The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 20, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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Prominent Miller of This City U Predicting
v that Wheat Will Rech the Dollar Mark Her
This Season Flour to Boston Ia a Novelty.
l s
I : .
c:llah;:eat is
, v
hmi ureal auanr
nova .aa box vo
vovTBT m rwrr yxsai
. . n .1,,.. ,.
Bros. Street tout. 0T Th principal to
...Aura at Um pwttoad wbotoi market today
Mid Mtutln ta miH mhnooU- ::"
4, s. Miller poet advance ta wbaat
' eUasgeratluu f tMlm kifm,
Portland floor to Boston. , , .
; CMgr(l peerbra art klgbef.
. , Poultry altuauoa easy firm. , ,;,
Voal aad hugs eltghtly better. -t "
t; Pars take cbascve m poUtoe.
- Bn market flrmlnc iu. -, -
0t an hM vary firm, : .-. ;
BtUw Vtel bMM la VUua.'
la tlaae a deeliwlug price la the
eastern anal Buddie weal wheat BjrU. It la
T" a rare thlug ta find a mill who talk of atlil
klgber valuee. There hi ana la Portia, boar
- - fr. who wtll not allaw hi aaata for nablka
' ties, vb my that wheat la thta ally will
- - m an probability so to the dollar aaark, sad
.i. that before, atony aaaniha bar pea ad. At
tola Utaa very little wheat to being bought
' - by the sUltora, aad aa th auottk la tba
.Ubicaa aad other market at tkat locality ara
very low, there It i burtag hara lot aaatara
trcoast. "Then baa bees a groat ! of
wia una aaaaoo," ear a miller, "aaoat tow
Biuefe wbaat baa baea parchaaaa bf aaataraara.
Unrallr I aecaklaa. tba Banna kin baM
w-.pMitlj axaffarated. Aaoordtae ta wtf caraa
1 Ua4 that tba bar lac far aaatara amoaat
m Ui tti aaaaoa haa MirtH l.WA.gwt, . ar
T-aatatbir baaaala. .
Tba arhtat BHrkat
aow la ta rathar
Una utaraata of tbla
aillUra ara vtrtaallr
. aa bartac bj tba mlUI
U. .. k A W UUIHHI
' - acaraa ta daatb wbaa tbar Era Offaraa a faw
: tboaaaad tana aai tkey atat't kaow vhleb way
. 7.V. ta iutb. m trata. c tao awttar la taia:
Daaplta tba araaaac klk kaoraa aa waaat tba
. - - fbrawra ata aot la aar banr a aell aai auuiy
, of tbrai ara ffolDf la baM far a heavy adraaca,
u tell tba UuU. 1 axaact klftMr aricaa la
tbla aaarkrt. aad tt would aot aorartea bm if
' Wkat f alaaa l tbla rilr waat ta tba dollaa
w (: 1 aatra aaiara aui waaaa aava naiaaa . -
'Waaat ta aa raai. v
"Thara baa aba baas a treat rtaal nf talk
f all thta wbvat aotac ta tba aaatara Burketa,
' - bat 1 aoa't think It wlu da aa. 1 raally axpaet
a vary laraa aiaaal wwtfcwaat waaat. aa
fa to earopr."
: A faw daro a tba PVwtlaaril naarlae Mitb)
"""hampaay of tkta city cbarterad a abb to go M
r ni win waaa it um rBvimn mum am
laad wbaat at Tioaaia for tba aaata daaflaaHoa,
"Sbl bm. latiaadtataly 10 otra mt nam," aaya
. k dlapatrb raoeWad today by awa of tba
- ,lartUad aallbwa fraa a atoatoa, Maaa.. ftrai.
Vi A aaiabrr af yaaia aa 4tta baay abtpaMata
at rortland-aMda fmr wara aant bi that dl
facrtoa. bat at lata taara hara baaa aa ardara.
How that tba tide af trada baa asaU tonwd
; tbla way, htcal ailttara as pact artita a larca
aataaaa rroO) taat quarter. Ucaily noar
awt dotna amcb aad uaort dtauad la akrw.:
Xlaai ftttaaUoa am Qamaai fchaaa.
- '-'"Tba Mab artcaa walcb raled all laat aaai
far Alaska rad aalmoa eaaaad vary lara atacka
" . la b haw aver a fur tba earning af tbla year
vary aan. Laat 7 aar,': aaya rraaa c. Barnaa,
-. ' owmrr of tba Barnta caaarry at uaka Bay
v AUaka, and who la alaa packing at Boatb Band,
iat wbaa tba arteo waa at down to lf. boat-
var, Tkta rear the Alaakk raekarw aaaocla
u, ; naa'HBjBaa gi.iv-aa m ami oat too
awktt aaa ra aa aaviiy ovaraaarara
m, that trada ia very tight. Tba atarkat la atta
, J good oa ptaha at front TV. ta TSc, wbUo tba
-' . . Ium WU1 Bay Btkk fclaiaa
V "Wa Bot a vary good daoMDd for atak
'-aljoa froat tba Japaaaaa apvaranwat tbla
aaaaua, aa that b ana Of tba yrlaelDal faoda
. at tba troaea la tba floM, Mr. Baraaa m ba
eaalag aura aitaaarraly aagad la
alug baalDoaa each aaaaoa and la a boot to brgln
. naeklna onaratloaa ft Xaualna baa. Oraaoa
- In tbla rlty tba reretpta at Balaton art oolto
r heavy from tba lower river, the arrlvalk con
. atatlng aatlaly at aal cblaaaha. Meat aa
. changed, t
roattry ftiteatioa Tory rtraV
' Taara ta a groat deal at tlrnwoa at tba
, aoaltry ait nation and daaptu the baavtor ar
.. mala .today nara waa aa iocs at arnaBa a
. J alUhtiy I ai proved arte. Tba egg market
fairly lUang .wita prKa . araeueaiiy , an-
baa Caaoy. Ttjgeo nor boxf peara, WtaJac war
boKt . 'pea, 1 wen B nor box; Ora
gno, BflftTlC; Ooowda. fJtB ipar ft-tb baakrt
blaekptrrtva, fl.aa par rrate; water
Iff Pr lb.
raielona. Ore-
goa, ScOl 00; rantaloupra. par crato
lb; erabajpiea, tc pay Ibj araaiarrlea, f9.00
per bbl.
T Wi rrkBLHa- TatwlBa. tl IB par aaek; rar
rata. $l. rar aack; Wta, il IS per aaok;
Orgoo radbuW. Ua net eabbage.
Be par It irttnce, hoaa. IBo par doa:
pappara, infJWe per boa; eatery, T8e par d
niatoaa, Ofraoa, 864ye-oc par boa: peraaipo.
fi aft; araen paaa. Be par lb) green oalena.
IKo prr .eoa; larkl graaa eorn. .tl.nirl.p twr
aacg; pia plant, IO'Ho par lbt atrlng neeaa,
ac; asenajbera. P0 por each; betbuuaa. ita
par goa: enuiiBower, r&o V do: kottoi
Beano, aej Mapkioj, u0 par iai horaaraaua.
