The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 05, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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. ,
.... yoKT'l MHUMUil .
rnlnMbto' HI,
BafcM Hal el tbe Io"
fQW Graaa
. ...... "lUtOm, the iwtww flrw"M"
CoKnTl "A gnaws ea f Om s v"
Igiar ...Vw 1
Kvtl Van .? ;
Ki , , ,,.vu--
im(b ...veedavut
On of -the greatest excursions of tha
, world a rlda up or dowa tha Columbia
. rlvar, between Portland and Tha Dalles,
' Tha newest, fastest and baat equipped
' ataaniar, the' Charles R. Spencer, laavaa
' foot of Washington atraai ovary moraine
II 1 o'clock for. Tha .Dallas and war
;u landings, returning on altarnata days.
. Passangara bound for Portland, should
' purchase tickets for Th Dallas, chang
ing thara to tha staamar and eosaa
, thence to this elty br th rlvar rout.
.. Tha aoanarr - (a th gmndeat In the
world Is not aurpaaaad on earth glo
, : rlous beyond compare, httfhty water
falls, mighty mountains, might? menu
' mants of rook, mfshty aanrena - and
; . mighty gUna, together with beautiful 1
landaeapaa and charming dales, make
V thla th moat enchanting rid upon any
water of tha globe, Telepbou Main
.-i-."1' ' -y--
I On motion af Attorney Bd Mendea-
'.' hall, oounsel for W. tX 'Btltt and
Michael Fresh, thh? suit-for-$l.oo
' v asalnst tha Thurlnxla Insuraao on
r: panr.waa dismissed In tha Tronic court
- by Arthur I Prassr, tha aotlng pre-
aiding Judge. A notel ownad by Btltt,
- . on which Fraah bad a mortgage, burned
at Wastport last March, Tha company
refused ta pay tha Inaurane and autt
' allowed. It la stated that th suit waa
' , 'settled-for l,90. from which tha
amount of th premium. I HO, waa de
ducted, making tha net amount paid by
tha lneurano company 1,S40. . . i
' Local passenger men believe that tha
October excursion business to gt. Ijoula
"' M jnlng to be as heavy aa waa tha
-' ' September bueiaes. Tha first selling
data for October waa yesterday and a
tralnload of people left Portland last
night for tha world' fair city. All the
roe da report heavy aelea up to data and
the ear that nave thla point represent
oalr a portion of tha business, aa tour
1st and Pullmgn oar ar picked up at
Umatilla and ether points.
Union Laundry heata by steam
v Pollshfra that never burn; , . v
' Makea th linen fairly gleam . V
, Pacta that patrons qulokly , learn.
' Doeen't "yellow" goods , speck,
'"And prolongs th garment' llf;
Collars do not "saw" tha neek, "
. . Cuffs don't out Ilk batokar knife.
It to a treat deanslnf Inatltutlon.
Building Second - and Columbia. Tela
phone Mala tt. .
Raaldenht bf BL Johns do not Ilka tha
-'"'idea of having such a large' bovine
' populaUon. Cattle ar allowed to run
'T'f-'- fwa In tha peninsula olty and lawns.
'v" tree and shrub have suffered con
'..','r: alderably. Th women have taken th
' V" taltlatlva m aaklng the mayor and coua
ell for a pound ordinance. It will be
introduced at th next meeting.: tiJ
V An unknown bicycle rider ran down
tha Uttle daugrhter af a L Dow. of
141 alorrls 'street, as ah wa standing
la front of her home awaiting th eom
lag of her father last night. Tha child
was badlvcut and bruised, but no bones
V ; wtre . brokad. Tha blcycllat rode off
" '' without even Inquiring Into tha extent
t tbcolilld a tejurlea. - : -
' C. k VcXAUghlln of 181 Corbatt gtraat
, was buried yaaterday. Ha died after .a
very brief Ulnae Sunday morning. ..Mr.
