' , 1 1 -THE OREGON DAILY " JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER I,. 1901 costs mmM LEAGUE TO MEET in BWiEHCiry 1XCCSPC2ATE NEW ' Tat PHONE LINE 1TIAI I IIV 1 1 IV ULr ; CASE OF MURDER SHOES SHOES 'SHOES . TO SEE ASCIIS . NONE BETTER lurxaTw ium worn w. m. Alt BsmBwATBOsTS FBOM IHsV XBOOmVOBATZsTO ' OOMFAsTT FBO- i BOVB1UM WVlf OF STATB KAVB BEvMlFm IVYBsTTIOM OF FOSM TO OOP ST BOOT ABB OFBJa ATB XM m NUFfff AJTD 0 BVBsTTTAZa.T BXTBBB XsTTO TAJaV r oo o Birr iMmri iT ATTgajDU . MUTlaTO oosiiivcmi a AJTO AXOBw TMM OOAST. iMMn mm okabob or wxcm imjw gam bat boots o now (MhTMnM l TW Jeefusl.) Salem. Or, Sept. 1. Deputy SherIK K. P. Mints, yesterday afternoon er- rwUd H, L. Manning of St. Paul. eharssd with oickine the oocketa Rimer King, ftnntr, of ft purss eon talnlng $ tn CMh. King drew Um noner from Bush's- Bank and. imme diately boarded a ear to go to the Clr- sus. Manning- crowded on the oar be Ida him, but after traveling- a half block ellpped onV remarking that had forgotten hta art (a A faw mlautea la tar King noted Ala loea and returned, finding tba deputy oharlaT ahd asking him to make tba arrest, which ha did. Manning waa taken to tha sheriffs oStoe hi tha courthouse and, whlla sitting In tha office of tha aherilT, grasped as op nortunltr to Jump from a window.' Tha distance to tba trround waa about 10 faat; ha fall, spraining an ankle. Dep uty BbsrMf Mint, who had beau down town, aaw him maha tha laap and soon had him la htr poaaaaalon agein. Ha will hava an saamlnatloa today.. Frealdout W. H. Downing; who baa baan sick at hla homo In tha Waldo . hills far mm days, earns down to aea about tha at to fslr-yvaterday, sriff wni now remain la Salem until that lnetltu tioo may hava paaaad for thla roar. In - speaking about tha proepecU yeeterday. ha said: 1 7. hava fart a certain blaanaaa along . with mr nalghbora at the ahort. oropa of wheat and oats thla year, and I afraid wa should hava a email attend ance at the fair, but I am glad to say that 1 believe tha attendaaoe of Camera will be much larger than aver. There re people from my own district la the eoanty who have not gone to tba fair far the purpose of camping and ataylng .the fair out for St years, that will be there thla year, and I think this condi tio na holda sjood from ail aver tha Tha aaeletant superintendent of the Indian training school at Chamawa has returned from the Psolno institute. which mat at Newoort last Week. Tha banal and others who had accompanied VTMo there returned ta Chemawn with eflasTG. Real, tha Inspector of Indian aahoola, who attended the institute, re mained there for the present, but will - return to -Salem and visit tha school at " Chamawa agaia before her return to tha . - emat. " Superintendent potter of ths-school ta at Albany. CoL, now witn nis onus. . but will return to Salem about toe mid . - rile of tha month. Mr. IV I Cbaicraft, recently appointed to relievo Mr. . Potter, whose resignation was accepted by tha department, haa written that bo will arrive at Chamawa about tha middle of tha month also, al though be will not teas' charge as super intendent until the first of the u 7 .sMiartar. which will be October 1. . J. J. g warts of Moscow. Idaho, has gome, to the Indian training school as farmer to nil tba vaesncr occasioned by the resignation of B. D. Godwin, who resigned last February. .,' Albert Mary, a popU at the United Statee Indian training school at Chera- awe, who had been under confinement id the suardhouas for some days, w taken out and but to work with tha . threshera. whence ha made hla escape. He took refuge with ooms Greeks, who are working on the railroad near there. estd U sunis thnf when he left them be took soma money belonging to one of the a reeks. ,and they gave chase. He escaped them, however, and no doubt la a his way to Unas tills, his homo, - , LINN COUNTY PLANS , TEACHERS' INSTITUTE v' : :v-' j ISanlrt Ihspstcb m Tba'Tearast) 1 Albany, Or, Sept. L Prepararlona are under way hers for 'the annual teachers' Institute to be held soma ttma tha last of October or the drat of No vember. The exact data cannot