The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 20, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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tto WMtk Bag. of tko sarty from a, wtoe Bdvesmros m re- f
,to la U rat BsppiSBa as t of Tto Baaoay Josraal, aaawero mm eeeattow ever V
k. Tto reaeer la left to flwrnr a la imw. Tko Dictates joe" sawriptlTO
taita era midae to Om eolotloa of tko preblea. Tto aseetiou admits ef
MnMt iMm. For tW lerreet Belabor of correct at seeilr
oreaJ often m ta frtM to to OUtrlkut M toUowei
L Far tto area tort aemfcrr ef MTMt limn, fin. 00.
tMc om a
for tM at larteat auaiber ef correct ikwwi, 8 0. .., f 0 o . at
frer 0m third ta-raet iiDbtr ef wrwrt mm 2 M. f SO
For lb foertk lar
rat aatnber of ecTart mmwm, tt-OO 1.00
For tha tea aext largest nnhM f ewmt ana wen, 11. 80 aeefc lft 0
tFn tko tea tut Urgoot nhr of eorreet lotwrii, 1 00 NAHlaMi 10 00
rar tto elevee next Urgent kara a ewveet mw toa seek... . AO
Oct- 20. '-. Ow thia Coupon . Only. , , '.
. Tin stthdat' journal. Portland orjcoon.
No. 20
TIm iimr ft A ajnMtiM uM of ths Woggisbug fen tb Ma
tfnBeottaa Of tte mjmT of 4JUNDAT. OCTOBER If Is
, . - . . ;-
. .-', ' .". - ' ,
...'!,. I - : i 1 " '' - ' '
;.. . - . . t ' , ' '
VaMaaoa ta '
' . .. v. --,. - - , . .. .
. ttmt ial Itrabw......... ...,......'. ..
mill M woi. akM fk mpm ta to Umm4 tji Tto JHml
tl tatardar. Oetabr 23. Thli gi-rm ja mvcb hwimm to tto OMatloa wblck
appMr Id Tm Bun Joanu of (Kuixr lo. Kf cB Son da a trm goMUoa B
aak4. Tto arvnw la to ba wrtttoa an th eeopMi prlatod oa that and oa
of taa ail wk 4aja fallowtm. Each toontk b-ln a saw conCMt. 8a VI THl
COUPONS b4 on tto laat dar ta DMMatk aond tha to THH WOOOLS-BU9
EDITOR. Tk Jwirnal, Portland Or. Onto JMpow IN TnE OFFICE OF THE JOUR.
KAL BY 10 A. K. OF THE TB1BO At OWkOVEMBCA rlU to aoutaa 1 mtlmm
tto awardi Mt Ovtotor lHaaa.
U two or Bwr ponoma aaaat tto 1iHtt Miator f corraat tMwm tto trot Miaa
wfll to aivlaW aa tkam la ataalUr oaooa tto itor prlaoa wia to aliilWlr
m ONfM nr onaMT an jawwamw mnaarw, aaw man M BHMal la aa
UHE NUyBER- U roa art ctlprlnft aonDOM dally (roai aooro than
f Tto Joarnal yo anut aawioot oack at far tto atoatk la a aoparat oatoloM.
In Mmrrtcal ardor.
u roa
: aMaa
Contaotaata aord not arrtta tto oarao anawor on Mk eoaixia
a flffrrtitt aoawrr for otht Car. tot BKMsltBEB . THE LA ft OKI
tor of aa
V oatBtaya ff
Bdr El allnpa. to
fJdaT EM Vtm, Oaf
Frallmlnar atapa ara balna; takes to
fttmrt a mw atoamantp una Mtwaand
Portianal ab4 TUUuaioodL If amtaafaetory
arnncnMau can ba aaada tha atcamor
Toledo U1 ba plauMd an tba run. V. M.
JTay. on t th ownora of tiia vmnI,
apotit aovoraj daya la tha city tOQulrlnoT
into tho . mattar. Taaterday ha want to
Tillamook to mo what neourafjomant
vUl ba slvan tha vontur at Uiat. aa4 of
the Una.
