The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 07, 1904, Image 1

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    i - " V
''iKsrori Q
'clouov with occasional rein; cooler
tonight; southwest win da.
v ..- - I
VOL. III.: NO. 211.
- : - , J - 1 '
: .A'::
kJLdl Willi I
tcoscvelt i Odds Length
tned In New Jorkg
Republican Victory Con-
, ; 'I;;Coiiirt':;..;:-::;
.; . -f
tJesrssl SpectU Berries.) - f ' Apathy seams' destined lo b th dis-
Washlngton, Nor. T. BuBun.) languishing festur of tomorrow's elec
tion In Oregon.- From ail parts of th
stst com reports that th voters ars
Indifferent . and that ths rots --will b
allowing la to special bulletin, regard
tomorrow weather probabilities aa
auad bths waathsr bursaa today:
"Fair weathar and saasonabla tempsra
ira Is indicated for all parts of ths
oltadStatas tomorrow, axcaptor f l-w4 4i-lay lass than In J
wuuiiivs ana inamn or vuvw
I a, part of New York, northaaatam
tnnaylvanla and Naw Bna-land, and rttn
th axtrema north Paolflo ooaaJL':
(Joaraal BpaeUI SarTtes.1
New York. Not. T. -The bet tint odds
I Roosevelt' elaetlon -i .lensthened
Ifhtly this momlnc on the euro, early
fers being to taa wiu
Herrick "remains. the favorite la the
ibernatorlal raea at 11.000 to 1600.
The national eommltteemea and others
ncerned in th direction of th
nal campalrn . closed. 4halr . desks At
sir respective headquarters today and
parted for their homes, leavlna . Ba
nd a polttioai atmaapbere filled with
4 eat claims. . "' "
Urey Woodson, seereiary of the Derao
itlo national. coAmlttea.. was the only
visible at the Democratic head
artera today. Woodson satd: ' "It's
1 oxer; w are- soVn . to win, so dig out
ur born and Join in th procession t
rrow nlshC. " ' " " -"v "
Chairman CoAelyov ' wa not at th
publican headquarters until lat this
ternoon. ( He had nothing to add to his
itement made Saturday, when be
timed all doubtful state nd possibly
iryland and Nevada. -Co rtel yon will
r tomorrow, at Homestead, 1 L.iand
11 receive tn returns atme neaa
artera tomorrow night ' ; .
loyernor Odell left for Newburgh at
an to reoelv the returns at his horn,
e governor said! t
'We will carry th state by a good
ijorfty. Th national ticket will run
sad of th Stat ticket 10.000 to 40,.
. Murphy will hav to carry New
rk City by more than 140,000 to beat
r ticket" ... -. , - ,; .
rhe usual Storlea of -colonisation and
Hot bos frauds ar in circulation, but
?r is nothing to show that there is
Continued on Pag Two.) -
disappointingly light It is th general
belief that the totsl vot of the sUt
Th heavy normal - Republican,- ma
jority dlacouragea th Democi-tlo vot
ers, and it is feared that a large pro
portion ' of Ithem . will pot4 go to th
polls. . . Th proportion " f, Republican
stay-at-homes 'will probably be nearly
or OiUlt as large, for the "confidence f
victory has begotten Indifference. There
ar no state sr opunty dfflcera to b
elected tomorrow and ajrid f romr the
presidential lasue th only Influence, that
will servs to bring , the voters to the
polls la th fight over prohibition. ..
11 llt ratyyrdictLii
Opinions "Vary widely as, to th sis
Of th plurality by whk.h Roosevelt will
carry this state, , Frank ' Baker, chair
man of th Republican atate central
commit tea. adherea to hie prediction that
th plurality will-reach. 10,000, provided
a full vot la cast, and he estimates that
even with a -light vet Roosevelt will
carry .th stale by. at least to per cent
of the total vote oast,- Most of the Re
nublioan leaders are Inclined to be less
anguln and they consider Baker's-figure
too high. , , , i
Alex Swek. chairman or th dwio-
cratle etata eentral oommltte. estimates
tha Reoubllcan plurality at less than !.-
000, cutting Baker a prediction In half.
I .espect.a light vot,- saw unair-
man 8wek this morning. ' "Our com
mittee has don all that it could to get
out th ,vot and haa been n oorres
pondeno with th preclnot- comrattt
aara all over the state, urging them to
get th J5mocrats to th polls tomor
row. But a a th state Is eonceded to
th Republican's, It la hard to get Demo
crats to vot." . -y- .
