1 EVENING. SEPTEMBER tS, 1KML . THE OREGON DATLW JOURNAL, PORTLAWD WEDNESDAY fa TODAY'S MARKETS filCES Sill"? IN : FC'ITRY .MARKET foaltry aurkrt slstepe- , v , , , TnwttN lnanlree tot whMt - PkMK SSSrket tlM feBM. : - -, H market Teal 00 aM from fflj RNM- pre d hog i only fair. rw.ta aaarket contlnaae weak. to, km MrkM slightly tNkif,. V. bn ara m Sm at prlee. . . - Grapee twattaae b pint. , . . Cm sweet roUUM rm lay . Tweltry Isarln at. '; Late reeterday fteroa weB B ' tot the peeltry Mht Imm wee or 1 weotto mr lew 1ml Tee ton . are holding aleof and do aot mm li W eatO .v. .ftd NarkM tSa lew Mark The they win ww bp ""4 kw so ui.. .. h1,-na ru be bouawt W los .kainu.. whlla tea fanHMt of Straight bene ere only worth 11. Of late ttiM ku iWfl H COWM IB th JoUtiB Ben. broilers and fryer. 0 rooster an selling round Bp. whll m are at the mm Sjwra. n.u I. f.tr aaaaod for MM eSKB M em at nrlce. which bar Ml eBeBgrd- r The demand for Wrt.t remain at tb top nHM stand at farmer leeela. On of tk Irirldenta f tb poultry Bwrfcet " jta v ha wwinc er eooo of aUied enlrk- m H M l IM deals. Th coaslaat . ia Park Place. Ska stork wer , shipped la an old crock boa: with Mt slnaie hole foe air. Wbea Ua sblpant at- . rlrd a-d was op la Hral Xff' It araa foand that vt cstekraa wm Md aa taa mnaiadw wm ki f dittos aa to ba onaaiabla l tk aarkat and . kiikaa Tb laaa. af mm. talla aoda. tmt tb MUM ar uiainaj w Mtlnar tha afclMaari C Ul fWlkar wok as- THMMM aHllll Am atf .a IimI avala BSM tkla iwtwd a wramnnlnlloi fnM 1 kv kwndlar a trbft ta UrnMawv aaklaf for auoUtlooa Oreso- wkwat U ana M.mu lota. Taara wrra. atao aona lqlrlm froai r Malaa and Boataa aaala. Tba aurkat today aa ratfe.r araW wltk ktoMtP-m abowlaa; aa dvaaea atf about In N bnjra ar npartod M,wn ay tba aatrraara, tat tka ad- Tiucoa of tha Cbbao aiarkat will , uka thla probaltta. Tba law aurbet la la Ona Sbaa-, with Mas ff tkt mlllm adraaHnc Ikalr data, tmt sat ckarstag -Y kidkav acloaa. . Waiai.l Hiaaku M Oarta. - wi(.iki mbm waa aatd raatvfdwr f VMM larm kU f 1mm at Indrpeadaoea. Ilalaai and Aurora a ad the Market baa a rwry Araa . Mtkwl aa la salllab Ulka at ataaa C Ua Mlrt kan. tt la aow aald that prarttcally a-balf af tka aattrt caop of tkw Partde aaaat fa la tba aaada af tka aaalrn aa tbr ara . mot kartlaf ikaawaH la trylaf U aVny tba blh arlrfa. Sona f taai ara aprMdlng aawa of Mtoa at wi MttC bat aa koaa kaa aa aetaallr oarrbaMd at tkla Ipn. 11m aBarfcot aa koaa today nw9m from Me .e ? with Tie tka anaat paid. II aaw looka aa If aaaai ' of tka dMlnra who ara to aa kW ara mine ' bomb tka awrkat for aU tbey ara -4 worth, tkwrwbjr Biaklac tkatr owa pan-kaaaa " oaieMad bettor lgnraa, A aotleobla fact la tba haa altnatloa A araaaat la that aaa f , tba larfot dara of Port U ad waa aroajad raa- Wday offrrlim tka very awa wka ara clalaUna; v IWHe aa too ptlre. fcia a lock at ST a. kal tka offor waa aot accaptod. . " 'bpa- Mar Ikoaok a Oaata. ' Tka kopgrowaia kaa aaw tietaii aa l fnaad wttfc tba kulHak raportr that It la wy . doabtfal U any kopa of tka aoat anallty caa bow be aankaaad nador tko 90s But aad bdbm of tba tiowora ara talklof af boldluf ' tot kV. A SOe kop aaarhot la aot anllkly thla . roar, bat prW. aoar ara ratkar klfk. Botaa of tba Bagllab browofo ara kaylac ry oafrrly af - tka prronot qaotatloa bat tka mJeritf Of Ckaai ara aoldlaa: oft. aal taaaa Tmm Soorf MmWam. rroBi arrry opctloa of tko aortbwrat 4rmri ' oaal la aww cotnln lata tka Fortlaad amarkat aad prteoa ara dowm today. Tka ahlpawnt OL.aalt artofetkor of ktrao-alaad poor raal. ' rancy atM-fea woaM aril aa kick aa 1c. Bobm '- dra.a.4 fcosa caaw la tfcla BMrolns, bat taera waa no (TMt daaaiBd, Vaat koga ara aalUaff ratal Markot fliallaai Waak, . TW potato amarkat aaatlaaa woak wttk tka toratpta of CaUforala tory large aad the 1 Orrfnoa oaty BMdorata. Tka trad kf ba . oaaaltic arr tired of tba California aoutaos , aa atoefea ara Tory atorr aad will aot aall a tka Haw Parana aaor tkaa one tlaaa. bobm BBtall Orasona wra aold thla or a lag aa tow Me Bar k ir id Boaoaa. atattat luM aUfMlr Vaakao. y Tka bottor BMrkot to allfhilr weakor. Tka , rorvlpta of faary craani.ry ara largor alae tba ralna bBaaa aad tka larfo ataeka of raatera. pro i aaa and toral aoM ilorare. which aall at t fewer akaroa, koto tko Beau ad omit mn. law Torr rim at Ma. ' Tba an aarkt to rery few at Wm Har the laeal freak atorka, lee era I vara af eeetera bat- tar aad etr ara do wlthla tba nest few day. f It hi aolte Uhaly that ea-tora ecgw will mm Ja le la prtte aa tko Bast ah tp meat. Today'o wkotoaala - BB foUowa: Ma. flaw aad fwt. WHEAT New and Old U ok, kftti r, piajmr: valley. . Ba RI.KY reed, tZS-BO; roltod, MUI: brow. . lar m oo. OATfl PredareTi" prtoa If, I wbtt. pgM otrr Wijrrar. t00 MM. nl'ai Raatera Oroa: Patewta. B4J0; BtraUtbU. X.T6: rallegr. $kM; craaaaa, k Km, 4 45. MIIOJlTt r-Fa Braa, fMJo par toa; BUd- dllufa. A.QfH aborts, ooBtry. aS.Ui eaop, ' BAT Prodaeenr' prW TUortky" WllUaama , "alley, fancy, 14.OO01S.OO- ordlaarr, SlS.Ooa IB. 00: eaater Oregoa, IS.OOil It.Oft; Blied. tlft.0A12.