Tho Toledo la a amall naael of about
Eoo-tonr capacity, which -raa racentlr
built by tha ray krothora at Baa Fran
olaoo. Tha ownora bava boon eaatlor
about 1b aoaroh of a routo for hor.
Sba doaa aot draw aiah wator, and K
la aaid by thoao who ax ia condition
to apoak antborltatlvely on th aubtect
that no bottor vaaaal could ba lound
for tha Portiaad-T i 1 Uaook ran. Th
aaaartlon la auda that tt wUl roqulra
& vaaaal of light draught and at th
aam tin on that will ba abl to bjui
41 oonaldarabl fraKht.
Only In an Id di root maanar naa Port
land any comi actios with tb portion
of th Orason ooaat oa which tba own
r of th Totado hav an eya. Tho
taajnar EUaaora plloa aotwaan tbor and
Aatorte raajularly, but aatda from farm
produea aha earrtaa Uttl frclcbt. Bo mo
of that la toot from tha ckty by th
aa to Portland, but In auch amall uan
tltloa aa aot to ba of much lm porta oca.
With a rcular llnor put on from Port
land thoa wh ara looking into tha
ventnr ballovo that av hrlrlnc trad
oma aooaj ba ballt up.
At th tlm th now Ha waa ftrat
talkad of th ownora of th Toledo
war pUnnlnv to aand tho tamr down
to Tillamook one ovary two waeka and
thoa hav her mak a trip up to Oray'a
Harbor. By making an arrantamont of
tfala kind thy war of th oplnloa that
th craft would pror a dividend pro
duoar from tha start. But upon tut
thr eonaldaratlon It waa ooncludrd to
nqufr mor t boron cbly into th Tilla
mook proposition, and If buaineaa con
dition a ppoa rod to warrant It to hav
tha vaaaal run on that rout attogethar.
Until ho rotuma from th kottth th auo
caa of itr. Pays plaM will not to
known, ,
- -j. -
lwaato-to ao ao Cariaaat amd om
Kbu Mm flkailaaad r
ranto bar btm laonad for tholr arraot,
but aa yot aoo of tham hav boon
Captala HajMutlnun. maatar of tha No
mta. aaya that th aklppam mak a big
mlat&ko by riving thoir man a mall
amount of monay ovary Saturday, aa haa
bMom th tnral cuatom, and parmlt
tlng thom to go aahora for a fow houra.
Ha dMlar that th cuatom la raaponsl
bl for all tha numaroua dartlona.
When thy one got off th ah I pa thoy
uaually fall to return,' But aa tha -majority
of tho Aallora have a goodly sum
In th form of coming to tham.
It la declared by thoao on tha onto Ida
that tb ship owners do not loa any
thing on account of tho dasorUona. -Th
explanation la mad that th wages will
uaually mora than companaata them for
th outlay la procuring now orowa.
If toimagv can do oecured th Port
land m Aalatlo Btoamahip eompany wlU
dlapatcb four ateamar to the orient
during th month of November. " An
nouncement of th Intention was mad
this morning. BhovM tb attempt to art
other vessels prove aucooaatul It will
mean that there wlU be a greater Euan.
! tlty of flour exported from Portland to
the far east next month than aver before
In th history of th port.
Two ete&mere are already acheduled to
sau next month. . They ar tha Kllerlc
and th N loomed la, . but It haa been
found will be finposalble for tham
to handle all tha freloht which ! ttminm
offered. Nagotlatlon ar now la nroor-
reaa for two other veaaala. but aa ton
nag appears to be In groat demand all
along the ooaat. th effort to charter
them may prove ynsucc afuL
Kvr sine tb capture of th Arabia
tha company, haa been handicapped in
taking oar of all th freight offered.
