TKS OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDEYj BVBNINO, SEPTEMBER W, 1801 j tcv.ti Tcrzcs I BBBaWBBBsmamVakNeV"aeaaaMaaaM .. '. tobtkts ampsakbbts, ban at TWrd and Davis streets has I bwa postponed till Wednesday evening. Tha p roc ram aantara about a harvest festival drama, "Uft'i Long Dream. or From the Cradle to tb Grave," pic turing, tha aoanaa at the various stagae lot Ufa. Tha eaaa of Clifford Trainor, charged with assaulting; Clarenoe Lalaura la tha Winter Garden and shoving: bin to tha ' floor. W1U ha eallad in tha municipal j court at a Utar data. Trainor la ready to prooeed with Um case, but until Lalaura la able to leave tha koapltal tha matter will not -be eetUed, Trainor hi charged with assault with Intant to kill, but this wlU have to ba reduoed to Theaa autumn dan. whoa tha folia a I assault and battery. It la stated. a Ions- tha Columbia atDara In all tha 1 " " ' oolora of tha rainbow, there can ba no Tha usual Sunday crowd was at tha more enchanting ride than that to ba Uwll and ClsrK fair f rounds yesterday had on tha Charlea B. Spenoer, up tha looking over tha beautiful grounds and great natural highway which flows ba- tha buildings, which are now near com- tween the tumbling? waters that drop pletloa, or enough so to give one an . from heights from 10 to IM feet, on Its Idea, of how they will look. All visitors Mareaua Oread .Josef Berate, runtot Columbia .' ..."tee JUf kw ;. . . ."Kmpreaa Theodora" Cardray1 'Tie HUM el California" , Lrrie . YaadevLlle Star ,.,r. ...Vaudeville -Bljaa I...,.., Vaudeville Areed . VasoevlU exprees themselves aa delighted with tha outlook, and from now on tha grounds will divide popularity wits tha city park and other resorts. , , . t - Tha arrest of Jack Meyers for pass Ins a bogus eheck several days ago, eo- oordlng to his friends, grow out of an unfortunate misunderstanding. Ha had money to tha bank, but had overlooked tha fast that It was not subject to check. Tha matter was speedily ad justed and Mr. Meyers released. Friends of Charlea B. Frasler, for merly chief deputy ta tha office . of Sheriff storey, have today noticed broad am lie upon his race. Upon asking--! tha oa use, aaeh has been handed cigar, together with tha explanation that a 10-pound boy arrived at bis house lata yesterday afternoon. run between Portland and The Dallam, Thar are mountains, too, on either side, arand In their majesty as their apex often toueb the aloud, and can yons and aiens . Innumerable, besides pillars of high towering- rooks appear ing as giant monument crested by hu . man handa - Passengers coming to Portland from east of The Dallas should buy tickets to The Dalles only, than ride down the river oa the Spenoer fastest and newest steamer an the river run. Leaves foot of Washington street, Portland, Monday. Wednesday and Fri day at 7 a. bjl; The Dalles on alternate days. Telephone Mala 1431. . . i At the regular meeting of Talmud Torah eongregattOB last night at the synagogue, Btxth and Hall streets, of ficers for the ensuing- year were elected as follows: President, D. Nemerovsky; vice-president, M. Simon; financial sec retary, M. I Gale; recording eeoretary, T. F. Rokoway; treasurer, A. Kumufher; trustees, M. Abrame, J. ML Kara, M. ale, L Friedman and I. Pasranaky, A frsu majority of the mala members of Ine congregation were p recent. I. f ppl. the former president, was twloe but In Domination for re-election, but teollnad to serve. The affairs of the rnasoaii' ware resorted la. rood eondi- llon and the congregation Is flourishing I nearly tiO.OM at Ooean Park, a suburb nnanctaily. . I or ixte Anceies. tie aas nougni