Want Anything? Send The Journal a Want "Ad." and YouTl Oct It Full of Live News. and Lively Stories That's ' The Sunday Journal " 1 ' 1 , : i s ' .: , ,, , , i , ' iiwn ; PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 21. 1904. sssBSsBsBsrssb. ror Makbw u The "Different Store" " Wx. the Autumn - Cooktog Range This Fall? We Gowns Use Am wWiSpl Sell the Famous Old.. Wort man QWsLtJ A llffiM w n J iflt Bi "Qui Mssl" Fourth Floor FiftH and Washington Sts. TWrt Floor SUITS. ADVANCING AUTUMN SWEEPS SUMMER'S SPOILS ?Se BARGAIN TRENCHES TOMORROW Monday the merchandise forces that have withstood the constant,- forceful charges of the unparalleled summer's bargain brigades make their last stand. With the ending of the ensuing week comes to a finish the greatest, most sweeping series of Clearance Sales ever at tempted on the Pacific coast. We have mercilessly sacrificed seasonable and dependable stocks in order to facilitate easier change about of departments, incident to annexing the new Sixth street building. And now expansion is at hand. Already the big sledges are at work tearing away the walls that intervene. A few finishing touches and the great shopping public will surge thro aisles that will form avenues connecting three busy city streets. ONE MORE WEEK and THIS, THE LAST of the WHOLESALE SLAUGHTER! THIS IS POSITIVELY THE LAST WEEK OF THE CLEARANCE-ALTERATION SALES! THE LAST WEEK during which ABSOLUTELY EVERY DOLLAR'S WORTH OF MERCHANDISE IN ALL THIS GREAT ESTAB LISHMENT IS REDUCED MIGHTILY! And READ AND PONDER ON THIS ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY In order to close up the month's business in a blaze df glory unprecedented, a perfect whirlwind of selling, and give to this great est summer in this store's history A GARRISON FINISH, WE'VE DETERMINED TO INCLUDE IN THE SWEEPING SACRIFICE EVERY DOLLAR'S WORTH OF, NEW FALL GOODS IN THE STORE. Select Autumn Suits, Wraps, Costumes, Silks, Dress Stuffs, everything in fact new arrivals in every line for six days more THIS WEEK ONLY at CRASH-, ING CLEARANCE SALE PRICES! READ EVERY DAY'S ANNOUNCEMENT THIS WEEK! READ OF MONDAY'S MATCHLESS BARGAIN SALES BELOW! ADVANCE AUTUMH STYLES ZJI WOMEN'S TAIL- omxs suits. Above we picture one of the latest models just received from our buyer, now en route from New York. It ta In the new and popular inner-canted effect. A high novelty tailored, slngle-bro&sted, deml or close-fitting long coat coatumo, with full skirt, sa shown. It has the new sleeve. We open these tomorrow In plain and fancy ' Suitings, Tweeds, Sergea, Cheviots and other appropriate tailoring fabrics, finished with contrasting material, stitching and buttons. The sketch does not do Justice to the beautiful lines of the costume, which should be seen to be appreciated. Advance openings tomorrow. Grand Opening Tomorrow of the Autumn and Winter Silks and Dress Goods FOR 1904-5 $100,000.00 WOETH OF KICK, THIS ao: oaxr. 1st Floor. T XT CIE'S SILKS Opening Tomorrow. We've secured the local agency for these world famous silks that have stood the crucial test of time, and hold today the sceptre of superiority over all else in the Bilk world. We've made extraordinary prices on these celebrated SUks prices that allow you to own them from ua at less than you might pay other houses for Inferior, domestic makes. Among them are Black Taf fetas, Peau de Cygnes. Mescalines, Chiffon Taffetas. Loulslnes, Peau da Soles, etc. Exclusively sold In Oregon by Olds, Wortman 4 Kins, Description of such vast atocks of dress goods and silks as we open here tomorrow would be Impossible In a thousand page magaslne, much less the limited space allowed here.. We stand back of the statement, however, that our stocks of new dress fabrics are larger and more comprehensive than those of any other three Portland stores. We have marked this enormous stock 'throughout, at prices that . place local competition logically out of the race, prices we honestly believe to be lower than placed on equal qualities by any retail house In America prices that alone are rivaled by wholesale houses. Our stock Is double the slse ever carried before our selling must be double, profits are cut, volume of business must make up our losses of profit. Bear In mind these enormous stocks are at your mercy at the Clearance Sale