The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 12, 1904, Image 1

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    v. rT
' Tonight an Tuesday, fair; north
orly sriodav
vou in. no. ia.
SEPTEMBER 1. 1904.
e m
-..-. ..... v. -: , . . . t ' v
.VSt Regis Hotel, J. J. As-
tor's $4,CC3,CC3 Palace,
-' Is fCzi Dp.
.- ' ..'-.: ;-
-"" t
Clareaca Vnlay "'Peitf a Suite tor
I S35.0M a Yein fllM Jeils ;.
; Sykaiitlc Uxury H
-Vert Meet MA
- (IMUI DhHtA te flw'NniL)'
." Mew Tork. apt. lr-4lM 0n( rwh
of trad at the new St. Reg, the hit:
at priced hoUl la ttaa United States.
. appeared laat night when 4t gueeld
regtetered ta Jobs Jaoob Aster's- aav
4,0M,M' botaL CUraaoa H. Maokjay.
tt la raportatf,; .tM. laaaad a. ult of
aamrtnants at tha tiotal (or H.jH a
mat. Thta ta'tabralv tha arlos for tho
room and lacluaa ao aiaala, , Mr. .aad.
Slra. Howard Gould yMtafday . took a
aulta but at a lowar1 prloa.'
Tna faatoua $1.0 bod baa aot baan
alpt In jrot. It 1 altuatod In tha blsb
at arlood iiulta la tha Dotal which
ratita for 1U -a day,- without waala. .
' Thr Drat meal vaa aaryad a thaj Bt.
Boaia Soptambar 4,
- TMa craat publM want to tha botal In
drovaa, aapad, wonderad. and than eara
fully aauntarad out Into tho atroat acain,
wbara tho aatonlahad nan and woman
oaua-ht thaw braath and narvalad at tho
1 . - ytaritie luxury uu
f ; t upas Fifth avanua.
ybaritie luxury tnai naa nMwnir m
Tha mm tr4 aod Uia woman, ahat
tarad. They know -tha otol aoot John
Jaoab .atr It.aaaaao, and that Mra.
Aala AmmatmA tnt tlM ta BldlBO him
In maklnc It tha moat lasnnoaa apat an
tha world at front a a oar o isa
wltboat aiaala.
mada alnoa Mew Tork raainad -what a
luinar tha naw nlaoa waa to' ba. but
tha proprietor, not balnk able to daclda
on any mauioa oi awaraina; nm twnmw
tablaa that wara aakad for kandrada of
tlmaa ovar, had daeliaad to roaarva any,
with fha raault that tha W.t dlaaar
uiHft an nn rm "
Airly In tha day tha botal waa -olaily
opanad. a loos alchtaaar want to
u n ik Hlnlna la araA aat at a
tabla to lonaaoma auta, whUa a wattar
and (wo aaalatanta krousot Ma oraaa
fkat. Hla ohack waa tl.M.
UnUI laat nisht, beWar, tha popula
tton of tha ll-atory botal ooaalatad of
only ttv famlltaa .
Part f Flatn oafd
Many of tha plain Naw Torfcara, who
only loobad ttmldly around tho botal and
than wont out. triad to ftvura )uat bow
Ions; thay could live at tha St. Hata.
Tbay triad tha problsm hi Tartou waya.
By roomlnc tbora and aotna aot to tholr
aaaala tbay found thoy oauld llva aa
ehaaply aa It a day and what tbay
mlBtot apond in raatauranta By kavlna;
n room ta tho naishbarhood and dlalnc
at tha St. lUcia, taklns aara ta avoid tho
talvhar-prload dtabaa, tbay fownd that
thraa ordinary', maala, - without wins,
would approxtmats lit ' day, plua tha
par dlam oost of thair furnlahad rooma.
Than tha Naw Yorkara ahook their
koada aadly and wondarad wbara all tha
moos? eama from. It totaled aocastblac
llko 4,Pt a yaar by ' dinlna; out, and
-ft,iM a yaar by roonlna; out. And tbay
i waat for ona paraon.
Thair ona oomfort waa that oooaalon
' i ally thay mlatt drop Hi and hava a wall.
aalaotad anoallantly aoofcod and taotaful
' . (y aarvad maaJ for about 7. If thay
waatad to got rlfht down to bad rook for
vi-tha aoia purpoaa of bavln tha aaUafao
Uon of aatlnf In tha flnaat hotsl. thay
oould, by avoiding- a Up to tha waltar.
