The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 27, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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'.1 -
ra op
ta Arkc. u4 u4Mw of tk Social
ist party areeident af Hi United
Slat". Mmwd a tar audieno at tb
Kxioitloa building , oa WuHUifiwi
treet tost evealuog. Th veut waa
nuaned a a pals tlng. fcut
wa mor to the uiun of leeiure. J.
W. Shtnder presided, and a bra band
entertained tb audieao oa th atreet
and ta lb tall during a half-hour wit.
the MHdhtoM bavins Just arrival an
a Souther Pacific train. Mr. JMba
teaehed the hall abottt II ft'doee. and
waa nm a grt avaUoa, Th Meal
Socialist, wa has become ft familiar
ggure o tb lecture aletform la th
net and the middle weet. shewed last
algal that ha aaa changed a pun In
hi platform fur a aooialtaUc iwTtrt
meat ia the Halted State Mr. Iebe
aeltevee that, ataea th peenl Will
-very rail war la tha country by land
granto ana hoauaaa. they ahould now
: tax go seelo a ta rued and aaaiala
ahem. Hm said: . 4
"Taa history f la human reos is
that of ft wag struggle e( eies again!
alas. A law have wwra la aural and
wleldea tba power, living la luxury upon
taa fruita ai la toil at tba mssce; but
tba tha great body at tba aaoaW have
atruggled la poverty, and died I
"Deaertbtng tba evolution af tha age
gtnee primitive MM Aral divided them
selves bolwcoa etas tars aad slave, taa
speaker eatd tbat tha twentieth aantury
working elaaa la aft aggregation f .
ft, lvo. and that all advancement
Sspana upea end la result treea tba
exploitation af tkaaa wage earner. H
ridleulvd tha claims put farth tor tha
DaakOcraUe and Rpublloaa panM to
aalnc tha frlanda a tha wurklix atft. '
"Tba poimclaa." ha aata. "daolaraa to
yau tbat tba baa C avaat oa yaar
aMftly hw ara awra praalowa than tba
Cwals that ftdura a ftuaan'a aaroaat. But
i la aoataot M lat ro
atoa af tba Jawali. vhlla ha daaa tba
gl la taa I n Toa viva ta tadaral Juda
tha owr thay bava, ftnd anuh ya
With InJuacHtaa. Toa laaha jroar guna
ad jr d rawlr at tba arran
aad af thaav Taa aonatruot pfttee
and than walk. Toa waava allka aad
aatmai thai rmr wir awy draas In
aaltoo. Toa kwUd palaoaa mad Uvft 1ft
Ha taJlad attaattoa ta tba fact that
durtnc tha Maaubltaam aonvaatlaft Hi
Chleasa a loac Una af arlvats eara
waa drawn up bahlad tha depot. hrUigtnc
tba lajpifttaa and rapraatauuvaa ot
aha onar powar to die lata tba aoaraa
f tha eonventtoa, Tha laborwc ato
was at arantad. Ha aald tbat at tba
mt, Lauta oonvaotloa af tha Paaiaerata
aaata wra rmrrii far tha. Bualaaaa
Mm's laaannu aa aMl-atrthaorganiaa-
tloa, hat tbara wara mm aaata hald for
tha warhlaftfti . - Ha rataM tha atory
: af tha araai Chicago atrlkai whan Praal-
,' ftant Clavaland asot fwlarai traopa ta
ouaU tba atrthft.
. "la that act." aald h "Clavatand
had ft mm aathaalaatle andorftaaiaitt
: than wftAThaodara Kooaavatt'a.
Mr. Daba aaya tbat tha twa elaaa af
' labor and oasltfti cannot ha naimonlaad.
Thay ara antacoalatle, and alwaya will
ha. Ona wanu ta bar labor at tha
chaapaat prtaa It aaa ha bousbt at. walla
tha athar clana wanta la aaU It ft! toa
hlcnat poaatbla prloa. 11a ftra Parhar
a Wall straat'a aandldala. ralrbanha la
pltttoorac and Hanry Oaaaaway- Uavta
' waa ft alar drivar bafora tha war and
haa haa ft whit alava drlva alaea.
la told hla audlanea that thay abould
look to tha tloftat thay vota at tha pollft,
nd aaa that It la a aaloa la bat Uakat
In tha aamaa af anlty of ftcwoa -by all
flaaa af worhtns ptopaa.
"Tha bait at b tba areata waapoft of
h paopla," ha daclarad. "hut they
not -know how ta waa IL Tha troubia
with tba awHf la that ha doaa
pot think. Ha aoaMtlataa thinks ha
thinks, hut ha doaaa't.'