rat be stated owing to the fact that a schedule will have to be arranged as that the other count lea engaging tha aamo in structors will hava their da tea so as to not conflict. The eountleo of Marlon, Washington. Polk, Yamhill and Linn will hava the aama Instructors, among them County Superintendent W. O. Hartranft of Se attle, one of the ablest teachers on the coast. President B. D. Reesler. and Prof. C E. Rica of tha Monmouth Nor mal achool will also be among tha In structors and lecturers at the Institute, and tha latter especially will lecturs on training methods In tha schools. DOUGLAS TO VOTE . - ON LOCAL OPTION ' (sau nawM h Th IsmiL) Koseburg, Or., Sept. I. There la now practically no doubt bat that local op tion will be voted on at the November election In thla county. Petitions are being circulated Over tha county, and, though but oss bos so far baaa brought la. It proved very flattering to tha tem ps ranes workers. In this ease, which was at Drain, II voteiw quickly signed thetr names, making almost It par cent of the number required la the county. Reports from other places also show that the petitions era being lib erally signed. In (ha Jane election this county gave local option a majority of Tie, wh1ch aaowa that tha ehanoaa are fca fewer of prohibition. FORM A COMPANY TO : WCX COAL FIND ' v v -: .. 1 Qhiiiml MsBSteh The JearasLV ttoaefaurg, Orv Sept. 1. Articles Of la aorporatlon hava beea asnt to tha state r capital for the Umpqua Coal company. The tnoorporatora are Albert Abraham, nana Hildetount and O. W, Dimmish, who hava deveJeoped the vlrgla coal Wda near Kellogg. " Who Is the actusi owner of tha land haa not been decided by the sflaeleJa of the land onlcs, bat the three soa mentioned hava Ma4 ar rangements so that the land goes into their hands la any ease, ' mtfaal 9MXTU. r " hitej iHsMfa TM Tinwaal.) PiAoeburg. Or., Sept. 1. The Umpqua Xmnroreceent oonrpany la preparing the porch 1 mpqaa rh-ar for a drive of logo sct winter. Moat of the obstructions ha already baaa cleared ao that the u-ing of aha -hoosaa ta all Chat ra s ta as goaja. - ' y.' ' ,- ' ffsedsl Maaatcb e the VearoaL) Vancouver. Wash-. Sept. I. Much eon- earn la felt about W. M. Bartelle, who came to Vancouver from Trout dale. Or., a few daya ago. for the purpose of looking Into a good location to enter Into business After arriving, at Van couver he was heard from but ones, and up to this morning no trace ean be found of him whatever Hla wife arrived from Troutdale yesterday and went to Orch ards, where aha. haa Intimate friends and telephoned from that paint to Troutdale to ascertain if any word bad been received .from him there. To which aha received g negative answer. The last Mrs. - Bartelle heard from her husband, he said ha would start the next day to Orchards to visit A. , H. Young, an old acquaintance and friend of tha family. Sine then nothing haa bean, heard from him, although it waa hla custom to write to hla wife every other day whan away from homo. It i one, day last week a. week ago yeeterday -that ha wrote tha last lat ter whlofa waa received by- hla wife at Troutdale. Hearing nothing farther from him, she asms to Vancouver to hunt him up, and went-forth wlLh to Mr. Young1! to learn that be had sot bean sees at that place. Ha came here for the purpose of buy lng the "Railroad hotel In Vancouver. He was at the hoter to Inspect tha place. and tha last trace that has been assured of hla whereabouts, u bt said, waa when he waa seen to take his dinner at a res taurant, oy lunch counter on West B street, between Fourth and Fifth streets. Ha left there after eating hla dinner. and no trace haa been had of him atnoe. It la the fear of hla family that be haa met with foul play of some kind, while going to Orchards, or perhaps, to look at soma other property In tha vicinity of Vancouver, as it was hla Intention to purchase a homo In Clarke oounty. Sheriff Biesecktr hag been notified ami haa taken up the hunt and It was also decided last evening by Mrs. Bartelle Co advertise for her husband by efferlng a reward -to learn of hia whereabouia. . Basle ma BttU