(i0: doeer. aiaoAU-OS; graka, 11,00 ll-o0; akoat, dll.OOdJll.aO. HOP IBM. BotnlBaL MO aba af tBVc for prlBM; 1P04. M2Te. WOOIr Nomlaal. Taller, roaraa to ITdilftc; do, lac; aaatara Orojaa. isdjlaa. MOHAIR new. aue. MR EFIR 1 K beartaaT. lOAMt: abort rot nsoci Boedinai wom. do Mr; toag wool, r till 00 each. TAUiw-inBa, par a. ajsl P. m mm tMM, 3TSi4c. CHITT1M BAKK-43 wm BIPRS Dry bldea. Ka. 1. Id ba aad as. 14H15 per Ik; dry Up. Na. L I to U lb. 12 fie; drr calf. Ko. 1, ander ft tba, W; dry tte4 bulla sad Ma. 1-X leai tba dry flat; aaltod bide, atoar. aoaad. to lha or arrr, V; SO to do tba. Te; ander 60 Iba ani erwa, 0Tc: oUga aad talle. aoBBd. Ic; Up. lft ta so tba. TUc! aoaad, to It tba, ftc; ob If. aoaad, aadcr Id Iba IUc fraas (aa aattod, 1- per lb ra: ealbi. 1c par tb leaai oro bide, aal ted. each, l Vai.TB: drf. ch. 1.0001.00; colto7 hides, aack. BfiMt( aoat aktna. eoaiaMB. each. JO tlAfl wllfe aal , oacb. avrfii.ow. . Battar. Xa aad rosier. Bl TTKB CltT creamery, beat. ' rH0: jTado, ane; oaUlde tnocy, TTWc; atdl- as rr, 2Ac: as ft a, 22; store. Ufl Inc. BWIB We, 1 fronh Orefoa, Zftct' ae aBdid, c; osetora. treeb. 94c; oscaad. Bft. CHEESE Hew PaU creom. twin, 110 UHc; Tonag America. 2Htl9He. nCLTKrTblckeaa, mlied. 114 aar Tb: bene. 11 Wc par lb; Masters. sU. 9 par rmu. If ier to: broilara. lie per trror, lie per b; docka. old, 19r par lb; rnang, 17V per lb; pease. 9 per Bk; tarkey, l1e par tb; dr.ee .4. 90 par B. rrwMa aad) aoaaMaa, rfrTATTT Oregon. 910091.19 par csrt; bar ere' price, 90c j California, aleBMto awnata. fl BS per rwt. ONION'S Lel, 91 904J1.TB; CaBfaraas, BLTBt garlic. Oloe par to. PHBSrl r Kl fTB-Anplaa, fancy Oregon, ffacsl n o bos; cboap grs-lca. ncr7M toa ite Talearlas, 93 .B04T9.T9 per b"t; be aaaa. Be par lb: lemoo. esotro, 9.TnO2.09 CKITTIM BARX t4XKlR8a OO. will ar the Bljrhaat art for aar abciit fit CHIXT1M saiajk9 fffj1 Ovnajow sP)rn)aBBaV . umi inuuu Ul BOUHt 7 TOTSrVew mi MAaaw . air m avoarom bmuamb .y rofaiTiMitinMn rr boar raacy. 3 0f par bob; Haw. rslraB. Be par V00, ajuatipk. t M; pluaw. ftoQdOa per boi; peacBea. ordfiary, Xe per bus; fancy, TAtt par kti peare, l.00jl 3fl; frapea, llwai.16 per bos; Or". TtU: rerorda. lAr par t-lb baakat; 1U lb fcakt. trie' roaMrda, lAr par ft-lb baakat; 1U lb km Vgae; watoTBMtoaa. Orecoo, Mki a hMipoa, 110011 par crate: eaaabaa. fl-K '. hackWierrleo, iOr par lb; crabapplea, cania- M per a. tKe par la; cranberrta, weai, .w par. wit wbi Cod. tlD ner bbl. IVaWOTABUVftV-Ttttatpe. fl.S par aack; aar rota. St. l-er aack; Veta. 91 par lark; Areon radtaaea, 15 'nor do: cabitaav. Or.V. U WX00 rwt; tottaca, h-ad. Ik Oaa; treea pepp-ra. dOtjaflc per boa; roiery. 73e oa: u- t atk OreseaU ftottWJc per uoi partalBB. TV a 1 tt: area neaa. r orr lb: itrfi onloue. lHa per dot: local area rn. .'"et1.2ft per Btoi; pla plant, 2QSa par Ut at ring boana. 4c: oneuaibera. BOc ner Back: ran II Bow rr. 7o oc per doa; batter Warn. Be; pojapklaa, e per Ih; boreeratlUb, lOc par lb. DKIKD PR niT Apple. eTapoeated. TO par lb; aprlooca, HillSc par fb: aach. H par B toaa; pea, nttis per id; peara- per lb; pranaa. Italian, .por. rrinc. IU(t4H per lb; Baa Ufarata Mack. Sflu per lb: Oallfornta wbltaa. par. Ik plBBM. pitted par PI date, par 1st terda. ti t par box. lailai Hata. att. BrOAB flack baala Cuba, d.4tt powdered. M.W: frnlt fraaalated. f,lBi drf iraauUted, 8.15; boat draaaUtad. MOft: estra 0. B.la; aoioaa v, ao od ; uoia. iuc; w 60c adTBBC on aac baala. lra SSe rwt tar aaafc. coldea C. tSJB: bbla. 10c: U V1. BAa; bozos. OOc advaBC ob ox beau, broa km lft days: aupto. 14,ld par tb. HOTT lilkAlnr. CorrBB Oroea Mock. t1Jtt: Jar, fiatr. BBtS2c! Java, irood. aoqinc; Jar, oroinary taoiorw-- i-imt.' Bir rancT ladiaoc: Coata Blr. good. Wle: OoaU Blea. ordinary, Uaiat per lb: pacbara effee. 14tl4.Tn. TBAB Onbmc. dirfarMt aradaa. ( -Bowdar, aaJ036c; Baxilak broakfaaf. dif ferent fra-, TSHedSc; apldorlof. Japaa. atttMf froca aapas trory aoaro, owW ALT-rino-B.I-a, a. .. la. id. M kl flA- t.hU A.lrr ana BaoDrlll.ftO; 100a. ft. Id; Imported Uretrool. ftoa. Jl Id. BO; iooa. ift.OOOIftaO: tSta, Il4.0t115.50: aitr tne, bbla. Bs. to. Da. 10a, 94.00 i bslfc. 99 to. 93 M: aacka. 90a. ane. BALT Coaror Half froaad. 