnaped child restored to Its mother than to see a high and mighty duke stab another In the back and come off without a scratch. I've always been on the level, treated everybody fair and square, and never cheated anybody out of a dollar. That'a why I have so many friends and why the American people have. liked me so. If a young man has gons through high school and Is looking for something higher. I'd advise him to become an elec trician. Electricity Is the coming sci ence of the world. Put your trolley on the wire. 1 t waa president of the United States I'd favor cutting out the standing army, making a modem navy, tha election of United Statea senators by the people, reciprocity with Canada, and govern ment ownership of the railroads and telegraph. That's oM John L's plat form. Borne actors think the stage has been elevated up In a balloon, and tbey play ao high that the people atay away. I play on the level, and about 00 people ut of 100 are on my level. That'a one reason why "the hrulaer can draw more money than the artlat and the pugilist can please better than the Shakespearean scholar.' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY ROW THE BATTING MAY BE INCREASED Many Suggestions from Fans Regarding Improvement r in Hitting. MORE RUBBER IN ' BALLS WOULD HELP Increasing Liveliness of Ball Would Mean Faster Work All Around. Among all the suggestions being of fered to Increase the batting next sea son, and those that have been put for ward number around a dosen, the aimpleat and oldest Is that of Increasing the liveliness of the ball. Along with the Increase of effectiveness on the part of the pitcher haa been the decrease In liveliness of the ball. When teams were running up big scores tha ball was far more lively than It la at the present time, and this had" much to do with the falling off in batting. A fraction of nn ounce of rubber more In tbe center of the ball would do pos sibly more than anything else to increase the batting, and ft would not Involve tinkering with the rules, with which the fana are familiar, or which have become aecond nature to the players. The only danger would be in getting too much of a good thing, but this could he avoided with proper judgment Pos sibly the move would be fought by the sporting goods houses which furnish the leagues with balls, as the latter turn out an article which la now standard from one year to another, but If the leagues demand a lively ball they will get It. Increasing the liveliness of the ball would bring out the slugging feature of the game aa nothing else will. Home run drives have been dwindling, but If tbe change suggested was made these would be no dearth of the most popular feature of the game with the fana. Bo far as the scientific betters era con cerned it would give them a big edge Place hlta are amothered now by fast fielding and big gloves. With a more lively ball the apeed of the latter would be such aa to prevent the Inflelders ffom reaching many of the well-placed lilts they djD now. It would Increase the difficulty of Infield work, and It Is the Inflelders who are as much reapon slble for the falling off In hitting as the pitchers. The outfielders would also have to cover territory faster, and more line drives would be safe, as they ought to be. On files It would not make a great deal of difference, unless they were long enough to go for extra base hits or horns runs. ' Bunting would be the only department of the game that would be handicapped by the Innova tion. A lively ball would alao help out base running. Inflelders would be com pelled to get away from the bases In order to cover their territory better. This woud give the base runners s bet ter chance to steal. An Increase In dou ble and triple plays might result, but theee kind of playa add excitement to tbe fama, and even though they do cut off runs, do not affect the batting. Here are a number of schemes where by the batting may he increaaed. Allow strlkea only between the hip and shoulder. Allow the batter to .call for a high or a low ball. Repeal foul strike rules, either In whole or In part Prohibit the use of the "spit ball" by pitchers. Allow a base on three balls Instead of four. SPORTDOM Increase the number of strikes to four. . Prohibit the pitchers from using curve balls. Increaae the distance of the pitcher from tbe plate. Increase the fielding area of the out fielders by deflecting the foul lines when they pass first and third. Allow men left on base st the end of nn Inning to