FtBgyessrsg. , Notwithstanding tha general appear'' anoa of slack business In Vancouver and about tha eourt house - in particular, tha monthly -report of the oounty auditor showa as Increase in business as oo ra pe red with tba aama period last year. and an- Income for that ofBoa, according to fees, of only MI Mas than for the month of July. - Tha- records of tha auditors office show that iaa.7.4 feea wars ooliected during tha month of August as com pared with for tha month of July, and fitl.lt that was. collected by that ofooa during- tha month of August, ISM. -- Hollowing la Jrlef statement of tha. instruments recorded by .the auditor last month: . Marriage -licensee Issued, It; deeds," 7: patents, - ; mortgagee, St; Lsatlafaotlona of mortgagee, M; mlaosl- laneoua doeumenta. It; satis factions of chattel tflprtgagea, and chattel mort gagee Died. 7; total -number ox taatru meatg 41a. 110. Ja be Be Texas, . A largo number of Vancouver roat- dentl are making preparations to go to tha various hop yards for a few weeks, whlla several In the vtolnUv of the town have already started. Those who started today from Orchards' include a party made up of J. A. Towle, wife and family. Frank Campbell, Bamst Campbell, Ida Campbell and several of their neighbors. A. J. Stalnaksr also left today for ths hop yards, but will join another party In Portland. All these people will go to one of tha Oregon hop yards. (Specie mspetes ta Tas Jearaal. Spokane, Wash., Sept, 1. The ques tion of tha incorporation of Hillyard as part of Spokane now soema to rest with James X. Hilt If thla railroad magnate gives hla eonsent further ef forts will be mads by tha Hillyard board of grade. If ha decides that tha Idea la not favorable to him. It la prob able that the matter will he dropped. A committee has been appointed to draft plana aod'ldeaa of the tnoorpo ration and submit them to Mr. HUL MR. a M. NEVyBRO ef The Wersleldi fmmpaay of Betrott, s In lltl Mr. D. M. Newbro of Butta. of balr, dandruff and baldness and the diseases or the hair and acalp gen erally. - ni oeciaea mat somewnere In nature there muat be material for harmless destroyer of the naraaltea whose Iraraslon of ths scaln means first dandruff, then faiUag hair, than bald ness. Thla Idea was ao flrmlv flvad la his mind that he associated with himself famous baotarloloa-lst and tosethar they set about to Bad out ths needed destroyer. Finally, after eighteen months of unceasing laboratory work and ex perl men tat Ion. they were re warded by discovering what they Boue-ht. In brief, they nroduced a comoound which proved to be a oa-n- druff germ destroyer. As aoon as they were aaosned rrom experiments tnat they had really perfected a solution that would destroy the dandruff germ, they submitted samples of It to a after these physicians bad reported back to them that tne preparation waa certainly a sDedne for the dla ease In question, they set about placing It on tne market. At this time, 18ft, Mr. Newbro was owner of ths Newbro Drug Co., a Butte, and he was also president of the! Washoe CODper company, whicn . was sold out to ths Amalgamated Copper Co. for several millions of doll ars. After disposing of the copper concerns. air. newnro. in ennseauence oi . ina success of this new preparation, also sold out his drug business, so as to de vote his entire time to HerplcMe, which was the name finally hit upon. Tha name Is Interesting; Herpes ta tha Latin or Greek word for "creep," and elde means death, meaning death to the creeper, since the dandruff germ, after once attacking the scalp, gradually creeps over Its entire surface. immediately nernieiae waa onereo. it became a phenomenal bucc'jss. It wad talked about and prescribed by physi cian. It was sold by drurjrlfttsi end fins 11V st wss used by- barbers. The success of Herpiclde became an endless chain proposition, sines one bottle sold two others. AUhoush. the operations of Mr. Newbro In the wholesale drug business, copper mining, etc, were more or less glsantlc,' lt quickly became ap parent to him that Heroic ide was to be come a business of national and Inter national