'gat off for II canta, tho alaa af tha
amaUaat ohaek paM yaatarday morning
. for braakfaat by a man who waa aaUa
' flad with aoffaa and rolw.
wko Bat m .raw.' ' '
Ftt 'Today tha prloa ot roaat yormg tor
' gay,, which laat waafc waa gootad at 14.
. . waa today put up to M- . Rooat obiek-
-m may ba had at m.--'- -,
L An Adaa of tha ooat of ft maal at tha
(Contlnuad on Paga Two.) t
: J rail
t. Loula, dept. is.wiralab oaaa
muntcatfoo batwoan Chios yo and SC
! Loula baa boon aatabllahadv Tbo faat
' waa aocompllahad yaatarday, whan maa
aagaa wara transmitted from tho giant
towar of tho world's fair to tho grounds
on tho laka front at Chicago. All day
oparators a hot maaaaga after maaaaga
through tha air. Alt maaaagaa wara
tranooiibad eorraetly and promptly, al
though tbo atatlona ara t mllaa apart.
Tha operators aald at tbo oonelualon af
fha axparlmsnta that m a faw mootha
, maaaaaoa will ba aant from tho Faolfis
tauon to tbo Phtilpplaoa. - w
nrwetaf IHeMfegh ta Tha MaraaLt '
Taeoma. Was.. Sept. II R. F. Ben
nett, a aawyer, shot himself with a
cheap ll-callber revolver thla morning
In a fit of dlaeeuragement- at lack of
ompleymentSind many debts. The bul
let went Into tho back of hla head and
thekMB la paralysed from bead to foot.
Ha leaves a wife aod two amaU ehU
dreft deaUtuta, . ,
'I i 'Niiiin ' ati ninn mi n a.- , J '
' tha fasnoua flft.OM bad ta tha atato ohambsr of tho It Roria botal.
Nw Tork. Tho aulta of which thla badrooM la ana ranta for 1W a day
Wfthoot aaaala. .t, ... v . ; i-j : .,
Shorts Roshing to Cover
Crop ' Report JForce .
Bushel Wild Exciteme
iJ-:"ci'kaa ; Jak ;:.gayV'a.
. . . TOQ.r if saw iwj
m-U.a laShB 55
-- owJ fmonHt la Tha JtmrnLf '
CMoago, Sapt.: It Wkaat doaad Co
day orar 4 oanta a buahal hlgbay than
at tho otoaa of Saturday. Tho rlaa. waa
eauaad by tha lower ayarnmant aatl
mata and tho frost In Winnipeg and bad
waathar reporta from otbar aacUona af
tha northwest-
, Tho markat today waa rn tha handa af
tha "bulla" from tha sound of tha opsn
Ing gong to tbo vary laat aala, and In
point- of - Interest today's markat waa
tha moat sensational af tha yaar.
Tho weather map ahowa light froata
evor Iowa and tha aama advtoaa ara
rsearrad from North Dakota and Mani
toba, It. ta tho opinion of grain man in
awaaral that If tha froata ara aa heavy
aa re ported in North Dakota and Mani
toba thay wlH probably do . a larga
amount of damage, and prteea oould not
help reaching tha highest point of tho
At no tima thla aaaaoa ha re. tha shorts
or Teara" aaooma ao zrigmanaa, ana
aa thay roahed to oovor thay foroad tho
price op. v
Tha largest gain mads In tha market
today waa by May option, which cloaad
i oanta blgbar than tho aod of Bat
urday'a markA. May opened 1 oanta
hlghar at I1.11H. and durtng: tha day
thera waa no swaying of tho "human'
foroaa. Tha markat waa blgh at 1.1K
and Jow at tha opantng ftgura. Thara
waa but a alight reaction at tha clone.
After ahowlna? an advance of S oanta
at tbo opening, naw Septstabsr spUoa
5- i
-"'v iJsereal ov.tbretsa.)