a mt in the business district ana will erect A Drosneetlve throuerh line be BL I building designed" for a storeroom down Johns Is temporarily hung up by a 111 i stairs and an apartment house la the sewer assessment. Tha Una Is the pro- I two WPr storms, Tha place la a sum- posed extension of the Mississippi are- mar resort V. Hill hnnih nf tR rHtw S, luKiirK.. I railway to Kllllnguworth avenue. The I A soon hunt, a negro sermon, side branch now ends at Proocott street, and I splitting Jokes and southern life before before it can well be carried late aar-land after the war win be presented try row Michigan avenue two tots must be IDr. Jordan at the White Temple tomor acquired by the ompany. An agree I row night. Coma have a good laufta. mens was reached on the prioa of these I surer ooueeooa. lota, and then It waa found that there waa a sawer assessment of 111 acmlnat I The Heller-Byrnes eompany, under them. The agent wants tha eompany I takers, have added a fin new h to pay this assessment and the eompany land casket wagon from the U. ft. Car- Frank Bummers, aa emolore of tha Oregon Furniture Manufacturing com pany, aged 40 years, died suddenly yes terday afternoon while sitting Oft the river bank fishing. His body was eared for by Coroner Ftnley, Heart failure was the cause of death. ... His relatives have been notified. . . ' -. . y H. C Breedea of Portland will Invest refuses. The Immaculate linen of Officer Taylor, whom footpads attempted ,to bold up last night was noticed by every body attending; the session of the mu nicipal court today. That linen was laundered at the Union "Laundry Seoond and Columbia, while the footpad's looked as If they had beea washed In A barnyard. Thar la but one objection to patronising - the Union "Laundry. Those whose garments are' laundered thera always appear as well-to-do gen tlemen", and are liable to be held up at any time. Telephone Main tit... . triage eompany of Columbus, Ohio, their equipment, .,v , to Loggers who oome in from the Umber . In various sections In Oregoo t and . Washington confirm tha statement that moat of the Urea during- the last season hav been fa old logged-off timber tracts and that no damage has been done -this year to green timber. They say that I flour, try rooott ina immunity ox me green umoer was due to the absence of winds. Had thera been galas tha flree would have, beea driven Into the woods In many places . and great destruction of valuable prop i arty would have resulted; ., For all Bast paying; and best ad vert feed meroantlle business In Portland. In osnter of retail district; I Is, 000. Ap ply McOarry Btc-hardsoa. Attjra, 00 Oregonian. , .. ... . . . -, Wa-Hoo Tenia. The great Mood purl fler, nerve tonic and liver regulator. Just what you need these days. For sals by druggists. . ,- ,i ' Hunters, attention) Get reur tree pass not loss at Peaslae Broa prmtere, fthei look bulldlBa-.- - : , ... Chaw Dos-Tdl-Ousm, havo pearly teeth and prevent deoay. For sale, every where. . .. . :rY'; '". ' If you wan a firsvelasa hsrd wheat ow areoar sella u. - T '- snumsaawmats, Try "Caaeade brand creamery butter; If a Pasteurised. ; At o'clock Thursday evening rthe1 fifth anniversary of the opening of the Seamen's Institute wlU take place. Governor Chamberlain. W. J. , Burns, Robert Livingstone and others Will de liver addressee. Mrs. O. XL Llvesley will be la charge of the musical pro gram and songs will be rendered by Mrs. Max M. Bhlllock and Mrs. A. C. Sheldon. Jamas LeUdlaw, British consul, I nere, win preside. William Wallace Graham will render a violin solo, Ask for KTssaade" Pasteut lsed aieaiu ery butter. - : - P