The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 11, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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Dorn With a Double Veil Ed-
v ucoted in Occult Science
In Egypt and India
The Veiled Prophetess
" Perec, will be entitled to mora then oh
-??.' 5 thla low fee.,aa It I ate do ss
wiur ( ia4nriuii or this week onlrl
s. . I' resaings win no at regular m
. td. to all. Vna a.,..l WW Mils ad.
London's moat furious pa Ira lit aad elilrvoy
eat la acknowledged by preeo aad Era bile tbe
She. tells wh. m hafnre. Voa
?" word; doe not oak gueetloae, M meV
-"" your trotioie msy n.- . .
till an A aha nt ...l.t. with ... taints
higher' than kia power, Talla 7ra tlx
tiuih, food ar bad. . - .
. This OCCULT WONDER to placed la elese
wi iwifii, towering head and shoulders of
every rlvaL and la recognised by the PRO
It mar be af Tltal Interest to r to know
tbseutreese of your present distress.
Tha kspplnees of your future Ufa man d
-pend npoa tb "rightr eolation and proper- td-
Thara ar no mistakes la the predictions'
mad by tha greet and wouderfnl Psychic
To mar wleb to know 1( It la advisable
to maka a ' change la business, la save, la
marriage. -
. "Khali I en mad la my H andertaklngf
' "fin I so tain my bopaa, ay wlahan, gay
-Shall I m an Joy tba Inxwrtog at wealth '
"Cea I trust my friends!" .
' "llsve I enemies r" ' M. .
"Wbaa shall 1 marry T" '- .
"How often ahall I marrvW. -
"hall 1 ever ba divorced?"
"Dora another bar tba tora that rlfbttall
veinon to ma i
"If ao. whomt" 't
Am I lorad la ratornr'
. ''Wbaa ahall lora affali tarmlaata b
"Whan ahall anv domaatlo - tnmhlaa ttriA V
"How can I maka mf Ufa and bo ma hippy??
"Whr do I ant raolM a lattart"
Roar 10 a. m. to a p. n., dally and Buay
uaj. rrrmaaaDLir loraiaa.
291 M0RRI&0N 5i
Cor. riFTtl ST.
; lamt rioot of
-r- jpoaton Bastal rarlora.
" ; The Great Chlaeto Doctor
la called itraat ba.
cauaa hla wondarf ul
cum ara ao wall
known throughout
ha United Btataa,
and bavauaa ao many
paoola ara thankful
to Mm for aavlox
tnair livaa irora
I Ha traata any and
U dlaaaaaa with
owonui uhiiim
.ka vtiofa hnrtaL
I barka and vaa;atablaa
a,, alTii u' -f that ara antiraiy in
known to madlcal aolenca In thla coun
try, and throuKh tha vaa of thaaabarnv
laaa ramadlaa. Thla faraoua doctor know
tha action of o-er 00 dlfforant rarnadloa
that ha haa aucceaaruuy y-" uiH-rwiii
dlaaaaaa. Ha iruarahta to euro caUrrh., lun troublaa. rboumatlara. Bar.
ouanaaa, atoroach, llvar, kldnaya, fa
mala trouble and aU rnta aaaeaa.
Hundrada of taatlrnonlala. CbaTKM
modarata. - Call and eaa him. . .
Patlanta out of tha, city writ for
blank and otroular. ncloaa Umn, Ad.
' draaa
til Alder at real, Portland. Or. ifoa
tlon thla papar. .
sooti:i::q syrop
Haa aa oaad by Hllllnaa of Knth-ra forthatr
Jnildron wblla TeaUUnK for orar Fifty Tear,
t eoothaa -tha oblld. aoftna tba rani a, allayl
all pain, poraa wind COUaj Jtnd. la aba krt
aanwdy for diarrhoea.
amxuxjjtx ros imi .nr xmioirkx
'. . - ATiirvx.
Notlo Sa brrtby lTan that tha Coandl ot
thr City of Portland, Oron, at a mo-tlna
' bald on tha td day of Auu-t. 1S04. dalared
.tha aaaaaaaiaBt by ardlnanca No. 14.DIS, for tba
" enoati-irtloa at a aawar lo Mlaaonrl aranaa
from rTa north Una ( ftentftnt atraat to a
n-aaMtloa with tha awaar In Bacb atrrat, la
tha mannar prorldrd by ordinance No. IS. 04,
upon aack lot, part of lot and pare I of land,
, which ara epeciallr (Dd aacaUarly besetted, to
p as follows. Tin:
. MtJITNOMAR IILOCK M, lot M. 01f P.
Hanaoa. il.lO lot 1, Mary J. N-lsoo,
... tl.lU lot 17, Ralnhard W. Syrlor, IIS.10I
fct IK. Belnhard W. Syrlna, 118.10; lot IS,
- Artbnr U Dowa, 18.10; lot 11, Alexander
. Eldar Batata, fcslre of. I1S.10; lot i. W. H.
Daly,; lot f, Alxaad-r Bldar Eatatm,
hairs at, tla.10; lot . Oast Anderson, 118.10:
kt 8, tmll Hosln. 118.10. HIXJC'K 84, lot
, 22, J. R. Nelson, tM X; lot 90, J. R. Meleon,
f 21.80J lot IK, Erik and Chrtatlne Wlk.
' UL50; M lfl. N. abnlrnban-f, 21.60: lot
' Ti, William Wsckmw. 2l.fioi aootk 4 lot
IX Alexander McAllister, 10.TK north U
kH 12, Kate Norfard, klOTft: lot 10, Albrri
l.tnke. iai BO, lot 8. John Msektn. 821.80:
lot !. Kmma A. Bleloh EaUts, heirs of,
J '21.801 lot 4. Jeaaee P. Klrby, 21.6o. Total.
8.T8. ,
A statement of foresaid aassaament haa
beea entered In tha Docket of City Liens, and
la bow doe and payable at the office of the
City Treasurer, In lawful money of the United
Dtates, and If not paid within 80 daye from
. tha date of thla notice, such proceed I na-s will
ba tskea for the collection of the an me aa
r provided by tba charter of the City af
The abortr' anaeaement will bear Interest It
daye after the first publication of this notice.
- , 1 " Andltor of the City of Portland,
Fortlead. Oreaon, Anraat 8. 1004. '
, , Ifortce Is hereby siren that ea tbe 8th day of
' Am u I , itfMj, mom up ana eropoarniea at rne
City Pound, at Ne. Ml Sixteenth street, In tba
Tit et Portland, Ore(na, tbe followlnc de-
both bind trt white, white etrlp dowa face
and email brand en left armt young red and
white steer with crop in rlsht ear. and unless
the owner or otbrr neraoa or persona baring so
Interest tbeiiln shall cltlm puseeealoa of the
. "-aammLal av
the ynind fees oa aald siUmas), aa provided
by ordinance Mo. B.ttial aa amended, of aald
, t.ty of Portland, I wilt, oa the 1MB day of
Aniiist. !. at the hour of 10 a. aa., et the
t iiy roiino, at rr. stii nixTeentn exreef, in aald
rtrr. aell tbe above described anlnale at untitle
. auction to the blaHeat bidder, to pay the coats
and charges for taking bp, keeping and advertle-
Cated Lbla 11U day af Aus ist, l"o4.
, .w. hnr.n,
noposio ncPBorrktxrt or vonoi
Notice Is Bereby given that at the meeting
et tbe Council of the City of Portland, (tregoo,
bald oa the 8d day at Anguat. 11W4. tbe fol
lowing resolution, waa adopwd:
Kraulved, Tbal the Council of the City (
Portland, Oregoa, deems It expedient and pro
poses to Improve Monroe street from tbe west
line of Colon avenue to the east line of Gen
tn he la avenue la the following aiaaner, te
First r rradlna the street Tull width with
full Intersectioos to tbe proper grade ea given
or ui vi ty engineer. . .
BecondBy bringing the enrfaee ef the street
fall width with fail latersectiona to proper
graoe witn gravel.
Third Bv eonatrnctlng eroaewalka.
trMirthwR ennatractlne' aUHne euttera.
I'lfth By re laying tbe eroeewalka lav accord
ance with the City Engineer' plana, epecirira
tlons and eetlmatee.
Raid Improvement to be made In accordance
with the charter and ordlnancee ef tbe City
of Portland and the plena, apedflratlona and
sett mates of tbe tty Engineer,' filed la the
office of tbe Auditor of the City of Pert land
en the 2th day of July, 1V04, endorsed: "City
Engineer's plana and aped flea tlona for the
Improvement et Monroe street frets the west
line of Union avenue to tbe esst line of Ose
tenbeln avenue, and tba rati ma tee ef the work
to be dona) and the Brobeble total coat thereof. "
The cost. of aald Improvement to he assessed
as provided by the cHy charter anon the
renortr speatsllr bene. led thereby, and which
b hereby declared to be ill tbe iota, parts of
lota and parcele ef land lying between a line
100 feet north of and parallel with, the north
line of Monroe street and a line 100 feet eoatb
ef and Darallrl with tbe sooth line of Monree
street and between the west line of Union s ve
nae end the east line ef Osntenbela evenue.