IB PBOrTaW Aiiolaa. evaaetatad. TdMe
par lb; aarleota. tH.V par tbi aacka. It
per IP Mea; peaaaaa, e vim par paara --
pr Ibi vranM. Italia a. tUdme oof Bii
rraaoh. tHQaHfl per lb; ta. CalUorala black.
&k1rtU.M mp IK- nallrWnla mrKltaa mmr 111-
Plu. pitted p B: datoa, aoMam, f!4
trriiarlM, Wata. Sta.
IVOAB-eack baala tube. S-0: aowdarad.
S; frait graanUtad. 0 tl dry crajwlaud,
hl graiuilatad. fe.od; aitra cTjeiij
Kldea C, CKi bbla. ISe; tt bbU, ; boxaa.
t advaaoa oa aack baata, Waa Sta awt far eaah
W nayai BMplc, ltQiag par lb.
HONEY lfuaiUeT
, rorpEhV-Craan Hocba. OISe: lava, faaey.
gonssc; Java, good, gntjkDr: Java, oroloary
18320c; Costa Bice, faocr. l030e: Ceata Rick
good, eic; CtmtM Rica, ordinary, UallW
aaTh; parkace aaffae. IlI.VlflU.TS, difforaat graojaj, BOaBet v
powder. S8UUOMi KagUab braaAfaat. dlf
frroot gradra, 12 Qflftc; apldarlog. nneolored
japan, augoaai groaa Japaa itary acarer), auet
ua par lb.
lLT fin Balee, ta, la. aa. ta. Ida,
1U; table, dairy.
fiOa, fPOOCJllSO; loOa,
-IB: Inoortad LlvenmoL Ha. tl8.60elie.OOi
oca. lB.butlld.00: 224a. tl4.MallS.fiO-. extra
Dor, at-ia., a.og; aaJK. J laa,
IS M: Backa. BOa. atto.
8 A tiT Coarae- Ba If rroand. 100a. par toa.
J.aoflB.BO; ftna jw ton. 6.a3QT.O0t Uverpool
Ininp rook. lift 50fl SO par Xmu Bp-lb rook.
C.T: 100a. PB.TB0d.IB.
(A bora prtcot apply to Mm af mm tkaa
ear lota, car lata at anoelal nriaaa aabJont
ta factuaUoaa.
GRAIN BAn Calrattk, B&TSafl.CO par 1M.
BICE Imoorlat Jmb 'Ho" 1. BtLaito. 1.
V) teaiu bMakal. Adk,
BUNt-aiuil whlU! Mtatitatoi lara arhlta.
8 t-Oc; pink, V; bayoa, 8t4i Uaut, cj
- Teal and Boa Ugfttly
- , The aaarkot for bath draaaad real and bega la
: - angbtly laiprovod aa far aa tba aemaod kj oao
- venwd for the totter gradaa, bat prUea, ea-
, p-tally on th Utter, ara not wnat uwy aag:
to be, wbvn the ejaatatloaa oa Hva boga a.
The BMrkrt aa boana at flrmtng wp, and fcinf
. aactattooa ar ehowlng alight advaaeea.
-. T lAta Crawford poapbra ara ajwotod bigbar
- witb tba doauad aaeM batter.
- Tabiae Xaavy Odal ta BataUaa.
Attboagb U war be poaalbla far a dataand
. for Orogoa pntaloaa to aprlnE aP frooj the
' oatsldo Uu in tb aaaaoa. the preaeBt outlook
v la aot vary bright aad doa tore are only baying
' from head la aaatb la the exportation of aa
early decll.' If a aVtntnd doea eoaae troai the
' . oatotdr nrtcea- aa aotatooa aiay go hlgbor an
. arcoaat at oar half crop, bat the holder at
V aotatooa kt taking vory baavy add.
v. Today'a who too la eawUttoaa. aa ravtaod. ara
M taawwa;
: ffrraiai flea aad rood.
WHAT-r-Bport Prloe Near and 01 Oab,
, tnri hlnnatoin. 8441 Bc; teller. MH8&.
- - BAHI.KY Taaa. 22.00( rolled, 23-atli braw-
' - baa
K 0AT Prodawa" price Ka. 1 wbtta, fJT.08
n-OI'B Eartara Oreana: rtonta. M.tSt
atralghta, toMWim; valley. t3.WKia.t6; (ra
'. baaa. ua. an.wua.TBi iua. pa.aok.w.
. utlOBTfKr-aV-BraB, flP.BA per toat MileV
"; "St! W.U0t aborts, aounlry, att.00; abop.
; At fodawera; prkv-TlBatby. Wlllaaaatto
1 valley, fanyTlH.IWO 16.00; ordinary, 12.00
: i- (. all.ODrlll.M.
Wmmm WaaT aoA VUHL '
nnpe ipns. aoBiinal. 7.3b Bar abeloa.
8BUR for prima; um, aaajmHc. .
(K)L nominal, vanay, coaree to HooMaB,
ITfflkc- dna. Jfcv; aaatara Oregon, ISaJlda,
ia?m bjrlni prlea.
Wa. 1. ilt Ibe aad aa.
arw, f
jiHrEntKINS kaartac !fttfrH abort wooL
r30ei airdlaa wool, apajBOe; tong weal,
'. BJwI1 An aarh.
1 alai w i lORBb nor a, oajaoi n njaa
u Eraaae, 3Htzc.
HIIiltH Drr bldoa.
HUOLBc per lb: dry kip, Kv LIB 18 Iba.
-UVar: dry oalf. No. 1, aoator ft Iba. lBUei
' dry aalM holla and tUga. 1-8 leal than dry
flint: aalted klaVa. ttoa, aoaod. W Iba or aver,
7JSF M ta go Lb. Ta; aader B0 Iba and
i, ".. aajTc: ataga and baUa, Bonnd. 8c; kla.
' 18 ta m tba, 7S; aannd, 10 to M Iba, 8c;
. ralf. aoaad. awder 18 Iba, BUo; groan ae
' - Mltod. la per lb leaaj mil", le per lb tna;
. . kofM bldae, aa1t4, a4. 81.fB0l.TS; dry. each.
-; eoraV hldaa, aaeb, BJtjnoaj ooat
" akloa, eeaantoa, each. lAflloet Aagora, with
':' wool aa. each,
Batter, Igga aad aaltrT.
SITTTB FAT w rot, 3d( amir. Me.
(TTKB City ereamary. boat, JTHct aao
nd grid, tec; eatelde fanry. SSci ar Bleary,
Btej Mft, Bt: tore, ISOlte
EOOB Na. 1 freab Oragnn, MOaBtt aa
okndd. lact eaatorn, lc; habere. fSc.
r H BIW B- !aw fnll rroaaa, twin, UdJUV!
