The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 03, 1904, Page 10, Image 10

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uron or oomszTTxa xat
roui uomi,
i (Special IMapateh to Tb JournaL)
Beilllngham. Wash.. Aug. $.--Almoet
:the entire Washington Ute Democratic
'ticket. forecasted by The Journal
'correspondent yesterday, was nominated
I by the delegates assembled In conven
tion hers last nlgnt. .
Umi . I Ul IIC I VI ,n li-a H-mu . ....
I ticket and Stephen Judaon of Fierce se
cured the much coveted, second place.
The slat waa somewhat disrupted by
the refusal of Henry Drum to accept the
nomination for secretary of state. He
.refused to 'accept anything except the
'second place on the ticket, thus peceaal
tatlrtg a slight rearrangement.
The nominees are as follows:
" Oovernor-J-Oeoerge Turner, Spokane.
Ijutennt-governor Steven : judaon;
Pierce. - --'
Attorney-general C. It Neal, Lincoln.
Treasure! George Mud get. Spokane.
" Secretary -of 'State Peter ' Hough.
Clark county.
School superintendent W. D. Gerard.
King. - " . - ' ..-
Mlllf .... aAiiii..-." ' ..... ... a. aa aw. aawaa.
Kin. . .
- Supreme Judge Alfred Battle, King.
' mark A. Fullerton. Republican, can-
uiaf.ts, iiiuui -tou. ,
Congressmen J, J. Anderson, Pierce;
Howard Hathaway, Snohomish: W. F.
Beck.: Ferry.
Presidential electors John Trumbull,
Clallam; J.' S. Dome 11, Cowllts; Fred
Thlel. Adams; J. J. Carney, Chehalla; 8.
' P. Richardson, Mason.
..- Wild cheering, wavng of flags and
parading the hall by the entire assem
blage of delegates followed the speech
of Charles O. Helffner of Spokane, who
nominated Turner for governor. .A
repetition of this outburst of enthusi
asm occurred when a rising vote on this
nomination was taken,' , . ,
unanimuui puminBiiun inr ueuienani.-
' governor,- and was accorded a demon
stration almost equal in exuberance to
that given the nominee for governor.
At 8:$0 o'clock -the evening; aeaslon
convened. The report of the platform
committee was adopted without debate.
The platform, among other things. In
dorses Parker and Davis and the na
tional platform as, announced at St.
Louis and pledges Its support, denounces
trusts and asserts the right of the peo
ple to regulate corporations, demands
'the creation of a non-partisan regula
tive railway commission, tire passage of
: - -4n l.tll k.. a. talll
dividing the state into, congressional
'districts, condemns the present road law
and yors a national system of irriga
tion end the government ownership of
slakes. The , convention adjourned 'at
jo;u in me evening.
1 1 1 i1 ' '
- -Nrhprliile nf (t earner T .1 Pntter
UVUtUUIW VI V1VU1U.I a. W V. .11
The seaside steamer T. J. Potter will
- leave Portland. Ash street dock, for
Astoria and Ilwaco as follows: ' ... '
August 4, Thursday, $ a. m. "-..
' August . Fridsy, a. m. . .. . . ' -
A...., .a S B.tMpav 1 a m
aT.UBa.aa. , ---.- fr . ....
Get transportation and berth tickets
at O. R. A N. ticket offlct, Third and
1rV'aBhtngton streets, "
One Reading 25c
Prof. Palmer
The wearier of the times; greatest payrhle
wonder ef lb day; ha not an equal-on THS
Is view ef the fact that en many persons
Were anabl tat aee me, occasioned by the manr
caller taring nvy eat In price. I will extend
itbe time far a few days longer, fall 12.00
'readings tor 15 cents. - -
Corner Fourth and Morrison streets, parlors
I a tut X Office hours: 10 a. n. to 8:30
P- '
T-BOOtt HOTSB, easy walking dis
tance, nearly new; hot and cold wa
ter; full basement; lot 60x100; one
half block to car line. Price, 'IS, 200.
BOOM COTTAOM nearly new; hot and
cold water; basement; two blocks
'from car line; Montavllla. Price,
- 11,10s.
10 ACMES, level, all fenced, one-half In
crop; tliree-quartera of a mile to car
, line. Price, 11.250. ... , ,
A few extra good Timber Claims aad
Homesteads for location.
Maxwell & Burg
sis Ablngwm aiiaga. . VOTUaaa, Or.
5-Room Modern
For Sale at Woodmere
Terms to tilt.- Choice lots tn
I-Aurelwnod, S3 per month. Mod
ern 7-room house to rent. .
Take lit. uoott car. First and Al
03 Falllar 16r.
noma. Main
ii j
urn i-sy ijiy
I 1 1 a-f
Ml f all DeuKidgta. TmaaTiuum.
Corn With a Double Veil Ed
ucated in Occult Science
. In Egypt and India
The Vefled Prophetess-
r ' . . i,
No Dnxn will be efatltled to more thas eae
reading at thla W ft, as It Is made as a
mailer ot adTertlalng for thla week ool!
aftor that all readluga will be at regular fee,
to all. Yoe miiat bring thla sd.
Londoa'a moat famooa palmlat and eUrrmy.
nt la arkaowlrdted by preaa and while the
gteataet llrlng I'LkD tBANCl MEDIlii.
tlb tells what yea' earn fnr before yea
atter a ward; dies not aak qneatlo&a, se Bat
tr what yuor tranble 'may be.
("all. and abe will galde yoa" with certainty
htahnr tbaa bumaa puwar. Tells jam tb
truih. good or bad.
Thla Orel LT WONDER Is placed la a elaas
by bcraelf. towering bead and abnalder over
erery rlral. and la recurnlaM br tb PRO
IES8I0N as tbvlr 8HIUHTKHT 8TAK.
II saay be ef vital Interest to yos to kaow
the outrAme of " your present dlatreaa.
Tb bayplness of your rutor life way de
pend apoa tb right solotloa aad proper ad
vice. There ar no mistake in the preoicooas
Baad by tb sreat asd woBderful Parch Ic.
Koe Mr wlab ta know If It la altobl
tn make a Chang la basin, la lov. M
marriage. j
8hall I sereeed la B Sw nsoeriasingr
"Cas I ootata my hone, my wlabea, my
amhltftona?' M
Shall I rer enjoy the innnes er wsitar
1a I truat my frtendar"
'Have I enemlear
"Whes shall I marrrr' ' ' '
"How often aball I sarr ., , J '
Shall I, ever b divorced?"
"Ioea another ahar the lor that rightfully
befcinaa to Diet"
If so, wtaorar'
'Am I toved la rerarBr' ; ,
"la there a rival In my tovr '
"When shall my lav affair terminate ta
wies anaii my oomeatie ironoia mi
"How can I make my life and bom happy T"
"When aball mv absent friend retnrat
' "Whr do I not receive a letter t"
Mall. L -Date of birth. aU queatkns. ..
Hours 10 a. m. to s n. m.. dally and Baa-
day,- Permanently located. -.
Cor. Seventh St.
Oppeslt Hotel Portland. Parlor Tint near.
- i a . a I
" ' Private. K gltra. Walk fra.
313 Washington Is tho Place
Hours From 9 to 9 ;
Fifty Cents for the Very
Best Reading Any Palfh
' 1st Ever Gave.'
A gentleman whos permanent boms Is la
iv-.ii.,. .1 and who la well and favorablv knows
to many of onr foremost people, says that no
Weary Willie Wanderer'' eball deceive this
ccmmunlty eo long aa honesty Is craved by tb
- .a tnitt whom h. baa. ao often most sless-
antly served. Tber never waa s good thing
that some irircenarr innnjixaai am
fa.ll etui attemnt to Dalm off his ows fala
prodoctloa aa the genuine of tb other on.
Till I eanerlalty so In palmistry. Consdeoce-h-e
fellows acquire a smattering of the real and
effect to Imitate- It. The) they go ahost th
land seeking wbom they may drcelv. A a
butterfly flit from flower to flower, so do these
Boaiads flit from town to town. Bat men of
Professor Vau CorMand' excellent standing
In the community STAY KIOHT HERE. They
don't hav. to rmov along," a th counterfeit
palmists do. ., '
T his home elty. He ha probably brought
tor happiness to bumaa Uvea tbaa baa any
other cltlacn within the confine of Portland.