Tbe Engineer's estimate of the probable total
east for the Impreremeat ef aald Monroe street
la 84.fton.oo. ' -
lfce above Improvement la to be c leased aa a
gravel Imntwrement and ahall be maintained by
the city for a period of Ave ears, provided that
the owners of a majority of the property bene
gtcd by said Improvement or any portion thereof
sosu box pemioa ror a aew or- oirrerent in
Movement before the exnlretlosk ef such Berlnd.
'inenuns,. sped rice Clone ana estimates o tne
City Engineer for tbe Improvement ef .said
Monroe etpeW AM berahe mAnwytmA
Resolved, That tbe Auditor ef the City ef
Portland he and he la hereby directed- to give
notice of tbe pregoeed Improvement ef eald
street as rmvldedAr tba city charter,
Reinouelieneea against the above Improve
meat msy be filed In writing with the ander
signed within 80 daye from the date ef the
By order ef the CrnincUV
TH8. 0. PETTI",
Aadtto of the City of Portland.
Portland, Oregoa, Anraat 8, 1004.
nofouo utpmovEktEWT or east aide
, . 1TEEET.
' Notice I bereby given that at the meeting
or tne uonncii or tne city or rortiana, uregon.
aeia oa tne ea any or August, lvue, ins xoi.
lowtna resolution was adVwted: - -
Resolved, That the Council ef the City et
Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro.
noses to Improve East Alder street from tbe east
line et Esat Thirty-eighth street to the west
line ef Kaat Thirty-ninth lareet. In the folVow-
ug manner, to-wit: .
First By grading tbe street fall width with
fall Intersections to the proper grade ae glvea
oy ins i.iry amgineer.
fterond By coastructlng wooden sidewalks.
Bald Improve mant te be meds In eccordence
with the charter and ordlnancee of the City
of Portland and the plana, aped ft rations and
estlputae of the City Knslneer. filed In tbe
office of the Andltor ef the City of Portland
en the SMh day of July, 1004. endorsed: ''City
Engineer's plans and specifications i for- the
Improvement of Esst Alder street from - the
esst line ef Esst Thirty-eighth street to the
west line of Esst Thirty-ninth street, and the
eetlmatee sf ths work to be done and the prob
able total coat thereof," ,
The cost of esld Improvement to be assessed
aa provided by tbe city . charter upon ths
property specially benedted thereby, and which
la hereby declared to be all tbe lot, parte of
lota and parcels of Mad lying between a line
iuu lest north oi ana Darallrl witn tne nortn
line of Esat Alder treat and 'a line 100 feet
south of snd parallel with ths south Una of
East Alder street and between the esst line of
Esst Thirty-eighth street and the weat line ef
Esat Tbirty-nintp street.
The Engineer's estimate ef tbe -probable total
cost for ths tmnroTemeat of aald East Alder
street la 8780.00. -
Tbs plans, speeineationa ana eetlmatee or the
iitr snrineer tor tne improvement ex ssia tsssi
Alder street ere hereby edonted.
Resolved, That tba Auditor of the City ef
Portland be and he te. bereby directed to give
notice ex
i of the proposed Improvement af aald
aa provided by the city charter.
Remonstrances against the shove Improve
ment msy be filed In writing with the ander.
signed within 30 dsya from the date at the
rim BTjtmrstion or tnia nones. .
By order of the Council, -'
Auditor of the CltJ of Portland.
Port lend. Oregon, August 8. 1904.
Notice la hereby, given that at the meeting
or tne cooncii or tne city or rortiana, Oregon,
Beia oa tba za asy oi August, ivus, us ioi
iowms resolution wss aaooteai
Resolved, That ths Council ef the City ef
Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient snd pro-
Doses to improve Kast wasnmrton atreet rrom
the eeet line of Beat Thirty-eighth street
to the west Una sf Esat- Ttrtr-nlnth street la
tne rouowing si inner, nwu:
rmt nr mains tne street run wiatn witn
full intersections to ths proper grade aa glvea
ey'tne vitv engineer. ,
aecono y construenna weoaen maewaixa.
8a Id ImDrorement to be made la accordance
witn tne charter ana eramsoees or tne city
of Portland and the plana, sped fleet loos and
eetlmatee of the City Engineer, filed la the
office of tbs Auditor of ths City of Portland
on ths 0th day of July, 1004. sndorsed: "City
Engineer's plans and specifications for tbe
Improvement of Esat 'ssblngtnn street from
tne eaat line or nasi inirty-eirntn atreei te
the west line of East Thirty-ninth street, end
the estimates of. tbe work to be do oe and the
nroneble total coat thereof."'
The cost of said Improvement te be assessed
aa provided by the city rharter upon the
rirooertv epedellr benefited thereby, end which
la hereby declared to be all tha lots, parte of
lots end parcels ef land lying between a line
Kio reel nortn or ana parallel wits tne nor rn line
or Beat waeblnaton street ana a nne.iraj reel
south of and parallel with the aeath line of
Kaat Washington street and between tne east
line of Esst Thirty-eighth etreet and tha weat
line of East Thirty-ninth etreet.
Tbe Enslneer'a estimate or the nronable total
coat for tha Improvement of said Eaat Wash.
1 tig ton etreet la 2K4. . ,
The eisna. anecinctnooa ana eetlmatee or tne
City Engineer for the Improvement of eald Eaat
Waabington erreet are hereny adopted.
Resolved, That the Auditor f' tbe City ef
Portlaad be end he te hereby directed to give
notice of the proposed Improvement of said
sueet ae provided by the city charter.
KeBjooeirances sgainei tne annve - improve
ment mar be filed In writing with the under
signed within 10 dsye from the data ef tbe
first publication of thla notice. .
By oraer or tne (onncn.
Auditor f the City of Portland.
Portland, Oregoa, August V, 1804.
v. STREET. " -
Notice la hereby riven that the Council af
the City ef Portlsnd, Oregon, et a meeting
held on tbe 8d day of Aogust, 1904. declared
the sesesemenl hr ordinance No. 14.132. for the
construction of a newer In Belmont street from
100 feet west of the west line of Esst Thirty
ss rents etreet to eewer In Belmont etreet at
the eeet line of Snnnyslde. la the manner
provided by ordinance ho. 18,963, upon each lot,
tart ef lot and parcel of lend, which are apee
illy and peculiarly bene 11 ted, to he aa follows,
Oregon BLOCK B, lot 12, Edward L. Bsugh
an, 811.4ft; lot 18, B. J. Warden, 11. 6n;
esst 18 feet lot 14, H. J. Warden, 14.4ft;
wsst 30 1-8 feet let 14, jlook Werage, 87.00;
eaat Vk lot IS, Jacob Warage. tn ao: west
4 lot 18, Clara A. Holttlnger, 88 8A; lot 19,
- Clsra A. Holttlnger. 81140, BU1CK OK.
lot B. The .Title Ciiarantee A Trust On.,
IT.ns; lot 4. The Title Guarantee A Trust
eo; lot 8, The Title Quarantre A
Trust Co., 8IT.0B1
lot 3,
The Title Guarantee
A Trust Co.. 817.06: lot 1. The Title (liuru.
tee A Truet Co., 117.10. Total. 819.20,
A Statement of aforesaid aaasMment has
been entered In tbe Docket of City Lleue, and
e bow cue ana psyanie ar tne orrice of the
City Treasurer, tn lswfnl money ef the United
8tstea, and If not paid .within 80 days from
tbe date ef -thla notice, ancb proceedlnge will
he taken for the collection ef the earns ae
are provided by the charter of the City ef
The above assessment will bear Interest 10
dels after the first publication of thla notice.
1U. tj. DEVLIN.
Andltor of ths City of Portland,
rortlaad, Oregon, Auguet 8. 1904.
Notice to hereby given that oa tha 8th day
ef Anguat, 1W4, I took an and sm pounded In
ne v . 7 . U.I..I. - ..... . .iiirrutn eirevm,
li the CHy of Portland, Oregon, tbe- following
described ' enlmal: . One large. light
the city rounn, si m. sni aixteentn street.
hnndie - eoiorea ,c"w. gna uniesa the
Mr or otner person or persons ksring
sn - Interest tnerein ensil Claim snssessLnn
of the earns, and pay all coats -and cbarres of
tha beeping ana auvsrtieing tnem, togsthsr
with tbs pound fees oa.asld animal, aa pro
vided by ordinance No. l,92r, ge amended,
ef eald City of Portland, I will en the l.'.th
day ef Anguat, 1H04, at the hour et In a. m,,
at the City Pound, at No, Ml Hliteemh atrret,
In sold ally, "ell the shove described anfnisi
at public suction to the highest lddder, to pay
the eoets snd chsrres for tsklns ud. keeulutf
and sdvertlslng such animal.
Uetrc uig gug a ay ox aneuat, iia.