Daaaoererle Fredletiom. y
svoaa' Information-derived, from th
county committeemen alt over the sttte.
Chairman Sweek has compiled a detailed
Everybody win be iAterested in - the 'election returns, "'While they'may be perfectiy cerX
tain about how Oregon will eo no one can be certain how New York. Indiana and the other X
doubtful states, which will decide the result, will eo. While the contest here has been,
devoid of excitement, it has been lively enough in some other states. On the result in the
concededly doubtful sUtes hinzes the election. 1 . : ' " : - '1
The journal will receive a great bulletin service tomorrow night and display the returns
I on a large canvas opposite the Fifth street front, of its building. The service will be the 1
vsjr wow ijuivassi auu muii nvuiare uioi uu ever unn 1VCI1 IU WCIlCin ncwsNiKi
; In Frohi 4"-2Xe Journal OflScc Tomorrow. Niglit
MM M 4w
(Contlnued on Pag Two.)
' r
- D I
II " . ''- C ' .
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I if - -'mm, t , ; r.f"- T 7 ? n g i - i '
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I . " ssaawi I - weeiaw BawMSiBawBwasBaBBwaBaaBBBl
Russian Officer From the
: Baltic Fieet Cot Even
; ; in the Navy. ; ;
(Joaraal Bpedel Service.)
London, Nov: 7. Bui let In.) It Isre-
ported her that Togo's fleet has suo
ceeded in breaching th Golden Hill for.
tlflcatlona. Jf true, th surrender of
Port Arthur must occur, within a few
hours. ; . . 1 ': ..' ' .
- St Petersburg, Nov. 7, M. Clsdo, one
of the four officers landed from- the
Baltic fleet at Vigo, and who proceeded
to Bt. Petersburg, is net naval officer,
but' a. major in tha army. "H was sim
ply. Admiral Rojestven sky's guest and
intended to land at Vigo;
The fact that he was left behind
responsible officer who gave the details
of the Doggarbank a fTal r. la nothing' less
than a mockery to England.'
The esar, a is learned, has loaded M.
CI ado with honors. Russian society la
hilarious over th fare in sending him
to ths capltafas at representative of the
fleet. ' . . --:,-', : . ,
When tatirogatdargardlng th truth
of these aaaertlona,Twhlch became pub-
lio in tha last Ji hours., th. official de
clined to make any statement whatever
and. merely replied that-Major , Caldo
would be one of th witnesses at the
inquiry in . case It became necessary
to Introduce) witness in .person. . .
-It ta not even apparent that any at
tempt haa been -made to suppress th
fact that Instead of being on of th
commanding, oraerev--.o. rieei.-p .w
ot tn otnsr arm or in service,
Aside from this feature the Dogger-
bank , incident has dropped Into second
place br and attention .la again con
centrated on operatlona at Mukden and
Port Artifttr. --- - - '
The following .report waa received
from General Sakhacoff this morning
Our sharpshooters en Friday, under
LJeuUnant Voorotnlkoff. -penetrated aa
far aa th- Japan entrenchments t
treat of Hbsuthal heights, where they
remalaad all day exchanging A fuallad
with th Japanese. '
"The coacentrataa . Russian nre has
destroyed th village o Vdewlata and
Japanese attempt to damage th RJ
slan masked guns hav been, unsuccess
ful. , . ' . :
(Continued on Pag Two.)
Its Seven i!er.bers Are
Opposed to Viohtiaa cf
Gambling taws. " !
Even the District Attorney Exclsisl
Trorojhe FirstHeetIo of Rew -
Called Body , Which Will TUT;'
T T ' Reconvene Wednesday. V ' "
. The county grand jury, called todayt
Is composed of: '
mi. jonnson' loreman; , lnsurano '
agent; opposed to gambling. '
O. H. Thomas, insurance agent; -mam 1
ber Municipal Reform, association.
A. C Falrchlld, preacher; Methodist
denomination. '
ohn M, A. Tamo, druggists prominent
churchman. -
:. Lewis Vsn Vleet, capitalist; opposed'
to gambling. '
- J. B. Quay, farmer; opposed to gam
bling V , .
lArkln , Russell, farmer; opposed to
Acting under fti instruction of Pre
siding Judge George, '- Deputy Circuit '
Clerks Henry Bush and Marlon R. John c
son proceeded this morning in open court
to draw seven name from th Novenv
ber panel to fill a grand Jury. Whll
It has been commonly reported that a
grand-Jury would b called for- the- No-"
vember aesslon of court, th action of .
