The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 19, 1904, Page 14, Image 14

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flTCEER THIELHAN .-. ., ..v-, ,
.sbs Watch EVELYN Grow
A warrant m ssud at th municipal
eurt lata this afteraoosi for th erraat
' of Jaka Thtelman, ores of th pitchers
. of th Portland Browns. , It ohargea as
sault ana battery. O. Kvans, a con
ductor on th Washington street Hna of
th Portland JRa II way company, was th
complainant. Th arrest will probably
b mad this afternoon, as tba warrant
tm ah hnik at the Malta to
Manager Batler had a eonsultatkm
with Totelman eartp this morning eon
eernlnff th matter, advlalng Alnt to
hav th matter eettled out of court, tf
possible. Otherwise, b said, tha club
la apt to Ait tba pltchar M, and h
would hav ta stand th results or in
hearing bafor Municipal Judge Hogue.
' However, th matter cam Jo aa laau
' this afternoon, woe Municipal Court
' Clerk Fred Olson sent tha warrant ta
ranta(n Orltiiwilhw tftt servlCC ' .
r Conductor Uveas' story ta to tba affect
.-. that Tate I man boarded his car at Thir
teenth and Washington streets last night
about 12 o'clock and wanted to rid, but
had no transportation lore He was told
he could not rid unless ha paid. Ha
' could not pay, he said, and was made to
' leeve tha can.
On th return trip, Trial man, tt Is
MM, again Doaroaa ssvan oar. 1 n
waa at Twenty-fourth and Thurmaa
streets. Thlelmaa Is said to hav been
jdruna. Ha -removed his overcoat, asked
. th conductor what ha meant by putting
him off th oar prevjoualr, and ther
delivered hi victim three elaargerlng
.Mows, falling bias to th floor of th
car. ,'
Thlalman admitted to Manager But
ler that ha struck tha conductor, but
did net glv his reasons.
Placed on the witness stand this morn
tng In the hearing of her suit for the
null ideation of her marriage ceremony
with John B Trigg, and to recover 91.000
for service a housekeeper- and 90,004)
damagaa, Anuna C. TalDOft was con
fronted with a auaiber of affidavits
proving dlscrapascios la esrtain part ax
her testtsaoay. :
Attorney J. T. Booth. ' representing
Trigg, a gray -bearded man, 00 years
of eg, forced Mrs. Talbert to admit that
she was engaged to Trigg whan she sued
John A Talbert for a- divorce. This was
shown to dlaprovs bar contention that
ah was persuaded by tba defendant to
violate tba law. 8 he was divorced from
Talbert June t, 109. and went to Van
couver, Waah., and Married Trigg Octo
ber 10 of tha same pear, loss than shx
Months afterward.- Th hearing is In
progress bafor a Jury la Circuit Judge
Frassr's court,
ir '"' tBeeelsl Dtoeetc te Tea Journal., '
Seattle. Oct. It. Frank Madola, the
Frenohnwn who Induced 17-year-old
Annla Sully to desert her husband t
Nanalmo and com to Seattle with him,
has bean turned over ta Um United
States authorities. .
V "-, POutsT! UBOOslSOIOVB, ..
fSpsctat Dwsateh la Tba JoernaL,
" Seattle, Oct. It. A man believed ta
be Robert Ouerr was picked up In Wash
:lngto street yesterday unconscious. H
la still unconscious and do tnlng la known
of him here. He has been rooming In
tha second story of tha building In front
of where ho waa found and it la be
lieved b waa either thrown out of th
window or fell out. Th nam Is taken
from a draft found In bis pocket. It is
neiiaveu py in attending pnysacian no
Will die. '
I, M
''' Uasraal special Servfee.) '
St. Louis, Mo., Oct -t. Special ex
ercteea war bald at tha exposition to
day in celebration of District of Colum
bia day. Th dtetrlct commissioners
and other official representatives or the
Ptstrlct of Columbia held a recaption In
tha United States government building.
nti mH,l eras fiirilehaH h tba ITbI-
trd States Marin band.
OsnxMi si sajt rmawcacsoo msTE.
Ha OhVa. M OM Brea' fltrart Lasses.
Tbta sank waaaacta a fraerel baaklag boat.
aa. sukxa ana. 4leeanU MUa and 1aaaa
frttaf f eredtt annablr for traveler aad for
the percbBie f Bfrthulla la mm dty f taa
worM. IWka la fnrlm and anamitle ascaaaca.
lataraat paM ei all tin avpoatta.
W. A. MA CM A a. Ma
M BMtrtaoa St.. ertlad. Ot.
. . Tiaaa 1 ! a 0aaral Bmnatne Baaisaas, ;
urnoi xn abtv tm.
IsHI sal allowtd as Time and SaTlnaa Depaana.
Ai-ta Trnate tor Vtatea.
Drafta sad lattaaa of -cdH aTaUaMa ta sM tarts
f the werhL
SF. ADAMS , reddest
A, T.WVM yirat Tle-PrM)iint
A- L. MIT.TX..., JftaeMd VW-pTMldrnt
U. H. JLHITC...., sertarr
of Portland, Or.
Peslgsstad Oaenaltwr and riiMadal agaat f
w tita Ma
- rrtaat .....A. L. MTUJI
AaalaUBt dtatlfev . . . W. C. AI.TORD
Kmvh4 AMttun OaTiir r. frncvrKt
Lattat af crealt tawaed avallaala ta Sareea
t mn4 tka Tlrm HtatMi
Mgbt Kvefcane TfWrraphl TTaaefora
nl4 tat Hew Tnrc. totee, riilraae. It. Leu la.
gt Past OSMha. Saa FVanrlaea aad the
-rlnrifial aelMta la rh Pivtawet.
Mrht aed Uaw Mlla rawa la aaaM ta aaw
e Leadn. Paris. H"n. rraakfart'-tbr
Mala. Heg Rons. TearAtaBM. rpaaas.
ntrtatfanla. St wfc St. PetafSbvg, Ma-
CMleptleaa mm aa farabh tarsal, '
a Aa- m VT-VOS DAmBs.
L K.tMHhM In lssa.l
CIUrbna SM at at) enlnta on favnrable
tera. L'Nw ef rradlt waaed llaM le
. .11 m lta l t tTnltoa Baa KirkiM aa TWraohlr Traaafera
r!4 a Hrtf lors. waaamaiea. iiinn, p
,4,1a. penear. OsMha. aM treat-Ma sad
It hasa ad "n hiwAnm. r-rw. nrna,
'VNnkwL Boas Keac. TukesaaMk aUalla aad
tstH Fnut St.. yartWad. irrar- '
ertlafal Seal Batata at LaweSt SalaS,
TMlaa Inf- -tteeta ','",,k,l
uAMAjrraa a m -u v
' Evelyn was put on the
. . I I
K)U CnCCKCtl umu uic
on Your Mind 'y:y-'f-
U that this tract is the best located of all the Mt. Scott territory and that we .
have purposely made prices nd terms that will sell it quickly. '
We sincerely wish every rent-payer, in Portland might look over thii tract -but
a great many will not have a chance. , v.1', ( i; ; '
Grocery stores, telephone, city water, street Vara, etc. You can -build your .
house at once and your payments on both lot and house will not b more ' . ;
Ii.r rmv rent hill.