He has reunited the separated, ha protected
business mea. from the wiles of tb cheat, ha
nwitbed the way of tbe discordant and baa
extricated from tribulation hundreds to wham
lb way )ooke aars ana tee ruiur aismai.
That thla mas seem tn pomes th power to
peer Int. eternity. Ala now ran oe leu in
tblu he doest II I a sad day for th
deceiver wbea b come In contact with 1be
piofesaeir. It t. a good day tor the person
hotKwtly aeeklnc laenrmstlon. Tb latter on
win h. naiirted. He will trutbMllr b told
exactly the thins he auht to know. There
Will tie no pietnonc niarney soniu in. pauirj.
and therein resta Its virtue. It will b trnthfnl
and honest every syllabi and word which a
speak., And sow that.
JCverv Interested person should take advantage
of th Munrtunlty to know what la la a tors
tot him or her. .
I It bspptuess and Mlssl
la If sorrow and misery!
la It prosperity er Is It mlafortamT
' Whatever U may h. It I better to know It
sll than to live OS In darkness, and Professor
Via f'ortlinrt ran and will reveal th trutb.
He I a world Is himself. H Is a mystery to
"ilia " asartmsat . ar at tni Waakbigtoa
atrsst, sear suttn, witn s. smraaos sw niu,
Hours firm to aes day, Isinday tealudtd.
Clairvoyants aad mediums dsvslsped.
has hearn used by MMIIons of Motbera for their
hlldnin wnii iccioina kit orer ruiy losrs.
ootiMS Ui etiiiii, aurtcna tn gtt
All tMatn. W
MO AOSKS Part rolling, part creek
bottom: lne acrea cultivated: 00
' acrea paature and tQ acrea heavy
yellow fir timber; land all line aoll,
.and well watered; new room
house, with hot and cold -water;
new barn, frulthouses, . chicken
house, stock barn; water piped Into
, house and barn; farm controla
00 acres splendid hill and mosn
tain range; now on the farm 12S
head of cattle. 16 hogs. 0 goat".
. too chickens; situated In Bentun
, county; fine community; might take
mailer farm aa part pay. Price,
Including crop. $10,000,
lea a ran A II flrst-clasa soil: 10S
acrea In high state of cultivation;.
I -acres nne timoer; nm - tow
house, hall, pantry. In nice condi
tion! large frame barn, with alio;
nice smokehouse,.- -painted; . fruit
drier; woodshed, with driveway;
workshop; 4 acres in choice frulta;
one-third mile to creamery, atore,
school and church; 10 miles to Van
couver, in Clarke county, Wash.;
. one of th best farms la the elate
.TO A CmilS All fine bottom hay land;
. ii acrea cultivated; good new
house, barn, etc.: on main county
' road: flhe neighborhood; conveni
ent tn school and store 43.650.
47 ACMS All choice, level land; I
acrea beaverdam; running water;
can Irrigate; new house and barn:
" ' 1 mile out, on good.' level road all
'way -to Portland; might trade Into
city property ga,500.
ACBZS Choice land, nicely Ira-
,. proved; - choice fruit trees, trine-
yard, strawberrlee; nice house,
well finished;- barn; at Oak Grove.
- on Oregon City car line. Might
'.trade Into city property- 1 4.500.
400 ACMS All under fence; nearly H
. open grasing lana; a gooa biock
ranch: In Llna county, Oregon;
will trade- Into Portland .property.
Onljf S8 per acre.
100 ACr All good land; to acre
fenced; sv acrea cuitivaiea; i
acres seeded; email orchard; run
. nlng stream of water; fronts on
main road; H mile to school: IT
; miles out, near Tualatin river;
bargain at 1,800.
S31 ACXJBS land; fenced and 'cross-
fejiced; 119 seres cuitivatea; luw
acres open pasture: 100 acres of fine
timber; good logging stream of
wster through land;, timber now
marketable; fine .- water power:
good houae, barn, orchard; fine out
'' range for stock; 46 head cattle, SO
rioata, 20 sheep, 1 team; all farm
mplementa; all cropa; good neigh
borhood; 1 mile to school. Yamhill
county. Price for all SS.TSO.
TOU OBOWIVD buslneaa; choice loca
tion, on wasnington street: moa ov
ate Investment: for particulars call
on Henkle Baker, 217 Ablngton
WAJTTED To buy a good farm, value
n,uuu to siu.vuu; prerer siocaea;
give good description and location.
What have you to offer!
. sit ABTjrarow stmozvo.
cuh (ouinr
Aside front Its Joining on to the city
limits ot fortiana, naa more natural tu
vantaani than inr other county In the
state. It grows better fruit, grain and
vegetables, snd more .and better pota
toes than is produced anywhere ela In
Oregon. Besides, with the market of
the northweat right at her door, her
lands ar from SO to 50 per cent lower
In price than can be baa . eisewnere.
Note the following:
..... $30 Per Acre
144 acres at Bprlngwater; 1(0 In culti
vation ; 14 acrea orchard; new building;
near school, postofflce and store; 80
acres In hay; 1H miles from Casadero.
present terminus of O. Wi P Ry. into
Portland; Href-class gravel road Into
Portland and Oregon City; can ba ad
vantageously divided Into I farms.
$18 Per Acre
10 acres 40 In cultivation: 'red loam
soil fine for fruit; 80 acres light timber;
running stream; IS acrea Tn clover;
1 acre in apples; dwelling; Darn; gran
ery; mile from Casadero on O. W.
P A Mv: 5 mllea to Highland: It head
of cattle, 20 acres grain, potatoes, etc.
go with sal. , vura oaeap. asu swsa.
$7 Per Acre
SO acres; S acres slashed, balance light
growth; about 10 acres untlllabls; only
4 miles from Mollala corners.
$30 Per Acre
1(2 acres: (0 In eultlvstion; 14 acres
orchard: large spring; 1,000,000 feet of
good saw timber.
$50 Per Acre
40 acres, 2 mllea from Oregon City;
level; timber cut off; balance brush;
surrounded by fine farms; no Improve
ments. . Big Speculation -
$2,000 caah huya tl lot on Hawthorn
av., East Side.
Cross (Si Shaw
833 WasUngtoa tree.
Here Are a Few That
Will Astonish the
$aSB0 Beautiful (-room modern resl
dence; lovely lawn and shrub
bery; walking distance; East
91000 New 6 -room hard-finished cot
tage: full lot; 2 -blocks cars:
, - Nortn Alblna 1200, balance tit
' " per month.
$ TOO 'Cull Int. on Improved - street;
concrete walks, sewer and wa
' , ter; on East Tenth at; close to
. Harrison.
" rtorlJS 1 hereby gives tht ea th 1st day ef
Ansaat. 10O4. I took np and empounded la th
City Pound, at No. 3KI glxteenth street, la tli
(Itr of Portland, Oregon, tb following de
scribed anlntrl: One red roaa deborni'd eow,
with strap and bell on seek, and anles th
owner or otter peraoa er persona hsvtug aa
Intrrest then-la aball cUlm poneaelo of the
same, and pay all enata ana charges of th
keeping and advertleln It, tnyetber with th
ponnd fees "on said animal, aa provided by or
dinal No. B.P'rs, aa amended, of ald City
0. Porttand. I will on tb 10th day of August.
10O4. at ih-i honr of ti- a. m- at th t'lty
Pound, st Mo. SMI gliteenth street. In aald city,
sell the abv descrllied animal at public a actio
o tb. bl(ht blddtr, to nay the mat and
ehsrse for taking up, keeping snd advertising
Mich animal. ,
lhitsd thla M day ef Aumat. loot.
r. W. RKKD.
Poandmaator. -
Notice i hereby givea that tn Ooanctl of th
City of Portland proposes to sasea the follow
in. daMcrined nrooertv snd owner or owners sa
being specially and peculiarly benetltrd la th
mounts set opposite th name and deMrlptton
thereof for the tmnrovrmeot nf Seventh street,
from th. south line of lloyt atreet to tb
north curb line of lefferson atreet. a pro
vided hr ordlnanc No. 13 Mi!.
Any ob)ectlone to th apportionment ef cost
fnr said Improvaaient mnst he mad la writing
to the Council and filed with th Aadltor
within 15 dar from tbe date of th first pub
lic Uoa ef this Botloa, and said sjctleg will
b heard aad dtrmlnd by th Onancll before
tbe passsce of the ordlusaos aaaaaalng th
coat of aald Improvement.