Taa apaakar gmv mm aahaaattra dla
artaUoft upan tha prlaclplaa af oolat
anv and applied them In aa able akanaar
ta praaaM day pomteftl aawdttlona. Af
tar ha had aonciuded hla ftaoraaa ha
waa tba cantor af a throns of admire ra.
ftnalftiai a araap hhi hand and iiMfwtt
lata him anon hla apeach. and to bM
Mm Oodapead ta hla campaign, Ha da
partad today for Tacamft and aVatU.
waera ha wlU ay oak toaiht and tomor
row night. -
nh ems tha aa maueat W aeeeaeary in
aba death e Arthur L. Hewiatoa, tha
man who killed himself, to the ream of
Mm R. M, Boa in tha Ptoher hotel,
to taw attr. Mr. Koae haa found Wow
wartefa, hat la yet under police aar
iraUmnca, Hawhjtaa wa tba eeoad man
' ftiH bimeelf becaaaa af thla woanaa.
Mra. Roae ftrst basoned aot hlmaelf,
ad sba barlad him In tba enow hi the
Caen as monataln. Inter bringing tba
bed Teeeane for totermeaa.
aertal Dajseaa W Th AveraaLI
McMmavaW Or- Sept. IT CtrevH
aaurt epaad hare yeavsfday. Judge Bur
aett preaMliag. Tnr la a vary abort
daeket and aaurt win probably be
toraugh about Wsdaastlay. ' Ne eaaa af
it latsirt a ara to B mad this
Allan and Lewla'
The HerpicWe Habit- I
a a aw m
inli yraphibrie. e It Issaies rlmairii
ad tr-m dsaaraff wMros. Tta
rvtmktng eeKJ 4 s1sim itutiM
af hw -' Mav aMaes Jfltr
VaBTftdJaMltv eml ataaaVtt
j dm.L.
tdajewk W Tea JaanaLl
M. II. Car ansa Brow
Irwl fSr-Jiawto. RtnCIK r..lrM. I.MrrtLalrii.rwi!
A rounr wmn la Uoaa-flulaft draaa
alt atoppad froat tha wliurft t tha
Maraaam Urand thaatra laat avanlnc
and droppad awkwardly tnta a aeat at
arand Diana. Oa tba dimly nbea
uit ha looked to ba. any, year of
aca, Hla hlr wa cloaoty croppad, and
U partad oa ana aid. Hla ayea aaod
straight ahead. Ha executed ft oontor-
Uona toward tha fjudtivnum. m we
oil oommanDlaca manner paaalala he
tuaa ftt" rhe kneei of bU trouaenr ta
keen them from ihegeiek, than reaobad
for tha keyboard.
Could tbla be Hofmann- Joaef Hof
mana or waa tt tha Ml who had aaaae
to nt tha ptanof . -
Henondini ta a hearty roand or ftp.
plauaa. tha yoansater lophed aut for tha
ft rat time aa hla brilliant, claeele audi
ence and made an awkward bow. Than
he played. Portland at hut hear a
real premier. A vlrtuoeo whoaa praieee
reaeund tbroaghout two conUauanU had
-lumoedH ail the way from Berlin and
opened hlft American tour hero Oft tha
hanka at tha Willamette. Society amde
It d aorlety aveat by draaalnt weU and
coming lat. Tba houee waa practically
filled by an audlanoo noaltivaiy Kaaiar
llke In . appearance. But, Hofmann
glanced only oaaually at his admlrera.
Hla heart and moet hla meaialUy
wara fat tha plana.
This modeety af Hormana a " a wa-
lUht. Ha ta tha aort af fauow you
might expect ta find namac ftt the atnra
from hla romantlo loft. you ouy
heard hla playing, or buried ta a plata of
bread and nolaaeeft If yoa had only aeon
htm. Mo affaotatloft, na flreworfca Juat
Dial a. blunt Hormana, whoaa nradeety
carried him 4ft tha potat af playing mere
ly ona of hla own great eompoeltione in
aa evening. He hag no more conceit now
at IT. with half tha muatoai world ft hie
feet, than whan ha oame ta New J or a in
kmckerbockerj and captivated taa me
troeoUe aa ft lJ-yearold wonder. ,
Of eearan, Mofmana had tha ftudiaaoa
wlU him from tha momcat ha appeared,
atMl It grew into eontlauoue ovation.