You Get Your Home for the , ::-:'l:'-S'
i'U-' Interest on Your Money f ' t
That's the story in a nutshell, and hundreds of Mt Scott people will teU
' " you how preferable it ,is to throwing money away in rent '
$3.00 Down and $3.00
' , ' v
All lots have alleys!
Thirty minutes from
Room 203 Failing
Real Estate Bargains
fllAAAQunVtar Moek and t houses,
VLllHHJwltb room for on mora,
ltfVUVVM aids; On location.
flEAA " ntrres, convenient to Ora
Z.llMI son City; very saajr terms.
II seres, between Portland
snd Oregon City, or wlU rant
lM-acr farm, conversant to
Portland and Oregon City.
Pine quarter Meek. I4tk sad
sa001l new modern hoeae, halt saae
menu Mm; iuh
line; Improved street, concrete walk;
Jk Inillnn ' nun at SlSOOi
a-moom modern taouss. in Sunnrslds;
tl.BOO. .
d-mOOM modern np-to-da te hotis. to
Hoiiaoays Aoainoo a.a. .
f-aSOOK modern Jhouae, Bast Aider,
near 12th trtW(0O.
gaoOM new rottoga. Vast Portland
s-OOM new bousa, ta Sejlwood
ilT Aktmrto- US gHkiain, Or.
$35 CASH
ntuva iifltM the Penftasula on 01 Johns
car llo; high sightly, lvl; city water.
streets graded; adjoining iota same aisa,
without Improvements, selling for 111;
must ks sold to otoae out estata Title
perfect, abetraot with oaeb sals fro.
Last ehanos to ssonrs a tot for tt of Its
true value, and are as On aa any b-
mh Alblna and St. Johoa . .
BROWN. 151 Stark St., opp. Library.
aknrbaa hmmv with lota, at Milwau
kee 11.100; term a. . J
s-roo oottaga, on BeMwood street one
PloCR irom oar nui ium w "
t'iX 'Ml onSastMadt-
ton. near -o imi .win -
- m HA
o -Two lota ov Sandy read, at lid
atreet. mfjafJ
meom sot maXar aUg mrd as
S-tvooiT new hard-flnUheo house, not
suits comieia, ii"nu.
to nice suburb; very cheap at So
sit Atogwi snag, Fintlasl, Or.
ram wTJOft bask,
OT rvaiLACVi vaawvB, .
S Oeeaaml Baaklag SeelaiM.
Aran ta all ttlaa af tba ITaltefl Dtstat aad
Sawaa. leer Keag and Haslla. .
PrMldret .........J. Cb A I Kl WORTH
Vltv Prealaavt u..w. S AYKB
r.-M-t. a. w. sTHuicica
aaalataat Sailer t. A. M. WR1UHT
1VTAS11 un.
vnen.Aan filtanri.
t rmAivg WATSOH . rrawoaat
B Lb PT ftHAJ.. Vlaa-rrealdaet
B. W. HOIT...... Caablar
Ogn HO S W. HnTT......L....AMlatiat Caaatar
Traaaaeti a wasarsl Saaklag Sueiaaa.
d wttm at eradlt taave avallaMt
an aarta ef the warld.
PHIntlisi S tsaslalt OaM assl
market Sunday last and you
-tin U ..-tl,-T
gt. ie. uic aaui sfviiuig.
We Would Impress
Every Cojtivenience of the City
and Comfort of the Country
conaouintl V . -.t '. ! :-
Water mains laid. Quarter mile front on car" liner
First. street ,Mt Scott car 4-cent fare. Agent on ?
AOS All Srst-olaaa soil; 101
acres In high stats of ulUvat!on;
it acres timber; fin l-room hpnaa,
nice condition: large frame barn,
with silo; smokehouse, painted;
fruit drier, woodshod-workshop; 4
acres choloa fruits; 1-1 mile to
creamery, store, school and church;
1 miles to Vancouver to Clark
county. Wash.; on of tha beat
farms to th state SrOO.
ACTUS 40 acre fenced; acre
cultivated; IS acres seeded to pas
ture; small orchard ; nice stream
water; H mil to school. IT miles
from Portland, near Tualatin river,
bargain 810.
AVCMB I acres cultivated: good
B room house; barn; e oearing
fruit trees: fronts on good road: 11
miles out; 1 mile to boat landing.
A sure snap at SQS.
SIS Alia II acres cultivated;
acres to pasture: acres or
chard, with drver: good wa
ter power, gristmill ra running or
J der; I large bams, with abdut to
tons of hay; fslr nous: water
' piped to houss and bam: I norsea.
50 head of cattle. I wagons., all
kinds of farm tools, bogs, , fine
1 flock Leghorn chickens; . .mile to
' school: f mil to P. O., dally malL
Only SSS0S. .
airsktoram suss PiitiMt, o
i aa hv las ft .
Eighteenth street near Hoyt, Knob Hill.
One of the beat locations In ctty, 14.600;
12.000 cash, balance on or befor three
7 ears at per cent.
AT WTV AM9 VASUL I-room cottage,
modern, full cement J by 10 cement
balance par month.
OkTS) OP VIS OUlltf and best aa
tsbllahed wholasal and retail paper and
paint houses In city for sal. Sickness,
cause for sailing. For particulars call
on i .
Baker Real Estate Co.
S Ohamsag t
$80 ; v 990
tremont place;
trem0nt place
TheCkaayiat Lata on th Markat Loca
tion nrat -Class.
COnXT.RB... ....... ...f 90
1N81DKS.... , 980
fat Down and SB Per Month. '
ad Paha Tema Ptok. '
Pacific Id -fnobat (t
V. isth Pin am I.
S-avSOll houss. all In good order, par
lor. halL closets, bath, nice porchea,
, house furnlahed. nice parlor se
carpets, mas, nlctures. oa walls,
bedroom sets, dining table, chairs,
ronkers, stands, stoves, ales new
rang and dlehea: ground lOOvlOO
feet; nlcs painted fence, choice
fruits, berrtea. flowers, ahlcken park,
barn, etc: hay In barn, wood, ic;
i a nlc suhurhan oom. all goes now
Cheap st SB.aoa,
should hae; seen the
- ; ., ., --1'
,. f
a Month
Phone Main 2129
PI4URBS. ' i .
St Johns Park
Pine, new cottages near Woolen lfltls
and car Una, for aala oheap. oa laaOall
ntssu) , plan.
On With t lots. ..'..........; .Sl,00
Ons with 1 t-I lots 1,000
Three with 1 full lot each aoa
The Woolsa ltnla will be In operation
soon snd 50 to 100 new houses will be
ndd la BA Johns.
aHmosmi Agemba, SA Seham.
at. a Bolhtooft, Ovmi, TBS Omssasar of
Bealad areposili will he reeatved at the
Office ef Iba Auditor ef tbe City of Portland
until S O'clock p, m., Tueedar, Not ra bar 1
18oA far the farnlahlng ef lO.aN BMtal vehicle
cease tag. Samples m be
aabmittaa wlib
Afl tags of
the same eator. k him
tee-ether la ess hoi, a separata hex for each
rotor of tag, and delivered te tba City HalL
Portland, not to tar thai December AA 704.