Notice to hereby glvea that the Council of
the City ot Portland, Orison, at a meeting
held oa tbe Sd day of Auguat, 1904. declared
the aaeesement by ordlnsacs bio. 14,126, tor tbe
Improvement of Presoott etreet from the weet
Hue ef East -Tenth street to the west lias of
East Pourteenth street, la the manner provided
by ordinance No. 1S.H7S, upon each lot, part ef
kit and parcel of land, which are apecially aad
peculiarly neaemefl. to no aa xouowa, via:
UlUtlLANu BLOCK 1. lot , lleor . Doa-
nsll, 8129 26: lot 8, Uvnrv 8. ponnrlL llli
' lot 8. William C. Btrahan. fao.X2: kt.T,
WlUUa C. Btrahan. BLOCK 18.
lot , Marlon Bmlth, 8104.17; lot 6, Marlon
oiuim, fun,, ao. , u iu. dum.o, .iu,v,
lot T. Marlon Smith, 8H6.74. BLOCK 14. lot
n. Editn n. 7 u tcora, iu.u; log o. tmitn r.
Tuffd. $11,181 lot 8, Walter J. Cbeeey,
818.80: lot 7, Andrew B. Oueberg, fnl.BO.
BLOCK 18. lot klary J. Bagadnm, idl.76;
- kit 5, Mary J. Uaradom, 818-381 lot 8,
Jsmee N. kllllo-a, 8IS 28 lot T, Maggie 0.
Btsvens, hLorH 12. lot . John
Morsn, 111.84: lot 8. Joha Morsn, 89.67.
r. n. Aofoid. f io.oai lot a r. m. Aotoia,
Title uusrsntee Trust to., lot
11. The Title Oaarentee it Trust Co., 24.77.
BLOCK 38. lot 1, Tbs Tltls Ousrantes A
Trust Co., 878 83: lot 8, John aVhlag. tU H;
lot 11, The Title Guarantee A Truet Co.,
8)1.81; lot 11 The Title Guarantee A Trust
Co., 870.87. BLOCK 84, lot 1, The Title
Gnsrantse A Truet Oe., 881.18) kit 1 The
. Title Uusrsntee rroit 10., gio.4a lot 11
The Title Onsrsntee A Trust Co.. 810.70! lot
12. Tba Title Ouaraotee A Trast Co... 8X1.80.
BfCK 23, lot 1, Ths Title Ousrantes A
Trust On., 8h).81 lot 3. The Tltls Ousrantes
A Treat Co.. 818.06) lot 11, William Roy
motes, iii wi; lot is, wimsm swy gtoass,
. 8U8.16. BIOCK 23. weet 100 feet lot 1.
hlsrr A. Boles, 818.841 west 100 fsst lot 8.
Msry A. Botce, 810.411 north TM feet ef west
loo feet lot 8, Mary A. Buloe, ll.&O. Total.
. tl.T41.08. -
A eUUment of a fore aald geaaiaaisat bag
been entered In the Docket ef ' City Liens, end
is now due and payable at tne office el the
It v Treasurer, In lawful nmoey of tbe United
guess, and If not paid within 80 dsye from
tbe date ef this notice.' such proceedlnge will
he taken for the collection ef the same ee
ire provided by the charter of tha City af
The above assessment will bear Interest 10
days after the first nuMicattoa or this notice.
' Andltor ef the City of Portland.
Portland. Oregoa. August t. ISOs.
Sealed nrooosels will he received hr the
undersigned at the office ef the Andltor et
the Cltr of Portland. Oregon, aatll Monday
Auguat 18, 1904, et e'eteck . m,, foe the ea le,
at not lees tha a par value and accrued Interest,
of Ininrovament bonds of ths City ef Portland.
Oregon, ae the esme ahall he authorised to be
Issued for the whole or any pert of 848.128.58.
Said bonds will be Issued In denominations of
83O0.O0 ssca. ao be dated Auguet l, iwh, pays
bis ten years from date, hesrlng Interest at tke
rate of per cent per annum, parable semi
annually. Interest snd principal paysbls la
United States gold coin, at tbe office of tbe
City Treasurer, Portland. Oregon. Provided,
that the City efPortland reeervee the right tg
take ap and cancel suck bonds, upon ths pay
ment ot. ths face value thereof, with accrued
Interest to the date of payment, at any semi
annual eonpon period et or after one year from
the data of such bonds.
8sld bonds ara Issued Under entboritr of aa
act of tbe Leglslsture of the State of Oregon,
rieeed February 18, 1898, entitled! "An act
i provide tor tbe lasusnce of bonds for tha
Irapatrrement of streets snd tbe laying et sewers
In 1 boor nor a ted elttee, and for the payment of
coats of each Improvementa end laying ef
eewera - by Installments," ae amended by aa
act of- the Leglslsture of tbe Stste ef Oregon,
approved February 38, 1901, entitled: . "An act
te emend sections 1. 1 8. 4. 8, 8 and T of an
act entitled: 'An act to provide for the Issuance
or nonas ror tne improvement or etreste ana
la vine of eewera in Incorporated eitlea. and for
tha payment of ths cost of such Improve
ments and laying of sewers by Installments,'
filed la the office ef the Secretary of State
February Si 1808. and tbe proceeds thereof
to be need for the payment In part tor tbe
Improvement of streets or construction of sewere
aa thk said Improvementa ahall he completed.
The validity of the. act of the Leslilature
aforesaid haa been affirmed by the Supreme
uourt ot tne crate or urcgon.
Bidders will be rsaotredJo submit 8 flat bid.
without coadltlona. except as to the remlartty
of tie issue ef bonds, snd to submit with thslr
bids s certified check on a bsak In tbe City ot
Portland. Oregoa, equal, to 8 per cent of the
face value of tbe bonds bid tor, payable to tbe
Mayor of the City of Portland, aa liquidated
damages In ease each bidder withdraws hla
bid or falls or neglects to enter Into contract
t- take and par for aald bonds according to the
terms ef hla bid and thla notice. Tbe rlatit
to reject ony ana an nine is nereny resorted.
Bids should he addressed to Thomae C. Devlin.
Auditor of the City of Portland, Portland. Ore.
ana sruunea - Bias rug . improvement
' '" " ' fc. KtMMERMAN,
- VI. K. Al'tlKN.
' - D. T. 8HEBRETT.
Committee on Ways snd Means.
Portland. Oosgon, Aogust 8, 1804.
.-- --! . STREET. J :
Notice to hereby glvea that at the meeting
ef the Council of the City ot Portland, Oregon,
held ea the Id day of Anguat, 1904. the fol
lowing resolution wag adopted:
Resolved That the Council of tbe City ef
Portland, Onegon, dee roe It expedient and pro
poses lo improve rrsmont street irons the west
line ef Eaat Eighth etreet to tha eaat Una of
Union avenue In the following manner, to-
F'rat Bv grading the etreet full width' with
full intersections to ths D roper grade aa alvea
by the. City Engineer.
Second By bringing the surface of tbe etreet
full width with full Intersections to the proper
grans witn grsvei.
Third By censtrncttng wooden sidewalks la
eccornsnce witn tne my aiyjiiieer a plans.
snecirirsiiomi a no esiimsies.
ronrtn nr eonstrncTina wooaea crosswaixs.
Fifth Rr eenstmetlna boa and atone nutters
in accordance wita tne city Knginesr g puns,
specifications and eetlmatee.
Bald Improvement le be made tn accordance
with me charter ana ordlnancee or tbe citv
of Portlaad and the plane, epeoifioattona and
eenmatee nr tne iitr luigineer, xiiea in the
orrice or tne Anaitor ot tne inty or rortiana
on the lot day ef Auguat, 1904, endorsed: "City
r-nsineev e uisns sna iperuiciiioie xor ins
morovement or rremont street rrom tne weet
Hne of East Eighth etreet to the eaat line of
Union avenue, and tne estimstes or the work to
he dons snd tbs nrooanis total cost tuareor.
The cost ef aald Improvement to be assaaeed
as provided by the city charter anon the
ftrcperty specially benefited thereby, and which
hereny declared to be ell the iota, parts of
lots and parcels of land lying between a Una
loo reef nortn eg ana serene! witn the aorta
Mne of Fremont street and a line 100 feet
south of and parallel with ths south line ef
Fremont street, eaa Between tne weet line ef
Esst nMgbth street ssa tne esst line ot Colon
Ths Kngineere estimate of tne nronable total
enet for tbe Improvement of eald Fremont
atreei la se.uTo.uu.
Tbe above improvement -J to ae Classen aa a
grsvei Improvement and aball be maintained by
the city for a period ef five years, provided
that tba owners of a majority of tbe nropertv
beneated by ssld Improvement or any portion
thereof shall not petition for a new or different
improvement before tbe expiration of such
period. -
The plana, specifications and estimates of tbe
City Engineer for the Improvement of aald
Fremont atrret ere hereby adopted.
- Keeoivea, mat tne auoitor or rne city or
Portland be snd he Is herehv directed lo H
notice of (he proposed Improvement of said
street ae provided by the city rharter,
Remonstrances against the- above - las prove
ment msr be filed In writ Ins- with the ander.
signed within 20 deya from tbe date at the
first puniirstioa sr this notice.
By order ot tne tvmncu. .
Andltor of the City of Portland, v
Portland, Oregoa, August 6, 1904.