Newport, septi II. Society wag agaia
Urtled today by thd nawa that mys
terloua 'thief bad robbed the beautiful
Mra. riaaler. the aeeond. of kodi and
may to tha value .-of ll.0Ot. .The
aatehel stolen from Mra. Flagter - oon
talned,lfl.vao ta money, two drafta on
New Tork fo tl,Me and ft ekaln valued
af I4.m. , .
The moat- remakable feature or toe
' p i mil ggnlal Swvwa.) I-"
Wsahtngioo, Sept. ir Cap. David
Lelhhardt. pnperlntendent af the deadj
tor apart mailt, who shot btmaatf la
hie efSaa piatirday, left three iettera
on -hla dash oddreaaed to frtsada aed
owe to hie wife. In one letter he spoke
of ft mania that pseaiaasa hfta to kill
himself, and aald that be bad tried
Ch rlst laar Solenoe for retUf without
No other motive, la kwawn for the
deed tbnardt's daaghter, Miaa laea,
who waa ehlef clerk to August Meeben
at tho tlase of hla arrest, ta now olerk
In tha poatofnoe at Lea Anaelea.
famous cc:.:cser
; waot was a 'jew
, (leeraal aparial Sardae.) . , -Barim,
Sept. II. It w reliably gtated
ant genealogical reeearohee Lately een
dueted have disclosed the fact that
RtciMtrd Wagner Urn famoug eompooer,
waa Jew, - ;
ons Bullish Government
May Past; $ U 1 4 a i
roaa ataadtly; nnttt. tt raaahad ILt.
tbo barhondaiostoa; Aowro Dnrtaaj tha
day naw Baptambar. gained thk oanta,
and tho rtao from aturday waa 4
pualnaaa in owl Saptambar waO nacrif-
nal and the option mada 4 oanta gain
froM'tha pravioua session the amallaat
rise of tho day. Old September opanad
t canta higher at 11.11. and touohed
tl llS,. tbo nigh and eloatnaj ftgura,
rather early. -. ,.
- During;' the day: thara. woo. a gain of
t oanta In December wheat. Tbo mar
ket opened vary strong, with a 1-oeat
lias, at fl.H. Too high point, waa
reached at 11.19. Tbia figure waa
bald until the elooewben there waa a
reaction of cent.- StnAe Saturday,
December ebowsdt an advance of 4
oanta.- - , r-.
The BacoTdVRaraldVtoday aaye: "flat-
urday'a government crop report makea
a yield of llt.fOv.eea buabaU leak than
that of laat yaar, and about that much
laea than waa oAoJally figured at the
beginning of tho winter wheat harvest.
The trade calculations of tha present
crop year will ba baaed an tbo figuroa
last leaned. The anowmg la sensa
tional ta that It puto thla country about
on a tine aa between, an export and Im
porting nation, with every probability
that In no oaaa will the wnoat crop be of
benefit to our foreign' trade. Tho first
affect of the report may bo to enable
tho Sour trade, to hold -the advantage
it baa recently gained by forcing be
lated buyere to begin replentoblng tholr
greatly depleted atooka, and It may also
have the sffeet of aonding Uuropeaa
buyere more generally - Into exporting
oouotrioa. otbar than Amortea,"
STEALS $2 5,000
case. '-a' feature which baa developed in
other recent . Newport robberlee Is aa
aaau ranee Mra Flagler received by let
tef that the property would be returned
to her. It la understood that the thief
Ira yodno-society. woman who toft
Armed kleptemantaa. - .- - . . . .
.1 . -- 1 - .ini.-i --
Nat ToASewt! IdThe
diii maala. Which ran aground near
Sandy Hook laat ntght, waa floated early
tbia meralnaj. She auatalned no dasjuuya,
e of the eecjoel cbMdron of
Portland the fall term of the public
schools tpsnad this msrntng. .
For soma of the children, but sat
ssr-ftlL Several of too eehool build
tags are not ready for ooounaney. no
wtthataadlng the Cart that aba ' con
tractors have had tbo whole summer
vacation ta which to make aeeded re
pairs and elteratloue. Pupils who have
been attending these schools must Walt
some for days a ad soma for weeks be
fore they can reeume all of their
studies. ' -
The old. unsatisfactory seethed of
giving- tha children Instruction for half
a gay enly Is to be resumed ta several
of the oehoole, unto such time ae the
bulldinga are agai St for occupancy.