return to them In the next Increase the liveliness of the ball ussd. Handicap the pitcher as regards pre liminary motions. i Abolish the use of gloves for In flelders. BROWNS WIN LAST GAME OF SEASON Ham I berg and Starkell Do Great Work for the Tail End Aggregation. (Journal gpedal servtee.) Sacramento, Cel., Nov. 2S. The Port land Browna, through tbe good pitch ing of Ham Iberg and Starkella hard hitting, won the last game of the sea son yesterday from the Tacoma Tlgera. A large crowd wltneased the closing game. Most of the Portland players left for home last night Score: Portland 0 0 0 0 0 2 S 9 5 lo' 2 Tacoma oyiDOOl 2 0 I 7 0 Batteries Iberg and Frary; Overall and Graham. Umpire Perrlne. , Welt Ban Francisco. Nov. 21. The Seats ended the season yesterday by taking two gamea from the Oakland team In the preeence of big crowda. Scores: Morning game R. H. E. Oakland ...000000000 0 f 0 San Fran 10000010 I 10 3 Batteries Jones snd Stark; Whalon and Wllaon. - Afternoon game R H. IS. Oakland 11000000 13 S San Fran 20400001 7 7 4 Batteries Schmidt and Stark: Wheel er and Wilson. Umpire McDonald. Angela Have Xopes. Los Angeles, Nov. 20. The Angels finished the season yesterday by twice defeating the Seattle team. Morley 1m aglnea that President Bert will decide a protest against .the Portland team In favor of Los Angeles .and If he should the Angela will be tied with Tacoma for first place. Scores: First game . R. H. E. Los Angeles ...0 2 0 0 3 1 1 1 10 13 0 Seattle 00001000 1 -2 13 I Batteries Gray and Spies; Hogg and Leahy. Second ganoe R. H. E Los Angeles. 0 0 0 2 1 I 0 Seattle . . J. 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 S 0 Batteries Baum and Spies: Shields and Blankenshlp. Umpire Chance. (Journal Special Berries.) Martinsville, Va., Nov. 28. Everything is In readiness for the third annual meet of the Virginia Field Trials association, which will taks place on the preserves near here this week. The events this year consist of a members' derby and a members' all-age stake. The large purses offered have attracted many en tries of a high class, snd the trials promise to be the most notable and suc cessful ever pulled off under the sus plcea of the association. BLOOD POISON ts the worst dleeaee ea earth, yet the easiest to eure WHEN tUV K1COW WHAT TO DO. atssy have ptm pies, spots ea the kin. seres la the moath. nicer, rallies; hair, hoes pains, ca tarrh, and ena't kaew Sets to DR BROWN, tt la UUMIb POISON. OSS Areb t., Phllaealph fee BOWK'S MOOD CUBS. 12.00 per bottle; laata see month SeH lo portlasef oau- tr freak Mas, roiuasa now rnaraaacT. EVE NINO, NOVEMBER N. ''ar , IkANl'lOUlLV waTcmh&. Poa th pvy. CORBETT-NELSON BOUT TOMORROW Both Pugilists as Usual Claim the Victory in Ad vance. CORBETT 18 STILL ' BUSY IN TRAINING Nelson Is in Condition and Takes Life Easy at Larkspur. I Journal Special Service.) San Francisco, Nov. It. The principal topic of discussion in sporting circles to day is the Nelson-Corbett fight sched uled for tomorrow evening. The splen did condition of both men has kept the wise ones guessing as to how to place their money and as both are confident of winning, with good records back of them, the chances for heavy plunging on the result are not very bright If every one who wanted to get by the portals had entered the gymnasium at Sheehan's yesterday the crowd would hn e filled the little apace 10 deep and Corbett would have been forced to abnn don hla work entirely. The moment the edict went forth that visitors were not especially welcome, Tom, Dick and Harry made It their particular business to try snd be among the lucky ones. It was the slsge of Port Arthur over again on a small scale with Oen. Harry Tut hlll defending the beleaguered garrison against a swarm of Invaders. In the general rush there were a couple of wlt.dows broken and a few boards torn oft the building. Those who convinced Tuthlll and "Top Sergeant" Otts that they had business Insldi were treated to the best work Corbett has done since he began this trip. He went at Jim Haywarda In a way the negro did not relish for three' whirlwind rounds, and reserved enough speed to make Jack Johnson step sn equally faat three periods, otts tossed the medicine ball until his arms a he.ll and completed hla share of the ahow with the wand exercise that the cham pion alone uses. Corbett was strong and freah when the hour limit expired and Tuthlll called a halt Aside from a rather drawn appearance of the face which always comes when he Is reduc