McLaughlin waa connected with tha city
' . anglneerlng department aa a sewer In
spaotor and waa very competent man.
' Ha laavaa a largo family and a wida elr
r el of f Hand. ' '"
" Thaodor T. ' Carvel, rormerly of thla
s dty, died at his home la Sen fraaclsoo
recently. MrACarvel was at -on time
y i ft eoaomlsalon tnerchaat of Portland.
5, Tan years ago he want to Loa Angelas.
but recently moved to Ban Franolae. ,
'After ftetng dosed two day the
Morrison street brldg haa bean throwB
open to street ear travek At Intervals,
during tha building of th draw pier,
the bridge will be closed from two to
four days. . 1 - .
If wa'iasued red toothpick you'd aa
am all over town. They'd oom from
th Bavwy, tha pUa to find good eat
ing. Plfth gtraat, oppoaite old P. a
.--.WWw Tonto. - The great Mood ptrrK
f tier, aerve tonic and liver ragulator.- Just
'-f what you need this day. For sale by
. all drugglata. , -J t ,-
Chaw De-Talcum, have pearly teeth
' and prevent s daoay. Far sal very
v V where. , . . ' : ... .
TouTI be happy, too. If ran act at
tha Savoy. Fifth street, opp. aid F. a
-J Woodward" Danetng Academy, Von.
gad Thur. Burkhard balL Phone Baat SI IS
f Free tea with Sunday journal cash
want ad a. Don't forget.
Allen Lewis' Beat Brand.
t waaesBasssBSBBBBssBBBBBBaeamemBaB i i i i i mi 8gsBBgBSgHggggear
,: r s
I! II I! If
In ttis mfjsritirrjt many of you ar hsndlinf your
niatsrisi ia ths food o&fashkmsd way msn powor
and borne) power, and wondarinf why tha othar fel
low keaps ahead of you.
Take an
and Find Out
' ".V
t' -y
Coma down to dia shop
A onaf our new rerarsibla . V"V.'r. v j-----
Wittsmsttc Contrcctcrs' lloist
3 U
. .
Chief of F"'te Hunt tpoMNd at
headquarter morning resplendent
In a new uniform. Th uoit oonsplcu
otw portion of th thins la ths word
"Ctilar which mar W inr on either
lapel of tn coat Th word alio ap
pear in gut latum acroaa tba front of
hi cap.
The mw uniform la nut another
feature of the military ayatem aatan-
llshed by the chief and which haa made
Portland' polio fore what It la today.
It will be remembered that oven th
press agent of Singling1 etrcua prat d
li ,
I Thara ar dther haw features to be
added to th department, the purpoee
being t make It mere military. - Th of
ficers are to have their rank a tamped
on soma eoneptcuoua portion of their
clothing, so that all parsons having In
formation concerning crimes and deelr-
Ing to Impart It may have no difficulty
In finding the proper official. ' ?
While fnvestlgatlng the condition of
th roof of th court houee, looking to
having It repaired and freshly painted.
County . Comralaalonar Barn -and
Llghtner made, a discovery. . which
caused them 'to censure, the respon
sible. Th heavy tin covering of
chimney had faMea from It position
and- lay aa th sdg of th roof from
where a atrojig wind might have blown
li to tna pavement.
, "If that thing had blown oft the roof
and struck somebody It would undoubt
edly have caused serious Injury and re
sulted In a damage .suit against Mhe
county. " skid one of the commissioners.
An examination showed that the piece
of tin had been lying hi th position In
which It waa found for some time One
of th Janitors was ordered to remove
tt from the roof Immediately.
' The commissioners have decided to re
paint the court house roof and also tha
roof of tha armory. The tin lining the
gutter of th armory haa rusted so
badly that In place it la perforated aa
if by a sharp Instrument It tt prob
able the. cupola -of the oourt hous will
" " J ,( ' " f
Mrs. Btlea Kinsman Mann, who for
the last U year haa had charge of th
musle In on or mora of Portland's
church, WW depart on-Frlday of thla
weak for Chicago, where she will reside.