Ct'lTH's AHIHTIO.N te th City of Portland
Pl.Ot'K 4. cast H lot . Joseiih
O'k'arrell Ktate. heirs of. 70.0. It Lot' K
Ml. It ft. Ierl 0. Potter Katat. heir of,
870 8: kt 8. Levi C. Potter Kstate. heirs ef,
iM.rc: Diirth H kt 4, Alios Isabella Ret.,
JX.81; out H lot 4, rixat Baptist Church.
PoliTLAND Korth t block 85, lot 8. Her
maa Knk. i.TS; south n block 85,
lot 4, g. M.Ttoa t'oba. $71. 2: lot
8, S. Mortoa Cob a. 871 M. HUICK tM,
lot 1, Portland .orarr Aaaoclatkia. M H;
- lot 2. Portland Library Aaaot-latloe, Iftl 71
RUII'K Ml, lot 8. Ire W. 8;3.n;
bit 4, Dora W. Bavase. 78.50. 1:I.(X K H1U.
kit 1. I'nltarlaa Hoctety, .l 4; lot 2, Uni
tarian Korlety. $2U.I2. HI.CK K , lot 1..
Meier A rrank oM fT0.8ft; lot 2, Melar A
Prank Co., 85 15. - - -
Ccrt:il'8 APUITION to th City of Portland
Hl.tM K 44, Vt T, Marl JulUa Pfunder,
PORTLAND BLOCK M. lot 8 H. W. Corbet t
EatsU. heir of, $2IW.; lot I, H. W. Oor
hett Estate, h.fra of. $71 H8. BUK K 178,
kit 8, Th Till Uuarante A Treat Co..
, E.n.Xl: lot T, Tbe Till Uuarante A Trust
Co., 530.82; lot 8, Tb Title tiuaraato A
Trust Co.. 118.02. Totsl. 81. 215.88. -.
THOB. C. liltVLIN,
' Aadltor of tb City nf Portland.
Portland, Oregon. August 1. 1804.
Notlc I hereby glv.a that th OouncU ef
th 'City of Portland propose to aaaaaa the
foUwlug dVacrlned propw't asd owsr a wn
or a being specially and pwullarly bsaeBud
In th amuunta at op posit, tb. bsbm. snd
descriptions tbersot for th ImproveuMBt ot
tillsultb strast. from th west 11 u. ot Al
blna aveaaa to the south 11 n. of Kuaa.ll
auest. ss provided by ordinance sis. 18,1m
Any objection to th apportionment of cost
for said luprvvemont must he mad la writ
ing to th Council and Sled with tb Audit.
wlthla Mta dar from tb dat of to first
ptiliUcstlna of thla aotle, aod said obje.
ttou - will be heard and dstecmlned br tb.
Council before tbe paaaag of tb ordlsauc
lUasesalng tb. .cost of aald Imnroveowut.
A TkACT of land boundtd aad diMcrllMa as
IU 1 Ml w. . twiiwKui - " . '-
tba aortbaaatwly hu of Uoidsmlth atreet
with the-west lin of Alblna Arenu. tbeoc
north along th west tin ot Alblna avvou
to a point lou feet northeaatorly from the
aortboastely tin of Ooldenilth street la rec
tangular measurement; tbeoc northweetarly
along a line 1UU feat aortbeaaterly from and
narallel with th aortheaatorly line o(
Goldsmith atreet In rectangular measnr
aunt to It latersectlaa with a line lou feet
west of and parallel with th west 11 D ot
Albln avenue; thence south along a Una
Haj fset WMt ef and parallel with th l
lln of Alblna aveno to Its Intersection
with a II a. 460 ft south of snd parallel
with tb south lln of Russell street; tMne
west along a Una 450 feet south of and
parallel with the sooth Hue of Uussell street
to Its .uteraectloa with th aortheaaterly
lln of Ovtldsmlth street; thence southeasterly
a km I tb northeasterly lln of tiuldamlth
street to Jhe place of beginning. Henry
v rlntiarji, 7z.d, a irsc or ooauaiwu
aad described as follows: Commtnctng at
the Intersection of tb esaterly Un of
Mississippi avrnu with th aortbeaeterly
Una of Ooldsmlth street; tbeoc north along
1 tb east lln. of Mississippi to its
Intersection with a lino 100 feet Boctnasterly
frcm and parallel with tb aorthssaterly lln
of flcldanalth atreet la rectangular aieasare
ment; thene aoatheaaterly along a Ho 100
feet aortbessterly from and parallel with tb
Dortbeaatcrly line of Goldsmith street la ree-
tangullr measurement to Its Intarsectloa with
a On 10O feet east of and parallel with
tb. oaat line of Mississippi arson; thane
. south along a line Its) feet east of and
parallel with tb east line of MIsslMlppI
arenu to It Intersection with a Un' 4A0
feet sooth of and parallel with th south
lln or Huaaell street; tbeoc west along a
line 460 fret sooth of and parallel with tb
south lln ef Kuasell atreet to Its Inter-
.' sccrtoo with the northeasterly line of Gold-!
smith street; theno northwesterly along tb
nnrtbeaatarly lln of Ooldsmlth street to
tb lilac of beginning. F. M. gtoldt, 8206.7T;
all of s parcel of land lying between tb
' aortheaaterly Un of Goldsmith street and
. a Un 8110 feet south of and parallel with
tb oath lln of Bnss.ll street and b
. two tb west lln of Mississippi arenas
nd a line 100 feet west of and parallel
therewith, 8a n ford B. Whiting. 8HS8.01; all
of a parcel of land lying between a Una
100 feet northeaatorly from and parallel with
tbe northeasterly Une of Goldsmith atreet
In rectangular measurement, and a lln 80
feet south of aod parallel with tb south
lln of Bnsaell street and between tb west
lln of Mississippi avenu and a Una 100
feet west thereof and parallel therewith,
Llssla N. . P. Benedict and La Fayette N.
. Benedict. 8218.18; a parcel of land lying
between the aortheaaterly Une of Goldsmith
street end e - Un 100 feet northeasterly
therefrom nd parallel therewith aad be
tween a lln 100 fret west ot and parallel
with th west lln of Mississippi avenu,
and a Un extending la a northeasterly direc
tion and at rlaht angle from a point la
' tbe aortheasterly line of Goldemlth atreet,
-. said point being 82.1 feet from the Inter
said point being 62.1 feet aoatheaaterly
from tb lntersectloa of th east
lln of Delay atreet with tb
aortheasterly lln of Goldsmith street
. to Its Intersection with a lln 100 feet north
easterly from and parallel with the north
easterly lln ef Goldsmith street. Alliance
, Truat company.' 85U2.21-, all of a parcel of
land lying bs twees tb aortheasterly Un
ef Goldsmith street aad a line 100 feet
northeasterly therefrom and parallel there
with gad between tbe east lln. ef Delsy
' street and a line 100 feat west of and
parallel with tb west Un of Mississippi
avenu. e.v and except tb Alliance Truat
company '4 tract, HUmer O. Bishop, gdOT.or;
all of a parcel ef land lying between tb
- aortheaaterly lln of Goldsmith street snd
s Un 100 feat sooth of ajid parallel with
tbe aouth Un ef Russell street and ' be
tween the weat lln of Delay atreet and
a lln TOO feet west thereof and parallel
therewith. H. Walnhard, 81.088.88; a parcel
of land lying between a lln l'K feet north.
' aaaterly from and parallel with tb aorth
eaaterly Un of Goldsmith street and a lln
loo feet south of and parallel, with tb
south line of Bnssel street and betweea the
west lln ef Delay atreet and a lire no
fet west thereof and parallel therewith,
G. 0. Tennyson, 851.42; a parcel of land
Irtng between a lln 100 feet aortheasterly
from and parallel with tb northeasterly lln
ef Goldsmith atreet and a Una 100 feet
sooth of and parallel with th outh Un
. nf Russell atreet aad betweea two Usee re
spectively 60 feet and 100 feet weat of and
parallel with th weat line of Delay street.