Among the parents of the children who
ere- thae to be deprived of a part .of
tho year's schooling: keen dlssnctefeo
Oon pravaUy and tbay org asking why
Eocscvclt Defends Poli
ties la Letter of Ac-.
-j.' . .r'
.--4" " 'V
Declares Thai Doaoxriti Hiocecsa
ful Wpflli Have ta Carry Out to
inblicai PaltclcHr Wrack -
Oyster Bay, b. L, Sept. 11. Preaident
Roosevelt today sent to Speaker Cannon
of IUlnol ebairmaa of tha aotlfloatlon
oommittea, hla formal tetter of aooep
taaoe of hla nomination for president by
the Republican, national convention. Mia
letter ta part foUowa: . '
-It la difficult to find out from tha
atterancea from oup opponents what are
tha real laauea upon which they propose
to wage thla campaign. It la not unfair
to nay that having abandoned moat of
tho prtnclplea upon wbloh they have
taslated during the laat eight years, they
now aaam at ft loan, both aa to what It
la that they really believe, and aa bo
bow firmly tbay ahall assert tholr belief
ta anything. la fact. It la doubtful
If .thay venture resolutely to press a
single kwue; aa aoon aa thay raise one
they ah rink from tt and seek to explain
It away. Such an attitude w the prob
ably inevitable result of tho effort to
Improvise oouvloUone; for vwhen, thus
improvised. It la natural that tbay
ebould bo held In ft tentative manner.
The party now In' control of the
government la troubled by no auek dif
ficulties. We do not have to guess at
oar owa oonvtottona. and then oorreet
the gueaa.lf tt aeema unpopular. Tha
nrTr"lr'' which we grofaaa ara those
Is which .we believe with heart and
soul and atrabg-th, , Men may differ
from ue; but thay cannot acauea us
of trick to ess or insincerity. The po lie tea
we have pursued pre those which wa
earnestly bold aa essential to the na
tional ' welfare and repute. Our aettonej
apeak even louder than our words for thai
faith that Is in aa. We base our appeal
upon what we have done and araiplng.
upon our record of administration and
laglaUttog during: the laat seven rears.
In whioh we have had complete control
of tho government. Wa to tend bt the
future to carry on the government ta
the same way that wa have carried it on
ta tbo peat. .
"Our opponeats ona criticise what wa
did In Panama only on condition of mis
stating what waa done. -The administra
tion behaved throughout not only with
good faith, but with extraordinary pa
tience and large generosity toward those
with whom It dealt. -It was also mind
ful of American mtereets. , It acted In
strict eompliaoeo with the law paaaifl
by "eon grace.- Had not Panama been
promptly recognised, and the transit
across the Isthmus kept op an. In ac
cordance with our treaty rights and
obligation there would .have ensued
endless guerrilla warfare and possibly
foreign oompltcattens; while all ebanot
of building the canal would have been
deferred, certainly for years, perhaps
for a generation or more.
.The decisive action which brought
about- this beneficent insult waa the
ekerctse by the preaident af tho powers
vested tn him. and hi him alone, by the.
constitution; the power to recognise for
elgn govemmentn by entering into di
plematle relations wltb them, and the
power to make treetlee which, when rati
fied by the senate, become ander the
oonatttutlon, part of the eunreme law
of the lend. Neither tn thts nar tn any
other matter 4ma there bean the allfht
eet failure to live up to the constitution
In letter and ta aplrit But the eonetl
tutlon must be observed positively as
wen as aegatlvaly. The president's duty
to ta aerve tae- country la aooerdanoe
with the constitution; and) I should ba
derelict ta my duty If I need ft ftilae
construction of tbo constitution ss a
shield for weaknaas and timidity, e as
aa ancuea for governmental uwpotenea :
TJTritrtsf mlarepreeentetfon la the one
eapuu of our opponents M regard to
our foreiga policy, and tbo- way the
Cea tinned so Paga Stx.
It la thai the school. board has snowed
a condition to arias again whtek baa
been ae gsrlsug aa gnnoyanesj ta the
oast. r
Nearly moutb will elapse before the
Atkinson school to ready for use. In
the meantime the puplla who have been
attending It are to have enly half a day
of instruction, and for that they muet
go to the Couch school. The Imme
diate result of this seeke-shlft ftrrange
aseat to to deprive the Couch aebodl
puplla of half ft day's Schooling, for
they must make way for tbo children
from the Atkinson school.