Bloa mnet be accompanied by a eerttflesJ
WD"'lr?r? . WUllama. Mayor
ef tbe City ef PortlanA for s snm aatinl te
10 per eeat of tbe agsregato ef the MA aa
filed and Ifaialdated lam(aa hi eeea ancb
bidder ah all fall te oellrer tbe tags aa apaet
fled nt hla muuaaal, abeald tba name b
awarded te Bin.
Tbe right te atjeet any m an Mda Is havsby
Bf erdsr St the VteraHa Board.
THOB. a DBTLlIf, ' '
- . . Aedltet of the City of PbrtmaA ::
PerttamA Oregoa, October 17. 104.
roinrsHAgTiA'a vonoa.
Kettea la barahy gtvas that ea th 'idti
day of October ifrM, I took us aad empoanded
ot tbe City Pound, at No. Ml BUieeatb atrert,
la tba City ef rortlaaA Orecnn. tbe foltowlng
daerrlbed aalmala: Dark brlndle betfer, ell"
la right ear: red and wblte hetfar; red heifer,
white a bead, white hairy and wblte spot
en tap of ahoaJdere. and entree the owner w
ether pereea or seraona baring aa In terra t
ferrets abatl claim poaaeeeloa af the him,
and nay ill seem and ehanrae ef the beeping
and advertJalng them, together with tbe pound
fava en aald anlmata. aa pro t toad by ordlnaere
No. I.S3A, as amrndeA af aald City of Portland.
I will, en tbe A4th day ef October. 1904, at
the hour ef 10 a. m. st ebe City Pound, at Ho.
Ml gUteenth street vtn eaht city, aal tba
ancv dearrlhed anlmato at pablte aeetln to
tbe klebaet to doer, to pay tba coata end cbnrgei
for taking es, keeping aad adfertlalag each
Da tad flue ITth Oar of fletahar. ions, , -
, P. W. HEitn,
r 'Peaataestsr.
nopoaxD AssxasmrT poi inm a
Retlea hi hereby gtves that the Omnrtl ef
fhe City ef Portland propnaea te aeaem the
fnllowtag searvlbad propertr and owner er
ewnera aa be In wpeHally and Bernllarty
baaeflted In the tawunta eat eppoelte tbe names
and dearrlpttona thereof by the eoaetrartWia
of a etwer In Beat Taj tor atreet and Kaet
Thlrtr-nlnth Street, frem 100 faet weat of tbe
rity boannary te a point hi Baet Thirty-ninth
atreet, thence anrth la Beet Thlrtir-alntk atreat
te eewar la Xat Tamhlli street, as srailAad
bg Ardtnanre No. 14,040.
Aay objectless to the apparfteemewt! ef enot
for mm! aawer matt he made la wrIUna te tbe
Coearll sad Otoe with tbe Audi aar wTtbts 10
day trem tbe sate ef the Aret aebtteaUea af
, orrr vonoxs.
aij atle. a.i eaM JeettaM i vrtM to saarO
aud Sairrvtiaae Sr um Council hafwre tba pua-
t Ua araiaaaea imiitIih taa eaat lar eaM
aaarajf 1
S-RTBOH PAK ai-OCK S. nadlvMad W Wt
11. Uaabatiaa SvJl aUtOe.. JlVol:
aii-tliawl 14 lot It C. aaaure Tlngry, ib ua
SAMTLa , iyBlXX K 4, tot 1, Malar Jnk
V.. M.U: tot 1 Malar A rranb Ob.. M 50;
a-ulfc H feet af tot S, BrajasaS BoiDa
nie. 9X190, MHitb lrtO tt ef tot 4 BrT
aua A Sotamtrrllla. sm.SO; sosta 100 teat af
1"! I. Jlrarmaa Bra 38.i aautb 100 faet
of tot a. Hr.raui irr.. m), amitk 100
feet f tot T. B. H. B..waB. .00; iweth
100 feet of tot S. JeaephloartaBay. 27 :
anutb 100 feat ef tot 0. .Mary D. Hogs.
0230; eraith 100 fet f tot fa, Un TV
M .( I3S.0O: acmih 100 faet of tot 11, A"lltta
aVbmtdta.; aoola 100 feat ot tot 11.
U u - -rt an- uth lOA feat of tot 1A.
M. Listoa aWriUoa. aoatb JOB (et ef
tot 14, Braxataa Brae.. 1 feat
f west ef tot IS, Vathartaa A Martlet
Oll.eo. BLOCK 1. lot M. r. W. .Waacbyj.
110.4(1; tot IS, P. W. Wax-bar. fiaeo; wt iz.
B. U. Bowbub. S1SM: tot 11. B. H. Bovttae,
- 18.4l); tot 10. Breraua A Bomarllle,
lltttl tout. Brertaaa A snsMeerTi aa w:
tot A. laaae r. Tobay. 140. BLOCK f, tot
14. BrerDMs Broa., $10.40; tot 18. M. TU
terta Pratt. 1140; 1st 1. William M. Maa
Im aiaaa- w ii wiltlam M. Nanalus.
il.40; W 10. BrejaMB Broa.. H0.40: tot i.
rarmae S BiDUla. Itfl 40L treat 14 ef
tot A, Breraua A gonuaarvina. to to. A
tract ef toad lru batweea
eaat Bee ef Baet Tartar atreet ana
a Mae 109 feet south thereof aad paralto
rheroarlfb and betwaea the e-eat hae ef Eaat
Thlrtr-alatb arrtat and a Mae 100 feet weat
tharmf and teralUt tbarevltb, J aba Oooa.
Aakls. TeUt AOAS TO.
. THOB. ft PBTUW. - '
Ansllor ef the Clt ef Parties.
Martian. Oregoa, October IT. 1004.
- - ' T 111 ' "" ' '
paorosis ABsnanv roa naaoTB.
aran or bobtwto; stbzst.
Kotlce Is serebr gtrea that tea OmbcU f
tba I'ltjr ef Purtlasa propoaa ta aaaeaa the
(elhmlag deaciibeA sropert and owner or
owaera aa bring apeciail ana perauaru'
benaflted In tba aswauts set opeoalU the
nainea aad dearrlptlaua thereof far the lmpfove
BMDt of Bortbvlck atreet. trots, the sorth Una
of RobboU atraat to tba aortb Uae f tate
treat, aa provMed by erdlnaBce No. lAJSe.
Ana AblAftLana ta fWlDDurtloaBMBt Of COat
far aalA Improvement mutt be mad la wrltlti
to tbe UobbcU aa niea wun w aww
wltbla 10 dayt from tbe daU of the Rrat Dub
BeatleB ef UUa aotlee. aad aald ebieetleaa will
be board aad determined by tba Council before
tba eaeaaae of tba orduaaoa aaaaailng tbe eaat
of aald Impceeameat.
block tv eaat H .SfS
040.U: eaat v tot to, Stapbea BernL Oafi.83:
waat H tot a, Joan scnaia. ee.iei
tot 10, 0o.ll: let U. WllUam
Tappaadan, 04U.W: tot ll 4
fatalTlat UT OTrrta A. Tncha,, SB7.0B;
tot 14, Ohartea and Mathew NeU.