Pari fie Trnst company. gl5A.M: parol ot
land Ivlng betweea th northeasterly lln
of Goldsmith street and th south Un nf
Russell street snd between two lines re
spectively 100 feet and 1T1 feet and 2
Inches west nf and parallel with the weft
line of Delay atreet. Nicholas C Merges,
8ANS B2: a parcel ef land lying betweea th
northeasterly tin of Goldsmith street and
th sooth line of Bnsaell atreet aod betweea
th east line ef Goldsmith street and a line
171 feet 2i Inchea west of ssd parallel
with tbe weat line ef Delay street, Brnest
E. Merges. ffVtJ.M.
AI.BINA BLOCK 5ft. eoothwraterly H lot 5,
David and Anna Brown. 824.18; northeaster,
ly H lot 5. Dirk Van Roaaum. $17.60: lot
(I. John Mitchell, 8211.05; lot T. John Ran
kin. 8288 88; lot 8, Jobs Rankin. S315.7Z
- BLOCK 68. lot 5. J. H. Rankin. $.111.22;
lot 8, Andrew J. Mnrphy and W. H. Foster,
$.W8.2: lot 1. Mary Jonea. $442 00: lot S, Mary
Jones. 84TV8P. PLOCK 61, lot 5. Mary Jonea,
$475 28; lot , Mary and William T. Jones,
8440.88: lot T. Daniel Or Bl unaer and Mary
Jones. $440.81: lot 8. Elisabeth Kail. $413.15,
-BLOCK 58. lot 8. Joaenh Paqnet and B. F.
giulth. $477 : lot 0, Joseph Paqnet and B.
F. Smith. $428.80; northeaatorly an feet lot
. T. Joseph Paqnet and B. F. Smith. 8410.16;
northeasterly 80 feet ef lot 8, Joseph
Psquet snd B. F. Smith. $458 28;
onthweaterlv 20 feet lot T. Edwsrd 1. Barne.
- $11.00; southwesterly SO feet lot 8, F.dwrd
- D. Barne, $48.58; a parcel nf land tying he
' tween the southwesterly Un of . GoldTmlth
street and a lie 100 feet sonthweaterly there
from and parallel therewith between th
northwesterly line nf Randolph street and s
line 71 feet northwesterly therefrom snd par
a I lei therewith. U. W. fries, $007.08. Total,
,....88.4. j Tno8 c
Aadltor ef tb City nf Portland. -Portland.
Oregon. August I, 1004.
" Notlc la hereby given that tb Ceencll ef th
City of Portland propose to eases th fol
lowing described property and owner or own
ers sa being specially and peculiarly benefited
la th amounts set opposite th name and d
scrlptloaa tliereof by th eonstroctloa of a
ewer la Fast Htark Street, from 15 feet seat
of th aat lln of Raat Seventeenth Street
to th newer In East "lark Street 15 feet
east of the east line of Bast Sixteenth 8 tree t,
as provided by ordinance Na. 18.PH4.
Any objections to th apportionment of cost
for said sewer must h msd la writing to
the Council and Sled with th Auditor wlthla
fifteen da) from tb dat of th Arat publi
cation ot thla notice, and aald objection will
be heard and determined by the Council he.
for tb paaaas of th erdlnaaes aaaeaalng
the cost for ssld www.
ORKOOM BLOCK 5, lot 8, W. T. B.
Nicholson, $221; tot 8. W. T. B. Nichol
son. $.H1.0. BLOCK . lot 8, W. T. B.
Nlrholaon, $22 20; lot 4, W. T..B: Nichol
son. B:iT.2n.
HUH a 1, Kit a. Herman r. vsrwig,
aststs, heirs of, $48.50; lot T, Herman F.
Varwlff seta, heir of. 8250. Rl.OdC , fL
. weat ft of lot I, C. A. Blaelow. $21.75: Mat
H nf Ir.t 1. W. H. Markell. $21 7r; lot g,
Dantol B. Bash, $28 .50. Total, $22 80.
Auditor of th Olty of Portland,
fortlasd. Oragea, August J, 1004, ,
' Notlc Is hereby glvsa tbst tba Oousdl ot
tb city of Portland proposes to assess th
folioslug descrllMil pruMrty and owner ur
owners aa being ieetslly and peculiarly ben
Bted la tb aniounta t oppoalt tb asms and
docrlptlons tbersuf for tba Improvement of Karl
Street, from tb cast lln of Milwaukee btreet
to di et II us of Esst Twentieth b treat, a
provliled br ordlnauo No. 15MU1.
Any obji-ctloos to tb apportionment of coat
fur said laiprovenient muet be made In writ
ing to the Council and Bled with the Audita
wlthla flrteva dsya from ths date of the Brat
pulillcatlua of thla notice, and aald objec
tions will be beard and determined by th
Council before th paaaag of tb ordinance
assessing th cost of ssld Improvement.
LAND BLOCK 1. lot 4, Leopold
'Diets. $148 W; lot 8. Leopold Diets,
$18.34: lot lo, J. B. Scott.. $loi7; lot 15,
J. M. Scott. $118.16; lot 14. J. breltl.arth,
$114.81; kit 1.1. David K Myers, $lu7.81
' lot 11. Alliert Maurer-$7tl20; lot IX Albert
Maurer. $a7M20. BllCK 2, hit S. Andrew
Mi-Master. KMU.iW; lot 5. Andrew McMaater,
$11.24; lot 6, Kred Flebler. $75.82; bit T.
Fred Fta-bler. " $2Mt.02. ULOCK 8. kt 8.
' Charles Kacbold. $iSi4.S4; lot 5, Martls Mujo,
87 .81; lot a. William Buess. lw.i; lot 7,
William Sues. $a!il.X7. BLOCK 4. kit 8,
Charles Kacbold. $278.60; lot 5. Charles Kae
bolrt. 872.4N; lot 8. Jobs Kans. $62.54; lot
T. John kuas. $22K.X BLOCK 5, lot 8.
Anna Marks, $22u.0; lot 6. T. W. Msrka,
$2.82; lot 8. Jeb Zteglar, 7.M; lot 7. '
dlnaud, Oplta, ti'vo.lti. BLOCK 8, hit 8,
Iula Fvurcr, $ak3.9; lot 8. Loala Feurer,
J 71.88; lot 4. Lools' Feurer, $18 88;
5, Louis Feurer, tlM.IH: s tract
of land lying between tb north Un. of
Karl H treat sud a lln -100 feet north there
of and -parallel therewith and between th
asp lias of tb O. A C. R. B. Co. 'a rlsht
of way and tb weat Un of block 8, Smith
addition. Orrioa 4 California Bailroad om-
ffvanv artO D7
P. YttM. $72.55; lot $. Darius Flah. $S7.I;
.lot 8, Alice M. Spauldtug. $58.80; . lot 4,
Iiella J. Lent. $20.20; lot 6, LimUs J. Leat,
$154.18. '
LAND BLOCK 15. lot I, MlB
nle L. $2122S; kit 2. Mlaale L.
Sahlstiom. $25.84: lot 18. Mlnole L. Sahl
strom. $108.04; lot 8. Hudeoa tU Nelsom
100.64; lot 7, Hudson K. Nelson, $106.87;
it Tl, laen Mayer. $74.81; hit IX Lena
Mayer. $2 1. BLOCK 12. lot 1. Max Loeb,
$314.22; lot 4, Max Loeb. $K2-S; lot $,
Georce H. Cook and Msry Cook eatste, heir
of. $78.87; lot X Georg H. took and Mary
Cook retare, heir ot, 3i !.. BLOCK 11.
lot 1, (red Flrbler. $26281; lot 4. Fred
Plehler. $80.84; kit 8. Joseph Bark. $88.38;
kit X Patrick Frslnsy, $247 65. BLOCK 10,
kit 1. John F. Relsacber, $274.87; lot 4. Joha
F. Relaacber. $72.77: lot X Frank and Aa
tonla Spltnlakl. $42.78: lot 1 Prlaka Kalm,
82.-il.67. BLOCK . V 1. Louis Fearer,
$l7.5; lot 4. Louis Fenrer,. 848.18; kit X
I'eter and Intra Oleen. $i.S4; lot X Thomas
Derry, $344 SB. BUlCK 8, kit 1. O. H. Aa
dersoa, 8255.85; kit 4. Osorrs Ellltnger,
878.64; lot , Ionia Fearer. $;I7.03; lot X
Lonls Fenrer, $12 21 : a tract of lead lying
between tb snnth Hue of Krl Street nd
s lln "100 feet aouth thereof and parallel
therewith and betweea tb east In ot th
O. A C. Railroad company' right of way
snd the west lln of block S, Smith's ad
dition, Orriroa A California Railroad com
tianr. S217 nil '
gle Darcey, $74.71; lot 0. Ma sale Drcy,
$6.88; lot X Annie M. Hoy, $H6.6S; lot 7,
Best. Elnall, $60.41: lot X Carrie Meyer.