Portland Marned tft about -Brfttar
"Bravar aa wall aa anybody. At tne
cleae of tha recital the performer waa
forced lata an encore. Ha own
aunarb tranacrtnUaa of the magia fire
acena from Wagnar-0 lla Walkura
Had the mualctaa labored over It. be
oavid not have aelected ft program Man
familiar. A ood thing. Nobody wanta
to hear "Annie Laurie" and "fMwanae
Blvar" fr l a neat. Ha beaan with
Mandelaaohn'a fugue , m B minor, n
uA bia aower waa auargeeted by tha
azqulalU tandemeaa with which he oar
rtan tba left-hand maloay- Theft he
unit aut the tones of a BoarUlU paa
toraV. la the B mior oaprtoola of the
;jtM aompoaer Hofmann a marratouB
taohntque developed, and tna maaiar waa
thoroughly revealed whan he had ffln
lahed Beethoven- annate (Op. U. re
garded aa ajnons that aampoaer-ft no
bleet. hut leea ataieaUe, perbape, than
either the "Patettaue or "Moonlight
eenetaa. 1ft each of tha three move
ments ftoma new power of thia genius
farced Itaelf to tha fore.
The aecond part of tba program waa
devoted to that maeter af ail mooda.
Chopin. It Included aoatume. ft walta,
tK. dfaaatv berceuae and tha B minor
aEherao, whieh waft wonderfully
ered. Hla original com pool Uou
amiia "Thraugh tha
Enough of It to aay that, had the name
A .!. n hla taaehara, Rubenataln at
I u.kuiltabv. niirMl ODDOaltS. lta
ui nuid mat have been more readily
rcomlnd, Hofmanh ciaaed ble raclmi
-ith ijr tremendoua ion Juan
raDtaay. Hla find aaaUnadB bin
ruts tor up and down tba keys Ilk
mad. and tha finale wa M snuoua
that tha lady behind me wondered If the
owner of ah piano knew what was going
on. A few nonmif
declared Hofmann wa uta.- How ha
guggvotad aa her ft yunc tnt It m
liZZZ niaaaau la avorhaar the thing
a a mtauaart .
ujm. mtk., ahail be aaM of
HofmannT He haa acope. depth, breadth
which ever you praferr an Indeaorlb.
able magnatlam. and a technique unaa
Ha baa earned hla laurel. May
ha enioy them! BACB WHITNII
That race oene la ttte third act of
-Th JUt." at lb Columbia theatre, ta
worth making a long Journey to sea. It
la oa af th meat spirited aaaae yet
put oa at the Columbiaand a corking,
rattling, inspiring fuelled at that Baa
ing kith apart of king, and everybody
likes to sea the poaiea run.
The play abound la good situation.
Well. Boueteault wrote It. and that 1
enough to guarantee action, hnlab, apar
bi. mrA usta. Idtenae Interest. Tbla
im -utt. the beat that ha yet
beea ea at thla thaatra and the whole
town apparently haa discovered th
fact. Hot la snaay year have theatre
goera af this etty had the chance to
ao - and strongly m terse ting a play
put aa la such a aumpteeue manaer.
Prom th leaning mem
uiu r'axBttsa and Mr,
rM.Biiu and Mr. Beams. e wm
laaat lmpcrtant part that I to, th
member of th Columbia company ac
quit themeetvo with adanrabl graee
and aptitude, Sapeciai credit I due
ta Mr. Barnard, th stog director for
staging aad producing aa elaborate play
of thla kind IS eo complete manner.
Th JUt" run aU the araaaat wfc--
Tor." th Chin musical
ady wlU ha pree rated at tn marquam
Oraad theatre aext Thursday. Priday
and Saturday alghta, September l.
and October t, with a special price mat
laee Saturday at !: a eiaca, by John
C. Planer and with greater elaboration
tKmm aaa bttberto beea acted la any
ropTocttlo af th play to rale eaaa-
try. This rather sweeping stateaaent
w heme eat by the tact that Mr. Plabrr
will offer James T. Puwera. Oeorga K.
Portenaue and many ether meaebera af
th original eompany at the head af
in mi aad M the otumlng and atag
atlnar wlU ahow ft wealth of expeft
Ire I'UU which ws net dreamed f
when fSa Toy- waa Mrr4 predusiS at
Duly-- thaatra
Vflth the except km of Kew Tor and
a very paw ether principal cities, Mr.
t tk bab thrfct aa Seffr and br all
it i slttB lU 0rs danarurf. atope
hlltai k.W nl Mtlafavtnai as
adaalrattvB. Steaa Mcblag laMaatlr.
ges Ik
fee lae est in
Powar ha never bee seen la the ehac
aotar of La. a Chinaman who has trav
eled. , It hi easily the beat achievement
of a career tbat M filled with oreatlona
which the fun levins public haa
doraad. Beats ara now eaUlaftV ,
Carutuig the Ureat myatlfle tl the
vlaiiora at the Lyrio theatre tht week
in manner that makee a laallng ha
preesloa, Shaoksled and handcuffed.
a tightly drawn onaia on- nia necn v
prevent hla moving, be a thrown Into an
Iron caga. In order to prevent him from
getting out by the doors of this contriv
ance a aerlee of lock ara aaed and the
hep hole - ealed with was. Curtain
ara drawn about tba cage. Seven mta
utee later tha curtain la removed and
Cunning; I oa the outside af the bar
freed of all hi eacumbrancea P. a.