Notice- to hereby given that the boanrll af
the City et Portland, Oregon, at a meeting
held ea tbe td day of August, 1904. declared
tba assessment by ordinance No. 14,185, f the
eoretructlon ef a eewer In Esst TWentr-esventb
street from the north line of Esst Start street
to a goaeeeiioa witn toe eewer in Esst Pine
street, In the manner provided by ordinance
No. 18.969. npoa each Int. part of lot and uml
of land, which are specially and peculiarly hen.
enten, in oe mm ioibwi. via:
to mt J. H. A. ueorge, glo w; eaat M lot
1 R. A, George, tlS.OR: weet V, kit 1,
Adelaide Poppleton Harding, tT.iflll weet
H kt 8. Adelslde Poppletoa Ilardlng, 87. M;
lot A Lurlnda s'orhee,; lot 4, Laclnda
- Forbes. f22.0; lot 8, Anthony NawratlL
IIAAO. BLOCK 7, lot 1. Maggie H. Clark,
li.; lot 1 W. E. Htrsnhsll. 822.80. BLOl K
1, weet H lot 10. William M. Lsdd. 81088;
west H lot 9, Wllllsm M. Ledd. 10.M eaat
H kit 10, J. R. Posson. $3.8A; esat Vi
lot , -J. R. Poeson, M..1I; lot 8, Jobs
R. Bnmett, 314.30; hit T, John B. Burnett,
814.10; lot 8. Cslsh Myers. 814.30. BLOCK .
lot M, Margaret J. Bryant. tl4.30i lot f,
Charles DavTa. 814.20. Total,
A statement of aforesaid assessment ' hai
been entered in tbe Docket of City Liens, and
la now due end psyahie at tbe office of the
City Treasurer, In lawful 'money of the United
States, and It not paid within 80 days from
the date ef this notice, awn nee will
be token for the collection of tbe name aa
are provided by tba charter of, the Clly of
The above geseesment will bear Interest 10
dais after the first publication of thla aotlce.
Auditor et the City nf PortlegaV, :
fatUt&m&UfMm luABt ft. ltua ,
Notice le hereby given that ths Council ot
the City of Portland, Oregon, at a meeting
held oa tbe 8d day of August, 1904. declared
the asaeesmeot by ordinance No. 14,128, for the
construction of s sewer la Esat Twentr-slxth
etreet from 80 feet south of tbe Sua Lb line of
Esat Start street te a oo enaction with tbe
eewer in Belmuot etreet, In tbe manner provided
by ordtuaacs No. 18,908, npoa each lot. part ef
lot and parcel of land, which are specially gad
pcuiivt veueoieu, ,u un ee tuiavwa, . i-,
TlLTON'l ADDITION to the Cltr of Portland
luc& i, nortn w iset si sot i, litis
Uusrautee A Trust Company, 87 60; north 88
feet of lot A litis Uuarantee A Trust Ooto-
Kay, 8.a0 north 88 feel of tbe eaat HO
t ef lot 8, Tltia Guarantee A Trust Ceas
pany, 81.70.
feet of block 80, Portland Lone Fir Corns
tery Company. $oB.oo; eaat 100 feet of block
88. Portland Lous fir Cemetery Ooaieiu.
88.63; east 100 feet ef Mock 87, Portland
Lone Fir Cemetery Company, 89.66; eeet luO
leev. ex Bases eo. ruriuoii iBf sir use
tery Company, 8o8.6n: seat 190 fset of block
86. Portlsnil Loss Fur Dame tar, Comosiiv.
878.80: eeet loo feet ef block B, PortUnd
Lone Fir Usxaetery Oompsay, 816.40.
BANHON'd ADD. to Estst Portland
BUH'K 7, north SRI feet of - lot 1, City A
Suburban Railway Company, 818.70; eoath
14.8 feet of lot 1. Hannah L. Heater brook,
tH.28; lot 1 iisnnah L. Easterbrook, 827.96.
LOCK 8, lot 4, Edward N. W healer, (27.l
eoutn eo reet or kit. a. sawsra n. woesier.
822.86; north 10 feet of lot A Helen M.
Wllllsnssasu 83.80! south 37 feet of lot A
Helen. M. Williamson, 818.10; north M fset
-at lot A Henry M. Williamson, 186; lot
fcusnry m. wiiimmsoa, fxi-vo. biw.l s,
t A Joha Oanteobein, 187.86: lot A John
Csotonbeiu. 37.96: sset ef lot A Fred J.
. McMonlse, 810-20; esst Vs of lot .1. Fred
.J. McMonlee, 810.28; wast Vfc of lot 3. Henry
Oseae Bmlth. 81T.T01 weet t of lot i. Henry
Oscar Smith, 817.70. BLOCK 1 east Vs sf
lot A Rats B. Buekwalter. 810-38; east V
sf lot A Kate B. Buekwalter, 10.26; west
H of lot A A. U Tyler, 817.70; weet H ef
lot 8, A. L. Tyler, 817.70: lot A Mary B,
McBrkle, t27.8; lot 1, Mary B. MsRride,
tT lev Total. 8g68.8A
A stsUmaot of s foresaid aeseesment . haa
beea entered In the Docket ot City Lisas, and
la now due and payable et the office of tbe
City Treasurer, .In lawful mosey of tbs United
States, and If net paid within 80 daye from
the date ef thla notice, such proceedlnge will
be takes 'for tke collection of tbe asms as
are provided by the charter of the City af
Tbe above assessment will bear Interest 10
Ora attar aha first publication ot mis aotwe,
Auditor ef the City ot Portlaad,
Portland, Orefoa, August 8, 1904.
Notice la hereby given that tbe Council ef
the City ef Portlsud, Oregon, at a meeting
held ea the Rd dav of A usual, 1904. declared
the asssssmant by ordinance No. 14,180, fur tbe
eo ua traction ef a eewer la Esat roirty-eecona
attest from 18 feet eonth ef the south line
ef Esst Ralmon street te a ooensottosi with
the eewer la Esst Thirty -second etreet
at Bast Taylor sueet; a sewer la East
Salmon street from 160 feet weat ef the weet Una
ef East Thirty-second street to a eoaaeetloa
with the eewer In East . Thirty -second
street, and a newer in But Salmon etreet from
180 feat east of tha eaat line ot Seat Thirty
second street to a connection with the
eewer tn Beat Thirty -eeeood etreet, la the
manner provided by ordinance No. 18,967, -upon
esah lot, part of lot end psresl of land, which
are specially aad peculiarly benefited, to he as
follows, vis:
RC NNVS1DE BLOCK 88, lot X. Jennie Gray,
838.20; eoath. kit A Jenala Gray, 8S J3
north H A Sunny aids Land Improve
ment Co., t8.T6; lot 8, Sunny side Land A
Improvement Co., gir.oo; lot e. Charles w.
Bush. (17.60; lot o. Antop achates rs. 817.60;
lot a, Anton acnarrara.; Hit , nuuny
alde Land A Improvement Co., (23.40; lot 12,
suuafuu, a,uj a, iwri v-wvu, v.., fuw,
BLOCK 40. lot A Suunyslde Land Improve
' ment Co.. (22.40, weet Vs kit 8, Sunuyalde
. Land A Improvsaiant Co., (11.30; eaat lot
8. John D. Mlckla, (11.30! lot 11 John D.
Mlekle. (22.40: lot 1A U. P. W. snd Alvlda
it. Anderson, 883. 20; lot 14, Bunayslde Land
St uiproTvwiit &i.e eia x, avsunsw
- Rtsele, (21.30. . BLOCK 43. lot A Buunyalde
Leina improvement .o.,, lot a, nun.
nyslde Lend A Improvement Co.. (1A80; lot
A Sunnnyelde Lend A Improvement Co.,
(14.80; lot 7, Sannyslds Lend A Improvement
Da.. 818.80: lot 8. Bunnrside Land A Imnrovw
ment Co., (18.80; lot ft, Bunnystde Land A
improvement uo., gin. no. blcwjo. ee, lot l,
8unnyslde Land A Improvement Co., (10.80;
i... a iHnRHi.. r . .. .t a. inMuMM.
a, a ao. J u i a r , a. - 1
fiv.ei, m' nuuuj .u. mhu a, , ,ji , t .uwi ,
Co., (1A80; lot 4, Sunny aide Land A Improve,
ment Co.. (Id 80; kt IS, Bunayslde Land A
, improvement to.,; iov o, nunnysiae
Lend A Improvement Co., 118.80'; lot lettered
N, Sunnyalde Isnd A . Improvsment Co., Total, aods.w. -
A statement of aforesaid eseeesment hsa
beea entered In the Docket of City Liens, and
Is now due end payable at tba office of the
City Treasurer, la lawful money et the United
States, aad If not paid within 80 dsye from
the data of thla notice, auch proceedlnge will
be taken for the collection' of the same se
ere provided by tab charter of ths City of
The above amassment will hear Interest 10
days attar tne fur t publication of this notice.
Andltor of the City of PortlaaA
Fortlsnd, Orison, Auguat 8, 1904.
