The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 23, 1904, Page 10, Image 10

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.. i .. ,h. ....tofrW of PortUsA Or
i irBusporisiire iwvupi
raee matter. .. . .,
Poataie for elngl renle: Tat . M
'page per, 1 wot; It to page.
to 44 peg a, S cento.
..Main rSO
Main BOO
VreelaiMI liengaml petol Aertolnl J2KJ;
ISO N...,u street, w York; Ttlbu Build
leg. Chicago.
Term. T Carrier.
The Palis Journal, with Sunday. 1 '
Tb Itallv Journal. 1 yr 'ilUl" I!!
1 n.llr Jor-ml. with RunfUy. mooth. j.TB
The rtellv Journal. montha
Th. Dallr Journal', with Sunday. month. l.M
TB Pally journal, s nmnrn
The Pallv Journal with Rundtv, 1 month.
The Dallr. par week, delivered. Bandar
Th- Pllv. nor week. aYnverea.
seepted .
Tama by Mall.
Tha rtetlv Jnnrnal. with Sunday, I r
The rt.fl T ..1 1 ,..
it m
. iw wny, wirn oumiar. uui rjs
Th Pally Journal. s montha " . II
The tallr Journal, with Snnday. t month,
Tha Dally Joaiial. S month.... 1J
Th. Pally lonrnal with Sunday. 1 month . . .as
The Isilv Journal. 1 month -Jj
TV- Sundn Journal. 1 vr By"
The Sund.T 'caeral. months 100
Tha Semi Weekly Journal,
fwa mt Weeklr Journal. to It nag
eeh taaua illustrated, full raarkrt re-
part. 1 nw '. .
Taw Weskiy Journal.
Tha Weeklr Jooit.sI lOfi rolumna of read
ing each laene. Illustrated, full assrket
KniHtan'ahonUl' he Bwsie bv drafts, post!
lata, aipriaa order and (mall e mounts ara
arris table In I and 2 -coot poraa atsmrw
P. O. Rot 1J1. Portland. Or.
tnnit thje journal mat bs ronro.
The Journal eaa b found oa aala at tha fol
lowtn rl""
Nm. IDAHO Plonoor book atora.
CHICA'io PoatofSca Nrwa company. IT Dnnr-
tsam al.a.l
MWriR COM). Kendrleti Hook A StaMoaavy
matnany. all Seventeenth atraat: J. Black.
maveerrtn ana mrna vrer.
KAK8AS riTT Van Nny Nawu company.
LOS AKOKLFS B. F. Gardner. V Sooth
Snrln- atrrat; Ollyor A Hal. 205 South
SoHnu afreet.
allVNF.APOLIS at. J. Kavanaugh. SO Soars
KtW TOSK nTT Ftrentann's. roloo aquara.
tvinFT Orden New eompaay.
OVAHA Millard Hotal nesra stand: Megsatfc
fttatjoyjayy romnaay. 1 SOS Farnnv a treat.
AT,T LAKE CrTY Kenyon hotel nawa tand:
Barrow Brna 4.1 Weat Second afreet South.
ST LOt'fs Phltlp Boeder. ts Ixtrnat atraat.
SAN FRANCISCO W. F Ardlna. Palace Hotel
pea-a ataad: Ooldaoa! Brna.. tan Suttar
' afreet- Fred W Pitta. 100 Market afreet
MPOKAVE WaH.-Jobn W. Graham A C.
TACOIA. WASH. Central Nawa company, 1121
Paelflc ayenna.
I.lfht rala fall laat night" and early thla
aiornlna; In the Wlluunctta yallcy and the
IHiaet aound country, and aaow la reported at
Famlnooa. B. C It la decidedly cooler In
ja.-iii una
The itlaturhance caualng the high wind In
thla dlatrlct laat Monday la bow centra! oyer
the upper lake nd unsettled weather preyal.a
In all xiir northern atatea eaat of the Mlealaalppl
rlrcr tVtnillfloiw are aTao tinaettfed In the
v aL Hlh &.!.( uT.t.. . oil ..In I. Hiu.rl.I In
r Knot, i.eoraia anu tna iroiinaa.
The IndlMttlon- are for partly cloudy weather
In thla dlatrlct Thuraday, with probably light
rain or arrow In extreme eaatern Oregon, eaatern
Waalrlturt n and northern Idaho, and slightly
lower temperature.
November II. to Mr. and Mr, char Ira M.
Mem I, n of B'tntt an nue and Eaat Mai lot
aareet . eon.
November 22, to Mr. and Mr. ;. T. Faneett
of Wat Clinton street: a daughter.
November 1.1. to Mr. and Mra. J. St. Butler
of MH Vamhlll afreet; a son.
Novcinltrr 18. to Mr. and Mra. Victor Enrich
of tii.14 Kent Main tret; eon.
