The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 05, 1904, Page 14, Image 14

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- J. 4 -p ' ,-.1 . J." -
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Is I T
y. ' i.
1. W
69-71-73 Third Street, between Oak and Pine
Drown! Brown! Drown!
thaits thg cry) '5.v";-jr'V:rv'
Brown Suits
Brown Overcoats
Brown Hats
Brora Shirts
v x Everything seems to be Brown t
have lust received the second
express, from Crause Brandagee
. -. ;
Crown hand-tailored Suits $1150 to $35.00
pwn travenenes and overcoats $10 to $35
Crown Soft or Stiff Hats . : $1.50 to $5.00
Crown Jersey-rib Wool Underwear $1 to $150
Crown trousers ?X v , $3.00 to $8.00
Crown: Suits, Yoiititf ' $!0.00 to $25.00
Crowi Suits, Knee Pants . . $135 to $10.00
IiiiiiIi nJ Hi ml fhiiln fniiM T Hi In A .m. m ";
U 7 JrwtScrtettJi Irarn'Mt aarf lodile y4.0J C
' ) -7.
Yes, if it BROWN, we
can . fit any man, youth or child
in Brown Suits, Overcoats, Pants,
Hats, Shoes or Furnishings at : v
At Ac Uwl Prta m tht Cmt 1m tmtxi Stylo to li Qwlttkt
CM BIl-ro. otbwviH Krrto SUW,
pod up and 4own tb carpt In a oon-
fortaN room of "Pop" Bowarr itH-
lIshnMiit, paAn tarca elouda of mofcs
from a brUu pip. and told tb atorr of
Ma Uo atorr atranr thu Actio.
A Mil or for iht jroara, ioM ailnar
for au anr a atruasllnc actor, oapt-
tulat, beavar, acboUr, plarwrlcbt, lo-
turar, knows aquaJly la JDncland.
India, Oklna, Japan. Afriea, Auatralla
and America and aquallir at boaia la
aca tha Knsllah acto iaoma o bav
pi about ait out of lUo that Ufa Juui to
offer. -
"Kvarrtbtna- la mf Ufa," ko mm
baoa fortultoua -never bad a onotoa of
act too wma always oompaUed br obdu
rata rlmTimatinnna atim were bartna
a pow-wo whn I waa bom (ba Alaat
af the waaoro at Cawnpora. .
With thu IntrodiMUon. Bellow, tbo
mas. talked of all tblnsa except BeUew,
the actor. Bom day aoaao ona will
write a roojanoo aroundrkla life. And
what a ronanoo It will be. .
Forty -nine veara aso Bellew war bora
la Calcutta, India. Hla father waa ona
of the Queen's ohasUlna. At tha aca of
14, which la the ae limit for oadet
tralnlnc la the EferUih nary; ba went
aboard a tralnlodF ship. -After two yeara
he west to aaa, and there hla life began
is aarsaat. Xurtna hla eight yeara of
aerrtee, ho met with adventure that
sound Ilka ohaptara from Clark Xtuaaell
or Captain JaarryatC Ha was oooe
ahlpwrecked on a Booth Bes lalaad In
true Koblnsoa Crusoe fashion. He ones
drifted st aes for oeveral daya la as
opes boat- without food or drink and
even ones was a prisoner on a ptraUost
"But the aarroweat escape I ever had,"
aald BeUew, "was oa an asplortns
pedltlon on the Victoria river. North
Australia, whoa a terrlflo almooa atruok
our light eraft. We were ail separated
eight of usand In tha twlnkllnc of
oa ays I Was eomewhere la tha water,
belnc born swiftly aionff on. the bosom
of eternity.
"By th aid of "a bolt of llgfatnlac I
aaw a wall of rook looming ahead of
me. Buddenly a reat comber lifted ma
to Its oreat and flung ma at the faoa of
the reef. X thought It waa my end.