on to keet msm The marrlags last night of Harley W. Laug-hlln and Mabel Kstella Cronlse at the Allsky building was the happy ending- of a school day romance. They were married by Blder August Brnest, a fol lower of John Alexander Dowls. For merly they war schoolmates together and were sweethearts at the time. After the ceremony they left for La O rands, where Mr. Laughila will entrag to the hardware business. Bishop Henry flpeJlmtyer, who. will m oosTwsasATicurA Munm- TWJULAJb ASJSjQCngTTQTr FOTZ- FOB wm sMMIAfJ FBO- SIIIFLY AHAZUIG TtomeodoM Business Now Being Pone by Oregon Leading Piano House fos Wlfhesa mda Flfya Bold latl w Activity and propsperlty to the; north west was never greater than now. Crops generally ha ve been enormous and mar kets good., Portland's tremendous growth has "been illustrated by the crowded condition of all It schools, in spite of the fact that many of the school building have been enlarged and A number of new ones built In tha piano business Bilsrs Piano House has experienced a genuine "boom." The past week things have been simply ru thing for this season, buyers from town and country have made purchase, the demand beln largely for the very highest grade pi enoa. ' Of the It sales made. It wars Kimball. four, chlckerlngs, three Weber pianos number or the finest, soeclal letterings were styles. Two of the Chlckertnas seed for cash and Included hi the and eight Planolaa. a pianos being the very nurch cash sale Just dosed. One. a verr line. largest slse, upright, with a handsome case of selected mahogany, waa pur chased by Mrs C. B. Bloom of Port- Mlas M. Swearing n, also' of Port' urchased another Chlckerlpg up- nr. a neautirui colonial upright, i cased In mahosanv. Dr. H. R. Llttteneld. ' one of Pert land'a best-known phyelclans, while "looking; 'round" with his wife for lan t ilano that ralrht suit them, fust droDoed Into the BUere etore, but before leav ing they- had Purchased a handsome Haddorff piano and Pianola w match. Mr. Gerard Tlllandler of Corvallt b 1 acted a beautiful Weber grand for hla own use. Tha slaters of the Acad era v of Holy Namao-a magnificent Hobart M. Cable, etc, etc Space will sot admit Of Eliers Piano House la' splendidly 'pro pared to meet this demand for hlgneat grade inatrumenta. Fall sh (omenta are coming In early and the etore la fairly resplendent with beautiful and costly instruments, as well aa most excellent makes, which will be found only mod erate priced and highly satisfactory. Visitors Interested In fins Instruments. as wall as purchasers, are always wel come. Btieru jtano Mouse, si wsan- inaion sireec corner rarx. Larn stores and a cordial raoeotlon. too. at San Francisco and. Sacramento. jai Bpoxane ana nesxiiat was. WAKE IIP PORTLAND; IAKE UP; ADVERTISE IB PXQ.TBB OB AJTD SJTWB1 ilS OUU F, AT ST. aoIS ft! 'AT "-V'7 '"? ' '. 7 ''.''V "Somsbody has mad mistake a very grave mistake lq not advertising; the Lewis and Clark exposition at St. Louis. J met a man- from California.' Incredible as It may seem, who had never . beard of the Portland proleot and tried to assure me that, Inasmuch as congress would never make another appropriation for a world's fair, I was badly mistaken In saying there will be a fair here In 190ft. Wake up Portland, wakeupr. In these words, Louis O. Clarke, of tn drug firm of Weodard, Clarke A Co. answered a question as to what be had heard of Oregon's great enterprise dur ing, his travels abroad. Mr, and Mrs. Clarke returned yesterday from their trip to Burope, They left here on April 17. They toured the oontlnent, Sngtend, Ireland and Scotland. Oa their return to American shores they