Importance, so ba organised the Hernlclde Comnanv end moved to De troit. Mich., where the Herpictde Co. at present occupies a plant the stse of men wouia asiomsn sny lonsonaiiet who does not know how universally Herpictde la used . throughout tha country. ft nas seen a spienaioiy auioi uasu proa act. . Usn wm' fast BxsosV v Baker City, Or Sept. l.As the time approaohea for. the. southeastern Oregon convention . of tha State Development league. It ta more and more evident that not only the people of Baker City, but these of the surrounding territory, are much Interested In the meeting that will be held here September 1 In the Interest of the development ef Oregon. Many of tha local bualhaee men of Baker Cltv ("have already expressed their Intention, of attending the aesslona of tha con vention, and It m fully expected that tha opera- house will ba .filled by euthuel aatlo delegates from hit aecftons of this and neighboring oountles, at least one or two from each of the out-lying "towns and falr-atged delegations from Sump- tar, La Orande hnd Union.- At m meeting of tha Baker City league last night, the following program waa arranged which will probably ha ths order of exerelseo at the convention, which will .be presided over by Presi dent B. U. Smith, of tha State league. Hood river: .- Music, ' Address of welcome. Mayor Carter. ' Response, President K. I SoUth, of State league. v Address, Secretary Tom Slohardsoa, of State league. Address, C. A. Johns. " Address, Mayor McColtoeh, of Sump tar. Address, John L. Rand. , Addreea. N. C. Richards, of Sumptsr. Address, WL B. MlUer. G. F A. of O. a n. co... Musis. - Address, Cot W. F- Butcher. Address, Secretary Tom Richardson, Address, - Isj Grands. , Addreea, WUl lam Smith. Addraaav Hon, T. B, Wlleos, -of Pott land. . Address. Hon, J, H. .Altkea, of Hunt ington. -Address, Hon. H. M. Cake. Portland. Addreea, a P. Murphy. Addreaa. A. L. Craig, O. P. A of O. Address, Rev. J. R. N. Ball, i BIG RUSH FOR LAND . : NEAR POCATELLO c- . st- . "fSperial IMssetct e The Jomsl.1 Poea telle Idaho. Sepf. l.-Bvory train that arrives brings a heavy Influx of persons from practice Hy all walks of life, sack anxious to -loin, tha lino of weary waiters that Is la front of. ths hind office swatting tha opening of tha reservation lanoa near nare septemoer - : Tha land offloe Is besieged by thou sands of inoulriea from all parts of tha country.- Several women arrived yes terday, but were discouraged by tha long 11ns of weary waiting faces and departed', but It la thought they will return before ths opening;. T ' OBUBBATB VAVA& BAT. . fgevtfa! Dtepstea te The Inaissl Coqullls, Sept. 1. Natal day waa cele brated yesterday at Marsh fWld by the various lodges of ths Eastern Star of thla county. Ths grand matron was present and g goodly attendaaoe of mem bers from all parts of tha counts. ' This la one of the principal events of each season with this order and there wag no lack of tlm usual Interest this year, FAIRBANKS OPENS THE KANSAS CAMPAIGN - ' (Jearsel Ssertal oervfae.) v Marlon, Kan., Sept 1. The Republican campaign In Kansas . formally opened here today with a rousing demonstration which was attended by political organi sations smd individuals from all sect tone of the stats, Tba chief speaker of the day was Sen star .Fairbanks, Republican candidate for vice-president, his address being ths first campaign speech he has deliv ered since hla notification. Another speaker of the day was B. W. Hoch, the Republican Candida ta for governor of Kansas. OVA 1 tJearml sects! service.) Council Bluffs, Is Sept 1. Tha Dem ocrat le congressional convention of the Ninth diet riot la being held here today to name a candidate to oppose Con gressman Walter X. Smith. Alt Indica tions point to the nomination of Hamil ton Wiloox of Grlswold. OBOBOXA FOFUXJBTS AOTITS. aeavaal Special Servles.) Atlanta. Sept' 1. -Tha Populists of Georgia assembled tn convention hers today, ths chief purpose of the gathering being to Indorse ths nomination of Thomas M. Watson for tha presidency A state electoral ticket will be selected. and. If considered advisable, candidates will be named for the state offlcee to be filled at ths oomtng election. The re juvenation of the party la this state after Jiavtng been Inactive for several ysara la regarded aa due chiefly to the personal popularity of Mr. Watson, the presidential candidate. , . v IsiT TOR BBTMOOBATS, Uearaal Sperlsl Servtea.) i New York, Sept I. In response to tha call of Chairman Cord Meyer the mem bers of ths Democratic state committee want Into conference at ths Hoffman house thla afternoon to decide upon the date and place for holding the stats nominating convention. 