Noyombor 1!). to Mr. aad Mr. Harry Kelly
f Kast Tlrtrtv third street: a daughter
November 15, to Mr. and Mrs. U. J. Hitter
of 3i', Rqsaell atreet; ( daughter.
Novr tuber s. to Mr. and Mrs. George Wag
Ber of tWr Oregrrn atreet: a daughter
November IT. to Mr. and Mrs. Everett Wllaon
ot 31 1 Columbia atreet: a aoa.
November 19. Veiled Brown, at 1018 Francis
svenue: ecarlatln.
November 21, Hilda Davis, st 40 Brass
Street: scarlet fever.
November 21. Km moo Bnell. aged M year,
at AST Taylor atreet: cause, cut nepbrltla.
- . . n 1- J
November 2n. John Norman Hirrkhnlder. aged
4 montba. at 100 Nebraska street: cause, capll
lary IrronchltlM. nurlal at Rivervlew Cemetery.
November 12, Cbnrle Smith, aged 10 yeara,
af Good Hamariun hospital: rauee, cardiac
dtteaae. Burial t poorfarm.
November Is. Frank K. Griffith, aged .22
jeers at Ashland, Or.; eateae, typhoid fever.
Burial at Greenwood cemetery.
November 21. Iewla E. Hegel, a gad IT
Bvwrth. st KH llotbrook street: ranee . pneu
rsts. Burt I at Lowe Fir cemetery.
Crematorium on Oregon City car Use. sear
gellwood: modern, scientific, complete Charge
- Adulta, tv.. children. 2o. V bettor Bam.
to ft p. m. PortUad Cremation association.
Portland Or.
The Edwsrd Holmsn I'ndertaklng company
fa sera director sad embalmers. 220 Thlrc
atreet. Phone 507.
J. P. Fin ley A Son. funeral director end
emtralurera. hate removed to their new eat so
llahment. corner Third and Madln street,
kota Shasta No. 0.
funeral wreaths snd cut f lower specialty
t H... City Oraenhoua. Twenty second cud
East Morrison, opp. cemetery.
R. W. Wll and wife to C. A. Brande
and wife, lot 13. block 13. Ttlton' ad
dittos $2 TOO
.8. W. Morris et al to H. Wilbelm. 10
eve In tvirthwrwt V. section 27. town-
ship 1 aorth. rnge i east 1,000
John H Hall and wife to F. J. Walkley.
eaat s ioi. l and 2. block E. Kem
addition 7.
Title Guarantee A Trust company to L. H.
Klngbonae. about HI arrra In section 8,
townablp 1 aouth, range 1 eaat
William E. Mortis and wife to H. Wil
belm. 10 acre I northwest , aectlon
27. township I north, range 2 eaat.....
Sheriff to U II. Rlngboaee, 10 acre la
section A .township i soutlr. range 1
Fberiff to u II Vcaite. lot 11, block 2,
Nherlff to Oeorge T. lots Is West
Portland Park
Sheriff tor A. Harold, lot S. block B.
Braluard: friction lot 3, block 10,
Ole Mnetad and wife to P. O. Unrated,
lot . T and 8, bkrrk 0. Good Morn
lug addilloa
point View Land company to J M. Stone,
lota U4. lnilualve. blor k 10. Pslnt View.
Joeepb II. Naah and wife to A Baiter
lots II snd 12. block 2. Naah a First ad
dition e
Peulnanlar Real Eetrtte company to I. A
Met et aL, lota 1-5, Inelualve, block S,
Peulneuiar addition
A I . stone and wife to A. M. Andereon.
l..ts I, 2. 2. 10, II and 12. block 12.
II B. kVarle and wife to W. c Kin. .it.
Am I
Irrt 4. block 2. William. Avenue addl
Ho,, tie. 2 1
Wllllsnr c. Elliott strd wife tr I. Grsttou.
lot 4. block 2. William avenue No. 2. Z600
Atoys Harold to M. MeKettsle lot 1. 2
snd II. block 3. Crowley's addition , IS
I. Idle A. I erter snd husband to K Buck
ms. lot f. block IS. I.. Burkmaa ad
dition 1,100
Peter Sever to l. McKeea. llWiljn feet
beginning at point 2.1" feet aouth of la
teeseethm of south line of Est Stark
etreet and weat lie of Keat Sliteentk
I In et 9,499
Hal Park lenid romnany to H. Frederick,
brt 0 block 21. St. Johns Park addi
tion 1
net roar Insunac and abstract t real
eett frnar th Title Guarantee Treat corn
pa y (a amber ef Commerce building.
25. 1. M. iellevt. Iteration to
bet. bnlMtna. Waahlngt.m between First and
gear ad at reel: enM, loo
November IS. I. Urweagart. I story brick
Lucky Boy Mine Cyanides Con
centrates Without Electrical
Precipitation Process.