$120. 7X Total, $0,457.14.
, TH08. O. DEVLIN.
Aadltor ef th City of Portland.
Portland, Oregon. August 1, 1804.
esled nronossla will he received at tb efflce
of th Aadltor of tb City f f Portland until
rrtday, August 0. lt. at s onoca p. m.,
for tb repair and maintenance of tbe proposed
Improvement ot YsmhlU street from th weat
Una or Vnartb atreet to tba east Un ot Six
teenth atreet. In the manner provided by ordl-
nanc No. 14.0VT.1
Hide mnst he In accordance with printed
blauka, which Will be furnished on application
at tn oince or in aiioiiot or m i,ui.
Portland. Bald Improvement must ha repaired
when the nroner municipal authorities aball
direct and aball he maintained la good Condi
tion for- th full period ef tlm for which
contract shall b awarded.
Each proposal must state tne anmoer or
yeara for which the bidder proposes to mslntals
aald atreet Improvement and tbe amount each
year for which ha proposee to do aald work.
is proposal or Din win oa cousiaereo an
seeaimoanled bv a check Davabl to th order
of tb Mayor of th City ot Portland, certified
by a resthonaiDie nana tot aa amount, -squsi
to 10 per cent of the aggregate proposal, to b
forfeited a flxsd .and Imnl.latcd damagea la
ras tb bidder neglect or refnees to enter
Into contract and provide a suitable bond tor
tb falt'iful perform nc of aald work In th
vent tbe contract la awarded to him.
Th right to reject any and all bids Is hereby
By order ef the Executive uoara.
' Aadltor of the City of Portland.
Portland, Oregon. July SO, 1804.
- ' r ' - .' ITT STBEET. ..
Norte Is hereby given that tb Ooanctl of
th City of Portland proposes to asses tb
following, described, property ' and owner or
owners, ss bring specially and peculiarly bene
fited In tb amounts set opposite the name and
descriptions thereof by th eonstroctloa of a
sewer la Ivy Street, from 18 feet west of th
east line of Union avenu to th sewer la Tan
eouvet Avenu, as provided iy ordinance No.
18,051. , '
Any objections to ths apportionment ef coat
for aald sewer mast he made la writing to th
Council and Sled with th Aadltor wlthla
fifteen day from th dat of tb Srat pub
lication of thla aotlc. aod aald objection will
be heard and determined by th Council before
tbe passag of tb ordlnanc . aaaeaalng th
cost for ssld sewer.
ALBINA BLOCK IX lot 80. B. M. Mootmaa,
$6.50; lot 28, Jaiae B. Montgomery estate,
heir of, $14.00; lot 28. Robert Rommall,
$27.00; lot 27. .Ida M. Bolberta, $16.00.
kit 12, frank E. Park, $58.40: lot 13, Portland
' Truat company of Oregoa, $20.40; lot 11, Ida
M. Endecntt, $24.60; lot io, Otella Llndonlat,
r 24.60; lot . Cora B. Conner . $24.60; lot X
ydla B. Mitchell. $24JS0; lot 7, O. F. Wltey.
$24.50; lot 8. Portland Trnst company ot
Oregon and James A. Robertson, $24 60: lot
6. Lores n Irvine. $24.60; lot 8. Ellssbeth
Blount. $17.00; tot 4, A. S. Ellis. $32.00.
RUK K8. lot IX Martin Lennsrts. $3X 65; south
80 feet lot II. Msrtln Lnnarta, $28.85; kit
. 10, J. B. Thomaa, $20.40; lot 8, C- M. H In
kle. $28.40; lot S, Anal D. MeMonagl.
$2.40; lot T. Anna . N. Jewell, $28.40; lot
5. J. P. Hylapder, $.4o.
Henry P. Slmer. $28.40; lot X A. S, Ellin,
$20.40; lot $. Job a J. Csry. $28.40; kit 4.
Msry I. Fmerson. 8.15 00; lot X Mary I.
Kmeraoa, $21.80. BLOCK 6. south 50 feet of
lot 1, A. B. Manley, $18.70: lot X- A. B.
Manley, $.13.20: kit S. Carolla McClnay,
$26.45; kit 4. Caroline McClney, $26.45.
lot 15, Portlsnd Trust Company ot Oregon,
$42 60; lot 14, Portland Trust company ot
Oregoa. $24.80; lot 16, Portland Truat com
pany of Oreton. $28.00; lot 17. J. B.
Boydstoa. $28.00) lot 18, Portland Trust
company of Oregon, $28.00; lot 1, H. F.
and Minnie Krleger, $28.00; lot 20, Portland
Trust company of Oregon, $28.00; lot 21,
C. C. Moore. $28.00; kit 22. German Evan
gelical Lutheran Trinity Chnrcb, $28.00;
lot 1, Gricnn Evangelical Lutheran Trinity
rhnrch, $35.50; lot 2, German Evangelical
Lutheran Trinity church, $20.80. BLOCK 7.
lot 10. Portland Truat company 'of Oregoa.
$30.80; lot 1H, Portland Trnst company of
Oregon, $16.80; lot 20, Rose S. Stone, $23.10;
lot 21, William B. Orerar, $28.10; lot 22.
Harriett O. Crerar, $28.10; east 88 1-8 feet
lot 83. Basmna Jnrgensen, $16.40: wet 83
1-$ feet lot 24, Frederick Hastings. $14.65;
" west 18 t $ feet kit 2X Frederick Hastings
$7.70; west 18 S-8 feet lot 84, Mary Scam
aion, $1.25.
lot 1. Mlchsel and Anna Lalaner, $28.10: kit X
D. L. Frcater, $28.10; lot X Joha M. Pit
tenrer, $28.10; lot 5, Joha M. Ptttenger,
rm 60; south 50 feet 'lot 4. Alwln Stopper,
$1660. BLOCK 4. lot 1. Steuben Lodge No.
4, O. D. H. 8.. Inc., $30.60; lot X William
T. Kerr, $15.80; kit 8. Joha M. Ptttrnser,
, $20.80: lot 7 A. B. Manley, $20.80. Total,
$1,470.65. . . , -.
THOS. C. . DEVT.IN, -Auditor
of th City ot Portlands'
Portland. Oregon. Auguat 1. 1004.
Notice I hereby glvea that the Council ef
the City of Portland proposes to ease th folk-win
described property snd owner or own
er aa being specially and peculiarly benefited
la tb amount act opposite tne nsme an ae-
print tons thereof bv th cone tract lo of s
ft ewer In Borthwtek Street, from tb enter
lln of Humboldt Street to the sewer Is Pre.
entt atreet ss Brovtded or erninsncs i.i.vns.
An ohiecTtofia ta the apportionment of enat
for said sewer mnst be mads tn writing to
th Ooanctl and Bled wltn tba Aadltor witnin
fifteen day from th dat nf tb. Brat pubU
ratios of this notice.' and aald objectlnna will
h heard and determined by In Council bfor
tb pasaag ef tbe erdlaabce aaaaaalng the
cost for said etwee.
WKBT 100 feet of eoeth 50 feet of east J30
feet of. lot N. M. Patton'a tract. Tbomaa H. 1
I. Plner. 818 00: weat ISO feet of sooth 50
feet ot east 380 feet of lot N, M. Pattoo a
tract William Kllllnasworth. 3(1, 80
CLIFFORD BLOCK IX kit X First CntUrlaa
Society of Portland. Oreron, $3o.80; lot X
rirat iTnltartan Socletv of Portland. Oreron.
eUSOt let T. First Cultarlaa soclstj- of
Portland, Oregoa, $30 80; lot X First Cnt
tsrlso Society of l'ortlsod. Oregoa, I WHO.