Recently Mr. Mann vlalted Chicago and
while there ah sang before some of th
leading club and critlca. She received
encouragement to remain ta that city to
engage in concert and oratorio j work,
which aha baa decided .to do.
Mrs. Mann waa one of the promoter
and organiser of th Portland Musical
club. During her residence in Portland
aha has been directress of th Caacelian
dub. aopraa soloist and In charge of
music at Taylor-Street Method 1st
church. M-t--A i. c . . . -;-. '
B. H. long, g wall-known wheat In
vestor of t. Leuls, 1 at tha Portland.
accompanied by hi wife. -
i. W. Seaborg, th Bay Tie oaaaer,
la in th city today.
Supreme Judge and MraV Wolverfo
are registered t the Imperial from
Baiam. v r1
Mayor 1. A. Seufert of Th Dallaa w
here on business.
Tt waa almost a miracle. Burdock
Blood Bitters cured me of a terrible
breaking out all over the body. I am
very ratefu1 Miss Julia FHbrldga,
West Cornwall. Conn.
Pre tee. with Sunday Journal caah
rant ads. Don't forget.
Hour Off
and sea m practical taat of -
a; i sfg
Ks-tm, vs
, tVAJTO m isndTTOalwTsmTFCWMs
FAjrr to wua sWMJjn of
It Is orobahl that th steamship
Chlng Wo of tha China Commercial Un
will be ohartared within the next cay
or two by the portUnd A Asiatic com
pany to load at Portland for China and
Japan. Negotiations are now tn prog
ress for her, and It la believed that th
deal will be brought to a suooeeeful con
clusion very shortly.
The Chlng Wo ha m deod-welght ca
pacity of ,to tens. She carried a Sour
cargo from here laat winter to me ori
ent. Tha steamer la new lying at
Bant Cms, CaL, and If a charter for
her 1 cloaed aha will arrive here about
October Id. J. V. C. Comfort 1 general
manaoar for th China Commercial line.
and It ie through blm that negotiation
for tha vessel are Doing maoo. wnon
his vessel e were making port entry
calls at Portland laat winter and spring.
r. Comfort made thla his headquarters.
Durlna the paat year th China, Com
mercial steamer have keen plying be
tween Hongkong and Memjoo, oarrylng
freight on the outward and passengers
on the return trip. Tha paaaenger con
sisted of Chinese oaoUea. and the trans
portation lino had a contract with tha
Mexican government for handling them.
It th Chlng Wo la sent here at we
date expected tt to aald that ah can
essily be fitted out with a fall cargo,
notwithstanding th fact that tna Ara
gonla will arrive In port at about th
sam time. All available space on the
latter haa already keen engaged. But
tha fact that both vessels will bo In
nort at nraatloally the sam time. It 1
declared, will not be the means of pro
venting them from being given quick
despatch. While th Aragonla w being
discharged th went ox toeaiag wa
Chlng Wo will be in pregrea.
OwlnaT t the large amount or rreignc
which waa being offered foranlpment
to th orient th statement laymaae tnat
the company haa been almost compelled
to owka provision for taking care of It.
if tha fnaulrtee continue at th rate
they have during the paat few weeks it
-Is claimed that even, anotner vessel
could, be used to good advantage. -.
Tiwabla WMfe SanlMwr
Owing to shoal water th steamship
Arabia wag delayed several hour m
th harbor thla morning. It wa th
intention for her to sail at dayHghV but
after moving a abort distance from her
dock sh stuck In th mud. . Befor ah
managed to gat out Into deep water K
waa o'clock. : 1
Th atenmer had aboard nearly l.M
tons of freight, and aha was drawing
nearly 14 (set of water. If no runner
delays ensue she Is expected to roach
tha mouth of the river in tun w smu
tbi evening. Bh la carrying a onrgo
valued at ll.Tl. and it will prove a
great prise to the Russians- should th
vessel again fall Into thslr hands. But
It la believed there la no danger ox tnia.