First Grinds in Crawford Mill to
One Hundred and Twenty
Mesh and Their Percolates.
Treatment of concentrates at tha
l.u. kf Boy mine, I. mo county, has been
In progress for several weeks. The
management found it necessary to ex
perlmnnt with - varying aolutlona and
precipitating devices. President I..
Zimmerman stated today that the I'e
Keyaer agitation device and the electric
precipitating process had been abun
doned. Thla meana that the Brltlah Co
lumbia man failed to effect the saving
promised. Mr. Zimmerman states that
the average saving was but it to 25
per cent while De Xeyser was expert
menttng; one day the saving jumped to
49 per cent, but Immediately falling
back again.
At the present time the concentrates
are ground to 120 mesh In a Crawford
mill, and then cyanlded by percola
tion. The best saving yet accomplished
In this work is (6 per cent, but the man
agement hopes to bring the total up to
76 per cent Mr. Zimmerman aald that
he did not think a higher percentage
could be attained without roasting. All
con. -out raters that have been treated
until tha present are saved for further
treatment, should roasting be adopted
later aa a part of the reduction process.
The results that have been obptalned
are not absolute aa to what may be ex
pected, aa the management at the Lucky
Boy Is -making exhauatlve tests, and
may be able to effect a far higher sav
ing than ham yet been recorded. The
work has general interest throughout
the Blue river district, which Is 50 to
( miles from rail transportation, and
concentrates In the camp are as a rule
low-grade, and will not stand the lmul
to market. A large percentage of val
ues la aaved on the plates, but as the
general average of the great ore shoots
in that district are medium or low
graae, u is important mat most or tne
values in the sulphides be saved as
well as that s portion of the gold
should be readily amenable to quick
silver. No doubt la felt that the leach
ing process being tried by the Lucky
Boy will solve the problem In - due
course of time, and other operators af
the camp will have a valuable prece
dent to guide them.
K K. Gordon, owning s group of
prospects In the Buffalo Hump district,
Idaho, la in the city to enllat develop
ment capital. Mr. Gordon says that
the Hump Is sure to boom, for the
orient results- being attained at the
Jumbo and Big Buffalo must bring a
large amount of capital to the camp.
"At the Jumbo, Manager Frank Brown
la Installing tha (-ton chlorlnatlon plant
to handle the concentrates, said he.
"and an electric plant to work auxiliary
to the water power plant now in use
The 24 stamps are in constant coram la -slon.
The main ore shoot opened in
this property is proved for 300 feet In
length, and has an average width of
more than 40 feet, and there is 12 feet
of this. that would be good shipping
rock if a railroad was nearer than 70
miles. Only the second grade concen
tratea will be chlorinated, as the first
grade has considerable galena and has
to be shipped direct.
"In tbe Big Buffalo, which Sweeney
owns, a drift of 3,000 feet is being run
on the main vein, which will give on
the main shoot now opened sbout 800
feet depth. While this drift la on the
Big Buffalo vein, the fissure is not so
wide where present work Is in progress
"rr" wu..w
Is a large, strong ore body. However,
a small body of high-grade ore has
been found and If the ahoot now had
In the face continues aome dlatance fr
ther there will be enough ore opened
here In this work to pay for the mine.
The drift completed haa a length of
about 1,200 feet.
"Good work la being done on several
properties thereabout. My group la six
miles from the Jumbo snd Big Buffalo
I have aunk 30 feet and drifted 30 feet,
and the general average of all ore In
these workings Is about tiff. I am
merely seeking development, funds, for
there Is a big vein on the prpoerty snd
it promises a large reaerve when ex
Manager Fred D. Fuller of the Ore
gon Smelting A Refining company re
turned home laat evening after a day's
sojourn In Portland.
"Our plant Is progressing very satis
factorily." ssld Mr. Fuller. "Receipts
of ore Increase, and we are able to
draw from 9 larger number of proper
tlea. A large proportion of the ore re
ceived is shipped Over rail lines, which
renders the management Immune from
local weather conditions."
New contracta entered Into by the
Sumpter smelter management and. th.
stimulus given production broaden the
scope of operation, and further Insure
steady smelting. The E A E. is a
steady patron for concentrates, and the
Balaley-EIkhorn Is reported to con
template material increaae of its prod
uct after getting the additional equip
ment In operation. Manager Fuller does
not care to go Into details of hla ore
supply, but says that general results
are highly satisfactory.
H. T. Hendryx of the Oeiser-Hendryx
company, Humpter. returned home last
evening after a short stay in Portland.