1 in all probabil ity the oommlttea will decide upoa Sara toga and September 14 as the place and time for holding the convention. Thla will ba ana week after the Republicans hold their on vent on st ths same place. FINE ST. LOUIS SERVICE. ' by O. B. B Ot Lswla fair visitors, will be Inter ested la knowing that- the O. R. A N. haa Inaugurated a dally through stand ard sleeping oar eervlos to that city. passe agera arriving there la tha morn ing. September I. I. T, October t. 4, a, tha O R. A N. will aell to-day return-trta tickets to St leula for 917. M; ta Chi cago, 97i.st. Stop-overs allowed going and returning. Particulars of C. W. Stinger, city ticket asaal. Third and iWaahingtosw Jearssl Special Urrim.) (seelal tMspsteh ta The fearaat Oregoa City, Sept. 1. Yeeterday artloles of Incorporatloa for ft telephone Una to he operated In ths state of Ore gon and mors particularly la Clackamas oounty were filed la the oounty clerk's oSms by Charles Baker, G. P. Grooa and Kl S. Kruss. The lids la to be known as-the West Oregon Telephone company, and ths main offlce la to be at Willam ette Falls The. capitalisation is f 1,000, and shares are to ba aold to tba amount of a. 000 at U cents sack. The purpose of ' tha company la to construct and operate telephone lines, in tha county and to collect feea for messages and. other wlaa conduct tba business that may come to the Una. - While there Is h Una' ta operation from Willamette Falls, this Una wlU ns doubt -be more axtenalva In scope and will eventually extend Into Yamhill oounty and the Bounties along the coast. As these lines will send massages prob ably a little cheaper that ths estab Uahed lines. It ta thought that ths enter prise will be a profitable one, as the ex pense of putting in auoh ft lino la said to be very amait . Ftaed for atUltaff Thomas Kelland. who was arrested fffl shooting Chinese pheasants out of sea son, waa brought bsfors Justice Mif the Pesos Lavp Sttppnn Thursday night and pleaded guilty to ths 'charge and was fined tie, but under the circumstances It was thought best to, remit half of his fine, which waa dona. Frank Hdrtcks swore out tha complaint, but he did not like to appear agalnat Kelland, who a a neighbor, and did- everything, in hla power to hava ths eass dismissed before the trial. As ths oomplalnt had been filed the case had to ba continued with the above fins, Tha fanners In the oounty ahoot a number of ths birds an their property every season, and they do not think that tt is just that they should be fined for hilling birds that feed on their farms In thla case the charge waa preferred by adeputy game Bep-Fieksra ' Esses Vows. Now that harvesting about there la an exodus to tha hopflelda by tha farmers, and a groat many of the city dwellers who go to pick hops for a vacation. ' A number of ths yaraa m the county have already oommenocd picking, and by. tha end of thomree. most of the yards will be picking in full blast H. J. Ottenhelner, who owns av-laraa yard near Aurora will oom- menoe to pick On Saturday. Tba people leave by wason and train to tne yaraa. but the favorite way seems to b py ths boats, which leave Oregon Olty ev ery morning e row dad to the guards. Ths ateamera Pomona, Aitona ana Oregons leave every day from Portland for op-river points as rar as Balam, and will ston at any of tha yards. Should ths pickers wish to go up tha Yamhill to Dayton and pick in that part ox tne country, the O. R. fit N. boats Ruth and Modoo wlU have to be taken at toe dock at ths aouth and of Main atreet