100a, par toa. 9n.900a.M; Aoa per ton. 90 BbOT.OO: Llrarpool tamp rock. Il3.d0l6.no per B3a; au-ia roam, 9..I8: loo. 9K.TAad.B5. m . 4 A bore price apply to aatoJ off Waa fbaa aar lata. Car lata al aporUl prtoa Bjaet to BactnaHona. GRAIN BAOB cateatta, BW par 18d. BICE Imperial Japan. Bo. 1. B! Na. Now Orleow bead, H04n Adjacfc. 'VnT-Ih:: IK SHc: taw Vklto, 9 9-dc; pink, 4Hc; fcajoa, tc; Ida, dfcej Meilran reda. IU. KlTTt-Penta. TH1 Jaartaa. tH par fb: raw, 9OI0' per lb; roasted. ooeoanBt. MO BOe par A:, walirara, WuifHUf per lb: pt ant. 10O12HC per lb: blckory anta. In par lb; cbeatsrata, eastern, lftfjlar per B: Bra all not a. 15e per B: Blharta. lBaJIde per tb; fancp aeaaa. Itlc per lb: alnMinAa. ISO 15 par V. Moats, riak sad Trwotaloaa. rBBBff- MEATS laaooctod Beef, bibmb. Ba per n; cow, dirbhc per lb! motto, an 4tf (Vc nor lb: Ismha. droaaod. Bflde nor lb. TBEBH MEATS Front street Boef. OteetB, 4H0Ac per tb: pork, block. t-,4JTc per tb; park or. 9Hc per B): tmlto. 14 e per B; eowa. 9 HO 4Hc per Jb: asattoB. dreased. dOEk par lb; oeal, ostra, Tc per tb; ordlaary. ftude per lb; poor. Se4r per lb: Unba. B4dyBHc par Tb. HAMB. BACOM, ETC. Portland parfef local) barn. 10 to H laa. 14c par lb: U to 19 Iba. 14c per D; 19 to 90 lb. 14 per lb; eotta, He par lb: breakfast bacon. 1441B per lb; plcnlca. lie par to: rtarnlar abort doors, aw snooted. IOUc per lb; a rooked. HHe per B; clear bark, nnamofced. 10a Bar B; i looked, lie par Tb; Union butt a, 10 ta ll Iba. an racked. B par tb: amnkad. Be par lh: clear betlla. an atnoked. 11H par lb; sambsd. IZHe par lb; oaatoTB haats. par lb; sahit baoow. ULffiLL LA BD Kettle loaf. 10' 10 e per lb; a, lie per lb; BO-Vj tlaa. Iosa per lb: team rendered, ins. l0A4r nor lb; ft, lout per lb; BOa. Sc per lb: compound tierce. 9 He par lb: ttih. Vt per lb: BOe, 44 per lb. BASTKBlf LARD Ua, 10A; ft. 10f Boa, lOUc. iTAlTrTBD BAT.MOIC Cotasabla riror 1-to talto. tl.U; Mb tall. 92.90; faacy l ib data, fi no; r'-b faaer Bala, 91 .99 i: faaey l ib srshi, 93.T9; Alaaka tolls, plafc. WOPOe; rod, 1J0; BobImI , t.tl. 92.00. riSR Bock and. d par lh; Boaoder. Be par re: htUMt: c per in; craoa. vi.ro par -aua; stJipod baa. 10Q1H par lb; eatssb, Te par lb; nalsaoa, Chinook. Be par Tb; te!bada. pee lb: aorrlDx. fte par Tn: Boias. Be par lb; ahrlmps. 10c per tb: ahad. drossed. lt par lb; arrch. Ba ne lb: Bbad roe. llUe nee lb: roe iad. 9e per to; black od, Be pee fb; aflrer Celt. Be per to; lobster. 12Hj ITab Bueker!, erawReb, PV per doa; aVinnaVr. Be per tb. OTBTKBS Bhoalwater bay, per fa I. 229: par sack. 94 .00 net; Olynpl. par ascb. A : CX a MB H s rd ahen. par be. T0t rsasr etata. 91,79 nee box. ratota. Oeal Otto. It, BOFB Par Manila, IS the; BtasdnwC 1SK aal. lOHe. . . . . coal oil roan ar Acrai caso. iiu per galf water white. Iroa bbht 16c par gal. woodea per gal; boadllgUL lTO-dog, aaa as nt per gal. Iroa bbla 1T0 per gat. r.TNKRKn OILPnre raw. In bbla ft Par nL eaeaa dlle per l; poaaloo kattas hot led. eaaea Be per gal, bbl e per gai: groOD eaae, ear -iota tibM par toa, laa tkaa aar 99.09 t ton. OiHOUHB aBdaa?. eaaas 99c per gaL Iroa tH Kr pr gal; Jtora. aaaa.Mid- par 1 Iron Mil lac iter gal. , . BEN7.IXE aa-deg. asasai gas par mu, sroa Udec. bbla 16 He par sal. PAINT OIL Saw, bbla 9Be per gL 9Be per tal: boiled. eae 4w par gal. TUBPBNTIRE la ease Mc par gal. woooe bbla. die per sl, troa abls T8 par Bai, 10-lb e lota c pet gal. . WHITB LIAD-Ton lets TV par . BOO-Bl tors Te per lb, lee tobj Be per Id. . WIBB llAlTBPrMent kaae at 99-49. atotaJl Lass bar rrtasa. Co as. Betoet Otoar . Par Per Par . Mfn.Mft.MfL toaTTl Mrfl"9 L99 919.09 9BB.t Itoagb, dlnMnalon refolor aiaea ta i zx li. u n... a.aw n.sw . Bjonga. dtoienaloMi rentof p. ltil2. 41-49 ft... 11-99 19.09 99.49 Mougb, dlsaensloBa regal u ' le to 12il2. BO40 (t... 19.99 99.09 19.09 far aack addltloaal 9 lncbot la width add...., vm B.OV x-av w odd and fractional laa sawed add aot toaa than Far sawing TSjrtieal grata ta 412 add , Ostneaon rough boards. rfs 1st alxaa to 11 la. wide 9.09 9.99 4.09 to 4 ft., laav. aaaorted t-99 11.09 RDeclned 1' W "bow 91.09 par M fast adnlttonsL . . la ttlctospa. , , LIGHT BLOCK HOGS ARE 50 CENTS DOWN Portland Pntoa Stockyards, Sept. 99. Tbvr hi atlU a demand for tbe beat beavy bog nd price remain at 0e. LicM or bloc bna are aot an rarer It souht after and are practically BOe lower. ' There la a rery small demand for China fats, put Stork era and fetter ara nt wanted a any arte aad present onotathm are only nominal. In abees the reretntn were at I to hoary. tbe arrtrab a wonting to 1,191 bead. While 919 bogs. AO cattle and 9ft mole amted, -t Official prices a ruling today: Cattle Beat eastern Oregon etra, 99TAej 9.00: boat eailiy steers. 