If there was any way to handls It, tt Is
generally admitted that Portland would
end more flour across tho Pacific thaa
any other port on th coast.
rivmf n o eebvoi
tiniiM BBuroma tvbt iam to
auoint ptvAjrT roa otajtipa-
A Huntington, mill has been IneUlled
In the reduotlod plant of the Columbia
mine In Baker county. Manager P. 8.
Bail I to haa been oonolderlnar tha ad via -
ablHty of adding aa auxiliary grinder
to bis mill for acme tlm. and this fall
carried th plan Into execution. How
It la to be used ta not Indicated by the
management, but the Impression Is that
th Huntington will nandle the tailings
before passing to th cyanide plant.
Manager Belllie has a secret prooaa
Tor treating tailing In th leaching
plant, portions of which have been per-,
footed by hlmeelf and chief millman,
Mr. Grave. In th past tailings have
not been reduced for treatment after
leaving th batteries, but depth . In the
Columbia, as In all propertlea, naturally
gives a greater quantity' of sulphides
which doubtless require fin grinding
or preliminary dressing before they
leach successfully. Th Columbia has
10 sumps In constant oommlasloa. and
Is developed to th 0 level by a shaft.
Abov th collar of th shaft adlta open
th vein for aa additional depth of tot
feet, giving th manag-eroent 1,100 feet
depth below the apex of the divide be
tween Big Cracker and Fruit creeks
Lone drift hav been driven on the
40, 100 and 70 levels, exploring both
th Columbia and th Appomattox
claims, which constitute th company'
holdings oa the big led. (.
nines un ajto wou a to mm
. - - bubo ta Fort.
One more a deeertlon sldmte an.
sailors In port. Within th peat few
days eight able seamen hav deserted
from th German ahlp Nomla, and sll
but twe have left th Anna which also
files tb German flag.
Oas of tboee still remaining on the
Anna went on atrlke the other day.
When told to perform a certain plea
of work by the mat he del I borate! y re
fused, and his oaae was token before
the consul. The repreaentatlv of th
keleer informed htm that he was acting
entirely hi th wrong by taking a eland
not to work, and after being lectured
for awhile he agreed to return to the
ship and make aa effort to earn bla
Excepting th two mentioned alt th
other men who wer oa th Anna ar
ashore soaking other employment. Wsr-
a amiihaasyam
.40 karaaw V
owlv one rom A DOM -
by Rmirvinit ttw flauag
by aiuioa; digaatioa '
.. by puruing the blood
keb it azx ps " " fls.oi ar arm oar
kacxi?or rau . a, rsa Boa
ah0X, nMUUaaena, PA. II. E. d.
While oomlng up th river last night
from Astoria the steamer Lurllnk broke
her shaft and did not arrive la port until
this afternoon. The Undine mt th same
line went out thia morning to meet her.
Several man deserted laat nlcht from
th British ship - Olaucus. which la
moored at ta Pine street dock. The cap
tain believes that they wer Induced to
go ashore. One of them had a bla
amount of money oomlng to him, which
he forfeited. - - - 7
After having been on th wan at the
Portland shipyards for the past 10 days,
th steamer No Wonder waa launched
this afternoon. The machinery of the
vessel has boon given a general over
With a lumber cargo th schooner
Anna Larson was towed to sea yester
day and the Tarns will be taken down
this afternoon. Both ar bound for Baa
Bright add arty this morning the
steamer Olenola waa placed la commis
sion towing Urges loaded with aand and
gravel to Fort Canby. The materiel la
being procured at Flatter's landing, and
th at earner will be kept busy at th task
for th next two months, , ,
After being repaired,, th steamer
Regulator reeumed hor run this morn
ing to The DallMC
Two of th bar-bound grata fleet got
to sea this morning. Thoy are the Ger
man ship Emllle and th French bark
Brlseux, whloh had been lying at th
mouth ef th river for th east 1 days
unable to get out on! account of a rough
.. . ' - '
Work Is noing prosecuted by the
Oeleer-Hendryx .company oa Its Tuber
Fraction property, between th Colum
bia and K. E. mines. In Baker county.