WUUasa OuAsJafham Vols to Bo. WUllam Cunningham waa yesterday brought before Mayor G. B, Dlmtck on a charge of beings arena ana aisoraeriy. Cunningham was boisterous, and when arrested was -asserting is a loud voloe that ba oould whip any man In Oregon City, and was snore than anxious for tha fight He waa arrested by Chief of Po lice Burns and his journey to tha Jail waa marked by freouent shoutings to uasssis by to ooms and ba whipped. As thla was tha third time that ne has been brought before ths mayor, he was fined I&0, and in place of paying ths fine he waa allowed half an hour to leave town. He thanked the mayor for hia clemency and want to Portland, where he will probably ba passed on, as It la un derstood that he la on Chief Hunt s "bad book." On Sunday Cunningham became drunk and fell In tha Willamette three times, but was rescued by ths olty offi cers Las Daly wss arrested Tuesday night by Officers Shaw and Noblttt and was yesterday brought before the mayor and fined Ift. He was charged with being drunk and raising a dleturbanoa. Fish way ecmpleeed. Contractor KandjLWhe is in charge of I tba work of building; tba flshway over the falla. yesterday announced that the work was completed. About four weeka havsj been consumed- In thla work, and the flshway la la ovary way a success. and ths only thjng that remains is for tha fish to corns up the river and Jump over the falls. To cover the rise of over 10 feet . a system of pools hka been blasted In the rocks. These pools are IT' In number and rise one above ths other every three feet In thla way ths fish can surmount tha fans and go into-ths Molalla. Yammll and McKenste rivers to apawn. They will be protected at the foot of ths flshway by law. which pre vents fishing within 909 feat of the foot of the falla Bis Wife Ban Away - C. I Mason of Multnomah oounty, haa commenced action for divorce from his wlfa Julia A. Mason, whs ha aliases deserted him In J8, after they had been married but two yea re. They were married In Boston. In ISM, snd there la no laaoe as a result of the marriage. Ford WO Be Burled Mora. Frank M. Ford, who was drowned heft yeeterday while trying to rescue . his hat from the water whllein an intoxi cated condition, -will be Vmrtsd here from the undertaking- parlors of R. I Hoi man sometime tomorrow morning. Hs was not a member of any lodge and the services will be under the auspices of tba ateamboat men. Oregon or Hews Bites. Mlaa May Kelly returned last night from ths east where she has beea vialt- Ing with friends for the past two months and viewing the St Loul fair. A number of .prominent Republicans went to Portland last night to hear Leelle M. Shaw talk,. A marriage license waa yesterday is sued to Olive Hardlsty and F. A. Young. O. A. Harding left yesterday for Wll- holt Springs, and will return today with his family, who -have been spending a vacation at tha watering plans. There la on exhibition in the Window of a store in. this olty an excellent spsdmen of tha Golden Band Illy that waa raised by Mrs. J. J. Cook. This Illy baa. blossoms m- ft and glvea forth a very fragrant odor. It was raised from ft bulb that produced to blossoma last year, ' Thla- ta a record- breaking Illy for thla city, as the one that was considered the champion a w years ago had but IT blossoms. Ths Wll halm Tell bouse baa sold by the proprietor, A. H. Orlesseo, to J. N. Woods of Kugens. for ll.OOO. Just the lodging part of tha house has been sold, as A. H. Oriessea retains the ground floor, where he has a saloon. At one tlms thla building was one of ths principal places In ths north weet, tt be ing tne ospiim ouiiaing tot tne pro- -wsjialoDsi fernmsnt is. tbs early days v ! v : 1 ' asgsta aaasBww Reid shoe manufacturers 9 and 1 r Noi" Firet Street - o ; Portland, Oregon when Oregon comprised ail ths territory la tha northwest The funeral . of Ray Hall, the 14-montbs-old son of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Halt waa held from the residence of Mrs. H. C Cannae thia.aftemooo al l:t0 O'clock, tha Rev, B. S. Bollinger of ficiating. The little child had been tU with pa reive