- . ; toTlTBT -CWcfcrna, mlaad, IttjltHff Nl
. bona, UV per lb; rooatora, old, BHn par lb;
- voang, 18c par Bj; brollora, lWc par lb.
1 frt. UH par lbt .darks, H I por lb;
Cing. IJc per lb; gre, iOH aar Bi
krya, IT par lb; drioaid. IV par Ik,
rrafak aad Vagatablaa.
,"' rflTATflBB Oragon. Il tll.0 pr, awl:
War' prlcoa, 81 2&01-B); Callforala, UM
wta. BI as pee rwt.
,.. .-rflONH--t-oral. fB0Ol.Tf( CHfonaa, H.TBt
, tale. OtllfW pPTl.
PBRKII rHirlTB Apnlia, fanry Orogoa, il M
r per boa; cheap gradaa, nOffTV per bo:
.' vraaeraa. Mrdlirnnnean aweota, W.iHt3B nor
v.b-oelaa. tfl.floort.7l par bm: ha
. aaaad) ta Par lb; lenviR, cbolcv, ' 8S-T5ty at
per box; fancy. t-IC1 M nr hax; iTmoa.
- I -(io, va par 180; p tppl. b fl; pIum.
' ' aV..o par boa; Banco, etuanatav awe not
NUTS Peaaata. TUet taaAat.' tUa aaa tbi
Taw, O10e par lbt roasted, coooannts, 8Bf
voe per Ka; Waiauta. i4jlBaic par D; pine
nut. wonW par ft; hickory nuts. 10c par lb;
cbaatanta, aaatam, lBOIac per lb; BraaU ant.
lc per m: Slberts. UOtfte per lb; fancy
Parana, UOlBa per lb; alatoedo. UBJlaa par ab.
Haata, rtab aad aivnilaa.
PBBBR MBA TS laepeetad Beef . ataera. g
par lb; eowa, 8BHe per lb; mutton, trimd.
4iV par lb; Untba, draaaad. BOc nor lb.
HEATS Trwat atroat Beef.- Steer.
r lb: oork. blix. 8We Drr ni Dock-
era. te pee lb; bulla, me per lb: cow. SUO
Mi P lbjpatton. draaaad. 40Bepar lb(
i. extra, mi 'e per id: orainary. fvM al;
2; rr...
haaw. 10 ta u'lk Ida per lb; lite 18 Iba.
le aar tb: 18 to 90 Iba. laa nor lb: cottaaa.
0Mc par lb; braakfaat bacoa, 140180 per lb;
picaica, ua per tn; roauiax abort elaara. aa
smoked. lOUe aer Bl mokad. HUe nor tb:
c4aar backa, anamokod. 10c par lbt amokad, 11a
par lb; Unloa baits, 10 ta 18 Iba, aasmokad. 8a
per r: astnaea, m par n: clear txiuas, aa-
aaMCrd, il He per tb; aood. ikhc par Tbt
aaatara bamnj Jok par lb; kraakiaat buna,
c par lb.
LOCAL LABDattla laar Ida, lO aar
lb.: 8. lOHe nor U: BO-lb. Una. 0c nar lb:
ateam ronAarad, 10a. 0c par tb: Be, 8 par
lb; 80a. 8W,e par lb: compound Oercoa, 8tn per
id: inos. oa,e per ia; oue, par w.
EASTataff LABIV-10a. loc; W, lOfcej 88a,
. CAMBRD iALbJOU CMaaaMa rlvw 1-ab fatal.
kl M: 8-lb tails, tl 90; fancy 1 ft 8a ta, 83.00:
H ro faacv lata, 81 Zi acy l ib ovaB. 82. TO:
Alaafta Ulto, ptak, tttBSOei aad. tl-SO; aWBBlaal
m, re ii.,
niH-Rock eoa. a per n; somdera. 8e par
lb: halibut, de por lb; era ha. gl tB per doa;
atnpea oaaa, juajize par in; rataan. to per
lb; aatooacblBook 8e par ft: ateelheade,
abrJslpa. ioTporfb; ahLX iroatH jjer lbt
parch, 8a par lb; abad roe. J34r par Bn roe
tfearaal etal arvJca.)
Ban yrmnclaco, Sept. 18. Four
aargoaa of Walla, Walla, what
hava bnn aold nara alnea laat
Friday for Franca and ona oargo
of CaJirornla, wbamt la taJwa for
the) amaoa aUatlnatloa a today.
Franoa ts gtUl blddlB (Br atr
(rvalabad by Overbock. Stan Cooke Co.)
Hew lork. lopt 90. There were again evar
l,O0U,O0a Bbarea aold today. Logab Bryan
any: Nearly tba whole list B lower. The ecat-
teraa longs wkick hava baaa roeantly accamnUt-;
wg ar nigaar pricoa aaai waica we nave oeca
calling attention ta wa la evidence a .realis
ing on both tba market and atop ardara. There
were heavy aalea of steel lessee and the gaaorel
Uoa aad art Ion ad the whole market waa weak.
tub tanooacr or ta Btroncer. Tha un
certainty legerdlag the ears crop end the
rather aafavorable troBry of tha. cotton crop
ooi a ronrnDOie to wo weakness, uatu taoro
are tmdicatlona at batter buying we ara ha-
ciinoQ to mob ror bobm rariaor ihiiiiim.
Toaay a ofhcUl atock atarkat i
on ojTioaa aaus im
CaTr0tO fffOSAWW
V9 H
waUrosB n
omttmxm &. a amnaras ouuurss
. zbj oxrr t akm oxABoa or
- WaOa BjIOaawJa-OTJaa . aJSTIUOaf
J . . .-.-
' V ' '" " ' '-":-" ""-'
' Today
ft -01
nwaoairnea. -
amalt. 8c por lb; kobstara. 13Hc: freab mackerel,
8c: erawtlah, SOe per doa; aVaadara, Be par lb.
OTOTBM B hoe 1 water bay, par ga tttBt
par aack. 84 00 not: OlympJa, par aack, ffiatl;
CXAMSHard sbeU, par pot. M-OOi raaar
eUaai, $1,T8 per boa.
Batata. Oaal Otta, Sta. '
SOPS Tarn bUaUa, Uwet ataaanUtV tti
taal, 10WC. f
COAL &1L Tadrl at Aetral Oaaaa, tlWe
per gal; water white. Iron Mia ltc pay an
aroodea par gal; headlight. lTO-dee, eaaea
KHc per gar Iroa hbW lTc per gaL
LI KffEKD OlljPar raw, la bbla Baa aar gal,
eaaea age per gal; gonnln kettss tolleoL oaaaa
8Bo per gal, bbla 80c per gal; ground cake,
ear Vta &M par ton. laat waa cars gBAM
par iob.
QABOLIIfB 88 gag. comb
bbm v per gal; iteva.
Iron bhbj Uc per gal.
BBNZttB 4dea aaaai
bbla 1ft ue per gat
PAINT OlC-law. bbla fa. nar aaL
soc per sai; ooiiea, eaaea aue per gai.