Evidently tha underwriters do not ex-,
pect it. They insured her against cap
ture at the low rata ox per cent.
But the local representative.! M. c
Harrison Co. declare that be is ox
the opinion that the rat will ma
terially increased by the time that tha
oriental liner Aragonia 1 ready to sail
front-1 hi port the latter part ox Octo
ber. Ho give two reason tor arriving
at such a conclusion. In a short time he
nMti the. - Port Arthur 1 eouadron toH
make its eeoape, and ho say the Baltic
fleet wlU soon arrive at the scene ox
hostilities. When, that-- time coma.
which he appears confident la not far
distant, he aay that oommeroa from
the Pacific ooaat will again be la great
danger ot being Interrupted. Hence ho
X plana, war rata are sure iw fin.
A detailed list of the freight taken by
tha Arabia la a follow: For TOKonama
li.179 sack of flour, kales of oot-
ton, 114 roll of leather, See oases of
eewkav machine. packages of
blinds, door and window, and n small"
shipment or pumps and fitting, ror
Kobe, ai,40 sacks of flour, ttl bale
of cotton, 1.190 box of apples, rolls
of leather and 4 oases of condensed
milk. For Nagasaki, 4,W sacks' of
flour. .For Moll. Si,t sacks ox xiour.
and led bale of cotton. For Shanghai.
see boxes of applea, and 4 packages of
dental ; i-oodav - For Hongkong, - l,se
sacks of flour. 1.1M piece of lumber
and IS ynkageg of rejected tea.
mom a woaxAJT osr boajbs.
Carrying li awl passengers, th
Steamer Ion reached' Portland yseter-
day from WaahougaL During the 11
years that ah haa been in oommlsaion
on that run the local agent say It la
th first tun that tt aver happened.
Heretofore he declare that there ha al
ways been a sood sprinkling of women
Tb majority of th passengers nom
ine to Portland on the lone take pas
sage at Washougal and Vancouver. Back
of both towns there Is ft flat farming
country, and for years n good portion of
the populace visit Portland one or
twice n week. The lone makes the trip
In Just the right time to aooommodate
them, and they have been patronising the
vessel so long that many of them have
begun to believe that they own an, la
ta rest In her.
Th farmer wlveo and daughters
take pasaag on her to bring their butter
and eggs to market, while their slaters
residing In the river towns com her to
do thetr weekly shopping. But yester
day they were all men. and the agent
aayg that the only possible way that ho
can nooodnt for It is that there must
have bean several big quilting bees up
tha river ad th time the steamer sailed.
of fraU
Captain W, F. Daniels, who bag been
hi th employ of th CaltrornlaV Ore
gon Coast Steamehlp company for ft
number of years and who is looked upon
as being one of tn moot oareful navl
satera along tha ooaat, arrived In port
thla morning from San Francisco. He
waa sent for to. take charge of the
steamer Despatch In place of Captain
Levmson, who haa been appointed by
ths snanagement of the line to go to
Ballard, Wash., and superintend the re
building of the steeumahlp Homo City.
Th Despatch la expected to reach port
thla morning. ,
The Nome Ofty ita been operated a
a freight and passenger boat sine tha
day ah was launched In During
the greater part of the tlasa she was op
erated between Seattle and ths big min
ing camp which bears bar nam tn
Alaska, When the fold excitement was
at It height th steamer waa generally
regarded aa being one of the mggwet
money winner piying tn nart Bern i
water, u Is snM Uktt sm hag already
paid for herself several time over.
But stnoe th Alaskan trad haa fallen
away to such small ' proportion her
owner have arrived at the conclusion
that th vessel could b used to better
advantage if converted into a lumber
carrier. Sh hi now being fitted up for
that , purpose. Hr houses will be re
moved and other alteratlona made by
which tt ta believed to be possible to
give bar sufficient space to take on
board fully l,se,og feet of lumber.