la for several- months. NATION'S EXHIBIT AT BIC CENTENNIAL BUtBOTOB BOOOX WtXs JOTOBBT M WAearjJrOTOB ABB ST. bOVBI to SButoT inuf m bboboba; HIM tmSIIBSI SATIOB- OF BX- tM rector of Exhibits Dosch of tha 190S fair will leave In a few daya for Wash ington, where -he will at anee take up with the government board tha matter of exhibits for ths fair next year. Ha will also visit St. Uouls. in speaking, of what he hoped to secure and what ha did not desire. Mr. Dosch. smld: - "There are many things at St Iouls that would be unnecessary for our fair In the government section and - there ars several things there that ws will not have in oon sequence. On ths other hand. there are exhlblte of-the greatest- value to thta region that ars not displayed at all at St Louis, and tt la these that I will endeavor to secure from tha gov ernment From the eonrsrences I nave bad with tha members of ths federal board I think wa will ba aneoaaofut "Ths attitude of the board. seems to be to give us what ws want and to a great extant they will rely noon our Judgment aa to our needs Tne key note of the Lewis and Clark exhibit from ths government should be utility and edu cation. Many things not shown at ax Louhv because they were not needed there, would ba of groat Talus to ths coast people. - ' -The Philippine exhibits are a vary Important part pf the government ex hibit, but these ars under the direction of the Insular government . chiefly and t conference will have to be held with these officiate before 'definite announce ment regarding them oah be made. There are many duplications in tha Fhilippine exhibits at St Jula and part or them will be needed hers to fully convey an impression of the Islands, their Institu tions and resources. "Sines ths aovernmem board haa de cided to nse tha senlnsuto. and thla will b utilised by It alone, tha federal ex hibits are aure of receiving a barter rep resentation than they hava had at any former fair. At St Louis and ths other big expositions the government exhibits were scattered and ths cnanoe or coro ner! son was lost. Ws jwlll have them. all together. The life saving ssnioit. tha most Interesting of the entire sec tion, will be produced on ths shores of the peninsula and will ba aa fine aa aver snown as umr vwinm. BLUE COATED GENTRY BURLESQUE COURTS A mock trial at St. Mart hi springs. where many of the policemen have been spending their vacations, was held one day thla week. Dr. Devtnne of Mon te villa was Judgs; Detective a. o. Vaughn waa prosecuting attorney and Orlf Roberta, a patrolman, waa tha ac cused. Ha wss charged with drinking hot water. During the progress of the trial Orlf- mads daring attempt to escape. " Jailer Ben Branch, who was astlng as bailiff ehassd Orlf and brousht him again before ths osurt As additional charge was than placed against the prisoner that of being away from Port land without ft leave of absence from hla chief. Hs plesded guilty to both ohargea and Judge Devlnno suspended sentence pending good behavior. Nearly all of the policemen have had their vacations now, and most of them want to St. Martin Springs. r m i 1 11 i n ' BATXOV OF ' sfMtfBos Bpnm Bmt? Monroe, Mich.. Sept, 1. With Impres sive ceremony and- In ths presence of urns crowd a handaoms monument waa unveiled here today in commemora tion of ths battle and maeaacre of tha RatatH river, which occurred January kl and It. ltlsV The unveiling wsa pre ceded by a parade of military and eivie organisations: Tha oration of tha day was delivered by United Stataa Senator J. C Burrows.. ' j Elder Sails Saturday Moral&t The steamship- Osorgs W. aClder sella at t:o o'clock Saturday morning la stead of 1:0a o'clock Saturday evening. Passengers may get aboard either the night before or in tao morulas. - FFa l'an XTA TT Mf v i nr. rc lv. n iitip Portland is absolutely the best - heavy line of custom made shpes manufactured in eastern prices. v Stop and consider. ;v It wilTpay ; you to investigate solicit your patronage. ".;: ' r- :UJ: . . :-, -u. : . .. (.;.,..