A simitar condition prevails on the
east side, where repairs upon the Clin
ton Kelly school have been allowed to
drag so that the building to not ready
for occupancy. The Portsmouth school,
on the penlssula, to ta tha name con
dition, and . the school children must
cutter the eosjeeauenees of the eeey
golng foUep of the poheoi board.
(Oepyrigktt Met, by W.
Brltala klgfeW Baaarvao -London.
Sept. It. AU danger that
Mra, Arthur Paget will be lamed for
life aa ttaa result of bar Injur! ea la peat
aays Sir Frederick Trevee, physio Ian to
tha king, whom Ddward cent to attend
the fair American aa soon as ho beard
that aha had been hurt. Mra. Paget
fell down the abaft of an elevator in
her homo about a month ago. She is
peeted to be about aoon, - - -
i . 1 .
Lena, JLKtwretl h Sat fraaefsoa Bay
" tarHepalrs" Inspected to See
V .
r V fyoaraaf Special Swvloa.1 - -
Ban Francisco. Sept. II. Watched by
tha euuadron of Admiral Goodrich, head-
ad by the big armored cruiser New Tork,
tbo Russian cruiser bona lies ta the bay
near the Union Iron works, awaiting re
pairs which. It la asserted by some of
the officers, brought her u tna way
from Vladivostok. Late laat night Ad
miral. Goodrich received ordera to re
main here wltb hla sQuadron of four
ahlpa tnataad of calling to Magdalene
for target practice. The . offloere deny
that any tnatructiona have been received
In regard to tho Iena, but admit tbay
are kept here. The purpose of the vlatt
of tho big cruiser Is a mystery. It Is
thought by steamship men that she camel
hare to prevent the shipment of. contra
band, and poaslbly to await tha coming
of Japanese mall sterna, era When asked
why she came. Captain Berllnaky said
she came under ordera to the consul
here. Other officers aald that the ves
sel was badly In need of repairs to her
boilers and tubec which! would require
two months. During her long trip from
Vladivostok the -Lena aaw no Japaneee
warships, but the captain admitted that
he sighted three other Russian eruleera.
When aakad where he aaw these ship
ha said- thay were nearer the Asiatic
than -tha, American eoeot. Intense in
teract has been aroueed among ahtpptng
men. - One report -ears the Lena crossed
the ocean to bead off contraband cargoes
from northern Pacific coast points, but
that trouble with her bollera eauaad her
b come hero for repairs.
Admiral MoCalla, commander of the
naval station, cent the torpedo boat
Paul Jonas from the' navy yard to the
station 'almost alongside , the Lena.
Collector ' of Cuetome- Stratton an
nounced thla morning that tha Lena
muet leave as soon as nor repairs had
boon-mads, tf repelre are necessary, or
If not . that aha must leave at once.
The Japaneee consul- called on Col
lector Stratton and demanded that tha
Lena be ordered to leave tho port at
tha expiration 'of 14 hours. This de
mand waa refused on the ground that
the captain of tbo Lena reporta his vee-
ol . usees worthy and , that the inspec
tors have not yet reported on hla claim
that the vessel Is unfit for pea. Aa tho
inspectors go, ever tho Lena, and deter-
( Continued an Page Two.)
Tbo Park ocbooL upon whioh the
contract ere have bean tinkering away
all eumuer, ta not ready for use and
tho puuIe ara to ba housed again to
tho temporary structures created toot
It ta1 stated that all of the eoatracte
for repairing tha -eehool buildings wore
let with the express proviso that they
should bo reedy for occupancy at the
opening of the fall term. No striken
have occurred to binder the work, there
has been no scarcity of labor and ae
shortage sf building material, The
simple fact la that the contractors have
not 'been held to their agreements, and
not 'until the time has arrived for the
schools to reopen Is the publio made of tho true condition of affairs.
Tie eonaeauences of thla lalesea fa Ire I
aniin ta lose tM the eohool child rear-
of the city which cannot be oouxputed
dollars and can tat
El WoDman Wounded at
Aurora by Rev. S. Mar
tini, of Vancouver.:;
'- i;.
f aflaai laterfere. flea Pastor Tied
Up Sat to Beat Him and Got :
; Twa Ballets far Bis
r 7 : ; V Pains.