finished their fifth month away from bom at the world's fair. It took Mr. Clarke three full days ts find the Oregon exhibit there and, at that, he oalled Into action the services of the dlreotor-general be fore be waa guoeessfuJ. - I KO PURCHASE KECESS.'JIY2,200 FREE WATCHES e:.j FC3TZ' THE CH r ... . r 69-7-7J Third Street, bet. Oak and Pine The Big Store la tte Middle atlhc Block21 il-LMea's and Boy Top to Toe Outfitters We were first in the field this fell 'to give Watches and FootbaU3 Free to boys. ' WE DO NOT GIVE - THEM WITH SUITS, BUT i f ABSOLUTELY FREE s J When you have to use money consideration to get a Watch go to the jewelers and buy it, when you have to use money consideration to get your boy a .: Football go to a store ; and buy it you can save money. Th hint it Ck Sive evcry boy in Portland choice of a Foot I IIC twlvaL ball, best. make, aU sizes, or an Ingersoll Nickel or Gold Plated Watch. Not with a purchase but absolutely FREE of all purchase '-obligations. fj: '-J'l v:"::. -:? : ?'f'i'lV '.':.v;;,v'; i MUM MM I - Boys, calf at the stote and f I : get Lists, and secure - a I Football or Watch take I I? your: choice. Mothers and Fathers Do teach, your boy that to expect tYMnsthirig for nothing is a bad precedent; This plan of ours requires .only a few hours " 1 I 1 1 '' 111 1 effort on the. part of your boy and he feels as though he has done something for his football or watch. :' : . .. . . , i - .ii ii ball and Watch Prices We sell to your boy and children without being obliged to pay for something that you do ttot bargain for. This is the only store In this chy showing an entire new faU and winter stock of Boys' and Children's Suits and Crarenettes. New Children's Department . Tha flfty-stxth anmtal session of the OongrentlOBal Ministerial aseodaUoa preside at the Oregon conference of the of Oregon opens tomorrow afternoon Methodist Episcopal church at Bugens this week, arrived In Portland this morn- Ing, accompanied by his wlfa They are i at the Hotel Portland. Tonight a reoep- tloa will be given them at Grace church. ft which also Ir. D. L Rader. editor of the Pacific Christian Advocate, and Mrs. Radar will be spools! gueatat j: This evenlns at T:M 6'clock tn the apstalrs hall of the Toung Men's with meetings held In the first Congre gations churd. oiv Park and Madlsoa streets. , The program follows: Tuesday, September It p. WL, ganiaauon; p. m.. social houri T p. nv. devotional. Res'. D. B. Orayt p. av. report ef retiring moderator. Rev. J. J. Btraub; sssoetatlonal sermon, Rav, R. T. Cross, rx D.; oommunloa. Wednesday. September ChrUtlsn association the annual open- address. Rev. H s Uuoklev n. r 7t tng ef the aduoatlonal classes will tak. .HnSSmi ! a. m. fu5 an piaom, Anjow uiivrvaneu im inviiea u ChanaTaS In Church Ufa and Present attend. There will be a, good program. nitn.i" p.. m w-?S!S! 1 . . .:7T" -L" . . l:ie a. m.. discussion; 10:4 'i?uml.wlu wp. "Need of a Positive Gospel ta Preacher (! "" wh pv at pwa uui VannU" nH Imw. Wr M.l.. it . . - - -- toela! next Saturday night. Arleta's new BVangalfcal church was dedicated yesterday afternoon by Rev. If. ShupB, assisted by Rav. O. W. Plumer. There was a large attend . ance, and much aatlafactlon waa ex . pressed with the neat little edifice, which la the second church to ba dedl ; anted la that vteinjty this year. - 1 -, ' - " Barly m October the Oregon Water Power company will bavin work upon . the proposed flu on Bhst Water street. , ina i( u estimatea mat two monuiar time will be needed to All the street up to tha grade required for laying; track a Dirt will be taken from land owned by , the