- : ' . JC Hertsche DOCTORS ELECT YEAR'S OFFICERS After electing offloers and transacting other business that wag, chiefly routine in Its nature, ths fourth annual sonroa tton of tha Oregon State Medieal asaooia. tton closed last night at T o'elook, Ths aaeoclatiosx wttf meet uv thla city next year. i .--- ' Ths following' offloers ware elected: Osorgs F. Wilson, Portland, preaident; Mas H. Card well, Portland, Ttcerssl dant; W. H. Byrd. Salem, second vice president r W. U Wood. HrtteeA third vloe-prssldont; I H. Hamilton. Fort land, seoretary; Jeesle MoOavin, Vert land, treasurer; H. W. Cos, Portland, and R. C Coffey", Portland, oounselors. - Ths addreea of Preaident WWmmson wss 6ns of ths feeturea of ths aeeeion yesterday afternoon., Hs made a review of the progress of ths profession dur ing1 the past osntury, and prefaced hla statements with ths announcement that the medical profession had broadened as much aa- it had pro grass ad. He closed bis addreea by acknowledging the serv ices of tbs prominent visitors who are In the ctry smd wmsedsni oust rations hava assisted la making tha sonvsntlosi a ouo- . At inks' ball last night tha phystotana were given ft smoker and vaudeville per' f ormanes. and the women 'Who were ba attendance at the convention were antsr taind at a banoust at tbs Hobart-Curtla. Ths banquet waa glroa by -tha Woman's Medical association 1 FRIDAY'S ENTRIES . AT IRVINGTON PARK Ths following are tha sntrias at Irv Ingtott Park for tomorrow: ' Flrot race, ft furlongs, ' f-year-olds and up selling TI44, Sequel, lot; T144. Lady Myrtle, let; Tlt. Lady Rice, 104; 7144, Boo Roee water, 101; TII7, Rlosful, 9; 7JH. Wllna. 104: Tilt, Caroburn, ; 7lS, Abydoa. 9t; 7J1. Vaughaa. 14; .. Com Again, ill; 7ls, Llmie Ward, tt; 72l, Addle IX, 109. Second race. 4u furlongs, t-year-olds and up seilln 72M. ' Bell Reed, lit; 7047, Doiice, 10; -7211, David Boiang, t4; 72S1, Swift Queen, 14; 711, Sldredt . .. - , .0pt . FRISiUIAJTS TTAA BkVf AOAXB SB FOBTXhAVB ISR TBdB Tfr TTI BOB ZS BUaCTBB TO FB.BBI IIBBP S. A Safe Investment . i. tHQ : 'aaamwsmmsr - , : MBOAVBB ws give a sartiftoats absolutely guaranteeing; tha duality . and value of your purchase. . v - nOAVra Too get possession of valuables Which you would not v buy had yow U pay foil amount M ones. ( ' BBOATTSB Ths assail amount you pay us weekry or monthly you ' . . 1 would never save otherwise. . ( ,.iv ,.- BBOAVSB Mostly all our stock oonslsts of unredeemed pledges, ' and , are therefore enabled id saU for less than other Jewelers. - ' SKaVll Ws refund your monsy If you flat any artlel different . thaa taprsaantaC ,. , . . - 4 , Tsof mvsusy Basft errata soa ysaa, Uaa IS per sea afwaa aaam war - - sasurtac ssjtss an aunr Trtimsul bought frosa ua. ' The Portland DAN MARXf Prop. . : j' " ' TnannTarrnrfn in the northwest at these facts. We 0- -SMCEftV-CCFrTE,TOLv Vawasswl rMWuHMhr. fwntvarJ wfwtto.ShtJifc .cUrSaOTaKvm a: POWTtJaJ,ObI00N.1 HENRYWEINHARD FistMtaisf aa tba 'y City Brewery Baigsat asss stoat Oemptate: ; Bottled Beer e Specialty ion Bs. ft. - POKTLAMU ORBOOM. 110; TtBI,' Agnes Mack, 11; TtlC, Jodga Thomaa, 110; 7S83, Steal Wire, 4. Third race. furlongs, --,4-ysar-olda and up, eeUitur TI4t, Bamato, 1; T26A Chief Aloha, 101; 7M7, Phya, 101; T263t Kaoivo. lea; 7354, rontabie. 101: 715 7, Frank Peares. lOlj T22, Landaeer, 1011 7260, Myrtle IL. 101; 7161. Cathello, 104. "Fourth raoe, 9 furlongs, S-yearHilda and Up. selling T 246. Sir DougaL 104; Tilt, Charley Bchwetser,' 101; flls. Miss Vera, lot; 72, Uroano, 100; 7245. Educate, 104; 7160. Crosby. 104; 72&L Toung Pepper, M; 7241, Duka of Riche lieu, 100; 724. Torn) Hawk. ; T261, Facts, ts. Fifth race, ens mils, 4-year-olds an4 op, selling 7242, Bl Plloto. 100; 7241, Budd Wade, 101; T201, Mountebank. 104; 7211, Cot. Van. 104; T241. Suburban Queen, 104; J2. O Urn rice, to. Sixth race, one mile, 4-year-olds and up, selling 7224. Mr. Dingle. 110; 7264,' Legal Maxim. 102; 0920, Ulloa, 102; 7244, Dug Martin. 107; T2R9, Our Choice, 17 7249, C laudator, 107; 7260, -Hipponaa, 102. - Go. ' MM TO BUY A ; Diartibhd or Watch '. . PROM Uft ON V-.:. EASY. WEEKLY or : MONTHLY PAYMENTS INVESTMENT IS SAPB -i Loan Office 1 '. . 74 THIRD STRUT 3 M