Whan tha work mapped out to-be dona
on bar is completed It to tha intention
ta plaee her in th coastwise trade. It
la possible that she will carry a num
ber of oergoee to Panama, where the
new railroad la now under construction.
There was another race down th
rtver from Th Dalles yesterday after
noon between th Charles R. Spencer
and tha Bailey Oatsert. Both steamers
war loaded with freight and carried
big passenger lists. The Spencer ar
rived at bar dock only It minute in
advance of her adversary. It Is aald
that th contest was so close that IM
proved of more than ordinary Interest.
The rivalry between tha Unas la grow
ing more keen . aa th day pasa by.
Each aid ha several runners and
aplelere" at each and of th run solicit.
Ing trade. - f :
Representing th Spencer on Larson
rides over th city en horseback hunt
ing business. He visits the livery
stables and all other places where he
la at all likely to secure patronage.
After covering Portland thoroughly he
go to Th Dalle and makes a like
rouad there, ;.,
' sWOaTBdl aBsTfss, f t.'f,'
Lot Monday evening th sttfamer Ro-
doado arrived In port from Ban Fran
cisco with a car so of cement, tlnplat
and geneat mere hand tee which la being
dlecbargedV at the Mersey dock. Cap
tain Krog. master of th vessel, reports
that an uneventful trip was ex per le need
up the coast On th return trip th Re
dondo will tax out wheat In her hold
and lumber an deck. ... -
. smXPMKsTftV
After n short lull Mg quantity of
wheat Is again belnw sent to the. Cali
fornia metropolis by th water rout.
Th Elder sailed' Monday night with
1.11 sacks of th cereal and I. ill sacks
of flour. It Is one of the biggest flour
and grain enrgco that an O. R. dc N.
steamer two carried during tha present
season. ! -
Although out in the stream and ready
to sail for Europe with a cargo of grain,
it la said to be very probable that the
German ship Emilia Will not get sway
until the middle of next week. The
captain Is anxious to leave at onoa, but
be explains that tha exporter demand
that he pay 9l0t or stay here until his
taydays expire. He declares' that he
wilt not pay the amount asked,
Mrs. Thomas Townaend and her little
daughter, Norma are expected to arrive
tomorrow night erom Ban pranclao.
Mrs. Townaend will Join her husband.
Captain Townaend. of th British ship
KskaaonV and mother and daughter: will
accompany him to sea. .The ship is
loading grain at th .Oceanic dock for
England. .'.-.
' VOTBS. ,
Astoria. Oct. .Sailed last nisrht
Steamer Iaqua for Ban Francisco..
San Francisco, Oct. a. Arrived at I
g. m. Steamer Aurella from Portland.
Arrived at 1:19 a. m. Staraer.AlHance
from Portland and ooaat porta Arrived
-Schooner Zampa from Portland. .
. St Johns. Oct. 6. Passed at 3:41 a. ax.
French bark Cambronne.
Astoria, Oct . Arrived at 4:11 p. m.
British ship Crtllon from Antwerp.
Astoria. Oct I. Co nH it ion of the bar
at I an smooth;, wind eaat weather
Columbia county flrog resulted hi good
rather than diaaatar, according to ex
Senator .George W. McBride. who Is In
the oHy. He returned a few days ago
from his timber lands In the Bunker Hill
district on the north Boappooee tn south
ern Columbia oounty.
Many ot Senator McBride' personal be
longing were lost at the time of the
St Helen fire, but he declare that his
property waa not greatly damaged during
the blase. Re stated that out of n tim
ber tract tha value of which la estimated
at W. 000.08 the total loss did not ex
coed 11,00s. He camped near the flrea
and In, the tract that cam under his
personal observation there were M.M
acres, not more than MU of which ware
run-ever by the name.