Judge George came as a surprise to
many who war inclined to be skeptical
of th truth of th rumor.,..rl-
. - Jndg Xns tract Thsan. -.
- The calling of the Jury took plao la
department No. 1 at th conclusion of
th ex-part business; After th first
even names had been drawn from th '
box, tn aoeordance with statutory pro
visions. Judge George aaked fhe mem
bers to take their- place ta th Jury
box In his court roomwhlle h MT
them instruction. '
' Assembled In department tfo. 4 th
court aaked the Jurymen If any of them
knew, of any. reason why be should not .
srv.' Non being forthcoming he pro- .
ceeded. -aa required by the codes, to read
them certain section; relative to crim
inal libel, arlae fighting and the set-
ting of timber Sree. ' -
' it will be yonr duty," said th court,
"to look Into th conditions of the pris
on, or th county ana omer puotio
Inetltation. Tou may investigate all '
nubllo offloe and records must b pre-.
sented at all reasonable time upon your
demand. Aa regards bringing tn Indict
ments 'It -make no difference whether
or not per son hav beea aeoueed of -such
crime and not bound over, you
- (Continued on Pag Twt.)--
(SpeeUI Dtapateh to Tee Joaraal.)
laletn. Or, Nov. 7. Two men were
en 6ft th brakbam of a train last
hi by th local polio. . Tb captured
n giv th names of Ancel Crlslsr and
i Hill, whoa dress and appearance
lused suspicion. Th officers havs
tht in th capture they hav, takan
I Monmouth bank robbers..' Both men
a haggard appearance and" h
m 'out In the brush snd rata aome
ia They were well dressed, wear-
I overalls on th outald and showed
toaur. i l " ;'
"he coat worn by Crlaler wag - this
rnlng Identified ss the one stolen
m W. B. ' Mayer, an employ of
ongs restaurint, whll ' eating din
i ther yesterday. He also carried a
FORTUNE OF $150,000
L.: Joarul SpectaL Servle.)
ndlanapolls, Xnd., Nov. 1. Th body
M. Elnora Chambers, a daughter
Genl Thomas Morris or this city.
died recently In California, will
!v hsr today, most of her property
lg In this city. Her fortune of I1I0.
was bequeathed to Harry Graves,
coachman. . Graves cam to th
i of Mrs. Chambers In rag. He
I a tramp but his mariner waa so
n and frank that ah was attracted
Nlro. and offered him employment,
e became her coachman. .When hsr
Ith failed, she, went to California
he went with her. Thomas and
tol Morris, brother - and natural
of Mrs. Chambers, will contest th
on th ground that Grave xr
d undu lnQuanos over their ltr. -
gold watch and chain, rasor, knlf and
I60.SO. . Baas HID carried a Colt's an.
tomatle revolver, It-oallbr. six rasors
and a hol4er,- shears, snip eomb, cuff
buttons and Crlaler la .charged
with larceny from a building, and Hill Is
held as aa aocompllc.V They will be
given a hearing this afternoon. '
Ths two men - have, been living In
th Polk eounty woods, opposit Salsm,
before and since th Monmouth bank
robbery, and on account of tholr strange
appearance and action and th fact
that they carried so much money, mostly
In gold and bills, th officers suspect
them of, being Implicated In that burg-
lary. ' v ' " r""" "-"t -"
Although a clo watch has been-kept
for ' any suspicious) characters, that
might hav been the perpetrator of tb
robbery at Monmouth, thle I th first
arrest so far mads la which ths prison-
ars are suspected of complicity In tn
blowing up of th bank af at that
place. Th dlstano is so Short from
this city to Monmouth that It is thought
th robbers, if they am in thla direc
tion, would hav reached here before
daylight on the morning of th burg
lary. Kery train ha been closely
watched and not until Crlsler snd -Hill
msd their ineffectual attempt to lsav
th city last night has. there been any
on seen' to lsav th city who could b
In any way suspected.'