He and Manager jamea A. Howard or
the Golconda had spent a short time In
Pendltton In conference with Golconda
stockholders, and It w understood thst
Mr. Handryx rsme on to Portland to
further prosecute his Investigations.
"We have consummated no deal with
Golconda yet," aald" he, "but have been
negotiating. Further than thla there la
nothing that can be said now In refer
ence to the mine."
"Our Oem mine, Sparta district. Is
doing splendid work, Since we cross
cut the new ore body on the S00 level,
there, haa been a -high-grade reserve
available for the ten-stamp mill, which
varehotiee. northwest corner Tenth aad ,lln
itreefe; coat. 04O.0O0.
November 21. A T. Rills, dwelling. Monroe
street between wmtsnre and Vancouver .
pare; enet. fl.&Mt .
Nr vember 1. VYerker Grain company, addi
tion to mill, uocthweat corner Nluelceulh and
Gllaan afreets, cel. 1300.
I WUI pay 4 oar east Intareet saw I
Ira CartlSeate of Deposit to run twelve
montha atralght For auma of ISSO aad
upwarda we laaua bar eai CartlS- I
I carve or Lrapoeii 10 run ror yawn.
with intareet at 4 par cent, as par
eenrl-annual roupone attached For
1 auma of fSOO and upward we
Mr BpeciaJ (jartiacat or vapoai,
1 payable aa SO day call with Internet
al a par cent 1 nea ara rmry ae-
errthed In our book of I Ilea W sell a.
which w will aen yea we war-
come email auma In our vine
ad say par Mat
Itntareet Correeponaeo oollelt-
ted All queetlooe aaWee y 1
oaal latter
aarrl Tree Co. f 1
10 Third Street
SNJ 1. COHEN. Preatdent, i
at. u riTTw.-a. v -
Asst. s
has been in constant, commlaaion. The
reaulta of thla work are more than w
expected. The ehaft at the Gem Is
nearly to the 600 level. When a sta
tion bas been cut out there1, a cross
cut will be .made to the aame ore body
on the 600. and then our reserve will
have another 100 feet depth added to it
The Oem la an excellent mine, and is
doing better than any property in that
seel Ion.
"At the Victor our cross-cut has a
length of 700 feet, snd but 160 or 10
feet has to be driven before cutting the
main vein. The work there is progress
lnc steadilr.
On the PJatts. two drifts are neing
run In good ore, the slse of the shetots
being a surprise to Superintendent
Rusk anrK the management. Our show
ing here Is also quite gratifying, and
work will be pressed continuously."
Mr. Hendryx takea a very optimistic
view of mining conditions In eaatern
Oregon, and haa the highest pralae for
the influence of the smelter, whicn he
says la giving an air of stability and
permanence never experienced before
(Speclnl Dlapatcb to The Journal.)
Baker City. Or.. Nov. 23 Mr. Bela
Kadlsh. the well-known mining man of
Baker City, who returned from, Tono-
pah. Nev., where he and Fred Lack are
establishing a sampling works, saya
that Is tbe liveliest camp since the days
of the Ieadvllle excitement.
'I have not seen anything Ilka It in
many years," said Mr. Kadlsh. "The
streets are full of people, aad tha
crowds are on the rush day and night.
Tonopah is not Incorporated, and there
Is no city government. Everything la
wide open. Gambling Is seen In the
streets; there sre all kinds of drinking
places; curbstone stock markets flour
ish, and other thlnga keep the people
moving. Anxloua fortune-huntera are
coming in by every train, on foot, by
team and automobile. The 20 miles be
tween Tonopah and Goldfleld is cov
ered by hundreds going and coming,
and the two places are like one town.
At the hotel 40 sleep in one room, but
have separate beds, at one dollar each.
Meala are 76 cents and up; drinks and
cigars are about the same aa they are
"Mr. Lack and I have secured a loca
tion for our plant and I had two cars of
machinery bought in Denver and ship
ped, which will be installed ss soon ss
possible. There are two banks in Tono
pah. each having a large force of clerks.
Buildings are scarce, rents are nign ana
lumber la 76 a thousand.
"Dr. 1 G. Wheeler, W. G. Lummls,
Ralph E. Blewett. Joe Miller, Judge Ev
ans, 801. camp, v. A. weaineroy.
George Akin, O. O. Klncald of Baker
City are all looking for fortunes."
asm pbomotteb maTT.moanara.
Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal.)
Baker City. Or.. Nov. 113. W. U Vin
son, manager of the Monte Mining com
pany's properties, snd promoting the
railway project from Baker City to the
Snake country, departed for Portland,
being accompanied by Jamea A. Drake
of Corning, N. Y. The promoter mad
no statement as to the significance of
his visit, but local rumor haa it Ahat
he Is looking Into traffic conditions ss
regards connection with the U. It. A .