company, and, Will be brought la en dump oara . - ... The TDally' Cataract Journal at NUg ' ra Bulla, N. prints an lntereeting letter from Rev. A. C Dill of Welser, Idaho, telling; of the resources and op portunities that Oregos offers to the settler from the east,- and urging ev to attend the bewta and Clark Portland next year. vryon fair at The entertainment to be erven by the Salvation Army this evening at their JUST OUT! STAB9ASB BBUP VISJafBw Fountain Pen bl, dlsouaalon; 11:19 a. m4 Church Bulldlne society; 11:4 a. m.. buelness; 1:1 n. nv, Orecoa Home Mlsslonsry so ciety; 1 p. bl. Woman's -Mlsslouary union, Mrs. V. Bggert; I p. nv, "Rela tion of the Church to the Toung! First, "Sunday School," Rev. H. A. Start; sec ond, "Toung- People's Societies." Rev. B. r. Green; third. "Amusements, Prin cipal H. U.Bates; t:4l p. m., dlscus- alon; 411 p. m.. fellowship. Rv. B. P. HUI. D. Bl; T:I9 p m.. devotional. Rev J. W. I Kaufman: T:4I p. m The Church and the Natlofls." Rev W. C Kantner, U D.l address by Rev. WL O. Shaffer. Thursday. September M a. m.. ad n .I nrktiuiak M..h n D: a. m.. business: 16 a. wo.. At- tltud of the Church to Moral Reforms," Rev W. C, oilmora; 10:10 a. m., discus sion: l:4d a. nv, "Shall W Give Up the Prayer Meetlngr Rev. J. IHsrahner; 11 a. av, discussion i ii:iff a. av. "An OuUook," Rev. C. Pi Clapp; bustneos: t p. m., devotional. Rev. W. Z BtrSnge,; 1:11 p m, "A Woman's Sphere In Church Life." Rev D. V. Pol Ins. IX. D.: 1:40 n. nv, discussion: I p. m, "A Man's Sphere la Church Life," Mrs B. W. Luckey; 1:10 p, m.. sddress: Rev. J, K. McLean, D. D., president President ThMloaioal seminary Berkeley, Cel.; t:4 p. m.. business; 4 p. av, "Narrative) of the Churches," Rev. Daniel Staver. resjte trar; T:0 p. av, devotional. Rev. O. A. Tacgert; Ti4l p. m- "la the World Growing Better?" Rev, B. L. House, XX D.i l:la p. m.. address. Rev. Oeorge R. Wallace, D. Xv, Spokane, Waah. . .. J, R. EWING Mt bwVbvji ' Prom the Chicago News. " ' "Sally's father bald her beau should never step foot la the aousa aealn," said the Kansas girl. t Thea I suDDOss ah had ta aiva htm upr intwroemted her chum. "No. Indeed She entertains hist in . the ay clone oeUar," . . ' -The sxhlblt is somewhat disappoint ing." said Mr. Clartre. "It doesn't eom pare with the dlsplayp of either Wash ington or California. 1 The fair of next year Is advertised solely by a sign posted la an obscure corner." ."I believe," said he. "that St Louis to the place to make It known that we are going to have a fair. If wa only could distribute plenty of good advertising; lit erature there and make known what Oregon Is and will be, wonders might be accomplished. As It Is, there la not even an attendant to talk Oregon. The exhibit, I dare ssy, has not beau looked at by many people." Speaking; of affairs abroad, Mr. Clarke said the European oountrles are more prosperous lhaa be had expected ta find them. . This la especially true of Germany, ta said. "That country Is experiencing; a great bis boom. The growth of their cities Is phenomenal. People are oom Ing- la from the country to work la the great manufacturing -plants, and after what I have seen, I regard Oermany as the greatest manufacturing country hi the world She is going after the trade that England has enjoyed for so msny years snd hi likely to get It. The Americans are getting In but are not regarded very seriously. They have no fear that w will oarry off their trade. but I suspect the wlh la father to the thought. As a matter of fact, foreign ers fail to realise that American Indus tries are undermining them , commer cial It. especially the English. They