BLOCK 11. kit X Edwsrd Jsspevr, a usrdiin uf
Augusta Jena, $30.50; kit 6. Edward Jaa
per, gusrdlaa of Auguata Jena. $:J.80j lot
7. Edward Jaaper, guardlaa of Aoguata Jena,
$.30.80, lot X Edward JaJper, guardlaa "I
Augusts Jena. $3o.3il. BLOCK 1U, lot. 6.
Ad. II J. bViulres, $30.80; lot X Charles K.
LadX $30.8u; lot 7. Charles B. Lsdd, $30.80:
lot X fcdward Jaa(ier, guardlaa of Auguata
Jena, $3u.S0. BLOCK $. lot 6, A. I. Oelay.
Ml.tUi; lot , A. 4. wewyi aw.
3. lot . I'lllTrvrd Rest Bstat aoclatloo.
$21.INi; k-t 5, I llfford Heal estate assty-ia
tkoa. $21. M0: lot X Clifford Real Katat associ
ation, $21 00: kit 1. Clifford Ileal Estst ssso-
elation" iil.fio. BLOCK 14. ht 4. Louis J
Fanahaw, $21.00; lot X Louie aj. rsnsnsw.
21. no; lot 2, Lonts j. raososw, si.v;
i'k..iu w i-AA a at tn. Hr.nrK 15. lot
X Tbomaa II. and W. A. Beeblll. 821.80; lot
8. Thomaa II. and W. A. Recti I II. $21.1X; lot
X Thoaiee H. and W. A. Beehlll. $2L":
1, Thomaa H. and w. a. .bocuiii. e-fl,--BLOCK
IX kit 4. A. J. Qslay, $21.00; lot X
A. J. Gelsy, $21.00. .
tarlaa Society of Portland. Orra. $33.86; J,
Flrat Unitarian Society of PortlanX Oregoa,
$58.86; M. Flrat t nltarlan Society of Porw
land. Oregon, $24.11); O, Umlee J. Fanshsw.
. $24.1X Total, $H4.80. .,'.w
, Aadltor .of the City ef Fertlaad.
PortlanX Oregon, August 1, 1B04.
Notlc Is hereby glva that th OouncU of
the City of Portland propose tu ssana th
following described property snd owner or
uwswa aa being specially snd peculiarly bene
fit -d ia tb aniounta set opposite tbe aamea
and dcacrlptlona thereof for th Improvement
of Twenrv.thlrd klrt frum tb north 11 OS
of Tburmstf htreet to tb north Un ef Sher
lock 'a addition to th City of PortUad, ss pro
vided hr ordinance No. 1X6M0. ,
- Any objection to tb apportionment of ost
for ssld lmiirorement mast e msds la .writ
Ing to. the Council and filed with th Aadltor
wltbla fifteen ds.r from tb dat of tb first
publication of thla notice, and aald objection
will be heard and determined by tb Council
be for tb pes ease of tb ordlnaac aeswslug
tb mat f alu lmprovmat.
PORTLAND BLOCK 2X lot IX' Lools aod
Theodora Nlcolal, $60.54: lot 8, Lout a and
'Theodora 'Mcolal, $120.18: lot 8, Lout and
Theodore Nlcolal. $126.85; lot X Lou la and
Theodore Mcolal, $124. 4U; lot X, Lou I and
'Tbeodor Nlcolal. $170.71; kit 1, Louis snd
Theodore Mesial, $211.84. BLOCK 20, tract
of land lying betweea west Una of Twenty
third Street and a Un 100 test weat thereof
nd parallel therewith aad between tw
line' iwspctlvly 00 feet aad 100- feet
south of and parallel with south Uae of
- Reed Street. Msry Mncbow. $165.04.
and Chrlatlnl Abelson. $60.70; lot 8, Mary
Muchow, $174.46; lot S, Sterling Land eom-
Kioy. $128.85; lot X Dora bchralner, $12X88;
t 4. Fidelity Trust company, $17S.8; lot
1, FtdeUty Trust company. $21X16. BLOCK
I, kit 1. Berth Knoll, $214.25; lot X Bertha
- Knoll. $178.06; kit X - Clemena F. Groce,
$176 20; lot X Clemena P. Groe. $216.21;
BLOCK 4. lot I. Emma M. Feltar. 21X6S;
lot X Emma M. Felter, $181.60.
. M. Hansen, $42.00; south 28.2 feet lot X M.
B. Laffaw, $72.11; north 21.8 feat lot X
Henry M. Hansen. $101.18; lot 1, M. B. Laf
faw, $21X20.: BLOCK X lot 18, Solomoa
. Hlrseh aststs, heirs of. $188.16: lot 17. Solomoa
lllrsch eatste, belr of, $144.60; lot X Mar
garet Ana Todd. $176.75: lot 1. Margaret
Ana Todd. $218.18. BLOCK 7, tract of land
lying between weat Un ef Twenty-third
Street and a lln 100 feat weat thereof
and parallel therewith and betweea aontb
11 u of Vangba Htreet and th north lln of
' block 8, Wilson' addition to tb City of
Portland Security Barings A Traat company,
V $06.63. . . .
PORTLAND BLOCK X lot 17. Ladd A Ttl
ton, $132.00; lot IX Ladd. A Til ton. $U.60
lot 1 Ladd A Til ton. $74.08: lot IX Arthur
J. F. Gareach. $126.15; lot X Arthur J. F.
Garesch. $11X18: lot 8, Ladd A Tllton.
$71.11; lot 6, Lsdd Tlitos, $70.28) lot X
. Georg Good, $71.12; lot i. Georg Good,
..PORTLAND BLOCK 2X lot 11. Louie and
Theodore Nlcolal, $68.62; lot 10, Loula and
Theodore Mcolal, 8131.68; 'lot T, Louis and
Theodec NIcoUl, $126,117; lot eV Lsol aad
- Theodore Nlcolal, $121.40; lot 8, Loula and
Tbeodor Meolal. $17X88; .lot X Loula and
Theodore Nlcolal, $211.06. BLOCK 18, lot
II. Alfred Ingvardsoo, $211.06; lot 10. Wil
liam Sherlock company, $115.18; lot 7, Wil
liam Sherlock company, $98.00.
William Sbarlork company, $36.87; lot X
. Martha H. Fish. $128.40: lot X Sterling
Land eomnanr. 8174.51: lot X Bterlln Land
eompenyr $218.8h BLOCK . lot 7. Jee H.
ana ina 4. timwil, eio.ii; eootn mr reel
of west H lot X. Erik Wlk. $57.06; sooth SO
feet nf east H kit 6, Carl Peterson. 812.87;
north $0 feat lot 6, Nlcolal Bros. Co.,
$104.15; east H lot 8, Carl snd Josephine
PeteraoB, $38.80; esat U lot I. Carl and
Joseph In Peterson, $38.40; west H lot X
Erik and Chrlatlnl wis. sun im; wesi vi m
X Erik and Chrlatlnl Wlk. A177.10. BLOCK
$. west A lot 7, Ludwlg Tsyer, $174.40;
east H lot T. FrtMlertrk A. rung, san.ev; m
. .-vH t.nJ Mmufl. aisa 1ft
ward 0. Hochapfel. $26.60: lot X Jacob
Mayer. $4-42; kit I. Jacob Ma Ter. $322.71;
lot X Jacob Mayer, $A5.16. BLOCK X kit
8. Mark A. Mayer. $320.06; lot 8. Mark A.
, Mayer, $66.04; lot 6. Martls Winch. $H5.88;
' lot 7. Martin Winch. V324.62. BLOCK 1,
lot 6. James McBrld. $100 50.
' Bride. $185.58; lot 16. Georg Kenacber,
$167.88; lot 14, Elisabeth Gardner, $127.46;
. lot 11. Edwin and Beatrice Merrill. $128.81:
kit 10. Arthur J. F. Garesche, $124.11: kit
7. Arthur J. F. Oa reach a, $128.11; lot X
. Gaorg GonX $194.14: lot X Holmes,
124 86; lot X Oast Holmes, $87.04. Total,
10.56X57. - . , ' '
' Andltor of th City ef PortlaaX '
Portland, Oregon, August 1, 1004.
Notice Is hereby glvea that the Council of
th City ot Portland propose to asaeaa th
following described property and owner or own
er aa being epcctally and peculiarly benefited
in th amounts set ppoit in name ana
deacriDtloe thereof bv tb eonatrsctlon of a
sewer In Kerhy Street, from tb center Une
of Humboldt Street to tbe sewer In Preott
Street at Borthwlck . Street, aa provided kg er-
Olnance wo. 1 4. tin.