"But fate waa Jtlnd. I waa toboe
ganed down a cross reef with oompara-
tlv genUanass but It was eaveral houra
afterward before 1 awoke, atlU half
tunned, on the ledge of tha reef, about
1 feet wide, where X clung half erased
as well as half frosea through tha most
awful night of my life. 1
"After aeemlngiy interminable wait
ing for daylight 1 picked myself toward
a alngle voice. It was Bill Begot; a
rood, hla Briton, who lay with both
arms broken, bat ears of thankfulneee
streaming down his faoa., Lai-aeav a
Swede, lay not throe yards away dead.
"After easing Bagot up a ait, I
scanned Mho sea ' without . discovering
anything, then continued my search. I
soon same upon little Ballard, the blonds
haired kid of ft sslddy, smtliSg like a
story book.
"Bagot and I auCored the ugly gnaw
of hunger ail that day, and until 1st
the next whoa tha starboard Long Tom,
with Lieutenant Watson la sommsnd
cam scouting sloctg the fringes of ths
rocks. Seeing the signal I bad aet up
with th aid of my abirt, ha found us. r
"Two months later X left th Dread
nought at Melbourne with my ahum,
and Joined the ftret gold rash to ths
May town Acids la North Queensland."
Bellow quit the sea to bsootns a gold
seeker and la aow part owner of nine
gold mines In th MAytowa fields of
North Queensland.
Hla partnor la Frank Oardlnef, th
multi-millionaire financier of London
and Parla. Bellew was an ensign oa U.
M. S. Conway, tying In th harbor of
Melbourne, when th first gold discovery
was mads la Australia. With hla adven
turous spirit he could not resist th
rush that followed ths wild excitement
of th hour. With a alngle shipmate,
Lieut. Cecil Farojuhar, ha plunged hue
th bush for ths Queensland fields. -
After aearly a year of auooeaafttl
digging, Bellew and Farquhar started
back to th ooest, to take boat for Kng
lsnd, where they intended to buy ma
ohlnary. Farquhar died la th bush of
exposure, and another young wayfarer
whs cam p at th time helped heart
broken young BeUew bury the body of
hla ahlpmata and shunt. This young
man was Frank Gsrolnar of New York
City. They Journeyed together toward
the coast, When within three days' reach
of Brisbane they were aet upon by bush
rangers and thetr bags of gold dust,' ths
entire results of about a year's digging,
waa stolen from them. By selling their
clothes and horses they finally reached
Sidney and from tber worked thslr
passage to -Itoglasd, - y k J"
-- . Ba ahead aa Broke. V
Arrtvtag la London penniless, th two
friends searched the dally papers for
work. Bellew found an advertisement
reading "Wanted, a light comedian for
a provincial company." Re secured ths
position. This la how the future star
happened to go oa th stag.
When Bellew oame to -New Torfc tn
1IM to become a leading man of Lester
Wallace's Stock company, tha drat thing
Lbs did was to look up Gardiner, and they
entered Into a compact to start again la
raining operations la Queensland, the
understanding being that tha first ona
that "ltruck It rich" would "stake- th
other. Tea years later Bellew went out
and with money earned as. an actor ac
quired leases to three mines and some
good machinery. Th yield was good
and he made Gardiner manager of bis
mines and staked" him to tt.OOO for
Independent operations. This .money
proved th beginning of Frank Gardiner
rapid rise to great wealth, and BeUew
fortune as well for Gardiner 'made
good" to ths man who befriended him
so generously - Together, Bellew and
Gardiner now own on of th biggest
and beat paying mines In Australia.
But, despite this affluence, Bellew la
aa much In lev with the a tags as when
he first became th foremost hero of ths
matinee girl. v . i
It Is now aald ts b th sense of th
eommrtte chosen by the recent east
Grand avenue bridge should be mad.