9Aj Biedlum steers, h (A. aa im. ai TB- ao im Ho Beet beW. 90 00: bloc, 94: China fit. 94.9udlo.OQ; s tochers and feeder. 99.99 44 .90. Bbeep. Bast grsl-red retber ami la am. 9S.2bCll.TB; allied nbrep, 99-00OS.29. lAlTm IMI BTKAJDT. CBhraam. Sept. 99-UTeetoek reeolptat Hop. Cst tie. CM case , lft BOO 97,nnO Bansae (Sty 9.H0 lo.ono lo.im) Omaha 9.000 9.000 10.000 ling epeaed ateedy with 4.IW0 toft orer. Mvlota a rear aaa Wore X2.(elO. Plicesi hr Hi j Ml ied, 99.951 fl.90; pond. 96 , 99 1 Itmgh. 9ft 4rB.0n; light. 'ew.TBCrdJS. csttie strong. Bases Steady, prrw Ttna oorru ilibxxt. flew Trk. Sept. m-Oeffee fa tare rie 9 BLohaaged. Today's efaclal ff aisrket: CIXJBIJfO. Bid. A"k. September ..9H.79 October .... ..... 9.T9 torember 4 4" 9d.so 9 W Stw 1.3 r.49 T on T o T.le December , M 9 09 January rebnsarr T OO L:::::::::::::::::::::::r:: iS H.rcB April ... T 90 Msy f 40 Jaa T 49 July T.SS Aagwst 1.40 T ' raralga Oeffee BTarbet. Hear Torb, Sept. 9B. Marre coffee adeaaced M pfdnt: namromr rinsed evl .Vged- Bio receipts. !, iwb: msr 99.WU9 kags; market daU. ipts. ner: msraat ataaoy. aw bios Heavy Receipt! Causa a Slump ill Chickens Tertneee Wants our Wheat hi Large Lota Soma Hope Are STEEL PREFERRED IS 2 POINTS IIP XeOnnTVIUa Bj WAMMTOJLM M AUO ipaaa asiiie AUa now obt non wataA iu esq it h om o X-TBT (ranlsbcd hy' Orwbec Stsrr a fw Of-j Kew Xorh. Sept. 98 The rise la the wheat market ceased tba ratal lose a ie - ckaiaj today. TB opeataf waa swaarally miite arm. bat ansa atf tba Uat abowad a dsap t tb ctoasi AtcblBoa. eimmna, opened at H aad ara- ferred was U point down with tbe closlnc at U. Smelter opened at 07 for oom moo and cluaod with a loss of w.lnt. The orefrrrvd was point higher atloty Brook I rn Bapld Tranafi feat point nwrlng the day, while Erie, cummoa. ws duwa tb same aasuant, tbe Mrhet dosing at 91 U. first preferred abewed a gala of t. point, the awki poto Strvnel t 9T and closed at 47. Colled Stairs Steel, preferred war ta leading feetur, tkoarlaf S polau gala with tb atow SLogaa Bryaa aayi Thar ara aright rweaa alone to snots, but tbe tone af tbe market to strong and tbe rerage to sgsla algber. Oei eral Intereat la growing aad both profeastonaM aad oatslders are buUtok. Wltk cheap money, ha wonderful so and Bnaaelsl sltoauoa and tb reaeonabla prospecta of zpanaloa la trade and railroad earnlDgs for tb next 19 avmtha, tb present Vrt la not high. If w get recea aloae. buy stocka. bat doa t wait ta paUeatty for receeelons are for aatUnf aiore tkaa aa rurally small break. In ear tadgmeat the market will grsdUy drkm toto in broad bull market. Today s odBclal OtaeB Bbubwtt ' ' paeoaimoa; if Anafead Mlaind Co.. Am. I. Conner Os Aicbtoen, com. do preferred t.. An Car et Potind. ao to preferred.....,.. At. Sue sr. coal...... Am. Smelt., coa , do atifTwv . Baltlmor A Obto, eon. , Brooklyn Bapld Transit. t'anaoiaa raciac. eon. Cbl. A Jt. Weet.. com.. Chi.. Mil. Bt Fasl... Chi. A North.. us Chi. Terminal By . . v , . Cbeaapeaae unsa Com. ruel A Iroa, ooa. . Cola, Sottth., com.: oo no preirrrro . Oo il nreierea Delaware h Hudo D. B. O., com.. da aref erred... . stne, . . . . . . da Bd prererrea do 1st oreferrd...... Illinois Central .tlM LoulsTlU B MashrlUe. . 127 U Metro. TraerJoa Co, Mannattaa Elerated 131)4,120 Mexican OaUal By...,. Mlna., St, P. Bta, M do Ore f erred Mlseoorl ParlBe M-, st. T. on do prtinrei. . . New Tork Central Nor folk at Westers, o. do preferred.. . r., ont. a wast.-..-.; PeasaylraBla By........ r. l. a cTc rresasd Steel Car. eotts do nref erred PsrtBr MaU Steam Cv. 99 Beading, com do 2d nref erred.. 77 do 1st preferred. .... . Be, ires a aiewi. oom do preferred , .,. , Bock Island. ...,. do preferred ..,- Bouthem By., ....,. do preferred , si. l 1 1 r., Bd'pfi!; Bl. U tt W., at aanTlff sBaTTirtJ . . Tea a A Pneta i.. Tenn. Co! A Iroa. T., Bt. L. B W., I do nref erred Vnloa Padac, ossa. do preferred tj. 9. Lesther. OM do arererred 0 a Rubber. m BBnaT BBBt' 9ir,lk999B . T' D. B.. Steel on., aoai.... ITU 19U do Dreferred.'. totf Ttk Wheel at I nv. ii pro. Wisconsin cwntraL oom. do Dreferred '4o Westers Unloa Tato.... w abash, com . do Dreferred m ...I n in i Am. Ice, com f TH do preferred POT Total ato for oay, 910,400 abaraa. Moaey, 9 per cent. BeOOTOB OOmi BIABJCXT. ma Paeamstlc ierrl:.. ...... 4 do preferred 14 Isle Boynl , 904 United States 2 Adrentar 4 Allon 14 Zinc MlBlBB.. , 11 Arc (Ilea ...... 71 Arnold A At las tb IS 1M Bingham 99m Calumet 91S Centennial Copper lUasr Daly West Mss Mlniag Mohawk , Old Dosalalos i.. Osceole , si Psrrot , 9914 944 Pboenls 2fi SW onmcy si Rhode Island., .,,.. 