Maokoan and Mine Fraakte Mack pro
sent a pretty sketch, Mr. and Mr.
George Milton put oa a atcvajr turn. The
Aldvan are oiever acrobats of ability,
while Tnoata W.'Ray, alng "Sweet
Adeline a pretty Illustrated on The
entire Mil la good.
Conaclentlous war, coupled with ln
telllgenoa. alwaye bring great reeulUL
Thla 1 being clearly demonstrated by
Bthel FulUr thla week' at tha Baker
theatre, where that talented woman la
playing -the dual role of tha KmpreaaJ
Theodora and the ctrcu gtri. in aardou e
plotureaqu speotaole. the "Kmpreaa
Theodora, Melbourne Mac D well I at
home la the character af Andrea, and
ha la a perfect picture In tha Roman
toga. ' Another ourprlas w launched
by Lawrence Griffith by hla excellent
portrayal of the character of Justinian.
Mr. MnoDowall'a engagement will
close with the Saturday matin thla
week for the reeaoa that ha leaves for
Spokane Immediately after that per
formaaoa. Thoee holding eeeaon erdera
for Saturday night can have them ex
changed for earlier thla week by call
ing at taw box omen,
Billed aa a Juggler and aa aerial hi-
cyclist. Do Shield oaueee the audiencee
at th Star this weak to atarveL He la
loot th topllner,H that honor being
given to the Kina-Nar who do a aenaa
tlooal aquUlbrlat act. But D Shields
draw the Uen'S Share af tha applauaa
It 1 whoa he ptaeee hi hloycla and unV
eyd,oa a treacheroua wire that he par-
forms almost tba hnpoealbia.
Th Klns-Ner balance all aorta of
thing la ft weird manner, th eltmaS of
their turn being a dangerous climb by
the male member of th team ta th top
f four hituhea table placed oa bv
the other. " . ----
Mr. and Mra. Hnnn, a pair of clever
gntertalacra. put on a well-dressed elng-
Ing set. Edward Da Moaa la a colored
youth with a powerful baritone votca.
WlU C. Hoyt sang one of hla clever
ong la good tyl while Harry Olbba
doaa a fete bin a whistling act. Tha pro-
jMtoacoa picture are new and emr-
talnlng. Altogether th. UU thi wee
la up U ta averagn.
Otis B. Tbaver; to "Sweet Clover.-
vtll be ssea la tht slty tonight sad
tomorrow ntght t th Marquam Orsnd
theatre. Mr. Thayer Is to - ,aSweet
Clover becaaee -th theatre-goera of
tha hettst elaaa Ilka hi offering, and
because ha haa with him. aa the leading
lady, the very handsome and accom
plished Gertrude Bond hill. Ml Bond
hill s ability haa placed her la the earns
category with euoh artists aa Julia Mar
Iowa, Viola Allen, Mlaa Cross man, and
even Mra Plaka Mlaa BondhlU will be
Bean in tha product loa af "Sweat Clover
and her many friend and admirer wUl
bava tha opportunity to wltneae the
rapid advancement she ha mad la her
choaea profession, and at tha earn time
see and bear one of the brightest, clean
eat and moat wholesome comedy drama
that was aver written, , .
Th longer Kate Coyla reeaaras at th
Arcade theatre, th greater 1 th tan
press loa ah makee wttk tba patron of
the hour. Her illustrated song this
week la "Th Banquet la Misery Hall."
nd laat Bight sb waa la excellent vole
and th eelectloa wa admirably ren
dered. Th management ha a new r
rangement which shews the singer to ad
vantage h circle of light.
The btoecope presents a huasoronaaat
af picture tbt detail th adventures
of ft German oount la New York who ad
vert lees for a wife Nln of the an
swer tha advertisement, and they meed
In Rtveraid drive. In front of Q rant's
tomb. A mlxup follow a, and thea th
hunch af femntntty chase th count.
Ruaaell. O'Nell and RueselL burieequ
Tncl T(n'a Cabin.- Billy Miller aing
on clever coon arm gs, Morrl la a
whistler af b4llty. while ft 1 sal and Pa
time de a clever contortionist and ouil
wrist net, -
No better pi eased audlenc vr
gsthered 1 Cord ray s theatre than that
which Matened laat night to The Hill
af California,' la which Prank Bacon
and hla nee eompany are appearing- la
thea day of clap-trap and fare earn
ed it la welcome relief to eee a play
that throughout appeal nly to th
natural and finer sentiment of human
nature. "Th Hills f California" doaa
not seem tn any of th word to
be acting and Mr. Becoa dee not desire
hi people to act. Ha simply demand
that they ha what th character rep
resent The scenery I th moat beauti
ful ever aeea at thla houa and th
whole play haa a wondprful power of
feelnatle. It 1 a play that would have
iM big a run la Hw York City a "Way
I qwb Bast.'' ,.