BIOC 10. 'tot OVra O. l- Hetoa,
ST.1; let 10. blra. O. T. St BatoAjaiMi
E 11, City ef Parttond. 00O.00: tot
IS. H. Castoa Matrbtoa. 0M.: eajt M
teat f toflO. Jack gkewreaabl. 044.0T;
eaat 04 feet Of tot 14. Jack "7:
04CU; eaat II feet ef waat 40 feet ; of. tot
II. Oataerlaa Denial. 00.14; east a faet
ef weet 4 feet of lot 14, Catherine Daslel.
aS.TB; weat M feet of tot 11. altohsel Pis.
Serty 00.00; weat St feat ef tot 14, Michael
PlabaVtyTo.0.' BLOCK 11. W 0. Mary A.
RHtoatoa. fAT.44: tot 1A Daniel H. Haraett.
30.T0: tot II. Oearae A Jjail Annla B. He
gen. SW. 10: tot If, llrlra Tallcwa. IT7:
Snath m f-t ef lot 10, Blrira p. IWtowa,
SU.Mt aortb IT feet ef tol 10, A. H.
Leader, 02l.: tot 14, A H. I" IM.K.
ltl-fK-K la, tot A dM amd BU Ovtcim. SlIOT;
nn11 Tided of tot 10. Maud A Tlllwaa,
?i 80: sadtTloed V ef tot 10. Hannah B-.
uVi iTand ClydeJ. Bcofrl X; tot 11.
D. B. Newman. 0TB. BLOCK 10, toj .
flanrte W. Bate. 04O.44: tot A
Marsea. 000.11) tot 0. WlllUm TappfaAee.
0M.Il; tot 0, William Tapiynden. OM.101
tot A WUtUn Tappeodea. fOf.aO, tot 1.
Haartotta Blarhmas.TlT.4A Flock 16 tot
a, William Bride. OBl.Ol: tot A William
Bride. OM OO; tot A Leer M. Oammoaa.
OaAM; tot AAA Mergaa, 180.11: tot A
BA Mereea. 160-TO; tot 1. A A Mersea.
OTlf ai. BLOCK 14. tot A Mitten fctherland.
iftT.TM lot A Mlltea SntbarlanA tBa.SI
Berth A tot A AAora W1m. ; sentb
totA . A. Pra kea. 014-OT: tot A Milton
SutbeVtoaA 04B; tot Ad. A Omtt. 000.10:
tot lT J. AntC T L BLOCK lSTtot a
ro4, ,1TROA c. rmrun.::-
AadHor of the City ef PortSsBd.
PortlanA Oragoa, October IT. 100A
rletlea la serebr stvea that the Council af
tha City ef Portland prepoaea to aaaeaa Warn
fhltowlag aWcrlbad property and owner or
ownera aa twin apectalL and necsUarly hese
ftted In the amonnta eat opposite the aamea
and deecrlptlena i thereof by tbe eenatrsrtleo ef
a fewer la Baat Madiens street, from 100 feet
weat of tba waat line ot Baat Thirty -alitb street
to the arwer la Bast Thlrtr-aUtb atreet., a
nrorlded by ordlaance Wo. 14.171.
Any objection to tbe apportionment of east
for aald sewer meat be made In wrltuur te tbe
Council aad Oled with tbe Auditor wlthls 10
dare from the date of the Oral publication of
tbta settee, and aald objections wUI he beard
and determined by tha Council before the
Kea t ef tbe Stales BSI aanaalng th east
aald aawer.
1UKNYKID BLOCK OA tot A, Buunyein Land
a Itaprovement Co.. 000.00: tot A Fletcher
Barton, 0 00: tot 1A Maathas Moaber,
S M. BLOCK OA. tot A SunnrBtoe Land
A Imprevement Co.. 01AM; tot 11. Saaayslde
Land a improvement o.,; an is.
Snnnyslde Land A Issjaevastaat Ox. 1A0A
TouC 100.00. , . ,
Auditor of tbe City ef PorfmaA
rartmaA Oregoa, October IT. 100A
u, aivKA rut apdttiob:. borxrwiox
aTaxrr aps movaqs sraxxr.
Metlce te hereby gtvea that th Couectl at
tbe City ef Portland propoaas te aaaraa tba
toltowlng aeacrlbBO property aoa owner
nrniw e belmc eDoclally and peeaUarlr b
St ad Is tha smouBts set eppoalu tbe aamea
and seerrlpttona thereof by tbe eonatractloa
of a aawer la bfnrrte atreet, Gantenbeln arenue
and allay In blocks 10. 14 and 10, Blnrrlew
Addition, Borrnwira nrerc anu wnnt aireet,
frnn tha araut Hue of Wllllama iTtmM to a
enanecMos with tbe Cook avenue district sewer
la Album avsaas, as srovuma ny anuaasss no.
ia naa
Any ebjeetleaa te the apporttosment ef east
fer aald aewer meat be swde In writing to the
Conadl and fltod wia tbe Auditor within 10
djs from the sate er tae nirat puDucanoa
of thla notice, and eaM objections will be
hoard and determined bv the Council before tba
paaaage ef th erdlnase teg the east Aw
TO A LB I N A BLOC K 1A aoatb 0 faet ef tot
a T.i la Urt. 02.00: south A feet ef tot B.
topbU O. AJMtereoe, OAM: aootb g feat ef
tot 10, Joan T. nawinna. rmi: aoatB m real
ef tot 11. Richard Hauler . fA00; south 0
feet of tot 1A U chard Heatoy. 03 00; south
: feet ef tot 1A Jofaa Moore, 01 90; aouth
feet of lot 1A Jobs Moore, flOA BIOCK
10. south H tot T. Ool stoaberg. 34.1S:
south U tot A Sol 0 too her. 2S.40; north
U lot T. Olaf Krllo, 023.10: aortb U lot
A Olaf Krlto. 010.80: south ino feat ef lot
H. Naaa, trustee, 0M.8B; south 100
fret of lot
4, Oeerge Bmlth, 0M.AO: aonth
100 feet ef Wt A
lot w. H. ituna. trsatee.
030.00: south 44 of south 100 feet of lot A
W. B. Nuns, tmstea. 31.M; south 4 ef
aoutk 100 feet of tot 1, W. H. Hnsa, trustee,
S99.40: north k ef asuth 100 feet af tot A
Jobs iohneoa, 14.00: sorth J4 of south im
feet of tot l. John joaoaoe, fi4.uo. block
14, south 100 feat of tot T, Kate Pralney,
IJff .!; south 100 feet ef tot A Kate Pralney,
i.mW; noutb 100 feet af tot A James A.
k ana an iam m t a
H. P. andiSent Jarrett. 090..10: seutb 100
feet of lot S, Anaueta B. Leader. MLW;
Bouth ion feet of tot A Ahrl C. Sreoaogb,
; tan n: south 100 faet af tot 1. Earl c.
krananrh. UT SO. BLOCK 10. south 100 faet
of tot T, Lrdla BT. Baam an, f.TT.OO; south
100 fret or tot a Upaia H. seaman, SMSR;
enuth 100 feet of tot A Thomaa Kastor.