Monmouth bank officials will b com
munlcated with and an effort made to
identify th money found In possession
of th prisoners. .- -' . ,
1 .... ,.. (Joaraal gpeeUl Service. V- -i
New Tork. Nov. T-Vlslters fled In ter
ror from th elephant house of th menag
erie at Central park yesterday afternoon.
whea a man named Ely,, believed to be
Insane, battled with six policemen and
keepers, who overpowered him after he
had made, an attempt to burl a Uttl
girl under th feet . of one of the ele
phants. He attracted attention early In
the afternoon when he visited the ele
phant houa and stood In front . of th
tails, talking oa loud tones., .j
His remarks were apparently addressed
to the snlmala and he continued to talk
Incoherently when a email group gathered
about him. ' Turning, his attention from
th animals to th visitors. Ely. fright
ened a little girl by trying to burl hef
under the feet of one of th lphants.
...U .... - -. J 7 :
'" '" "'"' , . .,;-'. -j '
tJeeraal "pelil i ilee.)
Washington, Nov. T. For SS.000 th
United Bute Battleship - Main Hal
ves company of this city has bought
from "th Cuban government th wreck
of th battleship Maine. In Havana bar.
bor. A coffer dam will be built around
th wreck and th hulk will be raised.
Such of ths 74 bodies of the .Amertcsa
sailors - not recovered ' will be removed
snd . buried with due honor In th
United States, If th navy department
desire to- tak charge of them,, or In
Havana If th Washington, government
make no-provision. -
Th salvsge company will maka ar
rangemsnta for th sal of th machin
ery ' of th famous battleship. - It Is
planned to tow tha ship to Coney island
to be put on exhibition ther. , -,
... '
(Joaraal SpeeUI Serrice.) ' ' '
Pittsburg. 4 Nov. T.-For 2SO,0OV th
arlstooratio Thaw family of Pittsburg san
hav Harry back. This Is th pric fixed
by Evelyn Nesblt, acoordlng to , word
which cams direct t tb Thaw circle
from New Tork. Additional evidence thai
Evelyn and Harry war married la Paris
has been received within the past thro
or four days. ' On of th bast detectives
In America was on his way to Europe
before young Thaw and th Nesblt air!
reached New York. He hae reported.
Now comes word from Nsw Tork by a
personal messenger that Evelyn will con
sent to get out of th family for th sum
of I2M.000. She will go to Europe and
Thaw, at the end of a certain time, will
sue lor divoro on th ground' of deser
tion. - - . '' ;- :
; ! -.v.
Clair 8. SraJnard. son of Samuel R.
Bralnard. , a millionaire ' contractor of
Cleveland, CX.. was asphyxiated by gas In
his room In th Buckley house. First and
Madison streets, some time during Satur
day alght and hi lifeless body was dis
covered stretched on the floor at
o'clock yesterday morning by Police man
Pric and tb proprietor of th hotel. -
Coroner J. P. Flnley was summoned
and took charge of the body. Investiga
tion satisfied th official that death waa
aooldantal, or due to drunkenness on th
part of tb young man, and no Inqueat
will b held. , .Telegraphic Instructions
from th father at Cleveland were to ship
the remains ther for burial, and this
will be don-today. : - - r T
f "Investigation shows that young Braln
ard probably returned to his room lar
Saturday night; that h was Intoxicated,
or at least had Imbibed too much liquor;
that h turned on th gas and then laid
Sown orfHh floor la a drunksn stupor,"
said Coroner Flnley. "Frank ' Monnln,
his room-mat, was with him until about
o'clock. They attended a performance
at th Star theatre, after which they re
turned to th room. At that time, Mon
nln states, they had drunk but three
glasses of boar, and except for a bad
eoid. Bralnard was well. Monnln went out.
leaving Bralnard ta th room.
-When found by Policeman Price and
Proprietor Buckley, the young man waa
dead, his body being stretched full length
upon th floor. . He money, al
though Monnln says he bad about tl
when b left him at the room. This leads
me to ballev he went out after Monnln
left and spent his money, probably for
liquor, at least a portion of It. He was
sick. aa was shown plainly when w
found him. I think It Is clearly a cas
of accidental death, so will hold no in
qutst.7 - . - '".-:.
Bralnard and Monnln worked together
In a wire factory at Third and Flanders
streets, and had beea roommates for
four ysars. It was four years ago that
Bralnard came west. . .
"I left Bralnard at o'clock Saturday
night and he waa all right, with th ex
ception of a bard cold," said Monnln. .