S -
Aurora, Or., Sept II. Rev. S. Mar
tial shot and aerloualy wounded al
Wollman ta Bdward Herren'a hop yard
here this morn tna- Martini leaped on
hie blcyole and dad toward Portland.
Martini's homo ki In Vancouver, Wash.
Wollman Uvea In Cbehalla. Wash. WoU
man wlU recover unices blood poisoning
sets In. One bullet struck him ta tho
cheat but glanced, aoooad pierced bin
left hand.
' AoeounU of the cause of the shooting
are somewhat vague and conflicting.
That generally accepted to that Wollman
Interfered to nave tha pastor's aon a
beating. Martini and hla aon wara at
work picking hope ta Herren'a yard.
Martini loot his temper over some
thing his son had dona. Whan Woll
man came upon him, the pastor had tied
his boy up against a fence and was
beating him mercilessly, -WoUmaa In
terposed. ,
Martini told htm to keep away and It
la said that the men clinched. Then
Martini drew a revolver and ftred
twice. Aa Wollman fell wounded the
a bicycle standing
By telephone ft was- learned that Chief
of Police Burns at Oregon City had
atuhai tho train Which left Aureex ft
few moments after the murder waa at
tempted, but falling to Sad Martina on
it, put ft watch on tho roads.
Martini waa net wall liked at the hap
yard and it said had beeu given no
tice ta leave.. '
' Ueorsal Special fcrnw.)
New Tork. Sept, ftfe' WtHhunj Waldorf
Astor waa aimoat run over by ft trolley
car ta front of hla own hotel yesterday
afternoon. Astor started out briskly
from the portal of the Netherlands for a
walk. lie waa followed by a puahing.
scurrying throng - Ho walked rapidly,
but the crowd went faster stilt and
turned and looked back at him mm he
hurried along
He reached tbo curb, but ft Fifty-ninth
atreet car block ed the way. He baited
a moment, and tha crowd baited, too.
People gathered closely about and made
remarks. He made a ruck to erosa the
atreet Juet after tho ear started, and
atepped In front of a ear on tha other
track A big poticeman seised him by
the shoulder and shoved him off the
track. Actor attended the Christian
Science church, Indicating that be is con
verted to that belief.
(Teetaal Special ssrvtat.)
L Washington. Sept. 11. Prof. Otto T.
Mason, anthroooloalat at the Smttbson-
Institution, Washington, has pre
pared a written treatise in which he
aays that tha golden hair of ehlvstrla
days has passed with chivalry, and that
fair women in the future will be called
fair only ta a poetic sense. He glvee aa
hla reasons for this conclusion tbo sta
tistical fact that blondea are not eo nu
merous aa they used to be. and are grow
Ing aoareer every year. Professor Mason
Ives aa hla reeeona for the dlcappoar-
anoa of the blonde that they are ehor-er
lived, of lower vitality nod leas ropro-
ductlvo then the brunette type, and that
they are more susuepwMie la the evils af
living ta tho cttlea y "
' Oeenal seeetol SerrleO
Mttoft. Sept. 11. A perfect iy bssJthy
aoptugenariaa was admitted soma
weeks ago to the eimie at Padua aa a
aubjeet for study. He bad been until
two monthe ago perfectly bald, -when
suddenly hie hair began to grow again
and became so thick and long , that U
bod to be cut.
Doctors are examining the extraordi
nary vigor of the aoalp.
,;?' -...:;.-;,
fJbareal leeetat terfwe.)
Stockton, Cel., Sept. II. Leonard H.
Buckland, ft reepooted harneaa dealer,
aged It years, waa shot and 'killed by
hla own 11-year-old son this morning
tn his at ore, beoauee the father bad
slapped the lad's mother.