SM-SI: anutb 100 feet af lot A Thomas
Hauler. mVtJK: aonth 100 raet ef let A Laura
- Krsafti AM SO; south ion feat ef tot A
flaorvriR. and Hanry L. mepheBSoa, I Ml SB;
eeuth 100 feat ef tot 1. Goorrr R. and Benrv
L. fltehbeaeon. Ogf .m. BLOCK 1A north
$ feet of tot A diaries M. Porbea Batata,
hebra of. 03 V aortb feet of tot A Charles
M. Purbaa Batate. hefrs of. 01 SO: north
faet af tot in, rjsaiai Karanaufb et ss,
S3 BO; north feat of tot 11, Arthur O.
Thomaa, 03 90; anrth 0 feet of tot It. A. B.
CurtU, 03 00: north 0 faet ef wret M feet
ef tot IS. Ida M. lobneoa. 3.1B; north
100 feet of tot 1 A Ida M. Johnson. BX7 AA
unrth 100 fe4 of ekat 10 fret of tot 10. Ida
- H. Jobneoa. 00 10, BTKTK 14. north 100 faet
ef tot 0. Mar caret Da 07.00: north 10U
faet of let P. William T. Karr, BM : north
10ft reet nf tot 10. William T. Karr. IM M-
north 100 feet of tot 11. James Afrxander
and B. atlteneil. grr.ns; .west 31.111 feet
ef north 100 ft of tot 1A Albert P. If near.
ran. nt0CK 10. north 100 faet ef tot
Methodist Rplsropnt Church. 00 00: north
, im feet ef tot 1 BrMaet Trernr, IM.2n:
' north 100 faet ef tot 1A Ida H. Corrall.
A1A SB: north 100 feet ef tot 14. Hattla
ffeleoe, 044.00; eaat 31 10 feet ef north 100
feet of tot 10. Kalllr T. Srnndrll. 40
ADninnw ij atfina BiWTt a, tot A
A. J. Clark. 04 ; tot 1A Tire Tea Bolton.
(M.Oft: aortb 40 feet ef tot IA Theresla
Roberts. OM en: seutb AST feet ef tot 10.
J W. and AnmmU M, Cartoon. 04 110: north
an Ull raet nf lot IZ. . W. atiu A Striata X
Curies. BXB.T01 seurb T S7 fM of
tot 1A
Jeea J abases, T.J0 Berth 100 faet
ef bit
1A Harriet A Tromss. .AwT OOj ; ssrth '100
raei ot lot 18, A. 4. t uru., eai..
w wa u, w. w. alien, u. -
00 feet tot A Albert lUrtbotomew. AAO0;
Jrest TO feet of aurtk 0b teat r tot T.
' iw-th 2b feet of tot T. Albert Sartbotomew.
t 00; south m ef tot T, H. Van Brsry.
.fOATo; tot ff U?y -uvlA .00.40; tot
w . axuam. InulM Ul. IV. eeat u m
L- Ra fct.te,uT of", , 040 .00: tot
Soj wVnd Id tWhltsay, OOOi toi
Wlarmaa. OOO-Osi hH 1A Jans W. Wuh
Anna U JohnsoB. 044.00: tot A rAlUUdt.
U (W; tot 0. kolUa ifaeoa. 04 00; tot 8.
gllaabeth A Oahaa, 44.00; lot A J. Rand
Rut. A i.t uiakn. im a Aula PoWXa.
1. H. D. Lea. S4T OJI: lot I. Ia. X. aeeuy
T. V
llinriM W Y.. A BM UK
;Tat 10. Angaats
S. Leader. 13A.00: tot 1. Augusta
. era ay,
deeoer. e-w; toe ia. mw ii
tot It, Halite Aetoman! 03TOA, '
Railroad miopa adpitioh "f A-
W.00; aortb 100 feat of tot 1 A R- E"""
7 na? krth inn tt .i u it a DmtarA
AlT.UO. TotaL tS MXAL. '
THO. 0. DBTLllt.
i Andltat of tbe City af PerttSBA
PerthuuV Oreaea. October IT. 1004.
Matfe la berebr gtvea bat tbe Ommrll ef
the aty ef Portland propoaas to aaaeaa the
foltowlne Aaeprlh rmiwrlT and owner or
owners aa bring specially and pesnarlj bese
Oted In tbe amounts sst oppoalts tbe Be mas
ans aeserlptlons tbstwof for tbe improrrnrni
of AtxtB (treat, from tba Berth Una of hforrteoa
atreet to tbe north line of Irrlag street, as Bte-
rioru ny oroinaaee no. 1S.1".
Aar oblacttnna te the annorrleameat f Mat
far said fmpraratnant must he saadw Is writing
to the Council and Oled with tbe Auditor within
IB darn from tha Sate ef the Brat nu Miration
ef this sotlce, and said objections will be heard
and determined by tbe Council be for tbe pas of tbe uadlsaass am suing the east ef said
PCHTLANDBLOCK .1T0, hat A fwg Oom-
Kay. el It. IS; bit X Oreaea oompan. asi.ea;
A Orasou Cocdpany, OS1.04: tot 1. On-gos
Companr. It) SX BIXCK ITT. tot A Oresen
tau Publish tog Oompaay. 001.14; tot A Orr roe
Ian Publish) its Company, 2.4i; aoiitB H totk.
Henry B. and LucU S. Chase. 1S,04; Berth
3s tot A Benjamin lata. 3B ST; tot i, John
F. ssd James A O'Khes, i4) 2a BLOCK ITS,
tot 4, PannU A Kelly, 03O.W; tot A M -rtoa
Cohn, OST.nO; lot A Wnrton Cuba, gOTO-TO;
tot 1. MaUlda M. Oeetia, AM0 1, BLOCK
01. tot 4. H. and U. Wolf; SS.0Tj tot A
John Wagser. 1 14.40: M1I.H. Petarsos,
Fcn.; lot L i. B. retersua. bsw.tu.
f LOCK M. tot A Baggage A OmnRma Trasu-
fer Oomsanr. OUAOO: tot A Mrs. Odim W.
touius, siuo.4B: lot s. Henry w. voroert.
EUta, belrs of. . 1100.041 1st 1. Baser
W. Onrhatt BStete, Vtrs of, 118 11. A
triangular tract ef land lying between the
southerly Hoe of Ankeay atreet, the westerly
line of glxth atreet aad tha northerly Una
of Pine street, atr ef PortlanA 03BA1A
COrCH'fl ADDITION to tha City ef PMtland
nixx r as. au of Nock 41 lying eaat ex a
Una 100 fart enat ot and parallel with the
east Has of Be Tenth atreat. Halted Its tea
National Bank. 0MS.2A A tract of land lying
between south line Buraaide street and the
north Una Ankeny Street end between a Hue
100 feet west of and parallel with tba east
line block 40, Couch Addltloa te City of
Portland and a Una 100 feet east of and
Krsllel with east line Seventh treat, Mary
vasey, 0I4A0I. BLOCK 44, let 1. lams
H. Lewi ttAI.OB; let A Las H.
Lewis. $20.00; lot ft, ' Lar I Hat
far Ratate, heirs ef. AHA lit tot A Maria
Jutlea Pfundsr. OlAAdA BLOCK ,40, seat
0 feet of tot 1. Cbarlaa A. MaUrky, 0194.01;
east 00 feet Of lot A Charles A. Mi larky.