W drunk three glasses of beer prior to
that I went away and did not return
to the room until notified early yesterdar
morning that Bralnard had been found
dead. . He was a fine fellow. X had never
known him to drink to exreas snd he was
popular among his friends. ' He bad be
come widely known In the four years h .
lived here. He was J years old. His),
father Is one of the best known and most'
wealthy residents of Cleveland. . H I
said why he cam to Portland." . -
3 (Special Dispatch to Tb Joe mm!.) '
Tacoma. Nov. T. Georg WUder, on
of th participants In th duel to the
death between i Frank H. Reld and
"Soapy Smith' gang at Skagway, in
ISM. ha been released after a rough ex
perience tn Tacoma. Wilder 'and a man
named Jackson. stIU In McNeil Island
prison, -were Indicted la Alaska, after
th killing of Reld and "Soapy". 8m 1th.
on a charge of assault- with intent to
kill. . Thsy were convicted snd sent to
McNeil Island. Jackson fighting the esse,
but finally landing ther later than did
WUder. " , .
When WUdefs tlm expired Saturday,
Warden EL C Miller came to Tacoma
with WUder, bringing -. another Indict
ment against th man for th murder of
Raid. Wilder was placed In custody,
proclaiming that th Indictment had
been changed tojassaulf upon which hs
wss Convicted. The polio communi
cated at once with Juneau, found that
WUder was 'correct and there was no
longer a charge against him, so h wss
given his liberty. H left at one for
Denver, Col. - ! .,.. ' .- ,
- ' (Joaraal Special Service.) '
Cincinnati,' sNov. T. Tb Indications
ar that many Cincinnati women will
avail themaelves of their right to vote
for Candida tea for th board of educa
tion at tomorrow's election. It 1 be
lieved by competent critics that not less
than 1,000 women will cast ballots. Th
schools hav been much dlacussed re
cently. It being charged that th local
schools ar Inferior to thos of otbsr
out, . ; . ' ': .' .......
; (Journal Special Servfe,.
Dayton. Ohio. Nov. 1. Paul Lawrenr
Dunbar, th negro post, who haa been Ul
for some time at his horns, has received
from. Roosevelt two volume of hi ad-"
dresses, with his autograph accompan
ied by a letter. - -
.. The gift la Ja . appreciation of a cam
paign poem which Dunbar recently
wrot and forwarded to. th president
. ; ooTuaowooB is ivuid. ;
(Joursal Special errir. ) . '
Sydney. TJ. ., Nov. t. Ths tows f
Colllngwoad. N. was practically ob
literated by fir, today. - Only three
house remain. ' , .
Popular. Elaetoral
Vot. " vot.
Rep. Benj. Harrison, Whitelaw Retd.. ........ .5,178,108
Dem, Grovr CleVelandTA. E. StcvensOTrri77r;,558,918
People Worries B. Weaver, James Q. Field..... 1,041,028
Pfo. Johrf Bidwell, James B. Cranfiejld. , 279.J91
Soc-Lab.Simon Wing-, Charles H. ihitchett. . . . 21,191
145 . -
.. . v ' i
v.: ; " 'V . 1898. ; '.'...-'
Rep. William McKinley, Garret C. Hobart..... 7404,779
-Dem W. I Bryan, Arthur H. Sewall ) "
People WW. J. Bryan, Thomas E. Watson. 7 6,502,925
r-Silver W7T. Brvan. Arthur II. Sewall...;. J ; "C .
v Nat-Dem. John M. Palmer, S. B. Buckner. . . 133,148 ..
Pro. Joshua P. Lveringr, Hall Johnson ..... . .r 132,007
Sil.-Pro Charles I. Bentley, J.IL' Southgate. . . 13,969 ;
Soc.-Lab-C H. Matchett, Matthew Maguire. . . . 36,274
....'271 JV LI
... . j $ .
- - - '-.-
i '
Rep. William McKlnley, Theodore Roosevelt. ..7Jtl7,810
Dem. W. J. Bryan, A. E. Stevenson.,......;, ,8,337,t-3
Pro-Joha G. Woolley, H. B. Metcalf
Soc.-Dem.-E. V Debs, Job Harrimanv'.
. Soc-Lab. Fr. Malloncy, Valentine Remmel.
M;R Pop. Wharton Barker, Ignatius Don
Un. Kef. beth L.llis. b. 1. Nicholson
Un. Chr. J. F. R. Lr rd, D. II. Uf'i.t.
t7,: i