Albert Gelser. n member of th Arm,
mad the statement that work waa on
th 1.1 level, which Indicate that a
lev! has been extended from the Colum
bia workings. Or la being- shipped from
th fractlsa again, and tt Beams that
mors thorough development has noon
The fraction comprises about SO feet
of th big Cracker crock lode, between
two of th best-known mines of the
camp. It la located on th summit of
the divide between Big Cracker and
Fruit ereeka When tho present man
agement took tho property a very rich
or body was uncovered within M feet
of - the surface, a shaft was sent down
about 10 feat, two level established
and a quantity 01 high-grade or sent
to th smelters. - As Columbia workings
on th aouUr wr cioee to th Fractlou
end-line, and afforded a remarkably
easy avenue for reaching the Fraction
at great depth, aa arrangement - naa
doubtless been made with Manager
Ball lie to explore the new ground oa the
1,100 level. This depth is attainea xrom
th lower level of th Columbia snort,
that uni Is extended under the
apex of th divide where th Fraction
la located. At th aurfac th lode
there la snore than 10 feet wide, th
rich or, however, boing confined to taa
banging waiL ...
Owners of th Maid of the Mist prop
erty, on Thompson creek, near. Jackson
ville, la Jackson county, are negotiating
for th three-stamp mill that has been
used for sora tlm oa the Opp mine.
Blno Messrs. Roddy and Opp have put
a larger pleat on the Opp, th develop
ment mill 1 not required, and Thurston,
white and Armstronx have concluded to
place It on their group, where they have
opened a conaiaeraoie oooy i vr.
Th grade of ore mined In tb Maid
Of the Mist sBour th management re
turns sufficient to develop the property.
While they will commence milling soon
as thsy - have secured this or another
oii nlont. they will not remit In un
derground work, but prosscute explora
tions a as axtsnsivo a soais as pwewa-
bis. - ' ' - -
Operations In the crosscut tunnel belne
driven on the Gold Coin property, near
Bumpier, will be resumed soon, aa Man
ager J. M. Doyle has preliminary wont
for a ateady run about rinisnoa. ne
ts employing a crew of 14 men getting
ready for the winter. Th six-drill eom-
nraasor Is In position for steady outy.
and will b used to drive the long cross-,
cut, which' will have a length of 1.000
to 1.100 feet by th tlm that th entire
vein system has been cut at depth. This
property Is now controlled by the Cltl
Bens Con sol Mated Gold Mining company,
which Is composed of West Virginia
snd Oregon man.
nrommAAM pbobvotzos.
Steady Increase la production fa being
made by the management of th Imperial
mine In Baker County, K. O. MoBwen,
of th firm having th lease, states that
th concentrate and or product runs
to fire and six tons per day. and that
additional teem a ar to taS'ehtlttoysd In
ban ling to th smelter. Work is pro
gressing steadily on th deep drift be
ing run from th Miner claim to open
th Imperial shoot. By the time that
this la completed the manaarement will
doubtless have finished milling th old
dump, and then they may eommenoe
stoning or tn th now ground opened.
BTi vrrxj
Sport aj Mopeta to Tto fcsrssL)
Baker City. Or.. Oct, go. Manager
John Thomson of the Bad Boy mine Is
authority for th statement that h la
sawing lumbar (or completion of tb
great power plant begun by tb Red Boy
three years ago. Alexander Prusslng.
on of th executive board, stated while
in Portland recently that an engtneer
was examining th proposition than,
and upon hi report would depend th
action of the management. If th power
plant could be completed at a reasonable
cost it wsa th daalre of the manaxe-
mont. he said, to have it finished aa
quickly aa possible, and then th J.000
horsepower estimated as available from
Olive lake and tributaries would be
need for th hoist, hydraulic pumping
and such other power requirement as
were not filled by th present water
system. Th statement of Manager
Thomson Is the first by any of th
Red Boy ' people indicating that th
nglnr had mad a favorable report.