The murder was unmeditated. Tho
boy got whisky at a saloon, eft the way
to coounk tha deed ,
Kuropatkln's Tired An;
; Resumes Retrect
' From IKskdea. '
Oyaau Keported to Be Qolesceit Rear
- Teotal, But Ranare af fnth
v taopfcytbe Japuese v
;;;v 'Ar:lrcard-
St. Petereburg, Sept. If, Knrcpuki
kin's army to once saore ta retreat. Tao.
spent foroaa, which have been reefing
at Mukden for the laat few days, were
considered aufflclently reoovered from
their fatigue to start again on their
northward Journey. A considerable
force of Ruea tana la reported to be in
side tho defenses at Tlellng, 10 miles)
north of Mukden, at which place Kuro
patkla. It to believed, baa decided to
make another stand against tho Jam-
So far aa appearanoea go, according
to dmpatehsn given out by the general
staff, Kuropatfcta to aot pursued this
time, Russian scouts report that tha
only movement of Japanese troops has
been to unite tho three divisions of
Field Marehal Oyama'a army north of
the Talta Taltae river. General Oku.
leaving a small garrison in charge of
Llao Tang, crossed the river, moving
northward along tha line of the Tall
road, and the foreaa under General
Kurokl and General Nodau, lying to tha
east of the-railroad, were so disposed
that tho combined armies form on
broad belt 17 miles from and to cud,
' Net Tab ta Mi hi in,
A dispatch from General Sakhajsotf
rucelved this morning reports that the
Japaneee have not- penetrated tn any
great numbers beyond Tantal coal mines.
It saye thaf they have several large
camps along tha railway between Teotal -and.
Liae Tang. Only the outposts of
Kurokl'a army. It la said, are lying near
Mukden. -
r Heavy ratng continue to fall, and tbo
Japanese ara said to no resting and so
In spite of the reports that Oyamao
men are quiescent, there is a fear in of-
dotal headquarters that the wily Japan- -
tee. to arranging some fresh ooup. One
report baa It that while Oyama la lying
apparently lethargic south of Mukden, .
large foroaa of Japaneee detached from
tho main body are hurrying northward
to the westward of tbo railroad and pro
paring to serve aa the flanking body In
the action against Tlellng; which is the
next looked for. It la generally admitted
that Kuropatkm will give up Mukden, to
the enemy almost without a blow.
Aatde from General Sakharofrs dtp- '
patch there to almost an entire absence
of news from the front.
An official dispatch iscofvod today do
mce that General Mlctahenko, who com
manded tbo Russian forces at Liae
Tang, waa killed ta the battle of Sep
tember I.
Two Japanese were arretted here to-,
day. One had joined the Greek Calholiov
church and married a Rossis lady.
From documents found on thePh both
Japaneee are believed to be naval eeTtoere
acting aa spiea.
fee the Ovaeat to
: flewsal Special herrlee.)
ZJbau, Sept. IL A Sect of eollleru
and supply ships Is lying bare with
stsam up snpeotlng hourly the arrival
of the Baltic fleet whioh has sailed from '
Krone tad t on Ita way to the orient, nn- '
der command of Admiral Rotoatveoaky.
The fleet la expected to go by way of
Cape Good Hope but there are rumotw "
also that It will uee tbo Buea canal
route, Ita destination, of course, la ee
oret. There are in tha Baltic fleet the
eruleera Admiral Nabaklmott Dlmttri
Donahoi, Aurora and the Aimaa, Rear
Admiral Knqalst'a flagship, and tho baU .
ftteefatpo Bouvaroff. Vice-Admiral Reject-
venaky's flagship; the Navarln, SiasoL
Tellky, Borodino, Alexander in OrrL" '"
Oleg and the Om labia, Kear-AdmUai '
Voelkersam's Dacshlp. .
tfsmeal Bseetal gwvlre.)1
Waahlngton, Sept, Ik Minister Ta
kahlra received the following diopateh
from the foreign office today;
Tokie, Sept. II. The Mancburiaa
army reporta that two hinds of dum
dum bullets have been found among
the ammunition captured at tho battle
of Llao Tang. Tha cartridges resemble
those used la the Russian rifle of the
type of 1811. It la supposed that tho
horrible wounds, received by some Jap
anese ta thla lMfvtio were Inflicted by
this kind af bullet. . . .
gaertal DlapsbA e the Jiataal.)
Llnd. Wash.. Sept. II. -A a ineane V -
man waa found In the bru
r h
by a boa car touriet y
aaye that she slipped a
marshal at pToeeer and
the aherlff of North YeK
She ate and drank n
taken to the Jtl t
Information gaoat i e.
BBVavM nwxarni tOHsn.