J. N. Eeselstyn, consulting engineer
for the Gelser Hendryx Investment
company, eastern Oregon, is in the city
for a few days, a guest st Hotel Port
land. Mr. Baselstyn was for four
years manager of the Mountain View,
which haa lust commenced mill oper
W. A. Thacher. manager of the Bo
nanza mine. Baker county, and Inter
ested In Tonopah, Nov . properties. Is
registered at Hotel Portland.
Takes Up Question of Forest
Reserves and Frauds Under
Timber and Stone Act.
, (Journal Special Service 1
Washington. D. C. Nov. 21. Com
missioner Richards of the general lml
office haa Issued his annual report and
In It takea up not only the question of
forest reserves, but also makes refer
ence to frauds under the timber and
stone act. In thst reference he says:
"During the last year It was decided
to use the corps of examiners of aur
veya to Investigate In the Held all ap
plication for aurveya which alleged
settlement, and ths result has proved
the wisdom of this course.
"In the timbered regions no real set
tlement of any extent was found, but
in most esses a mere camping hut,
without furniture and destitute of the
means of houaekeeplng. was all that
the examiner mild discover on ths
ground. It was learned that these al
leged settlers resided In dlstsnt towns
and cities, and that they were Induce I
to lend their namea by promises of re
wards after tha survey was accom
plished, evidently having no Intention
to make their homes on the land. This
Investigation has thus far resulted in
materially checking the rapid absorp
tion, by unscrupulous persons, of the
valuable timber now standing on that
public landa In the mountain district."
Rlchsrds advises that "hasts be made
Properties We Can Trade
M-avoxe farm, 10 acres fenced; 40
acres plowed; good house, barn and
outbuildings; running water; near
school: 30 head cattle. 4 horses, II
haw. 12 sheen, chk'krns. 40 tons hey
. 2 acres pofatoea, wagons, plows,
mower, uurrcr wnu rutme . 1
separator, abundance of all klnda of
rarm implement, near wasnuugwi.
Wash.; will take a small, Improved
farm aa part pay 16.600.
IS acre Improved, 2 cowa. pigs, chick
ens, hay, etc., at Beaverton; trade
as aaurars It acrea cultivated: 1 horse. 1
buggy. 2 cows. S heifers. 2 hog. 20
tons hay; good house, with mill and
tgnk. hot and cold water In hottae;
water piped to barn; 2 acres In straw -
. 1..... ..... ..rokue.l- frnnr. j , r, fine level
UVI OW. ... . . u , ...... - - - .
road. 10 miles east of Portland. This
Is s nice borne; will take a cheaper
place aa part pay 14,600.
IS aore Nice land, with -room Colo
nlsl house; line place: bath. barn,
chicken park, fruit, berries, nice
spring of water, at Oregon City; will
trade Into Portland or Oregon City
180 acres All good soil; nearly all
level. In Clarke county. Wash.: run
ning brook of water; SO seres fenced;
40 acrea cultivated; S acrea' orchard,
good 7-room houae; good barn. b"xlll
feet: stanchions for 40 cows: Will
exchange for good property In Port
land or Vancouver. Price SM00.
40 acres ll tine soil; 18 acrea culti
vated; new house, b rooms, patnteo,
fair barn; 100 fruit trees; near school,
church, store, creamery: IS miles
from Portland: will trade for home
In Portland $1,800.
S aloe new houses In good location, to
exchange for farm $6,000.
took general merchandise In good val
ley town; trade 'for stock farm east
ern Oregon. Washington or Southern
Oregon $6,600.
acres improved: nice house, at
Clackamas, for home in Portland.
10 aorea All Improved; 6 miles out, for
Portland property.
8-room modern houae, new; 100x100
ground, nice location; trade Into farm
80 acres 30 acres well cultlvsted; good
fences: 7-room nouse. rustic ami
painted: good frame barn, orchard:
watered by springs; convenient to
church and school, in Washington
county; trade for Portland property
room cottage, near Thompson echool
trade for land $1,600.
good houses in Oregon City; trade
into a farm $4,300. 1
S-room oottage good bam, t full lota
adjoining, rn fruit, weat of East 30lh
at.; trade for a farm. r
388 ear All good, level land: no white
soil; in gool location In Linn county.
Oregon: can plow nearly all now; 80
acres farmed, balance in paature;
running water; house, bsrns, etc.;
will take a good home In Portlsnd aa
part pay. Price $27.60 per acre.
8t acres All choice land; aome bot
tom land, line for hay or hops; 16
acrea In apples; 10 a. -res in prunes; 6
acrea peaches; 6 acres plums; 2
houses, bsm. etc.: near Oakland, Or.;
will trade, for Chicago or Portland
60 aorea Good land; 17 acres culti
vated: good barn and orchard; run
nlse waiter: aome a-ood timber: fronts
on good road. 12 miles southeaat of
Portland; will take H In good Port
land property $3,000.