Olive lake baa already been dammed
for a storage reservoir, and. th con
necting line to th Bed Boy mine or the
power sit choaen, will be th arork
undertaken. Manager Thomson said that
100.000 feet of logs wer being manu
factured Into lumber for thia work, and
If weather permitted this fall, the power
system would be rushed to completion.
Whatever ta left undon tola year will
be token up again early in th spring.
Surveys are being mad for patenting
of the remaining eeven unpatented
claims of the Red Boy group.
. r " 'v
A business man of Coqulll, Or., wh
1 la Portland oa a brief visit, stated
thia morning that his community was
keenly Interested ta ta oil develop-,
menu at Band on. down along th Coo
coast. It has been generally known for
some time that a well waa being bored
on th shore near Band on. but tb fa
vorable results . being attained at xa
depth of X0O$ to 1.10 feet ara quite
recent public knowledge. Th result haa
bean to cause the community to follow
the drill eloaslyas th management will
permit news to gat abroad.
Two strata of oil-bearing sand have
been penetrated, and there haa bam an
exceptionally strong blast of natural
gas for some time. . The pressure from
gas interfered so materially with tho
work that the channel admitting it had
to be eased la three places. Everything
points to a good oil district, and th
anticline formation haa been sufficiently
tested to satisfy the all operators that
oil and gas would be oonflnod at deep
levels la th proper hastas, permitting
oommerclai work.
v- G, ' OCT.
Ban anBBBBanxennwan anBasaxaaawa StVajr'"BBaBB-x
-; Saturday "ilisIitS-.aciaO
L j '
Saturday '
V Only
' ' I ;
Pitcher, Bowl, Commode Soap Dish and Mug
: . ; Sella Kgtilaurly for $2.50 7 " "t J
. '' aVaMMAafaVor OaBfa 6m BP gt CstaaVMW.
- : , a
Night :
5 (
A t
TSm Home tunUbrm.
v t-yi
Cot. Yeurihm mud FlritSta.
,i fll ;
- . i w m 3
- I B
J B ,
'Mr i
- - mMmmmmmmwmmmmtmmmmtmmmm t
OOm, autXABITAM anMasTTaVfj, , .
At th grestest depth attained oa th
Great Northern mine In Blu river dis
trict. In Lane county, the vstn Is found
to be much wider than In surface work
ings- In a. crosscut mads on an adit
level having a vertical depth of 10 feet
th vein waa full 10 feet wide, whll th
body of higher grade or was wider than
In previous working. When the vein
ts opened fully on the lowest level be
gun, where a depth of more than 10
feet will be given under th present
main adit, Indlcatlona ar that th Oremt
Northern will be on of th atitmgrest
fissures of ta camp, where large vslns
ar oommon, - ,
O. B. Bateman, formerly of California,
haa been appointed- mill superintendent
at th Alpine, In Grant county. Richard
Addoans continues In charge of th
mln. and Baker county representative
of th management. President Thomas
Le and other officials of ths Alpine,
who wer at th property th peat week,
have returned home, expressing them
selves well pleased with ths showing In
underground work tnd results of early
milling with th new plant. , 1
A copper And haa bean mad by Wal
lowa citlaene near Joseph, Only sur
face ore has been opened se far, but
a high peroentag of copper was to
ported. F. O. MeCuliy and Charles
Chrlstry ar Interested tn th property.
hnvlng associated with them John Flak,
who mads th discovery. A small crew
of men waa put at work to .lake out
or for a shipment to ths smelter as a
test of what th general average would
run. - -
Th Madras Pioneer will take wheat.
oat a. yegetablea, fruit, meat, chicken.
butter, wood, or vea money, .la x
chang for th paper.
Barger, Halts; J. LV Barnhouss, Caleb;
Louie Burke, Portland; Jam W. Going,
Portland; W. K. Bummers, New Bridge;
James McMillan, Wasco; S. B. Barks.
Condon ; Dan J. Moore, Portland; C. A.