Tha Btjou ha glvaa up th tur
letta" haatt and returned to legitimate
vaudeville bills. The program thla
week at on f excellence. Maria Stod
dard made n kit nS Sla Hepklaa, her
nonologue being the geaunln. laughable
article. , Masea aad Ha sen. Dutch
corned tana, aupply eosae fresh fun aa
well a good, eccentric dance. ,
Pred CoUlna. the eaatortlenlat. dt
cavera oma new hat I which to tie
himself. Neol. the Juggler, waa well
received, eoaee ef hi tricks being extra
ordinary. - Ward and Ward have a fa nay lrtah
act and Cberie Gardner, ail ay hlm
aelf. play lb cornet and holla, with a
fund of rich monologue Johea, soM af
them tok-o6T an id proverb.
Th plotur machine la. a weual.
Srst-claaa. It feature th charge af
a platoon af peilcemea agalaat a asoh af
- (Speewd ttoisWb The fear ml.) ' 1
lndependem, Or., Sept. 17. County
Behoel Superintendent Starr will launch
In thla county an ertuceUional paper. Th
first laeu Is sow la th hand of tha
printers. It I tba plan of tba aupertn
tendent to ream eel the pressnt paper and
take in large part of work for th
eiuatea aorttta of Monmouth and th
normal Behcet. Thla will be tna aaly
paper ef th Bin I th county. H will
be printed In paper farm, not Id hnok
form, as most educftiloand tougnato f
ask s aaiar ac .
AT C.(ECC:i cm
OTKBxurs rwan.-w oppoam babv
Dregua City, Sept. IT. "Phe diacuaslea
regarding toe propoaad ardi nance grant
ing a fraacblae ta the Southara Paalflc
campnay aver part af Kallroad avenue
grow warmer aa th time for action
draw near. Tha feel lag was greatly la-
taaalfted yesterday when It waa dlaouv-
ered that mm en, preeamsoiy a friend
of the ordinance, had torn down a num
ber of bill calling a man meeting of
cltlaen to protest agalaat tha measure.
New bllia were put aut thla morning.
Opponent ol the irantlng ot a per
petual jranchlna think1 that aa favorable
terms oaa be obtained from th railroad
eompaay if the grant war limited to II
yeara. Their chief objection to tha or
dinance a tt now aianda, however, 1
action g. Thla Motion provide that If
the ompnny fan to perform Its part Of
th contract as provided for la the arai-
nance, thea tba city ahail glv e days"
nolio of auch failure, after Which the
common council may bring a suit In
equity to declare a? forfeiture of. ail
right granted j by th ordinance; pro
vided, however, that If the court decree
a default th company shall ha allowed
fa dayo thereafter t comply with the
nolle, and thereby avoid sny forfeiture.
They argue that this clause will involve
tba lty la enoieee llttgatton; for. whUe
tha work muat beglo with in M daya
after th decree I rendered, ther I no
specified time limit for lta eompletloa.
Thoaa who advocate th paaaag
th ordlnanc In lta preeent form allege
that the fight asalnat It la oaly a covert
attack oa th eouth-ead rood; that -fnll-
ure to grant all tbat th ordlnanc pro
pane wlU meet with a refuaal oa tha
part af th Sou there Paelfl company to
construct any aubwaya for either ve
hlclea or pedestrians, and that the eem
pletloa of th eouth-end road will thus
be rendered practically lmpoaeible' at all
th crenel me, and not permit Ung the
blocking of crossings by train, ahould
be peeeed. Such action, U I alleged,
walla not being aaiaat la any eanae,
would aoon bring the railroad to term.
Paiat Ohanmnqna Bnsliding.
' At the meeting of th hoard -of di
rectors af th Willamette Valley Chau
tauqua association yesterday It. was de
elded to paint tha roof af the auditorium
at Gladstone Park. JCugene Woodward,
of tha Pacific America. Paint company
or thla city, baa tha contract for tha
work. At tha earn meeting tt waa also
directed that a wall be dug la tba para,
"" -'range pair ewwaps..
Oawego grange, Ne. ITS, Pal row a af
Huabandry. will hold Its annual fair nt
It hall In Oewego oa Saturday. October
. Th fair will be under the general
direction of Mra. H. M. Kwlng. Jama
Height and Mlaa Kff m Hayaa.
Rev. K. S. Bollinger, pastor of h
PI ret Congregational -church la thla city.
ha received Information of the death
of hi mother at her ham la Pennsyl
vania. Mr. Bollinger was prostrated
and unable ta preach mat Sunday eveo
Ingv - Oeagan ettp Bees.