Notice la hereby given that the Council of
tbe -City of Portland, Oregon, at a meeting
held oa tbe td day of August, 1904. declared
tbe aseesimsnt by ordinance No. 14,124, for the
Improvement of Arthur street, from the west
line ox Hooa etreet to tne east line or f irst
street, In the manner provided by ordinance No,
18,818, upon esch lot, part of lot and parcel
et - lsnd, which are specially aad peculiarly
benedted, to bass follows, vis: '
-ADDITION to the City of Portland BLOCK
62. lot 8, Oregon Railroad A Nsvlgstlon Co..
S 80.16; lot A Oregon Railroad A Navigation
.. 861. 48; lot A Oregoa Railroad A Nav
igation Co., (so. 07; lot A Oregon Railroad A
- KsvlgsMon Co., (20A78. BLOCK 49, kit A
Richard Martin, Jr., (17141 1 Jot A Hsnnsb
Martin, 81S.aT; lot o, toward Mendenhau,
So4.6: lot A Edward MendenhalL 3212.43,
BLOCK 40, east At feet of kit 6, Jamas
Humphrey, (s 25; eaat 4.1 feet of lot 8.
. Jamee Humphrey. 32.88; west 38.8 feet of
lot A D. W. Campbell. (o.14; west 3B.S
feet of sootA IT feet ot lot A D. W. Camp
bell, 86.201 west 20 fact or east a, J feet
or lot .o. 4. n. anu r . a. aaano,
it 38 feet of eeet aw.3 feet or south
of lot A J- B. and F. I. Msna. (7.64: ssii
18 feet of west 81. S feet of lot 8, Oeorge
Notheagts, (OS AT; ssst 38 feet of weet 61.8
met sr sort to it leex ot si- o, leoorre notn-
' nagle, (6.83; eeat 25 foot of west 74.8 feet
Ox lot 0, r. w. lieiinri. east aw xeet
of weet 74 8 feet of eoath Vi of lot A P. W.
Do Huff, 87.64; west 101.1 feet- of north H
of lot A Oermaa Savings A Loan Society.
t30.70g north 8 feet of west H ef south H
of lot 4. German Ssvtnga A Losn Society,
(A 00; lot A James Humphrey, gai.O: lot
4. Jsmee Humphrey, (2N4.H4. BLOCK 63. lot
8, Louie Arnold, 8267.19; lot I, loula Arnold.
(24.18; lot 3. JdIIs II, Hsrr. f20.35- lot 1,
Albert Wright. (269 41 BLOCK 48, west
TB feet of lot S, M. R. Llchtenthaler. (eo.eft;
: west 76 feet of lot T, M. R. Llcbtentbaler,
13.78: aest 81 feet or mi a, r. M. Licn
anthalee. 8.T7 .01 ! esat 81 feet of kit T. F. M.
. Llchtenthaler. 86.38: eest ion feet of south
V, of lot 8. Joha Dudley, 126.80; east 100
feetaCf north U of lot 1 H. O. Enrienart,
26lk): west t feet of lot I F. M. Llrhten,
thsler, (8.071 west 8 feet of lot I. F, If,
' Uch tent holer, (9 48; seat 100 feet of lot 1.
U F, and Sarah M. Outhrte. (1118.73. BLOCK
41. kit A L. P. Beno, (171.14: lot T, L. P.
fiene, (MM; lot 1 J. B. Scott. 318 81; east
8 feet ef kit 1. Lenra B and John I. Lenta.
(138.18: weet 88 feet of tot 1, W. aad M.
icott, $02.87. Totsl. 81.KO.14.
a tii.iupt nf eforeaeld a eases ment hse
been entered In the Docket ef City Mens, and
Is now due end payshle at ths office of tbe
City Tressurer, In lawful money ef the United
States, and If not paid within SO days 4rnm
the date ef thla notice, ench riroceedings will
be taken for the collection of the earns ke
are provided by tbe ebertrr of tba City ef
Portlend - - "
Ths above assessment wilt beer Interest '10
days after the first publication of this notice.
' , TrlOA C. DEVLIN,
' Andltor ef the City of FortlanA
Portland. Oregon, Auguat 9, 1004.
Norlea Is hereby given thatithe Council of
the City of Portland. Oregon, at a meeting
held on the td dag ef August, , 1904 declared
the essessatent by ordinance No. 14J27. for the
Improvement of Ankeny etreet from the west
line ef Sixth gtreet to the eest line of Semg
street. In ths manner provided by ordinance No.
13,774, upon esch lot. Pert of kit sad parcel
sf land, which are epeelally gad peculiarly bene
fited, to be as f'lllowg, vl:
OOI CH'S ADDITION to the City of Portland
BLOCK a. south vt 01 vm 100 I eel or
block 48, Mary Ievai.ey, 1697.68. Tbe north
erly Vs it a triangular parrel ef land lying
between the southerly line of Ankeny etreet,
the westerly . line or Sixth street aud the
northerly line e( Pine street. City et Port
land. (1H86A Total, l7M.ll.
A statement nt gforeaald aeaeesment hsa
been entered In the Docket of City l.lene, and
la now due end payshle et the office of the
City Tressurer. In Iswful money of the United
Ststea. aad It not nald within 80 dsye from
tbe dste of this notice, ench proceedings will
be taken for the collection of the earns aa
are provided by the- charter of tbe City of
fori i a no.
The shove assessment will bear latereet 10
daye after the first publication of this aotlce.
H1UB. V. 1'V.VI.I.V,
Auditor ef the City of Portland.
jrecthatV. jOreBon, Atfutt S, 1904,
Notice la hereby glvea that the Council of
the City ot fori laud, Oregon, at a meeting
held on the 3d day of August, 1904. declared
the aeseesment by ordinance no. 14,144, tor the
lmivvemeat of Seveuteeuth sueet from bbSe
feet north of tbe norm Uue ot Vaughn etreet
to. ths eoutb lino vf Marshall etreet, la the
manner provided by ordinance No. 18,418, npoa
each lot, part ef lot and parcel of land, which
srs apecially and peculiarly be as riled, to he aa
follows, via:
COLCirs ADDITION to the City ef Portland
BLOCK 180, kit A Trust ass ot MarebaU
8 tree t Presbyterian Church, (3.81; lot 8,
St. John Presbyter isn Cburch, (2.88. BLOCK
307, lot 1, John F. Sbea, (17.87; lot A
John F. Shea. (70.78) lot A Thomas Mann,
(2&a.86; kit 8, Thoniae Mana, (271.30, BLOCK
810, lot 1, Clsmlntlua F. Lewie, (241.86; lot 4,
Clemlntlua F. Leela, (264.49; kit 8, Cleala
tlua F. Lewis, 8 m. 03; lot 8, Clemlntlua F.
Lewll. AM7.98. BLOCK 32, lot 1, D. B.
hteeves, 8600.10; lot A Anna M. Brkkola.
(4)18.72; south M of lot 6, Juba Neuer,
(241.82; north U kit 8, Joseph Relff. (221.48;
east Vs of lot A Olgs Matlbiesea. (178.09;
west M ot lot A D. B. Sleeves, (33.82;
BLOCK 3U, kit 1, George Do Vol, (4ul.70;
lot A Oeorge Do Vol, (444.0.; lot I. Oliver
J. Uroos, 8128.94; lot 8, Oliver t. ,01000,
(143.116. BLOCK 261, let 1, Oliver J. tirove,
(148.63; lot 4. Oliver J. Groce. aj.4d; lot 3,
George 11. Flsnders Eststs, heirs of, (uu 34;
lot 8, William Mungsr Estate, heirs uf.,
BLOCK 364, lot i, Multnomah ' Engine Ooav
nur Benevolent Assorts Uuu, (30.91; lot A
T. L. Kay-klauU, hslre ef. (11.86.
WATSON'S AUDITION to the City ef Fort
Is nd BLOCK T, lot 4. Thomae L. Ray
Estate, bsu-a of, (4T.88: lot A Rlchsrd
Gerdee Ksute, hslre of, (71.0n; kit S, Rlch
ard Gerdee Estate, helra of, (71.08. BLOCK
10, lot 1. Oua Watson Sloan, (14 78; tot A
IH. J. Peterson, (18.10; tot 6. John Clark.
78.84; lot 8, John Clark, $18.28. BLOCK 30,
it 1, Cbarlss Klouclsk. (22.811; lot 4, Bridge
A Beach Manufacturing Company and Crib
hen A Beaton Company, (29.81; lot A Bridge
A Beach Manufacturing Company- and Crib
Ma A Sextos Conipugr, 840.18; lot 8, Crlb
pea A Sextoa Company, A12.OA ' BLOCK 28,
lot 1, Phillip Goldsmith, (18.03: lot 4, Phil
lip Goldsmith., (144.44; kit 8, Phillip Gold
emlth, (101.30; aU of lot 8 except tbe North
era Padnc Terminal Company a right st
way, 1'hllllp Goldsmith, (38.29; a triangular
tract of land lying between the eoutb Una of
1 augba etreet aud the weet Use of Heven
teeuth street and the southwestern boundary
Hue of tbe Northern Pscltte Terminal Com
pany's right of way, Northern paclne Terminal
Company, (17.04; a tract of land lying be
tween the north Una ef Vaugha street and a
Una 6to feet north thereof aud parallel
therewith, - and between the weet Due ef
Seventeenth etreet and the northeasterly bound
ary line et ttje Northern Psclao Terminal Com
pany a right ot way. and between a Una loo
feet weat of and parallel with the weet Una
of Seventeenth street. Northern l'sclhc Termi
nal Compsoy, (19.98; a triangular tract of
land lying between tbe weet line of Beven-
teeuth street and the northwestern boundary
line of the Northern Pscltte Termlnsl Com
pany's tight ef wsy snd a II ns 68 14 feet
north ef end parallel with tbe north Hue
ef Vaagba etreet, Oregon Railway A Navi
gation Company, (147,
COUCH 8 ADDITION to the City of Portland
BLOCK 181, weat H of lot A Martha U Con
ner, (1.48; west Vt of lot T, -Martha L. Con
ner, (1.44; esst Vi ef eaat Vi of lot A Nils
, J. A laager, 80.87 1 eeet Vi of east H of kit
T, Nile J. Alaager. (0.67; weet Vi oFenst Va
of lot 8, Gander Gandereon, (0.67; weet H of
east Vi of lot T, Gander Gonderoon. (0.67.