ara too stow. London fg much more sleepy than our proverbially slum bering Philadelphia. Neither London nor Pa tie can oompars with New York or Chicago from a business standpoint. The masses of the people don't read the newspapers. They don't know what la going on la the world. Tou ride in a 'bus to aTt through the otty and It re quires more than double the time to transact business there that would be required la any progreeslv American olty." . A iked about the war la the orient, mt. Clarke said that all the powers except Prance appear to be with the Japan. German v" a populaoa is strongly la sym pathy with Japan, though the author ities are uro-Ruaetan, Great interest hi manifested la the outcoma or the strug gls by all nations. "American polities la noticed abroad," continued Mr. Clarke. 'Trance Is strongly opposed to President Roose velt's re-eleotlon. Hi canal policy m oniwbat too aggressive te suit tha averse- frenchman. But the British appear to be well satisfied, with the president' administration of affairs." Our Low Prices Have awakened .parents to die fact that The Chicago is the best place to buy a good article at low prices. Keep the Deadly Alr.Gun Away From Your Boy Better get him a wild cat. It's not so dangerous dr treacherous. Ws know what a wild animal may do. Read this editorial, from one of Portland's evening papers, of Friday, September 83, 1904; "'"V ' '" TMM BOX AJTB TBS SUB. ? - 1 A UtUs east slds girl's eyes were nearly destroyed by a mis all flilas an alrama In the Handa nf a. naivhhnr hnv H. 'MM.'t ur. uk warn, vui aim Dnnia ana toe want ptitHic are to DiamS t .1 and should be held morally accountable for such accidents, because -no boy ought to be permitted ta have one of these mlsohlevous weap .), ons or be sble to buy one. Toy pistols and atrguns causa aeereat of deaths annually, and ta ' ' tMa Instance a girl's eyesight barely escaped destruction. This Is only ons of many like Incidents occurring annually throughout the country, and yet parents permit their young boys to purchase and use at will and promiscuously these deadly little weapons, and society . still' permits them to be sold One of the duties of the next leg islature is to pass a stringent law against the use or sale la this stata of these murderous and maiming toys, Even If they do not very often -harm children, as In this case, boys put them to 'bad use; in fact, tfcr la no good use whatever for thenv -Boys use them. to. shoot ' at birds and Innocent animals.' These weapons encourage cruelty and a contempt for animal life ta bora, make them reckless of the atural rights of birds and anlmala, and careless aven of the rights nd safety of other children. A boy has no business with a gun ef -, :'any kind until be la old enough to o hunting legitimate game and ha discretion to use it properly for that purpose only. AL.B of Knee Pants Suits At prices such as no other store is able to match. We speak of clothes. . You need not pay for a football and Watch at The Chicago. We do not give them with purchases, but any boy can secure a football from us, no matter where or when he may buy hit clothes. We sell clothes not footballs and watches. Price our Good Clothes. Child's eood, serv- Price our Good Clothes. Child's good, serv- tp g , may iceable and stylish i dark colors or fancy 7 I m mixture suits.'v... ...H.Ml. .-e ' HK 1 $2.35 $3.35 $4.85 Pure All-Wool Extra Quality, - Tweedi. Cheviouj. Double Breasted . or Norfolk Suits ..v. ....... ............ Extra Good Fancy Mixtures or Plain Col ors, in all" -' ". ..V : .ii-. Buster Brown, ' Reefer, Norfolk, Cossack Back, Double Breasted, Hand-Tailored Suits ;..aW. The Chicago's prices will be found fully 80 per cent lower than any, other itore'a for the same high qualities. Send your boy down to the store so that he may begin Hfe right By a few hours' effort he can secure a football or watch free of all pur chase obligations. ; f aannuBBHrvBa AMV TS. CRM AT CTS JIT TUB 4TJHX tkx xisa-sxa. The Mervehxii BwmpreD Rttsriam. sut. avn M.S. wrm. v General eats. H XDWABD I J! MOSS, di mi ,1,0m, , WILi BKOWaL B an is 4: JO; T:n te 10 aAaatestea W eeaMt Columbia Theatre - CHAB. W. TOaK, AartfUat Bkaager. .. M aad Wariuagtoa. Pbhae Bala UO. ALL THIS WBSK, The easecb OetMa btoek Conpaay la Beadcamlt'a auteterpiec. "THE JILT" Hatlsee 10e aad Sie: enMra gallerr. 10c. Tlrket office epea at Bowe Mart la' a, ft ens Witt laslea. froei 10 I. a. to T D. s. Paene Uata no. At tsssu oesi i a. av S1L tssstm rboae Marqaam Grand Theatre raeaa sjeis bob. W. T. FveagMv TUSSDAT AND W SDN WD AT NIGHTS, B SIT EM Hull IT, SV ISM. Th BeantlrBl CosMdV Drama. ' MflWBBT CLOVER A Special deeale Prodsetlea. .Lower Soar. eKeaat laat a tew, til row, 75c BbIpost, ftrat rove, T6e: ooe. oaiitwr. me as me. Beau are aa mulag. rncee i t i rai ft row last ut rows. end leame, (TAO. CORDRAY'S THEATRE COR DBA T A BtTBfllLU Maaamre, . rertland'e Most Popular rasUljr TUMtte, Tonlfbt aad ewrr alght tbl week, the eae ait ot tea seaaos, HaiMireai mrees si Bight, Bat ara ef the fa write, yr L-fa i be "HILLS OF CAUFOkMlA" Sttppwte br Wllrred Racer and Beaele 1 aad a BetendM OemDaar ef flarem. PrlcM, lOe, pv, aoe; enrrial reaerTed eeeta. Ms laat 6V. HatlBee srkM an sart ef met eblldrea'i drpartntrat, 1 Ac- Ada Its. Baker Theatre , 9uhm Manager. Oreejes Theatre Ov, tae.. Lessee. MTB BltiHTN AND SATTrBnAT MATTBBS, t yarvwHl perform rn-f ef ' ' MMLMOVkn MAOOOWBLU, - Is the Orest Bpetecle, EMPRESS THEODOXJf" Ke aerferaiaace setanlar aimt. aa Mr. Mae Drwell bare n gpehss t after aw NMt week. "The Mga ef the year. A Trmapsaat Veaderlll Orfartag a the , LYRIC TMBATRB ' tks br sat ovimire. -" BR, AMD Mat. dlO. BSXTSB.W -THl ALP VAX I, . . IHOMAI W. BAT. fa, AKD RLOABX OAATZB, " . 1 TKS TTTAWOTS. . t:W te tiM, T:M t:M p. av. ' loe-NO HianisR jjnravMBSrBBi The Arcade's New Bill , BZBAL AJTD BATTMA, ' '. UKL AJTD 0BOTL, ' -."' ' BZLLTS BTIXKB, ' ' : -:- Boaan, txs out aids, , , f , - KATB OOTXB, "? : dwninaw Bioscxryx. mTm'm aSdBi... Ad rteelaa te aay eeat, 10 eest. oowcBBT Ball .. BLaSrSaT BSCS, . '1 OmOBBT BTBST STSBA Btt-BM BUBirsTDB. COAL, Diamond Lump, ton ...... Newcastle Lump, ton.... Washed Nut, ton S8.50 $6.50 85.50 tress rack end sulphur, we tub weigh aad pMmgl daUrery, 14BS, , v w KIJNQ COAL CO, Rocksprings Cod Is best for house use. Other good Coals from $6.6 up. Qet our prices on Steam - Coal ha ear lota, . con snearm Vulcan Cool Co. 339 BURNS1DB ST. 2 5 OW Tae hemt ef aehts rtaawflo. Ojerfmoe aertersMBcee freai 1 m Jim a. av SenAar mntlaeaae I la U 10 p, au Rree fsg serfwsMSMe tom f t Mjg p. av Aay seat to .me tseatre. M emta. ., . ,?T AND AT THIS SEASON OF THE YEAR ON NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS. WE ARE SHOWING A SWELL LINE OF NEW FALL STYLES IN OVERCOATS AND CRAVENETTS Not an old style coat Sn the lot large variety to select from, and the very best cut snd ( shaped coats, including the latest fada and fancies as well as the regulation cut and style. Now is the opportunity for the buying of an Overcoat or Cravenetee.- We are retiring from business after SI years and are giving our old friends and patrons the benefit of M per cent off aU over the store. : v-v ' .'vV1-. ' , Tm RED FRONT PHONX BLACK 201 Clot&ler and rarnhhert ; J 269-n Mcxw:rj r