Rer. Prank H. MlxeeU at th stora-
Ing service Sunday tendered hla reslg-
natlea a paator of th First Preeby-
tartan ohuroh of tbla city. He will en
ter th mlaaloaary fleML
J. A. Seamaa. aaleemaa for th Arm
nt 1 it. aloArttinr a CaL. snacblnlata.
has parchaaad property la aat Olad
stone, about half a mile above th rail
road bridge, and la having tha lumber
hauled for tha erection of dwelling.
The- rMence wUl occupy historic
ground, a It la to b on tha site of tha
cabin formerly owneg by dackaaiaa
Jake, the laat chief of th
Clackamaa Indiana.
Recorder Curry yeetsrday afternoon
aenteoeed Charlea "Monroe t erv ftv
day In th elty Jail for vaawanoy.
Jame King and John Fargo, who were
charged with being drunk and dlaor
derly, were give 1 day sack, with
work oa the streata Ferry Higgina,
laa under a oharge of being drunk, for
feited his ball of ffc.
Whew Mayor INmlcfe atteatlon was
called to th fact that th ordlnanc
granting a franchise to. the Southara Pa-
cine oomDuny contains a mnua fty
which th company can avoid ft de
creed forfeiture at Arst he stoutly main
tained that ao such ciauee existed, but
now declares that It wa not In th
ariainal draft prepared by hlmaelf.
Kltaha Kill In of Col ton aoid !
of land yesterday to William Boukugy a
recent' arrival from Montana.
iS-seml Btssatch ee The feeraal.)
HniBbora, Or., Sept. 17. Georg IX
Campbell, aged It yeara aa aid resident
of Washington county, was bailed yes
terday la th I. a a P. eemetery at
Hlllaboro. He Served oa aa Bngllak vaa
sei durtmg th Crimean war. and was
ala veteran la th lvU war. having
served aa quarter gunner la tha United
State ehtp Ohio, O. H. Le and Prince
ton. Tha funeral was under tha aua-
tlcea of th Washington County Vt-
rana aaaoclauoa.
' fftjinlil awpetsh te Tto AwraaL)
TLebaaoa. Or.. Sept. tT Th SantkUB
river haa avc in It history been ao
low aa at this time Below tha dam at
th hand ef th Albany ditch It t pos
sible to wk aero dry shod. Th va
rious mllla depending oa water powar
have been seriously handJcapped.
Are aasd
y eaf
Mat am
Thav are for 1 her nly bv Svmle
Bros. Piano Co.. also agents for 11 other
makas of fine rtanoe we wui cneer
fvilly extend you twa yeara time In
whirh to nav for a Piano, aad will
auarantee thai our prtcea are lower
than any ether Portland dealers qual
ity of goods taken Into consideration.
We eenectslly aall your atteottoa to the
new 8 lain way
Whit In appearaaes an upright plana,
la In reality rust what Its nam 1m
pllee turned grand. We Invite your
careful Uepectloa af thi wonderful
plana, .
PtftRO Co.
Salem. Or4 Sept. Labor CoeaaUa-
atoaer a P. Hoft to anmgiNng ata tie ties
showing tha dlvereity af nwupatten la
thi atata, ha run aeroa aom unoai
ttmm. la ana noauttv. ana reals tared
statlag that hla oecupatloa waa rM-
ing. IB Umatilla, ana maa ewDiare
himself to be occupied as aa Inventor.
! inlBiBBhla aatMnte ana aaaa aata farth
hla occupation aa gambler and Immedi
ately following, appeara another maa
who declare hlmaelf t D a grarter.
Ia every -county a eartola auaftber af
maa war regieierea aa reurea.
imABi aouni aaa ana lnteraretST.
Multnomah oounty haft oaa atna regie
.t tuit aaaa aaatbar an athlete
Soma good aid aalt- geciared aimseina
ia u nnaiaaasin aui am nuor nv. mmj
whether he was also the midshapmlte
aad the crew df tba captainja gig,' One
maa ia Portland rag latere aa a am ra
tion Army man.
Multaosnafc oounty, th feraea to pop
ulntloa la th suta. Is the only oounty
to which ta number af merchants ex
ceeds the aumber of farmer. There
gre 1.141 regit t ered as torahaato while
only l.le declare themselves farmer,
Tha total reglst ration tft Multnomah
oowntp reported Is 14.171 M th M
.m .ttnrnava at law. Ill hswaara, 1
bartenders. liquor dealer and l4
aaloon deelera, let reported aa noon
isa butobeaw. l.IIC camenter.
Only si reported themselves capitalists.
1U elty oAotols. lU eommsreiai wnvea-m-m
ikk juuiai. tt amatora and II drug
gists, CU engineers and eleolricleB. Ill
firemen, lee found rym en. ai gawanera.