TUB PBK Ti l 4b eaaea toe per gaL wooden
bbla. Rl par gal, Iroa obis 79 per gal, 10-lb
oaa Ml 84c per gaL
. WniTB LEAD Ton mta Tle par tb, M8
Nn t per in, arae ma ac per lo.
WlKal aAAiLei 4Toaeni aa at gavaa. , gal.
pay gai.
aaL 8MB
Anaconda Ulnlng 6....
Amal. OoDDec Co.......
Atcawoa, coat
do oref erred
Am. Oar. A roaad., eodi.
do preferred v....
At. Augar. eom,
Am. Bmelt., coa...,..
do preferred
Baltimore Obi, oaa. .
do ore fee rod
Broobfra Baotd Traaatt.
Caaadlaa PaclAe. anan...
UhL Alton, eoaj ,
da nratarred
Cbt dj Ot Weot.. aaai..
CbL. MIL a a. Pool...
Cht B North., com......
Cht. Terminal By,..,,.,
4'heoaneak A Onto
Ooto. Ptfei at iroa. oaaa. .
Colo. Boo Lb., eom
Oo aa prererrod
do let nraf erred. .....
iMiawara at Mn aaaai
D. A B. 0.. com
a prefarrad.,
Brta, oom
da M prenrrod,...,..
do lot oref acred
Illtnota Central
Lunlsvllle A VaohvUle.
Metro. Traction C. ....
Uanhattaa Elevated...
Mexican Central By...
MIniUrlt. P. A St. M.
hUaaoarl Faclic ..' . ,'
M.j K. A T., com
. da nrefcrrad.
Bow Vork Contral
Horrotk A Weatara,
do preferred.
Morth Amortcna
K. Y.. OaL A Watt....
fanaaylvaoia Ky
f 0 . k A C Ob
fry seed Btsel caa, am
do areferred
Padftc Mall Bteaax Oa..
Bondtnn. eom ....... -i
do 2d prof erred ...... J
da let preferred . . . , 1
Ba iron A 8teaf aaai.
do preferred.........
Book laland. aaga
do prafrrred
oathern By.. daB,....
do preferred. ........
Rt. L. A 8. r., 8d"pra"
oo iat nretarrea...
ttt. L. A f W.. oom.
da nraf erred
Texaa A Parlflc
Tona. Oaal A Iroa
T-. 8L L. A W.. aaa..
da preferred. ,
UBJoa Part Be, CO......
to areferred
v. . Loatber, ooa
do nraf erred
U. B. Bubbor. naj.
da preferred
U. a. Btel uo 481.
do preferred
Wher A L. B.. aaa.
do 8d preferred
mtt lei ncererraa
Wlecoeala OeatraL aom.
do nreferred.. ........
Wabeeb, com
' . .Com. beleet Onav
Per ,Ps Par
v rt. It rt. m vt.
Boaab. iTIinknshina roe-alar
alaea IsJ ta ltilk. 88 ft. .8 8.88 J18.88 88.88
Bough, dimension regular .
alaea to ltelS. M-40 ft... 8J0 lT.O M
awagb. olmanalOBa rogaiar
.aiasa to mis. 42-t il .. UM 18.88 fj.8
Bout k. dlmenaloBa rognlar
alaea to I2H2. 80-80 ft... UN 88.08 baaa
rar each additional a larhat
la width add...... LSI t.08
ror odd and fractional . ...
slaee sawed add aat toes
than 8.80 - 8. oo In
Por sawing vertical araia
to 4HS add 7..,. ft. 00 8.0B 4.08
ODmmoa roagk boarda, rag- . , ,
tor aixea to 12 in. wid
to 84 ft. lac., emitted ;
wafiw ..,......,..,... o-av ai.uo
Epeciaod InaTtha at board 81.08 aar II feet
. Board to OMaMM af lumbar IBB ttwt S IhOhM
ig taicaaaat. . ,. , f
Portland ITaloai Baoehrarda. pMrt. an. with
the excepttoa of luu rattle there were aa rs-
(wipta of. HTeatock
The demand In all
l"anaJl Di
Ml piicos ara being vi
1fftriel rating prima today:
tba local yard today
nea enullnoee milt good
very nrouy aaia. .
-Beat hoev. lS.T8J.n0i block. Ift.Bft
China fata. .0QtJo.aB; atoskar and
ao on. . '
Cattle Beat eaatera Oreaoa Btaar. 88.7881
.vi aeai vaiier ateer. u ;a: naeniam steer.
Kan; cow, 1 im; nulla. Il.TB; uga, ga.uo.
fceor.' 8. 1)8484 SO,
. Rheee rioet araln fad are there and
88. at vis. 78; atsad abeeo, S.(iS.m..
.-V-A,.'SaiaTTBB' voe HAaxn, 3
CUeaaa. SowL afeUvratoeh rocvintat
Hon. Cattle. Iheea,
ChlraaM, lO.iKB) ll.aa5 SS.irt)
Kaneaa aty,.,.,...., T.000 B).noo T-0"
Ouuh , 4.A00 8,1)00 80.000
Haaa Dned With 4.800 toft ovar fro
day. Bocelpta a yr age war iB.nno.
8808.00: bxtt.
Cattle Alow aad weak.
du a rear aaa war ll.nm. Priceai
Mlied, 8&.oafl.Bl; jrnod. 8A,8Ot.20 rough.
(Farnlabod' by Orarbodi, atarr ftooke Oa.)
new inra. aept ia. tttia ratore ar ar-
tleallr 18 points hlgbor today oa aeeoaat af ft
Willi an
illlah govern men t soport.
Today1 offtclal aotlon i
Janaary. .. id.M
rebruary.. Kmd
March..,.. J0.80
May K
Beptemaar. in na
OftrbeT.... 10.4T
rinvenhor.. in 48,
Dvcombrr.. 10.M
in. 98
10 78
10. so
10. an ft GT
10. Toe 71
10.741 TB
10.7(1 tjTT
10.62 JM
10.03 8108
IJvsovmoI. Jtont. to. tottoa rlused f ta S
aolat Mgha tbaa yeaterday.
St, Laa ta erata iBarbet,
beaM Pl-j
da nrari
Am. Ice., eom.,
do preferred.
Total aalea far dayT
I par coot
v- .f ' Opaa Cloee j Cloa
i Todar " Vodav Wim.