(1,000 stock In a good lumber com
pany, trade for a amall home In
Portland or a grocery business.
1,700-acr stock farfn. In Willamette
valley: trade for town property or a
smaller. farm $10 per acre."
We have some good bargains In
farms and city property for caah.
Above are only a few of the many
good things we have for trade, now
what have you to offer
. 81T Ablngton Bid.. Portland. Or.
The Signs of
the Times
83800 414 acre place. S blocks electric
cars:- elegant Duuaing anu
grounds. A home beautirui De
yorid words to describe.
in r no lots , over 2 acres mag
nlflcent new and modern 7-room
cottage, a new barn and ware
house: one of the most charm
In; homes vou ever saw; beau
tlfully eltuated. fronting on
electric car line, 25 minutes
81750 For one of the handsomest homes
hdoui tne city; suuaieu on e,ai
Sixth s.treet. Woodlawn; modern
6 -room cottage, concrete base
ment, cement waias. a very
beautiful place.
mm . ...... ...i 1. . k.. .. , 1 e, , 1 a
room nouse, niyimn piece, targe
grounds, fruit and snruonery
in Woodlawn.
81B00 For beautiful new 7-room resi
dence, nne 101, cnoice 11 mi ,
fronting on First street car line.
South rortlaud.
f 800 4 lota with 6-room cottage,
choice fruit, nice garden; at Pe
ninsula. 9 400 For r nice acre lot with 4 -room
house; S blocks from Clackamas.
Do not forget, we sre tbe leaders for
vacant lots and acre tracts.
The Dunn -Lawrence Co.
148 Vs miT
8-BOOM house, sll In good order; par
lor, hall, closets, bath, nice porches,
house furnished, nice parlor set,
carpets, rugs, pictures on walls,
bedroom sets, dining table, chairs,
rockers, stands, stoves, nice new
range snd dishes, ground 100x200
feet, nice painted fence, choice
fruits. borne. 1 flowers. chicken
park, barn, etc.; hay In barn, wood,
etc.; a nice auburbsn home, all goes
now cheap at 2,600.
817 Ablngton aid;., Portland, Or.
Choice 50xl00-foot aouth front lot On
Between 24th and 26th streets', a big
bargain at Jl.fiOO
2t Stark St. Phone Main 14.
50x100. corner K 12th and Beacon ats.;
muat sell st great sacrifice, make us an
BIT Ablagton Bid;.
slowly" In the establishing of new re
serves until forest experts can ex
amine, determine the best -locstiona for
new reserves and thereupon make rec
ommendations. There arenow, he re
ports, K9 forest reserves, with an area
of (2,7(1.414 acrea. lTp to June 30
there had been converted to the reclama
tion fund I2I.OIS.8K. The total re
ceipts of the office are fl, 741, 401 leu
than those of last year.
(Journal Special "service 1
Havre, Nov. 21.s-.The carters' atrlke
ended todsy snd the men returned to
work. It Is now believed that all dis
turbance la past. '
Preferred Block
Allen A Lewis' Best firknd.
Professor Van Cortland Reported
to Have Performed Many
Remarkable Feats.
Professor Van Cortlsnd. the celebrated palm
Is!, clairvoyant snd sstro-trsnee medium, who
I located In Portland it SI.1H Waahlnxton
'treet. te 0f rn.e wonderful tllscoverle he
cm ma. 1.. for those Ir. trouble. The follow log
tory from Meattl paper an lurldrut of
alsyut a year ago:
"A prominent buetneaa firm a.f Seattl sum
time am, aiade (ood-led contract to put In
cme work for an out-of-town concern. The
contract was completed and bill prevented.
rVaM controversy oyer cbsngea cme up. Then
cam tbe looking up of tbe contract It bad
been pieced In the aafe that k. all Interested
remembered It betas Sled there, but wben
wi nt-Hl could not be found. 8ercb fter
search was made. Every paper In fbe af wa
takea cut and uemlned, but no contract.
on 1 of tin. member of .the firm then de
eldri: to try a keroic method of recovery.. He
consulted' Profeuor Via Cortland, the great
clairvoyant. That gentleman aald tbe papei
were in the safe and would be found at 7:U
o'clock that night. An effort to find tbem
before that time waa without result. With
II' He faith, bat as a laat resort, th aafe waa
unlocked at T:SO 10 minute before th time
mentioned by Professor Van CortUsd. Al
most the trat thing to meet the eye waa th
Brucb-coveted contract."
Professor Vn Cortlnnd cn be found at bis
office, S1SH Waehlngton street, dairy and Sun
day, from 0 a. ni. to .8 p. in.