II kotelkeeper. 10 insurance men.
1114 anborer. 114 longshoremen, set
machlnlsta, ill foremsa, 111 sxanagers.
Ill manufaaturera.
ti..m .H tn aaill seen. It aewseev-
par in. - organ laera, lei painter. I
ptna pollshara. 111 piumoera. see raw
estate dealers. M railroad employera
171 ealeemen. 1 Salvatloa Army maa.
Ill tailors. IT taaatatara lit teaenera.
Ill waltera. United States ofAclals
.iAMa the total number of
eupatloas reported to Multnomah onty
are t . '
ft araA beaan suit to th 0n-
ty probate court yesterday aftaraooa to
break hi father will, which will had
been executed by tna tate - b. ouito
In the preaence of City Recorded K. P.
Judah. W. H. Holme aad Mary Blhm
Cotter. The conteetant I a member of
th Arm of Bursa Hamilton, Kurauura
dealer, of this elty.
uh nuraa llama that Ma father waa
of unsound mind when he made th will.
A, B. Burea died her February it.
14. leaving an eetata of about,
k. ta aald to have tried to divide
aa ha thought equitably among th two
children, a bob. Max O, Baron, th eon-
tea tan t. and a daughter, mmbuiw.
woobs fob - mrnmmU
. (serial Paiistm te Tba Pmwal I
Oranta Pax. Or.. SepC 7. HaUaea,
coatleee and sbodeee, and with tha re
mainder of hi clothing badly torn, shiv
ering in- the ohlll morning air, a hay ef
IS years knocked nt tha doer of Wil
liam LietUcut In Oranta Pees and asked
U be mlgnt com In and set wara. Tha
boy wa ravenously munching a raw aar
of com and seemed to b to a famished
Taking camps astoB on hfe forlorn eon
dltten, Mr. Leittcut admitted him Into
the house, but when ha had beea there
but a fsw minutes n waa seised with
such a f It af nervous tremor that the
lady ha st "siil to call la aar nelghbore,
fHa the an mlaht.dl la tha houee.
It was evident that he waa to a state
rmT mantel bewilderment. but 1ft answer
i Mralatant aussrlonln he said that
while In Oranta Pa th day previous
he bad beea perauaded by fear seen te
accompany them to the tuuh ameuer
amr tn mi Work. The oertv went
out -of tow about two mUes and oamped
at a deserted buiKUng Bear a xarm
Hla ccennanlon ent hfto to th
to buy seme provisions, sot nrec-en tne
plea that he waa sick, way gav hint a
do of "medicine." a whU powder.
tha hoe' a vera.
A he turned to go, he heard IM f
them laughingly aay: "Now you'll see
him go right up in tn air ia nunuia.
, Be fur be reached tha houe he be
miu minL threw off hi coat and hat
and ran Into the wood, wber ha wan
dered about all night
Th eaaa Va put me tha hand af
th Jueephln county a he riff, who made
diligent effort t locate the perpe
trators of th outrage, hut without su
eee. The boy knew hi oompanien
nly by sight aaa wee unable to give a
description by which they might be n
prehended. He gav hta nam aa J.
Walling and aaM hi ho wa tn Al
bany, ta which place he returned yee
toraap. ... yy ) '
(psrml Penjstm ex The Jeereet)
Pull maa. Wash. Sept. IT. Washtng
ton Agricultural college opened last
week, and already tha enrollment to 10
more than It waa last year t this time
New student are arriving dally. All
members of the faculty have returned
from their vecattene and ere anally en
gaged In arranging their class in Bvary
room ta both dona! tori ee waa awgnged
week before th opening ef the school,
but more student are being eared far at
private he usee throughout th town.
. rSeeewd ImnaHa ts The l aiull
Roeebar. Or . Sept. IT. In th Octo
ber term of th ctrctrlt court a deed ef
1MI wlU be aired. The suit was Sled
by Mel vlna R. leT while th defend
ant are th heir of Sam eel U Booth.
The plaintiff wanta the deed to certain
property restored, which th asrewSnnts
rt wa eolc. ta exiy aocamsat
put on
Inependenra, Or.. Sept. 17 Path
ceuitty e exhibit t th tat fair ha
beea stored la th edunty roenheuee at
Mr. Chad, taa amsaty Jwaga.