Th petition being formulated is to be
upon tfala outline. Tha council, owing;
to advertising costs, has said that the
assessment districts should ba of auch
staa as ts keep ths tax up to about It
per lot Th result of this policy has
been to confine th assessment district
according- t th oast of ths proposed
work. t
' The ma meeting unequivocally de
manded wooden bridge, or elevated
roads, net to wet far from 1 10. 090 for
the two. If the council's old policy were
adhered to, this expenditure would fall
upon not more than MIS lota, from a
third to ft fifth of which would ba ths
property of the Oregon Real Estate
oorapany. Tbo maaa meeting commit
tee will ask that Ui assessment dis
trict be made to take in about 10,0
lota, or practically tha asm area that
woald have been assessed If a HtS.eOO
contract had been let. By a ostendlng
th ores, th soet par tot will not a
mors than 11 to H.
In regard to advertising, tt la found
that this doe not exceed cents a lot.
If only i per sent of the total cost of
work Is to be allowed for engineering
and advertising, the coat for advertis
ing tha enlarged district would b about
tl.4. which is muoa mora uasye sw
cent Of S20.0M,
H H. Tlrgil. Chairmen of th maaa
meeting committee, stated today that
framing of th petition bad been placod
in the hand of Attorney Newton W. Mo
Coy, with inatructlone to get up a valid
document and . distribute the burdea
of the work equally as possible. Mr.
MoCoy la engaged on this work at pres
ent, and aald today that he expected to
have the petition ready within a short
Members of ths committee expect that
the council will not act oa the request
rmiiiesi ts ths
Painkiller SZ3
laooaaa te preeoMfeua
riTtTr ,i i i-aasi
.in. iiiiiaWwniii '
riini-'-'--- tiiiiisritfn-'iif-ftrf----'-'--"--''-'" -'-
ju vix jn way
y .
tor elevated roadways, bat are disposed
to "put It up to the city fathers," and
than If nothing la dona, appeal to th
legiaiatwr for relief at the next ses
sion. Citta ana of east Portland are de
termined that ths bridge shall ant ba
tha costly affairs outlined In ths two
resolutions adopted previously by ths
oosaalL- - ,v - r...-
Vaaaa A1
Immediate relief M th Irsat questfon.
The auggeetlon that th present Union
avenue bridge be strengthened and re
decked ha been received with approval.
This, It m claimed, seems to bo th
only solution out of tha difficulty until
time la given for, tha. legislature ts act,
unices ths council will provide In some
manner for erection of . tha elevated
roadways according to tha wishes of
th mass meeting. ' H. H. Newhail,
ohalrman. of the mas meeting, aald
bridge ought to be improved so as to
accommodate traffic, until ' new struc
tures wer provided for. . If th city
will take thl work up Immediately they
will .confer a favor on the distressed
buainasa interests of the oast aid, and
If soma actios . la not taken soon It
seems probable that a petition will be
circulated to have th work don by th
city. In the usual method, of repairing
bridge and streets. ...
A woman whoa drat narna la Fay la
aald to bava figured la ths mysterious
disappearance of W. A. Clark of Boise,
Idaho, which occurred mat Saturday.
Slaoa that; tm no tree of Clark has
been found. ' ... ...
Clark cam ts Portland recently from
Be is and has apartments at S Jeffer
soa street. He la aald to have received
a large sum of money aa that day. He
la also aald to hav left the place early
In th day to keep an appointment, as
he said, with "Fay.". He did not give
the woman' last name. -
Friends hav endeavored to locate
him but all efforts la that direction have
been futile. Police officers hav as
sisted and they also hav failed to learn
th whereabout of th man, It la
aald that he do not drink and tils
frlands are unable to explain hla mys
terious disappearance. . ' v
. -II I - Ml I IHIKll i '' 4
(Joeraal Sosalal Ssrvlas.)
Ottawa, 111., Oct (.The survivor of
tha Fifty-third Illinois Infantry, FordTa
oavalry and CoggswelHs battery (Cush
man's brigade, held their twentieth
annual reunion her today la celebration
of the anniversary of the battle of tha
Hatchle river. In which they took promi
nent part. Klaborai entertainment waa
provided for tap veteran and other
vlsstsrar- - - .