cut prices from tomorrow morning unUl closing time on the 31st of Ute month. A Last Drastic Clearance of the Suits ! WOMEN'S $28.50 -$38.50 Street Suits $10.98 Tomorrow we conduct all day the moat re so ruts clearance of the Street Suit stocks yet held by this store. A sale that means mighty savings to the masses. Such tremendous buslnesa as has fallen to the lot of this great store during- the past three months has neces sitated ordering and re-orderlng of aulta right up to ten days ago. This of ne cessity has kept the lines new and down-to-date. Every Butt offered on sale here tomorrow la desirable for pres ent and even future wear. Just the Suit you need this moment the same Suit you'll need next summer, too. But to us 'tis of utmost Importance to cleaa the room at oncewe must have the space they occupy at any cost for heav ier wraps. Autumn comes on apace, the BUits are adapted for autumn wear. Nearly all are from their makers the current month. Materials embrace all the popular mannish mixtures. Chev iots, Tweeds, Homespuns, Oranlte cloths, Etamlnes and Sergea, in blacks and handsome mixtures, grays, blues, browns, etc Values included are the splendid 128.50 to 138.60 models. Most of the Butts are on the 132.50 to $38.50 racks. Pick and choose as you will ah day Monday at one price, $10.08. ADVANCE AUTUMN STYLES IN W The above la sketched from a charming new autumn high novelty, French tailored Walking Costume, with deml fltted short jacket, single-breasted vest and fancy panel flounce effect skirt. We open advance showings tomorrow In materials of cheviots, worsteds, serges and other fashionable plain and mixed suitings, finished with contrasting materials, buttons, stitching, etc. 'Twould be Impossible-for the artist to do Justice to the Jaunty beauty of the costume. Advance opening tomorrow. '' 78o WASH FABRICS AT A THXRD. In Wash Goods Alsls First Floor. Prices cleft In -twain then pared again some to the thin ness of a third on BOO short lengths of dainty, pretty wash stuffs, both white and colored. These tub fabrlca comprise many of the season's favorites; most wanted goods always go first and leave the ends that'a what you'll find here tomorrow. Fabrlca fit not only for sum mer dresses, but for pretty house gowns you'll wear all winter. Values to 75c. 'Monday and until sold, yard ...... .25 Positively the Last Grand Original Hourly Sale of the Slimmer Season ! Tomorrow, Monday ! The Windup ! The Biggest and Best! 8 to 9 A. M. SPECIAL HOURLY SALE GOOD SHOES I-OR BOYS. First Floor. Solid, clear, plump uppers of Kiel Kid or Box Calf, soles of double thlck- I ness oak tanned leather, full round toes. 8 to 9 a- m. only 12.00 values, slses 11 to It, "Little Gents," yfl.28 $2.50 values, sixes 13H to 1, Youths' ..... si.es 13.00 values, sixes 2H to 6V4. Boys' 91.98 MSB'S Celebrated ' Regent" Shoes. First Floor. WORLD FAMOUS $3.60 FOOT- Tn rocnilnr nhnefi or Oxford stvlea. blacks or the fashionable tans, best ..ails Rimala calf or natent colt atock. stylish foot form lasts, blucher cut, full round toes. Very newest styles. For the hour $2.69 SWISS SHOPPING BASKETS, 83o. Too well known and much used for further description. First quality Baskets, not "seconds. 9 to 10 A. M. HANDSOME NEW 15c CRETONS, 10O YARD. Domestic Aisle First Floor. 3,000 Yards In the choosing, rich, handsome colorings, floral and Ori ental desirns. French drapery c re- tons XVWI A Record-Smashing Bale of Children's Trimmed Straws. . NEW $2.00 MATS $$C Millinery Salons Second Floor. A lot of children's new trimmed Sailor Straw Hats, rough braids. In navy, reds, tans and browns, with velvet ribbon trimming and stream ers. Splendid 12.50 values, choice.. 29 to $8.00 SHOES. $3.48. First Floor. 'A reund-up of odds and ends of the season's selling;. Blacks and tans, Viol and patent leather, a lot of prizes In this package of bargains. all $3.50 to 15.00 shoes, all good styles, all slses Is the lot. Choose at S3. 