The Area were a benefit be aald, tp
destroying the old dead and decaying
umner trtax was scattered on tha ground.
The rotting debris, he said, had been
th breeding ptaoea for peats that kill
Messenger boy at Sixth and Wash
ington streets entertained g targ crowd
last night by acrobatic work n bicyclea.
By their daring feats they endangered
not duly their own Uvea, but put In
jeopardy th safety and live of scores
of pedestrians. They were Anally
stepped by the police.
They rode un ft plank that was laid
against g building that la being erected
near the earner, then rede down asjaln.
Pedestrians complained and a police of
ficer' Interfered. Then they placed n
plank on each side of ft barrel in th
street and amused themselves by ridtng
over rt They attracted large crowds
and finally attracted n policeman who
again Interfered wltk their eport No
on was Injured. ' '
- The Orvgon luilresd 4 Navigation
oom party ha announced that tt will
make s rate of t cent 'per lag on
wee t bound oats from Kansas and Ne
braska potnta. The - rate ia toad be
cause of the shortness of the crop in
the Pad fie northwest, and the fact that
so many empty car must be haa led
from the east to Oregon to take care
of the wheat shipments to points east
The Northern Pactflc haa made a rate
of HH cents on wheal from all potnta
on the Spokane branch and. ths Colum
bia River railway to Bt Louie and
oom mow points.. The rat 'goes Into
anect October a, and ta issued
minimum oCsAM pounds.
A fine Piano at Wholesale and
a Chance to Study Music
' at Halter's Expenses V
' ' . ; J '
Stg Moanms' Bmaas T issps Ah stately
Free. Btsry a avk Oa. Ma stag a
, Meat Qiejlssl Bp semi One s xntsa-
daee Thets Ftano. Otka
Ths Story a Clark Piano t bow a
well-known make throughout tha land.
Many of the world's most famous musi
cians have used and bestowed tha moat
enthusiastic praise upon It
Even a casual glance will convince any
on the Instruments are Intended to
grace handsomely . appointed and cul
lured homes.
While they ar exceptionally line
pianos, we could say as much In praise
of othar Instruments wa carry. The
Story A Clark Company recognises thla
It knows that coming Into a new field,
something unusual will have to be don
In order to impress plans buyers with
their merits.
After two years of negottattona they
have, therefore, authorised us to make
the most astounding concession to th
purchasers of the pianos In th first
three oarload which we receive from
them, namely:
, We are to sell every on of those In
struments at dealers' wholesale price,
saving you a clean $16 la. price, and In
soma cases even more.
W are to furnish on member or seen
family Into which a Story A Clark piano
Is sold free music lessons ror six
Buyer selects the teacher or
Wa are to supply all textbook neces
sary during this six months of free in
struction, also gratia.
And, In addition, the Story at Clark
Company promtsea to present every pur
chaser of one of these pianoa with a
handsome musio cabinet at Christmas
Tha instruments ar now displayed in
our main salesroom. Classic Colonial
styles, esses of quartered oak, Hunga
rian walnut or figured mahogany, ele-
Santly and beautifully finished. Superb
orlnthlan models, with pillar hand
somely carved at top and having beau
tifully decorated panels, a design strik
ingly handsome and artistic throughout
This 'comes in hurl walnut, genuine mo
hogany or Quartered oak highly polished.
There- are manv other styles eaually
original and pleasing. . i ;
.Wholesale Prices v I
Just think S 29. HOB snd 111) for
Instruments llks these. Piano that are
regularly priced at ites and even mora
You can't se on of them without
wanting It and at such price there Is
no reason Why you should not have ft,
aaw extend to purchasers of thess pi
anoa th sam easy-payment privilege
that we do on every other piano we selL
Pay ft down and tM ft month. If you
Ilk. .
Bear In mind, there are only three
oarload to be sold under these extraor
dinary condition a They can't laat long.
So If you are going to have one and gfi
this good start in music for one of your
children, you will have to call and look
Into this matter at once.