FfOW Beat... .81.07 81.071 81. Uo
Old tWpt..,.. 1.10U 1.0PV.V 108
neeamba..., 1.08 I.OfWA 1.07
May 1.10 1-llfn
(FanlaBad or Ovarback. Starr A Cooke Cb.1
Cbtcago, hopt fo. Logan A Brrtn nay: In
Wheat lb apaeolatlva trade to of a aeattarad
onier ana not vorr largo in vamme. it ia a
aar von market aad will likely coattna favora
ble for eenlplag operation, with tha heavy
W dob cure , movement and with only a oo-
weetle milling demand ta ahoerb M stock era
likely to acc emulate and baadlc aaoculatlva
eonfidenea ta aoma extenL It looks ta aa aa
If there were two aide to tb market for the
oast tare wk ad that wheat may tm aoagbt
on tb break aad oaallr aately Bold aa tha
ralUo. i ,
ta aara tb torn abort Intereet t aararinaT
freely and tbar waa a great tcrsmbl at tb
opening. Tha sharp gdvaac brought fro
rea lliing aad tb toaa of tb market Inter
in tne any wa ateeay ana pnea war well
aed. It wUl continue to be a weather
J low a
1 maintain
I market.
Sf I wildly at
'Alto make
at data ttoa.
Current atlmate aa tba crop ara a
v aria no, aa there la enough bta eorn
toe gravaf froat a amttot toe a-
Tvada BaaoaUttM- la Oat. ' " '
I ao me trad 8DcnUttv buytag ta
but tt Is aot oa a Urge acato and the
MapHB v
vb Kora iavb bab.
Hberal movaaaeat aad lafaaaliaf atorba waUaaa
nnnenoap pneaa.
rre ui using sr
la BroTtoiona tbars waa free eaverlag of b
la ted short ta pork and tb earn aovariag In
lard and rib, bat tha tot tar war a too well
bought far tha long account After a bag a
dull aaa dragging mar let tne artioa M nai-
arai, Tb improvement hi aat Ukaiy t
row. We are inallaed ta
feoald be bought.
Today a affWUl BMrketa:
, wheat;
SOU i 80
au, to
Old dept.
MOO. .
Mavy...., 1.10
Pee. M
J' P. .
fa Is8
-iay.i ,
JBB..,.. 1.19
May..... T.T
no. a.
f..'.a, 4. -
, M -- M - '.8
.82 JO .tl
h it v io r u a a
18. XT 18.87 H 2T
...' 18.40 B
: : ; ?:Jf
T.8T 1 T.lft T.8T
T.oo IM ' f .80
B1BS .
1.088, 400 baraa.
' aTzaaraa tobb saewa. 1
Baarrtaailiaii. ataM. 80. Phttoa A C. day
Local wheat abowa a firmer ton. Tradeva
took evang yesterday and aoM ragardlaaa en
arcoaat of tb big reactloa of wbaat at Chl
caao. Tb at me trader, kav bees atltlng
tbamaelte lata a hole oa awry prateit eolr
J to eover at a loaa eooner ar to tar. Tbey will
J"H ooa their tlnlab how. trance to aad haa been
buytoe wbaat la tbt asarkat tern aeme time
past, aom or ran ueeanaaar auvry wiu rorn
ap with preesnra apon It. Tba only Btraw tb
bear hare left 1 big receipts. Thto M to ba
uooccod at the atart mt amrveetlnaT. aa
Uterlee ar alwaya heavy tbea. Many ar forced
to eu tbaa. thervDy eanatng a Ira movement.
Tats condition may tpnUatM tor week.
If the abort nu t aot has contract book by
tbea ba will aerer 4a 8 without peyteg Anar
far tt.
Bartor htoka atvoanT and w think St WlB
j g much higher la tba aeer fgture.
Tent a aril nai 11 :au n. m. nirieii
Onen Fllab Low Otoae
Wbaat, Da..4i.B0 9
iiu ,4.w)a
Bartor Oaa,. 1.10
! ramABT. sairMuiTi abb oiauuiroaa.
Busk. Bosh
... 800,008 1.0T3.O00
inn iOu.wh ei,wv
; axaazoAJi erooKS n aVOtrDos."
- Leadoa, Beat. 80, t p. m. Anaconda adVaneod
t, Atchleoa advaacod U, preferred advanced
H. Baltimore iblo aoclined , Canadian
Flctftc adraaeed , C'hoaapeak A Ohio declined
H. Cblcaga, Milwaukee A 8t. Paul advanced
, Dearer A Bto Oranda advaacod . ttrle to-
. MrUcnn Oaaual sdyaaend
Katteet A Tea adranced V. F
tral dectlnad , Ontaii A Waster ancbaagod.
uorn .
Wheat , 818.008
Oorn ...... 800.000 800.000
Clearaaro warai waaat una nour, ot.ihni
bnshcto; eon, 108,000 bunhato aata. 88.000
bushel. ) .
oaiQAsq pact wmEAT ;
fMraa. Seat. SO. Caab wbaat It ab hrwat to
St Ughar. Th afftelal mark!:
cTlned , flrata adraoood . IMnott Central 1ST
nuvaaceu uj, uoumruie m naaaviua aecunaa i w
in Ueauai sdf aacud . Hlaauurl, I
iw u tiihtv Tm , nn as
Pennavlvanl declined U. Beadina decllood U.
flrata ancbanged, noutbera Parlflc decUned .
Union Pacific advanced to. nrererred declined
. t'alted 8 tat a Steel declined . preferred I
aortbera aprinaj ...a..... 1.18
......... 1.10
!rad. bow ..tnti..,..,l.l
red. new I "
hard wlator ,t 1.01
hard winter 1.0
aortbera easing
1 'M
oxtoAeo eaAia oab xots.
' Oaptalti'Ti. C. Hallitar baa arrlvad In
th city from tha aaat, aaai aarly In Oo-
tobr wtll aaauoM chare of thla llaht
houaa A la trio t In plao of Inapactor Cal
klntx iaho wlU ba Droaot4 to a btgrt
poaltkn lntM aovernmaat aarvlca, Juat
of what natur It la and wherj ha will
ba -releaaod front hta praaanf atatlon
h ha not' aa yet bean notified by tha
authorltlaa at Waahlneton. , Captain
Hallnar waa forntrly in oommand ox tha
ervtaar Yankaa, wblob pi lad off th At
lantic Aoaat.
Thar nra thrwa llrrtthouaa tandwra
which oom under th direct auparvialon
of th local dlatrlot Ingpaoaar. Tbay
ar tb Heath r. th Oolumbln nd tb
Manner) I ta. Th tattr uat rctumad to
th mouth th river yeetarday from
a orula down th outhrn oaat, whar
ah haa ban dallvarlne auppllaa to th
Tartoua llajbthouaa BUAlona,. 0h i
oonaldarably Aolayad la th work on ac
count of th Sana fog with which ah
had to contend. Th Haathcr la In
watnt Alaakan watcra on tha aam
laaiit to
IB yponae to a ro)uat tfrom tha
manaa-arnant of th Kamm Una of atam-
aoata th United Stotaa engDaara aant
th norrnmnt ataanr Llneoln to th
Lewla river yeaterdar to ramov a atnall
bar which haa haaa form ad at tba mouth
of that at roe m. Tha work of eleartns
away th obstruction will o don by
aneana of th vaal'a propeller. By
aat Una It In motion along th Bandy
bar tt Si believed that th obatruotloa
oaa be naally removed.