BIAKK 4. lot 1 N. and C. and A. A.
' Corbie, (9A88; lot A Frsnh and Leopoidlne
tPautmsler, (181.87) MAR C. Fsrrsra.
201.46; lot T, R. C. Ferrara, (16138. BLOt K
11, weat 48 1-13 feet ef lot 1 Henry W.
Cornett Estate, helra of, 8o8 97; ssaf 50
11-13 feet of kit 1 Dennis Barrett, 302 8i
kt 8.' Mary Jacobaon, (,I44.M: lot 6, William
Jecohaon, (314.30; lot 7, Wllllsm Jacobsoa,
(107.61 BLOCK 111, lot A Tc J. Hoare,
(1H9.6&; lot A T. J. Hoars, (117.70; east
60 fect of lot 6, John II. Vogt, (18.8T; east
00 feet of lot T, John H. Vogt, (17.U8, weet
60 feet of lot A Julia Hoare, (120.43; west
- 60 feet of lot T, Julia Hoare, (04.71 BLOCK
334, lot 1 George Alnslee Estste, heirs of,
(181.47: lot I, George Alnslee Estate, heirs
' ef. (141.39: lot A George Atnelee Esute.
helra of. (408.80; lot T, George Alnslee
Eststs. heirs of, (403 M. BLOCK 350, lot
.1 Hartman Stein, (12173: Jot A Bartman
Stein, 856.82; lot A Ross L. Mondg, 324.84;
lot T, jsooh Buech, (28.78. BLOCK 168. kit
- 1 WlllUm, M. Idsrtssll. (20.87; lot A WU1
Ism M. Martsall. (12.44.
WATSON'S ADDITION to the City ef Portland
r-BLOCK A lot A Homer B. Brown, (29.61:
. kit A Chsrlee Geyer KsUte, heirs of, (.e.07;
lot T, Charles Geyer Estste, heirs of, (1181.
pwia i i. uii a. urscs v ateon vial,
lot 8. J. ft. Peter eon, 827.34 ; eoutb 40 feet
of lot 8. J. H. Peterson, (21.42; north 10
feet of lot 8, One Ruth Peterson, (8.251 kit
T, One Ruth Peterson, (18.96. BLOCK 19.
lot 3, Willamette Steam Mlllg Lumber A
eianuraoruring company. 888.80; lot A Will
amette Steam 11 Hla Lumber A Manufacturing
Company, (94.28: lot 4. Willamette Steam
aiius lumper Manufacturing Company,
L 117. 34; lot T, Willamette' Steam- Mills A
umber Msnufscturlnc Company. gllS.NO: s
tract of land lying between the eest Una ot
neveninenin street ana a line J00 feet east
thereof and parallel therewith and between
tbe north line ef Vanghn atreet and a line
80 feet tn rectangular meaeurernent eontherly
from and parallel with the southerly line of
Terminal street, Ererdlng A FarrelL (214.861
a tract of land lying between the esst line
of Seventeenth etreet end a line 100 feet
eaat thereof end parallel therewith and be
tween tne eoutn line of Terminal atreet and
a line 40 feet la rectangular meeaurement
eontherly therefrom end parallel therewith.
Northern Paddc Terminal Comnanv. g 1 0A AM
a tract of land lying between the eaat line
or Beventeenth etreet and a line 100 feet
eaat thereof and parallel therewith end be
tween a line 88.8 fect north of and parallel
with the north Une of Vaughn atreet if ex
tended eeeterly In Its present coarse andj
. ... II .... , i , - a . V
northwesterly Una of lot 11, Terminal block.
Boys' and Girls' Aid Society, (20.20; a tract
ot lead lying between a line 100 feet eaat of
end parallel with the eaat line ef
Seventeenth etreet and the northeaaterly
line of Terminal street and between the
northwesterly line nf lot 19, Terminal block,
end the southeasterly line of lot 31 Terminal
block. Margaret Marshall Eatate, heirs of,
(10.00! right of way. Northern Pacific Termi
nal Company, (17.67.- Total, (10,743.11
A eta foment ef e foresaid oua. earnest has
beea entered In the Docket ef City liens, snd
Is bow due and payable 8t the office ef the
City Treasurer, la lawful money of the United
statee. and lr not paid within go days from
ths data of this notice, such, proceedings will
be taken for the eoMrctlon of the esme aa
are provided by the charter ef the City' of
Portland. -
The above gaeeeement wilt bear Interest 10
dsya after the itret publication or tnta notice.
TIKIS. C. 11CVL.1.-V.
Auditor of the City nf PortlaaA
Portland, Oregon, August 8. 10O4.
Notice to bereby given that the Council of
the Cltr of Portland. Oreson. at a meeclna
held oa tha 3d day of Auguet, 1904. declared
the eeeeeament by ordinance No. 14.138, for the
Improvement of Pine street from the weat line
of Sixth street to the eest line of Seventh street.
In the manner provided by ordinance No. 13,776,
upon each lot. part ef lot and parrel of land,
which are apecially and peculiarly benefited,
to be aa follows via:
PORTLANli block 84, mr 1. Henry w. Dor-
bett Estste, beire of, gnnz.9n; lot g, Henry
W. Oorbett Estate, helra of, (87.84. The
eontherly Vi of a trlangulsr tract of land
lying between the eontherly line of Ankeny
etreet, the weeterly line nf tilth etreet, and
the northerly line of Pine atrret. City ot
Portland. (404.97. Total. (1.146 73.
A atatement nf gforeaald assessment haa
been entered In the Docket of City l.lene, and
le now due and payable at the office of tbe
City Tressurer, In lawful money ot the United
Btatea, end If not psld within 80 dsye from
the dste of this notice, such proceeding will
be taken for the collection of the same es
ere provided by the charter of the City of
The above asaeestnent wilt bear Intereat 10
daya after the flrstrnlillratlon of this notice.
tl'fn- M. l'BVl,.,
Andltor of the City of PortlaaA
Portland, Orrgon, Artgnot ft. Ibod.
Notice to hereby glvea that tbe OonnMI of
the City ot Portland. Oregon, at a meeting
held on tha 3d day nf August, 1904, declared
the assessment br ordinance No, 14.131. for tha
ronatructlon of a sewer In Locuet avenue from
100 feet west of the weat line of ths crescent to
a eewer In Eaat Thirtieth atreet, la tha manner
provided by ordinance no. le.wos, upon eacn lot.
art 01 lot ana parcel oi isnu, wnirn a re spee-
lly and peculiarly benefited, to ho aa foliowa.
SUNNTSIDB BLOCK 14, alt af lot 11 lying
north of a Una l"U reel eouto or ana parallel
with the eoath line of Locuet 'avenue. Sunny,
aide Lend A Improvement Co., 31.00; lot
10. Sunnyslde Lend A Improvement Co.,
(26. to: kt 9, Sunnyslde Land A Improvement
Co., H.V30; kt 8. Bunnrside Land A Im
provement Co., (45.30. Bmk'K A a
U of kt 4. Helena M. Williamson,
sotirberlv- Vi le 8. Rarah i Jewell,
17. no;
eontherly Vi kit 8. Msrlaa C, Johnston,
a 26;
southerly I, lot T
W. F. Hubbard
southerly H
InS f. Home ilusnnhrer- XU HA
Total. (218.50. .
A atstement nf aforesaid a nee si ment bss
beea entered In tbe Docket 0f ( ty Liens, and
le now due and payable at tba office of the
City Tree surer. In lawful money of the Untied
Statee. and If not paid within 80 days from
the date of thla or ties, auch proceedliiga will
be token for the collection of the tame ea
ar provided by thai charter ot tbe City of
portlend, ' .
The a hove saeeearncnt will bear Interest 10
days after the first publlcstlon of this notice.
i nun. I'sru.i,
Andltor of ths city nf PortlaaA -Fortlaad.
Oregon. Aogust A lBOA .