The Title Guarantee
& Trust Co.
l.ot 60x100 feet and old house at West
Portland. 100 feet :rom the Taylor Ferry
road. (P. 126.)
Two lots In Wilson's Addition, near 23d
and- Thurman. (C. 187.) '
Lot 76x100 .feet and houae 10 rooms.
West Main St., bet. 81 Clair and Ford
streets. (P. lij.)
Portland Heights. (6X100 feet and mod
ern houae 7 rooms, bath, two flreplacea,
fine view, near car line. (P. .)
. S1650
Sunnvslde (adjoining), lot 60x100 feet,
house 6 rooms; terms half caah, Bal
ance on time. (8. 20S.)
Sunnyslds. Belmont st.. lot and house
( rooms, bath, basement, etc (8. 10(.
Sunnvslde 1 lots. 8. W. cor. Belmont
and E. tUt sl Terms, half caah, bal
ance pn time, nt, 20s.)
8t. Johns Part. 6-room cottage and lot
60x100 feet, stable, cltr water. (A.
Lot 80x106 feet and house 8 rooms and
bsth. Ivy st., near .odney ave. (A.
West Irvlngton, two fine lots. 100x100.
N. W. cor. F. 10th and Tillamook sta.
(H. 171.)
West Irvlngton. lot 60x100 feet, cement
walks, sewer, gas and electric til
North Irvlngton lots 90x100 feet and
cottage 6 rooms (new), small barn,
terms half cash, balance on time. (A.
For iO fine lota, few minutes' walk from
Peninsula Htatlon. school and stores;
nne place ror suburban home; title per
fect. (A. 29L)
Lot 60x100 feet, cor. E. 2th and Hoyt;
two feet above grade, aewer. (E. P.
Fine lot. 60x100 feet, best part of E
t-oriiana. on ti. istn near E. Morrison.
(E P. 20(.)
Lot 60x100 feet, corner Beech at. and
urana ave. (A. son.)
McMlllen'a Addition, few minutes' walk
rrom Bieei brici-e lot snd new house 7
rooms, all modern convenlencea. (H
Multnomah Addition, nesr Thompson
school. 100x100 feet, and house ( rooms;
streets sewered and Improved. (A.
On Johnson creek.
In cultivation, cot
tage I rooms, barn.
K. P. 287.)
On car line, cloae
In, platted and In
shape to be put on
the market at a
handsome profit.
Price 8400 an acre,
A Its tracts FURNISHED.
and 7 Chamber of Commerce.
Homebuilders and Speculators
Your Attention!
Do not fall to carefully examine
WATjsTTJT park property. It la lo
cated on the most slchlly table land be
tween the rivers and on both car lines.
No question Walnut Park will become
the most valuable resident1 property In
the city of Portlsnd. Prices most lib
eral. Terms caah: monthly or quar
terly payments. Title perfect Wsr
rsnty deed s;lven.
Do yourself s kindness by calling or
sending for WALNUT PARK mapa.
REMEMBER, I have many more
choice bargains In Portlsnd property.
Pioneer steel Batata Dealer. 30
ber of Commerce.
Farm Bargain
100 ACatXB All choice land; no gravel:
76 seres cultlvsted; X room modem
plastered house, concrete basement,
hall, psntry, closets, balh. etc.; nlre
barn, rustic snd pslnted red; houss
and barn nearly new; 10 cowa, 2
calves. 8 hogs, some rhlckena, team,
he mess, wagon, covered hack, plow,
harrow, rake, mower, cream sepa
rator: 40 tons hay, 450 bushels po
tstoes; 10 miles from Portland, on
nice, level road all way out; I
mllea from electric line.
IT Ablngton Bldg.. Portland. Or.
Sir Francis
AT fA ABkt. a"" AV
Life Readings for (V
This Week Only
I will forfeit 8800 where I fall to teach yon
Sow to faeclnate anyone yon dealr. bow to
make vorir enemlea vuur frienda. cause
nrerlf maevlaaw with the orre of your choice
give you good luck snd mske you successful
la your business, renov evil Influences, re
unite the s. .unrated tvs vou Iwckr numbers
loot th Mirth's burled t ea sure, aettl th
eld eat a tea that time haa placed beyond tb
lawyer'e shrewdness, end positively oomplsU
your bnalnes.
How cm 1 have good inekt
Bow can I sneeeaS in bualne!
ow can I make my home happy?
How can I conqaer my enemlea 1
How ess I marry the one I chooser
How can I marry well!
How suo eaa I msrryl
How can I eo miner my rival t
How can I make any on love met
How soon will nay lover proposer
How can I get s letter!
How can I get good position ?