Haines, Narrows; J. & Barnett. Tha
Dalles; Benjamin Blumauer. Portland.
Tha jurors must appear November 1.
From their number will be drawn taa
jury which ta to try th land-fraud cases
In wjitoh Horaos McKfnJoy and hla con
federates ar defendants, -
A southern Oregon party want hunt
ing and had plenty of it. One got loot
snd spent his tlm hunting for camp,
snd th others aaaat their Uaw hunting
for btm.
For ths first tlm sine their arrest
Theroa Bush and Guy Foster have
apoksa concerning their part la the aa
aault made oa Herbert Tracy a week ago
la taa north end, and whloh has laid
him low at Good. Bamaritaa hospital.
Beth man deny having struck th blow
that is expected will prove fatal. They
doctor a third man. who Uvea la Ore
gon City, Is th guilty person,
Tracy, tba victim of th brutal attack.
which waa mads with a heavy beer
glass, is hovering; betweea life and
death. It Is said h cannot possibly re
cover. Already h romarkabl vitality
has a ma and the physicians, who declare
that his hold on Uf Is wonderful. They,
looked for death to relieve his suffer
ings immediately after h was kit.
Bush and Foster pleaded not- guilty
when arraigned laat Monday tn th
municipal court, but amd no" state
ment Qonoerning what their defenss
would be. Now, however. It is mad
known that they will bring witnesses
to prov that neither on 1 guilty of th
assault, although. It Is said, thoy will
admit they wer present when th blow
was struck. They will probably reveal
the name of the third person, who, they
declare, hurled theacar glass against
Tracy's right temple, caving th skull
Th chara of aasauK with a deadly
weapon, now against the two prisoners,
has been continued from tlm to time In
th municipal court because of th un
certain condition of Tracy. It la now
set for hearing next Monday.. Th
prisoners ara bald without ball.
Marvelous v;
.Growth of
V; New Hair
A Faaaoaai DouT-keat Ha Dv
covrsdl a 6crat CEwpw 4 .
V TlkBgQrowg Hatroti abf ,
.. BaM nBhl, .
to AA
Astoria, Oct SO. Arrived down dur
ing th night, schooner Annie Larson,
Left up at i;10 a. av, schooner Andy
Baiisd at 1:11 a m., French bark
Briseux, ror Queenstown or Falmouth.
Balled at :I0 a m German ship
BmUie, for Queenatown or Falmouth.
Astoria, Oct l. Sailed at p. nv,
steamer Columbia, for San Fraaclaca.
Et. John, Oct PnsBsd at 11 a Kb,
British bark Owesaee.
Astoria, Oct. to. condition of th bar
at I a. m.. smooth: light southeast wind;
weather dear. ' '
Eolied at noon, schooner aV P. Alex
ander, for Saa Pedro...
IMsk stokto of Ttow.
The typeaetung machlaaa,- aaid
th English ma a, sadly, "are dgtng a
great injury to modem amor.M .
"In what wayr
"They don't provide Its) Irs to abow
arvcuwiy whsr tb )ok comes In,"
(BseHal Dlaooteh to Tto Joarael.)
Belllngham, Wash., Oct. 10. Stock
holders of th Post Lambert mine Are
rejoirlng over th receipt of check for
t per cent dividend. The checks range
from 2 to 9IH7. -The Post Lambert
ts owned largely In Portland, though
much of th stock la held by Belllnf
hftm men.
There was
a big sensation In Lee-
vltle, Ind.. when w. H. Brown of that
Rlace. who was expected to die, had
is life saved by Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption. He writes:
"I endured Insufferable aaonlee from
Asthma, but your New Discovery gave
me Immediate relleT and soon thereafter
effected s Complete cure." Similar cures
of Consumption. Pneumonia, Bronchi tU
and Grip ara numerous. It's the peer
leee remedy for all throat and lung
troubles. Price ftc and SI. 06. Guaran
teed by Red Croas Pharmacy, corner
Bhcth andOak streets, oa tha way to
lm ; mantlet ' van.