J . - -m - v
Notice Is hereby given thet tbe Coaarll ef
tbs City of Portland, Oreeon, st a meeting
held eu tbe 3d day of August. 1904. declared
the aaeesasnent by ordinance No. 14,125, for the
Improvement of East Twenty nrst street, from
the center line of llsncot-k street to tbe eoutn
Hue of Weldlrr etreet. In the msnnrr provided
by ordinance No. Ll.euA noon each kit, part of
lot and parcel ef land, which are apecially aad
peculiarly benefited, to be aa follnwe, vis. :
' Portland BLOrK A lot 1, Charles H. Pres
ent t, truetee, (60.96; kit 1 Charles II. Pres
. eott, trustee, (18.09. BLOCK A - k
1, Annie 0. Hnghee, 32H0.44; kit
1 - Annie G. Uuxhee, (30.82; kit
15, Annie a Hughes, 129.74: kit 1A A an Is
G. Hughes, (2&9.90. BLOCK 11. kt 1,
Charles II. Preoeott, truetee, (189.48) lot 1
Charles H. Presoott. trustee, 8:11.79; lot 18,
Chsrles II. Preecott, truatre. (29.04; log 14,
Charles H. Preecott, truetee. (18L4A BLOCK
14, lot 1, Chsrles H. Preecott, trustee,
' (2A1.1S; lot 3, Chsrles ' Preecott, truetee,
327.9A; lot 18, Charles , Presoott, trustee,
IWM; kit 18. Chsrlee H. Preecott, truetee,
(2n7.40 BLOCK 2.- kit A Chsrles H. Ires
eott, trustee, (60.74: lot 7. Charles H. Prse
eott, trustee. (18.0ft. BLOC'K T, kit 8,
Cbsrles II. Presoott. trnstee, (2.18.S2; lot T,
Charles II.- Preecott, truetee, (2H.80; lot in.
(harlee H. ireeoott, truetee. 128.81) lot 8,
Chsrlee H. Preecott, truetee, (253.18. BLOCK
10. lot 8, Mlna B. IJUle. 3274.27; kit 7,
Chsrles H. Preecott, trustee, 3.H8.13; lot 10,
Charles II. Preecott, trustee, IW 43; lot 9,
Charles H. Prsscott, trustee, (2H4.S8. BUCK
I61 lot 8, Chsrlee H. Martin and Henry C.
. Cabell, (288. 86; lot T. Charles II. Martin and
Henry C. Cabell, (28.14: lot 10. Charles H.
. Martin and Henry 0. Cabell, (30.70; lot W,
Charles H. Martin and Henry Gi Cabell.
(204 41. . Total. Al.470.6T. ,
A statement of aforesaid assessment has
been entered In the Docket of City Liens, end
to new due end payable at the office or the
City Tressurer, In Iswful money of the United
Statre. and If not paid within 80 daye from
tbe date of tbla notice, ancb proceeding) will
be taken for the collection of the aa me. aa
are provided by the charter of the City of
The above gssssement will bear .Interest 10
daya after the first publication of this, notice. -'
' Andltor of the City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon, August A 1904.
Notice to hereby given that the Council of
the City of Portland, Oregon, et a meeting
held on the 3d day of August, 1904. declared
the assessment by ordinance No. 14,128. for tbe
enaatructlon of a newer la' Klrby atreet from
tbs south line of rreseott street to the sewer
In Klrby atreet at Mason street. In the manner
provided by ordinance No. 13.904, upon each lot.
part of kt and parcel of lsnd. which are
specially- snd peculiarly benefited, to be se
follows, vis:
Davis, (30.80: lot 3. N. M. Davis. (24 80;
lot 8, N. M. Davis. (24 80; lot 4. CI una Hen
aea, 124.80; kit S, 8. Wilkinson. (26.80; lot A
J. W. and Lisxte B. Borthe. (2A.8i. BLOCK
8. lot 1, Ambrose B. Gsnteabeln, (38.80! lot
1, Ambrose E. Osntenbeln. (2480; lot A
Ambrose 8. Osntenbeln. (28.80; kit A Emma
Brown, 824 an; lot 8. H. H. Stimmel. (28.80;
VA 8. Wllllsm M. Kllllnirserortb, (24 80; kit
T. Clsra B. Foster. (24.80; lot 8. Clsra B.
Foster. (24 SO. BLOCK d, lot 11 W. R.
Wallace. (80.30; lot 11. W. R. Wsllaee.
8. t4 90; lot 10, Wllllsm M. Kllltngawnrth.
8:14.90; kit 8, Ambrose B. Osntenbeln. 8.1A90;
. kt 8. Ambrose B. GsBteubela. (34.9": kit
T, Ambrose K. Gsntrnbeln. (34 80, BLOCK
9. lot 14. Daniel H. Harnett (34.00: lot 16,
Daniel H. Harnett, (.14.00; lot 14, Lothe M.
Vinton,; lot 18, William M. Killings
worth. (34.90; lot 11 N. M. Davis, (34.90;
lot 11, N. M. Davis. (34.80; lot 10, Charles
Swanson; (34 90; lot t, frank Nor berg, (38.80.
Total. (STB.10. -
A statement of aforesaid assessment hss
beea entered In the Docket of City Liens, and'
Is now das and payable at the office of the
City Treasurer, in lawful money of the United
States, and If not paid within 80 days from
the date of this notice, eiieh proceedlnge will
be taken for the collection of the aeme ea
are- provided by the charter ot tbe City ot
Portland. f .
The above assessment will bear Interest 10
dsye after tha first t nhltestion of this notice.
Auditor of the City of Port la nA
Portland. Oregon, August ft, 190A
Notice to hereby given that tha Cotiucfl of
the City ot Portlend. Oregon, at a meeting
held en the 3d day of August, 1904. declared
the saaeesment by ordinance No. 14.184. for the
construct loo of a eewer In East Madison atreet
from' 180 feet east of the east line of Eaat
Thirty-third atreet to the eewer In Kast Thirty,
third atreet, In.the manner provided by ordl.
nance No. 18 nsg, upon each lot, part ef kit and
parcel of land, which are apecially and pe.
CUliariv ocnenreo, in oe mm toikiws, vis: -SITNNVSIDN
lot 8. Sunnyslde Land A Improvement Co.,
818.86: lot ft. John Uuatafson. (18 88: lot 11
I SonnvslnV Land A Improvement rv.(18.85.
BMfCK 60. kit 8. Sunnnyslde Land A Improve.
ment Co., (18.98; lot 11, Sunnyslde Lsnd A
Improvement Co., (1106; lot 11, Bunnrside
leind improvement Co., gm.90. Total,
A statement of gforeaald assessment hss
been entered In the Docket of City l.lene. snd
Is sow doe and payable at tbe office of tbs
City Tressurer, In lawful money of the United
States, and If not paid within 80 days from
the date of this notice, such rn-oc codings will
be taken for the collection ef the asms aa
are provided by the charter of tbe City of
Portland, . -
Theebove aeaeesment will bear Interest 10
days artar toe first pnmication or this notice..
Auditor of tbe City of PortlaaA
Portland. Oregon. August t, 1904.
Notice to hereby given that tbe Council of
the City of Portland, Oregon, at a mooting
held oa the 3d day of August, 1004. declared
tbe assessment by ordinance No. 14.123. for tbe
Improvement ef Cleveland avenae, from tbe
eoutb line of Alberts etreet tovtbe north line of
Preecott street. In ths uenner provided by or
dinance No. 18,980, upon each tat, part of lot
and parcel of land, which are apecially aad
peculiarly benefited, to be ae follows, via:
feet kit A George B. Clark, (12.18; eaat W
xeet lot a, George B. Clara, gioni;
eaat - 40 feet of west 48 feet
kit A Ida . M. Arnesen. . 80.04: east 40
feet of weet 40 feet lot 5, Ids M. Arnrson.
ion; eest iuu rest lot e, Kuaoipn Kissiing,
34.74; eest 100 feet kit S. Rudolph Klesllug,
34.41); east 100 feet kit 1 Kmll Ryaer,; gsst lis feot tot I, W. at. cutter,
:17.7A BLOCK til. east 10O feet lot g.
Robert and Jane tlassard. AtO.fM: east 100
reel bit 7, Robert and Jane Haggard. 822.11;
eaet 100 feet lot A Frank H. Strickland.; eaat 100 feet kit A rrank H. ktrlrk
lsnd. 324.99: esst 10O fret lot 4. Joseuk K.
snd Amelia Scbena, (33.08; east 100 feet kit
A Manoaa M. Walkeiv (81.39; eaet luO feet
lot A George Patgee, (.19 ot): eaat loo feet
wi i. iteorge ratgaa, ptw.o. suha i,
eeat 100 feet lot 10, C M. Bryant. (4S.3N;
east lis) feet lot . C. M. Brysnt, 842.44; eeet
li") feet lot S, G. B. Buswell. (57.04; esst
100 feet kit 7, M. M, Ahernethy. (60.67;
esst loo feet lot A Ralmund HeUmann,
(M OT; eest 100 feet lot t. James Ahernethy,
(48.31; eaat 100 feet lot 4, Edward M.