48 LADIES' $1.35 KID GLOVES 890 PR First rsoor. All new fresh stock, latest cut and finish, In blacks, whites and all desir able shades, sixes 6tt, 6, 6 and 64 to 8. OrandT values these' at $1.25. Choose from the lot for one hour only at. pair S3 16o IS OOOD FOB "TWO BITS." At Men's Hosiery Counter. First Floor Men's best 26c fast black socks with fancy silk clocking at sides, for the hour, pair 1S) 9 TO 10 A. M., N PETTICOATS, HALF Annex Second Floor. A big sample line of Women's Petti costs in black and colored mercer ised sateen, moreen, gloria, silk mo reen and percale. Regular prices from 11.26 to $7.60; special at Half Price 9 to 1 1 A. M. A Speolal Two-Hour TABLE - Third Floy. Double plated, guaranteed Teaspoons, value 76c set of at Dessert Spoons, value $1.10 special at Table spoons, value $1.60 set clal at Knives, value $1.26 set of 8, Sale of quality. 8, special 49 set of 6, 7T of 8, spe- 98 special at HUC 10 to 11 A. M. 35c BOX HAIRPINS 15c First Floor Large slse, plain or crimped shell, 8 pins to box .. .15 Regular 26c values in BLACK SATEEN SLEEVE GUARDS FAIR 18c. WOMEN'S 83.50 to $4 SHOES. $3.48. First Floor. Choice of 8 of the newest, choicest styles In Women's $3.60 and $4.00 Vict Kid Shoes with patent leather or stock tips, stylish military heels, neat round toe shapes 92.48 10 to 12 A. M. A BIO INDUCEMENT TO BUT DIN NER SETS IT LASTS FOB TWO hours Third Floor. You may select from two decora tions for two hours. Decorations in small, neat, dainty patterns, 100-piece seta that are reckoned big values at the regular price of $20.00, for the sals S12.SO 60C ALBATROSS, 41o YARD. Asses, First Floor. Regular 60c All Wool Albatross In evening and street shades, best value In town at the regular price; special 10 to 12 only at, yard 41s) $1.31 THE YARD FOB BEST $140 BLACK TAFFETA. Regular $1.80 grade, 18-inch All Pure 811k Black Tafieta. This Is without equal at any price tn Port land. Special 10 to 11 a. m. only.. yrd S1.31 .11 to 12 A. M. i WOMAN'S 817S TEST. First Floor. Splendid high-grade silk and wool vesta. In blue and black only, high neck and long sleeved. 10 to 11 A. M. 300 WOMEN'S DAINTY CHARMING $3.30 SUMMER. SHIRT WAISTS At a Choice for 39c w -v 10 to 11 A. M. . Second Floor. IE A MADDENING RUSH1 BE EARLY T It's the final clean-up of the Shirt Waists. , Among them are the "Drum mer's" Samples and the last round-up of every' Bummer Shirt Waist in our stock. But take warning ONLY 100 WAISTS IN THE LOT better be on hand at 10 o'clock sharp. If your'e not, don't blame us for disappointment. They'll barely last till 11. The waists comprise lawns, dimities, fancy mad ras, cheviots and percales In white and dainty colors, all In latest trimming ef fecta of laces embroideries, tucks, plaits and novelty button effects. Values from 75c to $1.50. THE LAST SHIRT WAIST SALE OF THE SEASON 11 TO 12 A. M. HANDSOME $3.35 SMYRNA RUGS, $148. Fourth Floor. The biggest rug bargain in America this season that we've heard of. Note the slse, , $z$ feet, all wool and fringed both ends. New rags, hand some designs, rich colorings. BOO CUSHION COVERS. 87c Second Floor. Cushion Covers of green, red or blue Art Denims, white heavy cord, couched In conventional designs and fancy featherstltchlng edged in but tonhole stitching, all ready for the filling; regular values at 27$) $5.50 CUT Ql Third Floor. 8-Inch stxe Berry or Batad Bowl. Neat attractive cutting, splendid grade. First Floor. 4-os. Combination Oil Osa and Ma chine Oil, 15o value Be) $5 I First Floor. A sweeping clearance, ends of lota, patent kid and Oxfords, all new lasts, hand bench made, round toes, six handsome styles Is the lot, choose for 92.98 1 to 2 P. M. mAtsnwa i $l First Floor. An exceptional handkerchief value. Sheer or hoary linen In plain hem stitched edges, usual 12 H and lBo vsjuos. 8c 1 TO 2 P. M. 380 First Floor. Select from plain white Pique or dainty Persian dotted fabrics the belts are dainty and chic. MEN'S 35c BORDERED KERCHIEFS t FOB 35c. First Floor. Men's regular "two-bit" handker chiefs with neat 'black and white striped and blue dotted borders, for one hour half price two for one... 2 FOB 25 WOMEN'S $8.50 OXFORDS OB TU LIETTES, $148. First Floor. Comfy shoes for tender feet, easy Juliette shapes, or broad toed Oxfords. MISSES SHOE BARGAINS. First Floor. Regular $2 values in new and smart styles of Misses' Box Calf or Viol Kid shoes In very latest pattern lasts and fine workmanship, soles sewed on, neat round toe shapes, slses 11 to 1.. 1.38 $1.75 grades, sixes 8V4 to 11.. 91.28 1 to 3 P. M. TWO HOURS Third Floor. ABT JSBBTBTsTBBB S8RQ8TWB. Hand painted. In rich dark colors, under-glased and fancy shapes. 