" are not ', mmm
I WCtSavKH 1 v
is on the box
- oftke
r Trices 13, 20, r V
I AtAV DaMSeattS I
Kvldsnos against L M. Travla of
Bugena, charged with filing tales and
fraudulent affidavits In support of
Densloft claim, is being considered today
br the United States grand Jury. Travis
served In ths Philippines as a member
of th Second Oregon regiment, and 1
well known tn th Willamette valley.
Th sharges against J. S. Hasson and
John Lead ford, accused of robbing; a
stag carrying United States malls, ar
also to be considered this afternoon.
Th robbery wsa committed laat spring
near Canyon City.
W. Bj. Robertson was released yester
day from further aervlos on th grand
Jury oa account of ths praosnr of his
Drtvat business. Mr. Robertson had
been acting ss foreman of the Jury, and
he la succeeded ta thia position by W.
H. H. Wade.
Oeorge D. Peebler ef Pendleton, Who
waa drawn aa a member of tfata grand
Jury, but who failed ta appear, will be
arrested on a obaxg of ontatapt oft
, Trial Jurors for th next term of th
federal court ar to be summoned as fol
lows: N. J. Goodman, Tidewater; A. SL
Austin, Woodburn; A. CK Adklns, Mon
mouth; C Av Barrett, Athena;. C H.
Stowart, Albany; I H. Taylor, Water
loo; James Hunt, Butteville; Joslab Gid
eon. Waldport; J. C. Weatherly. Joseph;
Jems H. Durllng, Oakland; J. C. Bayer,
Portland; W. H. Ditty, Wrenn; Adolph A.
Dekum. Portland; R. T. Lansrelt, Car
son; George Kill In, Handy; Frank Fata
Perdue; A. Blevlna, Tangent ; James
Kirk, Cottog Orove; R. W. Mackinson.
Pine; Clarence A Francis, Portland;
Aaron laaao, McKay; John A. Adams.
Hard man; I. H. Foator, Jewell; J. F.
Brown. Ragle Point; R. S. Shaw, Mill
City; O, H. Newell. Drew Valley; W. L.
Ltndtiard, Portland; B. A. Griffin, Du-SJ
fur; J. U Howard, Galloway; Benjamin
Dlmlck, Grants Pass; Jamas Nelson.
Vinson: S. P. Purdy. Athena; J.JL Ha-
seltlna, Portland; John Knrcher, Fnter-
prtae; C. H. Duncan, Krwln; H. H. Clark,
Forest Grove; Andrew Paulsen, Port
land; John R Brtdgea, Portland; Richard
Wsugh, Pilot Rock: C A. Frassr. Onta
rio: O. B. Stubbs, Portland; F. A. Fisher.
Astoria; SX W. Manning, Garvnls; George
B. Ledysrd, Mount Tabor; Robert Glass.
Crawford svllle: BC Elliott. Unity: Fred
Veal, Antony; W, F. Cdmuneon, Bmsry:
Georg Lawrsnca, Jr PorUaadf T. Jd.
' - - T-. - ',' ' : 'V't-'a . .
Will bo called lor sroniptly
and oTcred tha hour ws
promise to return it, .
We rrAke a tpecislt of
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ural color. Send your name ahd addreaa
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for a free trial nackaara. encloaln a 2-
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day. .. . f .. -
Esn Wcr.aa
ktaaaiiaTl aa I atoaM kaew .l
j- H oaf Ooewiint
fcET alifl I i uy,
ryaat lew a i
mt ' nr. bant OM aMtap fof
U jrtrtsd ooox-aa. he
ft ii aulon and dliwtk
v utj iasM. MA-seew
Times mag i Sow oa.
For Sat
StOWa sj ssajei
erooa a, ofaAnafa a oo,
iyi lansa
' tM Wsfililll BUg. FtoM Wet. U. ?
ffliaftsl raettos. IsverHtattoea bttn) Work.
... gonial sad Fsrieaieal AadUa,