During; tb peat faw trips th ataaaMr
Maecot of tha Kamm line haa had con
siderable trouble in nttinc th river.
She haa eon aarround a numbor of
tiroes, and If th water a how Id continue
to get much lower It waa feared that It
would ha unpoeaibl for th yeaael . to
keen on anaJtlnc hr rralar trlpa.
i To reanove as obatrnotlon, from th
rtrer by means of a ate,mr's propeller
cam only be aoeoanpltehed, ao old steam
boat men Bay, when th condition are
rust riant Th water moat be of a
certain depth and tha accumulation of
sand wbleh la to b removed oaanot ba
of too hard a formation. Th aurtaoe
of th bar la looeenod and at I r red np by
the nroMlMff and th current of th
river oarrlo tha aand down atream.
When tba Teasel Is ran over th ahoel
plaee a number of times It la aald that
a channel ta aftpn formed aufflclantlr
den to iwwr all ordinary purposes.
Tb engineers ar confident that th
Ldncoln will not be . required to re
main down there hot S few daya until
th work laid out for her to do will
be broueht to A suooeeaful conolualon.
TJ easily A dredgs la used to do work of
this character, but upon learnfne that
th obe traction oonalatad altogether of
loos aand It waa decided not to take any
of th dredgea out of oommiaaloa . to
perform tv amall Job like that.
OSlSWow' Bar Obaitwid as aisVBB
, Whist WTO Bet Oaasa bbv Was.
NotwUhatandlna th high prlea paid
for wheat looaJly, and the poor demand
for ships, th owners of Carnarvon Bay,
which was chartered yesterday to trans
port a euxgo of grain and flour to South
Afrtoa, received tha union rat of 87a
td. This information waa definitely
learned thta morning, and It haa been
the means of ooavlaelne the exportr
that If they neaT any tonne they
will haw to accede to th toma of lb
shipowners union, i
Another convincing- proof of It, aay
those whs ar disinterested spectators.
was ahOwn yeaterday aftraoon wben
the Portland flouring mill chartered
th British ahlp Annum to load at Ta-
soma at Ifa td. the rats wbloh has been
oatabiiabed by tne oombtno for trana-
portlns grain and flour from tha Bound
porta to the European marketa.
So far lbs combine which waa formed
at Parta laat winter has held toawther
aa on man. Th exporter still have a
ray of bops of being; abl to break tha
combine. In their anxiety to keep oa
earning th bounty which their govern
ment aJlowa for every mil that a vee-
ael traverses they believe that 'th
French owners who ara members of the
- .. Msmbsra CUoaeo Board) af Trade,
181 Third Street, hfoKAT Bunding, PorUsnd. Or.
wim a BTVuernT oosfamsnosr bi
Continuous Markets by Private Wire. Quirk Service. RkRKNrre -i-axlc
Tllton, banker a, aad United Sta tea National Bank of lrtland.
W 88 Karrlaoa St
TJUaii to a Oonarai
n-mi sank in a
ftAmroa xxr ab tm cbt.
latarat Allowed on Time sod Bating
Act a Trnatee tor Eatatca.
Start aad totter of credit avaltobl la an parts
ed the world. .
O. 9. ADAMS i, Preeldvat
LXWIW nit Tloa-Prealdant second ThMMfsaident
JUB1TS....; ; BeefeUry
L (EatablUbed In loO
Tiaaaiito a Seaaral Baakiaa Suatama,
OoUocUoaa made at all point a tovorabt
nn. Uttara of credit Wood avalUbto ta
Serope and all potato Is tb Dslted Butaa.
Blgkt Bxchaaa and TetofvapbU Traafr
old ea New Xork, Waahlngton, Chicago, at.
Loato, Poorer, Omaha, Ban lYanelin aad
Montana and Brlttoh Colatobla.
Bicbsnga aold on Londoa, Tarla. Bern
rraaa ror t,
iivrraB statbs batxobax asrsj.
a Ooeeral Baaklag Baalaaa.
1)I1'I1 IH El)
AvaOakto hi alt dtle of th United 8tata and
Surapa, Bong Kng aad Manila.
Vice ftaetoW W, B. AV1B
Cashier B. W. SCHMEKB
Aaatotaat Oa abler ....A M. WKiauT
of ISnAlandL Or.
Bspoaltory and rinaaeUl
the Ualtod Stataa.
Asaat at
Caaktov J. W. HBWK UK
Amu teat Cask tor , ,.,..W. C. ALTOKD
Second AaatoUnt 0hlr B. W. STBVBNB
Lettorg mt credit laaoed av liable la Serope
and the Bnater Btatek
Btoht BKchann and Talearanbl Traasfor
old ea new Zra, Sobbbs. i-nicare, m. kbdib.
8t. Paal. Omaha, Bap rr
BrtBdnal potato la the North
Vaartoe sad
Bight and Um bUto draw ta same to anH
c London, rrla, SerUa. PraakfortHMa-tha
aa, lopenaagBB.
Mate, Hobs Kong. Yokohama
Cbrlatlanla. Btookhoim. at.
aww. Enrich. Honolulu.
Oollectlomi made ao ra vernal term.
Qam miii Baildkag, Thart and
, Stork ttoraeu.
tfead fJfBte Si OM Bread Etreev, taoaa.
Thto bunk tranact aeneral hanklnat cmisI-
, makaO loan, dlacounta Mfla and Issue
letter of credit available for traveler and for
tb parchae of mertHandlaa la any city of the
world. Deal la foreign and domesttt sash age.
aswran pais ui am eepoeita.
rOtruiiL oiuov
trBAItK WATBOM r eel Heat
L. Dt'KnAM.........Tla-rraldont
S. W. HOTT.,,...... Cashier
GEO ROE W. HOrT.....,.....Aatotant Caahier
Tiaam a Biaaral sataklag Bnslnaa.
Draft aad letter af credit leaned available
to au part ef tbe world.
OartofJJoas 8 Bpectolty. OoM dart boeght.
Off gedge rstswh Biiatol! aad
188 rfaet St., fertlaad, Okagaa.
Ob rortlaad Baal BsUto t Lawost bens.
Tlttoa laaared. Atotnrt Furnlihed.
Boom 4. Chamber of Oommorce.
at eel bridge, between th steamers Lur
llne and th Hegula-tor. Aside from th
latter1 head block being; knocked off
thero waa but very little dana done.
and both veeeela prooseded on their
way. Th Lurllna waa rwturntng frosa
Astoria and th Rvgulater bad just
atartod out for Th Calle. Th fog
was thlak and tb steamers wars pro
ceeding cautiously under slow bail.
Both struck with th points of th bowa
sufficiently hard as to brine thant to a
oomplete standstill. Th engine war
quickly reversed and aach craft backed
out a aafe dlstano where an Inventory
of tha damage was taken. Th JLurline
waa tb mors fortunate, as ah aacapckl
with nothing mop aerlou than a few
deep Indentations.