IlfaVOt: west 40 fret of tot 1, Josls Brlncker
nff. gM.00; west 40 feet of tot A Josls
Brtnckerhoff. gS4AT; tot A Hash W. Wal
lace. OOUl.nT; tot A Mary J. flrattoa. OOA10:
BLOCK 44, tot 1. Daniel P. Harrlnetoa.
AOT.AJ: let A Daniel P. Ilarrlasfoa, AOtAOO;
lot 0. Daniel P. Harriaatou. 0Z2S.IB: tot A
Daniel P. Barrlnjrton. 02SA4A Blech 4T, tot L
Cbarlaa CardlnrU.; tot A Charles
Cardinal!. 0240 U; lot 0. Richard Ktsea,
trustee, 0M8.0T; tot A Blehsrd MUes, trus
tee. 04I-2A BLOCK- 41. tot 1. Security
Ssrlnsa A Trust Co.. (189 .10; tot A Arcsrlty
Bartosa A Truat Or,-, el : tot A Pa
rifle Coast BlacuH Oa,, OlM.SOi tot 0. Ps
etfle Cesst Biscuit Co., flvT.Sl. BLOCK R,
tot 1. Chaitoa 0. Slsilen. ITAO0; tot A
Cbarlaa O. 0lfslea,lU .10: lot A Joseph
Ctoeeet Bad Oeorgs W. WertetavJlOO.n; tot
A Joeenh CtoHtot and Oeoree TT. Werlela.
AiOAlO. BLOCK T. tot 1. John Kteraaa,
fioTTT; tot 4, John Kleraan, OlAuA
PORTLAND BIXX-K 1TA. north 00 feet ef 1st
A Annie M. Harwell. 00.10; south
U ef tot
T, Aimta M. Maxwell, SATg; sortb
e v.i a. w. nk rt aia n. ia
Prank Co., On.OT. "BLOCK 1T4, asdlrlded
H of tot o. laaae ana Flora Jacoea, K';
nndlrlded ef tot A laac and Flora Jacobs.
OA. 71: undivided of lot 0. Lang Isveatsbrat
Co.. 04.7aL uadlrlded of tot A Lang In
vestment Co., AS. TO. BLOCK 1TA tot A
Leon VUI estate, helm of, 0M.T0; lot, A
Leon Tlal estate, belrs f. 072. ST; toT f.
Asroa Berk. flM.00: tot A Merchaat I Brest
meat A Treat Co.. 0343. OS. BLOCK OA aa
dlrlded H of weat H of tot 0. Percy H.
Blyth, OTfl.M; nndlrlded U ef west k ef lot
A Percy H. Blyth, 046. OH; audi t tiled of
west U af lot A ft Barboer, 078.80; anol
vtded Ifc 4T west 4 af tot A J. A Barbour.
B OB;' east ef tot A, J. D. CotomsB.
O SS; east U ef lot A J. D- Coleman.
41.C3; 1st T, J. D. Otemsa. 074 M; let A
J. D. . Onlemaa, 7B 11. BLOCK 00.
lot A Percy B. Blyth, 044.40; lot
A Purer ft. Blyth. tTAU; sa
dtrlded af east SO feet ef tot T, S. K.
HaselthM. M-Tl; undivided H of east 00
feet ef lot A B. K. Hassltlse, 04.01; svdl
videg H at Mat to feat of tot T. J. Ambrose,
A4.T1: undivided of east 30 faet of tot A
J. Ambroee. at.OI: weat 00 feet of tot T.
Hebrew church. lt3 IB; west 00 feat of tot
A Alfred L. and Charles L. Oeaquaat. glOO.ftl,
BLOCK 00. undivided H ef west 100 feat of
block. Mlcbael McNamura, J310.TS: undlrtdeO
. t4 west 100 fast ef stock. Boner McMamara.
Cm cHA ADPmoif to tbe aty of Pert
bine BLOCK 43. 'tot A Wllilsm M. Ledd.
03.50: SwrS 40 fret tot A WlUlam IA iadd.
OlM.flu; mrtlTtrtd H north 0 fret tot 0.
Michael McNamars, 011.40: undivided U
sorth 0 fast lot A Honors Melfamsra. 111. 45:
nndlrlded U tot T, Honors McNsmsra,
B10Z.D7; stwiivioea
. Namara. Sim.OT. B
at tot T. Michael Mc
1LOCK. 41, lot A A. 0.
Smith. OSM.Sg; tot A
A. C Strut.
A22S1A; saat l-0t ef let A Tberesla
Gansneder, t.Wj aast 1-9 Of tot T. TbersaU
Oansneder. M.4T; weat 1-0 of east t-A of
lot A KHaa Young, AM 10; weat 1-A ef east
A-A Of tot T, Bliss Young. 141. M; west I I
tot A W. J. sad D. B. Hawkins. 01BA.OT;
waat 1-0 tot T. W. J. snd D. R. Hawkins.
1BS.30: S tract ef land lying between tba
north line af Irving street snd s 1lte 100 feet
north thereof and parallel therewith sad be
tween tbe eaat Use of Slith street and a
tine ion fret seat there and parallel there
with. Borthem Partnn Tar mine I Company.
031. ig. BLOCK 40. . tot A Mrs. TJsette
K'-nan. $34T.Tg; tot A Mrs. Usstte Kaeaaa.
r 1.74: lot A P. fi. Blyth. 0330.00; tot
P. H. Blyth, 01 18. ST. BLOCK OS. tot
Kenneth A. J. Msrknsle, im; tot
A Kenneth A. J. MsoKenme, 02 111. 81; tot
A T. A. Darta RaUte. Inc.. OZTAeS: tot
T. T. A Darts Est to. Inc.. 03SS .60. BLOCK
I. 1st 1 T'nto Truat Investment Cn fu
ns nr, rm n; tot A Untoa Truat A Invest
ment eemnany, 0820.1; tot A Michael Tracy.
02.V1.M; tot T. Mlchaat Tracy. 0344. AD.
BLOCK IT. tot A Oregoa Casket company,
0341. MJ tot A Brermas Bommerrllle,
A34A0O; tot A Bamoel Af. Bare, I1SMV27,
tot T. 0am net M. Barr. 0311.M. PlK'K
Q. 1st A Oregon Trsnafer company, BiTn04;
lot a. ttresna Transfer Company.
tot' A Orecna Tranafrf sompany,
tot T, Ore roe Trans for samsaaj.
Auditor of the Oltv of PurttesC
Portland. Oregua, October IT. 104.
Botlce M hereby gtves that the CtoaneO af
the City ef PertlsBd pmriiiaos .fa asseua the
foltowleg uVerrlbed property and owner or
ownera as being specially and peculiarly bene
fited Is tbe amounts art opposite the aastaa
snd eeecrlPtloua thereof tor tbe Improvement ef
Rest Twelfth street, fmm the south line tf
Powell street to 10 feet aortb nf tbe anrth Kite
ot Frederick street, as provided hp esdlanaen
Xo 1AVT0.