1 . 1 Sam r , , 1 lC ShannoB 4 414 Tsmarsca r .-....... .Ill 11 Trt MoaatAta. - TV. 9 Tlctorla 4 414 Wlaon 9 WolTartaa 99 90 " f T0&AT1 OXKAjmiBB, ' - The elaartnff hpaai Clearings Bolaacea todayi 9S09.9WI.T9 ...... dd.TS4.19 Hew Tork-Londe Barer. -New Tork, atop. BV Bllrer, BOt; 9 19-19. Mew Tork. Sept. 9S Demand erarlnnS. Bt 4nB.av; ao aar, a.nn ce n.7e. COTTON LOWER TO 6 POINTS DOWN TODAY smBBfeBBBBnBBBnBbBBBBBBi (Pvtrlsbed Orel-beck. Btirr a Onoka Os.) New York, Sept. Cotton, fatnrns ilsaaS aaraaated a 9 potat tower. . Tka efadal cotton market: ipea. n iga, lew. Ooa. 10.45049 laaaiT.. 10.38 10.9 lft if 10, AO 10 SO U29. 10.2T Ml. IB Febraarp.. W eOB March 10.49 Ai.rtl 10 M My 10 M Sept sat sr. . October. ..4 JO 99 November, 10.00 10 91 10 50 10.09 10.44 . 10.49 10.40 Decemoer. , mm 10.61 10.1 T, A. Mclat rr a) V. say: la cotton, a muck better demand developed today and It turned tbe market ap from the open toe decline of 10 to 13 point oa the aeerny optloee and Iaa the later dellrerte to a dmiIbhmb rise te la tbe afternoon of sheet 10 sot Ma. These' la and aat eoerulsUe operation are tke rlnclpal eua of the errs tic f net nation, ur Idea waa that tbe BMrkot abould bar hea bmitlit B the aecHne today, and waa also tbe nptaloa nf every consarrstlre aonae. sTeerr tlms tbe aurwet apaeoechea a baess af 1014 t 4C 11 Bill be fonnd pr-n table to bay. Spin ner will be more Inclined to add tn tbi-lr pnrchaeee aorai, Tke technic) Bps pais tie aisrket condition re mnch nxse rarorxhte tba a week ago. Tb fainr eonree mt price win e of aei aeaeud almost entirely upon tb eharecter est BMBth'eregnler Brrerntneirt crop r wklck wlU tosaesT es October a 10.AT lOMslftR lO.MtiW lO94iJ0 10. U 3 io.itSm 10.4419 Bold at 880 Butter Weaker. A SMALL m N THE WHEAT MARKET OX atSVTX9CSBTB sMUBTS TMM MpTK IBT CBnOAaVO WXTM A 9U9TJI OA h cat in tut omoi tmm tmaUaT W1TBI AM ATAUIOB OV f nf nafiiMaaa H cmww vw f lbl)tATa WBBAT htABKBT. Opaa . Close Oloaa , Qala Todar Today Tuea. New Old aY4....i.io Bl-ll 14V 91.10 BcpC..,. 1.12K i.i4i; Lia aBbar...H.S.llC J12 ! J-uJ i-uii lis ..i.io ll.imllfMuh a UK fraraiakad br Orerbeck. Starr a Cook Co,) Chicago. Bepc 29. Logaa Bryaa sey: earl. It then rallied abarply, losa moot f tbe tamvoreawat be for tbe sloe. Thla -ear tain action reprsesnU tb siuall Tolnm and acaiptna character ox specnistir trao. ioa anderlrln eondltloa were nnchaaced. Prlmsry receipt war agsla large, and again there waa good demand from tn mill at prrhu pro wl a aw. Tba aoathwaet coo Unas to dl the probability af a decree as la tb pjoroment. The winter wheat moeemeat arwara aanraaaai at tbla eeaaoa. A a nil very little or ao Seconals tlaa of stocks takes plaos oat of tba winter more men t- Tb prln9 wheat mere ment to fairly ander way and to likely to co attune for seen week to oom. ne mrp nacalaHM htHMta and airk of tba nesvlou source of buying has bora withdrew from tbd market. Tb floor demand to good and a far s duiotlc aootUtione ara eooceroea. w an a keslthr one. It la all a anestloB whether tbe domes Ue demand will be equal to domestic supply foe tb aest few weak. W an W- ssiT a uttm sMPtxai c u. Oam OsaMUttoB tba ta' orn tber waa ao awtertal ehang Bi ob dftloaa sscepl Uat tb Uadescr of tb wA thcr ta the belt la a little wet. It to the aid story, howerer. of too mach eoafldaac based apoa remote possIM Utlse, Tb cash situation In oom to not weak, but tbe eelUag af May aa Iba estimate of tba Best crop, or rathe oa tbb furore estimate, be overdo It. Oar Mr. Winters sua ears took Uks a aala aa all aara apoto. w 0eelst f Owta a-WBrts. - Oats war fairly actlra aad with a aasdaara bl corerlng of sborta. It Indies tee aa c bangs la general coadltloae, Ba most of tb strength see mad frm tba strength ta oars. Becelpta cootlnoe liberal and the cash demand oa tb whom feaa baea Improred by the awallna. Bmsil Trade la risetolsaa. 1st Bfwrtelua tbe rolam of boalnos was small. There to a gala some Mattered profit taking. After tb sdrsDoa. however, tb acttoa of tb nurkot doe aot sees to as reek. 1 Todayi k. Tbare to a good demaad. official Biarkets: WHEAT. Onesu Hlah". Law. 01. 9 1-" COB ft. -n 3 Doc Msy 911 . Oats. .W14 roax. ii'aa 19.29. iIabd. "T.49 T 41 ' T.A9 UBB. Y'B ' ?.M -.01 .9 ..... M . .99 11.90 M 11.90 19- IB U.92 T.9T a T9T T.97 TO U t T9 T.T1 ' ttt, Dae. Mf Opt..... 11.00 Oct. 1100 Jan...... 19. J9 BSJlUN ,Mfl . iidi 19.19 V.W T.9T T.90 Oct..... Jan...., Maj.... t.99 Sept; Ocp. T.9T Jan asi tUt..... eUrt; T.ST 9.99 9T 4.97 A traioBao aaant oaa tore. aar lot: "' Car nVada. Met. WhaatJ OT 1 1 Cor .194 IT 199 Oat 109 14 14ft Sheet f sodey: Ml saea polls, BS7; Daintb. AOS. Tear aaw: MiaasanoUa. 