Any objection to the aofiorrlonment ef cost
fnr aald sewer must be mad la writing to
th Council and Bled with tb Auditor wlthla
fifteen dare from tb dat of tb first pub
lication of thla notice, snd said objection wlU
h beard and determined by the Con sell be
fore the paaaag of th ordinance aaaeaalng
the cost' for said sewer.
WF8T 100 feet ef south SO feet of lot O ef
M. Patton'a tract, M. F. Brady. $16.85; eet
inn feet ot eoath 50 feet ef lot N ef M.
n . . i . u-1 ii... T, - eooe..
rsiwn w V. v. ui.aui ... y i ai, - ,
west 80 feet of st 180 feet ef sooth 60
feet ef ant N ef M. Patton'a tract. Wil
li am M. KIHlngawortk, $200.
fJI.lFFORD BLOCK 18. lot 6. Clifford Real
Estat association, $80.85; lot X Clifford
Ileal Estate assodatloo, XW.85: kit 7, Clif
ford Reel Estate association. $80.86; lot X
Clifford Real Estate sssoclatlon, - $30.85.
RIm:K It. lot 5. Louts J. Fanshsw. $30.85:
lot 8. Loala J. Fanshaw, $30.86; lot T, Loula
J. Fanshaw, $30.50; Kit a, ioaia t. gan
haw, . $30 85. BLOCK IX lot X
Thorn a Beeblll snd William A. Bechtll,
$:t0.86; lot 6. Tbomaa H. Bechlll and Wll
llam A. Bechlll. $30.85) lot 7. Tbomaa H.
Bechlll snd William A. Bechlll, $30.85; kit
8. Thomas H. Bechlll and William A. Bechll,
$.10.85. BLOCK 16, kit 8. Oscar E. Helots,
$30.85; lot 6. Oscar R. Helnts. $.80.85; kit 7,
Oscar B. Helots. $30 85. . BLOCK 20, lot 4.
E. A. Smith, $21.06: lot 8. E. A. Smith.
' 821.05: lot 2. E. A. .Smith. 821.05: lot 1. B.
, A. Smith. $21. P5. BbOCK 10, lot 4. Then.
1 dor wygant, $21. Bo; kit 8, Theodore wygant,
e.a, at. . i ... a, rr. A ar.aa.i ao, a
SAI.eaa, Ma, . , la-viaaii a..aBai., i w , au , ..
Theodore Wygant, $21.95. BLOCK 18, lot
4. Theodore Wygant. $21.06; lot S. Theo
dore wygant, SZl.m; lot X, Margaret .
Wygant. $21.06: lot 1. Margaret O. Wy
tgant. $21 05. BlaOCK 17, kit 4. Oecer B.
Helnts, $21.06: lot X Oscar B. Helsta,
$21.86; lot t. Oscar B. Belnta, $21.08; lot X
Oecer E. Helnts. $21.05.
. Fnnshsw, $36 40: N, First Unitarian Society
ef Portland, $36.40; S. First Cnltarlaa So
ciety of Portland. $26.25: Q. Victor Land
company, $28.25. Total. $07506.
Titos, u. uaiviairr.
Auditor of tba City nf PortlanX
Portland, Oregon, August 1, 1004,
Notice I hereby glvea that th Council ef
th City of Portland propos to sires th
following d escribed property snd ownar or
owner being specially and peculiarly bene
fited In tbe amounta set opposlt tb nsme
and 6er1pt1ona fhereot hy tb eonatrurtlon
of a aewer la Fremont street, from the aat
lln of Union vnu to a eonnectkia with th
sewer In Cleveland avenue at Fremont street,
ss provided hy ordinance No. 13,061. - ,
Anv oblectlon t th annorttonment of enat
fnr aald aewer mnst be made tn writing to th
Cmnrll and Bled with th Auditor wlthla 15
days from th dat of tb Bret pnbllcstlon of
this notice, snd said oblectlon will be hrd
nd determined by th Council be for tb pes
aa r snf th rdinanc assessing th coat for
as Id sewer. -,
LINCOLN PARK BLOCK 22, west 80 feet -lot
A David Shsnahsa. 81$ 50: "weat 60 feet lot
7. David Shanabaa, $3.00; weat 50 feet nf
; west no reel of
W. Heer$l.00.
K'K . lot B. Lis.
6.80; lot f, Ialaale
aontb 6 feet lot 6. Lewie
sis and Thomas O 'Day, ,
.and Thorns O'Day. $39.80; kit X Elisabeth
Taylor, $.v6 80; lot 10, Ellaabetk Tarlor,
$20,511. BLOCK 10. lot X George Boeachlla.
$16 SO; kit 7, Georg BoeschUa, $20.3ti; lot 8.
(looane Boeschlln, ..0 lot 10, Uaiajtgei
, Boeaclilla, $20.30. BLOCK IX hit X Joha
Glebe Ihuus. $35.80; lot 7, Adam Voat.
$20.30; weat , lot X J. Schwsrts, $17.65;
west M lot 10. i. Bi'hwsrta, $10.16) eaat h
kit 8, Henry Voat. $17.66; eaat kt IX
; Henry Voat, $lcl'15. BIXX'K SO, lot X
Jacob snd Iena Nelsoa. $36.80; kit 7, Jacob
and I-Sfaa NeleaiH S'SI fitfl
ALBINA BLOCK 13. west B0 fset lot BX Wll.
ism oeleuer, $18.60; west 5o feet of aorta
46 feet of lot Ml William OeleoaW. 83.70.
norta zo reet ot ssst 80 feet lot 15, Henry
, Meier. $20.55: all of kit 16 exoept north SB feet
of east 50 feet, Peter Schoell. $82.65; earth
. 24 feet lot 14. Portland Trust company, $5.00)
kt 16, Portland Trust company. $20.80; lot 11.
. Portland Truat company, $20.80; Fit 18,
Portland Truat company, $jn.80; lot 10,
Portland Trust company, $20.80) lot SO,
Portland Trust eouipany, $20.80) lot 21,
Portland Trust company, $20.80; lot 22,
Portland - Truat company, $20.80) lot 1.
Genua Evangelical Letkeraa ' Trinity
church. $46.60; arth 21 feet lot X a Pe
aaaaal Hut).. U .... A..
r-et. lot 1. Clare A. Moser, $17.60; sooth
$o feet of north 100 fet lot 1, C. B. snd
Minnie B. Tonng, $2.00; north 100 feet lot
X Joha R. Georg. $18.60; kit 8, John B,
Oeortto, $l$.5u; lot 4, B. H. Fltsalbbon.
$18.50; lot 6. Jane M. Donaldson, $1.50; lot
X Jan M. Donsldsoo, $l.60: kit 7, Frank
P, Caldwell, $18.00. Total, $826 70.
Auditor ef the City ef Portland.
August 1. 10O4. -
Mottc Is aeraby glvea that WUUam O. Elliot,
Olty Engineer, baa Sled ta tha office ef tbe
uiidVrslaoed, notice that Olebttch A Joplla,.
eon tractors for th Improvement of Colon ave
nue, aader tbe provistsn er eraiaanee pa.
13.470. have completed eatd atreet. from the
center of Mechanic atrsst to tha cantor
line of Portlsad boulevard and from th eentar
lln ef Dekam avnu to loo tt south ot
th south Has of Lewis love u. Ij. v. .
Said acceptance will be -cooaldsred br the.
Executive Board' at 4 o'clock, oe tbe 8th derl
ef Aug oat. 1804. and objections to ths seosp-'
tance or saia a tree t, or soy pan toereoi, may
be Bled la tb efflce ef the undersigned at sag
time srkig thereto.
Andltor of th City f Partlaad. '
PertlaaX Oregoa. July $0. 1804.
' BTBEZTX , a'
ttariM I K-mAS mimm K WTtlllsaa fl Wl-
llott. City Englaear, haa Bled la ths offle of
the sndenlgnad, notice that Smyth A Howard
Co., Contractors fnr ths Improvement ef
Water snd Hood Streets, UBder the provlstoB
of ordinance No, 18.777. have completed aald
Street, from tbe center line of Harrison 6trt
to th eentar lln of Grant Street.