Any obtocrtens te the ipretVmuasut af cent
far eald Imnroreasent must be made Is uniting
to the CounHI and filed with tbe Auditor
within 10 oars from the date ef the first
puMtosttoa ef this noflca, and said ebjeettous
will ea heard and deter mined by tha Couarll
before the passage of tha ordlssasa kmmslag
the cost for said luipror sanest.
BLOCK 1. tot 1, Wintam Ajtomneey. (07.03:
V.t A fVursd Wyes, 74 00; tot A J. A
Mt. 9004: tot 0, WlUlam A Aaortck.
0203 01. BLOCK tot A N. BckluaA
02PA.00; tot 0. P. W. Orth OTT.14. totA
Tred I- P". 0TX.M; tot A Oenree Mrhafonse,
g37T.4T. BTWK A W 1, Kspoleo B, TV!
dletra.; tot t Thomas 0. OdjnrA
OisatT) tot A William J. Shipley. gllXll;
nyvth 40 feet tot 4. Christ NddentbsTI. 00.0.
BLOCK A tot A, BHea T. Noam, Om.On; tot
0. I her. Land Co. OT0.1U tot 4, Bmma and
Tbnuias J. Ilanalgsn. 1 110.00: let A Kallte
Wrlgkt. 012.77. BLOCK O. tot A Ma Mor
ris. S1SX.TI: lot T. Sarah M, BbepMrd.
OlflBSS: tot A Thomaa Ran fie Id. i3 00;
seutb lot A W. L. Bnraer. 0M 31; north
U tot I. Ida Kins. 04. M. RIXMK 4. tot
B. Oeerge B. Rneenden. 01T0.M: tot T. Bnnlee
Mattes, linn ai mt . Oenre w. Uwm-
berry, OtOIS It; Hsrtk 40 fret tot a C"n-
ataaos T. Ttmosvia T"tal. 0A1TE4A
THoaj. a DBVLtv,
Audthw ef tbe Ottr of PnrtlasA
HrtlssA Oregoa, Oetober IT, 1004.
bj hereby given test W I litem 0. S-
Itott. City Rr.lneer. baa Aled la the efAas of
ceitreciors for the Iwpervemsnt oA Mala lrrl
muudt uie prevwMins ot orainaeuu nu ii-
have eomiMcta 1 sal A street irom the wwt Una
of Poarth street to the easier Us af Fifth
bid aaaepUBs will ha essslgsrai hp the
paeutlve Board at 4 o'clock on the Slat
day of October, IfrM, aad objections to tbe -
"rv; vi mmnt airavi, uc ml ear ,
n be Olsd la the ofnea si the sadsralgnsa
at any use prtor thereto. . ' ,
' ,V By THOB. O. DEVLTIf. ..
. Auditor of the City of Portland.
ParthiBA Orsgoa. October 1A 1004,
rsopoaxs ASsrssnrrKT rom imi of
ooox ArxkTua abb ginox ATauTgs.
Mottea Is hereby gives that tha Ceanctl f
tbe aty af Portland proposes te aaaeaa the
foltowtus desert bad nrmwrv and oanar or
ewnera aa being apeclBlly and peculiarly ease- .
eim tm ue amouBTS Bet OP post t a IDs nssMS ana
dcacrlptlaes thereof by the construction ef a
Mwur la Cook areas and Union arena, from
the aoutk Una ef Klickitat street to a point
la Cook arenas; thsnas west tn Cook arenas p
B euonecttoa with tbe sewer In Oantsuhetn Ave.
Sue, aa provided by orulnancs No. 14.044.
any eojecnoua to tba apporttonmant of east
fee said sewer must be made la writing to
the Council and Oled with tbe Auditor wlthla
10 days from the date af the Bret pubUcattoa of
this notice, snd said afeWtlnn will faaar
and setormlned by tbe Couucil bara tha pas
saTd sewmf tto east Oaf
retersos. ffl.OO; undl rldad U tot 11, Prsd
srlck Porbea, 07.00; undivided 14 tot 1A Pted
erlck Porbea. 07.00; undivided lot 11, Bally
B. Porhea, 20.0S; undlrlued let 13, gsllr
B. Porbea. W ftft; lot la. Mary A. PianagaA.
041.74; undivided 4 tot 14. Louie Dorlng.
ilO SO; asdlvlded ft tot 14r Louis DovLsg,
Wil.LIAia ATSMTTR ADDTTIOK hi Portaaad-.
li-".a a,, log II. Oeorga Beta.
03O.U; tot 0, Oeorge Bet. SB0.10;
t 0, Oeorga Beta, J f30.1Aj tot 0, Oaorg
BetsTAflO U; tot A Oevrg Bats, AAA 00; jet
WlLLIAafV AVKNCBADblTTOrf te the Otty f
rortisna bux r t, lot T, Harry W. Hogae.
37.46; tot A Harry W. Hogu. A80.4A: Tot
A Harry W. Hogus, 0SK40: tot AHa
WA4A; let 10, Harry T
try W. '
w!"ilAMS ATKOJi ADDITION te Purtlstvd--
W T, noutk 1T.11 feet tot 1. Michael
ud Anna Lelsner. f 1.00;. smith feet
lot A D. a Plester, gl. 00: south feet
lot A Otto J. Kramer. 01.00; south IT 0
feet tot A W. A. Rldsost, 03.00; let 11. Beu
ad AYUt ujoatrom. ASA46: let 1A Job
Anbetana, gAAib; tot ML W. H. little,
A3S.4S; et 14, Addle A tin to.-. 100.40: lot
lA Katharine Kllla, 080.40; eeat tot IT.
W. hf . gmith. I1A0O; east U to? IA W.
Of. Smith. 000.00; erest tot IT. L L. Bav
Bett. MO.00; wsst tot 1A l.'L. BsrnetA
20.00. BLOCK 14 let A lease M. LottI
ftl.06; 1st 0. sac N. Lett. $30.00; tot B.
B. tott. fit .40; tot A Harry Toat.
ASAAOi lot T, William Mannas, AM. 46 1
t A William R. Mannas, 0.U.47: tot A
John P. anl gynthla Crldef. 083.40;' tat 10,
Portland Trvst Cemnaay, OA340: tot 11,
wub. ew rot ia. roriissa i rusi nu
.tour OM-TO; tot U, Altra J. flsyaea, 04T.TA
AX BI N A BLOCK 18, tot 1 B. Khllnjer , gn.OSl
tot 1. R. Kbllnaer, g 10. BLOCK 13. tot A
"uies . - etoairomarr nataie, Belrs er. '
L4fr,or ,V'
P. M. Deau. 01O.4O; east U tot A. Mrs. L. J.
sas, 010.40; Mdlrlded V tot A Ballls B.
Porbea. Olb.m; undlrMed tot A Bailie B.
Porhae. ilA.; undlaldad tf tot A rredertt
K. Porbea, Afl 30; undlTlded tot A Pred-
n1 J5aaSWbW1 : 1,"HW
"A1 ATEItUS ADhlTfOM la PortUnd
ulm. a. tot ii. Adalslda Monroe. AtS.OOi
tot 10. P. B. Hastings, 030.00; tot T. Harr
A Lynea, 03ASB; lot a. Grace Rose, Ots SOi
A Asrah U. AJalUgaa. 1A00; 1st U Devsg
Dunee. OM.OH.
rwrnm-suns a, lot 1. Harry Bngs.