Kverv Instrument Is fullv ana ran teed.
Orders filled by mall. Pianos shipped on
aooroval to every part or tna racinc
Coast Catalogues and full Information
furnished free upon request Eilers Pi
ano House, 161 Wash ins ton atreet. cor
ner'Park. ' Also Spokane, Seattle. Ban
Francisco. Oakland and Stockton.
The Qeelie league has resumed Its
sessions for the, study of th Irish
language In tt original purity. At a
largely attended meeting n number or
new member were added, and . Mot
rin, of Columbia university, undertook
th work of grading th classes. James
H. Murphy, a representative of the
United . Irish league, gave n brief ad-
1 dress. In which ha expressed surprise
at the large number of people who by
their presence at tha meeting showed
an interest In the study of Oaelle. Ar
rangement for th entertainment and
bail to be given by the laagu October
17 were discussed.
V Low St tails Rates, v v
Very low rate, ls-day return trip
tickets to St, Leu la via O. R. A ft Oc
tober I. Particular of C W. Stinger.
olty ticket agent. Third and Washington
A good, ' serviceable
. . .i .
Table Lamp worth
75C, as a special
Thursday, Friday
and Saturday'
; Store -M.
. .J Phona Main UOi.
11JLL1 1
ON . ' ' " ' - " K S
I EASY'' - ' '
w" 1 WEEKLY '
j , j OR h ; . , C '
v , i1- ' Bmmmmnusnnu
f t
The Portland
We are lasHst
te gJ terth at eae
sad abaolstely wltaont yaht er bad
sfter erreets. Pees! la oaUgBt health
avd save as fmr, aa ear Mtbes et
sstractlnf la aaslUvely safe sad ssss
Italy pmiBMse.
Abaolata etMsHaem M ear ntt.
Wa do erawa and Midge arera rm
eat pala. Oar IT yeara' eipei leant la
late work uablea aa te tt roar swats
eemfortabb. The baat ta the cheapest
faith Wa nave saaUaea aa taU
X, . W1BB, -m yea.
J0I-I1I FATLINO 8U)Q. Opete evening tlU . ' Sundays from I to It,
Comer THIRD AND WABH1NOTON STB. 4 - -" , Phone. Main hit
. ,,s'-A ': .bujy ' voueu ' . ;V.'V ':- ' t r r;; H -
. ''From Usv and YOUR LIQUORS VWHERK '-'
; VbU PLEASE, if you want to save money
and stay in business
t'H&v&M' ' 1 V-
The Brunswick-Balke Collender Co.
fin aJTgrmisTg' at a W. awasfia 1
AsiyWsaawwat IssMvd at anasn
Keep Your Eye
5 on the Place
Where well-posted tool buyer get thetr
hardware supplies and follow their ex
ample. In tools, that place W Avery's.
Everything In the hardware line worth
carrying home is in our stocav oui ox u
at smau-prout prices. ..,
Avery. & Co.
Rocksprings Co&I
Is Vest for house us. Other ' ' i
og coaia rrom up,
st our prices on Steam v-v
m ear hks. . , . v .
oob-s BaVa0X
r-i Ce ll O
," naea,
; Loan Office
74 THIRD &T.
ertraot trat sas
atttlal. seeltlvelr
DB. w. a.
..'"V ;' . ""' . ; Bos that -"ysur ticket reads Tin ;'.v, , ' ; k "
C, GUNK f, C r. Aft., Lea
Business CoESegs
-unci ) ok: ma
rjuici i m is.:;
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afriTai as sutiMiawwr wm
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se) nsewmhty haa kg'wAfewl a
wypewTtwng' , g keewa geg week
amgna,fcl.....g haccra pes eraefe
Xsiuai wilwng.l feonsa ss wugsj
Bgsmag ......1H haaus weak
airmmstm ,...H kowrs pes week
esmam iiuxi!! news pes weak
smged sslgslsalsn.l ka per weak