In a thick fog on thta kid of Balem
yeaterday the ateamer Oregona, oper
ated by th Oregon City Transportation
oompany, went aground on account of
tb heavy foe. One of tb lower boards
of tb hull waa sprung, and th water
flower rapidly Into the hold. Sh was
delayed Ave hours. Tha ataamer waa
taken' up to the Portland ahlpyards.
Ca (rnias,,,,
OasHal bmd Bwrpkma S8I8S88SS
tota,Pri3vUiQD, Slocks aod Bonds
a'' ta aaBah
SmsaiaB aad tiB"4be . . ,
Ba tatereet IbP Cktljasa atoog
" WHOM '-!,'
Larar ritvrto WWe
W Chars
. i (Utabllshod UAi
Boom 4. etowjad Tlaew.
Dr. W. Norton Davis ;
W tnat me ia fairy aB rtrat am ua aad
fcroal dlaaaae of men, alee blood, atoavaeb,
heart, liver, kidney and throat trosble. Wa
ura 8TPHIIXI8 (wlthoat Brurr) to atoy
furod forever, in 80 to 80 day. W remav
STRICT UBS, wlthest spwaBg y pais, la IS
Wa avan aVatiML rhn VnonM mt matt
Immediately, w eaa reetor tb xaal vigor
of any mas under 80 by maaag af leesl trab
ant pocaoar to earaelvas.
We Core GonoiTttoa tn a Week
Tba daceara mt rhm toaHhiaa ara aD raoataa-
graduton, hv had many roar rMnet -bar
been know ta Portland for IB yaara.1
have a rputUoa to malntatn. and will BnAar
taka as aeae aatoaa eartBia ear eaa aa, ef
fected. -
We auaranto to anea to aoor aauaa u I I '
take or charge a fe. CVbanltarloa tree. Let
tor eonrideotlnL InrtMetlv BOOK BOB MSB
aaaltod fro tn ptnta wrapper.
If yoa eaanot call at ofrto, wrtto fat aaaav
ttas btoak. Baaa tretmnt mtiafl. .
Off t Bosrg 8 to 8. and T to
aouoaya, a is.
pacta nar to tb PJerrartraPi, '
astobllsbad 188. ,
D.-. W.Norton Davis &Ca
Tbb Bes Btotsl, V. B. OsB IkM md
Mineral Springs
Aftsr having a nw boiler tristalled.
th ateamer XraJd went owt en ber regxt
lar run thla morning t paints on tb
lowr Columbia.
H. A. Rallton, auditor of th Portland
B Ablatio Staamahlp oompany, la expoct-
od to arrive la th elty la A few days
Tom San rrancleco.
Anuwgements s re-being mad to hava
aseoclattoo. which established to hlghH he bar tug Tatooah placed on th toy
declined U.. Wabash aacbanaod. mferrad ad-
ZTJJLt Wheat 14
i i - I iw. t ..... . ta
Wheat ear today
SB, Tear ago:
1831 Dutoth, 84T
I 170
EOT 42 Stl
Minora potto. 88; DuNth,
poUs, us; Cblcaga,
Spring Valley Water 88 4
Centra Ceat Water ....
San rrancleco Ua Etotlrl
Olaat Powder 83 ,
HawalUa Comaaaretal 83
Honnke Sugar IB
Hutcblnasa Sogsr
niune sugar...
Make well Buyer
Uiomea Bagar
Alaaka rackara
Ska akartoema. Bspa, BB. sPalaw oaotatioaa:
Oaaala bid.
avmtana .H'.......a. 808
m mileage. . oepr. su, American gram vmrM
8TUj 1 awppiy. aecnraiag ta oraosirect:
3 J Wheat Eaat mt Bocble. Inore ef 801,000
4 buabeto: Burop and afhmt. lacrraae of .000,000
S3 at i huehehi; total increaoe, i. am. nun auaaeB.
lb Si 1 Oorn-ncre Of l.mui.twv maeeia.
It, 2 0t lucre nee ef 8.880,000 buabeto.
"" JH Lrrarpeal Sratn ktorVH.
fc" " lu v g Uverpnot. Bept. 80 lose: Wheat, Sep
8uK-r-.'; ,i5uA M bar. Hihlrorr; December. d klyber.
AwBriatlea.. 1ST . tvwa 8.ptm,br, 4 htghari Docamber,
Beimoat i I
Midway ,
ooopaa, uei moontam
.forth atar .
Toaopak, ttehl PMd '
Bed Top v
BBwaake Orato sTaibil.
Milwaukee. Bent. 80. Ctoae; Wheat. Bes
trmber. 8i ot somlnali DeceaabeT, 81.08 bid;
May, SLUti
Bow Torb Sratai Knrbat.
a New Torb. aVat, 20. tone I
bar, S1.14b, bid.
Wheat, Septota-
Kaaaaa City. Beat,
amber, 88 Mr tasked.
SB.-ae: Wheat, Du-
KawTork, Sept 80.low. yu a CfcJwv
rr: Indication ara for further km aritn.
draws Is of currency from Mew York tbla
Tb aaartmeet la aoppe ta reported better. The
hank tat ao th aub-treaaory alnea
817,000. Plttahura iidkU torse raao
of tl producttoa after the president la
tlou. Clover Leaf wrnlaa ar Inrraaaed iu.
T04 for tar eaooud week of septombar. Beauarn
halfway gross lncraan f 87188. Twelve
inausinsm ae crease .nn oar aant: SB nation
nia icTBBBia . par emn, ,
aosroa eorraa kabxet.
rridav I Pevalato Ooal. ... 11 '
Hal etoS "alted Hta to
led tSt. Adveatara jjL
rMsaum Sasi, 8P.drlvata arala atovudnr
atecaa: ,
-. 1 Tosay .
Wheat , ',,',. n 8, 34.000
Corn ..,,..t.(ft,fioO
Oat .,8,SWLU00
la an malUaae
Wheat M....n.ra.414.m0
Oara 42B..OQ0 - I.142.0UU
Oat ..,..m..BJB8.0ya f7U.U0Vl
- 06.000
888, Ono
Tba porUaad ehmrtag ho teparta tMavi
Clra ring
jtw tort, Boot 80. Demand BtetOag,
m&totm, sTesySi 4.18B8a.ll
Beebm Bspt. 88, auotottoea-
Sid. AaK.
Alloa 11 12
Arnold ,....... 88
Arcadia ,... ..,.. '1
Atlantic IStk 18
Blntrbam ....v.. ...,,......,., M
Calumet .,..810 81B
Centennial 98 80 4,
rwpr Basgs.rv. V... Mm) m
Daly wt iai 144
rraahltn 1,.... 8tt
Mn Mtarae.... ...... 4i 4
Mlcblgsn lk ' IW
Mohawk I...!. v.i BJ b3
nig Ontonr Mlstng ' -. 1
Old DooalBl 14 . I4U
OaoeeU tt - 1 Ttf
Parrot .... 84
Pboenlt . W ' IH
Qolocy .... 88
roreiga Oftee Baraato. '
Ke York. Bapt. 2o.Mavra eoffe dsrraaag
U to bj aolat; Hamnurg, U point down. Bin
rtcetpte for 8 daya. 8,.SvJ nags; market Billet.