449: Dal la. Ml; ClUcsga. ai. oaiodavo oask wxaat. rlBlaaaw. Sao. BR Caah i whaat tojsmchsnead to Is ap. Ike fftoll market. CLOSING ana. Vs. red. aaw.. ...91.19 $77.. So. 9 red. sew. 1.10 1.11 Mo. J bard wlntr.u..., 1.10 . JL14 No. I bard nrlnlor 1.09 1.09 No. 1 northern sprlnc... 1.20 ', .... No. s aortbera spnai...., lis ... N. aartag..., y.. 1-19 ; , .... . aaa raAVcaoo 4vbatji juioT. ' Baa rraaetoe Bapc Ili90 . avt ope. nign. urw, urn. Wheat DM..91B0H $1 '..91.50V4 91-31' IA 91.0014 9l.fi! Wnest, May. Ut 19 lay. uat. UrerpooL Sept. :ioaa: Wheat, atostata- ber, Ts 6d. Vsl higher; Deeembec. Tb Tito. Cars aWptombf . da 09, bar, 9d. i higher. WBXAT BB0MTABB IV raAVOV. ' TJrernooL 9evt. . Broom hail y tb wbest erop of Franc fa fully 997.000,0110 bashes, ag stoat sWS.S0O.000 baabeto mat year. wxzac avt aora nim. " - ISaoctal Dtosstck to Tb faaraal.h TarM. Wash.. Sept. 9B, Wheat, blghi and Mmni. SlueaUm. STC: ClQb SO rait Ilops aat advanced 114 and ara sow 97 V. Vasis wrato Mrbwt. FariB, awp, ao. . oal n arm, mmm tmmr. amlet, with spot wheat 14 aaattos towst dam iutnroa Vs. ctlBa lower. riour Spot, B centime lower, sad tstBfsa U saaUsnsa leww isaa yes leruay a cmbbb.. BBATTU WaXAT. - - Bs ttl. Waaa., Beat. 19V Wheal Btoiilam, 99c i tluav 900. am. 99. Oaa; Wheat1 SWtto are aachaafML Klaaeepelbi Orsia Btorh. Mlnneanolis.. ScdI. CWms: Waawt, Map. 91.14k, Deeember, 91.1414- t fNhrtfc arafcl starbo. ewiaeh - aa-lnaa STaase. fhaaaaakae. 91.14; May. $1.1414 Md. Maw Terk rsta BUrt.J Waa. Vb Bant. aariaaot BThaa. bar. 9119HI Mar. 91 H V . ' BTJlwaatoja wrato Maiaet '-.' Mltwaahss. Beat. B9.--Ctoa; Waaat. Mar. l.HH .. .... Cora mart - Bt. lento 4rata Itarbat. " sH. toato, Bopt. 99.-cleaa: Wkaad, Pseasa aar. 1.19i Mar. 91-1914 M4. lUaaaa Ottp snto Maikwt. Kanaas City. Bfpt. 99 ftoeat Wbswt, Da ember, 9-04i I Map. 91.0414- T OaOOASO LOOAX bTTOOXB. I -aBBSBSBaaaBBBBi ' ' ' CUoAtSw stoat. BtLosal cumna. Bid. Aaa. Nsttoaal Blicwlt ' ... 47 9 4? iS 1.T9 lot i 00 99 Nstlooal Btocait, pi aim tea 10 Amerleaa Can BJ4 America a Caa. prafarrad 49 national t--aroos Mitlnil CarboB, arefsrrsd loT Msmood Ms lob 19114 Br. 1ft A Co i i.... 101 1'nlea Tractloa T North Bid Beltway , West B11e Ball way .,,.1 . Boatk Bid Ballway , M ' ' Ta nab rWraa. . New Tork. Best- Cssb eoffMI St, 9Hl Vs. 4 Ssatoe. sjc. , V. f Oettea Dewa. 99.-Cetta llissd LtrerpooL a I potato aVwa. 14 I FLOUR OSES EAST BT WATER RCUTE 1 , """ ' . - fxmn rtmxA at eUa-roT oa xvooa fjTTMnTarH aiaTOM 1 BnrrAva 9TXieOBpa " zar oramATioar xa-S Tsxa oo Brai vioaT ls- t Herri ann sb Co. TWDort that B daml baa bB clnaanl ffaT UW ShDObBJlt Of 1,909 tons erf Sour from BaatU to Naw York on an Xmorie. n-Ha wa 1 1ji llnar. wtaloh Is duo to arrira on Pub sound renst month. Otbar Mb ordars ara balnf n levied bar aaatara bur era. and It Ifl asU- matad that fully 11.000 or 19,000 ton of flour wilt bo ahlctMd by tba asm rout to tha Atlaatlo saabosvrd from too olflo ooant. Bx port era ataU that this 1b tha first tttno In th blatory of local eotntBoroo alnos tha tranacontlncntaJ raHroaAa bare bn In operation that flour baa bn taJtsm Mut by th water routs. If th eastorn demand for wsartorn wheat and th aaajiufacturad product eontlnuss brlak. It U b4lwvd to bo a vary ort tima until aniline vwala will ba obar tred to carry sjrala to, bo AUantlo Dorta. ' Tha tatwint ' to mad that such would ba tha easa now. wars It not for tha faet that only Amaiiean rwaaalo ba ua4 in oarrytnar iralaht batwwwn American ports. Aa tonnaga of thla oharaota la rathor Umltad on th Pa cific coast at tha praaant tlma. It ta thouaTbt to bo vary doubtful aa Co whoth ar or not tha plan can bo cartiad out at anythlns Ilka an anrly data. Should strotieT InduoomonU ba rnada In tha way of frolvht rataa, howwvar, tt Is claimed that plenty of tonnaw would aooa bo farthoemln!. Thara aro .plaoty of vassoia of tha propar daacHptlon on tha Atlantic aoaat. but unlass their ownara woro paid food ehartar rataa. It to axplatnad that It would not pay thorn- to aand thlr araft tha Ions; dlstanoa around th Horn In ballast. If thy oould trot earcoaa ooan lna thla way. It lo bedtarad that tho pro- Jact would work all right, bat aa th ataaniara havo a mono paly on aoarly all thla trad, tt ta foarad that It will b a ratbar difficult thin; for thorn to do to aot fralsbt to btina la this dlrao- tlon. KoaiToaa roaa . Towsrd tho laitar part of thO waott th naw dlnbar drrdaw No, I will bo brought down from tho upper water of tha Wil lamette yfrar to Ash Island bar, near Nawbura. whr aha will ba stnployad for a fw days