ing, no flaw could be found In him. The announcement that he acaled but a frac tion over 114 pounds reassured the many who were waiting to aee the result of the tissue-tearing grind he haa under gone. r -as Corbett will box today and tomorrow and then lay the glovea aalde until when be dona the five-ounce pair and faces Nelson. He will keep up road work until this evening and should experience less trouble drying out the remaining pounds than haa been anticipated. Barney Oldfleld was smong the guests yesterday afternoon. The famous wheel man and auto driver is an old friend of Tuthlll, and brought a let of messages from across ths Rockies. Nelson varied the usual, program at Larkspur with a celebration In tbe shape of an Impromptu mlnatrel ahow, minus the burnt cork. This bit of skylarking came after work had ceaaed and every- body waa Invited to help out. "Bat" wanted to set a table In the gymnasium and give a -spread that would long M remembered In the valley, but compro mised on the minstrel Idea when it was pointed out that there were not enough Rres In Larkspur to cook the turkeys or enough dishes to serve the dinner prop erly. Murphy's Idea la that the public la keeping the fighter In apendlng money and ahould be nursed along. Instead of locking the doors and discouraging 1WM. John L. and His Epigram Coast Season EndW Baseball Gossip, Football and Sporting News in C0R3JB-TT DOfrnfe g Y40RKTD (oEf TO wt TMI. USr bPtsHla f(6HT VslU.- AttBO THE LQHbtmSt visits thay would enlarge the building if It was not big enough to accommo date all that cared to watch Nelson at work. - CAPTAIN MARESCA ISSUES CHALLENGE Captain Gulseppe Maresca, of ths Ital ian ahlp C. Celeste, states that he is ready and more than willing to race any tailing ahtp's crew in ths harbor. On Thanksgiving day Captain Mareeoa's crew won the boat race. It haa reached the captain's ears that several would like to see another race. He Is willing. Through Ths Journal. Captain Mar esca wishes to Issue the following chal lenge: To race with a boat that belongs to the sailing ahlp that enters the contest: the crew of 'the racing boat to be bona fide members of the crew of the sailing ahlp; the helmsman to be one of tha ahlp's crew; tbe race to be over a tri angular course, or from a atartlng Una to a stake around a stake and back to tbe starting point 1 Captain Maresca states that he la willing to place 1100 or 1500 or even more on his crew. :ow to irons. (Journal Special Service.) Tacoma. Nov. 38. There Is great re joicing among the Tacoma baseball fana over the landing of the pennant by the Tigers. When the team returns home It la planned te give the members a right royal reception. There has been much apprehension of late lest tha Tigers fall at the final moment and lose by a nar row margin. In plain language, they have been on the suspected Hat Now there is nothing too good for "King Fisher and his band. Preferred Stock Canned Allen Lewis' Best Brand All Our Young Men's Overcoats are now selling at one-third off All $10.00 Coats All $11.5Q Coats All $13.00 Coats .All $14.00 Coats All $15.00 Coats "WHEN WE SAY ITS (MemXs)wkn Will Atore Only High Class Clothing Sere 85-87 Third Street Lssgus Boxing, General. ky J.A.HOHAN MOBlS - aWsT CHANCE TO SECURE ENGLISH PHEASANTS An opportunity haa Just presented it self to local sportsmen to secure 10 pairs of English pheasants and 10 pairs of Golden pheasants, which have been raised In a wild, state at ths Canadian national preserve lb Ontario. It will cost about $300 to lay the lot down here and an effort will be made to raise sufficient funds during the next few days to secure them and have them liberated somewhere where they will have absolute protection snd a chance to propagate. The option on these birds 'Will be off In a few days and If they are wanted they must be wired for. The English pheasant closely resem bles the Rlngneck In size and other par ticulars, snd hss before bean suggested as a desirable acquisition to the Willam ette valley game birds. Those who know It say It is not quite such a bard runner before a dog. but t will protect itself better from ground vermin by roosting more generally In trees at night An effort Is being made at present by several local sportsmen to raise the necessary sum. I CLUBS. .Si Anrelea .. Oakland Baa rraaelsee Seattle TT Portland -I- Lest 4SII Ml Mimnsi now now now now now $ 6.SO $ 7.50 $ 8.50 $ Q.OO $10.00 WOOL, IT'S WOOL STsaS -l Worth of the Chamber of Between Stark and Oak