Santna rerairta far t aaya, 48,000 bag; market
steady, lvlte aUarhaaayed. X
Saw Terh Oaah CMf.
Yew Torb. Sapt. to. Ch Oaf to I Ira. T
Bis, 8Al Me, Saatoa. 8.
Bates will break away from th organ
isation. Juat now they have their eye
upon th French bark Brlseux, now In
tb harbor and n tb dlsengmged Hat
Rather than hava hr II her Idle for
any length of Urns, they ar of th opin
ion that ah will b e bartered at out
, . POO OA
SaiUme and Biarmladag
A headend coilleloa ooouired ta
harbor thia morning. Jut below
Waablngtna, Sept Bi, Th govorumeat
weekly cotton report, tamed today, n: Cum-
alalata of ehaddlng ar still recalvod from the
eastern aoetloa and the northern pur 1 1 on of tbe
western ore ttoa ef tbe cotton belt, bat reports
of ruet ere aot a general except la North
Carolina. Tbe are pie to opening rather idly
I all dlamrta, ra aom mean tire prematurely.
and picking la geoetaL although delayed by rain
la portion ef Texaa, from which stale aa well
aa from Georgia scarcity of picker 1 reportod.
Dry weather I caaalng Injury to Mt cotton
generally in con tral and eaatera section and
tight or no top emp Is Indicated la the
eon tral aad waa tern flitrlrts, wall worm and
eaUrptlHra are caaalng lajary la Oklahoma.
Louisiana and Boutk Caroltna. la TVia hnt
weevil eontlBua aa dnmagtng a ta ta Boutk
wratara coast, outer and number of northern
counties aa tbe d van cam at ef tba aaaaon
sew tokx ooma
Bear York. Beet 8a Oofte hrtuna todar
etosed urhanaed to 8 petato bigbar.
IB nimmv mnrno; ,;.
Seraeaher ....
Jannary ,
March . T IB T
April f B , 7
May t. t
July ..
d. Aak.
..88 9 SB . To
.. 70 .7
.. 8 8 80
8flS T.taj
t.OO T 10
T.40 TB"
... 1.80 f.M
... T.IS T.8B
dock Saturday.
and pointed.
Her hull will be ehasnod
. Bfarahfleld will aoon be provided with
a volunteer weather atatlon. Tha chief
of th bureau has approved the recom
reendations of Dlatrict Borecaster Beala
In thia reapect aa official armounosnisnt
of the matter being received yeaterday
from Washington The Information la
also given that tb station at Loxiglois,
Or., is to be discontinued, and a atom
warning station will be astablbsbed thero
Instead. F. S. Dow has been apotntod
aa display-man. ....
To Whom It May CotcrB t
: I bam to th above springs on April
to taks treatment for my eras. 1 hd
a vary saver attack of catarrh of tt
eyes, was almost blind after troatlhe
with the host apeoiallets that would be
found, and Buffering for Bin raars. t
have at last found a cur hero at th
not praise them too highly. I hop ti tt
Others that ar amicted WtU glv
Roara lot, Commarelaj Blov io
Mr, I. C Palmer,
nred of rfnvumatlsi
of Paimeo. Or waa
cured of rheumatism. If you ar si eh
writs to as; we will gfv yow the ma
end avadress of sotme ocv ur4 af a
aim liar complaint
Toavcaa MiTBtral SpriiCor.
-j Tbo Oreot Chli
Astoria, Sept. . Arivod down at I a.
m. Steamer Oeorg Loeml. Balled at
4 last night 41tamr Columbia for Ban
Francisco. Arrived dowa last valng
Btltish ship Beacon Rock.
San Frnncfsrio, Sept. 18. Sailed at 1:1
p .m. -Steamer George W. Bluer from
Portland. Sailed at f:28 p, Tm. Stearner
AI llano for Portland and coast porta
San Pedro, Sept 1 8. Arrived Sohoon-
r Andy Mahony from Portland.
Astoria, Sept I. Arrived down at
1:40 p. m. m earner Columbia.
Aatorfa, Sent, J.- No bar report:
wlro treubl. - -
f Jaw Vf"o
- la celled great be
cause his uroneewful
eurws ax so wall
knows throughout
th United States,
and because so many
people Are thankful
to htm for an vug
their II vt
nrroAeo looal vtocbb,
Chieaaw, Bopt. 20. Local ktoeba
KaUonal Btocal't pTfrrell!!'lll0r
Bid. Aak.
t-nlted Bo
United Box, prafhrrtd...,.
SMiee Boa, pvuimiiu, ,..
merle a Can 4H
Amerlcaa Can, preferved 40
National (Jarhoa m
National Carbon, prvfvvred 10
mamond Match 11
Pwtft A (v t 1084
t nloa Trerttoa T4
Chicago Cl'y Balrway 188
Mnrik - Railway ....)
Wot 8' to R Uway' i. '
Ssetk 8m Sauwa .........
1 iwS
' V
Th Isrnoeratlo atate central com
mittee opened permanent campaign
headquarters at Hotel Scott this after
noon. The room of th committee are
on the Bceond floor and suitable oards
wilt h placed to enabl the faithful to
and th moving power la th county
'-ampalgn. Chairman Ale. Sweek -and
Secretary . B. Ryan of the atate ctt
tml committee will b la charge ef th
headquarter. Vtaltlng apellbinders and
th lleutenanta of th county and atate
forces will make the rooms their hd
uartra and all Mteratur and personal
letters will be aant from this office.
Local Democratic clubs will also uae
th suit aa their central office and tne
entie . .t of th stat I-
or i devolve u HB
- .viii at i 1
B treat any and
all disease with
fawerful C hlaes
vrbs. roota buds,
barks and vegetables
a that ar entirely un-
A skHanca In thla COUnVe
try, and through th ua o these hsrm
toa remedies, Thla famous doctor knov
th action of over 800 different reraedles
that he has successfully used tn different
diseases. He guarantees to cur, utovrn.
aat lima, rung troubles, rheumatlBm, I
veuenese. b torn eh, livr, Wdnays.
nelai M,lai mnA alt nrlVSt dlse
Hundred of testimonial. Charge
moderate Can and aeo Mm.
Patients out of. h city wrtto Sap
blank and atreulan nlooe atsmp. Ad-
Aider irx, Portland. Oa. hlea
tko thla paper. ,
Efery IVt-a
tototoasaied and ahoojd know
. U( ins wot
isaJrvn wpJrtsasj V
W vsotoai elasa. i
end T
aot- r tto
ravfc, X. J - - eT
. supply the ' JmiL
4. ac-irtae XaV Ta. '"-
sdto - .
snauTis vw .
r-r r w
my aw-. ' - a
M'wr, Ou t iwid
U jtri ' Snot
yir, pt
- n