daapanln; and wldaolng th ohaanol. Of lata tha ateaaaar Ei- moro baa had oonldrabla dltnaulty at that point on account of tho narrow ehannol, but tho other boats which are not ao- wide, hulled ara able to trot throusb wary steely without any trou ble. When th bar Is pnteslly ramo-red at thla Island It Is tho Intention to more th dredge down to the Claclrsunaa rapid and place her In oontralaelon for a ahort time. During; the past two weeka It haa been almost Impossible to awt tho oil bargwa. which bare been towed to Oregon City, throodrh tho rap Ida wlthottt harina; them Bo acround. On ' several eeoaalona the barpwa bar been badly d.maeel by eontlna In eon- tact with protrudlna; rocks. ainoe tho new dredge haa been piaeao In operation she baa cut through five of thO worst shoals between Portland ana th head of navlsjatlon. As a reeult the et earn era are making; far better time tTtojs waa presjioualy. tha ease. In fact. th Mcular boats are now runnln ba tweea hera and BaJm without btunp Ina; alone oo th bottom as formerly. ,r VOW WA1 AI IKKTaV Owinsj to there being an lrurufflctsmt depth of water at the Couch street dock tha Alliance did not set away last ntsrht at I o'clock as was planned, satllns this morning at T:90. Th oraft waa resting upon tha bottom of tho rlTr until the high tide floated her Just a few mlnutas before she departed for Ban sTranclsoo by' way of Cooa Bay. If the low water period should extend for any length of time it to declared that avreral of tha owners would be obliged to do eoaldr able work In front of- their dooko. Tho Alliance carried a full cargo of genrJ freight and 90 paasengera. Meyer, Wilson Co. haro elwrtored the British ship Plnmore, 1,299 tons, to load a general eargo at Hull and Now- oastle-on-Tyno for Portland. Tho ves sel-will begta loading at once and will probably arrive early In the spring. Tho cargo of th Oeraian ship Notnta. which arrived at the mouth of tho liver from Shields yesterday, to alo eonalgned to Meyer, WUeon Co. aha to bringing 1,990 tons of pig Iron.. 100,000 firebrick, 90 oaaks af bleaching powder, 19 bales of canvas and two caa of household good a. Tho entire shipment oomnrlsea 9,094 tons. Two more grain carrier made their appearance la tha harbor thla morning. They aro the French bark Pierre LotL and tho British ship Kakaaoni, which wero brought np from the month of the river by tho Harvest Osteon. Both came In ballast, the Prenohman from Honolulu and tho Briton from - Ban Diego. They are under charter to take out wheat to tha United Kingdom. Local Inspectors Ddwards and Poller Inepected the American schooner B. T. Alexander yesterday afternoon. ' Tho schooner Zsuaapa cleared for Ban Francisco yeeterday with 490,000 feet of lumber. While going to Tho Dalies this morn ing tho oteamar Begulator b twite her team gearing apparatus, and was de layed a ooupie of hours near vancesiver, Wash. Astoria. Bent, H. Arrived at 9 and ,10ft up at 9:90 a. na, steamer Aureus, from Baa STranolBoo. Lft up at 19:10 a. at, British ship Hartfleld. at Johns, Bept. 11. Passed-at 9 a, au Brttleh ship JCakaacnl and Prenoh bark 'Plarrs LotL Aetoria, Bept. IT.- eild at 11 a. nv. aohooner Churchill, for Ban Franclsoo, Astoria, Bept. Is. Mo bar report; cape Una down. ' Creamery Butter Best ereamery .....49 and 40c Good creamery 40o and 4&o Dairy butter .too and SS Ranch bbs SftC Best uar-CTird bacno ,14 Break faet bacon lfto 19 pounds pur lard , 1.99 I pounds pur lard .......' 40 Full a ream cheese ....-... loo and liteo Swiss cheese . too Java-Mocha ooffoo ,90o loo tea for loo fUmrnhT Batnrday lo obtekea day. Bprlrg chicken 19c each. lLk LlllLllXL Portland houaewirea deoend on them for Iniowing that quality nlgna here and that their - na trans 0"a hevrwrkSJi mira. , fTaHafarrinn asei atiunntaba. '. Wa ' "S Buses wa vaem hatewllai -M9ilMar Im el. siiw wr r iaw w aea goods at prtcea as low aa quality can be eold tor. With tbia aatiaf action cannot heln beinar Grocery SPECIALS New California White Figs, New California Black Figa, KnoiTa Genuine Owtrnan Noodles, peKkaga.. - 25o ; x Croaee tt BlakweU's Turkish Ixnportea ocotcn Kipperea nemng, tin, efluo?; xor. .fiao rharriea lit Msriarhinfi 3 A ' ,u ' ' One-half pint bottle. .,..,.M.oe....v..ros25 fl Pint bottle .. - '. rViaie IwumIs ' , www. nruw e e e ooe - Quart tina B . BiapW OVTUp, quart twni9t.i.e,seeeeeaiaiwv Art Snowdrop Olive Oil. haU pint, Pints 50nr; BK...Mi..ee..e.s.ea.W. 4J .. . - V . -r Liquor Department Port, Sherry, Table Claret, Port and Sherry, gallon Tacaaon ttouare Rye Wluakey, X . . M. ia I uoraotta uin, quart, aptxMAi. tv V. V. O. Scotch WhiakeT. auart. M,M....eMMM.l25 