8-lnch slse, $1.00 value, special. 95e 1-Inch slse, 1.26 value, special. 89e? 10- Inch slse, 1.60 value, special 984 11- Inch slse, 1.7$ value, special. 19 2 to 3 P. M. BOo CTJSPIDORS, 86c Third Floor. Solid blue decorated China, sold trim med. 2 TO 3 P. M. FOB MEN. First Floor. Bargain 1. Broken Una of Men's summer Balbrlggan Undershirts- and Drawers, plain bal. color, 60o values half price 2Ss) Bargain t, $1.25 mercerised ootton Undershirts or. Drawers, flesh and blue tints, half-price 63 Woman's 8135 Nainsook Drawers, 96c a-. Ssnrmd Floor. Ladles' Drawers, of fine Nainsook, cir cular flounce, with linen lace Inser tion and edging. Regular, $1.2$; spec ial at 960 TORCHON LACES, So YD. First Floor. Pretty, dainty Ibices, In narrow widths, a splendid hourly special In the aee Store." BLACK MARVEL SHOE POLISH, ISO. First Floor. A liquid dressing that gives a bril liant lustre to the shoe, not to be distinguished from patent leather; no rubbing needed, will not injure the leather, 15c bottles IBs) 2 to 4 P. M. For Two Bonn' Selling First Floor sjsessu Regular 60c, all wool Voile Etamtne. all colors and creams, and black. Special, 1 to 4 p. m., only, yard. .39a) 8188 COLORED TAFFETAS, SSO YD. Regular $1.18, 17-Inch, Colored Taf feta, all shades, black, white and cream Included. Special, 1 to 4 p. m. only, yard 89$) 3 to 4 P. M. 78o CAMBRIC DBA' 470, Annex Second Floor. Ladles fine Cambric Drawers, wide lawn, 9-lnoh ruffle, with feather stltchlng between hemstitched tucks. Regular prloe 76o values, special at pair 4Ts) ROTS' FAUNTLEROY WAISTS FOB 98 o THE $1.78 KIND. First Floss. . These pretty Waists are daintily trim med with handsome embroideries. UMo DOTTED BW1SSSB, TO YD. Was Goods Aisle First Floor. 6000 yards in the offering, 26-incfi width, prettily patterned In assorted, slss dots. SBO PEERLESS SHOE POLISHERS, ISO. First Floor. The handiest, beat shoe polisher; made of felt, four-sided, will wear for years. The 25o slse 15 SBo BAT PINS, ISO. First Floor. In fancy styles, assorted, pearl. Tur quoise, out crystal and sterling sil ver. 45o BOB WBlTlBtt PAPER, SSo. First Floor. "Two bits" for the finest 45c quality correspondence paper, In azure or heliotrope tints, envelopes to match. 3 to 5 P. M. $ Hours, on Third. Floor. Choose for 120 minutes from best quality white Bow's and Pitchers, In plain shapes 734 Fancy shapes 90 4 to 5 P. M. TO BOTTLE LIQUID FISH GLUE BRUSH. 40. 48o TABLE D AMASS First Floor. Extra fine quality Unbleached Table Damask, with 11 handsome patterns in the choosing, in Linen Aisle; spec clal. yard 29d BBW $0o PILLOWS, so. First Floor. Another surpassing Ribbon bargain. Leagues upon leagues of pretty new autumn ribbons, enough to reach from here to New Tork. from where they've Just arrived. Bright, pretty, radiant autumnal colorings, 1-Inch widths, pretty for neck dressings fancy work, etc; splendid 18 and ISr values, yard 9 4 TO 5 P. M. 78o BAT Bl First Floor. Black, blue and brown Chiffon Rat Drapes, either plain or neat tiny dots. We've Included the regular 80. 80 and 75c lots In the offering, at one price 39e) ISO SHIRT WAISTS. 8c 'First Floor. In pretty gilt, -gun metal or pearl, t pins to each set. Another Boa Bargain Fourth Floor. DOLLAR SMYRNA RUGS, 68c All new. rugs, double faced, fringed both ends, slse 8x36 Inches and all wool. In handsome designs and rich colorings; best $1 values 5Sc Mors In Good Floor. $3.48. In patent colt stock, very dressy, new est lasts, dull tops, military heela and round toes. $180 SHOES, SSS. Best vlcl kid atock. with patent tips, flexible turned soles, spring heels, button or lace styles, made on stylish lasts, first-class workmanship, very serviceable, slses 6 to a. 5 to 6 P. M. First Floor Bargains. BLACK CHXFFOH APPLIQUE, every value Included, from 26a to $6 yard, at exactly Very pretty fancy figured on black beat 16c qualities. In assorted styles, best Imported Bas il sh makes. TSo MUSLIN Of One quality muslin, made plain, splendid wearing quality. WOMEN'S $1.$$ LACS OOLT.8RS, SSS. In cream and white, with long tabs, very pretty and entirely new. FOB WOMEN A splendid new line, lust opened, fall styles, regular $( values, patent kid stock wtth dull tope, toes plain or tipped, very latest styles from a lead ing eastern manufacturer of high grade footwear; special at... 99, 19