AM. 00; tot A Harry Hogee, lBf: tot 04.
I fct L. Baasael r. NrwT 034.0(1
f- let -OA Aamea Hewett. tSAAAitot lsV
D. C. OreeuwaR, 03A40; tot 10, D. C. Oreea
walt. 030.40: tot IT, Mrs. M. A. Wickers ham.
fM 46; tot 1A Jobs R. sad Pldella L Ma on.
019 06; lot 16. Jobs R. and Fidelia I. Mans.
fT4 0B. BLOCK U. totTTJ rT BtuehartT
lot A Mathilda Wlatrsod. Aja.oS
fctn Cart B. Lsaf. 03A4O; tot U, Portland
Tvuat Cempeny. 024.40; lot 00. Matbew
Wild, 038.46: tot 10. Msthew Watch. AM.40i
en is, e,. U. Bills. S3S.4S: lot IT JoSU NaeaS.
f-: .tot IS, Janet Brans, OM 40: tot 14.
Portland Trust Cotnosnr t24 SO: vVt iC.
Portland TV rrat Cnmnmnv Im'&'
r Portland Trust Companr. 034.40: tot lE Por
land Trust CrvinpanyTOln A s jz, lot X, tmea Kv Meat.
feaiAOA 9t ai"- Toui'
; THOA fj. DRTLIlf. ''
-L- - ths CHy ef PortUnd. ;
PortlanA OVagoe, October IT, 104.
Metlca M berebr gives that the Count! af
!?i2t' i Proposes to senses the
following described property and owner or
owners aa being specially and peculiarly bene
fltfcd la tbe sasounu set oppoaiu the semes
and descriptions thereof fur tbe Improvement
ef RaaaeU street, from th west line ef Rosa
atreet to the weat una ef G a ntenbelae avenue,
la A Ibis, as prortded hp ordinance No. lS.tTT.
Any objections to the apportloussoet af cost
Aw aald lwproremeut muat be made la writing
to the Council and Atod with the Auditor wltbla
la day from tha date ef the first publication
of this sotlce, aad aald object too will be
heard and determined by the Council before
the aeeaafu of the ordinance smaaslBg tbe
coat of said Impreremeat.
ALBINA 81XICK 40, west 00 feet 1st IT, Jobs
P. Pries Route, heirs of. 0 0; west 00
t tot 1A Joha P. Pries RaUta, heirs of.
All OO; eaat 40 feet tot IT. B. LTTV.mpaosw
, fe-i V 40 feet In II, A L Tboinpaool
1 mT .TA BLOCK 4T, west let 1, Paschal
llUl st aL 0ON OO; aortb U of west U ef tot
A Paschal HIU at; south H ef
weat M, ef tot A Cbartes A. Wltooe, OT Id;
sat tf tot 1. Salvador Dladle and Kanh
Araato 4M.0O; eaat M tot B, Balrador Dtndlu
Sad Prank Araato, (14.T1; tot IT. PtoreaeS
Miua. m eaat
Gardner, oi.53; west
totm tut SS RTiWI
:. tot 1. Alice
P rnahM. 1 1 M- In B Villi. n
03A34; tot IT. Lacy A. Dsnls, 03A1; toi
is, K J. Baker. fllASf. BLOCK 41 tot
1. WllUsm Drsck, 01 1301 1 tot A William
Drack. BL 11; east tot IT, Christies K.
BlrraA SU-71; east lot It, Chrlstlua K.
tUrell. 04ri weat 10 tot IT.- Wllilsm
frw$S - WU1U
BLOCK 1A eaat 14.77 feet tot A Oeorge W.
Bates, 1400; aast 14.TT feet tot 4. X A
Merges, OA 00: east 14.TT fret of aoork 10
feat tot A Wllilsm Tappeoden, 00.40; toe
T, Henry S. Heppner, 043.a; tot g, Charles
Ft.- HIU Estate, heirs of, atSJB; souU 10
feet tot 11. Charlea H. Hill Estate, hew
ef. B.OSitot 10. Charles H. HlllBaUts,
betrs ef, OM-OO; tot 0, Chsrlsa U. flul
Balats, belra of, AUXll.
BVaN ADDITlOIt to the tows ef AIMas
BLOCK A west 00 feet ef tot A Plrat M.
A Church of Alblna, 071.47; east BS faet
of tot A. Oeorga W. Bat as. 130.11; tot A
Oeorgs W. Bates, OAR-10 j south 10 fret ef
tot Oeorge W. Batea, gs.3; let T. Oeerge
W. Bates. 001.11; south 10 feet of tot A
Dudley Brans, Al.04; tot 13, Bernard Bvnbea,
049.70; aonth 10 feet Of tot 11, Dudley
Brans, 01.7.1; south 10 feet ef tot 1A Dudley
Kias, A4.on- tot 14, Dudley Crane. 122.41 1
10. Dndiey Brasa, 004.30. BLOCK A
tot A Dudley Brass, IS ; tot A Dudley
Pvans. OAA40; south 10 feet af' tot A Dud
.. ley Brans, A4-T1: tot T. Dudley grans. 00. M;
south W feet of tot A Dudley Brans. 11.74;
tot 1A Dudley Brasa, 100. AO: snath 10 feet
Of tot 11. Dudley lfraiia. fl.W; aauth 10
feet ef West 1T.T feet ef tot 1A Dudley
Brans, 00-73; west IT.T feet af tot 14. Dud
ley Brans, 00 03: west 17 T fet af lot U,
Sadler Krone, sir.TA Total. 01T1XTA "
, Auditor of tbe City ef PortlsaAV
Purtlsmt, thregua. October IT, 1004.
Kotlce to bsrebv gtWa that the Onuncfl ef
the City ef PortVud mopiaas to assess th
following described property and owner or
ownera aa being specially and peculiarly bene
fited la the ameants sst opposite the asmas
sad desert ptlona thereof by the ensmtrsettou at
a sewer In Baat Atark street and East Thirtieth
street from tba eaat Una of Bast Twenty
ninth Street tn the aawer te Rsst Thirtieth
street near Baat Bttrh atreet, SB feavidsA BP
ordinance No. 14,140.
Any objections to th SBSBfthHiiiiest ef otot
fer Mid sewer meat "he smob 1b writing to the
Omiecll and Sled wltb tha Auditor wfthla 10
dayT from tha data af th first sablleattoa
ef thto aotlee, and said abject tons will he
beard snd determined by tha Council before tha
passage of tbe ardlsaaea aaaaaatog th east
k aald aeerer.
fret of tot 0, Till
uay. sos-ou; m 1 v. w. uay.
c. w. tiay, fM on: west IT
Title Oaaraato Trust Doea-
MKT Bin. oa.
S f;
John P. Huchse, AW.A9; tot
At Jeea
Hnsbea, bm vf.
KMaeii. smi.aD! mt a. Anna Prac:.
UJ10, RIXICK A tot 1. William 0, Lan'
r, At S3: 1st A David Oeodsela, gat). 40.
Tuns. q. rtaVLIfT,
Aedtter af tbe City of PorttasA
Swrnsna, oregea, (ettooer it,
4 Saa af Cisisiaraa.
-' 4