Given Awav
suits ana uvercoats
f-." . r
.-' - s. I - - . "v 'J''- -v.. x, c ) - st..,r.r v.!
Given Away
v rmnzoAXBsTV ur
After snsstdlns roar months la tbo
oounty an without a trial, Jullua von
PrM was. by request of on off tn mr
mtt tndssML taken mto ooort yestardsy
afternoon and aHewod to plead goilty to
a reduced charge. Oa Jury term ana
half of another lajiaarl without th pris
oner facing a court.
mis fact waa taksa flats aoaatosratloa
hv Arthur U Fraaar, th acting presid
ing Judge, jrhs impowad) tha light asa-
tenoe of three moatba' tmpnaoamsnt.
Ths prisoner was la vary penitent mood
and has eye and voioa were filled with
tM wKiie the aotirt was comment Ins on
hla oaae. He te A Oerman, sgsd tt years.
"Lenlencr by a court la usually pro
ductive of bad results,- aald Judge
Praser. . "Nooooy oaairea mr ibm 1
to give a young maa a ohano to reform.
But my experience la that they doa't do
tt AnA then, nther vouns ma so ahead
and oommlt erimea, thinking to theaa
aeivaat Wen, it la not ao bad after all.
Bo-aad-Bo goj only si few mentha for it."
Von Prioi osoiarea n www wevr
break ths laws again. Ba could got
money to so home to Germany, he
stated, and would do so on being re
leased. Hla crime was stealing a grip
Mn.inlfi a sold watch and clothing
from Charles Norborg last June 11.
"You hav already seen aepv in oon
ftnement st tha oounty Jail for four
months," remarked the oourt. '1 will
take thla Into consideration and eentence
mi aanrt three months. But If YOU
tefara the oourt semla- VOU will not
ba permitted to plead guilty to a re
duced charas an wim no asau wna w
verely." .
kMw TMeMAt Attnnav Adsms as
signed as aa exous for allowing th
young maa to remala so Ions; In Jail
ithmrf trial that the onlv wltnees
against him la a 000k, now working as s
Northern Pacific dining oar. service ox
a summons to appear la oourt and tas-
Ufy, he eays, could sot us oouuoea,
A .
tfaaraal SsetUl serviee.)
a Tula Oct, BeDreeentatlve
bankers and financiers of the Blue Ores
state filled the assembly rooms of ths
Kentucky building at in exposition
when th annual meeting of th Kentucky
ttMttfcaM uaoalattosi was called to order
st ! o'clock thla morning. President
B. B. Long presided and tbo aoareee or
mImmm m delivered bv A. T. Ford.
president of the Kentucky oommlsslpa.
Tor IufsaU and CUIAtsb,
dii Ktcd Ym Hsti A!wa E.-l
,1 - 1
.October 6, . A, 9
um aad WssMagtsa. Phsat Mala lie.
sU Mria week, with HMttsea sstsraay,
.oassrs OehasMa SMk Qwiay hi
Bskry Pvanes! Far Oesnsy.
Prises lta, S5c BOtj eattrs rUry. We.
kUtlare ssd BV; astir tlr. lee
Ticket efsee opes at Bow harttA's. tb
asd Wufaiaftoa, beat 10 l a b T I. a
rhess Mala 110. At tbeaw fsaa f p. la. la
10 s. Wk. Phess K.
Marqaam Grand Theatre "
Then.. Pit.; Bst Rights. Vt. g. T. . M4.
SMcUl-prlea atht. Sat.. Jhvoerk Ward and
KTtbrra Alaser la ts aaeMerelar taaiaatfc
draas, . , - ,
Sveainf prkes Lews? soor, swept bet f
mn, 110! Uet I rovs. II; saleeny, frst
rewa. $1; aaaeed S rewa, TBc; kwt nrtra, BOe,
Ellery, Boo and SSej te and.legaa. lift.