m Miatletoe Gin, Wtle.... t " White Top Chamrjegne- aaa. j v t I'lniB, OV7, OUaVU, t . Ouart S1.50: doaen... " ' - L Do Turk XXX.Cogn rVtiartB ..........aaMaa.aaVa-e-ae 11.50 I --, . -a. OUR IRVINGTON STORE WILL OFEN ABOUT- " q OCTOBER 1. . j't F. DRESSER & CO. j . .r- v.. to 0 Good Thing to Eat.' ; . ; q ; Corner Sevanth and Waahirigtotv. - Telepliona Main S87 : waavava BliMf vt OVGRBBCIC STARR 5k COOKE CO. . ' Mambors Chloage Board of Trad. - , v - y BVaaWlsUOBTaL oowoaT. lOrThlrd a treat, McKay Contlnoous Bfsrketsby Wriu Wire TUtea. oanaeTn. ana kshw a. 9rwamd Ploor. op waTMaariB, oaunnrvT BATiaTtia O 94 Karrlaaa Bt.. a ueaermi aevnaing sIttjioo skt abtm bbt an Time Irti as renaMe Bar BstStsa. Oram and setter of credit rallaWs ta SB aarbl i ffwSv.v.v.v t t MILLS Boeend Tt-Prsldeat 3, JuatTS 9wertry ASS 4 tfUVTOBT lbnsbedUU19aa.) BWaSla Bau nun a Oeaei fMlaetloaa awde Bt all point a faroraal taesas. Letter f credit Issnod srsllabU 1 i . aa all aalata la taa United Btate. sigtat Bxfttaag Aad TeletrapUe Tranafer tld a rteW Tork, Waaklagtoa, Chleagb, Bt. Lonla, Dearer, oasaa. bsb ibblisb aaa tontaaa and British Oerombla. Bxchsnga Bold oa Lonooa, PJf. Mm a, rrsnkforu Boos Koa Xokobaata. Haalla and BonolBia. U BJXTXO BTTATBta BATXOjrAX. BAJfaT, " Of roBTLAUD, QBE0p.lt, VOaTaTWXaT OOa. THIBD AMD oak area. Ti a am sal S trsnera sansug mmm AfatsBbU hi all eUtea of th United BthtaB and teoasj mosaj awa - OOUJbTTJOaTB BADB 0B rATOaABXat lVaUlS. rre-Meat.. . 0. A1? Vice Presldeat Jr5ft-5S Cssblw W. SCHMKKB AaHataat Oaahler A. M. WB1QHT rSaVaTaT WAJUMM v - riaHliliI Beaeattary and nnsnet! Agsat Of B " "TbT United fltatse. Prwldeat......... v-w LaftJJJfffff Cashier...,. J-J,"WKI5S Asslstaat Os skier , '-Ji-"i aeeood Aaebrtant 0s shier .B. P. "TIVSNft Lattats Of ereart leenea o'-w -s m and tb Bssura Btst-e. aneaa. at .A Totua sBB TnTBUtnarnWal Bt. PaaL, Oman. Baa rraart Asd la prlarlpal points ta tb Northwest. TVUX. rJerTr- SrVaSSrt?. Ms la, HoT Rong, xoconaano, wv a ChrtatlBnU, 9trx-kbn1n St. ratenburg. Me- saw, tunes, boboibib. OolhKtloa SMda en farorabt M svtnsit BABTB. - nsrt.ivn. OBA4V0B. tyVArTK WATBOB U." " il,. . l. DranAM Wrrit.t HOYT Cashier 0B0B0B W. HOtt...........astiUBt CsahUe rawfta sad wtt-r of Credit laaaed avaUahat e aU part of tb world. Caflaetlsas specialty. QoH dat eeagbt OaTBOBT ft raiAJrcasoO BAJnr, mm, aa ' aa AU - J Si l aat. TanktSB ThM bank tr ansa eta a 9Bera l saatlaf baal newj. Bake loaa. dlseoroU Mile aad tone letters of eredlt srsllabU f travelers sad for tba nwrebsae of sserr-bandies IS any. city of tba world. Delta ta feretf a and dnnwau aamaaw. acommxs bjus amoa. a sMhu. Offer lflTH rtrat 94.. tsrrtsad, Orssjea. MORTGAGE LOANS S Os PortJaad aal Batat t Lew-ey Betas. . THM inanr. sisbko V, a a mm f . WBTBAT AMTB BTTOOat BBOS'BM BAB? ObaabST af Cmnee.. lraMnafc Taajd lean Ssrta. od ua for the beat we depend a, ! n I. ! Jm smA autTI thmam ' vew iuuwi teuse auu m m an iaaua. - nient package . 10o fancy, Iba. e..25jT Coffee, lttla,.....,..254T .. - ..40,I . . ..Trla ? .. e e-a e a o a a vmrm - - - - r jj n.e-e-0 ; ; , ' An . . . . -BJ -ci Depart quart bot, 25; doa.e f2.50 f ...fl.OO ' full qt, fl.Z5, gal.4.UU 011 -sib -or .le.....e.w 85; v'-.' ..." '' 11A AA e T T -to . . Building, Portland, Or. tetmJlT?!-LM , Dr. W. Norton. Davis IN A WEEK W treat satsasifany an jsrfrate bus aad t SBroabt dial as 1 1 of see, also aioed. etosanch, t hear, Over kidney aad threat troablaa. Wa care BTPHiXJJB fwltboat meraarv) t stay r eared forever, la 90 ta 90 9ay. Ws raaser STRICTUBB, wltbeet sperathae ar Bab, ta 19 W toe nValaa, tbe rwaatt af eatt abeaa. ' nasn.ojstely. We caa restore taa aexasl rlgot et say as ander 90 by mesas at tooal area- , asat Bseaaar 9 ai lie. t t j. , -1 . We Care Gonorrhoea to a Week , The daBN f that tastltaai are atl reewsar avadaatna, hare had ssany years axpsi lanes, have bee know la Portland for 19 year, bar a reptttatloa 4 swlntsla. and will ander take a eae anlss srtala ear tea be 4s ferted. W gnaraat 9b ease to vry ease w take or charge ao fee. Crhsraltsttoa fro. Let ters eeafldenUal. Inatrectlr BOOK BOB MBB Bulled free la pis la wrapper. . If roe MBiKit rail at ofriea, write far aaa. ttoa Hank. Bess treetatent maaisBfaL Of as to 9. aad T t S, aaadara, 90 to is. tas bMdtac BisMtorbitB ts fb B ( BaUBUSBO tsss. - Dr.W. Norton Davis & Co. Ton BTof atotat, BT. Bk Oo. Thtrd 9bb v Portland ' Marble Works r SXTHAKBTf ft NB0. Bfanufaotarwra of and aeaiere la aU kind Ivlirtfe, Grentte and . SuMtWorfc - Ball ii ib tee Orvoa oa , AppltcaAbon. 268 FUST STBECT Bet, MadlBOn and JarTwraon atreeta. POJtTJaAMD. Oa. -v '-f '-i