Said acceptance will be considered by the'
Executive board at 4 o'clock, on the Bth day
of August. 1004, and objection to th
VVpialDCV OK HIS SUSVtS, W Ml ai a m.. ,
may b filed In th offle of th aadaralgaedJ
St any time prior thereto.
' Aadltor ef the City ef Partlaad. '
Portland. Oreaoa. July 80. 1004. v
Notlc Is hereby gives that tb Orjamdl of
the City of ' Portland proposes to sea ass tba
foUowtna described property and owner er
owner as being specially and peculiarly bene
fited la the amoauta set opposite th nam
and description thereof by tb construction
ef a sewer la East Irving Street, from 80 feet
eaat of the east Une of Eaat Twenty-alntl
Street to the sewer In hit Twenty -elrtoth
Street, provided by ordinance No. 1X860.
Any obe Jetton to th apportion saint ef coat
for said sewer must be msd la writing to
tbe Council snd filed with the Aadltor wlthla
fifteen days from the data of the flrat pabll
ratioa nf this notlc. and said objections wilt
he heard snd determined by tha Council be
fore tbe paaag of th ordinance aaaaaalng
th coat for Hid sewer.
YORK BfcoCK 8. eaat 23 feet of lot 8. The
Hawthorne Estate. $18.25; lot 10. H. L.'
rtnojra, xrusaee, s-i.e-a; m sii . ifc row
ers, trustee, $28.80; lot IX M. B. Drew.
. $28.80. BLOCK 0. east 23 feet of lot 4.
H. L. Powers. . trust. $0.85; tot X H. L.
Powers, trustee, $20.40; lot X H. L. Power,
trust. $20.40; lot 1. Boy' and Girl' Aid
society, $20.40) a tract of land lying be.
tweea ths seat Une of Eaat Twenty-ninth
Street and a Une 100 feet eaat thereof and
, pa rallsl therewith and between s - Un 100
. feet north of and parallel with th north
Une ef Et Irving street If extended Meter-
ly ia its prent course, ana a lis i'ai re
oath of and parallel with the south lln
ef East Irving Street, If extended easterly
' la It present eoorse. Boys' and Gtrla' Aid
. aodety, $124.60. Total. $204.80..
- THOS. 0. DBVIalN.
Aadltor ef the City ef Portland.
PortlanX Oregon, August 1, ISO. .
Seeled prnpeaals will be received st th efflce
of tbe Auditor of tbe City ot Portland satll
Friday. August S, 1004, at S o'clock p. m.,
for the Improvement ot Esst Thirty-fourth
street from tbe Booth line of Ban Lis road
to th Mrth lln of Hssrthorn avenn. la tha
amnnar provided by ordlnaac No. 14.088, subject
to tn provisions or tne cnarrer aoa ovainsuce
of th City of Portland, aad th estimate ef
the City Engineer, oa Ilia.
Blda moat be etrlctly la accord a nc with.
printed blanks, which wlU be furnished oa
application-at th sfflc of ths Aadltor of tbe
City ot Portland. And ssld Improvement must
bs completed oa or before 00 day from th date
of tbe signing ef ths contract by tb parties
No proposals or bids will be considered antra
accompanied by certified check payable to
tbe order ot tbe Mayor of tb City ef Portland,
certified by a responsible bank for aa amount
qua! to 10 par cent of th aggregata proposal.
Tb right to reject say aad all bids Is hereby
By order ef th Frecutive Roam. . ,
. THOS. 0. DBVLIrf,
Aadltor ef tbe City of Portlsad.
' Partlaad, Oregon, July $0, 1804.
' Notice Is hereby given that the Council of
the City ef Portland proposes to assess th
following described property and owner or
owner aa being specially and peculiarly bene
fited In the amounta aet opposlt tb name
and description thereof Cor tb Improvement
ef Irving Street, from the west Nne of Ninth
Street to tbe east line ef Seventeenth Street,
aa provided by ordlnanc No. 18.656.
Any objection to tb apportionment ef cost
for said Improvement must b mad la writ
lng to tb Council and filed with tb Aadltor
wlthla fifteen day from tb data at tha first
publication of this notice, aad aald objection
will be heard and determined by th Council
before th paaaag of tb ordlnaac assessing
th cost of aald improvement. -
PORTLAND BLOCK 127, lot 1, Richard
Crane. $122.84; lot X Richard Orsns, $25.60:
lot $. Richard Crane, $16.58; kit X Richard
- , . . .taAAA . BIIVV 1 1a -e 1 Im.1.
riH,, .UVau. .a. a, aa.a-
caa Trust 4t laveatment company, $110.34)
' lot X American Trust A Investment com
panyT $16.76; lot X Maria Carney. $25.66)
lot X Maria Carney, $124.80. BLOCK 126.
lot 1? Ion and W. S Buchanan, $126.54; kit
4, Inns and W. X Buchanan, $25.81; lot 8.
Amelia Daeber eatste. heirs of, $5283; lot
Y 2 Amelia Dueber tat. heir ot, $167.17.
BLOCK 124, . lot 1, Henry Brown, $162.00;
lot 4, Mary Erase Usbtaar, $51.81: kit $,
William Frailer, $26 00; lot X William
Fras1r, $254.07. BLOCK 123. lot 1, Mow
Fried tsto, heirs of, $2S0.o8; lot 4, Mosee
Fried estate, heirs of, $27.21; lot 8, Annl
Manning, $28.87; kit X Annl Manning,
$260.46. BLOCK 12X lot 1. 1. W. wen.y.
$117.81: kit 4. B. A. Belli. $18 60; north
83 1-8 feet kit 8. Wright 0. Dunning, $14.08;
' south 16 2 8 feet lot X H. Brown, 87.01;
wetti 16 2-1 feet lot X H. Brown. 812.60:
snnth 88 1-8 feet lot X Wllllsm H. Harris,
eons an RTM'K 166. kit 1. Sarah Fre.
bora. $155.67: kit 4. Sarah Free horn. 321.84;
lot 8. Robert D. Freeborn estate, belr f,"
15.75; kit X Robert D. Freeborn estate,
elrs ef. $147.00. BlaOCK lit, kit A Lodge
noire. $228.60; lot X Lndgar Hotre,1 $2281)
' lot X Ladd A Tllton. $16.17j lot 7, Lsdd A
Tlltoa, $118.10. BLOCK 117, lot 8. August
Lsget. $218.18; lot 8. Helen F. Spanlrilng.
$16.45; lot X Rarrr t. Pit toek, $22 18; kit
a. .. V. CH, aKA US Xt . aI.' IIS.
lot X Ouatav F. Cramer, $127.68; kit B.
' Onatav F. Cramer. $23.20; lot X Ladd A
Tllton. $54 41: lot 7. Ladd A Tlltoa, $208.76.
BlaOCK 110. lot 8, Joaepb Hornlns. $158.50)
north H lot 6. Johanne Vegllnla, $26.11)
, outh H kit S, H. B. nickel estate, be Ira ef,
$26.17; kit X John Gorman. $14 56; lot-7.
Jobs Gormen. $130.78. BLOCK 120, lot 8.
F. W. laherwood, $254.76: lot 6. F. W.
laberweod. $21.85; lot X F. W. Isberwnod,
$22 54; lot T. F. . W. Isberwood, $255.81.
, BlaOCK 121, lot 8, Catherine tcGrstb.
$146 68; let S. David P. Thompson estate.
heir of, $21 84; north U kit 6. Catherine
jrtruratn. niraa; snntn lot e. Ltavta i-.
Thompson est te, heirs ef $10.55; lot 7.
David P. Thorn rason estate, heirs of, $111.08.
BlaOCK 155. lot 8. George, W. Hoyt estate,
heirs ef. $280.85; lot 5. Geeegs W. lloyt
eetate, belr ef, $1$ 56; lot X Georg W, Hoyt
eatste, heir of. $16 Ml; lot 7. Genrr W. Hort
estate, heir of. $221.18; right nf way City
A Suburban Railway company. $23 62: Port-
l-WA U.llara annnaa, . I -S a. . - - in ft
$5 818.80. " .
, , - TTfOX fj. DEVLIN.
a AHdllo Of th. ftl rt tWll.aut
, rsnuno, oregoa, auguat l, tsoe, ,