Mml Bat ml iflM Pimrt. SI : Baronet
circle. Tea; baleosy, srwt t leva, tet; aeiewd
t rewaioei last tew. aOa; geUerx. Ste asd
foe. Seata era sew aelaag.
Manraam Grand Theatre wIi2?
. . TONIGHT at COtOOt, -,
Tha dtotinuikb4 gntlah arier,
gsjferied by Mr, B. M. Bedasd ssd ertsV
sa) Htw Tort cept, la
PrlTii Sl-00( seaway, tl. Isct gaUary,
Tea, Boa.
CordraVr Theatre IJZT
PerUssl's Meat Papular taarlly knirt,
Twa VUya Thla Wi.h Sim Sees.
Teals kt. taat ptrforsMSM of Chsrias U.
Caaassa'a seat acettws star.
A RomaUfrsa of Com HbIIvw0
Thaaa., PrL, Sat. Mat asd aarat, new awsagy
SrasM. irst tuse aa asy atage,
araadfsthars Clock"
rTlgst srless, loe, sur, BBa) asadal risen id
aaata. BCe. Matinei srleea, tee te sny part
af the aesaa; ehllOrva, spMfal seen. Ue,
Tfce lirPP THF1TDP , I Baker
H atnaia.ei adnata i
SB (rwterw gBsWyMafa
"Th Sijii of the Fottr'
sir A. Oneea ReyWI weeSwrsI atery af Sm
advasssrasef sheraiex Betwae.
A JassN) sa
Baker prleea sraveiL
TgO . Biggest a . IeM laialmisbj '
ouryoaft ikc
tfl XKAMA 'A.
TH P&onOrosoopB.
:sr te 4: SO s, m.. T ao to I0r9 a. sv i
flieefl ilislariiai IDe: rest rwl sex mMl ssa.
The Arcade Theatre.
Saa Orsjksu i" 1 r ill
' Tela weak
-1 - .v-.. maminiDiei, V
; ktmgTXL aVS o wn, , , ,
". , ?iiMU-0',rin.
t J to : p. ba. T:M w WtM a, as
a, lot asy seat. ..
Thw LyTloThagfttrw
sf TaaHilsa
aaa taa
juyiTk nit)
tkx viTAaoora.
aiaarsi l:S t 4M, T:sf ga
to aauia se aigaer.
' "V' 'set-PS) BnaWSTDS.-
Dr W. Norton Davis.
Wa freat aeeteawhUty B prlvata eem asd
SweaU " ef m. alee Sleei. itiiMut
ant STPHVlXiS (wltkoet sMrearyl M stay
eare rerever, la So h BO daya, wa aaaaa '
BTRTOTVlAs, wttsaat ateratt.a si pala. v
We sta fias, the taasK af aetf aseea, f
hsswdlaUry. wa eaa rastora ma aataal vtaat
et say aaa sder BA ay aMsas af leaal traas
awes saieMer ta aeaaalvea, .
We Cart Gtmnhoea to a WeeK I '
The ssatara ef mla tsamata are an tagelsr
Casatea, hav sad awni yaara axpsriaa .
e bees knows Is rWland tar lOaar.
have a repetatlea s SMlatata, asd win asset
take a eaas aaliai eartals ana aa h s
Wa geamtee t rat hi every ae we m$m '
take er !"irrc pa fea. Cmwelutlno trie. Lat
ter etmrtotetlai laatraptlve BOOK f OS MSB 1
auflad Irae la plats wrapiMS1. '
If rea aassnt aQ at rnoe, wrtta ear Saes
Osa Mask. Bsaaa traatxaast mstsifat, t
Of aa
setleays, W ts Is,
O0 avdrSga aeertallesi la m BarStwassi
The sew ef yaMt veasvrlue.
CssrhMnM p- -ftwnaka fr 4 I h tB a,
a I r enentt. s 1 b It w a, av Bvea
Ist b. . Mwa fc- f la lis a. BA Asp
saet Is the Aertn, IS eaats, v- .
Tsm Bear B. B. Osa. Vhfcrd asm