, ' i '
ooatms jnmMwnrw ZBsVuni
VilSIM Balff CTaanS) tm TatB
Itoiwnl BWssisk to lha JwraaL)
... j
f i. mm, i a) i i i sa aa mj j-
Tbs KlmtlTo Hbtb Alwrm
im f Aar arrea? 8v 79mm,
All Ooonterfetts, latltBtloBS mmm Jbss-bs-vocmI bps lw
BxpewHimBts tluks trifle wit bmI mOmntr th hasuth of
laTdtemmt gad CaUktrSM ISI'aaaVIS otffaVLDg lXBrllBMg
What la CASTORiA
la tsirnlfiss raMtMa tor Osatbop Ofl
forio. IrofMi tuMi Booeexiiif; Mrrtipwe 14 Is Pica-amBa. Irk
.. exaatmans Bslttisr Optinn Morphia mor othp JimnoU
BDhgtaaTeOS. ItS geTS LS tS VmPemltSm. It etgtrtTS WoTBhTf
SeRt. BaUBJS FgvWfebjecXsS. II NTM DUrrfaOtMt BAd Wlfmi
e Celkv. I peUsygsm TsbOtJii Tybtos. cams 4MtfBUttm
MBdl Ffetolcxner. It BMlnaHslfts iby Focxl ivsraUtes tbm,
' '- HtstTssnh bb4 Bowels rtn lMtolthw SJhtl BsturBl smvua, ,
- hm ClUltaT-! PBaxBfissi Tfc Msttst! grtlsads. .
BoAn U
r aBBsBa4aHRamasBalBemwi'
The M You Hare toys Bot
In Use For Ovor 30 Years., v,
; . . x . w ee-JJSL ft 1 1 1 1 I I , JSS ' B '
Tm km nam tie Peter ahas
Pet s eeenet. well a am
Taaei vae ahaas
Tea ta euvet Oau ta Man
vW e ear kayaarf ttw aufK,
Pws delist uenv-eeasaee
aa A eatoi efaW Pmm. W
S testat e weakly
Cfi-7 BO
."y-- WP M aSSat -r.-rH r-e-f
To St LcuEs end klstunt H
tMm.rr.ia, Mrm, Aanatltft,;
n Xaeer .4.f.
I '
smwltoh.meydsya I I " I C'lft I 1
las Rock TiliHrt Svatent oBsW tsro foafcg
to tag WotU'i Fair Orytit St. Pup
IT i ii. i tt MJ , ,t- fnlri.j In
MiBmTKnmv SBS UUOSga 90Snsr CeOVaQOa
No cxumgc of cart, Ogdcn to Su Louis sod
St PgftJ 10 St ixtonV .... . ,
"ssssw pfl Wbn
Ml 3rd atreat. gag. Aids
. ParthawLOre,
Good lraturmnca Ftiiiitthed to Men and Women Who
; Can Pub Required Examinationab
. Ifwmttfas test frsVTMJ frisjaraccs in tbs worki in
wcstigstB ths plans of Th OnSer V Wafehtesoa for foil pmr
tktilMi pmmpbitt, str, mA&nmfkrir yotir sgs, ; "
J. I MITCHKLLe, 8oprctm 8ecretsxy,
611 Mattosra Bldg., PrjKkfMl Ore.
That we will Jgunder your ltno In a maaner thai till do yoa nroud
aot oaly oa tin hut every time; not one week, but every week of
the It. dive usT cbaac tn, preva tbla BO BAW-BBSBS SB OOA
Troy Laundry Company
-V ,
St Ii
toted t ft eewnal eai r eaeadeal thai
It wwa th totoattem to aead the exhibit
aa B to at areeent to th Portland Lewie
and Clnrk fair la J tea. It would a ha
possible, he aald. to secare dtspUy of
a amber af th products to rtme for th
fair otherwise, and that Mra. Wolfe
would beg la ftnmedUteJr to aiee for in
creasing th exhibit. Ther wilt aroh
tfttx m a atr agan tha part mi the
l i W gf
- -
Bortflrts mmd "mbkih tttm
tea fcotms thm slgMtnr) c
bvb4 bss besm Mag rt tmder his pce
BCpbbI scrperrtrtKloa stnos Its tnfBJf'yV
Allow Mm oM toeeinyoaiBtbiaa
aeifnatw) of
a rawr art Is
Menafaeturer af ' ,
Aad the TOalvereeJ Comatnattea Pence
--lUTiTfla aJCWxrmfi
I " lapnoaeatoalTi,
OMnmerelal hndtoa af tha ounty t gel
together epeeeU exblblta, which will be
entered with th regular eeuoty aahlMt.
AT mi
v tofeelel Daaaata a The Jesses!)
Independeoe. r.', Seya, IT. Th Itt
tie child af Mr. had Mi, rierenc Clf
felter died at thla place Sunday morning,
taa raaeral was aaM Maadag afittaasa ,
aeats,yeant I ril
renaass to awmtutaa, - -v raas u r t I
' Wraw a , rji n n
- m . - n i
V--Wt; .
ohaza OeanreJ Agl. "- TC S
-- . . , mmnpmw ejsaw
i ;
.i .