How can I remove bad Influence 1
How make distant ones think of me I
How can I hold my haahand' Vovef
How can I keen my wife' lovef
SIR K It A Nils DRAKE tells all and
aaka qneetloas.-
It Doesn't Pay
I will tell you a lot and
build you a house in the
most popular suburb of
Portland, viz:
Heart of the Mt. Scott dis
trict 25 minutes from
First street Mt. Scott car
5-cent fare, and you can
begin right away to pay
rent to yourself.
Houses $10 Down
$10 a Month
Lots $3 Down, $3
a Month
Plans' of cottages at my of
fice or at Evelyn.
All lots have alleys and wa
ter mains. Well settled
community. All city con
veniences. Agent on
ground. City office open
Room 203 Failing Bldg.
Phone Main 21291
7 miles from North Yamhill; one half
good timber, balance cut off; 7 acrea in
cultivation; fair house snd burn: other
outbuildings; 1 acre orchard; land lays
wen; possession given st once, fries
' 10 ACRES
Nice, level lend, part In cultivation:
mile to car line; muat be sold. This Is
a bargain at $1,160.
Including fixtures, delivery wagon and
i borses; will Invoice about f2,B00; low
We hav bargains In farms erresre
timber land anil city property.
Call on ua or wrtta
Maxwell & Burg
Sit Ablngton Bldg.. Portland. Or.
Van W. Anderson
Renl I'Atnte, Loan
and First Insurnnce
201 McKay Bid.. Cor. 3rd ad Stark
Special This Week.
$10.00 Life
Thers st as Bllatakea In th prediction
mrri- hy the great and wonderful psychic.
Toe aia.v wlh to know If it I tfrlbl t
rr like a chance In business, la love, la mr
rirate. ,
"Khali I auered In my new undertaking V
"Can I obtain my hope, my wlahee. my am
hltlona?" "Rhll I ever enjov the lnituia of wealth I"
"Can I truat my friend T"
"Have I enemies?"
' When haii I marry t"
"How often shall I nssrrr V
"Shall I ever be dlvorredr''
"Doe aaother share tb lev that rightfully
belong to meT" t
"If so. whom?"
"Am 1 loved In return V
"I there rival Is my lover"
"When shall my affair terminate la
"Wben ahall my domestic tronhle end"
'II. w rsn t mske my life snd hoses hsppyt"
"When ahsll my sbsent friend retuxnr'
"Why do 1 not receive letter V
lim its in to 9 DAILY AND SUNDAY.
29154 Morrison St., Corner Fifth
Sams lloor of Boston Dental Parlor.
Dr. W. Norton Davis.
We trt 0C tally all private nervous
et-.mnlc diseases ef men. alao Mood, stomach.
Besrt. liver kidney aad throat trouble. W
ear gYPRILLIS (without mercury) t tay
cured forever. In SO to 0 days. W remove
STItlCTl. RK. without operation or pals, la U
We stne dratas, the result of self aba.
Immediately. We ran restore tbe sesssl visas
f any man under 9f by mean of local treat
ment peculiar to ourselve.
We Core Gonorrhoea in -a Week
The doctor of thla Institute are all I eg I
arsdsatsa. have had many year eanafteae.
have bee known la PortUad for lb year,
have a repetition to ualntsln. snd wtll under
take do esss unless certain core eaa be ef
fected. W guarantee to ewe In every eaa r aseer
take or obarge no fee. Consultation fee. Lev
fere eoafldearlaL instructive BOOK for MM
mailed free I rial savanna.
If Teat rannot rail t offle. writ fee
Hon blank. Bess treatment an,af 1
of ss basis h . sd t v. e
holiday. 1(1 to It
10 leading avree4ant In ft Hi
Eat a hi I shed 18BS.
D-.W. Norton Davis & Co.
as sToy Motel. M. M. Cor. Third and
VUe Streets. V
Marble Works
Manufaotu'rera of and
dealers in all klnda of
Marble, Granite and
Stone Work
Zattmatei Given oa
Bet. Madison and
Jefferson Street.
wi nu ax.1.
Diamond, Australian, Rosyln,
New tissue, Washed Nut,
rail Weirht aad Prompt Delivery.
rront and Kearney Sta.
Main 1425. .
Vulcan Coal Co's
Raven Lump Coal
at $6.50
Delivered. It's a good, cheap house coal.
Rock Springs Lump
Coal at $8.50
Delivered. Ifs the cleanest snd best
on this market. Screened coal and full
weight guaranteed.
Phone Main 2778. Offlo Mo. MS Burn-
slde St., Opp. PortoMoa.
The celebrated, Tfenulne Rock
Springs foal defies all others for elean
llneaa. No clinkers, no dust, no wssie,
all coal.
Pr(r fS.OO per Ton
c. R. Davla, Manager snd Exclusive
Agent, whnlessle and retail, for U. P.
Coal Company.
tti East Morrison st Phone Eaat 114.