Gentry, (40 83; eaat 100 feet lot A Edward
m. uentry, g;2.2;. eaat 100 feet lot 3, Jan
Ahernethy. (2i73: eeet loo feet lot 1, Jan
Abemethy, (ar55. BLOCK 12. lot T. Chris
tina Jorg. (1122: kit 8. H. A. Chrlaty, (27.27;
lot A Andrew Swanson, ('11.74; kit 10, Ella
owanaoe, fM.ei; mf li, jona li. A. ring.
s.TO.ev: lot la, jooa H. A. rina, g4;.4i.
BLOCK 0. lot 8. Elisabeth Bckersoa, (:l,78;
lot 11. Elisabeth Eckersoa, (2101: kit 11.
Mary A Gordon, (17.39: lot 12. Mabel J.
Wilson, riT.So: lot 11 N. 0. Ovsltt, (34.18:
lot 14, N. C. Qyairt, (03.88: lot 1A Lula K.
Donner, (41. 82: lot 10, Lulu B. Donner,
(-17.91 BLOCK 1 tot It," Emmor t. Hslaht,
818.9": kit II Rmmor J Halrht. 8416: lot
la, F.mmor J. Height, (5167; lot 14. Rmmor
nsigni. mt in, Kmmor j. Haignt,
J48.M; kit iA Emmor J. H sight, (4A37; kit
7, Emmor J. Hslght, (30.14; lot 18, F.mmor'
e. iisignt, g:w.iu; lot jw, smmnr J. naignt,
(33.03; lot JO. Emmor J. Height. (30.90.
Total. gl.Tna an.
A atatement of 1 afnreaeld aaaaaamant baa
been entered In the Docket of City Lien, and
la now do and payable at the office of the
f Itv Treasurer, tn lawful money ot the United
-rsiee, sna ir not pma within 80 daya rrom
tbe date of thla notice, ancb nroceeriina-s win
be taken-for the eolleclion of the aame aa
ar provided by tha charter ot the City ef
The above aaaeeament wilt bear tnfeeees tn
anjs sner ins xirei puniicaiuu or tnia notice.
TlillS. C. DEVLIN,
Andltor of the City of PortlaaA
Portlaad, Oregon, August ft, 1904.
ri-.t.. -we.--. wttawj
Tetkd OtTlct t22 Third Strett Facog a
1 ralngt DtUly
Dnylight trip througU tba Cascade
nd Rocky mountain. For full partlo.
tglara, rate, folders, eta. eall o:-. or ad
draae) .
BC BXOXSOW, City rioket AsA
M TAU4 Strswt, rMrUssd, ,
AND uwion Pacific
' Throngh Pullman etssdsrd and toarist alseee
fng cars dally to Omaha. Chi so, Spohsaei
touriet steeping esre. dally to Ksaaaa City I
throggh Pnilmaa tonriat eleeeisg sere (pmne
ally eondnetedl weekly to rhlcesn. ReeiteuuJ
ehalr cars (seats rreei To rne aisex siiiy.
UNION DEPOT. Leivee. Arrives.
- CHICAOO-IORTLAND 9:18 a. gg. . 6:38 R, SS. ,
SPECIAL. Dally. , Dally.
Far tbe East via Bast- - ' .(
Ingtoav ' '
SPOKANB FI.tB A e:!3p,ss, 8:08 a. at.
For Baiters Wasblsg- Dally. Daily,
toe. Walla Walla. Lew-
liton, Coenr . d'Aleae . '.. ' ','
and : Greet - Rerthara ' '
points. "
ATLANTIC EXP!tR8S. 18 p. a 7:18 a, V
For the Esst via Beat- Dally. - Dslly.
. Ingtoa, . '
FOR SAN FRANrmtX): Irrem 1 8:00 g. as.
A A Geo. W. Fids n Alne worth
Aug. 4. 1A 14. ., Dock. . ' :
A A Colnmbls 1:00 p. ga,
. . Aug. ft, 19, 29. ,
' ' -
Colsmbls River Crvnrlen.
FOR AflTORIA sad way
points, connecting srttk
stmr. for Ilwsee and
North beach, atr. B an
sa lo, Aas-st. dock.
3: p a.
as. Sunday
IOiOO p. m.
6:00 p. m.
sc. Boaday.
TaCihlU Rnrer Xowte,
7:00 a. av
Oally. a
8:80 p. a
aty aad Tamlilll River
point a, jtra.RntB ai
(Water permitting.)
Snshs River Routs.
and way points from
Rlparia. WssA. It east
era Spokane aad Leer
Is ton,
8:40 a. at.
sg. Bat,
3:oo p. ae.
ea. Friday,
TICKET OFFICB. Third aad Wsshlngtoa. Bass,
phone Main 71A
Fat Tohohsma end Bong Kowg. ealllns; at
Kobe, Nagasskl and Shanghai, taking freight
via connecting etas mare far Manila. Port Arthsw
snd Vladivostok. -, '
For rates snd fall In forms tlon est! oa ar oA
W.U.V..M, am- nnu u worn U- aV. ai SI. t.
trains, for 0a less. Rase
bnrg. Asblsod. Sscre
mento, Ogden, 8ss Frse-
t 'JOp. SB.
T JB a. gg..
cl,-o. Btorkton, lias Aa
gelee. El Peso, NsW Ue-
lesns ana the Ess.
' At Wood bore datly
fsxeept Sunday), axnra
tn train for Mf As.
3:30 a. ai.
gel. Bllverton. Browse-
SV'tO a. an
vine, BpnnrfleM. Wsad-
itns) ens- . 'acres.
Albenr eaaeencev. ee-v!
-TOtlO a m
neeta et wooonnrs with
Mt. Ansel lis
to local
S:M P. 88
S:xB a. to.
Dally. irDally. exeept Boaday. ,
Fsrtlaad-Oewege lubnrhea Servios esal TaashCI
- . Steieleas,
Depot Foot at Jefferson Street. ''
' esve Portland dally for Oewege T td s. At
13 50, 3.0A 8:35. 8:30. 4:11. 8:80, 10:10 a. m.
Dslly (except Suuday), SUM, 0:80, t:88. 10;18
a. ax. 4:00. 11:10 p. aa. Bundsy ealy, 0:04
a. as.
RetUTDing frnva Oswego, arrive Portland defle
8:80 a. m : 1:68 S:0ff. 4.K. 0:18. Ttftrt, 8:58.
11:10 n, m. Dsliy (except thmdev) 4 x0, T in,
t:ta 10 ). 11:48 a. m. Nioerit Monday. UM
P.m. Bandar only. 10:40 e. at.
Leevee from si rne depot for DaTlae and rater.
medtere noler Astlv (rxeerit 8 an Asy) 4:00 . at.
Arrive Portland 10:10 n. m.
Tbe Independanee , Mewssontb If "tor ; nse
e pe, a fee daily te Mrwroonth and Atrll.
twctlne with Boo there Psetae ceaopear'e toacha
at Dsllse end Indeoendene. . ,
F1retH?lBse far frowi Portlend to tsiitemeiite
nd San Franciee (30. nerrb 85 gseend elaeg
tar 818. eeeond-claee berth (3 80.
TVket to Feetem polnra and Rwrepa, atoa
fgnan. China, rtonohxre aad Aoatrsrra.
Citv Ttcket Office i or nor Third end WaabraR
eon atre-ra PSioae, Mala Til
0. W. BtTNOBR. W. BL CrralArl.
City Ticket Agent- . . Sew. Peak. Age,
Paget Boasd LlmlteA
for Taeosne. Seettle,
8:80 a. aa.
Olympia, Sontb Bend
snd Gray's Barber
North Coast Limited,
for Taeoma. Seettle.
T:00 8.aA
Butte. It Peat, Mle-
neanolle. Cbleaco. new
York. Boston snd points
Eaat and ItoatBeaat.
Twin-City Express, for
Taeoma. Seattle. Sne-
ksns, Helens, St. Pant.
Minneapolis, Chicago,
11 :a ft. tv
New Tort. Boatoa aad
all BolnAa Rest aad
Booth eaat. '
Puret eMj-ji , yesnssa
Oty-St. Lento Special.
roe Taeome. HeattlA
Spokane, Belts. Bllllnss.
1:30. m.
f oma ns. ssneee
City. Bt. Loots snd all
points Esst snd Soeit
ATI tratna dally. . ascent oa Booth Ben
braocA T "'- . A. D. CHARLTON.
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
12S Morrison St.. tor. ThlrA PortlaaA Or.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
For Maygsre, R hhw.
ristaksnls. Westiiori,
Clifton. Aabwle, Wsr
renron, Flevel. flaas.
awnd. Fort Btsvena
Oeerhsrt Park. Seaside,
Astoria aad Seseasn,
Kxprees dally.
- Aetorto Sa press.
II H4 a. gb
a -on a. m.
V-nA .
Dally ex.
Sat. only.
8:40 p, "
PerlUad Seaside Flyer.
ao p. m.
J n uivn
0. F. snd P. A., Astoria, Oe,
'. A STEWAKT. Commercial Ageat, get Aids
St. Phoos Mela 9iA , .
SchwzbDros. Printlr.Ca
Beat Worg, AoaaoOAbla prlcea
it7)t BMtgB BVrtsvts rsoaui tlsi It J
11 SUNtfT.
IOcPIH rulle-.
laill aouviit !